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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programa escola aberta : espaço de inclusão, socialização e disciplinamento de jovens da periferia urbana no município de Alvorada/RS

Santos, Tatiane Matheus dos January 2011 (has links)
Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo visibilizar as práticas propostas pelo Programa Escola Aberta, em uma escola estadual no município de Alvorada/RS, para atender a comunidade e, preferencialmente, os jovens daquela periferia, visando a detectar como tais práticas vêm operando sobre a conduta dos mesmos e, como tais práticas são vividas por eles. Esta investigação se sucedeu em uma trajetória de cunho etnográfico. Para tanto utilizei, sob uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista, como aporte teórico os Estudos Culturais em Educação, utilizando-me também de algumas ferramentas foucaultianas. O presente estudo analisou práticas desenvolvidas dentro do Programa Escola Aberta na referida instituição com o propósito de visualizar como as mesmas estariam atendendo aos interesses de jovens de periferia e através de tal proposição, contribuindo para a inclusão social dos mesmos, constituindo-os assim como indivíduosmais produtivos para a sociedade.Por meio de observações do desenvolvimento do programa em tal escola, bem como das análises das entrevistas feitas com os dirigentes do mesmo e com os jovens participantes da investigação, foi possível perceber que o programa, naquela localidade, mostrou-se produtivo para aqueles aos quais se destina ao proporcionar um espaço de lazer, socialização e aprendizagens; possibilidade essa que contribui para a constituição de sujeitos mais comprometidos com aquele espaço público, gerando assim a redução da violência escolar. Também foi possível inferir que o programa, naquela escola, investe em mecanismos disciplinares para controlar e regular a conduta daqueles jovens, visando aaumentar a produtividade desses sujeitos nos processos sociais, possibilitando assim sua inserção nos mesmos. / This dissertation aims to make visible the practices proposed by the Open School Program, in a state school in Alvorada/RS (a city in Brazil), to attend community and, preferably, that the young periphery in order to detect such practices that have been operating on the same conduct and, as such practices are experienced by them. This research has succeeded in a trajectory of ethnographic. Used for both, from a poststructuralist perspective, as the theoretical Cultural Studies in Education I am also using some tools foucaudian. This study examined practices developed within the Open School Program at that institution, in order to visualize how they would be given to the interests of young people from poor neighborhoods and how they are a possibility of inclusion in the same, making them as individuals more productive to society.Through observations of program development in such a school as well as analysis of interviews with the leaders and even the young participants the investigation was possible to perceive that the program at that location, was productive for those whom it is intended to provide a space for leisure, socialization and learning; possibility that contributes to the formation of subjects more committed to that public space, thereby triggering the reduction school violence. It was also possible to infer that the program at that school, invests in disciplinary mechanisms to control and regulate the conduct of those young aimed at increasing the productivity of these individuals in social processes, thus enabling its therein.

Uma experiência de formação de professores em serviço: curso de atualização de professores de escolas de horário integral / Proposal for in-service teacher training in the up date course for full-time school teachers

Julia Desiderio da Silva 28 September 2009 (has links)
Esta investigação tem como tema a proposta de formação de professores em serviço do Curso de Atualização de Professores de Escola de Horário Integral, realizado no segundo governo de Leonel Brizola, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1991 1994), durante o Segundo Programa Especial de Educação (II PEE). Este estudo objetivou analisar a proposta de formação de professores em serviço, focalizando este Curso como uma das iniciativas desta formação e, partindo dela identificar contribuições significativas, produzidas naquele tempo e espaço específico, que possam enriquecer e suscitar questões para os debates atuais sobre a formação continuada de professores. Ao empreender esta tarefa se julgou necessário delinear a trajetória do I E II PEE para melhor compreensão da evolução deste plano e de sua proposta de formação de professores, até a elaboração do Curso. Após a retomada do II PEE, frente à necessidade de reestruturação pedagógica dos Centros Integrados de Educação Pública (CIEPs) foi criado o Curso, em convênio com a UERJ. O ponto mais importante identificado nesta proposta de formação foi considerar a escola como lócus de formação continuada tendo como base o saber do professor neste processo. Aspecto como se pode constatar, de grande relevância atualmente nas discussões sobre a temática, mas que naquele momento foi uma inovação. Supõe-se que os resultados deste trabalho poderão contribuir para ampliar os debates em torno das questões voltadas para a formação continuada de professores, e ainda, ampliar os debates, bem oportunos, sobre criação de diferentes alternativas de escolas públicas de horário integral, com suas proposta de formação para atender a uma necessidade da sociedade contemporânea e fundamentar ações de gestores das políticas públicas de Educação. / This research focused on the proposal for in-service teacher training in the Update Course for Full-Time School Teachers as part of the Second Special Education Program (II PEEE), which was held during Leonel Brizolas second administration of Rio de Janeiro in the years of 1991 to 1994. The study aimed at analyzing the proposal for in-service teacher training, focusing this course as one of this training initiatives. Then, it aimed at identifying significant contributions which were produced at that specific time and place and that could enrich discussions and bring about questions for current debates on teacher continuing education. During the process it was necessary to outline the trajectory of the First and Second Special Education Programs (I and II PEE) in order to facilitate the understanding of the evolution of this plan and its proposal for teacher training and the elaboration of the course. After the retaking of the II PEE, due to the necessity of pedagogical reestructuration of the Integrated Public Education Centers (CIEPs), the course was created in a partnership with the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). The most important issue identified in this proposal for teacher training was the fact that it considered the school as a locus of continuing education and conceived teachers knowledge as its base in this process. Although this aspect is of great relevance in the discussions about this theme nowadays, at that time, it was considered as innovation. We understand that the results of this study may contribute to expand not only the debates on questions concerning teacher continuing education, but also on the creation of different alternatives of public full-time school programs, which have their proposal of training as a response to a contemporary society necessity and to fundament actions of public education policy managers.

Implantação de ações de educação em saúde no Instituto Federal Farroupilha Campus Alegrete integradas ao Programa Saúde na Escola

Ancini, Denise Margareth Borges January 2017 (has links)
Objetivo: Implantar ações de educação em saúde no Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Alegrete (IFFAR/CA), integradas ao Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE), padronizando atividades, qualificando a assistência ao estudante e estimulando a prática dos temas transversais em saúde. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada no IFFAR/CA com a participação de 80 estudantes do primeiro ano do curso médio integrado Técnico em Agropecuária e 31 docentes, em duas etapas, com abordagens quantitativa e quanti/qualitativa. A coleta de dados na primeira etapa (Componente I) foi através de análise documental do Prontuário Clínico Multiprofissional do seu setor de saúde, num estudo analítico descritivo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, e na segunda etapa (Componente II) a coleta de dados foi por intermédio de questionário on line semiestruturado autoaplicado nos docentes, num estudo exploratório descritivo com enfoque quanti-qualitativo. A interpretação dos dados do componente I foi através do software Excel® do Microsoft Office®, utilizando valores absolutos e relativos e medidas de frequência central, média e desvio padrão, para as variáveis pressão arterial, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), avaliação odontológica e avaliação psicológica. No componente II, os dados quantitativos foram processados por escalas de Likert, avaliados pela distribuição de frequências em cada resposta, enquanto os qualitativos foram interpretados pela análise temática de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados:Os resultados no Componente I mostraram idade média dos estudantes de 15,3 anos, 56,25% (n=45) do gênero masculino,53,75% (n=43) moradores no alojamento do campus e 36,25% (n= 29)oriundos da cidade de Alegrete/RS. Quanto ao IMC, foi encontrada prevalência de 18,75% de sobrepeso e 6,25% de obesidade, maior no gênero feminino (20% e 11,4%) comparado ao masculino (17,8% e 2,2%). Foi diagnosticada uma estudante hipertensa (1,25%), e teve-se 7,5% de pré-hipertensos (somados os gêneros). Dos 68 estudantes que realizaram avaliação odontológica, 13% não necessitaram intervenção, 50% realizaram limpeza e 36,8%, restauração. 16,2% (n=11) dos estudantes foram encaminhados para avaliação odontológica externa, a maioria do gênero feminino (tratamento ortodôntico). Dos 43,75% (n=35) dos estudantes avaliados pelo setor de psicologia, 20%(n=16)era por queixas de pais ou professores de falta de interesse ou problemas de rendimento em sala de aula e 17,5%(n=14) procuraram espontaneamente.No componente II, 28,2% (n=31) dos docentes respondeu ao questionário; destes, 54,8% (n=17)do gênero feminino e 54,8% (n=17)na faixa etária entre30 a 39 anos. 54,8% formados há pelo menos 07 anos, 54,9% tem mestrado e 25,8%, doutorado. Os dados qualitativos mostraram que estes têm interesse em trabalhar temas de saúde com auxílio dos profissionais da área na instituição, de forma inovadora e continuada, interdisciplinar e multi/interprofissional, e os temas sugeridos por eles espelham os propostos pelo Programa Saúde na Escola.Considerações Finais: Verificou-se que as ações do PSE poderiam ser padrão institucional de atividades do setor de saúde, configurando-se como oportunidade de atender o princípio da integralidade, articulando o trabalho de profissionais de saúde e educação, desenvolvendo ações mais focadas na promoção da saúde e permitindo ampliar o cuidado ao adolescente, potencializando as singularidades e o desempenho escolar. / Objective: To implement education in health actions in the Federal Institute Farroupilha Alegrete campus (IFFAR / CA), integrated to the Health in School Program (PSE), standardizing activities, qualifying student assistance and stimulating the practice of themes Cross-sectional studies on health. Methodology: The research was carried out at IFFAR / CA and counted with80 students of the first year of the integrated technical course in Agriculture and 31 teachers, into two stages, with quantitative and quantitative / qualitative approaches. Data collection in the first stage (Component I) was performed through documentary analysis of the Multiprofessional Clinical Record of the institution's health sector, in a descriptive cross-sectional analytical study with a quantitative approach, and in the second stage (Component II) data collection was carried out through a semi structured online selfadministered questionnaire in the teachers, in a descriptive exploratory study with quantitative-qualitative approaches. The interpretation of the data of Component I was performed using Excel® software of Microsoft Office®, using absolute and relative values and measures of central frequency, mean and standard deviation, for the variables blood pressure, Body Mass Index (BMI) , dental evaluation and psychological evaluation. In Component II, quantitative data were processed using Likert scales, evaluated by the frequency distribution in each of the responses, while the qualitative data were interpreted by the thematic content analysis of Bardin. Results: Component I showed that the mean age of the students is 15.3 years, 56.25% (n = 45) are males, 53.75% (n = 43) of them are Campus and 36.25% (n = 29) come from the city of Alegrete / RS. In BMI, a prevalence of 18.75% of overweight and 6.25% of obesity was found, higher in females (20% and 11.4%) than males (17.8% and 2.2%). One hypertensive student (1.25%) was diagnosed, and students of both genders had 7.5% of pre-hypertensive individuals. Of the 68 students who underwent dental evaluation, 13% did not require intervention, 50% performed cleaning and 36.8%, restoration. 16.2% (n = 11) of the students were referred for external dental evaluation, most of them female (orthodontic treatment). 43.75% (n = 35) of the students were evaluated by the psychology sector, 20% (n = 16) for complaints of parents or teachers lacking interest or problems in classroom performance and 17.5% = 14) spontaneously sought. In Component II, 28.2% (n = 31) of the teachers answered the questionnaire; of these, 54.8% (n = 17) are female and 54.8% (n = 17) are in the age group between 30 and 39 years. 54.8% have been formed for at least 7 years, 54.9% have a master's degree and 25.8% have a PhD. Qualitative data showed that teachers have an interest in working on health topics, with the help of professionals in the area in the institution, in an innovative and continuous, interdisciplinary and multiprofessional way, and the themes suggested by them reflect those proposed by the Health in School Program. Final Considerations: It was verified that the actions of the PSE could be the institutional standard of activities of the health sector, being configured as an opportunity to meet the principle of integrality, articulating the work of health professionals and education, developing more focused actions in health promotion and allowing the expansion of adolescent care, enhancing singularities and school performance.

Programa escola aberta : espaço de inclusão, socialização e disciplinamento de jovens da periferia urbana no município de Alvorada/RS

Santos, Tatiane Matheus dos January 2011 (has links)
Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo visibilizar as práticas propostas pelo Programa Escola Aberta, em uma escola estadual no município de Alvorada/RS, para atender a comunidade e, preferencialmente, os jovens daquela periferia, visando a detectar como tais práticas vêm operando sobre a conduta dos mesmos e, como tais práticas são vividas por eles. Esta investigação se sucedeu em uma trajetória de cunho etnográfico. Para tanto utilizei, sob uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista, como aporte teórico os Estudos Culturais em Educação, utilizando-me também de algumas ferramentas foucaultianas. O presente estudo analisou práticas desenvolvidas dentro do Programa Escola Aberta na referida instituição com o propósito de visualizar como as mesmas estariam atendendo aos interesses de jovens de periferia e através de tal proposição, contribuindo para a inclusão social dos mesmos, constituindo-os assim como indivíduosmais produtivos para a sociedade.Por meio de observações do desenvolvimento do programa em tal escola, bem como das análises das entrevistas feitas com os dirigentes do mesmo e com os jovens participantes da investigação, foi possível perceber que o programa, naquela localidade, mostrou-se produtivo para aqueles aos quais se destina ao proporcionar um espaço de lazer, socialização e aprendizagens; possibilidade essa que contribui para a constituição de sujeitos mais comprometidos com aquele espaço público, gerando assim a redução da violência escolar. Também foi possível inferir que o programa, naquela escola, investe em mecanismos disciplinares para controlar e regular a conduta daqueles jovens, visando aaumentar a produtividade desses sujeitos nos processos sociais, possibilitando assim sua inserção nos mesmos. / This dissertation aims to make visible the practices proposed by the Open School Program, in a state school in Alvorada/RS (a city in Brazil), to attend community and, preferably, that the young periphery in order to detect such practices that have been operating on the same conduct and, as such practices are experienced by them. This research has succeeded in a trajectory of ethnographic. Used for both, from a poststructuralist perspective, as the theoretical Cultural Studies in Education I am also using some tools foucaudian. This study examined practices developed within the Open School Program at that institution, in order to visualize how they would be given to the interests of young people from poor neighborhoods and how they are a possibility of inclusion in the same, making them as individuals more productive to society.Through observations of program development in such a school as well as analysis of interviews with the leaders and even the young participants the investigation was possible to perceive that the program at that location, was productive for those whom it is intended to provide a space for leisure, socialization and learning; possibility that contributes to the formation of subjects more committed to that public space, thereby triggering the reduction school violence. It was also possible to infer that the program at that school, invests in disciplinary mechanisms to control and regulate the conduct of those young aimed at increasing the productivity of these individuals in social processes, thus enabling its therein.

Educação inclusiva e implicações no currículo escolar : a invenção de outros processos de ensinar e de aprender

Monteiro, Maria Rosangela Carrasco January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese, intitulada EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA E IMPLICAÇÕES NO CURRÍCULO ESCOLAR: a invenção de outros processos de ensinar e de aprender, tem como objetivo discutir as implicações que a proposta de Educação Inclusiva pode produzir nas formas de organização do currículo escolar. O estudo está inserido no campo dos Estudos Culturais em Educação, em uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista e utilizou uma abordagem qualitativa com estratégias metodológicas de inspiração etnográfica. A pesquisa visa analisar de que modo a proposta de Educação Inclusiva, defendida no Plano Político Pedagógico da escola investigada, uma escola pública municipal de Porto Alegre, vem operando mudanças na organização curricular das turmas dos diferentes Ciclos de Formação do Ensino Fundamental. A proposta investigada está fundamentada no trabalho com alunos com Deficiência Intelectual ou Autismo e também os considerados de vulnerabilidade social, enturmados em turmas regulares. Dessa forma é dado enfoque aos projetos desenvolvidos na escola, entre eles o da Docência Compartilhada, as diferenciadas metodologias empregadas nos processos de planejamento e avaliação e a implicação de tais estratégias na produção do que pode ser chamado de currículo inclusivo. Autores como Antônio Flavio Moreira, Michael Foucault, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, José Gimeno Sacristán e Maria Teresa Esteban, entre outros, foram referencias no trabalho desenvolvido. Conceitos como representação, identidade, diferença e relações de poder se articularam nas análises empreendidas. O estudo da proposta pedagógica investigada indica que a partir da presença de alunos ditos de inclusão, especialmente, daqueles com Deficiência Intelectual e ou com Autismo, foi possível produzir alterações curriculares. Tais alterações, efetivadas por meio dos modos de exercer a docência, centradas nas condições e possibilidades dos alunos e planejadas coletivamente, têm produzido o que se pode chamar de um currículo inclusivo. Tal currículo constitui-se através de um processo contínuo que tem por finalidade garantir o direito de todos a uma escolarização em que as formas de conviver com as diferenças produzam relações que se pautem no respeito, na igualdade de direito, no atendimento das necessidades individuais. Enfim, um currículo em que todos os alunos possam ser avaliados como sujeitos com diferentes possibilidades. O estudo também indicou que os alunos considerados de vulnerabilidade social continuam desafiando as formas de organização escolar no que se refere à inclusão escolar. / This thesis, entitled INLCLUSIVE EDUCATION AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON SCHOOL PROGRAM: the invention of other learning and teaching processes, has as goal to discuss the implications that an Inclusive Education propose may produce in forms of organize a school program. This study is in the field of Cultural Studies in Education, under a poststructuralist perspective, and used a qualitative approach with methodological strategies of ethnographic inspiration. The research aims to analyze in which way the propose of an Inclusive Education defended on the Pedagogical Political Plan of the school studied, a public and municipal school in Porto Alegre, has been operating changes in the program organization of classes of different Training Cycles of Elementary School. The investigated propose is grounded on work with students with Intellectual Disability or Autism, and also those considered in social vulnerability situation, fitted in regular classes. This way, the focus are projects developed at school, among them the Shared Teaching project, the different methodologies used in the planning and evaluation processes, and the implication of those in what can be called inclusive program. Authors such as Antonio Flavio Moreira, Michael Foucault, Tomaz Tadeu Da Silva, Jose Gimeno Sacristán and Maria Teresa Esteban, among others, have been references to the developed work. Concepts like representation, identity, difference e power relations in the undertaken analysis. The study of the investigated pedagogical propose indicates that, from the presence of inclusion students, especially those with intellectual disability and or autism, it was possible to produce changes in the programs. These changes, done by the ways of exercise teaching, centered in conditions and possibilities of students and planned collectively, have been producing what can be called an inclusive program. Such program is constituted through a continuous process that has as goal to guarantee the right of all to schooling in a way that forms of living together with differences produce relations which are based on respect, equal rights, support of individual necessities. Ultimately, the program in which all students may be evaluated as individuals with different possibilities. The study also identified that students considered of social vulnerability keep challenging forms of school organization regarding to school inclusion.

Programa escola da terra no estado do Amazonas: possibilidades e desafios da formação docente

Ferreira, Silmar da Silva 18 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-01-11T13:21:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 silmardasilvaferreira.pdf: 6185124 bytes, checksum: 295ee8b6a6ce74c05831a20089e381fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-01-31T11:18:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silmardasilvaferreira.pdf: 6185124 bytes, checksum: 295ee8b6a6ce74c05831a20089e381fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-31T11:18:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silmardasilvaferreira.pdf: 6185124 bytes, checksum: 295ee8b6a6ce74c05831a20089e381fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-18 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão a ser estudado apresenta como problema social o fato de que as políticas públicas educacionais são pensadas para a cidade e para os meios de produção urbana e, o que se recomenda ao campo é “adaptar” as propostas, a escola, os currículos, os calendários às situações que diferenciam as escolas do campo das demais escolas. O presente trabalho busca analisar a formação continuada de professores e professoras que atuam nas classes multisseriadas (caracterizadas por concentrarem, em uma mesma sala de aula, alunos de diferentes idades e séries, sob a regência de um/a único/a docente) do 1º ao 5º ano nas escolas da educação do campo, no estado do Amazonas, no ano de 2014, desenvolvida pelo Programa Escola da Terra. Tal programa consiste em uma política pública educacional permanente, que nasce sob o guarda-chuva do Pronacampo, para formação dos/das professores/as que atuam em classes multisseriadas de séries iniciais do ensino fundamental nas escolas localizadas na zona rural e oferecer recursos didáticos e pedagógicos que atendam às especificidades formativas das populações do campo e quilombolas. Os objetivos definidos para este estudo foram descrever a forma como a política de formação docente proposta pelo Programa Escola da Terra foi desenvolvida no estado do Amazonas no ano de 2014; analisar as articulações entre a política de formação docente oferecida pelo programa associada ao seu comprometimento com a questão da sustentabilidade e com as concepções que historicamente foram construídas para a Educação do Campo em meio às lutas sociais pela garantia dos direitos dos povos do campo; e propor ações a serem desenvolvidas durante a execução do Plano de Ação Educacional – PAE. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia a pesquisa de caráter qualitativo e como instrumentos a pesquisa que contempla o levantamento do processo histórico na definição de marcos legais, além dos documentos pertinentes ao Programa Escola da Terra cedidos pela coordenação estadual e pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Durante a pesquisa o que se percebeu é que o Escola da Terra se constitui em uma conquista no que se refere à oferta de formação continuada às escolas do campo, contudo não se basta. É preciso expandir o alcance de suas ações a partir de uma reflexão quanto ao que se pretende enquanto mudança para um futuro mais promissor para os povos do campo. / This thesis is developed in the Professional Master in Management and Federal University of Education Evaluation of Juiz de Fora (CAEd / UFJF). The case management to be studied presents a social problem the fact that educational policies are designed for the city and the means of urban production, which is recommended to the field is "adapt" the proposed school, curricula, timetables to situations that distinguish schools field of other schools. This study seeks to analyze the ongoing training of teachers who work in multigrade classes (characterized by focusing, in the same classroom, students of different ages and grades, under the direction of a / the single / teaching) of 1 to 5th grade in schools of rural education in the state of Amazonas, in 2014, developed by Earth School Program. This program consists of a permanent educational public policy, which comes under the umbrella Pronacampo for training / the teachers / those working in multigrade classes in the early grades of elementary education in schools located in rural areas and provide educational resources and pedagogical training that meet the specific characteristics of the populations of the field and maroon. The objectives defined for this study were to describe how the teacher training policy proposed by the Earth School Program was developed in Amazonas state in 2014; analyze the links between teacher education policy offered by the program associated with its commitment to the issue of sustainability and the concepts that were historically built for Rural Education in the midst of social struggles by ensuring the rights of the peoples of the field; and propose actions to be developed during the implementation of the Education Action Plan - PAE. Therefore, it was used as methodology the qualitative research and as tools to research that includes the lifting of the historical process in the definition of legal frameworks, in addition to the relevant documents to the Earth School Program granted by the State Coordination and the Federal University of Amazonas . During the research which was realized it is that the School of Earth constitutes an achievement in relation to the provision of continuing education to schools in the field, but not enough. It is necessary to expand the scope of their actions from a reflection on what is intended as a shift to a more promising future for the peoples of the field.

Programa Escola Integrada: desafios e possibilidades para gestão escolar

Silva, Nelson de Souza 25 October 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-07T14:22:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 nelsondesouzasilva.pdf: 544041 bytes, checksum: b49c28fc17376b4b1d822c019a56e88c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T01:59:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 nelsondesouzasilva.pdf: 544041 bytes, checksum: b49c28fc17376b4b1d822c019a56e88c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T01:59:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nelsondesouzasilva.pdf: 544041 bytes, checksum: b49c28fc17376b4b1d822c019a56e88c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-25 / A finalidade deste estudo é analisar a implementação do Programa Escola Integrada (PEI) pelo gestor escolar em duas escolas da Rede Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte e, a partir dessa análise, propor um Plano de Ação Educacional visando aprimorar esse processo. O Programa Escola Integrada (PEI), implantado em 2007 pela Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, tem como objetivo melhorar a qualidade da educação a partir da ampliação da jornada escolar. A implantação do Programa Escola Integrada ocorre de forma vertical (Top/Down) e agrega novos atores ao processo de formação do aluno, gerando, no contexto da prática, alienação e críticas por parte dos diferentes profissionais que atuam no ensino regular. Nesse contexto, o processo de implementação torna-se um grande desafio para a gestão escolar no sentido de garantir a concretização dos objetivos propostos pela política. Para a realização do presente estudo, adotou-se a metodologia de estudo de caso de cunho qualitativo, com a coleta de dados realizada por meio de pesquisas documentais e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os educadores que atuam no processo de implementação do Programa e, também, com os gestores e docentes do ensino regular das escolas pesquisadas. O aporte teórico se deu por meio do diálogo com a produção acadêmica sobre o tema abordado. A análise das pesquisas realizadas nas Escolas A e B revelou que a implementação do Programa Escola Integrada foi dificultada por diversos fatores, entre eles: falhas no processo seletivo dos agentes culturais; desconhecimento dos objetivos do Programa por parte dos implementadores; falta de articulação do Programa com o ensino regular e o Projeto Político-Pedagógico da escola; e desconhecimento do Programa pelos usuários. Sendo assim, foi apresentado um Plano de Ação Educacional com ações a serem colocadas em prática pelo gestor escolar, visando o aprimoramento do processo de implementação do Programa Escola Integrada. / The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of the Integrated School Program (IEP) at school manager in two schools of the Municipal Education of Belo Horizonte, and propose an Action Plan aimed Educational enhance this process. The Integrated School Program (IEP), established in 2007 by the city of Belo Horizonte, aims to improve the quality of education from the extension of the school day. The implementation of the program in schools occurs vertically (Top / Down), and from the role of new actors in the process of training the student in the context of generating practical alienation and resistance from various professionals working in the school. In this context the implementation process becomes a challenge for the school management to ensure the achievement of the objectives proposed by the policy. For this study, we adopted the methodology of case study with qualitative approach to data collection made from documentary research and semi-structured interviews with educators who work in the process of implementing the program, the managers and the mainstream education teachers of the schools surveyed. The theoretical approach was through a dialogue with the academic production about the topic. The analysis of research conducted in schools A and B revealed that the process of implementing the program is hampered by flaws in the selection process of cultural agents working in the implementation, the difficulty of linking the program with regular education, the ignorance of the aims by the implementers, lack of conjunction with the Politic Pedagogical School Project and the lack Program by users. Thus, we presented a Plan of Action with Educational actions to be put into practice by school management, aiming an improving process of implementing the program.

An Assessment of Elementary School Children’s Diet and Physical Activity Levels

Serrano Arce, Karen Tamara 24 March 2016 (has links)
With prevalence rates of obesity among children and adolescents steadily rising, childhood obesity and overweight has become a public health concern. Publically funded elementary schools are in a unique position to provide children with opportunities regarding the promotion of physical activity and healthy nutritional behaviors. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct exploratory research to investigate the dietary habits of elementary school students enrolled in four Hillsborough County Out-of-School Time (HOST) care programs. Methods: The study utilized a quantitative, non-experimental study design. The instruments that were used in this research included a new questionnaire that was titled “All about You Yesterday”. This paper questionnaire was a combination of questions from the Physical Questionnaire for Older Children, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and Day in The Life Of Questionnaire. The questionnaire gathered information about what the students had eaten the day before. It also allowed for collection of students’ gender, age, and grade level, physical activity levels, and the amount of time they spent being sedentary. Dietary data collected from the questionnaire was inputted into the ASA-24-Kids program for calculating Healthy Eating Index scores. Scores were examined to categorize the children’s diets as: poor, needs improvement, and good. This data was plotted into SAS to determine if there were patterns. The relationships between dietary and demographic factors were analyzed. A logistic regression model was used to test the association between dietary scores and amount of physical activity. Results: A total of 91 students participated in this study. The average score was categorized as needs improvement, as were the majority of the students’ diets. The findings showed a pattern that diets improved from third to fourth grade and declined in fifth grade. More males had diets that were categorized as needs improvement rather than poor, and site C had the most students with diet in the needs improvement category. However, none of the covariates were significant. The models used to test the association between the HEI scores and the amount of physical activity produced large p- values (> 0.05), which indicates weak evidence against the null hypothesis that states that there is no association. The same was true for the association between sedentary levels and the HEI categories. Conclusions: The study showed that, regardless of having the opportunity to eat nutritious meals, a great number of after-school children had diets that were categorized as poor. Findings also showed that there was no association between diet and the amount of physical activity that the after-school children participated in; nor did the diets have an association with the sedentary levels reported. Recommendations: In an effort to improve the diets of elementary school children, schools should encourage their students to try fruits and vegetables that are being offered through taste tests. If the meals that are offered during the taste tests are enjoyed then they should be offered as part of the school’s lunch or snack. After school programs should also offer these taste tests and include short nutritional lessons into their programs where children are also given the opportunity to cook and eat healthy snacks.

Peer-Assisted Social Learning In Urban After-School Programs

Helseth, Sarah A 20 May 2016 (has links)
This study launches a program of research that targets the unmet mental health needs of children living in urban poverty by infusing evidence-based practices and mental health promotion into peer-mediated recreational activities delivered in community-based after-school programs (ASP). We examined the feasibility and promise of a Peer-Assisted Social Learning (PASL) model to promote social competence among low-income, minority youth. In collaboration with our community partner, we developed and implemented a series of 21 recreational activities designed to generate natural opportunities for peer-facilitated problem solving. Socially skilled children were identified by ASP staff and paired with less-skilled peers to maximize opportunities for social learning and minimize the demands placed on staff. Thirty children at an Experimental site participated in PASL activities, while 31 children at a Comparison ASP participated in recreation-as-usual activities. Five Experimental staff received training and participated in 10 weekly supervision meetings to support PASL implementation. Feasibility was assessed using measures of child and staff attendance, participation, and engagement in PASL, as well as staff adherence to and competence with implementation. Promise was assessed pre- and post-PASL, using measures including staff-reported social skills, children’s problem-solving strategies, and peer reported social standing (i.e., likability ratings, peer nominations, and social network mapping). Strong evidence emerged for fidelity of implementation (adherence, competence) and broader feasibility (attendance, participation, enthusiasm). Promise effects were mixed; children who participated in PASL demonstrated improvements in problem behavior and social skills, but also exhibited increased reliance on aggressive strategies to solve problems and some declines in peer-reported social standing. Implications related to the capacity of ASPs to incorporate evidence-based practices for mental health promotion into natural routines are discussed.

Hur kvalitetssäkrar vi fritidshemmet? : En studie om utmaningarna att implementera läroplan för fritidshem

Carlstedt, Martina January 2020 (has links)
This essay is about how I explore and above all reflect on my future assignment as a teacher. The purpose of the text is to examine what is in the governing document for the after-school center and thus the assignment for an after-school center teacher. The primary questions that are asked is what type of conditions are important for an after-school center teacher, in order for the after-school center teacher to be able to comply with the National Agency for Education's intention with chapter 4 in the curriculum. As a research method, I look at previous research in the subject and take in perspectives from professional role, profession and leadership. I will link to theory about the pedagogical leadership and who is responsible for quality assurance of the leisure center. The results of the survey will show the complexand difficult task that an after-school teacher has with collaboration in school and the leisure pedagogical task in the after-school center. An assignment that currently is hard to navigate and may be interpreted differently by an after-school teacher or principal in which the conditions are paramount.

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