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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pupils' perceptions of and reactions to stress in school

Macrae, Sheila January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Rural Schoolchildren's Growth and Nutrition: A Study of Obesity, Diet and School Environment in Grey and Bruce Counties, Ontario, Canada

Galloway, Tracey 24 June 2008 (has links)
This thesis reports findings of a biocultural study of the growth and nutrition of children attending schools in rural Ontario, Canada. The objectives of the research were fourfold: (I) to evaluate the growth and nutrition status of a sample of rural Canadian schoolchildren; (2) to explore the school context of children· s nutrition; (3) to build knowledge useful for the development and implementation of nutrition policy and programs; and ( 4) to conduct nutrition workshops with children and parents in school and community settings. Methods: Measures of height and weight were obtained for 504 children ages 7-13 years. Height for age and body mass index scores were calculated and compared with 2000 data from the Centers for Disease Control (Kuczmarski et al. 2002). Weekday 24-hour dietary recall was conducted on a subsample of 352 children and the results compared with Canada's Food Guide (Health Canada 1997) and dietary reference data from the US Institute of Medicine (2000). Focus groups were conducted with 144 schoolchildren ages 8-13 years. Open-ended questions were used to encourage students to describe the physical and social environments in which they consume school snacks and lunches. Results: Prevalence of overweight and obesity were high in this sample, with 17.7% of children classified as overweight and 10.9% of children classified as obese. Fifteen percent of boys were classified as obese, compared to 6.8% of girls. Boys consumed significantly more servings from the grain and meat food groups than girls. While mean daily intake of fiber and micronutrients was significantly low for both boys and girls, there were significant gender differences in nutrient intake. with boys consuming greater energy. protein. carbohydrate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium than girls. The results of focus group analysis suggest that a wide range ofrules and restrictions are imposed on children's activities during school meals. The majority of these rules govern the physical location. movement. and social interaction of students, suggesting a significant degree of institutionalized control over children's bodies and interactions. Few ofthe rules and restrictions were perceived by children to relate to their nutrition or health. And the imposition of these rules and restrictions occurs in a gendered fashion, creating a gendered climate in which school and societal stereotypes about boys· and girls' behaviour are normalized. In addition, food rewards constitute an important avenue for the communication of values and norms around food and children· s behaviour. Discussion: The results of the present study describe high prevalence ofoverweight in both boys and girls. This finding is consistent with data on childhood obesity in other rural North American settings, where socioeconomic factors such as income, employment and education contribute to elevated obesity risk in both adults and children. In addition, children in this sample are generally consuming less than optimal servings from the four food groups outlined in Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating (Health Canada l 997). resulting in widespread nutritional inadequacies. Interventions for this population ofrural children should target overall dietary inadequacies and replacement of existing caloric intake with nutrient-rich foods from across all four food groups. Boys have higher obesity prevalence and consume significantly greater levels ofdietary energy and nutrients than girls. This finding is less common in the literature on child nutrition and may be evidence of gendered dietary patterns in this rural population. In addition, the results of focus group analysis indicate that educators and health workers need to be cognizant that school-based programs and policies aimed at decreasing childhood obesity prevalence occur in a wider context ofinstitutional rules and practices that communicate powerful messages about food and children· s bodies. Based on a biocultural analysis that examines biological outcomes in the context ofsocial processes, the present study sheds light on factors in the school environment that impact child nutrition. It also offers new directions for investigation into the tractability of schoolchildren· s eating behaviours, which constrain public health approaches to obesity prevention programs in schools. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Cognitive arithmetic & mathematical ability : a developmental perspective

Gray, Colette Helen January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Destruktyvaus mokinių elgesio valdymas kaip ugdymo kokybės prielaida / Management of schoolchildren destructive behaviour as presumption of education quality

Grudzinskaitė, Jonė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Vadovaujantis prof. B. Bitino (2004) mintimis, galima labai aiškiai atskirti moksleivių destruktyvaus elgesio vadybinį (valdymo) lygmenį ir jo praktinio realizavimo (pedagoginį) lygmenį. Visgi vadybinis - administracinis lygmuo negali būti atskirtas nuo tiesioginio pedagoginio proceso jau vien todėl, kad vadybinės priemonės turi remtis konkrečiais auklėjimo uždaviniais, įvertinant tiek teorines šio proceso prielaidas, tiek ir konkrečių taikytinų priemonių efektyvumą. Kitaip tariant, mokinių destruktyvaus elgesio vadyba turi remtis konkrečiais edukologijos, psichologijos ir kitų mokslo sričių, tiriančių asmenybę ir jos raidą, pasiekimais. Tik tuomet ji bus rezultatyvi ir efektyvi. Kita vertus, labai svarbu, kad taikomi vadybiniai modeliai būtų tinkami keliamiems pedagoginiams uždaviniams. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad ir mokiniai, ir mokytojai mato nemažai galimybių gerinti auklėjamąjį darbą.. Tačiau mokytojai įvairias vadybines priemones dažniausiai vertina kaip daug efektyvesnes nei mano mokiniai. Ir mokiniai, ir mokytojai vieningai akcentuoja didesnio dėmesio svarbą mokinių tarpusavio santykiams. Tyrimas parodė, kad 6-8 klasių mokiniai nėra pakankamai įsisąmoninę netinkamo (destruktyvaus) elgesio žalą pačiam mokiniui, mokymosi rezultatams ir tarpusavio santykiams su bendraamžiais ir mokytojais. Destruktyvi mokinio elgsena neretai priklauso nuo jo nesugebėjimo realizuoti savąjį „Aš“ pozityviais būdais. Tam turi įtakos ir mokytojo bei kitų specialistų dalykinė kompetencija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / According to the prof. B. Bitinas it is possible clearly distinguish between the managerial level of schoolchildren destructive behaviour and it’s practical realization (pedagogical) level. However managerial–administrative level can not be separated from direct pedagogical process because the managerial instruments shall go entirely with the concrete educational tasks, assessing the theoretical preconditions for this process and effectiveness of possible to apply concrete tools. In other words, the management of schoolchildren destructive behaviour has appeal to the concrete achievements of science analysing personality and it’s evolution as educology, psychology and etc. Only then it could be effective and useful. But also it is very important that applied managerial models would be appropriate for raised pedagogical tasks. The accomplished research showed that schoolchildren of 6-8 class do not realize clearly the harm of bad (destructive) behaviour for themselves, learning results and relations between contemporaries and teachers. The appearance of schoolchild destructive behaviour usually depends on incapacity to realize his ego in positive ways. The teacher’s and other specialist’s competence, communication with schoolchildren skills also have influence. Both teachers and schoolchildren often assess similarly the appearance of schoolchildren destructive behaviour, it reasons and effective education methods. But also there are some essential differences. Knowing of... [to full text]

Epidemiology of food hypersensitivity in schoolchildren : Validation with double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges and biomarkers

Winberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Background: This thesis focuses on the incidence and remission of reported food hypersensitivity in schoolchildren followed from 8 to 12 -years of age and the prevalence of hypersensitivity to milk, egg, cod and wheat among 12-year olds investigated by reported data, clinical investigation and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges and biomarkers. Methods: The studies are mainly based on a population based cohort recruited in 2006 from three municipalities in Northern Sweden. All children in first and second grade, aged 7-8 years, were invited to a parental questionnaire study and 2585 (96% of invited) participated. The children in two of the municipalities were also invited to a skin prick test with airborne allergens. At age 11-12 years, there was a follow-up of the cohort using the same methods, with the addition of a child interview and assessment of body mass index (BMI). At the follow-up, children who reported milk hypersensitivity were invited to structured interviews and children reporting complete elimination of milk, egg, cod or wheat due to perceived hypersensitivity were invited to a clinical examination and blood sampling. According to test results, the children were categorized into different food hypersensitivity phenotypes according to preset criteria. Children categorized as current food allergy were then invited to further evaluation with a double-blind placebo-controlled food-challenge using newly developed recipes. Before their use, the recipes were successfully validated regarding detectable sensorial differences between the active and placebo substances in a separate cohort of healthy schoolchildren (n=275). Before and after the challenge series blood samples were collected for analyses of cytokine mRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells including hallmark cytokines for the humoral allergy-promoting T helper (Th) 2 response, cellular cytotoxicity-promoting Th1 response, inflammatory-, and T regulatory responses. Fecal inflammatory biomarkers were also analyzed before and after the challenge series. Results: Reported food hypersensitivity increased from 21% at age 7-8 years to 26% at 11-12 years. There was a high incidence (15%) as well as a high remission (33%) of reported food hypersensitivity. Risk factors associated with incidence and remission were different for milk hypersensitivity and hypersensitivity to foods other than milk. The agreement between reported symptoms to milk, egg, cod, wheat, soy and peanut and sensitization to the culprit food was poor. At 11 to 12-years of age the prevalence of reported allergy to milk, egg, cod or wheat was 4.8% while the allergy prevalence according to clinical evaluation was 1.4%. This figure was further halved when evaluated with double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges. The majority of children with reported allergy to milk, egg, cod and wheat were categorized as other food hypersensitivity phenotypes, the most common being probable lactose intolerance (40%) and outgrown food allergy (19%). Even though reported milk hypersensitivity among the 11-12 year olds was 14.5%, only 3% were categorized as current milk allergy. Current and outgrown milk allergy was associated with other atopic disorders and a lower BMI (OR 0.8, 95% CI 0.80-0.98). Before the challenge series, the mRNA expression of the cytokines IL-13 and IL-10 were higher among children with a positive compared to a negative challenge outcome. Conclusion: Reported food hypersensitivity was common among school children in Northern Sweden and increased from 7-8 years to 11-12 years of age, and both the incidence and remission of reported hypersensitivity was high. There was an 8-fold difference in the prevalence of allergy to milk, egg, cod or wheat when reported data was assessed by clinical examinations and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges. Allergy to milk, egg, cod and wheat was an uncommon cause of complete avoidance of these foods due to perceived hypersensitivity. Some of the analyzed biomarkers might serve as prognostic markers for symptomatic, IgE-mediated food allergy but need further validation. / Bakgrund: Födoämnesöverkänslighet håller på att bli ett stort och kostsamt hälsoproblem i västvärlden. Prevalensen av rapporterad födoämnes-överkänslighet bland barn ökar, men det är fortfarande oklart om detta avspeglar en sann ökning i populationen. Det finns en stor spridning mellan uppmätta prevalenstal i olika studier och i de få studier där man följt upp rapporterade data med objektiva metoder ses en hög överrapportering. Data saknas om reell prevalens av födoämnesöverkänslighet bland skolbarn i Sverige. Befintliga prevalensdata baseras på rapporterad födoämnes-överkänslighet och studier saknas där angiven födoämnesöverkänslighet i en barnpopulationskohort validerats med objektiva metoder. Även om dubbelblinda provokationer räknas som ”gold standard” används i praktiken endast sjukhistoria, pricktest och analys av specifikt Immunoglubulin E (IgE) samt öppna provokationer för diagnostik. Metoderna har flera felkällor och mer tillförlitlig diagnostisk behövs, särskilt vid sena och svårtolkade symtom. Korrekt diagnos är särskilt viktig när baslivsmedel har eliminerats eftersom kostrestriktionerna riskerar att leda till negativa konsekvenser för livskvalitet och intag av viktiga näringsämnen. Syfte: Studierna i denna avhandling fokuserade på incidens och remission av födoämnesöverkänslighet bland skolbarn i Norrbotten, som följdes från 7-8 år till 11-12 års ålder, och på prevalens av överkänslighet mot mjölk, ägg, fisk och vete bland 12-åringar, undersökt med rapporterade data, klinisk undersökning samt dubbelblinda placebokontrollerade födoämnes-provokationer och biomarkörer. Metod: Den huvudsakliga delen av det här projektet är baserat på en populations-baserad kohort som rekryterades 2006 från 3 kommuner i norra Sverige. Föräldrar till alla barn i klass 1 och 2 (7-8 år) bjöds in till ett frågeformulär, som besvarades av 96% (n=2585) av de inbjudna. Barnen från två av kommunerna, Luleå och Kiruna, bjöds också in till ett pricktest med 10 vanliga luftburna allergen och 90% (n=1700) av de inbjudna deltog. År 2010, när barnen var 11-12 år, gjordes en studieuppföljning med samma metoder och med ytterligare tillägg av en intervju med barnet och bestämning av body mass index (BMI). Studiedeltagandet i enkäter och pricktest var lika högt vid uppföljningen som vid studiestart. Vid studieuppföljningen bjöds barn med rapporterad mjölköverkänslighet in till en strukturerad intervju och barn som helt undvek mjölk, ägg, fisk eller vete på grund av upplevd överkänslighet, bjöds in till klinisk undersökning och provtagning. Baserat på testresultaten kategoriserades barnen i olika fenotyper av födoämnesöverkänslighet utifrån förutbestämda kriterier. Barn som bedömdes ha en aktuell födoämnesallergi bjöds därefter in till vidare utredning med dubbelblind placebokontrollerad födoämnes-provokation. De recept som användes vid de dubbelblinda provokationerna hade dessförinnan validerats avseende detekterbara smak- och konsistens-skillnader mellan aktiv- och placebosubstans i en separat kohort av friska skolbarn (n=275). Före och efter den dubbelblinda provokationen samlades blodprover in för analys av cytokin mRNA-uttryck i mononukleära celler. Analyserna inkluderade cytokiner kännetecknande för humoralt allergidrivande T-hjälpar 2 (Th2) svar, cellulärt cytotoxiskt drivande Th1 svar samt inflammatoriskt- och T-reglerande svar. Vidare insamlades avföringsprover för analys av inflammatoriska biomarkörer före och efter genomgången provokationsserie. Resultat: Prevalensen av föräldrarapporterad födoämnesöverkänslighet ökade från 21% vid 7-8 år till nästan 26% vid 11-12 års ålder. Incidensen av rapporterad födoämnesöverkänslighet var hög (15%), liksom remissionen (33%). Riskfaktorer associerade med incidens och remission var olika för mjölk-överkänslighet och överkänslighet mot andra födoämnen. Vi såg också en bristande samstämmighet mellan föräldrarapporterad överkänslighet mot mjölk, ägg, fisk, vete, soja och jordnöt och IgE-sensibilisering mot det aktuella födoämnet. Vid 11-12 års ålder var prevalensen av rapporterad allergi mot mjölk, ägg, fisk eller vete 4.8%, medan prevalensen baserad på klinisk undersökning och provtagning var 1.4%. Prevalenssiffran halverades ytterligare när kliniskt bedömd födoämnesallergi validerades med dubbelblinda placebo-kontrollerade födoämnesprovokationer. Majoriteten av barnen med rapporterad allergi mot mjölk, ägg, fisk eller vete klassificerades som andra fenotyper av födoämnesöverkänslighet, varav de vanligast förekommande var möjlig laktosintolerans (40%) och utläkt födoämnesallergi (19%). Även om förekomsten av rapporterad mjölköverkänslighet bland 11-12 åringarna var så hög som 14.5%, kategoriserades bara 3% av dessa som en aktuell mjölkallergi. Mjölkallergi, aktuell eller utläkt, var associerat med andra atopirelaterade tillstånd och ett lägre BMI (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.80-0.98) jämfört med barn som inte undvek mjölkprodukter. Före den dubbelblinda provokationsserien var mRNA-uttrycket av den Th2-relaterade cytokinen IL-13 och den regulatoriska cytokinen IL-10 högre bland barn med provokationspåvisad födoämnesallergi jämfört med barn med en negativ födoämnesprovokation. Såväl före som efter provokationsserien kunde högre nivåer av inflammationsmarkörerna eosinofil-deriverat neurotoxin (EDN) och kalprotektin uppmätas i avföringsprover från barn med positivt provokationsutfall jämfört med barn med negativ födoämnesprovokation. Skillnaderna i uppmätta nivåer av biomarkörer i faeces uppnådde dock inte statistisk signifikans. Slutsats: Rapporterad födoämnesöverkänslighet var vanligt förekommande bland skolbarn i Norrbotten och ökade från 7-8 år till 11-12 års ålder. Incidensen av rapporterad födoämnesöverkänslighet var hög, liksom remissionen. Prevalensen av rapporterad allergi mot mjölk, ägg, fisk eller vete var 8 gånger högre än den prevalens som kunde påvisas med dubbelblind placebokontrollerad födoämnesprovokation. Allergi mot mjölk, ägg, fisk och vete var en ovanlig orsak till att barn helt undvek dessa födoämnen på grund av upplevd överkänslighet. Några av de biomarkörer som analyserades innan provokationsserierna visade lovande resultat som möjliga, framtida prognostiska markörer för symptomatisk, IgE-medierad födoämnesallergi. Dessa resultat behöver dock valideras med ytterligare studier.

Avaliação da compreensão leitora para adolescentes do ciclo II do ensino fundamental / Reading comprehension assessment for teenagers ninth grade in elementary school

Annize, Luci Neire Aparecida 08 December 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar a compreensão leitora de adolescentes do 9º ano e elaborar programa estruturado para estimulação de leitura. Participaram deste estudo 30 escolares, na faixa de 13 a 17 anos de idade de ambos os gêneros do Ciclo II (9º ano). A coleta de dados foi realizada pela pesquisadora principal, de forma individual com duração de 60 minutos, em até 2 sessões. Foram aplicados os seguintes instrumentos: Avaliação da Compreensão Leitora de textos expositivos, Consciência Fonológica, Acesso ao Léxico Mental e Prova de Memória de Trabalho Fonológica. A partir da análise dos resultados, pôde-se observar através do teste de Mann-Whitney que não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando se comparou o desempenho das habilidades do processamento fonológico entre meninos e meninas. Da mesma forma, quanto às habilidades de compreensão leitora e comparação entre os gêneros observou-se que também não houve diferença estatística, ressaltando que as habilidades que apresentaram maior dificuldade foram as de: relacionar as ideias (63%), identificar a organização com perguntas (87%) e fazer comentários (77%). No que se refere à prova de repetição de dígitos, comprovou-se que os sujeitos recordaram mais dígitos da ordem direta que na ordem inversa e quanto maior o número de sílabas, maior se torna a dificuldade. A consciência fonológica influenciou mais no desempenho da leitura e escrita do que a habilidade silábica, havendo um maior escore de erros no nível fonêmico. A velocidade está diretamente relacionada à fluência de leitura. O estudo sobre a memória do trabalho fonológica evidencia que está associada com habilidades de compreensão da leitura, pois esta requer que partes do texto sejam mantidas por determinado tempo no sistema de memória de trabalho. Essa pesquisa teve sua importância pela observação das dificuldades e avanços de escolares do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental quanto à compreensão leitora no auxílio aos profissionais. / This research aimed to verify the reading comprehension of teenagers in 9th grade and elaborate a structured program for stimulating reading. The study included 30 schoolchildren aged 13 to 17 years old of both genders on Elementary School (9th grade). Data collection was performed by the main researcher, individually lasting 60 minutes up to 2 sessions. The following instruments were applied: Reading Comprehension Assessment of expository texts, Phonological Awareness, Access to the Mental Lexicon and Memory Test of Phonological Working. From the analysis of the results, it was observed through the Mann-Whitney test that there was no statistically significant difference when comparing the performance of the phonological processing skills between boys and girls. Likewise, for the reading comprehension skills and comparison between genders, it was observed that there was also no statistical difference, noting that the skills that presented the greatest difficulty were: to relate ideas (63%), to identify the organization with questions (87%) and make comments (77%). With regard to proof of digit repetition, it was verified that the individuals reminded more digits of the direct order than in the reverse order and the higher the number of syllables, the greater becomes the difficulty. Phonological awareness has influenced more in the performance of reading and writing ability than syllabic, with a higher error score in the phonemic level. The speed is directly related to reading fluency. The study about the phonological working memory evidences that it is associated with reading comprehension skills, as this requires that parts of the text are maintained for a time in working memory system. This research had its importance due to the observation of the difficulties and advances of schoolchildren from the 9th year of elementary school, as well as the reading comprehension in the help of professionals.

Fasta formella grupper inom skolklassens ram : en metod att träna empati?

Jansson, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Skolan är en viktig del av livet. Det är i skolan barnen interagerar med sina kamrater och lär för livet. Det kan också vara en farlig plats där psykiska problem och ohälsa utvecklas. Metoder har arbetats fram för att skapa förutsättningar för barnens socioemotionella välbefinnande, en målsättning som även ingår i läroplanen. En av dessa metoder är ”Fasta formella grupper inom skolklassens ram”. I föreliggande studie undersöktes metoden och dess effekt på empati genom intervjuer med 25 fjärdeklassare och deras lärare. Undersökningen visade att både barnen och läraren tycker att metoden verkar ge bättre sociala relationer i klassen genom bland annat fler vunna kamrater och ökad hjälpsamhet. Metoden förefaller således vara ett gynnsamt verktyg för att träna empati hos barn.</p>

Fasta formella grupper inom skolklassens ram : en metod att träna empati?

Jansson, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
Skolan är en viktig del av livet. Det är i skolan barnen interagerar med sina kamrater och lär för livet. Det kan också vara en farlig plats där psykiska problem och ohälsa utvecklas. Metoder har arbetats fram för att skapa förutsättningar för barnens socioemotionella välbefinnande, en målsättning som även ingår i läroplanen. En av dessa metoder är ”Fasta formella grupper inom skolklassens ram”. I föreliggande studie undersöktes metoden och dess effekt på empati genom intervjuer med 25 fjärdeklassare och deras lärare. Undersökningen visade att både barnen och läraren tycker att metoden verkar ge bättre sociala relationer i klassen genom bland annat fler vunna kamrater och ökad hjälpsamhet. Metoden förefaller således vara ett gynnsamt verktyg för att träna empati hos barn.

Moksleivių pilietiškumas, įgyvendinant tarptautinį projektą "Europos piliečiai naujajame tūkstantmetyje" / Schoolchildren'scitizenship involving project "European citizens in the new millenium"

Kažukauskaitė, Džiuginta 05 June 2004 (has links)
The beginning of the 3rd millenium is characterized by the formation of the post modern society. Change is the main feature of it. We face quite a number of global economical and social, crime, political problems that have over-crossed boundaries of a state or society. Referring to Zaleskienė (2002), solving these problems require changes in our understanding of individual socialization and the necessity to acknowledge a citizen‘s role as most importan in democratic socium. As a result, we come to a new perspective and the necessity to develop citizenship depending on how a person understands the world and acts in it. After the restoration of Lithuanian independence, when we starte formation of civic society and integration into European Union, the question of citizenship became extremly critical. Citizenship training was defined a priority of the educational reform in Lithuania („Lithuanian Educational Conception“, 1900). An integrated program of teaching citizenship was published in 1994 („General Programs“). Backgrounds of civic society were introduced in school curriculum in 1998. since 1990 the topic has been the focus for discussions by representatives of social studies in Europe:e.g., T. McLaughlin, 1997; M.Montane, Y.Beernaert, 2001; J.P.harpes, E.Meehan; J.M.Ferry, 1993. Much attention to different aspects of civic education is given in Lithuanian educational literature as well. R. Grigas (2000), A. Šliogeris (2000), V. Jakavičius (1998), V. Gudonienė (2002), V... [to full text]

Vilniaus miesto ir rajono vidurinių mokyklų ir mokinių kaita 1990 – 2008 m / Secondary schools network and it‘s schoolchildren changes in Vilnius city and Vilnius administrative district through 1990 – 2008 years

Urbanovič, Renata 12 July 2010 (has links)
Atkūrus nepriklausomybę, Lietuvos valstybė ėmėsi tautinio atgimimo metais pradėtos švietimo reformos. Valstybingumo atkūrimas atvėrė naujas, tautos siekius atitinkančias, Lietuvos socialinės, kultūrinės, ekonominės bei politinės raidos perspektyvas. Mokyklų tinklo pertvarka, atitinkanti šiuolaikinės visuomenės mokymosi poreikius bei paklausą ir realias finansines savivaldybės galimybes, turi pagerinti mokymosi kokybę, padidinti prieinamumą ir socialinį teisingumą, padaryti švietimo sistemą efektyvesnę ir darnesnę. Taigi vienas iš švietimo sistemos atsinaujinimo kriterijų Vilniaus krašte ir yra bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų tinklo pertvarka. Tačiau labai svarbu kruopščiai ištirti dabartinę situaciją, įvertinti egzistuojančias tendencijas ir perspektyvas. Vilniaus mieste ir rajone sovietmečiu itin populiarių mišrių mokyklų beveik neliko – jos buvo išskirstytos arba reorganizuotos į vienakalbes, daugiausia lenkiškas ir lietuviškas. Labai sumažėjo rusiškų mokyklų – jas dabar lanko tik rusų bei baltarusių tautybės gyventojai. Tenkinant ne tik vietos lietuvių, bet ir tautinių mažumų poreikius mokyti vaikus valstybine lietuvių kalba, itin smarkiai išaugo lietuviškų mokyklų skaičius. Dabar lietuviškas mokyklas moksleiviai lanko kelis kartus daugiau, nei yra lietuvių tautybės gyventojų, nes dažnai nelietuviai tėvai linkę leisti vaikus į lietuviškas mokyklas. Tikėtina, kad lietuvėjimo tendencijos išliks ir ateityje. / After restoration of independence the state of Lithuania took up educational reform, which had been started in the years of national revival. Reinstatement of statehood opened new, according national aims, perspectives of social, cultural, economical and political germination. Reorganization of the school’s chain, conforming learning needs and demand of modern society, also real financial abilities of municipality, has to improve the quality of learning, increase the accessibility and social justice, make the educational system more effective and accordant. So one of criteria of the educational system’s renewal in Vilnius district is the reorganization of the secondary school’s chain. But it is very important to research thoroughly the present situation, evaluate existing trends and perspectives. In Vilnius and it’s region mixed schools, which were especially popular at soviet times, are not almost left – they were separated or restored into monolingual, mostly Polish and Lithuanian. The number of Russian schools has decreased significantly – at present only Russians and Byelorussians attend them. Stratifying needs of not only local Lithuanians but also national minorities to teach children in state Lithuanian language, especially severely increased the number of Lithuanian schools. At present students attend Lithuanian schools more than there are inhabitants of Lithuanian nationality, because often not Lithuanian present let... [to full text]

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