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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robust video streaming over time-varying wireless networks

Demircin, Mehmet Umut 03 July 2008 (has links)
Multimedia services and applications became the driving force in the development and widespread deployment of wireless broadband access technologies and high speed local area networks. Mobile phone service providers are offering wide range of multimedia applications over high speed wireless data networks. People can watch live TV, stream on-demand video clips and place videotelephony calls using multimedia capable mobile devices. Mobile devices will soon support capturing and displaying high definition video. Similar evolution is also occurring in the local area domain. The video receiver or storage devices were conventionally connected to display devices using cables. By using wireless local area networking (WLAN) technologies, convenient and cable-free connectivity can be achieved. Media over wireless home networks prevents the cable mess and provides mobility to portable TVs. However, there still exit challenges for improving the quality-of-service (QoS) of multimedia applications. Conventional service architectures, network structures and protocols lack to provide a robust distribution medium since most of them are not designed considering the high data rate and real-time transmission requirements of digital video. In this thesis the challenges of wireless video streaming are addressed in two main categories. Streaming protocol level issues constitute the first category. We will refer to the collection of network protocols that enable transmitting digital compressed video from a source to a receiver as the streaming protocol. The objective of streaming protocol solutions is the high quality video transfer between two networked devices. Novel application-layer video bit-rate adaptation methods are designed for handling short- and long-term bandwidth variations of the wireless local area network (WLAN) links. Both transrating and scalable video coding techniques are used to generate video bit-rate flexibility. Another contribution of this thesis study is an error control method that dynamically adjusts the forward error correction (FEC) rate based on channel bit-error rate (BER) estimation and video coding structure. The second category is the streaming service level issues, which generally surface in large scale systems. Service system solutions target to achieve system scalability and provide low cost / high quality service to consumers. Peer-to-peer assisted video streaming technologies are developed to reduce the load of video servers. Novel video file segment caching strategies are proposed for more efficient peer-to-peer collaboration.

Cross-layer optimized video streaming in heterogeneous wireless networks

Ojanperä, T. (Tiia) 09 June 2013 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation studies the impact of heterogeneous wireless networks on the design and implementation of mobile video streaming services. The aim is to enable Quality of Service (QoS) sensitive video streaming services to take full advantage of the access diversity of heterogeneous networks in order to optimize their operation in terms of quality and efficiency of network resource usage. This nevertheless requires support beyond the layered communication architecture of today’s Internet. The thesis proposes an architecture for end-to-end cross-layer signaling and control for video streaming systems. The architecture supports extensive context informa- tion transfer in heterogeneous networks; thus, enabling the efficient management of video stream adaptation and user terminal mobility in a diverse and dynamic network environment. This thesis also studies and proposes cross-layer enhancements for adaptive video streaming and mobility management functions enabled by the cross- layer architecture. These include cross-layer video adaptation, congestion-triggered handovers, and concurrent utilization of multiple access networks in the video stream transport. For the video adaptation and multipath transmission, the flexible adaptation and transmission capabilities of the novel scalable video coding technology are used. Regarding the mobility management, the proposed solutions essentially enhance the handover decision-making of the Mobile IP protocol to better support QoS-sensitive video streaming. Finally, the thesis takes a holistic view on the application adaptation and mobility management, and proposes a solution for coordinated control of these two operations in order to achieve end-to-end optimization. The resulting mobile video streaming system architecture and the cross-layer control algorithms are evaluated using network simulations and real prototypes. Based on the results, the proposed mechanisms can be seen to be viable solutions for improving video streaming performance in heterogeneous wireless networks. They require changes in the communication end-points and the access network but support gradual deployment. This allows service providers and operators to select only a subset of the proposed mechanisms for implementation. The results also support the need for cross-layer signaling and control in facilitating efficient management and utilization of heterogeneous wireless networks. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirja tutkii langattomien ja heterogeenisen verkkoympäristöjen vaikutusta erityisesti mobiilikäyttöön suunnattuihin suoratoistovideopalveluihin (streaming). Työn tavoitteena on löytää keino optimoida verkkoyhteyden palvelunlaadulle (QoS) herkän suoratoistovideon toiminta sekä videopalvelun laadun että verkon tiedonsiirtokapasiteetin käytön osalta. Tämä tapahtuu mahdollistamalla heterogeenisten verkkojen tehokas käyttö suoratoistovideopalvelujen tapauksessa. Tavoitellut parannukset vaativat kuitenkin muutoksia nykyiseen kerroksittaiseen Internet-arkkitehtuuriin. Väitöskirjassa esitetään arkkitehtuuri protokollakerrosten välisen tiedon (cross-layer) välitykseen ja hyödyntämiseen suoratoistovideopalvelujen tiedonsiirron kontrolloinnissa. Arkkitehtuuria voidaan käyttää laaja-alaiseen kontekstitiedon välitykseen tietoverkoissa, mikä mahdollistaa tehokkaan videopalvelun adaptoinnin ja päätelaitteen liikkuvuudenhallinnan heterogeenisissa verkoissa, joissa palvelunlaatu vaihtelee. Väitöskirja myös ehdottaa erilaisia ratkaisuja videopalvelun adaptoinnin ja tiedonsiirron parantamiseksi arkkitehtuuria hyödyntämällä. Näihin lukeutuvat usealle protokollakerrokselle toteutettu videon adaptointi, verkkoyhteyden ruuhkautumiseen reagoiva yhteydensiirto sekä usean verkkoyhteyden samanaikainen käyttö videopalvelun tiedonsiirrossa. Videon adaptoinnissa ja siirrossa hyödynnetään uutta skaalautuvaa videonkoodausteknologiaa, joka mahdollistaa vaaditun, joustavan videobittivirran muokkauksen. Liikkuvuudenhallinnan osalta työssä keskitytään pääosin kehittämään Mobile IP -protokollan päätöksentekoa suoratoistovideopalvelujen tapauksessa. Lopuksi väitöskirjassa esitetään kokonaisvaltainen ja koordinoitu ratkaisu videopalvelun adaptoinnin sekä päätelaitteen liikkuvuuden hallintaan päästä päähän -optimoinnin saavuttamiseksi. Tuloksena esitetyt järjestelmäarkkitehtuuri ja protokollakerrosten välistä tietoa käyttävät hallinta-algoritmit evaluoitiin simulaatioiden ja oikeiden prototyyppien avulla. Tulokset osoittavat, että ehdotettuja menetelmiä voidaan käyttää parantamaan suoratoistovideopalvelujen suorituskykyä heterogeenisissa verkoissa. Ratkaisut vaativat muutoksia verkko- ja palveluarkkitehtuureihin, mutta niiden asteittainen tai osittainen käyttöönotto on mahdollista. Tulokset osoittavat myös protokollakerrosten välisen tiedon tarpeellisuuden langattomien ja heterogeenisten verkkojen tehokkaassa käytössä.

Simulations des écoulements sanguins dans des réseaux vasculaires complexes / Modeling of blood flow in real vascular networks

Tarabay, Ranine 26 September 2016 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, des progrès remarquables ont été réalisés au niveau de la simulation d’écoulements sanguins dans des modèles anatomiques réalistes construits à partir de données d'imagerie médicale 3D en vue de simulation hémodynamique et physiologique 3D à grande échelle. Alors que les modèles anatomiques précis sont d'une importance primordiale pour simuler le flux sanguin, des conditions aux limites réalistes sont également importantes surtout lorsqu’il s’agit de calculer des champs de vitesse et de pression. La première cible de cette thèse était d'étudier l'analyse de convergence des inconnus pour différents types de conditions aux limites permettant un cadre flexible par rapport au type de données d'entrée (vitesse, pression, débit, ...). Afin de faire face au grand coût informatique associé, nécessitant un calcul haute performance, nous nous sommes intéressés à comparer les performances de deux préconditionneurs par blocs; le preconditionneur LSC (Least-Squared Commutator et le preconditionneur PCD (Pressure Convection Diffusion). Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons implémenté ce dernier dans la bibliothèque Feel++. Dans le but de traiter l'interaction fluide-structure, nous nous sommes focalisés sur l'approximation de la force exercée par le fluide sur la structure, un champ essentiel intervenant dans la condition de continuité pour assurer le couplage du modèle de fluide avec le modèle de structure. Enfin, afin de valider nos choix numériques, deux cas tests ont été réalisés et une comparaison avec les données expérimentales et numériques a été établie et validée (le benchmark FDA et le benchmark Phantom). / Towards a large scale 3D computational model of physiological hemodynamics, remarkable progress has been made in simulating blood flow in realistic anatomical models constructed from three-dimensional medical imaging data in the past few decades. When accurate anatomic models are of primary importance in simulating blood flow, realistic boundary conditions are equally important in computing velocity and pressure fields. Thus, the first target of this thesis was to investigate the convergence analysis of the unknown fields for various types of boundary conditions allowing for a flexible framework with respect to the type of input data (velocity, pressure, flow rate, ...). In order to deal with the associated large computational cost, requiring high performance computing, we were interested in comparing the performance of two block preconditioners; the least-squared commutator preconditioner and the pressure convection diffusion preconditioner. We implemented the latter, in the context of this thesis, in the Feel++ library. With the purpose of handling the fluid-structure interaction, we focused of the approximation of the force exerted by the fluid on the structure, a field that is essential while setting the continuity condition to ensure the coupling of the fluid model with the structure model. Finally, in order to assess our numerical choices, two benchmarks (the FDA benchmark and the Phantom benchmark) were carried out, and a comparison with respect to experimental and numerical data was established and validated.

Low Power Receiver Architecture And Algorithms For Low Data Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks

Dwivedi, Satyam 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Sensor nodes in a sensor network is power constrained. Transceiver electronics of a node in sensor network consume a good share of total power consumed in the node. The thesis proposes receiver architecture and algorithms which reduces power consumption of the receiver. The work in the thesis ranges from designing low power architecture of the receiver to experimentally verifying the functioning of the receiver. Concepts proposed in the thesis are: Low power adaptive architecture :-A baseband digital receiver design is proposed which changes its sampling frequency and bit-width based on interference detection and SNR estimation. The approach is based on Look-up-table (LUT) in the digital section of the receiver. Interference detector and SNR estimator has been proposed which suits this approach. Settings of different sections of digital receiver changes as sampling frequency and bit-width varies. But, this change in settings ensures that the desired BER is achieved. Overall, the receiver reduces amount of processing when conditions are benign and does more processing when conditions are not favorable. It is shown that the power consumption by the digital baseband can be reduced by 85% (7 times) when there is no interference and SNR is high. Thus the proposed design meets our requirement of low power hardware. The design is coded in Verilog HDL and power and area estimation is done using Synopsys tools. Faster Simulation Methodologies :-Usually physical layer simulations are done on baseband equivalent model of the signal in the receiver chain. Simulating Physical layer algorithms on bandpass signals for BER evaluation is very time consuming. We need to do the bandpass simulations to capture the effect of quantization on bandpass signal in the receiver. We have developed a variance measuring simulation methodology for faster simulation which reduces simulation time by a factor of 10. Low power, Low area, Non-coherent, Non-data-aided joint tracking and acquisition algorithm :-Correlation is a very popular function used particularly in synchronization algorithms in the receivers. But correlation requires usage of multipliers. Multipliers are area and power consuming blocks. A very low power and low area joint tracking and acquisition algorithm is developed. The algorithm does not use any multiplier to synchronize. Even it avoids squaring and adding the signals to achieve non-coherency. Beside the algorithm is non-data-aided as well and does not require ROM to store the sequence. The Algorithm saves area/power of existing similar algorithms by 90%. Experimental setup for performance evaluation of the receiver :-The developed baseband architecture and algorithms are experimentally verified on a wireless test setup. Wireless test setup consists of FPGA board, VSGs, Oscilloscopes, Spectrum analyzer and a discrete component RF board. Packet error and packet loss measurement is done by varying channel conditions. Many practical and interesting issues dealing with wireless test setup infrastructure were encountered and resolved.


14 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Cada vez mais as redes locais sem fio conhecidas por WLAN estão presentes no meio em que vivemos, seja em nossas casas como em escritórios, aeroportos e outros locais públicos. Na busca de possibilitar que mais aplicações sejam viabilizadas pelas redes sem fio, tais como fluxos de vídeo, a qual requer uma maior largura de banda, o IEEE desenvolveu um novo padrão da família do 802.11, o IEEE 802.11n que é capaz de oferecer uma capacidade de transmissão significativamente maior que os padrões 802.11 anteriores. Em principio, o grande aumento de capacidade na camada física deveria ser suficiente para oferta de aplicações de multimídia, inclusive com vídeo em alta definição. Entretanto, a baixa eficiência da camada de controle de acesso ao meio (camada MAC) e de alguns protocolos da camada física poderiam restringir o uso de aplicações que necessitam de altas taxas de transmissão. Para resolver essa questão o padrão 802.11n contempla o recurso de agregação dos quadros que possui dois métodos distintos, A-MPDU (Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit) e A-MSDU (Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit). Neste trabalho foram realizadas simulações com sinais de vídeos reais e apresentados resultados que permitem comparar o desempenho destes métodos e avaliar se o uso de agregação permite efetivamente que o padrão 802.11n atenda os requisitos da transmissão de vídeo. Foram também sugeridos valores para os parâmetros da tecnologia 802.11n que permitem que um melhor desempenho seja alcançado. / [en] Wireless LANs are gradually playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It is common now to find them in airports, hotels, office buildings as well as in individual residences. Due to this success there was an effort at IEEE to develop a new standard that would allow new high data rate applications, such as video streaming, to be provided through a WiFi access point. This new standard added to the IEEE 802.11 family is known as IEEE 802.11n and it offers a significantly higher capacity physical layer. However, to derive the full benefits of this new very powerful physical layer it was necessary to improve the efficiency of the MAC layer as well as of some physical layer protocols. One of techniques included in the standard, to allow high bandwidth services with good quality, was frame aggregation. The 802.11n standard contemplates two forms of aggregation, namely: A-MPDU (Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit) and AMSDU (Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit). In this work, simulations were performed to evaluate the performance of both methods of aggregation when transporting real video signals. The objective was to verify whether 802.11n, with the use of aggregation, can indeed provide video and multimedia services with the required quality. We also suggest values for 802.11n system parameters that provide improved performance.

Modeling of a Modular Discrete Event Simulation for Fuel Cell Assembly within a Factory Model

Brützel, Oliver, González Di Miele, Román Ignacio, Overbeck, Leonard, May, Marvin Carl, Lanza, Gisela 27 May 2022 (has links)
Nowadays, shorter product life cycles and fluctuating demand quantities require flexible and adaptable production planning techniques. Fuel cell technology offers an innovative product, for which future demands in terms of quantities and variety are difficult to predict making it hardly possible to plan demand-adequate production capacities. One feasible solution is the application of Discrete Event Simulations (DES) with a high degree of adaptability and scalability. In this paper, a concept for the modular simulation of assembly lines with scalable automation is introduced and applied to an assembly line for fuel cell stacks. The model presents a modular and hierarchical system structure, which allows for adaptability and reusability. The model can be easily integrated on a factory level to study the behavior of parallel assembly lines. For an industrial use case different experiments offer valuable insights for the optimization, the automation and the upscaling of the assembly. / Kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und schwankende Bedarfsmengen erfordern heute flexible und anpassungsfähige Produktionsplanungstechniken. Die Brennstoffzellentechnologie bietet ein innovatives Produkt, dessen zukünftige Nachfrage hinsichtlich Stückzahl und Vielfalt nur schwer vorhersehbar ist und somit kaum bedarfsgerechte Produktionskapazitäten planbar sind. Eine mögliche Lösung ist die Anwendung von Discrete Event Simulations (DES) mit einem hohen Maß an Anpassungsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Konzept zur modularen Simulation von Montagelinien mit skalierbarem Automatisierung vorgestellt und auf eine Montagelinie für Brennstoffzellenstacks angewendet. Das Modell nutzt eine modulare und hierarchische Systemstruktur, die Anpassungsfähigkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit ermöglicht. Das Modell kann leicht auf Fabrikebene integriert werden, um das Verhalten paralleler Montagelinien zu untersuchen. Für einen industriellen Anwendungsfall bieten verschiedene Experimente wertvolle Erkenntnisse zur Optimierung, Automatisierung und Hochskalierung der Montagelinie.

Towards a prototype of a modular biogas system

Emilsson, Arvid, Buhrgard, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
As of today, large unused potential for biogas production exist within the Swedish agriculture sector. The biogas production within this sector is, however, associated with several problems such as poor energy efficiency and non-profitable systems. This is to some degree due to lack of standardized technical solutions. International Micro BioGas AB (IMB AB) has been aided by KTH since 2014. This project investigates several innovations from IMB AB in regards to biogas production:  A mixing device  A building capturing waste heat from the digesters (building concept)  Insulation of the digester (cover concept)  Small-scale and modular package systems The innovations listed above are evaluated from energy, economic and environmental perspectives by doing a case study on the dairy farm Ogestad close to Gamleby, Sweden. Two cases are considered. In Case 1, the raw biogas is burned in a combined heat and power-unit (CHP) in order to produce electricity. In Case 2, raw biogas is upgraded in a small-scale upgrading unit to vehicle gas standards which is sold to the market. The results show that the mixing device is promising in terms of energy use. It is therefore recommended to move on with testing of the equipment. The cover concept and the building concept show similar performance from energy and environmental standpoints. The building concept is concluded not to be economically viable. The cost reduction by applying a modular concept where one product can be used on different sized farms is significant. However, the needed investment from the company is large. The goal of achieving a modular system is therefore concluded desirable. The subsidy from the Swedish board of agriculture covering 40 % of the investment cost, has a major impact on the profitability of the systems. Without this subsidy, the systems are not viable in terms of economy. In Sweden, the small-scale vehicle gas production (Case 2) was concluded the most profitable as well as the best-performing from energy and environmental standpoints. / Inom den svenska jordbrukssektorn finns stor potential för utvidgning av biogasproduktionen. Det finns dock många problem med småskalig biogasproduktion, exempelvis olönsamma och energimässigt ineffektiva system. International Micro BioGas AB (IMB AB) har identifierat att detta till viss del kan bero på bristfälliga tekniska lösningar. Detta då det inte finns någon standardisering av teknik på området. IMB AB har, i samarbete med KTH, sedan 2014 arbetat med olika aspekter av småskalig biogasproduktion. Detta arbete undersöker ett antal innovationer och koncept från IMB AB rörande biogassystem:  En ny metod för omrörning  En byggnad som återvinner värmen från rötkamrarna (byggnadskonceptet)  Ett nytt sätt att isolera rötkamrarna (huvkonceptet)  Småskaliga och modulära paketlösningar Innovationerna och koncepten ovan utvärderas från ett energitekniskt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv genom en fallstudie på mjölkgården Ogestad nära Gamleby i Sverige. Två användningsområden för biogasen analyseras. I Fall 1 (Case 1) bränns rågasen i en kraftvärmeanläggning för att producera elektricitet och värme. I Fall 2 (Case 2) uppgraderas rågasen till fordonsgaskvalitet som sedan säljs till marknaden. Resultaten visar att den nya omrörningsmetoden är lovande ur ett energiperspektiv och en rekommendation är att gå vidare med tekniken och göra experimentella studier. Byggnadskonceptet och huvkonceptet visade likvärdiga resultat ur energitekniskt och miljömässigt perspektiv. Byggnadskonceptet konstaterades vara ineffektivt ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Kostnadsreduceringen som uppnås genom att systemet är modulärt och därmed kan produceras i stor skala till olika gårdsstorlekar, är signifikant. Det krävs dock en stor investering från företagets sida. För samtliga fall är systemens lönsamhet starkt beroende av Jordbruksverkets subvention på 40 % av investeringskostnaden och utan den ökar företagets investeringsbehov drastiskt. Med svenska förutsättningar är småskalig produktion av fordonsgas det mest lönsamma samt mest fördelaktiga ur ett miljö- och energiperspektiv.


Jose Fernando Waimin (13222980) 10 August 2022 (has links)
<p>Microbes play key roles in processes that shape the world around us having direct impact in crop  production,  food  safety,  digestion,  and  overall  health.  Developing  tools  to  monitor  their activity in-situ is the key towards better understanding the true impact of microbial activity in these processes and, eventually, harnessing their potential. Many conventional techniques for microbial activity assessment require sample collection, expensive benchtop equipment, skilled technicians, and   destructive   sample   processing   which   makes   their   adaptation   for   in-situ   monitoring cumbersome. The need for technologies for in-situ monitoring has led to the development of many sensordesigns,  capable  of  detecting  single  strains  of  bacteria  to  low  limits  of  detection  (LOD). These designs, however, are limited to their complex manufacturing procedures, cost, and delicacy which makes them difficult to implement outside of a laboratory setting into harsh environments.</p> <p>In  the  last  25  years,  impedimetric  sensing  methods  have  been used  as  powerful  analytical tools  to  characterize  the  degradation  and  dissolution  of  polymers.  Known  for  their  robustness, these techniqueswere mainly used for characterizing polymer’s properties as corrosion-protective layers on metals. At the time, someresearchers pondered onthe potential use of this technique for biosensing  applications.In  this  thesis,  the  ability  of  monitoring  microbial  activity  in-situ  was explored by  integratingdifferent  bioresponsive  polymers  with  low-cost electronic  impedimetricplatformsand assessing their degradation kinetics in response to microbes</p> <p>This  novel  use  of  impedimetric  sensing  methods  and  approach  towards  microbial  activity sensing was systematically studied in different  areas including  agriculture, food packaging, and healthcare.  Microbes,  the  good,  the  bad,  and  the  ugly,  were  studied  within  their  ecosystems  to demonstrate  the  ability  of  using  the  described  systems  in  in-situ  monitoring.  In  agriculture, polymer  degradation  was  successfully  correlated  to  the  concentration  of  decomposing  bacteria directly in soil. In food packaging, spoilage of chicken samples was successfully detected within their package through a non-reversible system. In healthcare, a wireless and electronic-free wound monitoring  system  capable of  detecting  early  onset  of  infection  while  delivering  therapeutics without the need of external actuation was achieved. Further developments of this technology will present the key towards monitoring microbial activity in-situ in a large scale, providing solutions to  humanity’s  toughest  upcoming  challenges  including  food  production,  food  safety,  and healthcare.</p>

Big Data Workflows: DSL-based Specification and Software Containers for Scalable Execution

Dejene Dessalk, Yared January 2020 (has links)
Big Data workflows are composed of multiple orchestration steps that perform different data analytics tasks. These tasks process heterogeneous data using various computing and storage resources. Due to the diversity of application domains, involved technologies, and complexity of data sets, the design and implementation of Big Data workflows require the collaboration of domain experts and technical experts. However, existing tools are too technical and cannot easily allow domain experts to participate in the process of defining and executing Big Data workflows. Moreover, the majority of existing tools are designed for specific applications such as bioinformatics, computational chemistry, and genomics. They are also based on specific technology stacks that do not provide flexible means of code reuse and maintenance. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a Big Data workflow solution based on the use of a domain-specific language (DSL) for hiding complex technical details, enabling domain experts to participate in the process definition of workflows. The workflow solution uses a combination of software container technologies and message-oriented middleware (MOM) to enable highly scalable workflow execution. The applicability of the solution is demonstrated by implementing a prototype based on a real-world data workflow. As per performed evaluations, the proposed workflow solution was evaluated to provide efficient workflow definition and scalable execution. Furthermore, the results of a set of experiments were presented, comparing the performance of the proposed approach with Argo Workflows, one of the most promising tools in the area of Big Data workflows. / Big Data-arbetsflöden består av flera orkestreringssteg som utför olika dataanalysuppgifter. Dessa uppgifter bearbetar heterogena data med hjälp av olika databehandlings- och lagringsresurser. På grund av stora variationen av tillämpningsområden, den involverade tekniken, och komplexiteten hos datamängderna, kräver utformning och implementering av Big Data-arbetsflöden samarbete mellan domänexperter och tekniska experter. Befintliga verktyg är dock för tekniska och vilket försvårar för domänexperter att delta i processen att definiera och genomföra Big Data-arbetsflöden. Dessutom är majoriteten av befintliga verktyg utformade för specifika tillämpningar, som bioinformatik, beräkningskemi och genomik. Verktygen är också baserade på specifika teknikstackar som inte erbjuder flexibla metoder för att kunna underhålla och återanvända kod. Denna avhandling ämnar att presentera design och implementering av en Big Data-arbetsflödeslösning som utnyttjar ett domänspecifikt språk (DSL) för att dölja komplexa tekniska detaljer, vilket gör det möjligt för domänexperter att delta i processdefinitionen av arbetsflöden. Arbetsflödeslösningen använder en kombination av mjukvaruutrustningsteknik och meddelande-orienterad mellanvara (MOM) för att möjliggöra en mer skalbar körning av arbetsflöden. Tillämpningslösningen demonstreras genom att implementera en prototyp baserad på ett verkligt dataflöde. Efter en granskning av de genomförda testerna modifierades den föreslagna arbetsflödeslösningen för att uppnå en effektiv arbetsflödesdefinition och skalbar körning. Dessutom presenteras resultaten av en uppsättning experiment där man jämför skalbarheten för det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet med Argo Workflows, ett av de mest lovande verktygen inom Big Data-arbetsflöden

Using smartphones and shared displays to connect and coordinate people in playful contexts

Salih, Jaffar, Bakosi, Keisha January 2013 (has links)
This paper explores the social aspects of a new kind of mobile games where players interact with each other in a shared physical space as well as in-game. As technology spreads throughout layers of culture and everyday life, and gaming becomes increasingly widespread, we see a future in social digital games through the use of smartphones, because of their prevalence and their technical versatility. This poses new challenges for designers. By using the context of music selection in semi-public to public situations and with the help of prototypes, we explore the problems of making selections and connections in large groups as well as delivering feedback. As a result of this project we arrive at elements such as participation, competition, scalability and the importance of social interactions between participants which can be used when designing systems in similar contexts.

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