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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lumensecity: Objects Illuminated in Time

Keller, Kourtney 05 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the evolution of my work in graduate school. Upon entering into this course of study my artistic expression was polarized into realms of 2 and 3-Dimensional tactile works and experiments in 4-Dimensions (time) in the form of animations and short films. The content and context of these works have interwoven but their presentations remained polarized. In my masterʼs studies I have attempted to synergize the mediums of my artworks in order to achieve more realized and formal presentations. Following this course, I hope for my work to further evolve.

Identification d’inhibiteurs du nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) et utilisation comme approche thérapeutique dans certaines maladies génétiques / Identification of inhibitors of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) and use as a therapeutic approach for some genetic diseases

Gonzalez-Hilarion, Sara Sofia 21 October 2011 (has links)
Le NMD (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay) est un mécanisme qui reconnaît et dégrade les ARNm portant un codon stop prématuré afin d’empêcher la synthèse de protéines tronquées qui pourraient avoir des effets néfastes pour la cellule ou tout simplement être non fonctionnelles. Cependant, dans un certain nombre de cas, selon la position du codon stop prématuré, la protéine tronquée qui serait synthétisée si le NMD n’existait pas, pourrait remplir complètement ou partiellement la fonction de la protéine sauvage. Il faut noter qu’un codon stop prématuré est retrouvé dans le gène responsable d’une pathologie dans un tiers des maladies génétiques et de nombreuses formes de cancer. Dans la plus grande majorité des cas, la maladie se développe non pas parce qu’une protéine tronquée non fonctionnelle ou instable est synthétisée, mais plutôt parce que le gène muté n’est pas exprimé du fait de l’intervention du NMD sur l’ARNm qui en dérive. Une nouvelle approche thérapeutique de ces maladies serait d’inhiber le NMD afin de permettre la synthèse de protéines tronquées fonctionnelles et sauver le phénotype clinique. Nous avons donc décidé de rechercher des inhibiteurs du mécanisme du NMD parmi des petites molécules chimiques. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point un système de criblage en culture cellulaire reliant l’efficacité du NMD dans une cellule avec une activité luciférase mesurable directement sur les cultures cellulaires, au moyen d’un luminomètre. A partir d’un premier criblage d’environ 1500 composés chimiques, nous avons identifié une nouvelle molécule capable d’inhiber efficacement le NMD. De façon intéressante, cette nouvelle molécule est capable également d’induire la synthèse de protéines entières à partir d’un ARNm portant un codon stop prématuré. Nous avons utilisé cet inhibiteur dans des expériences pour déterminer son potentiel thérapeutique sur des modèles cellulaires de maladies génétiques tels que la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne, la mucoviscidose et le cancer. Nos résultats démontrent que l’inhibition du NMD peut être en effet envisagée comme une nouvelle approche thérapeutique pour des maladies causées par l’apparition d’une mutation non sens. Nous avons aussi identifié une autre molécule chimique capable d’inhiber le NMD et permettant de faire un lien entre efficacité du NMD et intégrité du cytosquelette. / MRNAs harboring a premature termination codon are rapidly degraded by a mechanism called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). NMD is a surveillance pathway that prevents the synthesis of truncated proteins that could be harmful for the cell or simply be non-functional. However in some cases, depending on the position of the premature stop codon, the truncated protein that would be synthesized if there were no NMD would be partially or fully as functional as the wild-type protein. It is noteworthy that premature termination codons are found in approximately one-third of inherited genetic disorders and several forms of cancer. In most of cases the disease arises not because a non-functional or unstable truncated protein is synthesized, but instead because the degradation of the transcript by NMD leads to complete loss of protein production. Therefore, NMD inhibition could be an interesting therapeutic approach in some cases of nonsense-related genetic diseases in which functional truncated proteins can restore the clinical phenotype. We decided to search for NMD inhibitors among thousands of small molecules. We developed a cell-based screening method which couples NMD efficiency into the cell to a luciferase activity that can be measured directly into cells by a luminometer. From a screening of approximately 1500 compounds, we have identified one molecule capable of efficiently inhibit NMD. Interestingly, this compound is also able to induce the synthesis of full-length proteins from an mRNA bearing a premature termination codon. We evaluated the therapeutic potential of this compound in different cellular models of genetic disorders such as Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and cancer. Our results demonstrate that NMD inhibition in general can be considered as an useful therapeutic approach to rescue PTC consequences in genetic diseases provoked by the apparition of a nonsense mutation. We have also identified another compound that inhibits NMD and uncovers a relationship between the NMD efficiency and the integrity of the cytoskeleton.

Hur mycket står risskotare stilla på grund av kommunikationsproblem? / How much impact does communication problems have on inactivity for residue forwarders?

Andersson, Anton, Davidsson, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
The communicative interaction between contractor and subcontractor of residue forwarder plays a crucial role in the efficiency of handling forest residue. Since that type of work is at the end of the harvesting process, it may be that it is not as prioritized as the previous harvesting measures. The study investigates the communicative interaction between subcontractor that drives a residue forwarder and contractor and its connection to work-related production stops. The study was accomplished by a web-based survey and quantitative interviews conducted with eight selectively selected residue forwarder drivers in southern Sweden. The result of the survey showed that the average of all total production stops was one hour and 52 minutes under an average stop period of 25 working days. Most of the stops were caused by other work-related problems. Communication problems accounted for 20% of the number of production stops and the average stop duration was one hour and five minutes. The time when a residue forwarder was inactive seventeen minutes per day. In conclusion, the communicative problems are not the main reason to inactivity for residue forwarders. However, communication plays an important role in productive harvesting and represent the biggest possibility for improvement in the communication between residue forwarder drivers and contractor, which could lead to fewer production stops.     Residue Forwarders, Communication Problems, Production Stop and Forest residue. / Det kommunikativa samspelet mellan uppdragsgivare och risskotarförare kan vara ett led i effektiviteten vid hanteringen av GROT, vilket är en förkortning för grenar och toppar. I och med att arbetet infaller sist i avverkningsledet kan det vara lägre prioriterat än de tidigare avverkningsåtgärderna. Studien undersöker det kommunikativa samspelet mellan risskotarförare och uppdragsgivare och dess anknytning till arbetsrelaterade produktionsstopp. Det gjordes med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät ochkvantitativa intervjuer som genomfördes av åtta selektivt utvalda risskotarförare i södra Sverige. Resultatet från den webbaserade enkätundersökningen visar att medelvärdet av alla sammanlagda produktionsstopp var en timme och 52 minuter under en medelvärdesperiod av 25 arbetsdagar. Störst andel stopp orsakas av övriga problem. Kommunikationsproblem stod för 20 % av antalet produktionsstopp och medelvärdet av stoppens längd var en timme och fem minuter. Tiden då en risskotare står stilla under en arbetsdag uppgick till sjutton minuter. Sammanfattningsvis kan det klargöras att de kommunikativa problemen inte är den största orsaken till att risskotare står stilla. Dock spelar kommunikationen en viktig roll för ett produktivt avverkningsarbete. Slutligen finns det förbättringsmöjligheter i kommunikationen mellan risskotarförare och uppdragsgivare vilket skulle kunna leda till färre produktionsstopp.   Risskotare, Kommunikationsproblem, Produktionsstopp och GROT.

Uma plataforma modular para testes com interatividade na TV digital brasileira. / A modular platform for tests with interactivity in the Brazilian digital TV.

Carvalho, Eduardo Rodrigues de 27 March 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas duas décadas, observamos a transição da TV analógica para a TV digital nas várias partes do mundo, com o estabelecimento de sistemas internacionais de TV digital, como o ATSC, DVB e ISDB. No final de 2007, o sistema brasileiro de TV digital (SBTVD) foi lançado em caráter comercial na cidade de São Paulo. O SBTVD traz significativas inovações, dentre as quais destacamos interatividade, que é oferecida através de vários mecanismos de transmissão de dados junto ao conteúdo audiovisual. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar e avaliar os mecanismos existentes para a implantação da interatividade na TV digital brasileira. Para atingir este objetivo, é proposta uma plataforma modular para testes com interatividade na TV digital brasileira. Os módulos que constituem esta plataforma foram propostos tendo por base as três etapas do circuito percorrido por uma aplicação interativa ao longo de um sistema de TV digital, a saber: geração de um transport stream contendo um aplicativo interativo, tratamento do aplicativo no receptor e retorno do resultado da interação pelo canal de interatividade para a emissora. Ensaios experimentais são realizados sobre o primeiro módulo desta plataforma, considerando os sinais das emissoras de TV disponíveis em Janeiro de 2008 na cidade de São Paulo. Esta dissertação apresenta duas contribuições importantes: os resultados destes ensaios experimentais e a proposta inicial de uma plataforma para realizar testes e avaliações que permitam um melhor entendimento e uso dos recursos de interatividade oferecidos pelo sistema brasileiro de TV digital. / We have watched the transition from analog TV to digital TV around the world in the last two decades, with the establishment of international systems, as ATSC, DVB and ISDB. At the end of 2007, the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD) was released for commercial purposes in São Paulo City. SBTVD brings significant innovations, from which we emphasize interactivity, that is offered by some data transmission mechanisms. This work aims to investigate the current mechanisms for implementing the interactivity in the Brazilian Digital TV. In order to reach this aim, it\'s proposed a modular platform for tests with interactivity in the Brazilian digital TV. The three modules of that platform are based on the three stages of the interactive TV System: transport stream generation containing an interactive application, treatment of the application in the receiver, and returning of user\'s interaction through the interactivity channel. Experiments are released on the first module, considering the digital TV signals available in São Paulo in January, 2008. This work has two main conclusions: the result of these experiments and the initial propose of a platform for tests execution and evaluation which allow us to have a better understanding and a more efficient use of the interactive resources offered by SBTVD.

Investigating how computational tools can improve the production process of stop-motion animation

Howell, Lindsey January 2015 (has links)
Stop-motion animation is a traditional form of animation that has been practised for over 100 years. While the unique look and feel of stop-motion animation has been retained in modern productions, the production process has been modernised to take advantage of technological advancements. Modern stop-frame animation production integrates digital imaging technology and computational methods with traditional hand-crafted skills. This portfolio documents three projects undertaken at Aardman Animations, each investigated with the aim of improving efficiency in the stop-motion production process: - Rig removal is the removal of equipment, or ‘rigging’, used on set during stop-motion animation to hold characters or objects in unstable positions. All rigging captured in frames must be removed in post-production and currently manual methods are used which can be very time-consuming. The key task is to separate the character from the rig. In Chapter 2, I present a novel spatio-temporal segmentation algorithm for segmenting characters from stop-motion footage. The algorithm has been designed to work with stop-motion animated content, in contrast to other state of the art algorithms which struggled when tested on stop-motion footage. - Set shift is a problem which occurs when background items on set move subtly over the time taken to shoot a scene. For example, temperature and humidity changes can cause wood to warp during a weekend, changing the position of a background object the following week. These small ‘shifts’ are recorded in the footage and must be corrected in post-production. Chapter 3 describes the problem in detail, investigates potential solutions and explains why solving set shift automatically is a significant challenge. - Plasticine shading is required when a plasticine model has to be generated computationally. One motivation for producing footage computationally is that problems such as rig removal and set shift do not arise. In order to simulate plasticine accurately, the distinct reflectance model of this material must be known and reproduced. By collecting experimental data from plasticine samples and fitting parametric models, I have developed a bespoke surface shading model for plasticine (Chapter 4). This new model provides the best fit to the measured data when compared to existing state of the art surface shaders. It has been implemented into commercially used production systems, for use with existing rendering software. Advancing state of the art research is only one of the challenges when working in a production studio such as Aardman Animations. Additionally, findings must be integrated into the production pipeline. Chapter 5 discusses the challenges and constraints faced when conducting research in this environment. In order for stop-motion animation to remain competitive it is vital that production companies stay up-to-date with technological advancements in research areas that can contribute to their production processes. I conclude by discussing whether technological advancements can help Aardman Animations in improving the efficiency of their stop-motion production pipeline.

Inhibition, motivation et prédiction : La tâche de stop modifiée par paliers de récompense comme modèle expérimental / Inhibition, motivation and prediction : the stop signal task modified by reward levels as experimental model

Herrera Gomez, Paula Marcela 01 June 2015 (has links)
L’inhibition cognitive est considérée comme un élément clé dans l'ensemble des fonctions exécutives. La motivation est reconnue comme un facteur déterminant dans la modulation de l'inhibition. Cependant, plusieurs aspects neurocognitifs et neurophysiologiques de ces contributions restent encore inconnus.La tâche de Signal de Stop est employée comme modèle expérimental fiable dans l'exploration des soubassements comportementaux et neurobiologiques de l'inhibition.Dans le présent travail de thèse, j'ai procédé à l'application de plusieurs protocoles expérimentaux sur la base de la tâche de Signal de Stop, modifiés par l'introduction de diverses manipulations de motivation : soit un smiley, soit une récompense monétaire faible ou forte. Lors de la deuxième partie de mon travail, j'ai exploré la dimension de l'amorçage conscient ou inconscient de la magnitude de la récompense. Les résultats suggèrent que les processus d'inhibition sont modulés, non seulement par les magnitudes de la récompense proposée, mais aussi par l'expectative de la récompense. Ces observations s'accordent bien avec la théorie du codage prédictif du cerveau, basée sur un système de prédiction bayésienne où les ajustements comportementaux se font sur les expectatives et générés par accumulation d'informations au préalable. Une nouvelle hypothèse a été suggérée : le "kick start effect", induit par la présence d'une forte récompense initiale.Les aspects développementaux de l'inhibition et de la motivation ont été explorés par l'application d'un protocole chez un groupe d’enfants contrôle. Toutes les données EEG feront parti d'un travail post-doctoral, pour l'obtention des Potentiels Évoqués Cognitifs. / Cognitive inhibition is considered as a key element in all executive functions of the human body. Motivation is recognized as an essential factor in the modulation of inhibition, although several neurocognitive and neurophysiological aspects of these contributions remain unknown.The “Stop signal task” is used as a reliable experimental model in the exploration of behavioural and neurobiological underpinnings of inhibition. I have conducted several experimental protocols based on the Stop Signal Task, which have been modified by the introduction of various levels of reward cues, be it a smiley or a monetary reward. In the second part of my work, I have explored the priming effect of the reward instruction through two experimental protocols. These observations fit well with the brain's predictive coding theory, based on a Bayesian prediction system where behavioural adjustments are made on the expectations and generated from the base of information previously acquired. Moreover, the order of presentation of rewards comes out to be determinant on the adjustment of the inhibition strategies. These observations have suggested a new hypothesis: the "kick start effect". An immediate and salient inhibition improvement is observed when subjects were exposed to the highest reward at the beginning of the task.Furthermore, the developmental aspect of inhibition and motivation was explored by the application of a protocol applied on a group of normal children, and being compared to previous data obtained on a similar protocol applied on adults.EEG recordings obtained during my PhD work will serve to analyse Event-related Potentials, as part of a postdoctoral work.

SToP Tampering of Products in Aviation Industry Design a practical guidline for choosing an appropriate RFID system for anti-counterfeiting in the aviation industry

Kheiravar, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Controlling the authenticity of a product in the supply chain has been a struggle formanufacturers, and increasing complexity of the chains intensifies the imitation andcounterfeiting threats. Indeed, counterfeiting is absent from effective control in supply chainand manufacturers are looking for a technology to supply this control. The ability of RFID toprovide a tagged item with unique electronic code, it’s characteristic to hold some historicaldata about the item and supply automatic, immediate and accurate data about the tagged itemattracts manufacturers to use RFID technology to provide the effective control throughout thesupply chain. In line with this issue, SToP1 (Stop Tampering of Products), an EU foundedproject, aimed at developing an anti-counterfeiting solution based on auto-identificationtechnologies for consortium companies concerned with or affected by fake products. SToP iscommitted to establish the business cases, do research and at the end issue applicationguidelines for using RFID technology against counterfeiting in particular business contexts.Under SToP’s umbrella, this master thesis is initiated with the purpose to design a practicalguideline for choosing an appropriate RFID system for anti-counterfeiting in the aviationindustry that is one of the affected industries.The conclusion of the thesis consists of a number of sections, which altogether fulfill thepurpose of the thesis. The thesis forms a base for continues challenge of implementing RFIDas an anti-counterfeiting device focusing on the aviation industry, proposes solution scenariosbased on RFID technology, suggests applicable standards and proposes a secure RFID methodto prevent counterfeiting specially in the aviation industry. Jointly, these sections fromguidelines as a foundation for decision-making for kind of RFID system for anti-counterfeitingapplication in the aviation industry. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Animação quadro a quadro : uma experiência didática no ensino da História /

Nóbrega, Débora da Silva. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Juvenal Zanchetta Júnior / Banca: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Rony Farto Pereira / Resumo: Esta pesquisa investiga como se dá a construção do conhecimento histórico - o que pressupõe a apreensão do conceito de tempo histórico - por alunos do ensino fundamental e médio de uma escola pública de Marília - SP. Por meio de uma dinâmica pedagógica dialógica e que utiliza a produção de filmes de animação quadro a quadro como base para a construção de discursos históricos pelos alunos, busca aliar o estudo da História às várias linguagens presentes na atualidade. Os diálogos estabelecidos nas aulas, diante de fontes históricas primárias e secundárias, são analisados de acordo com o conceito de circularidade cultural e pelo paradigma indiciário proposto por Carlo Ginzburg, cuja fonte teórica são os estudos da linguagem de Mickail Bakhtin. / Abstract: The present research investigates how the construction of historic knowledge happens - what implies apprehending of the concept of historic time - by elementary and high school students of a public school in Marília, SP, Brazil. By means of a dialogical pedagogical dynamics, and using the production of stop motion pictures as the basis upon which the students construct historic speeches, it aims at enlacing the study of History and the numerous languages occurring at present. The dialogues established during classes, before primary and secondary historical sources, are analyzed according to the concept of cultural circularity and the sign's paradigm proposed by Carlo Ginzburg, whose theoretical sources are Mickail Bakhtin language studies. / Mestre

Natural Boundaries in Gap Detection are Related to Categorical Perception of Stop Consonants

Elangovan, Saravanan, Stuart, Andrew 30 June 2008 (has links)
Objectives: The hypothesis that a natural auditory psychophysical discontinuity contributes to a perceptual category boundary between voiced and voiceless English stop consonants was examined. Design: The relationships between voice onset time (VOT) phonetic boundary and gap-detection thresholds for conditions in which the sounds delimiting the gap were acoustically identical or different were examined in 18 native young adult English speakers. It was specifically hypothesized that between-channel gap-detection thresholds, in contrast to within-channel gap thresholds, would be better predictors of categorical VOT values for listeners. The stimuli used in the between-channel gap-detection task were designed such that dissimilar leading and trailing markers of the gap approximated a stop burst and a following vowel, both in terms of temporal and spectral relationships, while being devoid of phonetic identity. The stimuli used to examine the VOT measure were synthesized bilabial stop syllables in a continuum ranging from /ba/ to /pa/. Results: Statistically significant larger gap thresholds were found for the between-channel conditions than for the within-channel condition (p < 0.05). The center frequency of the trailing marker affected the between-channel gap thresholds with the thresholds improving as the center frequency increased (p < 0.05). Statistically significant positive correlations and predictive linear relations were found between VOT phonetic boundaries and between-channel gap thresholds (p < 0.05) but not within-channel gap thresholds (p > 0.05). Conclusions: A relationship between the phonetic boundary of voiced–voiceless speech sounds and the auditory temporal resolution task of detecting gaps placed within dissimilar markers, regardless of the center frequency of the trailing marker noise burst, was demonstrated. Detection of gaps between different nonspeech acoustic markers and categorical perception of VOT seems to share the same underlying perceptual timing mechanisms in native English speakers.

Development of a Bicycle Level of Service Methodology for Two-Way Stop-Controlled (TWSC) Intersections

Johnston, Nathan R 01 March 2014 (has links)
This thesis fills a missing piece in research on multimodal performance measures for traffic on streets and highways. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) provides Level of Service (LOS) methodologies which enable engineers and planners to evaluate the overall performance of roadways and highways based on the physical characteristics of facilities. This allows for the evaluation of those facilities and offers a means for recognizing issues and planning, designing, implementing, and ultimately assessing improvements. Originally, level of service was developed for automotive traffic only, but with recent developments as part of the complete streets movement, the performance of infrastructure for alternative transportation modes have also started being assessed in this fashion. There are methodologies in HCM 2010 for bicycle traffic at signalized intersections, all-way stop-controlled intersections, roadway and highway segments, but as of yet, no bicycle level of service methodology exists for two-way stop-controlled intersections. This work attempts to fill this gap. The methodology utilized for this report includes video collection of sample two-way stop-controlled intersections throughout California, collection of survey responses from viewers of video, and linear regression of collected survey responses with physical attributes of each sample intersection as the explanatory variables. Data was analyzed from both combined and individual street movements to determine the final equation set. The final methodology involves two separate procedures for major and minor streets at TWSC intersections. Final factors deemed significant in bicycle level of service analysis include sight distances, speed limits, presence of bus stops, presence and type of bicycle infrastructure, street widths and types of lanes present, pavement quality, and traffic flows.

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