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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forças entre nós : o ensino de Ciências para alunos com transtorno do espectro autista /

Moura, Tiago Fernando Alves de January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Eder Pires de Camargo / Resumo: Esse estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de sete estudantes, com idades entre 9 e 13 anos, diagnosticados com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), matriculados em duas diferentes instituições de Educação Especial no interior do estado de São Paulo. Os Transtornos do Espectro Autista, em uma perspectiva médica, estão associados a um grupo de desordens que faz com que o desenvolvimento do indivíduo siga por rotas diferentes das usuais e tipicamente esperadas, em especial nas áreas de comunicação, interação social e áreas restritas de interesse. A pesquisa perpassa por reflexões sobre as potencialidades dos aprendizes com autismo e o conceito de deficiência. As atividades desenvolvidas envolvem o ensino de Ciências, mais precisamente, o ensino de Física, abordando assuntos relacionados ao conceito Físico de força e seus efeitos. As atividades foram fundamentadas, sobretudo, nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pela Professora Dra. Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho e sua proposta de sequência de ensino investigativa. Para coleta de dados utilizamo-nos de paramentos de uma pesquisa qualitativa, por meio de áudio-gravações e diários de campo. Como metodologia de análise de dados apoiamo-nos na análise do conteúdo proposta por Laurence Bardin. Os resultados de nosso estudo indicam que as sequências de ensino investigativas contribuíram para o desenvolvimento dos alunos - de forma que - as atividades concretizaram-se em desenvolvimentos conceituais, pro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The purpose of the study is to analyze the learning and development of seven students, aged between 9 and 13 years old, diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), enrolled in two different Special Education institutions in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Autistic Spectrum Disorders, from a medical perspective, are associated with a group of disorders that causes the individual's development to follow different routes than usual and typically expected, especially in the areas of communication, social interaction and restricted areas of interest. The research involves reflections on the potential of apprentices with autism and the concept of disability. The activities developed involve science teaching, more precisely, Physics teaching, addressing issues related to the Physical concept of force and its effects. The activities were based, above all, on the research developed by Professor Dr. Anna Maria Pessoa de Carvalho and her proposal for inquiry-based teaching sequence. Data Collection approaches used in qualitative research, through audio-recordings and field diaries. As a data analysis methodology we rely on the content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin. The results of our study indicate that the investigative teaching sequences contributed to the students' development, so that the activities were materialized in conceptual, procedural and attitudinal developments. / Mestre

Planejamento para o uso de analogias no ensino : reflexões de professores de Ciências e Biologia em um contexto de formação continuada colaborativa /

Almeida, Hederson Aparecido de January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Renato Eugênio da Silva Diniz / Resumo: As analogias são recursos que auxiliam o ensino de conceitos científicos, pois facilitam a transferência de significados de um conceito conhecido para um conceito desconhecido. No entanto, diversos obstáculos para a aprendizagem surgem quando são pronunciadas espontaneamente pelos professores. Assim, o planejamento para o seu uso é essencial, sendo estimulado quando os professores refletem sobre a sua prática em contextos formativos colaborativos. A temática da pesquisa envolveu a formação continuada de professores como práticos-reflexivos e a formação colaborativa. Buscou-se compreender e discutir os desafios e as possibilidades de inserção das analogias no planejamento de ensino de professores de Ciências e Biologia, quando eles refletem e planejam usá-las em um contexto de formação continuada. A abordagem da pesquisa foi qualitativa e as participantes três professoras das disciplinas supracitadas. A coleta de dados foi dividida em cinco etapas: 1) desenvolvimento de um curso sobre o uso de analogias; 2) planejamento de uma aula com o uso desse recurso; 3) implementação da aula; 4) entrevista semiestruturada e 5) discussão em grupo. Todas as etapas foram gravadas em áudio. As fases 1 e 5 foram realizadas com todas as participantes reunidas, e as fases 2, 3 e 4 realizadas individualmente com cada professora e a presença do pesquisador. O referencial analítico adotado foi a análise textual discursiva. Para a 1ª etapa foram geradas oito categorias acerca dos significados que a... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Analogies are resources that assist the teaching of scientific concepts, since they facilitate the transfer of meanings from a known concept to an unknown concept. However, several obstacles to learning arise when analogies are pronounced spontaneously by teachers. Therefore, the planning for its use is essential, and it is encouraged when teachers reflect on their practice in collaborative formative contexts. The theme of the research involved the continued teacher training as practical-reflective agents and the collaborative training. We sought to understand and discuss the challenges and possibilities of the insertion of analogies in the didactic planning of Science and Biology teachers, when they reflect and plan to use them in a continuing teacher training context. The research approach was qualitative, and the participants were three female teachers of the abovementioned subjects. Data gathering was divided into five stages: 1) development of a training course on the use of analogies; 2) planning of a class using this resource; 3) application of the planned class; 4) semi-structured interview and 5) group discussion. All stages were recorded in audio. Stages 1 and 5 were executed with all participants gathered, and phases 2, 3 and 4 were executed with each participant individually with the presence of the researcher. The adopted analytical framework was the discursive textual analysis. For the 1st stage, eight categories were generated on the meanings that the participa... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Lokalsamhället som klassrum : En kvalitativ studie om SO-lärares syn på utomhuspedagogik / The local community as a classroom : A qualitative study of social science teachers’ views on outdoor pedagogy

Zipfel, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Upplevelser med hjälp av kroppen och användningen av olika sinnen är betydelsefullt för människans lärande. Inlärningsprocessen kan implementeras och förstärkas genom utomhuspedagogik. Trots lärares medvetenhet av effekter av utomhuspedagogiken är detta inte något som används allt för flitigt i dagens skola och frågan är varför? Hur kommer det sig att lärare väljer att stanna innanför klassrummets fyra väggar och undervisa? Vad är det som hindrar lärare att ta sig utanför klassrummet och undervisa i en utomhusmiljö? Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad kunskap om utomhuspedagogikens svårigheter, möjligheter och effekter. Studien riktar sig mot mellanstadielärare i en mindre kommun i södra Sverige som undervisar i SO-ämnen. Två forskningsfrågor besvaras i resultatet som är följande; Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter kan So-lärare uppleva i arbetet med utomhuspedagogik? och Vad anser SO-lärare underlättar användningen av utomhuspedagogik? Studien utgår från Szczepanskis (2007) teori som belyser platsbaserat lärande där en människa lär i samband med kroppen och alla sina sinnen. Att få undervisning utomhus kan bidra till goda effekter på elevers lärande, bland annat handlar det om att elever får aktivera sig fysiskt och vara i en miljö som bidrar till en god hälsa. Genom att lämna en strukturerad klassrumsmiljö och få möta en ostrukturerad utemiljö lär eleven sig genom helhetsupplevelser. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har sex mellanstadielärare med inriktning på SO-ämnena intervjuats genom semistrukturerad intervju. Med utgångspunkt i studiens syfte och frågeställningar formulerades resultatets huvudrubriker; utomhuspedagogikens svårigheter, utomhuspedagogikens möjligheter och främjande arbete. I resultatet framkom det att placering av skola, planering, tid, kompetens och läroplan har en stor betydelse för användandet av utomhuspedagogik i SO-ämnena. Det framkom även att skolledning och kollegialt arbete har en betydelse för att utomhuspedagogik ska vara genomförbart. / To physically experience and use different senses is valuable for the learning process. The learning process can be implemented and enhanced through outdoor pedagogy. Despite the awareness of the teacher regarding the positive effects of outdoor pedagogy, the method is not used extensively, which is questionable. Why do teachers decide to solely stay inside the classroom and teach? What is hindering the teachers to utilize the many advantages that comes with implementation of outdoor pedagogy? The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge concerning the outdoor pedagogy and its possibilities, difficulties and effects. The study is delimited to intermediate stage teachers in a smaller municipality in the southern of Sweden teaching within the social science subjects. Two research questions are answered in the result which is as follows; What possibilities and difficulties does social science teachers experience when working with outdoor pedagogy? and Which aspects is considered to ease the implementation of outdoor pedagogy? These research questions are answered and discussed in the result section. The study has its base in the theory by Szczepanski (2007) which highlights the benefits of location-based learning where the cognitive and physical aspects interplay. Outdoor pedagogy contributes positive effects of the students learning, especially in environments where the learning is combined with physical activities learning to enhanced health. By adapting a more unstructured learning experience, which is in contrast to the traditional classroom-based learning, students can facilitate their environment in a holistic experience. To be able to answer the research questions, six social science teachers in intermediate stage teaching has been interviewed on behalf of their experiences and insight on outdoor pedagogy. The interviews were conducted through semistructured interviews. Based on the purpose and research questions of the study, the main headings of the result were formulated; the difficulties of outdoor pedagogy, the possibilities of outdoor pedagogy and promotional work. The results indicated the location of the school, planning, time, competence and curriculum to be of great importance for the implementation of outdoor pedagogy within the field of the social science subjects. Further, it was highlighted that school management and collegial cooperation was of importance to be able to implement outdoor pedagogy.

Vliv badatelsky orientované výuky na žáky v předmětech chemie a přírodopis / The impact of inquiry-based science education in chemistry and biology

Sloupová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
The main target of the thesis is to find the impact of using inquiry-based science education (IBSE) on pupils' inner motivation and the level of knowledge gained for ISCED 2. To reach that, two consecutive research surveys have been held. In the first part the reaction of pupils to including an IBSE task into a regular lesson has been observed. The impact on their inner motivation has been studied. The correlation between various factors (e.g. type of school, sex) and their changes in inner motivation on observed scales has been evaluated. In the second part, the existence of statistically significant difference between experimental and control group relating the motivation of pupils to do ordinary laboratory tasks has been questioned. That was studied also after implementation of IBSE. The level of knowledge of all the pupils was examined in a similar way. Implementation of IBSE itself was evaluated by an observation of pupils while performing the implemented task as well as by standardized questionnaire Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) (McAuley et al., 1989; Ryan, 1982). Acquired data have been processed by specialised software IBM SPSS Statistics 25 (IBM Corp., 2017), choosing suitable statistical methods. The results have shown that implementing IBSE tasks in chemistry education decreases...


PEDRO PINHEIRO TEIXEIRA 23 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] A teoria evolutiva é considerada um dos eixos organizadores da biologia. No entanto, seu ensino enfrenta diversas dificuldades em vários países. No Brasil, a resistência à teoria evolutiva é mais comum entre os evangélicos pentecostais e neopentecostais, grupos religiosos que passaram por intenso crescimento ao longo das últimas décadas. Nesta pesquisa, investigamos o ensino de evolução em duas escolas da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Realizamos observações ao longo de nove meses, em turmas de primeiro ano do ensino médio, entrevistas com professores e estudantes e aplicamos um questionário aos últimos. Os resultados indicam grande complexidade e diversidade em relação às concepções de criacionismo e evolução por parte dos professores e estudantes, mesmo dentre os evangélicos pentecostais e neopentecostais. Poucos conflitos foram observados em sala de aula, porém eles foram expressos nas entrevistas e nos questionários. Os dados quantitativos indicam que os estudantes evangélicos tendem a aceitar mais a narrativa bíblica para a origem dos seres vivos e possuir maiores índices de religiosidade do que os demais grupos religiosos. Concluímos que mais pesquisas sobre as discussões sobre essa temática nas aulas de biologia são fundamentais para que estratégias didáticas que visem o entendimento da teoria evolutiva sejam desenvolvidas. / [en] The evolutionary theory is considered one of main axes of biology. However, its teaching faces many difficulties in several countries. In Brazil, the resistance to evolutionary theory is more common among Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal, religious groups that have strongly grown over the past decades. In this study, we investigated the teaching of evolution in two schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We performed observations over nine months in classes of the first year of high school, interviews with teachers and students and applied a questionnaire to latter. The results indicate great complexity and diversity in relation to the concepts of creationism and evolution among teachers and students, even among the Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal. Few conflicts were observed in the classroom, but they were expressed in the interviews and questionnaires. Quantitative data indicate that Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal students tend to accept more the biblical account of the origin of living beings and have greater religiosity rates than other religious groups. We conclude that more research on this topic in biology classes are essential to develop teaching strategies aimed at understanding the evolutionary theory.

När läroplan och tradition möts : Om lärarfortbildning och undersökande aktiviteters syfte inom den laborativa NO-undervisningen i grundskolans senare del

Lunde, Torodd January 2014 (has links)
The Swedish curricula for compulsory school science emphasize laboratory inquiry-based science teaching (IBST) to develop pupils’ critical thinking. In contrast, several studies indicate that teachers within the Swedish teaching tradition almost solely emphasize laboratory work as a way to gain students understanding of traditional science content. In this thesis the aim is to investigate how this gap emerged in lower secondary science teaching and to investigate possible ways to bridge this gap between curricula and tradition. Two studies were carried out. In the first study, the aim was to explore how science teachers met the curricula’s expectations of involving pupils in IBST. The result is based on twelve teachers reflecting in groups about their own inquiry activities. Two strategies were identified. Hybridization (existing laboratory activities were transformed) and imitation (investigative inquiry as carried out on national tests was imitated). The way scientific practices are represented in such activities is probably limiting pupils’ potential for critical thinking in everyday life. In the second study, possibilities to bridge gaps between the laboratory tradition and IBST in curricula were explored within a teacher professional development program. Tensions between key ideas of laboratory work in Swedish teaching tradition and IBST, as discussed in international literature, were made explicit. It was then used as a point of departure to negotiate upon the purposes of involving students in laboratory work. The result was based on ten teachers divided in three groups. Eventually, two out of the three groups did explicit articulated awareness of different purposes linked to different types of laboratory activities. The third group showed limited awareness although they developed similar activities as the two other groups. This indicates that teaching tradition is an important variable when implementing new ideas and worthy taking into account and challenge. / Baksidestext Grundskolans läroplan för naturämnena betonar laborativt undersökande arbete i syftet att utveckla elevers kritiska tänkande medan undervisningstraditionen betonar laborationer i syftet att ge ökad förståelse för ämnesinnehåll. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka hur detta glapp gestaltar sig i senare delen av grundskolan och hur detta glapp kan överbryggas. I delstudie ett utforskades lärares sätt att tillmötesgå förväntningar om undersökande arbete. Två strategier identifierades: hybridisering (befintliga laborationer omformades) och imitering (nationella prov härmades). Det finns risk för att dessa aktiviteter framställer naturvetenskapliga praktiker på ett sätt som ger begränsade förutsättningar för kritiskt tänkande i vardagsliv. I delstudie två utforskades möjligheten av att använda spänningar mellan läroplan och laborationstradition som utgångspunkt för att överbrygga glapp mellan läroplan och tradition. Spänningar synliggjordes och var utgångspunkt för förhandling om syften med laborationer. Resultatet visade att två utav totalt tre grupper i slutändan explicit skiljde på olika syften med olika laborativa aktiviteter. Detta indikerar att laborationstraditionen är en viktig faktor, värd att ta med i beräkningen, när undersökande arbete ska införlivas.

Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Core Science Teaching Practices to Develop Scientific Literacy: A Disciplinary Literacy Framework Analysis

Ham, Chris D. 12 1900 (has links)
Every citizen has the right to be equipped with scientific literacy to understand and make informed decisions within the discipline of science. Educators can utilize core science teaching practices (CSTPs) to develop scientific literacy. In response, this study identified the CSTPs utilized by preservice elementary teachers (PSETs) to develop scientific literacy during their spring 2022 student teaching semester. Furthermore, this study identified contextual constructs that led to the utilization of the CSTPs to develop scientific literacy. The study used a qualitative exploratory case study using semi-structured interviews as the primary data. Surveys and artifacts were used as supporting secondary data. The identification of CSTPs and their contextual constructs were conducted using inductive content analysis. Afterward, the identified CSTPs and their contextual constructs were deconstructed, interpreted, and synthesized through the critical theoretical framework of disciplinary literacy. Relationships, time, school structure, and community were contextual constructs that enabled and disabled PSETs' utilization of CSTPs to develop scientific literacy. The contextual constructs are represented using the Framework to Develop Scientific Literacy (FDSL). The FDSL contain contextual constructs that enabled PSETs to utilize CSTPs through the sharing of power between the PSET and their cooperating teacher, school district, community, or teacher education programs. In contrast, contextual constructs that disabled PSETs include denying of power that negatively impacted the utilization of CSTPs to develop scientific literacy. The findings of the study call for teacher education programs to include contextual constructs as elements that impact PSETs' student teaching experiences to navigate power dynamics in authentic school settings. By identifying and using constructs as represented in the FDSL, teacher education programs can support PSETs' utilization of CSTPs to develop scientific literacy. In addition, this study calls for a reframing of power relationships between teacher education programs and their partnering school districts. By revealing the complex contextual nature of the PSETs' student teaching experiences, this study seeks to initiate discussion on how teacher education programs can support the practice of PSETs as they educate the next generation of scientifically literate citizens.


ROSALINA PIRES DA LUZ 06 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o uso do Caderno Pedagógico no ensino de Ciências em turmas do ensino fundamental da Secretaria Municipal de Educação/Rio de Janeiro. Procuramos compreender como o professor utiliza e avalia o caderno pedagógico e como ele é incorporado em sua prática em sala de aula. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa e foram utilizados os seguintes recursos metodológicos: entrevistas, observações das aulas de ciências e aplicação de questionários aos alunos. O referencial teórico tem como base estudos sobre as recentes reformas educacionais influenciadas por princípios neoliberais (Afonso, 2012; Ball, 2012; Freitas, 2014), discussões sobre o ensino apostilado no Brasil (Adrião 2009; Marcondes, 2013) e reflexões acerca das atuais tendências para o ensino de ciências (Carvalho, 2004; Krasilchick, 1992; Delizoicov, 2008). As conclusões da pesquisa indicam que a adoção do caderno pedagógico influencia o modo de ensinar ciências. Todos os professores pesquisados utilizam o caderno como norteador, alguns como o único recurso didático, enquanto outros utilizam o caderno, porém, complementam suas aulas com outras atividades de elaboração própria. O uso do caderno como norteador minimiza, nas escolas pesquisadas, o desenvolvimento do Projeto Político Pedagógico. Como o conteúdo do caderno está diretamente vinculado às questões da Prova Bimestral, o que é cobrado nessas provas determina o que vai ser ensinado em sala de aula. A pesquisa mostrou, ainda, que os professores reconhecem vantagens e limitações no uso do caderno não adotando uma postura passiva diante deste material, ao contrário, fazem adaptações e adequações à realidade de sua turma. / [en] The purpose of this research was to analyze the classroom use of the Science schoolbook in primary schools of the Municipal Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro. We sought to understand how teachers employ and evaluate the schoolbook and how it is incorporated into their teaching practice. The research has a qualitative nature, and the following methodological resources were employed: interviews, observation of Science classes, and questionnaires administered to students. The theoretical framework is based on studies on recent educational reforms influenced by neoliberal principles (Afonso, 2012; Ball, 2012; Freitas, 2014), debates on schoolbook-based teaching in Brazil (Adrião 2009; Marcondes, 2013), and reflections on current Science teaching trends (Carvalho, 2004; Krasilchick, 1992; Delizoicov, 2008). The conclusions of the research indicate that adopting the schoolbook influences the way of teaching Science. All teachers researched use the schoolbook as a guiding tool. Some use it as their single teaching resource, whereas others employ it along with complementary activities devised by themselves. In the schools researched, the use of the schoolbook as a guiding tool minimizes the development of the Political Pedagogical Project. Since the contents of the schoolbook are directly linked to the Bimonthly Examinations, what is asked in those exams determines what will be taught in class. The research also showed that since teachers acknowledge both advantages and limitations regarding the use of the schoolbook, their approach toward it is not passive; on the contrary, they make adjustments and adaptations to the their students reality.


Barnes-Johnson, Joy M. January 2011 (has links)
Science "for all" programs have been advanced as the model for introducing and maintaining high standards for science education in every classroom. While standards documents have been an important equalizing force in education for the last twenty years, disparities still exist across multiple student indicators in urban schools. Teaching quality is one of the important factors that contribute to such outcomes and these disparities raise the issue of equitable teaching practices, especially in science. A review of the literature at the intersection of science education and urban education supported the creation of a construct for equitable science teaching that goes beyond content-narrowed "for all" pedagogies to more inclusive "by all" teaching approaches. Scholarship on science teaching in urban settings frequently references reform and efficacy beliefs to bound research questions. The task-specific nature of efficacy beliefs as a construct makes it particularly useful for scrutinizing teaching practices. This dissertation used case study methods to examine aspects of equitable science teaching in an elementary school located in a small urban district in New Jersey. The research design was based on models of collaborative action research. Three key informants in two classrooms helped build understanding of teachers' efficacy-related beliefs about equitable science teaching over the course of one year (Spring 2008 through Spring 2009). Within case and between-case analysis of teaching beliefs and practices were conducted. Key findings from the study suggest that it may be possible to observe change in low efficacy teachers' beliefs over time. Quantitative and qualitative data suggest that it may be possible to build equitable beliefs and practices among in-service teachers. An action plan that includes providing non-evaluative support to teachers in the classroom is discussed. Supports that included immediate feedback, individual and small group reflection and specific tools designed to collect teacher-level data were shown to be important elements for practicing teachers as they worked to build both efficacy beliefs and equitable praxis. Equitable science teaching challenges belief systems but allows for practices to change organically and without prescription. Implications for policy makers, teacher educators, administrators and teachers are discussed. / Urban Education


FELIPE BASTOS 01 June 2016 (has links)
[pt] Os assuntos relacionados às diferenças culturais penetram o cotidiano da escola principalmente através de pressões dos movimentos que legitimam estes saberes e lutam por espaço no currículo escolar. Ao passo em que possui o papel social de produzir conhecimentos próprios, principalmente através das práticas dos professores/as em sala de aula, a escola não pode ser percebida como mera transmissora de saberes preexistentes. Enquanto valor em disputa, o reconhecimento da diversidade sexual humana se constitui como uma temática polêmica no interior da escola, inclusive nas disciplinas de ciências e biologia, tradicionalmente encarregadas de discutir aspectos do funcionamento do corpo humano e do ato sexual. O presente estudo buscou compreender de que forma professores/as de ciências e biologia que discutem a diversidade sexual para além dos padrões naturalizados da heterossexualidade concebem esta temática enquanto parte da prática docente. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez professoras e professores e analisamos seus depoimentos. Articulamos os achados das entrevistas com três perspectivas teóricas: (I) dos conhecimentos escolares, por reconhecermos como um saber único e constituído na escola; (II) do saber docente, por valorizar o protagonismo docente na construção destes saberes escolares; e (III) da diversidade sexual enquanto categoria sócio-histórica. Conclui-se o estudo apresentando potencialidades dos conceitos de conhecimento escolar e saber docente para o desenvolvimento de práticas pedagógicas no ensino de ciências que envolvem temáticas interculturais, como a diversidade sexual. / [en] Issues related to cultural differences intrude the daily school life mainly by pressures made by movements that legitimate their knowledge and fight for status in the school curriculum. While having the social rule to produce its own knowledge, mainly through teacher s practice in classroom, the school can not be seen as a simple pre-existing knowledge transmitter. As a contending value, the acknowledgement of sexual diversity consist as a controversial debate within the school, even in science and biology, disciplines traditionally charged with analyzing the aspects of human body functioning and sexual intercourse. This study aimed to understand how science and biology teachers, whose discussion of sexual diversity goes beyond the hegemonic heterosexuality standards, conceive this subject as part of the school curriculum. For this, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten teachers and their speech were analyzed. We assess the findings of the interviews with three theoretical perspectives: (i) the school knowledge, recognizing a unique structure constructed at school; (ii) teacher knowledge, to value the teaching role in the construction of these school knowledge; and (iii) sexual diversity as a social and historical analysis category. We conclude the study showing the potential of the concepts of school and teaching knowledge for the development of science teaching practices involving intercultural subjects, such as sexual diversity.

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