Spelling suggestions: "subject:"secretary"" "subject:"shecretary""
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The UN Secretary-General's High Level Panel: Biolobical Weapons Related IssuesPearson, Graham S. January 2005 (has links)
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”Finns det någon som bryr sig?” - Socialsekreterares upplevelser om att möta individer i samsjuklighetMalmberg, Johanna, Nilsson Mattisson, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Studien syftar till att få en förståelse för hur socialsekreterare uppmärksammar samsjuklighet hos individer som söker hjälp för beroende. Vidare undersöks hur socialsekreterare upplever mötet med individer som har beroende och som har psykisk ohälsa. Syftet är även att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser om vilka faktorer som kan påverka arbetet med samsjuklighet. Studiens empiriska material grundas på kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem socialsekreterare som har erfarenhet av att arbeta med individer som har samsjuklighet. Tre verksamheter i samma kommun besöktes. Det empiriska materialet grundas också på kunskapsläget inom området. De teoretiska perspektiv som har applicerats är samverkan och stigma. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterare möter i sitt arbete individer som har beroende parallellt med psykisk ohälsa, vilket de identifierar som samsjuklighet. De arbetar med individuella anpassningar utifrån individens situation. Det finns också en viss samverkan mellan socialtjänsten och psykiatrin. Samtidigt pågår det ett samverkansarbete för att utveckla nya arbetssätt som kan användas i samverkan kring individer som har samsjuklighet. Individer som har samsjuklighet är särskilt utsatta och riskerar att hamna mellan verksamheter. De faktorer som kan påverka arbetet med samsjuklighet är individens intelligens, tillgång till bostad, arbete, socialt nätverk och psykiatrikontakt. Socialsekreterares upplevelser kring mötet med individer som har samsjuklighet upplevs som komplext och svårhanterligt. Detta till följd av samsjuklighetens innebörd, avsaknad kunskap samt att samverkansarbetet har problematiserats och att nya arbetssätt utvecklas. / The study aims to gain an understanding of how social workers attend to comorbidities in individuals who search help with their addiction. Furthermore, it is investigated how social workers experience meetings with indviduals who have an addiction and who have mental illness. The aim is also to investigate social workers’ experiences of which factors can affect the work of social harmony. The empirical material of the study is based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews with five social workers who have experiences with individuals comorbidities. Three operations were visited in the same community. The empirical material is also based on the knowledge situation in the field. The theoretical perspectives that have been applied are collaboration and stigma. The results show that social workers that face individuals who have an addiction as well as mental illness, which they identify as a comorbidity. They work with individual adaptations based on the individual’s situation. There is also some interaction between social services and psychiatry. At the same time, there is a collaborative effort to develop new working methods that can be used in collaboration around individuals who have comorbidities. Individuals who have comorbidities are particularly vulnerable and at risk to end up between businesses. The factors that can affect the work with social harmony are the individual’s intelligence, access to housing, work, social network, and psychiatric contact. Social workers experience about meeting with indviduals who have comorbidities are perceived to be complex and difficult. This is because of the meaning of comorbidites, lack of knowledge, and that collaborative work has been problematized and new working methods are being developed. Read more
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A Random Walk Version of Robbins' ProblemAllen, Andrew 12 1900 (has links)
Robbins' problem is an optimal stopping problem where one seeks to minimize the expected rank of their observations among all observations. We examine random walk analogs to Robbins' problem in both discrete and continuous time. In discrete time, we consider full information and relative ranks versions of this problem. For three step walks, we give the optimal stopping rule and the expected rank for both versions. We also give asymptotic upper bounds for the expected rank in discrete time. Finally, we give upper and lower bounds for the expected rank in continuous time, and we show that the expected rank in the continuous time problem is at least as large as the normalized asymptotic expected rank in the full information discrete time version.
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Barns behov i centrum – ett dokumenteringssystem som utvecklar socialtjänsten? : En studie i hur uppföljningarna av placerade barn har förändrats efter att Barns behov i centrum har införtsRenström, Sabina, Carlsson, Petra January 2010 (has links)
After repeated criticism of the social services about how they manage family care, the National Board of Health and Welfare decided to solve the problem by importing a model used in England (Integrated children's system). This was translated into Swedish conditions and named BBIC (Barns behov i centrum = Child’s needs at the center). Our study aims to investigate whether BBIC will contribute to more and more extensive follow-ups of children placed than before, with a focus on the child's best. This has been studied through qualitative interviews with six social workers who work with children investigations. The results indicate that follow-up is becoming more wide when BBIC is used, the social welfare worker needs to see the child several times to obtain all the information that BBIC documents require. The result also indicates that the social workers use different BBIC documents when they do follow-ups. There are also other parts of the follow-up in which social welfare workers work different, for example how often they visit the child between the statutory reassessments.
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Barnets bästa måste komma fram : Hur tolkar och beaktar familjerättssekreterare barnets bästa i vårdnadstvistutredningar? / Best interest of child must come forward : How does family secretary interpret and consider the child´s best intrest in custody disputes?Hansson, Jacqueline, Lindell, Carolina January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur familjerättssekreterares tolkar och beaktar barnets bästa i vårdnadstvistutredningar. Studien baseras på nio kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien kommer att behandla barnets bästa, föräldraförmåga och risker för barnet. I resultatet framkommer att begreppet “barnets bästa” är svårt att definiera men att familjerättssekreterarna ser till barnets utsatta situation. Forskning och studiens resultat pekar på att barn i vårdnadstvistutredningar är i en utsatt situation och offer för föräldrars konflikt. Resultatet visar att familjerättssekreterare ser att föräldrar i en vårdnadstvist uppvisar bristande föräldraförmåga i jämförelse med föräldrar som inte är i vårdnadstvist och de kan därför inte tillgodose barnets behov av trygghet och stabilitet. I diskussionen kopplas studiens resultat samman med tidigare forskning samt systemteorin och handlingsteorin. Det visar sig att systemteorin kan ses som en utgångspunkt i familjerättssekreterares arbete även om det inte uttrycks som så. Det framkommer att familjerättssekreterare känner en frihet i sitt handlingsutrymme och att de utför målinriktade handlingar. / The study aims to investigate how family secretaries interpret and consider the child's best interests in custody investigations. The study is based on nine qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The study will address the child's best interests, parental ability and risks for the child. The result shows that the term "best interests of the child" is difficult to define, but that the family secretaries look to the child's vulnerable situation. Research and study results indicate that children in child custody disputes are in a vulnerable situation and victims of parental conflict. The result shows that family secretaries see that parents in a custody dispute show a lack of parental ability compared to parents who are not in custody disputes and therefore cannot meet the child's need for security and stability. In the discussion, the results of the study are linked to previous research as well as system theory and action theory. It turns out that the system theory can be seen as a starting point in the work of family secretaries, even if it is not expressed as such. It shows that family secretaries feel freedom in their room for maneuver and that they carry out targeted actions. Read more
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Damned if you do, damned if you don't : En kvalitativ undersökning av två kvällstidningars rapportering om omhändertagande av barn samt socialsekreterares yrkesroll & kompetens / Damned if you do, damned if you don't : A qualitative study of two tabloid newspapers' reporting of childcare issues and the social worker's professional role and competencePetersson, Simon, Björkman Winther, Carl January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how the media portrays the social workers professional practice and to investigate how media reports on childcare issues. The method used to answer our questions was critical discourse analysis in which Norman Fairclough's three-dimensional model was in focus. The study also contains the social constructivism as the science theoretical approach and media logic as the theory. The study's approach is based on reading news articles from the Swedish tabloid newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. Relevant text from the news articles was extracted as quotes, which underlies the result presented. In our study we found, based on our questions, a pattern in the newspaper reports where there are links to attentive events such as children's deaths or inadequate interventions in a custody. From the knowledge gained from research and theory, it is easier for a newspaper to highlight drama and sensation of something that is negative, rather than positive. Based on our method and the result presented, we also identified a discourse that we chose to term as an acting discourse. Because on one hand, the tabloid newspapers criticizes social workers and their occupational role by questioning when a custody has taken place. On the other hand, the social workers are criticized when they have not intervened. It can be concluded that the underlying newspaper reports describe that the occupational role and competence of current social workers are a question of their behavior and non-action. From what we noted in the papers' reports, the image appears to be that the way newspapers portray/describe social workers is that, regardless of their actions social workers are perceived as not fulfilling the responsibility connected with their professional role. Read more
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Aprimoramento do Banco de Preços do Ministério da Saúde e acompanhamento dos gastos públicos com medicamentos especializados (excepcionais) no BrasilSamrsla, Mônica January 2012 (has links)
Contexto: O financiamento e o acesso aos medicamentos especializados no Brasil baseia-se em normas para dispensação equânime à população. Entretanto, as Secretarias Estaduais de Saúde (SES) enfrentam dificuldades que levam o cidadão a recorrer ao Poder Judiciário e obter liminares que impactam o orçamento das SES, criando-se um círculo vicioso de demanda infinita, acesso restrito e escassez de recursos. O Banco de Preços em Saúde (BPS), disponível pelo Ministério da Saúde desde 1998, atua como ferramenta de apoio aos processos licitatórios e acompanhamento dos preços praticados no mercado. Em razão do pouco uso e da crescente expedição de normas que determinam a participação das SES no BPS, o sistema foi totalmente reformulado, de modo a atender as necessidades dos gestores estaduais em conseguir bons preços e evitar os processos judiciais. Objetivos: Apresentar o aprimoramento do Banco de Preços em Saúde (BPS) do Ministério da Saúde para que identifique os recursos utilizados na aquisição de medicamentos especializados e possibilite aos gestores estaduais o monitoramento e a avaliação dos gastos com este componente de alto custo. Métodos: Seleção de quatro SES participantes do BPS desde 2004 e com histórico sequencial de compras informadas no sistema. Levantamento de informações junto as secretarias selecionadas sobre os sistemas locais de armazenamento de dados de compras, e obtenção dos elencos de medicamentos especializados pactuados com a União. Análise comparativa entre as listas das SES e do BPS, utilizando como padrão de referência a Portaria nº 106/09. Desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades e relatórios no Banco de Preços, de modo a proporcionar ao gestor informação e segurança para licitar e comprar. Resultados: Reformulação total do Banco de Preços, introduzindo ações e relatórios que permitem ao gestor estadual o acompanhamento de suas compras através do sistema. Possibilidade de identificação da variação de preços praticados nas aquisições administrativas e demandas judiciais, induzindo a formação de reserva técnica para atender liminares. Estabelecimento de ampla base de dados para pesquisa de preços contendo informações de compras dos três níveis de gestão e área privada, facilitando a inserção de compras através de ferramentas de importação automatizadas. Adesão das 27 SES no BPS após seu lançamento em 2008 correspondendo a 100% do esperado, ainda que nem todas secretarias estejam alimentando o sistema. Considerações Finais: Apesar dos programas nacionais de distribuição gratuita de medicamentos, ainda existem dificuldades no cumprimento das metas estabelecidas para dar amplo acesso aos mesmos. Diferentes fatores caracterizam-se como pontos frágeis no processo, como a ineficiência dos critérios de monitoramento das gestões públicas e o desconhecimento dos preços praticados no mercado. As soluções dependem da união de esforços entre sociedade, indústria, judiciário e poder executivo. Neste sentido, o BPS aprimorado pode ser uma contribuição relevante. / Context: Financing and access to specialized medications in Brazil are based on norms for equanimous dispensation for the population. Nevertheless, State Secretaries of Health (SSHs) face difficulties that lead the citizen to search the Judiciary to obtain preliminary orders which impact on the SSHs’ budget, resulting in a vicious circle of infinite demand, restricted access and paucity of resources. The Health Price Database (HPD), available through the Ministry of Health since 1998, acts as a supporting tool to bidding processes and follow up of prices offered in the market. Due to the rare use and the increasing dispatch of norms determining the participation of the SSHs in the HPD, the system has been totally reformulated in order to meet the need of state managers in attaining good prices and avoiding lawsuits. Objectives: To present the improvement of the HPD of the Ministry of Health in order to identify resources used in the acquisition of specialized medications and enable state managers to monitor and assess expenses with this high cost component. Methods: Four SSHs which participated in the HPD since 2004 and had a sequential history of purchases informed in the system were selected. Information was retrieved from selected secretaries on local storage systems of data on purchases and the catalogues of specialized medications agreed upon with the Union. A comparative analysis of SSHs and HPD lists was performed, using as standard the Ordinance n. 106/09. New functionalities and Base Price reports were developed in order that information and safety be provided to the manager to bid and purchase. Results: Total reformulation of Health Price Database, introducing actions and reports which allow the state manager to follow up his purchases through the system. Possibility of identifying price variation practiced in administrative acquisitions and legal demands, leading to the formation of technical reserve to meet preliminary orders. Establishment of a broad data base for price surveys containing information on purchases of the three levels of management and private area, favoring the insertion of purchases through automated importation tools. Adhesion of the 27 SSHs in the HPD after its inauguration in 2008, corresponding to 100% of what was expected, even if not all secretaries are feeding the system. Final Considerations: Despite the national programs of free distribution of medications, some difficulties prevail in the meeting of the targets established for the broad access to them. Diverse factors appear as weak points in the process, such as the inefficacy of monitoring criteria for public managements and the unfamiliarity with prices practiced in the market. Solutions depend on the joint efforts of society, industry, judiciary and executive. In this sense, the improved HPD may be a relevant contribution. Read more
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A ética profissional do secretário executivo e sua relação com a ética de João Calvino: uma aproximaçãoReis, Jamili Paulo Kury dos 15 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-15 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This research project turns about the executive secretary s professional ethics and its relationship with John Calvin s ethical perspective. The executive secretariat is a profession regulated in Brazil and is governed by the Code of Ethics, that was elaborated in July of 1973 by the Association of the Secretaries of Brazil (ASB). Ever since, the National Federation of the Secretaries guide the professionals to understand the Code of Ethics as basic instrument of professional guidance. Due to the importance of that document and the ethical nuances that it defends, this project search to do an approach with the Christian ethics of the French reformer John Calvin. / Este projeto de pesquisa versa sobre a ética profissional do secretário executivo e sua relação com a perspectiva ética de João Calvino. O secretariado executivo é uma profissão regulamentada no Brasil e procura se reger pelo conhecido Código de Ética, o qual foi elaborado em julho de 1973 pela Associação das Secretárias do Brasil (ASB). Desde então, a Federação Nacional das Secretárias e Secretários orienta os profissionais a entenderem o Código de Ética, como instrumento básico de direcionamento profissional. Dadas a importância desse documento e as nuances éticas que ele defende, este projeto procura fazer uma aproximação com a ética cristã do reformador francês João Calvino. Read more
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"Det är ju inte alltid man kan göra alla nöjda" : En studie om socialsekreterares arbete med barnavårdsutredningar / You can´t win them all : A study about socialworker and their work with childinvestigationsNilsson, Jenny, Törnberg, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie har varit att öka kunskapen om hur socialsekreterare upplever sitt arbete med barnavårdsutredningar och hur de beskriver hanteringen av olika intressen i utredningsprocessen. Inom detta område har vi studerat vilka intressen som kan finnas i en barnavårdsutredning, hur socialsekreterare hanterar dessa och hur de upplever sitt arbete. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod där vi har intervjuat sex yrkesverksamma socialsekreterare. Utifrån dessa intervjuer har vi fått ett resultat som har visat att det finns många intressen i en barnavårdsutredning. Socialsekreterarna beskriver hur de företräder barnets intresse samtidigt som de behöver förhålla sig till föräldrarna, den egna organisationens, lagstiftningen och andra aktörer som skola, förskola och Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin, BUP. Ibland kan det uppstå motsättningar mellan dessa intressen och för att hantera detta har vi sett några strategier som socialsekreterarna använder sig av. De har betonat betydelsen av ett fungerande samarbete med andra aktörer och belyser även vikten av att det egna ansvarsområdet är tydligt. Det är viktigt att veta vad som är socialsekreterarens egna uppgifter och vad som är andras uppgifter. I resultatet har det även framkommit att informanterna upplever sitt arbete som svårt och komplext, men samtidigt upplever flera det som meningsfullt att arbetet innebär att de kan bidra till förändring och att de företräder människors rättigheter. Den här beskrivningen från informanterna har vi också kunnat se genom tidigare forskning. Socialsekreterarens arbete beskrivs som komplext och som ett motsättningsfullt uppdrag, samtidigt som det också beskrivs som meningsfullt. De resultat som vi har fått har vi analyserat med hjälp av begrepp tagna från organisationsteori, nyinstitutionell organisationsteori, KASAM samt tidigare forskning. Vi för sedan också en diskussion kring resultatet då vi bland annat ställer oss frågor om socialsekreterarens roll och innebörden av meningsfullhet i arbetet. Read more
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