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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empatins risker : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om chefers uppfattning och förståelse av empatitrötthet inom socialt arbete. / The risks of empathy : A qualitative interview study about managers' perception and understanding of compassion fatigue in social work.

Hallin, Johanna, Henry, Emilie January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to examine the understanding of compassion fatigue, the burdens of social work, and its relevance within different social work organisations. Interviews were conducted with eight social work managers from various workplaces across Sweden. Participants volunteered to take part in the study. The interviewees had between 14 - 36 years of experience in the field of social work. This study used a qualitative study method and semi-structured interviews were conducted. A thematic analysis was used and three main themes were created: a varying understanding of compassion fatigue, the vulnerability of working with vulnerable people and workplace wellness.  The results found that when asked to define compassion fatigue participants identified it as synonymous with secondary traumatic stress disorder and as a form of empathic numbness. They acknowledged that working with people in need can be difficult and it is important to have a healthy workplace to stay in the field of social work. The main findings are that the respondents' understanding of the phenomenon was not complete and that a lack of distance from their clients and an unawareness of oneself are risk factors for suffering from compassion fatigue. In summary, we concluded that more knowledge is needed about the phenomenon and increased opportunities for students to prepare for what impact the social work profession can have on their health and wellbeing. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka chefers upplevelse och förståelse av empatitrötthet samt arbetets påverkan på medarbetarna inom olika verksamheter för socialt arbete. Intervjuer genomfördes med åtta chefer för verksamheter inom socialt arbete på olika arbetsplatser över hela Sverige. Respondenternas medverkan i studien var frivillig och de hade mellan 14 - 36 års erfarenhet inom socialt arbete. Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ ansats genom användning av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Utifrån en tematisk analys skapades tre teman; varierande förståelse av empatitrötthet, utsattheten i att jobba med utsatta samt att må väl på arbetsplatsen.  Studiens resultat visar att när respondenterna ombads definiera empatitrötthet beskrevs fenomenet nära sammanvävt med sekundär traumatisering och som en form av empatisk avdomnad. Respondenterna uppmärksammade den emotionella påverkan som klientnära arbete kan innebära och vikten av att ha en hälsosam arbetsplats för att medarbetaren ska klara av arbetet. De huvudsakliga fynd som studien redovisar är att respondenternas förståelse av fenomenet var ofullständig samt att avsaknad av distans till ens klienter och en omedvetenhet om sig själv är riskfaktorer för att drabbas av empatitrötthet. Sammanfattningsvis landade vi i slutsatserna att det behövs mer kunskap om fenomenet och ökad möjlighet för studenter att förbereda sig på hur yrket kan påverka en.

Die invloed van musiek op die middelkinderjare–kind se stresbelewing tydens forensiese onderhoudvoering / Antionetté Buys

Buys, Antionetté January 2010 (has links)
This study describes and evaluates the possible stress experience of a child in his/her middle–childhood years during an social work interview in forensic practice. The possible use of a music intervention was investigated in order to alleviate the stress levels of a child while being interviewed. The function of a social worker in forensic practice is to gain information from the alledged victim about the alleged abuse during two to at the most three interviews. Various factors may influence this process. Children undergoing a forensic assessment are possibly experiencing residual stress as a result of the trauma he/she has experienced, his/her cognitive appraisal of the event, or the interview itself. Furthermore, the cognitive development of a child in the middle–childhood years also influences his/her statement. The research was aimed at determining: – the presence of stress in a child while being interviewed in forensic practice – whether the introduction of a music intervention during the interview in forensic practice can alleviate the stress levels of a child – whether a lower stress level in a child results in a more complete and applicable statement The experimental and the control group consisted of six participants each. They were obtained from the case load of the researcher. Participants were allocated to the experimental and control group alternatively in the order in which they were referred for assessment. The participants of the experimental group were exposed to Mozart’s serenade, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenata no 13 in G major). The participants of the control group were not exposed to a music intervention. The data collection included: – Pulse and blood pressure measurement – A self–developed stress scale to evaluate the participants' bodily experience of stress – A self–developed rating scale to determine the participants' non–verbal stress–related behaviour – A self–developed rating scale to measure the qualitative aspect of the participants' statements The research results cannot be generalised due to the small test sample group. However, certain tendencies could be identified. According to the research results a child in his/her middle–childhood years does not experience excessive stress during interviews in forensic practice. This finding is based on the fact that the pulse and blood pressure measurements were within normal limits. However, the pulse rate of the experimental group was lower during the post–measurement. This could indicate that, to a certain extent, the experimental group's participants felt more relaxed. In addition, the presence of a music intervention had a positive effect on the behaviour of the experimental group's participants during the interviews, in that their behaviour was less disruptive. This may indicate that they felt more relaxed during the interview. The presence of a music intervention during interviews in forensic practice also appears to lead to a slightly better quality of statements. If a better quality statement can be obtained from the child it will result in better service to the courts and, indirectly, to the child. Further studies should follow up on these tendencies. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Die invloed van musiek op die middelkinderjare–kind se stresbelewing tydens forensiese onderhoudvoering / Antionetté Buys

Buys, Antionetté January 2010 (has links)
This study describes and evaluates the possible stress experience of a child in his/her middle–childhood years during an social work interview in forensic practice. The possible use of a music intervention was investigated in order to alleviate the stress levels of a child while being interviewed. The function of a social worker in forensic practice is to gain information from the alledged victim about the alleged abuse during two to at the most three interviews. Various factors may influence this process. Children undergoing a forensic assessment are possibly experiencing residual stress as a result of the trauma he/she has experienced, his/her cognitive appraisal of the event, or the interview itself. Furthermore, the cognitive development of a child in the middle–childhood years also influences his/her statement. The research was aimed at determining: – the presence of stress in a child while being interviewed in forensic practice – whether the introduction of a music intervention during the interview in forensic practice can alleviate the stress levels of a child – whether a lower stress level in a child results in a more complete and applicable statement The experimental and the control group consisted of six participants each. They were obtained from the case load of the researcher. Participants were allocated to the experimental and control group alternatively in the order in which they were referred for assessment. The participants of the experimental group were exposed to Mozart’s serenade, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenata no 13 in G major). The participants of the control group were not exposed to a music intervention. The data collection included: – Pulse and blood pressure measurement – A self–developed stress scale to evaluate the participants' bodily experience of stress – A self–developed rating scale to determine the participants' non–verbal stress–related behaviour – A self–developed rating scale to measure the qualitative aspect of the participants' statements The research results cannot be generalised due to the small test sample group. However, certain tendencies could be identified. According to the research results a child in his/her middle–childhood years does not experience excessive stress during interviews in forensic practice. This finding is based on the fact that the pulse and blood pressure measurements were within normal limits. However, the pulse rate of the experimental group was lower during the post–measurement. This could indicate that, to a certain extent, the experimental group's participants felt more relaxed. In addition, the presence of a music intervention had a positive effect on the behaviour of the experimental group's participants during the interviews, in that their behaviour was less disruptive. This may indicate that they felt more relaxed during the interview. The presence of a music intervention during interviews in forensic practice also appears to lead to a slightly better quality of statements. If a better quality statement can be obtained from the child it will result in better service to the courts and, indirectly, to the child. Further studies should follow up on these tendencies. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Improving Teacher Retention by Addressing Teachers' Compassion Fatigue

Ollison, Jacquelyn 01 January 2019 (has links)
California is experiencing a massive teacher shortage, and urban schools are disproportionately affected by it negatively. Retention efforts to date have not included strategies to address Compassion Fatigue (burnout and secondary trauma) teachers experience when working with traumatized students at urban schools. This dissertation explores whether Compassion Fatigue is an unaddressed reason for teacher attrition at urban schools. A mixed method practical action research approach using the Professional Quality of Life Scale Version Five (ProQOL 5) and qualitative interviews, portions of which were turned into illustrative vignettes drove the exploration. Approximately 114 teachers completed the ProQOL 5. Statistical analysis of the ProQOL 5 results showed that female teachers experience more compassion fatigue than male teachers; compassion fatigue is more acute with beginning teachers than with veteran teachers; and that teachers working at high-poverty schools experience statistically significant differences in compassion satisfaction and fatigue than teachers at low poverty schools. Correlation tests revealed statistically significant relationships between compassion fatigue and the school’s racial demographics even when controlling for the socioeconomically disadvantaged status of the school and teacher ethnicity. Linear regression models showed that the percentage of African American students in the school is a statistically significant predictor of compassion fatigue. Qualitative interview analysis showed that secondary trauma from students is not the only trauma teachers are experiencing, and that school climate and conditions matter when attempting to retain teachers. In the final phase of the action research, a policy brief was developed through a collaborative and iterative process, based both on the findings and engagement with stakeholders. If California is serious about producing and retaining high-quality teachers at all urban schools,’ efforts to mitigate compassion fatigue should be undertaken immediately.

”JAG VET INTE OM DET JAG HAR UPPLEVT ÄR SEKUNDÄR TRAUMATISERING MEN…” : En kvalitativ studie om sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare.

Hällgren, Malin, Wässman, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Sekundär traumatisering beskriver ett tillstånd som kan uppstå till följd av att arbeta med traumatiserade människor. Konsekvensen av att drabbas av sekundär traumatisering kan ge livslånga psykiska och fysiska besvär hos den drabbade. Studien syftar till att undersöka uppkomsten och upplevelsen av sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare, detta då tidigare forskning visat på att socialarbetare anses vara i riskzon för att utsättas för sekundär traumatisering. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att få ett fördjupat perspektiv på syndromet sekundär traumatisering samt socialsekreterarnas upplevelse har teorierna coping och KASAM använts, då de kan tänkas besvara hur människan hanterar utsatta situationer samt ger en bakgrund till hur dessa känslor kan komma uppstå och hanteras. Studien baserades på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer av socialsekreterare som arbetar i två olika kommuner inom våld i nära relation i Sverige. Resultatet av studien visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde negativa känslor till följd av andrahandsexponering av klienternas trauman, orsaken var bland annat bristen på reflektion, detta till följd av hög arbetsbelastning och personalomsättning. En skyddsfaktor som gick att finna var att socialsekreterarna kunde hantera uppkomsten av sekundär traumatisering med hjälp av copingstrategier samt känsla av meningsfullhet (KASAM), vilket bidrog till ökat förståelse för socialsekreterarnas upplevelser.

“Det är bara att härda ut” : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelse av sekundär traumatisering / ‘Just persevere’ : A qualitative study on social workers’ experience of secondary traumatization

Arte, Nimo, Ljungh, Walaa January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka socialarbetarens förståelse av sekundär traumatisering, samt om de själva eventuellt upplevt eller påverkats av sekundär traumatisering. Studiens material baserar sig på semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialarbetare som arbetar med barn och unga, en målgrupp som anses vara särskilt sårbar för sekundär traumatisering, enligt tidigare forskning. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys och utifrån teorierna resiliens och coping. Resultaten visade en brist på kunskap kring sekundär traumatisering hos respondenterna. Samtidigt pekar deras beskrivningar på att de själva upplever symtom på sekundär traumatisering. Studiens slutsats är att kunskap kring sekundär traumatisering saknas bland socialarbetare inom socialtjänsten trots att sekundär traumatisering är en risk för denna yrkesgrupp. / The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine social workers' conceptualisation of secondary traumatization, as well as whether they themselves experience symptoms of secondary traumatization or been affected. The study material is based on semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with children and young people, a group considered particularly vulnerable to secondary traumatization according to previous research. The interview material was analysed using thematic analysis and the theories of resilience and coping. The results indicated a lack of knowledge about secondary traumatization among the respondents. At the same time, their descriptions suggest that they themselves experience symptoms of secondary traumatization. The study's conclusion is that knowledge about secondary traumatization is lacking among social workers in social services, despite secondary traumatization being a risk for this professional group.

Självskadebeteende : En studie om hur yrkesprofessionella påverkas känslomässigt av att möta människor som har ett självskadebeteende

Dimitrijevic, Marija, Sisarica, Dora January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma påverkas känslomässigt av att arbeta med människor som har ett självskadebeteende. Det som undersöks är hur de själva uppfattar att de påverkas samt hur de hanterar sina känslor i möten med dessa människor. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt. Sammanlagt gjordes sex intervjuer med yrkesprofessionella på tre olika verksamheter. Utbildningsnivån varierade på de olika verksamheterna och bland respondenterna fanns de som var utbildade till psykolog, socionom, skötare och behandlingspedagog där ett antal även hade vidareutbildningar. I resultatet konstaterar samtliga respondenter att arbetet med människor som har ett självskadebeteende leder till en känslomässig påverkan på olika sätt. Det som visat sig vara det mest betydelsefulla sättet att hantera sina känslor i arbetet för respondenter är det kollegiala stödet samt organisatorisk handledning. Studiens slutsatser är att det förekommer skillnader gällande verksamheternas ledning och organisation samt utbildningsnivå. Yrkesprofessionella med högre utbildning var mer medvetna om sina känslomässiga konsekvenser samt hur de skulle hantera dessa i jämförelse med de som hade lägre utbildning och testade sig fram för att hitta tillvägagångsätt att hantera sina känslor.

Die impak van trauma op die kind as sekondêre slagoffer in die ongevalle afdeling van ‘n hospitaal

Muller, Corne 10 September 2007 (has links)
This study is aimed at exploring the impact of secondary trauma on the child. A shortcoming has been identified in practice because of the lack of trained social workers and therapists in the field of secondary trauma and children and applying effective therapeutic intervention. The goal of this study was to explore and determine the impact of trauma on the child as the secondary victim in the emergency room of the hospital. In order to reach the required goal, a number of objectives were set. By means of a literature study and consultation with experts in the field of trauma, a theoretical framework was set up with regard to the following: secondary trauma as phenomenon; the child in the middle childhood as part of life; trauma debriefing and the child. An empirical study where semi-structured interviews and participatory observation were used as the methods of data collection was undertaken, to assess the impact of trauma on the child, as the secondary victim in the emergency room of the hospital. The following aspects were handled specifically: 1. the experience of trauma by the child 2. fears and anxiety 3. re-experiencing the event through thoughts 4. sensation, communication and play 5. increase in sensitivity through sight, noises and smell 6. avoidance of memories, thoughts and feelings towards the trauma and then the search for closure Individual semi-structured interviews were used with ten respondents. Applied research was undertaken as the researcher aimed at establishing solutions for problems that occur in the emergency room of the hospital. The researcher used a qualitative research approach. Considering that in this study a relatively unknown field was researched, a phenomenological strategy within an exploratory study was used to explore, understand and interpret the research question, which is not well known. The research question formulated for this study was: “What is the effect of trauma on the child as the secondary victim?” Empirical data, which was obtained by using a semi-structured interview schedule and participatory observation, revealed the following: 1. The secondary traumatized child is the individual that’s been exposed to the trauma by either witnessing the event or through the relationship with the victim. 2. The following phases of trauma were identified through the study of the secondary traumatized child: i. PHASE 1 : Biological impact phase ii. PHASE 2 : Reaction phase iii. PHASE 3 : Avoidance phase iv. PHASE 4 : Reintegration and recovery of homeostasis 3. Role of social support systems for the adaptation of the psycho-social functioning of the victim. 4. External factors that might influence the traumatized child. The study revealed information on the child as the secondary traumatized victim in the emergency room of the hospital, which holds further research possibilities. The desired information was acquired and can be used in further studies and the development of a trauma-debriefing programme. / Dissertation (MSW (Social Health Care))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSW (Social Health Care) / Unrestricted

Konstruktionen av sekundärt trauma : En tematisk innehållsanalys av hur begreppet sekundärt trauma konstrueras i populärvetenskaplig litteratur / The construction of secondary trauma : A thematic content analysis of how the concept of secondary trauma is constructed in popular science litteratur

Johansson, Sarah, Larsson, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Socialarbetare verkar i en arbetsmiljö där de regelbundet utsätts för andra människors trauma och lidande. Det är svårt för den professionella att förbli oberörd i mötet med andras lidande och en specifik efterföljd av detta benämns som sekundärt trauma. Sekundär traumatisering är ett relativt okänt begrepp i Sverige men som kommit att bli allt mer uppmärksammat de senaste tio åren. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur begreppet sekundär traumatisering konstrueras i populärvetenskaplig litteratur. Studien har genom en tematisk innehållsanalys av text analyserat två populärvetenskapliga böcker och hur de bidrar till att konstruera begreppet sekundärt trauma. För att genomföra analysen har socialkonstruktivismen använts som teoretiskt ramverk. Studiens resultat visar på att sekundärt trauma konstrueras som ett vagt definierat begrepp och behöver ett samlat angreppssätt för att möjliggöra vidare forskning. Vidare visar resultatet på att sekundärt trauma konstrueras som ett problem inom socialt arbete vilket behöver tas på allvar och uppmärksammas. / Social workers act in a working environment where they regularly get exposed to other peoples trauma and suffering. It's hard for the professional to stay unaffected to others suffering and a specific follow to this is called secondary trauma. Secondary trauma is a relatively unknown concept in Sweden but has been increasingly paid attention to in the last ten years. This study aims to examine how the concept of secondary trauma is constructed in popular science litteratur. This study has through a thematic content analysis of text analyzed two popular science literature books and how they contribute to the construction of the concept of secondary trauma. To implement the analysis the social constructivism has been used as a theoretical framework. The result of the study shows that the construction of secondary trauma is still a weekley defined concept that needs a collected approach to enable further research. Furthermore the result shows that secondary trauma is constructed as a  problem within social work that needs to be taken seriously.

Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis: The Lived Experiences of Faculty Who Teach Traumatized Students in Higher Education

Boone, Danielle Marie 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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