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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biomécanique de l'ancrage de vis pédiculaires pour l'instrumentation du rachis : une approche numérique et expérimentale / Biomechanical anchorage analysis of pedicle screws for spinal instrumentation

Bianco, Rohan-Jean 01 December 2015 (has links)
Les vis pédiculaires sont largement utilisées pour l’instrumentation et la correction du rachis. L’objectif général de ce projet doctoral est d’étudier l'influence des choix chirurgicaux et des variations morphologiques des vertèbres sur l'ancrage biomécanique des vis pédiculaires. Pour cela, nous avons fait le choix de combiner une modélisation détaillée de l’interaction vis-vertèbre à l’acquisition de données expérimentales indispensables pour valider les outils de simulation. Ce projet doctoral propose un modèle par éléments finis original et innovant prenant en compte l’interface de contact entre les structures osseuses et un comportement élastoplastique avec modélisation de la fracture osseuse pour décrire la biomécanique de l’interaction vis-pédiculaire/vertèbre. De plus, ce projet a également permis de proposer un protocole et une méthode d’analyse pour l’étude de vis pédiculaires sous chargements non-axiaux. Les connaissances développées au cours de ce projet doctoral ont permis de fournir des recommandations pratiques pour les cliniciens ainsi que les développeurs d’implants biomédicaux, autant sur les futurs choix de design des vis pédiculaires que les choix de vis et leur placement afin d’obtenir un meilleur ancrage. À long terme, le modèle pourrait être adapté pour analyser plus en détail les caractéristiques spécifiques du patient et être utilisé comme une formation virtuelle ou d'un outil de planification préopératoire. / The pedicle screws are widely used for instrumentation and correction of the spine. The general objective of this doctoral project is to investigate the influence of surgical choice and morphological changes in the vertebrae on the biomechanical anchorage of pedicle screws. A combined approach using a detailed numerical model to simulate the screw-vertebrae interaction and the acquisition of necessary experimental data to validate the numerical tool was chosen. This doctoral project proposes an original and innovative finite element model taking into account the contact interface between the bone structures and an elastoplastic behavior with bone fracture modeling to describe the biomechanics of the screw / vertebra interaction. In addition, this project also propose a protocol and a method of analysis for the study pedicle screws in non-axial loads. The knowledge developed during this doctoral project have provided practical recommendations for clinicians and developers of biomedical implants, both on future choices of design pedicle screws that screw choice and placement to obtain better anchoring. In the long term, the model could be adapted to further analyze the specific characteristics of the patient and be used as a virtual training or a preoperative planning tool.

Avaliação do controle autonômico cardiovascular, do glicogênio muscular e de citocinas plasmáticas em ratos escolióticos

Chingui, Luciano Júlio 06 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:18:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5995.pdf: 2869208 bytes, checksum: 78818b61943b25fd2cc3f8d00a47f406 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-06 / The anatomical alterations of spine have been researched in experimental and clinical studies. The present study focused the analysis on the three aspects. The scoliosis and the alterations on the metabolic profile of the paravertebral and pectoral muscles (study I), the scoliosis and stretching influence in the plasma citocines concentration (study II) and the status of cardiac autonomic function front the scoliosis implantation (study III). The three studies were performed with male rats, which were divided into different experimental groups, with a total n of 68 animals. For the scoliosis induction were applied a non-invasive model composed by vests made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). All data were expressed as mean ± epm. For the statistical analysis the Kolmogorov-Smirinov test was applied to investigate the normality of the data, whereas studies I and II were followed by the variance analysis ANOVA and Tukey post hoc (p<0,05), in the study III were used the Student-t test or the sum of rank in the Mann-Whitney test (p<0,05). In the first study were applied vests to the scoliotic group since the initial growth phase (post weaning) until the sixth week of growth, however in the studies II and III the vests application went up to the twelfth week. To the achievement of the first study the rats were divided into 2 experimental groups with n=6: control (C) and scoliotic (S). The outcomes from this study showed a reduction on the relation total protein/DNA, in the glycogen content and in the total weight of the scoliotic animals. This study established a homeostatic impairment of the pectoral and paravertebral muscles during the scoliosis induction process. In the second study the animals were distributed into 4 groups with n=8: control (C), stretched (S), scoliotic (SG) and stretched scoliotic (SS). The stretching consisted in 3 series of 30 seconds with 10 seconds of interval among the series. The results revealed an important increase in the concentration of IL-2, IL-6 and e TNF-&#945; in the scoliotic group, whereas the intervention with stretching exercises could achieve a decrease of 4, 9 and 6% respectively on the concentration increase. These results suggest that the proposed model used to induce the scoliosis lead to a muscular disuse and the stretching has showed to be effective to minimize the deriving consequences of this disuse. In the third study the animals were divided into 2 groups again, control group (C, n=12) and scoliosis group (S, n=12). On this study the attention referred to possible alterations in the cardiovascular autonomic control system. Evaluations of heart rate variability, cardiac autonomic tonus and cardiac baroreflex sensitivity. From these results was possible to certify that scoliosis causes an alteration in the autonomic control, being that the scoliotic group presented best sympathetic modulation, greater vagal tone and greater cardiac baroreflex sensitivity. The outcomes suggest that scoliosis promote alterations in the autonomic function of the cardiac system. In general, the results from this study demonstrated that the scoliotic animals have smaller glycogen reserves and lower ratios of total protein/DNA; higher concentration of the citocines IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-&#945;, while the scoliotic and stretched rats have lower concentrations from the same citocines; referring to the autonomic modulation the scoliosis led to a higher total variance, greater sympathetic cardiac modulation, greater vagal tono and best baroreflex sensitivity proving a better condition in the cardiovascular autonomic function through the most part of the evaluated items in the scoliotic rats. / As alterações anatômicas da coluna vertebral têm sido investigadas em estudos clínicos e experimentais. O presente trabalho concentrou suas análises em três vertentes: A escoliose e suas alterações no perfil metabólico da musculatura paravertebral e peitorais (estudo I), as influências da escoliose e do exercício de alongamento sobre a concentração de citocinas plasmáticas (estudo II) e o status da função autonômica cardiovascular frente à implantação da escoliose (estudo III). Os três estudos foram realizados com ratos machos divididos em diferentes grupos experimentais, com n total de 68 animais. Para a implantação da escoliose foi utilizado um modelo não invasivo constituído por um colete de filme de policloreto de vinil (PVC). Os dados foram apresentados em média ±epm. Para a avaliação estatística os dados foram submetidos ao teste de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnov, sendo que nos estudos I e II foi seguido da análise de variância ANOVA e post hoc de Tukey (p<0,05), no estudo III teste t-Student ou pela soma dos ranks no teste de Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). No primeiro estudo o grupo escoliótico recebeu a aplicação do colete desde as fases iniciais de crescimento (pós-desmame) até a sexta semana de crescimento, e nos estudos II e III a aplicação do colete foi até a décima segunda semana. Para a realização do primeiro estudo os animais foram distribuídos em 2 grupos experimentais de n=6: controle (C) e escoliótico (E). Os resultados desse estudo revelaram redução na relação proteína total/DNA, no conteúdo de glicogênio e no peso total dos animais escolióticos. Com esse estudo foi constatado comprometimento homeostático de músculos peitorais e paravertebrais durante o processo de indução de escoliose. No segundo estudo os animais foram distribuídos em quatro grupos de n=8: controle (C), alongado (A), escoliótico (E) e escoliótico alongado (EA). O alongamento consistiu de 3 séries de 30 segundos com intervalos de 10 segundos entre as séries. Os resultados revelaram importante aumento das concentrações de IL-2, IL-6 e TNF-&#945; no grupo escoliótico, por outro lado a intervenção com exercício de alongamento foi capaz de reduzir em 4, 9 e 6% respectivamente esse aumento. Esse resultado sugere que a indução de escoliose com o modelo proposto promove desuso muscular e o alongamento se mostrou capaz de minimizar os efeitos decorrentes desse desuso. No terceiro estudo os animais foram divididos novamente em 2 grupos experimentais, grupo controle (C, n=12) e grupo escoliose (E, n=12). Nesse estudo a atenção foi voltada para possíveis alterações no sistema de controle autonômico cardiovascular. Foram realizadas avaliações da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca, do tônus autonômico cardíaco e da sensibilidade barorreflexa cardíaca. Com os resultados foi possível constatar que a escoliose promove uma alteração no controle autonômico, de forma que o grupo escoliótico apresenta maior modulação simpática, maior tônus vagal e maior sensibilidade baroreflexa cardíaca. Os dados sugerem que a escoliose promove alterações na função autonômica do sistema cardiovascular. No geral, os resultados desse trabalho revelam que os animais escolióticos possuem menores reservas glicogênica e menor relação proteína total/DNA; maiores concentrações das citocinas IL-2, IL-6 e TNF-&#945;, ao passo que os ratos escolióticos e alongados possuem menor concentração das mesmas citocinas; quanto a modulação autonômica cardiovascular a escoliose levou a maior variância total maior modulação simpática cardíaca, maior tônus vagal e maior sensibilidade baroreflexa mostrando melhor condição da função autonômica cardiovascular pela maioria dos índices avaliados nos ratos escolióticos.

Avaliação do método Pilates no alinhamento postural em adolescentes portadores de escoliose, por meio da eletromiografia e da simetrografia / Pilates medhot evaluation in the postural alignment in adolescentes with scoliosis through electromyography and symmetrography

Strasse, Wally auf der 11 October 2016 (has links)
A escoliose é considerada a quinta patologia mais comum em desenvolvimento na adolescência. Sendo que no Brasil a prevalência desta patologia varia de 2% a 4% em adolescentes na faixa etária de 10 a 16 anos. O método Pilates pode ser considerado como alternativa no tratamento conservador desse desvio postural. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o método Pilates no alinhamento postural de adolescentes portadores de escoliose, por meio da eletromiografia e da simetrografia. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório no período de Fevereiro a Abril de 2015, com 22 adolescentes, com idade de 12 a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, que apresentaram o desvio postural escoliose, fisicamente ativos, sem experiência em treinamento resistido do Método Pilates e que não tinham realizado cirurgia corretiva ortopédica na coluna vertebral e nem recebido diagnóstico de doença reumática. Os voluntários pesquisados preencheram termo de assentimento informado livre e esclarecido e os responsáveis preencheram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os adolescentes investigados inicialmente foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, percentual de gordura, simetria corporal, teste de Adams e avaliação eletromiográfica nos músculos trapézio, eretores espinhais, oblíquos e reto abdominal, na posição sentada equilibrando um livro sobre a cabeça processados no domínio temporal (EMGAmp) e espectral (EMGFmed). Na sequência foram submetidos á 24 sessões com dois atendimentos semanais de um protocolo de tratamento constituído por exercícios do método Pilates. Após a aplicação deste protocolo, foram novamente submetidos às avaliações iniciais. Os dados foram analisados pela ANOVA e processados utilizando o software estatístico R versão 3.2.0. e teste de McNemar. Os resultados com relação à escoliose mostraram que nove adolescentes melhoraram o alinhamento postural (40,9%) (p=0,001) e também no encurtamento do trapézio (p=0.031) e nos ombros assimétricos (p=0.001). Relativo à EMGAmp na escoliose postural à direita (EPD) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p=0.081) e também entre os músculos (p=0.031); na escoliose torácica à direita (ETD) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0), o lado direito do esquerdo (p=0.04) e também entre os músculos (p≈0); na escoliose torácica à esquerda (ETE) e na escoliose tóraco-lombar destro convexa (ETLDC) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p≈0). Referente à EMGFmed na EPD houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p=0.001); na ETD houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p=0.007); na ETE e ETLDC houve diferença apenas entre antes e depois (p≈0); na ETLE houve diferença entre antes e depois (p=0.007). Em todos os casos de escoliose estudados, houve aumento da EMGFmed com destaque para os músculos OBLI e RA. Verificaram-se diferenças estatísticas nas variáveis estatura (p=0,003) e aumento na flexibilidade (p=0,000). Conclui-se que os resultados apontam para a importância dos exercícios do método Pilates como forma de tratamento conservador da escoliose, ocasionando mudanças no padrão de ativação neuromuscular. Porém em relação ao tempo de aplicação terapêutico relativo ao alinhamento postural, sugere-se desenvolvê-lo em prazos maiores. / Scoliosis is considered the fifth most common pathology in development during adolescence. And in Brazil the prevalence of this disease ranges from 2% to 4% in adolescents aged 10-16 years old. The Pilates method can be considered as an alternative to conservative treatment of this postural deviation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Pilates method in the postural alignment of adolescents with scoliosis through electromyography and symmetrography. An exploratory study was conducted from February to April 2015, with 22 12 to 18 year old male and female adolescents who had the scoliosis postural deviation, physically active, without experience in resistance training of Pilates and who had not performed orthopedic corrective surgery on the spine and not been diagnosed with rheumatic disease. Both surveyed volunteers and their parents filled informed consents. The investigated teenagers initially underwent anthropometric measurements, body fat percentage, body symmetry, Adams test and electromyographic assessment in trapezius, erector spinal, obliques and rectus abdominis, in a seated position balancing a book on their heads processed in the time (EMGAmp ) and spectral domains (EMGFmed). After that they were submitted to 24 sessions with two weekly appointments of a treatment protocol consisting of Pilates exercises. After the application of this protocol, they were again subjected to initial assessments. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and processed by using the statistical software R version 3.2.0. and McNemar test. Results regarding scoliosis showed that nine adolescents improved postural alignment (40.9%) (p = 0.001) and there was also an improvement in the shortening of the trapezius (p = 0.031) and asymmetrical shoulders (p = 0.001). Concerning the EMGAmp in right postural scoliosis (EPD), there was a significant difference between before and after (p = 0.081) and also between muscles (p = 0.031); in the right thoracic scoliosis (ETD) there was a difference between before and after (p≈0), the right side of the left (p = 0:04) and between muscles (p≈0); in the left thoracic scoliosis (ETE) and convex left thoracolumbar scoliosis (ETLDC) differences between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p≈0) were found. Concerning the EMGFmed in the EPD there was a difference between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p = 0.001); in the ETD there was a difference between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p = 0.007); in ETE and ETLDC there was a difference only between before and after (p≈0); in ETLE there was a difference between before and after (p = 0.007). In all cases of scoliosis studied here, there was an increase of EMGFmed notably in the OBLI and RA muscles. There were statistical differences in height variables (p = 0.003) and increased flexibility (p = 0.000). One can conclude that the results point to the importance of Pilates exercises as a form of conservative treatment of scoliosis, causing changes in the pattern of neuromuscular activation. However, in relation to the therapeutic application time relative to postural alignment, it is suggested to develop it in longer periods.

Avaliação do método Pilates no alinhamento postural em adolescentes portadores de escoliose, por meio da eletromiografia e da simetrografia / Pilates medhot evaluation in the postural alignment in adolescentes with scoliosis through electromyography and symmetrography

Strasse, Wally auf der 11 October 2016 (has links)
A escoliose é considerada a quinta patologia mais comum em desenvolvimento na adolescência. Sendo que no Brasil a prevalência desta patologia varia de 2% a 4% em adolescentes na faixa etária de 10 a 16 anos. O método Pilates pode ser considerado como alternativa no tratamento conservador desse desvio postural. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o método Pilates no alinhamento postural de adolescentes portadores de escoliose, por meio da eletromiografia e da simetrografia. Foi realizado um estudo exploratório no período de Fevereiro a Abril de 2015, com 22 adolescentes, com idade de 12 a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, que apresentaram o desvio postural escoliose, fisicamente ativos, sem experiência em treinamento resistido do Método Pilates e que não tinham realizado cirurgia corretiva ortopédica na coluna vertebral e nem recebido diagnóstico de doença reumática. Os voluntários pesquisados preencheram termo de assentimento informado livre e esclarecido e os responsáveis preencheram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os adolescentes investigados inicialmente foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, percentual de gordura, simetria corporal, teste de Adams e avaliação eletromiográfica nos músculos trapézio, eretores espinhais, oblíquos e reto abdominal, na posição sentada equilibrando um livro sobre a cabeça processados no domínio temporal (EMGAmp) e espectral (EMGFmed). Na sequência foram submetidos á 24 sessões com dois atendimentos semanais de um protocolo de tratamento constituído por exercícios do método Pilates. Após a aplicação deste protocolo, foram novamente submetidos às avaliações iniciais. Os dados foram analisados pela ANOVA e processados utilizando o software estatístico R versão 3.2.0. e teste de McNemar. Os resultados com relação à escoliose mostraram que nove adolescentes melhoraram o alinhamento postural (40,9%) (p=0,001) e também no encurtamento do trapézio (p=0.031) e nos ombros assimétricos (p=0.001). Relativo à EMGAmp na escoliose postural à direita (EPD) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p=0.081) e também entre os músculos (p=0.031); na escoliose torácica à direita (ETD) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0), o lado direito do esquerdo (p=0.04) e também entre os músculos (p≈0); na escoliose torácica à esquerda (ETE) e na escoliose tóraco-lombar destro convexa (ETLDC) houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p≈0). Referente à EMGFmed na EPD houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p=0.001); na ETD houve diferença entre antes e depois (p≈0) e entre os músculos (p=0.007); na ETE e ETLDC houve diferença apenas entre antes e depois (p≈0); na ETLE houve diferença entre antes e depois (p=0.007). Em todos os casos de escoliose estudados, houve aumento da EMGFmed com destaque para os músculos OBLI e RA. Verificaram-se diferenças estatísticas nas variáveis estatura (p=0,003) e aumento na flexibilidade (p=0,000). Conclui-se que os resultados apontam para a importância dos exercícios do método Pilates como forma de tratamento conservador da escoliose, ocasionando mudanças no padrão de ativação neuromuscular. Porém em relação ao tempo de aplicação terapêutico relativo ao alinhamento postural, sugere-se desenvolvê-lo em prazos maiores. / Scoliosis is considered the fifth most common pathology in development during adolescence. And in Brazil the prevalence of this disease ranges from 2% to 4% in adolescents aged 10-16 years old. The Pilates method can be considered as an alternative to conservative treatment of this postural deviation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Pilates method in the postural alignment of adolescents with scoliosis through electromyography and symmetrography. An exploratory study was conducted from February to April 2015, with 22 12 to 18 year old male and female adolescents who had the scoliosis postural deviation, physically active, without experience in resistance training of Pilates and who had not performed orthopedic corrective surgery on the spine and not been diagnosed with rheumatic disease. Both surveyed volunteers and their parents filled informed consents. The investigated teenagers initially underwent anthropometric measurements, body fat percentage, body symmetry, Adams test and electromyographic assessment in trapezius, erector spinal, obliques and rectus abdominis, in a seated position balancing a book on their heads processed in the time (EMGAmp ) and spectral domains (EMGFmed). After that they were submitted to 24 sessions with two weekly appointments of a treatment protocol consisting of Pilates exercises. After the application of this protocol, they were again subjected to initial assessments. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and processed by using the statistical software R version 3.2.0. and McNemar test. Results regarding scoliosis showed that nine adolescents improved postural alignment (40.9%) (p = 0.001) and there was also an improvement in the shortening of the trapezius (p = 0.031) and asymmetrical shoulders (p = 0.001). Concerning the EMGAmp in right postural scoliosis (EPD), there was a significant difference between before and after (p = 0.081) and also between muscles (p = 0.031); in the right thoracic scoliosis (ETD) there was a difference between before and after (p≈0), the right side of the left (p = 0:04) and between muscles (p≈0); in the left thoracic scoliosis (ETE) and convex left thoracolumbar scoliosis (ETLDC) differences between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p≈0) were found. Concerning the EMGFmed in the EPD there was a difference between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p = 0.001); in the ETD there was a difference between before and after (p≈0) and between muscles (p = 0.007); in ETE and ETLDC there was a difference only between before and after (p≈0); in ETLE there was a difference between before and after (p = 0.007). In all cases of scoliosis studied here, there was an increase of EMGFmed notably in the OBLI and RA muscles. There were statistical differences in height variables (p = 0.003) and increased flexibility (p = 0.000). One can conclude that the results point to the importance of Pilates exercises as a form of conservative treatment of scoliosis, causing changes in the pattern of neuromuscular activation. However, in relation to the therapeutic application time relative to postural alignment, it is suggested to develop it in longer periods.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema para avaliação dos desvios da coluna vertebral em três dimensões- Spine3D / Development of a new three-dimensional system for evaluating spine deformities - Spine3D

Thomaz Nogueira Burke 21 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Escoliose é definida como um complexo desalinhamento tridimensional da coluna vertebral na qual há o aparecimento de uma curvatura lateral no plano coronal, normalmente associada com o aplanamento das curvaturas no plano sagital e rotação vertebral em seu eixo longitudinal. O padrão ouro para seu diagnóstico e monitoramento é a medida radiográfica pelo ângulo de Cobb, que possui como principais desvantagens o fato de não avaliar as curvas em três dimensões e expor os pacientes, principalmente os que estão em fase de crescimento, a consideráveis doses de radiação. Objetivo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação e representação da coluna vertebral em três dimensões, capaz de possibilitar ao usuário a análise quantitativa dos desvios da coluna vertebral nos planos coronal, sagital e transverso. São objetivos secundários estimar a precisão e a exatidão do sistema proposto, e avaliar a sua aplicabilidade a partir de um estudo de caso. Métodos: O Sistema desenvolvido, denominado de Spine 3D, é baseado no uso do controle de videogame Wiimote para rastrear LEDs infravermelhos que compõe um marcador multiplanar em uma cena, e tem como objetivo reconstruir em um ambiente 3D a pose das vértebras torácicas e lombares e, com isto, obter as variáveis angulares e de translação que descrevem seu alinhamento nos planos coronal, sagital e transverso. O experimento para a avaliação da exatidão e precisão consistiu em posicionar o marcador a 50 centímetros de distância do Wiimote, ambos alinhados em um mesmo plano. O marcador foi transladado em intervalos de 10 mm e rotacionado em 5°, 10°, 20° e 30° nos eixos X, Y e Z, com auxílio de um inclinômetro e um paquímetro digital. Os dados foram coletados a 100 Hz. A exatidão foi calculada comparando os resultados encontrados pelo sistema com os valores obtidos pelo inclinômetro e paquímetro digital. A precisão foi calculada a partir do desvio-padrão dos pontos coletados. Resultados: A exatidão média do sistema foi de 0,90° e 0,78mm. A precisão média do sistema foi de 0,62° e 0,42mm. Para o ângulo de Cobb na escoliose, a exatidão e precisão foram de 1,46° e 1,72°, e para a cifose torácica e lordose lombar, a exatidão e precisão foram de 2,82° e 1,60°, respectivamente. Durante o estudo de caso, a diferença entre o Spine3D e a radiografia, para o ângulo de Cobb foi de 1,3° para escoliose curva torácica e 2,24° para escoliose curva lombar. Conclusão: O sistema mostrou ter boa exatidão e precisão após os testes de validação interna. O estudo de caso sugere que a técnica possui potencial para aplicação clínica na avaliação dos desvios da coluna vertebral em três dimensões. / Introduction: Scoliosis is a complex three-dimensional malalignment of the vertebral column in which there is lateral curvature of the spine in the coronal plane, usually associated with flattening of the contour in the sagittal plane and rotation of the vertebrae around their longitudinal axes. Routine clinical analysis of the scoliotic spine is currently based on the radiographic measurement of Cobb angle. Although considered as the golden standard, it has the disadvantage of look over only the two-dimensional aspects of the curve and, over a period of years, the patient will be exposed to a large dose of radiation, especially in early onset curves. There is evidence that this may increase the risk of developing several types of cancer. Objective: This paper describes a new low-cost and radiation-free system to evaluate the three-dimensional aspects of scoliosis, and its concurrent validation in terms of accuracy and precision. Its applicability was tested in a case study. Methods: The system, named Spine3D, has the ability to track an infrared beacon equipped with LEDs (IRLED) to reconstruct the pose of each lumbar and thoracic vertebra in 3D space. The system also calculates the spine alignment to the coronal, sagittal and transverse planes. For accuracy and precision evaluation of the system, the beacon was positioned 50 cm away from the IR camera (Wiimote), aligned with in the same plane. The beacon was increasingly translated at 10 mm intervals and rotated at 5°, 10°, 20° and 30° on all three axes. The capture achieved rate was of 100 Hz roughly and accuracy was calculated comparing the results of Spine3D, digital paquimeter and digital inclinometer. Precision was considered as the standard deviation of the collected data. Results: The average accuracy obtained for the system is 0.90° and 0.78 mm, with precision of 0.62° and 0.42 mm. For Cobb angle calculations in coronal plane, accuracy and precision were of 1.46° and 1.72°, and for thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis, the values were 2.82° and 1.60°. During the case study, the difference between the Cobb angle measured by Spine3D and radiography was 1.3° for thoracic scoliosis curve and 2.24° for lumbar scoliosis curve. Conclusion: The Spine3D system offers a non-invasive and radiation-free alternative for three-dimensional spine assessment and representation. Future studies should indicate if the measures taken by the Spine3D system have correlation with the Cobb angle measured by other methods.

Prévalence, mesures et méthodes alternatives de traitement de la douleur dorsale chez les adolescents ayant une scoliose idiopathique

Théroux, Jean 05 1900 (has links)
La scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence constitue la déformation tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertébrale la plus couramment rencontrée chez les adolescents. Cette condition a fait l’objet de plusieurs études quant à ses facteurs étiologiques, ses facteurs de risque de progression et ses approches thérapeutiques. Les études démontrent que l’étiologie de cette pathologie serait multifactorielle, regroupant entre autres des causes génétiques, hormonales, mécaniques et neuromusculaires. Malgré le fait qu’il soit difficile de prédire quelles sont les déformations qui progresseront, certains facteurs tels que l’âge et le sexe du patient, l’âge du début de la ménarche, le type et la sévérité de la déformation ainsi que la maturité osseuse (signe de Risser) ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études et représentent par le fait même des critères de référence utilisés pour estimer cette probabilité. La scoliose idiopathique a souvent été considérée comme une condition non douloureuse, faisant en sorte que peu d’études se sont arrêtées à évaluer les douleurs au dos chez les patients affligés de cette pathologie. On retrouve donc, au cours des vingt dernières années, seulement une dizaine d’études qui ont spécifiquement évalué ce phénomène. Parmi ces études, on note une grande hétérogénéité des facteurs d’inclusion, des définitions des douleurs au dos, de la période de prévalence et des instruments de mesure utilisés, rendant difficile la détermination de cette prévalence. Considérant la relation entre les douleurs exprimées chez les adolescents et celles chez les adultes, ainsi que les coûts sociétaux associés à ces douleurs, il serait important d’obtenir un portrait plus exact de l’ampleur de la douleur chez cette clientèle. ii Les objectifs généraux de cette thèse visaient à (objectif 1) mettre à jour les connaissances relatives à la prévalence des douleurs au dos chez les adolescents avec une scoliose idiopathique (SI), à (objectif 2) vérifier s’il existe une relation entre la sévérité de la déformation, sa localisation et la présence de douleurs au dos chez ces patients, à (objectif 3) valider à nouveau l’aspect psychométrique du questionnaire SRS-22fv et enfin à (objectif 4) explorer une possible prise en charge alternative des patients avec scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence (SIA) exprimant des rachialgies. La première étude rétrospective que nous avons effectuée a permis d’évaluer de quelle façon les douleurs exprimées par plus de 300 patients étaient rapportées dans les dossiers et d’établir la prévalence de ces douleurs chez ces derniers. De plus, cette étude a évalué le type de prise en charge recommandée lorsque des douleurs étaient mentionnées au dossier. Cette étude a permis de confirmer que près de 50 % des patients avec SIA exprimaient de la douleur au dos et que la majorité de ces derniers (80 %) n’avaient aucune prise en charge de celle-ci. La deuxième étude prospective que nous avons réalisée a évalué les douleurs au dos chez plus de 500 adolescents avec scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence. Plus de 68 % de ces patients rapportaient la présence de douleurs au dos. Pour les régions thoraciques et lombaires, les douleurs étaient positivement associées avec la sévérité de la scoliose, alors que le port du corset avait un effet modérateur sur la douleur. La troisième étude incluse dans la présente thèse visait à (objectif 3) vérifier la validité de contenu et de construit de la version canadienne-française du questionnaire SRS- 22, soit le SRS-22fv, rempli par les patients recrutés lors de la deuxième étude. Ce iii questionnaire est couramment rempli par les patients scoliotiques. Notre étude a bénéficié d’un échantillon de 352 patients qui ont entièrement répondu au questionnaire SRS-22fv. L’analyse découlant de notre étude nous a menés à produire une version abrégée du SRS-22 contenant 18 éléments, avec une meilleure consistance interne ainsi qu’une variance explicative supérieure, soit 63,3 % pour le SRS-18fv, comparativement à 47,4 % pour le SRS-22fv. La dernière étude que nous avons menée (objectif 4) met en lumière une option de prise en charge alternative des patients avec scoliose exprimant ou non des douleurs au dos. En effet, les manipulations vertébrales font partie des options de traitements couramment utilisées chez les adolescents sains. Une grande incertitude demeure toutefois quant à l’utilisation de cette approche thérapeutique chez les patients avec scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescence. Cette étude a permis de confirmer qu’il y a un manque de données probantes dans ce domaine. Les résultats de cette thèse permettent de mieux comprendre le phénomène de la douleur au dos chez les adolescents avec scoliose idiopathique. Ces douleurs semblent plus prévalentes qu’initialement estimées, et il s’avère qu’un lien semble probable entre l’intensité des douleurs ressenties et la localisation de la courbe, ainsi qu’avec la sévérité de la scoliose chez ces adolescents. / Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional spinal deformity. This pathology is the most common spinal deviation encountered in adolescents and has been thoroughly researched over the past few decades regarding its aetiological factors, its risk of progression and management. It is now commonly accepted that the aetiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is multifactorial and includes, among other things, genetic, hormonal, mechanic, and neuromuscular factors. Though predicting which deviation will progress remain challenging, certain factors such as the age of the patient at presentation, its gender, bone maturity (Risser sign), menarchal status, and the severity of the spinal deformity are now widely accepted as factors that may provide some guidance to estimate this probability. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis has often been considered as a non-painful pathology, and this is perhaps why researchers have failed to assess back pain in this population more systematically. Only a few studies have been published over the last two decades on this subject. Among those studies, inclusion criteria are widely heterogeneous, as is the working definition of back pain, how the prevalence period was estimated, and which outcome measure was relied upon to assess back pain in this population. Because of this, the determination of back pain prevalence in scoliosis patients remains challenging. Considering the relationship between adolescent and adult spinal pain, and the high societal cost associated with this condition, it would be appropriate to obtain a clearer picture of this condition in this population. v The primary objectives of this thesis were to (objectif 1) update the current knowledge of back pain prevalence in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients, to (objectif 2) ascertain if a relationship was present between the severity and localisation of the scoliosis and the back pain, too (objectif 3) reassess the psychometric properties of the SRS-22fv questionnaire, and to (objectif 4) explore an alternative back pain management for those patients. The first retrospective study included in this thesis assessed back pain prevalence in 300 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. It also looked at how pain was reported and if pain management was recommended for patients reporting back pain. This study confirmed that back pain was a prevalent condition in this population and that in the vast majority of those reporting back pain, there was no kind of management recommended. The second prospective study assessed back pain prevalence in more than 500 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. Point prevalence of back pain was close to 68 %. For the thoracic and lumbar regions, the pain was positively associated with the severity of the scoliosis and bracing, prescribed to stabilise or prevent the curve progression, had a protective effect. Data collected in the previous study were employed to validate the most commonly utilised outcome measure in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, the SRS-22. The SRS-22 is a measurement instrument used to ascertain the quality of life and pain in scoliotic patients. The third article includes a report on analyses done regarding the validation of the SRS- 22fv. Complete data were available for 352 adolescents. The study demonstrated that a briefer version (18 items) had a better internal consistency and explained a greater proportion of the variance thus 63,3 % instead of 47,4 % for the SRS-22fv. vi The last study included in this thesis looked at an alternative treatment for the management scoliotic patients with or without back pain. This modality of spinal manipulation is a treatment that healthy adolescents commonly utilised. However, it was found that the rate of utilisation remains unclear within adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. A literature review revealed the need to have better-designed studies to assess the efficacy of spinal manipulation in this population adequately. The acquired knowledge throughout this thesis leads us to a better comprehension and understanding of back pain in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. Back pain appears to be more prevalent than initially estimated and a relationship seems to be present between the level of pain intensity and the scoliosis localisation and severity in patients suffering from this pathology.

Evolution de la posture rachidienne au cours de la croissance normale et modifications dans la scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent / Spinal posture evolution with normal growth and changes in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Pesenti, Sébastien 14 December 2018 (has links)
L’évaluation classique de la posture rachidienne chez les patients porteurs d’une scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent (SIA) se fait habituellement dans une position contrainte et statique en radiographie standard. Les conséquences sur la fonction rachidienne dynamique de ces déformations sont mal connues. Par ailleurs, les changements de la posture rachidienne au cours de la croissance et avec l’acquisition d’une marche stable n’ont encore jamais été explorés. L’analyse quantifiée du mouvement (AQM) d’une cohorte d’enfants sains a permis de mettre en évidence des modifications de la posture rachidienne dynamique au cours de la croissance, avec une augmentation de la gîte du tronc vers l’avant. Ces modifications s’accompagnaient de modifications anatomiques, en particulier au niveau des facettes articulaires cervicales. En AQM, les patients porteurs d’une SIA avaient des modifications du schéma de marche avec un décalage de phase à la marche entre la rotation des épaules et du bassin chez les patients scoliotiques. Il n’y avait pas de différence dans le schéma de marche entre les patients ayant une courbure thoracique droite et ceux ayant une courbure lombaire gauche. L’analyse de ces patients à 11 mois postopératoire a montré une restauration de certains paramètres grâce à la fusion vertébrale. Notamment, l’arthrodèse rachidienne postérieure de la courbure scoliotique a pour effet de faire disparaître le décalage de phase dans le plan transversal. L’AQM permet de mettre en évidence des modifications de la posture rachidienne chez ces patients et apparait comme un outil d’évaluation fondamental, qui pourrait nous permettre de mieux évaluer les traitements de la SIA. / In adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients, spinal posture is usually assessed in a constraint position with radiographic evaluation. However, the consequences of spinal deformity in these patients on the daily functioning of the spine remains unclear. On the other hand, spinal posture changes with normal growth and mature gait achievement have never been explored.A gait analysis was performed on a cohort of healthy children and highlighted changes in dynamic spinal posture with growth, showing that the trunk was increasingly leaning forward with mature gait achievement. These modifications were associated with anatomical changes, especially in the cervical spine.Changes in gait pattern were also observed in AIS patients thanks to gait analysis. In particular, there was a modification of upper trunk and pelvic rotation during gait. There was no difference in gait pattern according to major curve location. Eleven month postoperatively, our results showed that spinal fusion allowed restoration of a normal gait pattern, especially in the transversal plane.Gait analysis was able to highlight changes in dynamic spinal posture that occur in AIS patients, and thus appears as a major tool for spinal posture assessment in these patients. It could help us to improve the evaluation of the treatments that are proposed for spinal deformity correction.

Hodnocení efektu terapie skoliózy pomocí software SCODIAC 2.3 / Evaluation of treatment in scoliosis using software SCODIAC 2.3

Šonská, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Although scoliosis is defined as a deviation of the spine in the frontal plane above 10ř according to Cobb, the spine is deformed in three planes. The chest is also affected at the same time. The most common type is idiopathic scoliosis, which has multifactorial etiopathogenesis. The thesis summarizes available information on kinesiology of the spine, classification of idiopathic scoliosis, its incidence, etiology, diagnostics, treatment and specific physiotherapeutic exercises. The practical part is devoted to assessing the symmetry of the patient's torso from the photographic documentation of the posture by SCODIAC 2.3. Indices evaluating hull asymmetry from the back or front (POTSI, ATSI) result from mathematical calculation. The smaller the number, the more symmetrical the posture. Correlation of POTSI index and Cobb angle is explored. 20 patients (18 girls and 2 boys) with idiopathic scoliosis up to 47ř according to Cobb aged between 7 to 18 years were selected for the study. All patients were subjected to anamnestic data collection, kinesiology analysis and a questionnaire. The results were statistically processed. SCODIAC software is one of the options offered to evaluate torso asymmetry and assess posture changes after therapy. It acts as a feedback for a physiotherapist and motivates...

Posturální stabilita a percepce subjektivní zrakové vertikály u pacientů s idiopatickou skoliózou. / Postural stability and subjective visual vertical perception in patients with idiopathic scoliosis.

Votrubová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is characterised as a three-dimensional deformity of the spine with unknown etiopathogenesis. There is evidence that scoliosis may be associated with abnormalities of the vestibular system. Examination of postural stability and verticality perception is a way to assess vestibular function. The objective of this work is to compare postural stability and subjective visual vertical (SVV) between adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and healthy controls. Twelve AIS patients and twelve controls participated in the study. Examination of postural stability was performed through a Kistler force platform and the SVV was tested using a pre-programmed computed equipment Synapsys. An instrument for evaluating the perception patients have of their trunk deformity, Trunk Appearance Perception Scale (TAPS), was also part of the examination. Our results did not show a significant difference between the two groups in postural stability and static SVV-S. Statistically significant difference was found on dynamic SVV-D with clockwise rotation (p  0,01): AIS patients (1,19ř ± 1,03ř), control group (-0,17ř ± 0,82ř). There was also a significant difference on absolute deviation of dynamic SVV-D with clockwise rotation (p  0,05): AIS patients (1,50ř ± 0,77ř), control group (0,81ř ±...

Le métabolisme énergétique et l’implication du microbiote intestinal dans la scoliose idiopathique chez les adolescentes

Normand, Émilie 12 1900 (has links)
La scoliose idiopathique de l'adolescent (SIA) est une déformation tridimensionnelle de la colonne vertébrale qui se développe entre l’âge de 10 et 18 ans et dont la cause est inconnue. Cette maladie touche 2-3 % des adolescents et majoritairement les jeunes filles. Certaines études ont révélé des différences au niveau des paramètres anthropométriques chez les jeunes filles atteintes de la SIA par rapport à des sujets contrôles du même âge, tels qu’un poids, un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et une densité minérale osseuse (DMO) plus faibles. Les raisons de ces différences demeurent inexpliquées, mais des anomalies au niveau du métabolisme énergétique pourraient y contribuer. En ce sens, certaines hormones impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique ont été sommairement étudiées dans la SIA, mais cela de manière individuelle alors que ces processus nécessitent l'interaction d'une panoplie d'autres hormones. L’hypothèse centrale de cette thèse est que le métabolisme énergétique est altéré dans la SIA. Les objectifs de nos travaux sont de : (1) Étudier l’association entre la mutation A316T du gène du récepteur de l’incrétine glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1-R A316T) et la SIA; (2) Dans des ostéoblastes de patients atteints de la SIA et de contrôles, examiner la régulation de protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique à l’état basal et suite à des traitements par des effecteurs métaboliques; (3) Étudier le profil métabolique des jeunes filles atteintes de la SIA comparativement à des contrôles du même âge; (4) Étudier la composition et la diversité du microbiote intestinal ainsi que ses métabolites dans la SIA et les comparer à des contrôles. Pour ce faire, nous avons génotypé la mutation GLP1R A316T chez des patients avec SIA et des contrôles. Ensuite, des ostéoblastes ont été incubés avec divers effecteurs métaboliques pour étudier leurs effets sur l’expression de protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique. Aussi, une étude clinique pilote a été réalisée auprès de 20 patientes adolescentes avec la SIA et 20 contrôles appariées pour l’âge. Nous avons évalué le profil métabolique et anthropométrique des participantes, ainsi que leur alimentation et leur niveau d’activité physique. Un échantillon de selle a également été collecté sur une base volontaire afin d’étudier le microbiote intestinal des patientes et des contrôles. Pour l’étude génétique, dans notre cohorte, la présence de la mutation GLP1R A316T augmentait de 3,4 fois le risque de développer la maladie. Au niveau cellulaire, les ostéoblastes dérivés de patients avec SIA présentaient une expression génique et protéique de la dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inférieure à celle des contrôles. De plus, les traitements avec les effecteurs métaboliques n’ont pas régulé l’expression de la DPP-4 de la même manière dans les ostéoblastes de sujets avec SIA que dans ceux des contrôles. L’étude clinique pilote a montré que les patientes atteintes de la SIA avaient des niveaux moyens d’adiponectine supérieurs aux contrôles, et un ratio leptine/adiponectine inférieur. De plus, les participantes qui avaient un angle de Cobb supérieur à 25° présentaient des taux plus élevés de résistine comparativement aux contrôles. L’étude du microbiote intestinal a révélé des tendances, telles qu’une plus faible alpha-diversité et abondance relative de Lachnospira et de Bacteroides, ainsi qu’une plus grande abondance relative de Blautia dans le groupe avec SIA. En conclusion, les résultats de nos études génétique, cellulaire et clinique démontrent la présence d’altérations du métabolisme énergétique dans la SIA. Ces travaux soutiennent que les mécanismes possibles peuvent inclurent la mutation d’un gène impliqué dans le métabolisme énergétique, une régulation différente des adipokines et des incrétines ainsi que différentes réponses à des effecteurs métaboliques et une altération du microbiote intestinal et de ses métabolites. / Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine that develops between the ages of 10 and 18, the cause of which is unknown. The disease affects 2-3% of adolescents, mostly girls. Some studies have revealed differences in anthropometric parameters in girls with AIS compared to control subjects of the same age, such as lower weight, body mass index (BMI) and bone mineral density (BMD). The reasons for these differences remain unexplained, but abnormalities in energy metabolism may contribute. In this regard, certain hormones involved in energy metabolism have been briefly studied in SIA, but only individually, whereas these processes require the interaction of a panoply of other hormones. The central hypothesis of this thesis is that energy metabolism is altered in AIS. The aims of our work are to: (1) Investigate the association between the A316T mutation in the incretin glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor gene (GLP1-R A316T) and AIS; (2) In osteoblasts from AIS patients and controls, examine the regulation of proteins involved in energy metabolism in the basal state and following treatment with metabolic effectors; (3) To study the metabolic profile of girls with AIS compared with controls of the same age; (4) To study the composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota and its metabolites in AIS and compare them with controls. To this end, we genotyped the GLP1R A316T mutation in AIS patients and controls. Then, osteoblasts were incubated with various metabolic effectors to study their effects on the expression of proteins involved in energy metabolism. Also, a clinical pilot study was carried out in 20 adolescent female patients with AIS and 20 age-matched controls. We assessed the participants' metabolic and anthropometric profile, as well as their diet and level of physical activity. A stool sample was also collected on a voluntary basis to study the intestinal microbiota of patients and controls. For the genetic study, in our cohort, the presence of the GLP1R A316T mutation increased the risk of developing the disease by 3.4-fold. At the cellular level, osteoblasts derived from patients with AIS showed lower gene and protein expression of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) than controls. Furthermore, treatments with metabolic effectors did not regulate DPP-4 expression in the same way in osteoblasts from subjects with AIS as in controls. The clinical pilot study showed that AIS patients had higher mean adiponectin levels than controls, and a lower leptin/adiponectin ratio. In addition, participants with a Cobb angle greater than 25° had higher levels of resistin compared with controls. Study of the intestinal microbiota revealed trends such as lower alpha-diversity and relative abundance of Lachnospira and Bacteroides, and greater relative abundance of Blautia in the AIS group. In conclusion, the results of our genetic, cellular, and clinical studies support the presence of alterations in energy metabolism in AIS. Possible mechanisms may include mutation of a gene involved in energy metabolism, different regulation of adipokines and incretins, different responses to metabolic effectors, and alteration of the gut microbiota and its metabolites.

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