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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Silicon-Doped Beta-Gallium Oxide Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition

Bowers, Cynthia Thomason January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse des nanoparticules de dioxyde de cérium à l’aide de l’ICP-MS en mode particule unique

Jreije, Ibrahim 12 1900 (has links)
Due to their unique properties, engineered nanomaterials are now widely used in numerous commercial products. Cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles (NPs) are among the most commonly used engineered NPs, with applications in surface coatings, catalysis, the manufacturing of semiconductors, biomedicine and agriculture. With the significant increase in the production and use of CeO2 NPs, concern is increasing over their release into the environment and their subsequent fate and toxicity. In order to evaluate their environmental risk, it is necessary to detect, quantify and characterize the NPs in all environmental compartments. Unfortunately, analyses of NPs in natural systems are challenging due to their small sizes, their low concentrations (∼ ng L-1) and the complexity of environmental matrices, which also contain natural colloids. Single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS) is a specific and sensitive technique that enables the detection of very low concentrations (∼ ng L-1) of NPs and it can provide information on their number concentrations, sizes, and size distributions. This technique is often limited by high size detection limits (SDL). However, it is especially important to obtain rigorous size, concentration, and fate data for the smallest NPs, since they are expected to have the greatest environmental risk. To that end, the specific objective of this thesis was to develop an improved method for the detection, quantification, and characterization of CeO2 NPs in complex natural waters using SP-ICP-MS. The project was then divided into several objectives: (1) decrease the SDL for CeO2 NPs; (2) optimize the preparation method for natural water samples; (3) apply the preparation and the analysis methods to detect, quantify, and characterize CeO2 NPs in several natural water samples and commercial products, such as a paint and a stain; (4) identify the origin (natural or engineered) of the detected CeO2 NPs; (5) quantify and characterize the release of CeO2 NPs from paint and stain under natural weathering scenarios; and (6) evaluate the effect of different physicochemical conditions (pH, ionic strength, and NOM) on the fate of CeO2 NPs after their release. A high sensitivity sector field ICP-MS (SF-ICP-MS) with microsecond dwell times (50 μs) was used to lower the SDL of CeO2 NPs to below 4.0 nm. While filtration is often used as a preparation method for SP-ICP-MS, its effect on the concentrations and sizes of NPs is unknown. For this purpose, the interactions between six different membrane filters and CeO2 NPs in aqueous samples were examined. The highest recoveries were observed for polypropylene membranes, where 60 % of the pre-filtration NPs were found in a rainwater and 75% were found in a river water. Recoveries could be increased to over 80% by pre-conditioning the filtration membranes with a multi-element solution. Similar recoveries were obtained when samples were centrifuged at low centrifugal forces (≤1000xg). SF-ICP-MS was then used to detect CeO2 NPs in Montreal rainwater, St. Lawrence River water, a paint, and a stain. A significant decrease in the concentrations of CeO2 NPs, initially contained in paint and stain, was measured over time under different conditions, which was attributed to agglomeration and/or dissolution. Finally, when painted and stained panels were placed outside, the released Ce in the precipitation was mainly in the dissolved form with no significant release of CeO2 NPs. / En raison de leurs propriétés uniques, les nanomatériaux manufacturés sont maintenant largement utilisés dans de nombreux produits commerciaux. Les nanoparticules (NPs) de dioxyde de cérium (CeO2) sont parmi les NPs manufacturées les plus couramment utilisées, avec des applications dans les revêtements de surface, la catalyse, la fabrication de semi-conducteurs, la biomédecine et l’agriculture. Avec l’augmentation significative de la production et l’utilisation des NPs de CeO2, l’inquiétude grandit quant à leur rejet dans l’environnement et à leur devenir et toxicité subséquente. Afin d’évaluer leur risque environnemental, il est nécessaire de détecter, quantifier et caractériser les NPs dans tous les compartiments environnementaux. Malheureusement, les analyses des NPs dans les systèmes naturels sont difficiles en raison de leurs petites tailles, de leurs faibles concentrations (∼ ng L-1) et de la complexité des matrices environnementales, qui contiennent également des colloïdes naturels. La spectrométrie de masse à plasma à couplage inductif en mode particule unique (SP-ICP-MS) est une technique spécifique et sensible qui permet la détection de très faibles concentrations (∼ ng L-1) de NPs en fournissant des informations sur leurs concentrations en nombre, leurs tailles et leurs distributions de taille. Cette technique est souvent limitée par des limites de détection de taille (SDL) élevées. Cependant, il est particulièrement important d’obtenir des données précises sur la taille, la concentration et le devenir des plus petites NPs, qui présentent un plus grand risque environnemental. À cette fin, l’objectif spécifique de cette thèse était de développer une méthode améliorée pour la détection, la quantification et la caractérisation des NPs de CeO2 dans les eaux naturelles complexes à l’aide de SP-ICP-MS. Le projet a ensuite été divisé en plusieurs parties : (1) diminuer la SDL pour les NPs de CeO2; (2) optimiser la méthode de préparation des échantillons d’eau naturelle; (3) appliquer les méthodes de préparation et d’analyse pour détecter, quantifier et caractériser les NPs de CeO2 dans plusieurs échantillons d’eau naturelle et produits commerciaux, telles qu’une peinture et une teinture; (4) identifier l’origine (naturelle ou manufacturée) des NPs de CeO2 détectées; (5) quantifier et caractériser le relargage des NPs de CeO2 de la peinture et de la teinture sous différents scénarios météorologiques; et (6) Évaluer l’effet des différentes conditions physicochimiques (pH, force ionique, et la présence de la matière organique naturelle) sur le devenir des NPs de CeO2 après le relargage. Un ICP-MS à secteur magnétique (SF-ICP-MS) à haute sensibilité avec des temps d’acquisition (i.e. ‘dwell times’) à l’échelle de microsecondes (50 μs) a été utilisé pour diminuer la SDL des NPs de CeO2 à moins de 4.0 nm. Alors que la filtration est souvent utilisée comme méthode de préparation pour le SP-ICP-MS, son effet sur les concentrations et les tailles des NPs est inconnu. Pour cela, les interactions entre six filtres avec des membranes différentes et les NPs de CeO2 dans des échantillons aqueux ont été examinées. Les recouvrements les plus élevés ont été observés pour la membrane de polypropylène, où 60% des NPs de pré-filtration ont été trouvées dans l’eau de pluie et 75% dans les eaux de rivière. Les recouvrements pourraient être augmentés à plus de 80% en préconditionnant les membranes des filtres avec une solution multi-éléments. Des recouvrements similaires ont été obtenus lorsque les échantillons ont été centrifugés à une faible vitesse de rotation (≤1000xg). Le SF-ICP-MS a ensuite été utilisé pour détecter des NPs de CeO2 dans une eau de pluie de Montréal, une eau du fleuve St. Laurent, une peinture et une teinture. En se basant sur le rapport de cérium/lanthane (Ce/La), les NPs de CeO2 détectées dans la pluie sont majoritairement d’origine naturelle alors que celles dans la peinture et la teinture sont manufacturées. Une diminution significative des concentrations des NPs de CeO2, originairement contenues dans la peinture et la teinture, a été mesurée avec le temps, sous l’effet de différentes conditions, ce qui a été attribué à l’agglomération et/ou la dissolution. Finalement, lorsque des panneaux peints et teints ont été placés à l’extérieur, le Ce relargué était principalement sous la forme dissoute, sans relargage significatif des NPs de CeO2.

Определение микропримесей тяжелых металлов в лекарственном растительном сырье и препаратах на его основе методом вольтамперометрии : магистерская диссертация / Determination of trace metals of heavy metals in medicinal plant materials and preparations based on it by the method of voltammetry

Ахмерова, А. Р., Akhmerova, A. R. January 2019 (has links)
Master's thesis: "Determination of trace metals of heavy metals in medicinal plant materials and preparations based on it by the method of voltammetry." Pages 72, figures 33, tables 10, bibliographic names 19. The objects of the study were the olive leaflet CO (BCR No. 62), medicinal plant raw materials of the roots of cinchata, flax seeds, rosehips, blueberry and horsetail shoots, tincture of the Bashkir balsam “Agidel”, oil extract “Vitaon”, dry extract “Plantaglyutsid” and collection “ Pancreatitis. Objective: To develop a method for sample preparation and determination of trace impurities of lead and cadmium in medicinal plant raw materials and preparations based on it using stripping voltammetry. Analysis of the literature data showed that the best method for the determination of heavy metals in medicinal plant materials and preparations based on it is the method of inversion voltammetry, which allows to detect trace contaminants in the studied solutions. The samples were prepared by the method of microwave decomposition on the installation "MARS" in a closed system and the method of acid decomposition on the installation of the company "Hach Company" in the open system. The optimal conditions for sample preparation at the MARS facility were selected for the analyzed objects: sample weight, oxidizer composition, number of decomposition stages, power, time and temperature of sample processing. Decomposition in an open system was carried out according to a standard procedure. Sample preparation at the installation of the Hach Company allows for the analysis of IR by the IV method to obtain baselines at the level of pure solutions and clear, well-measured signals of metals, and to find microprisms of heavy metals in larger quantities than when preparing samples by microwave decomposition under optimally selected conditions. / Магистерская диссертация: «Определение микропримесей тяжелых металлов в лекарственном растительном сырье и препаратах на его основе методом вольтамперометрии». Страниц 72, рисунков 33, таблиц 10 , библиографических наименований 19. Объектами исследования служили СО листьев оливы (BCR № 62), лекарственное растительное сырьё корневищ лапчатки, семян льна, плодов шиповника, побегов черники и хвоща, настойка башкирского бальзама «Агидель», масляный экстракт «Витаон», сухой экстракт «Плантаглюцид» и сбор «Панкреатит». Цель работы: Разработка методики пробоподготовки и определения микропримесей свинца и кадмия в лекарственном растительном сырье и препаратах на его основе методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии. Анализ литературных данных показал, что оптимальным методом определения тяжёлых металлов в лекарственном растительном сырье и препаратах на его основе является метод инверсионной вольтамперометрии, позволяющий обнаруживать микропримеси в исследуемых растворах. Пробы были подготовлены методом микроволнового разложения на установке «MARS» в закрытой системе и методом кислотного разложения на установке фирмы «Hach Company» в открытой системе. Для анализируемых объектов были подобраны оптимальные условия пробоподготовки на установке «MARS»: масса навески, состав окислителя, количество стадий разложения, мощность, время и температура обработки пробы. Разложение в открытой системе было проведено по стандартной методике. Пробоподготовка на установке фирмы «Hach Company» позволяет при анализе ИР методом ИВ получать базовые линии на уровне чистых растворов и чёткие, хорошо измеряемые сигналы металлов, и находить микропримиси тяжёлых металлов в большем количестве, чем при подготовке проб методом микроволнового разложения при оптимально подобранных условиях.

Определение микропримесей тяжелых металлов в фармацевтических препаратах методом атомной абсорбции : магистерская диссертация / Determination of trace amounts of heavy metals in pharmaceutical preparations by atomic absorption

Кремнева, А. С., Kremneva, A. S. January 2020 (has links)
Объектами исследования служили лекарственные препараты активированного угля, аскорбиновой кислоты, инсулина, ацетилцистеина и подсластителя, в основе которого лежит шестиатомный спирт – сорбитол. Целью работы является разработка методик определения микропримесей тяжелых металлов в готовых фармацевтических препаратах методом атомной абсорбции. В литературном обзоре рассмотрены вопросы влияния микропримесей тяжелых металлов на стабильность лекарственного средства и степень его лечебного воздействия на организм человека. Показано, что контроль содержания тяжелых металлов является важной задачей фармацевтического анализа. Анализ литературных источников позволяет заключить, что атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия является наиболее распространенным методом, используемым в фармакопейном анализе для определения тяжелых металлов. В ходе экспериментальной части были апробированы методики определения микропримесей тяжелых металлов в субстанциях и готовых лекарственных препаратах, представленных в Государственной Фармакопее Российской Федерации ; внесены корректировки в процедуру анализа с учетом особенностей состава присутствующих добавок в лекарственных препаратах; правильность полученных результатов определения микропримесей тяжелых металлов в образцах активированного угля методом ААС оценена путем сравнения с независимым методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии. / The objects of the study were activated charcoal, ascorbic acid, insulin, acetylcysteine and a sweetener, which is based on six-atom alcohol – sorbitol. The aim of the work is to develop methods for the determination of trace amounts of heavy metals in finished pharmaceutical preparations by atomic absorption. In a literature review, the issues of the influence of trace metals of heavy metals on the stability of the drug and the degree of its therapeutic effect on the human body are considered. It is shown that control of the content of heavy metals is an important task of pharmaceutical analysis. An analysis of literary sources allows us to conclude that atomic absorption spectrometry is the most common method used in pharmacopoeia analysis to determine heavy metals. During the experimental part, methods were tested for determining microimpurities of heavy metals in substances and finished medicinal products presented in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation; adjustments were made to the analysis procedure taking into account the characteristics of the composition of the additives present in the drugs; the correctness of the results of determination of microimpurities of heavy metals in activated carbon samples by the AAS method was evaluated by comparison with the independent method of inversion voltammetry.

The Formation of Amorphous and Crystalline Damage in Metallic and Semiconducting Materials under Gallium Ion Irradiation

Presley, Michael 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Environmentální charakteristiky minerálních odpadů z metalurgie / Environmental characteristics of mineral waste from metallurgy

Vítková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of metallurgical wastes from the Cu-Co smelters situated in the Zambian Copperbelt have been investigated. A number of instrumental analytical methods (XRD, SEM/EDS, EPMA, TEM/EDS) has been used to identify primary and secondary phases in smelter slags and dusts. A set of leaching experiments (CEN/TS 14997 pH-static test, EN 12457 batch test) in combination with geochemical modelling has been performed, with the emphasis on the leaching behaviour of potential contaminants and their release as a function of the pH. The effect of sample preparation on metal leachability from slag was also evaluated, considering the grain size reduction required by the standardised leaching protocols. Environmental and health risk assessments of the dust samples have been performed. It was shown that the main carriers of metals in the studied slags were Cu sulphides (bornite, digenite, chalcocite), Co sulphides (cobaltpentlandite), Co-bearing intermetallic phases and alloys. Copper and cobalt were detected in major silicates and spinels, substituting for Fe or Mg in their structures, and in glass. The presence of secondary metal-bearing phases observed on the slag surfaces indicated the reactivity of the slags on contact with water/atmosphere. It was reported that in...

Développement et applications de la tomographie chimique par spectroscopie EDX / Development and applications of chemical tomography by EDX spectroscopy

Lepinay, Kevin 27 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation des techniques pour la tomographie chimique par STEM EDX : mise au point des procédures expérimentales, traitement des données, reconstruction des volumes, analyse de la qualité des résultats obtenus et évaluation de la complexité globale. Les performances très limitées de l’analyse STEM EDX font que peu d’études, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, se sont portées sur cette technique. Cependant, les avancées très notables procurées par les nouveaux détecteurs ‘SDD’ ainsi que les sources électroniques X-FEG haute brillance, rendant l’analyse STEM EDX 2D très rapide, ont relancé la possibilité de la tomographie chimique ; la technique demande toutefois à être mise au point et évaluée (performances et complexité). Nous avons travaillé sur un microscope Tecnai Osiris permettant d’acquérir des cartographies chimiques EDX de centaines de milliers de pixels avec une résolution de l’ordre du nanomètre en quelques minutes. Nous avons choisi de préparer par FIB des échantillons en forme de pointe et d’utiliser un porte-objet permettant une exploration angulaire de 180° sans ombrage. Puis, à l’aide d’échantillons modèles (billes de SiO2 dans une résine), nous avons évalué les déformations d’échantillon par l’irradiation du faisceau électronique. Ceci nous a permis de proposer une méthode pour limiter cet effet par déposition d’une couche de 20 nm de chrome. Des simulations d’images ont permis d’évaluer les logiciels et méthodes de reconstruction. La méthodologie de chaque étape d’une analyse de tomographie STEM EDX a ensuite été expliquée, et l’intérêt de la technique démontré grâce à la comparaison de l’analyse 2D et 3D d’un transistor FDSOI 28 nm. La qualité des reconstructions (rapport signal-sur-bruit, résolution spatiale) a été évaluée en fonction des paramètres expérimentaux à l’aide de simulations et d’expériences. Une résolution de 4 nm est démontrée grâce à l’analyse d’une mire et d’un transistor « gate all around ». Pour ce même transistor, la possibilité et l’intérêt d’analyse de défaillance à l’échelle nanométrique est prouvée. Une analyse d’un défaut de grille d’une SRAM ou de trous dans un pilier en cuivre permettent d’expliquer l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’un volume HAADF (morphologie et résolution < 4 nm) et du volume EDX (information chimique). La conclusion est que cette technique, qui reste encore à améliorer du point de vue de sa simplicité, montre déjà son utilité pour l’analyse et la mise au point des technologies avancées (nœud 20 nm et après). / This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the STEM EDX chemical tomography technique: development of experimental procedures, data processing and volumes reconstruction, quality analysis of the results and evaluation of the overall complexity. Until now, STEM EDX analysis performances were very limited, so only few studies about this technique have been realized. However, very significant progress procured by the new SDD detectors as well as by the high brightness electronic sources (X-FEG), making the STEM EDX 2D analysis very fast, have revived the possibility of the chemical tomography, although the technique has to be developed and evaluated (performance and complexity). We have worked on a Tecnai Osiris which acquires EDX chemical mapping of hundreds of thousands of pixels with resolution of one nanometer and in a few minutes. We chose to prepare the rod-shaped samples by FIB and use a sample holder allowing an angle of exploration of 180° without shadowing effects. Then, using model samples (SiO2 balls in resin), we evaluated the sample deformation due to the electron beam irradiation. This allowed us to propose a method to reduce this effect by depositing a 20 nm chromium layer. Images simulations were used to evaluate the software and the reconstruction methods. The methodology of each step of the STEM EDX tomography analysis is then explained and the technique interest is demonstrated by comparing the 2D and the 3D analysis of a transistor 28 nm FDSOI. The quality of the reconstructions (signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution) was evaluated, in function of experimental parameters, using simulations and experiments. A resolution of 4 nm is demonstrated through the analysis of a test pattern and a "gate all around” transistor. For the same transistor, the possibility and the interest of a failure analysis at the nanoscale is proven. Analyses of a SRAM gate fail or of the holes in a copper pillar explain the benefits of a combination between a HAADF volume (morphology and resolution < 4 nm) and an EDX volume (chemical information). To conclude, this technique, which still needs to be improved in terms of simplicity, is already showing its usefulness for the analysis and the development of advanced technologies (20nm node and beyond).

Um método automático para extração em fase sólida magnética de Cd e Pb em águas e de Cd em óleo comestível e detecção por GF AAS

Barreto, Inakã Silva 25 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA KARLA PEREIRA RODRIGUES (anakarla_@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-31T12:10:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5468289 bytes, checksum: dc45efa53e8cc6251d00164b611309f9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-31T12:10:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5468289 bytes, checksum: dc45efa53e8cc6251d00164b611309f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the last decade, the extraction magnetic solid phase (MSPE) has been intense study target in Analytical Chemistry, mainly because of its potential application in sample preparation. Recently, with the development motivation automatic analytical methods, this technique has been combined with flow systems. However, the synergistic integration of MSPE with these systems is still a challenge, especially when it involves the handling of viscous matrices. In this perspective, this thesis proposes the development of an effective automated method to perform the MSPE in aqueous and oily matrices. For be applied as magnetic adsorbent nanoparticles of Fe3O4 coated with alumina and functionalized with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) were synthesized. The nanoparticles were characterized by diffraction analysis X-ray and scanning electron microscopy, where it was confirmed that the method used to obtain the particles was adequate. Secondly, the automatic system to run the MSPE was developed. To this end an extraction chamber was made of Teflon with a quartz window on the side, where all steps of MSPE was performed without the need for any auxiliary apparatus for immobilizing the adsorbent. For generating the magnetic field in the extraction chamber, a robotic device has been developed. After these steps, the applicability of the method was demonstrated in the extraction and preconcentration of Cd and Pb in drinking water samples and Cd in edible oils, using as detection atomic absorption spectrometry graphite furnace. Factors affecting MSPE, such as pH, the amount of adsorbent, the type and concentration of the eluent and the elution time were studied. In the best experimental conditions to the sample water, the detection limit was 0.004, and 0.043 ug L-1 for Cd and Pb, respectively. Even in this array, relative standard deviations less than 3.5% were achieved with a 15-fold enrichment factor for both analytes. In the case of determination of Cd in edible oils, detection limit (0.006 ug L-1) and standard deviation (< 3.3%) was obtained satisfactorily with a 9-fold enrichment factor. Interfering studies have been performed successfully for the two determinations, not revealing significant percentage interference in determinations. The developed automatic method is simple and robust since it does not require immobilization of the adsorbent, and was successfully applied in the determination of Cd and Pb in drinking water samples and Cd in edible oils. / Na última década, a extração em fase sólida magnética (MSPE) tem sido alvo de intenso estudo na Química Analítica, principalmente em virtude do seu potencial de aplicação no preparo de amostras. Recentemente, tendo como motivação o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos automáticos, essa técnica vem sendo combinada aos sistemas em fluxo. Contudo, a integração sinérgica da MSPE com esses sistemas ainda é um desafio, principalmente quando envolve a manipulação de matrizes viscosas. Nessa perspectiva, a presente tese propõe o desenvolvimento de um eficiente método automático para realização da MSPE em matrizes aquosas e oleosas. Para serem aplicadas como adsorvente magnético foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de Fe3O4 revestidas com alumina e funcionalizadas com dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) e 1-(2-piridilazo)-2-naftol (PAN). As nanopartículas foram caracterizadas através da análise de difratometria de raios-X e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, onde confirmou-se que o método empregado para obtenção das partículas foi adequado. Num segundo momento, o sistema automático para executar a MSPE foi desenvolvido. Para isso, uma câmara de extração foi confeccionada em Teflon, com uma janela de quartzo na lateral, onde todos os passos da MSPE foram realizados sem a necessidade de qualquer aparato auxiliar para imobilizar o adsorvente. Para geração do campo magnético, na câmara de extração, um dispositivo robótico foi desenvolvido. Depois de estabelecida essas etapas, a aplicabilidade do método foi demonstrada na extração e preconcentração de Cd e Pb em amostras de água de abastecimento e de Cd em óleos comestíveis, empregando como detecção a espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafite. Fatores que afetam a MSPE, tais como o pH, a quantidade de adsorvente, o tipo e a concentração do eluente e o tempo de eluição foram estudados. Nas melhores condições experimentais, para a amostra água, o limite de detecção foi 0,004 e 0,043 μg L-1 para o Cd e o Pb, respectivamente. Ainda nessa matriz, desvios padrão relativos menores que 3,5 % foram alcançados com um fator de enriquecimento de 15 vezes para ambos os analitos. No caso da determinação de Cd em óleos comestíveis, limite de detecção (0,006 μg L-1) e desvio padrão relativo (< 3,3 %) satisfatório foi obtido com um fator de enriquecimento de 9 vezes. Os estudos de interferentes foram realizados com êxito para as duas determinações, não revelando interferência percentual significativa nas determinações. O método automático desenvolvido é simples e robusto, uma vez que não requer a imobilização do adsorvente, e foi aplicado com sucesso na determinação de Cd e Pb em amostras de água de abastecimento e de Cd em óleos comestíveis.

Desenvolvimento de estratégias analíticas visando a determinação de macroelementos, microelementos e elementos traço em rações de cães e gatos empregando técnicas de espectrometria atômica / Development of analytical strategies aiming the determination of macroelementos, microelementos and trace elements in feeds for dogs and cats employing atomic espectrometry techniques

Ávila, Dayara Virgínia Lino 29 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, four methods were developed for analysis of feed for dogs and cats using atomic spectrometry techniques. Initially, the multivariate optimization of sample digestion procedure was employed in wet feed for dogs and cats and then the simultaneous determination of macroelements (Ca, K, Mg and P), microelements (Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) and trace elements (Al, B, Ba and Sr) was carried out by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP OES). The results of the elements concentrations in the samples were in agreement with the values provided and regulated by Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - MAPA) and American Association of Official Food Control Officials (AAFCO). Limits of detections (LoD) ranged between 0.1 μg g-1 (Ba, Mg and Sr) and 15.0 μg g-1 (P) and limits of quantification (LoQ) between 0.3 μg g-1 (Ba, Mg and Sr) and 49.9 μg g-1 (P). In the second part of the work two analytical methods were optimized for Co and Cr determination in wet food (sachets and cans) for dogs and cats using direct sample analysis (SS) and detection by high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS GF AAS). Pyrolysis temperatures were 1500 ° C and 1400 ° C for Cr and Co determination, respectively. Atomization temperatures of 2500 ° C for Cr, and 2400 ° C for Co with chemical modifiers were adopted. The optimized method for Co and Cr determination in wet feed was fast, precise and accurate and contributes to the concept of “Green Chemistry”. The results obtained for concentrations of Cr and Co were not compared to any official rule, since there is no regulation for these elements. The LoD's obtained for Cr and Co were 0.01 and 0.05 ug g-1, respectively, and LoQ's obtained were 0.03 to 0.17 ug g-1 for Cr and Co, respectively. Finally, in the third part of the work, an analytical method for determination of Zn in dry feed for dogs and cats using energy dispersive Xray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) was developed. Sample were prepared as pressed pellets. The concentration of Zn in seven dry feed samples for dogs and cats were determinate. The results were statistically compared to the values found by the analytical method by ICP OES. Additionally, paired t-test between concentrations of Zn by EDXRF and ICP OES was applied. The LoD e LoQ obtained for Zn determination were 0.1 e 0.4 mg kg-1, respectively. The independent methods were not significantly different at a 95% confidence level. In our work, the analytical methods proposed were efficient, fast and reliable for the determination of macroelements (Ca, Mg, K and P), microelements (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) and trace elements (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cr and Sr) in feeds for dogs and cats using atomic spectrometry techniques. This work was financially supported through the project Universal notice nº 014/2013 approved by CNPq, registered process nº 482416 / 2013-0. / Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos quatro métodos para análise de rações de cães e gatos, usando técnicas de espectrometria atômica. Primeiramente, foi empregada a otimização multivariada do procedimento de digestão da amostra para determinação simultânea de macroelementos (Ca, K, Mg e P), microelementos (Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn) e elementos traço (Al, B, Ba e Sr) em rações úmidas de cães e gatos, utilizando a espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP OES). Os resultados das concentrações dos elementos nas rações dos animais mostraram-se de acordo com os valores fornecidos e regulamentados pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) e pela Associação Americana de Controle Oficial dos Alimentos (AAFCO). Os LoD’s variaram entre 0,1 μg g-1 (Ba, Mg e Sr) e 15,0 μg g-1 (P) e os LoQ’s variaram entre 0,3 μg g-1 (Ba, Mg e Sr) e 49,9 μg g-1 (P). Na segunda parte do trabalho, foram otimizados dois métodos analíticos para determinação de Co e Cr em rações úmidas (sachês e enlatadas) para cães e gatos utilizando análise direta de sólidos (SS) e detecção por espectrometria de absorção atômica de alta resolução com fonte contínua e atomização em forno de grafite (HR-CS GF AAS). Foram estabelecidas temperaturas de pirólise de 1500°C e de 1400°C para a determinação de Cr e Co respectivamente, e temperaturas de atomização de 2500°C para Cr e de 2400°C para Co, sem o uso de modificadores químicos. Os métodos otimizados foram rápidos, precisos e exatos, além de contribuir com a concepção da Química Verde. Os resultados obtidos para as concentrações de Cr e Co não foram comparados com nenhuma norma, uma vez que estes elementos não são regulamentados. Os LoD’s obtidos para Cr e Co foram de 0,01 e 0,05 μg g-1 respectivamente, já os LoQ’s obtidos para Cr e Co foram de 0,03 a 0,17 μg g-1 respectivamente. Por fim, na terceira parte do trabalho, foi desenvolvido um método analítico para determinação de Zn em rações secas destinadas à alimentação de cães e gatos empregando a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X com energia dispersiva (EDXRF). As amostras foram preparadas na forma de pastilhas prensadas e a concentração de Zn, determinada em sete rações secas de cães e gatos. Os resultados obtidos foram estatisticamente comparados com os valores encontrados através de um método analítico estabelecido por ICP OES, em que foi aplicado o teste t pareado entre as concentrações de Zn por EDXRF e ICP OES. Os LoD e LoQ obtidos na determinação de Zn através do método foram de 0,1 e 0,4 mg kg-1 respectivamente. Os métodos independentes não apresentaram diferença significativa para um nível de confiança de 95%. Em nosso trabalho, os métodos analíticos propostos foram eficientes, rápidos, e confiáveis para a determinação de macroelementos (Ca, Mg, K e P), microelementos (Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn) e elementos traço (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cr e Sr) em rações de cães e gatos, usando técnicas espectroanalíticas. Este trabalho teve o auxílio financeiro do projeto Universal Edital 014/2013 aprovado pelo CNPq, registrado sob processo nº 482416/2013-0.

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