Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dielective attention"" "subject:"byselective attention""
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Mindfulness och dess effekt på uppmärksamhets- och perceptionsförmåga bland tävlingsinriktade idrottsutövare: En experimentell pilotstudie. : / Mindfulness and its effect on attention and perceptual abilities ofcompetitive athletes: An experimental pilot study.Zlocki, Jakob, Johansson, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka effekten av en dos mindfulness session på 45 minuter och dess relation till: (1) Upprätthållandet av uppmärksamhetsförmågan, (2) exekutiv uppmärksamhetsförmåga samt (3) perceptuell förmåga. En experimentell studie genomfördes på idrottare (n=48) som uppfyllde särskilda krav för att få ingå i studien. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader gällande samtliga tre variabler mellan experimentgrupp och kontrollgrupp. Avslutningsvis diskuteras studiens resultat och implikationer i förhållande till tidigare forskning, med stöd av teoretiska referensramar. / The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of one 45 minute mindfulness session on: (1) Sustained attention abilities, (2) executive attention abilities, and (3) perceptual abilities. An experimental study was carried out on athletes (n = 48) who all met the specific requirements for being able to participate in this study. The results showed no significant difference in all three variables between the experiment group and the control group. In conclusion, the results and implications are discussed in relation to previous research, supported by theoretical frames of references.
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Rôle des boucles cortico-ganglions de la base sur l'attention visuelle : effets de la stimulation dopaminergique et du noyau subthalamique dans la maladie de Parkinson / Role of the cortico-basal ganglia loops in visual attention : effects of dopaminergic and subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease. / Ruolo dei circuiti cortico-sottocorticali nell’attenzione visiva : Effetti della stimolazione dopaminergica e del nucleo subtalamico nella malattia di parkinsonTommasi, Giorgio 16 May 2011 (has links)
Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer le rôle des boucles des ganglions de la base et des voies dopaminergiques sur les mécanismes « bottom-up » et « « top-down » du contrôle de l'attention visuelle (AV). Nous avons comparé les performances sur 3 tâches informatisés, appropriées à l'étude de la capture attentionnelle (CA), des mécanismes de sélection de la réponse motrice et d'initiation du mouvement, de deux groupes de patients avec maladie de Parkinson (MP) - un groupe étant évalué dans trois différentes conditions de stimulation électrique (sans stimulation, ou stimulation sélective de la partie sensorimotrice, SM, ou de la partie associative, AS, du noyau subthalamique, NST), l'autre groupe étant évalué dans deux différentes conditions de traitement médical (avec ou sans levodopa) - avec celles d'un groupe des sujets contrôles. Nos résultats suggèrent dans la MP un affaiblissement des mécanismes « top-down » de contrôle de l'AV, ce qui pourrait aussi expliquer indirectement l'augmentation de la CA. Le traitement dopaminergique est efficace dans le rétablissement des mécanismes « top-down » de l'AV, suggérant une implication des voies dopaminergiques dans ce domaine cognitif. Ces voies semblent aussi jouer un rôle dans les mécanismes « bottom-up » de l'attention, comme l'a suggéré le renforcement de la CA sous traitement dopaminergique. La stimulation du NST a montré un effet similaire à celui obtenu par un traitement dopaminergique, en favour d'une implication directe des boucles des ganglions de la base dans le contrôle de l'AV. Nos résultats ont mis en évidence une spécialisation fonctionnelle de différents sous-territoires du NST en ce qui concerne les mécanismes de « top-down ». La stimulation SM produit des effets marqués sur les processus d'initiation de mouvement et des effets positifs sur les mécanismes endogènes de l'AV, alors que la stimulation de la partie AS semble être plus particulièrement efficace dans l'amélioration des mécanismes de sélection de cible. / We aimed to investigate the possible role of cortico-basal ganglia loops and dopaminergic pathways in the mechanisms of top-down and bottom-up control of visual attention (VA). We compared the performances on 3 computerized tasks, respectively suitable to study attentional capture (AC), motor response selection and movement initiation, of two groups of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), one evaluated in different sets of electrical stimulation (without stimulation, or selective stimulation of the sensorimotor, SM, or associative, AS, parts of the subthalamic nucleus, STN), the other in different conditions of medication (with or without levodopa), with those of a group of controls. Our results showed that in PD there is a weakening of the mechanisms underlying the top-down control of VA, which also would account indirectly account for the enhancement of AC. Dopaminergic treatment proved to be effective in restoring the top-down mechanisms of VA, suggesting an involvement of dopaminergic pathways in this cognitive domain. These pathways seem to play a role also in the bottom-up mechanisms of attention, as suggested by the enhancement of AC under dopaminergic treatment. The STN-stimulation showed a similar effect to that obtained by dopaminergic treatment, establishing a direct involvement of the basal ganglia loops in VA control. Our results highlighted a functional specialization of different sub-territories of the STN in relation to the top-down mechanisms. SM stimulation produced marked effects on the movement initiation processes and appreciable positive effects on endogenous VA mechanisms, while AS stimulation seems to be especially effective in improving the mechanisms of target selection.
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無關訊息在選擇性注意中的處理歷程與機制-從連續嘗試叫色作業的干擾項抑制效果探討 / OMIT蔡介立, Tsai, Chie Li Unknown Date (has links)
Neill(1977) 發現 Stroop 色字干擾作業中前一嘗試 (S1) 的干擾字和
後一嘗試 (S2) 的顏色反應相同時,會對後一嘗試的正確反應形成干擾項
-抑制效果。 本研究以 Neill(1977) 的連續嘗試叫色作業,探討 S2 刺
激類型與 S1 反應至 S2 刺激呈現時距 (RSI) 對干擾項-抑制效果的影
響,並說明簡單抑制論 Neill (1977) 、反應抑制論 Tipper(1985) 及編
碼調適論 Lowe(1985) 的適切性。實驗一探討不同 S2 刺激類型產生的影
探討色條在不同 RSI 產生效果的變化情形,發現色條在短 RSI 產生很少
的促進影響, 在 RSI 較長的情境中色條皆產生干擾項-抑制效果,較為
支持簡單抑制論的假設,反應抑論和編碼調適論則無法解釋色條在長 RSI
產生的干擾項-抑制效果。因此在連續嘗試的 Stroop 叫色作業中, S2
刺激類型及 RSI 對干擾項-抑制效果產生的影響, 簡單抑制論能直接預
測與解釋, 反應抑制論及編碼調適論對色條在長 RSI 的干擾項-抑制效
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The visual processing of self-referential stimuli: Do we process our own face differently from other faces?Devue, Christel 18 April 2008 (has links)
Lorsque nous pensons à nous-mêmes, à toutes les caractéristiques physiques ou psychologiques qui nous définissent, à tous les objets que nous possédons, nous avons limpression quils ont un statut bien particulier dans notre esprit, quils sont spéciaux pour nous. Notre propre visage est certainement parmi lune des plus uniques et distinctives de toutes ces informations autoréférentielles. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes penchés sur les spécificités du traitement visuel du propre visage.
Dans un premier chapitre théorique, nous avons questionné la possibilité dutiliser le traitement du propre visage comme un indice de conscience de soi (voir Chapitre 1). Ensuite, nous avons passé en revue les différentes études existantes qui concernaient la spécificité du propre visage ou dautres informations autoréférentielles (voir Chapitre 2). Suite à cette revue de la littérature, il est apparu que lintuition selon laquelle notre propre visage est un stimulus spécial navait pas pu être confirmée unanimement par les études qui nous précédaient.
Ce travail ambitionnait donc dévaluer empiriquement dans quelle mesure notre propre visage est traité par le système cognitif de façon différente des autres visages que nous rencontrons. Nous avons tenté de répondre à cette question selon trois angles différents. Tout dabord, nous nous sommes intéressés à la précision de la représentation de notre propre visage en mémoire. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé dans notre première étude une méthode psychophysique permettant de déterminer dans quelle mesure nous sommes capables de détecter des modifications fines apportées à des photographies de notre propre visage (voir Chapitre 4). Ensuite, nous avons examiné si la reconnaissance de notre propre visage, mais aussi celle de notre propre corps, sont sous-tendues par des zones cérébrales spécifiques. A cette fin, au cours dune seconde étude, nous avons utilisé limagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf, voir Chapitre 5). Enfin, nous avons testé si le propre visage est particulièrement apte à capturer ou à retenir notre attention lorsquil est présenté de façon inopportune alors que nous sommes occupés à réaliser une tâche sans rapport (voir Chapitres 6, 7 et 8). Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours, dans une série de trois études, à différents paradigmes attentionnels : un paradigme de jugement de parité, un paradigme de cécité attentionnelle, et un paradigme de recherche visuel lors duquel nous avons procédé à lenregistrement des mouvements oculaires des participants.
Tout au long de ce travail, nous avons adopté une approche visant à différencier les effets dautoréférence de simples effets de familiarité. Pour ce faire, dans toutes nos études, nous avons comparé les réponses obtenues lors de la présentation du propre visage du participant à celles obtenues lors de la présentation du visage dune personne hautement familière pour le participant (un ami ou un collègue du même groupe dâge et du même sexe). Par ailleurs, dans les études attentionnelles, les réponses subséquentes à la présentation de ces deux visages familiers étaient également comparées à celles obtenues suite à lapparition de visages de personnes inconnues. En somme, si les performances obtenues sur le propre visage et le visage très familier différaient, nous pourrions penser que ces différences sont dues à laspect autoréférentiel du propre visage. Par contre, si les performances ne différaient pas entre le propre visage et lautre visage très familier mais que ces deux visages se distinguaient des visages inconnus, nous pourrions supposer que nous sommes face à de simples effets de familiarité.
La première étude psychophysique a montré que la représentation que nous avons en mémoire de notre propre visage est très précise. Cette précision est seulement limitée par les capacités de discrimination perceptive de notre système visuel. Cependant, il en était de même pour le visage dune autre personne hautement familière. De ce point de vue, il ne semble donc pas que notre propre visage soit spécial. Néanmoins, il semblerait que cette représentation soit sous-tendue par des substrats cérébraux spécifiques, comme indiqué par notre seconde étude en IRMf. Cette étude a aussi montré que notre propre corps serait également traité par des régions cérébrales spécifiques. De plus, certaines régions seraient dédiées au traitement abstrait de notre propre apparence physique puisquelles étaient impliquées indépendamment du type de matériel présenté (visage ou corps). Enfin, nous avons montré, grâce aux trois études attentionnelles, que le propre visage nest pas un distracteur exceptionnel par rapport à dautres visages familiers. En effet, le propre visage ne semble pas capturer lattention de façon automatique. Il semblerait que le propre visage bénéficie simplement dune allocation de lattention préférentielle par rapport à des visages inconnus. En dautres termes, lallocation de lattention au propre visage est sujette à diverses contraintes (par exemple sa localisation spatiale) et il semblerait que lattention soit nécessaire pour identifier le propre visage en tant que tel.
Cet ensemble de résultats est discuté dans un dernier chapitre (voir Chapitre 9) où nous tentons de mettre les données provenant des trois perspectives différentes (représentation en mémoire, substrats cérébraux et propriétés attentionnelles relatifs au propre visage) en rapport. De plus, la possibilité dutiliser le propre visage comme outil détude de la conscience de soi ou de différents processus cognitifs (reconnaissance ou attention visuelle) est brièvement passée en revue.<br>
When we think about ourselves, about the traits that define us, about the physical characteristics or the objects that we own, we have the intuition that they have a special status in our mind. We deeply feel that they are different from everything else in the world. This thesis concerned the specificity of a highly distinctive self-referential stimulus: the self-face. In the present thesis, we have conducted five studies examining whether the self-face is processed in a special way by comparison with other faces. We have put three main questions: (1) how accurate is the representation of the self-face in memory?; (2) is this representation subtended by specific neural correlates?; and (3) does the self-face have special abilities to attract and/or to hold attention? First, we showed that the perceptual representation in memory of the self-face is similar to that of other familiar faces as regard with its precision. Second, we demonstrated that although ones own face perceptual representation is not really special, the visual processing of the self-face is subtended by specific neural correlates. Apparently, the self-body is also processed via specialised pathways in the brain. In addition, some regions seem devoted to the abstract processing of ones own physical appearance independently of the material presented. Third, we showed that ones own face is not a particularly potent distractor by comparison with other familiar faces. It does not seem able to capture attention but rather benefits from a preferential allocation of attention by comparison with unfamiliar faces. In other words, its attentional processing is subject to various constraints (e.g. spatial localisation, available attentional resources) and attention seems necessary to process self-referential parts of a face. We discussed the idea that the presentation of the self-face can constitute a way to enhance chances of eliciting responses in non-communicative patients but that it is not the best way to study self-consciousness in normal adults when using only behavioural methods. In addition, because of its unique characteristics, the self-face can represent a useful tool of investigation of visual recognition and visual attention.
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Reduced memory and attention performance in a population-based sample of young adults with a moderate lifetime use of cannabis, ecstasy and alcoholIndlekofer, Friedrich J., Piechatzek, Michaela, Daamen, Marcel, Glasmacher, Christoph, Lieb, Roselind, Pfister, Hildegard, Tucha, Oliver, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Schütz, Christian G. 25 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Regular use of illegal drugs is suspected to cause cognitive impairments. Two substances have received heightened attention: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ‘ecstasy’) and δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or ‘cannabis’). Preclinical evidence, as well as human studies examining regular ecstasy consumers, indicated that ecstasy use may have negative effects on learning, verbal memory and complex attentional functions. Cannabis has also been linked to symptoms of inattention and deficits in learning and memory. Most of the published studies in this field of research recruited participants by means of newspaper advertisements or by using word-of-mouth strategies. Because participants were usually aware that their drug use was critical to the research design, this awareness may have caused selection bias or created expectation effects. Focussing on attention and memory, this study aimed to assess cognitive functioning in a community-based representative sample that was derived from a large-scale epidemiological study. Available data concerning drug use history allowed sampling of subjects with varying degrees of lifetime drug experiences. Cognitive functioning was examined in 284 young participants, between 22 and 34 years. In general, their lifetime drug experience was moderate. Participants completed a neuropsychological test battery, including measures for verbal learning, memory and various attentional functions. Linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between cognitive functioning and lifetime experience of drug use. Ecstasy and cannabis use were significantly related to poorer episodic memory function in a dose-related manner. For attentional measures, decrements of small effect sizes were found. Error measures in tonic and phasic alertness tasks, selective attention task and vigilance showed small but significant effects, suggesting a stronger tendency to experience lapses of attention. No indication for differences in reaction time was found. The results are consistent with decrements of memory and attentional performance described in previous studies. These effects are relatively small; however, it must be kept in mind that this study focussed on assessing young adults with moderate drug use from a population-based study.
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Visual Attention among Patients with Schizophrenia: A Study of Visual Span and Selectivity in Visual SearchElahipanah, Ava 09 January 2014 (has links)
Attention is one of the most impaired cognitive functions in schizophrenia; however, the precise mechanisms underlying schizophrenia-related attention impairment are unclear. Progress in identifying these mechanisms has been hampered by using methods that are not designed to isolate specific cognitive processes. The purpose of the present dissertation was to investigate visual attention among patients with schizophrenia using the visual search paradigm — the dominant paradigm for studying attention in the cognitive sciences. Moreover, the current study used eye-tracking methodology to more finely examine the mechanisms underlying impaired visual search in this clinical population. This dissertation had three main objectives: (1) to investigate whether patients with schizophrenia have smaller and/or less dynamic visual spans, (2) to examine whether certain mechanisms guiding the visual selection of objects are impaired in schizophrenia, and (3) to determine the contribution of visual search performance to substitution test performance. Results indicated that patients’ visual spans are both smaller and less dynamic compared to healthy controls. On the other hand, selectivity for more informative distractors is intact in schizophrenia; however, impaired motion perception results in impaired target discrimination in the context of intact target selection. Results also indicated that visual search performance is a primary determinant of substitution test performance. Collectively, these data demonstrate, on one hand, an impairment among patients with schizophrenia in the distribution and flexible modulation of visual attention and, on the other hand, intact visual selective attention in the presence of strong bottom-up cues. The current data also demonstrate the important contribution of visual attention to a highly sensitive neuropsychological test and, by inference, to patients’ cognitive and real-world functioning.
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Visual Attention among Patients with Schizophrenia: A Study of Visual Span and Selectivity in Visual SearchElahipanah, Ava 09 January 2014 (has links)
Attention is one of the most impaired cognitive functions in schizophrenia; however, the precise mechanisms underlying schizophrenia-related attention impairment are unclear. Progress in identifying these mechanisms has been hampered by using methods that are not designed to isolate specific cognitive processes. The purpose of the present dissertation was to investigate visual attention among patients with schizophrenia using the visual search paradigm — the dominant paradigm for studying attention in the cognitive sciences. Moreover, the current study used eye-tracking methodology to more finely examine the mechanisms underlying impaired visual search in this clinical population. This dissertation had three main objectives: (1) to investigate whether patients with schizophrenia have smaller and/or less dynamic visual spans, (2) to examine whether certain mechanisms guiding the visual selection of objects are impaired in schizophrenia, and (3) to determine the contribution of visual search performance to substitution test performance. Results indicated that patients’ visual spans are both smaller and less dynamic compared to healthy controls. On the other hand, selectivity for more informative distractors is intact in schizophrenia; however, impaired motion perception results in impaired target discrimination in the context of intact target selection. Results also indicated that visual search performance is a primary determinant of substitution test performance. Collectively, these data demonstrate, on one hand, an impairment among patients with schizophrenia in the distribution and flexible modulation of visual attention and, on the other hand, intact visual selective attention in the presence of strong bottom-up cues. The current data also demonstrate the important contribution of visual attention to a highly sensitive neuropsychological test and, by inference, to patients’ cognitive and real-world functioning.
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Adaptive sequential feature selection in visual perception and pattern recognition / Adaptive sequentielle Featureasuwahl in visuelle Wahrnehmung und MustererkennungAvdiyenko, Liliya 08 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the human visual system, one of the most prominent functions of the extensive feedback from the higher brain areas within and outside of the visual cortex is attentional modulation. The feedback helps the brain to concentrate its resources on visual features that are relevant for recognition, i. e. it iteratively selects certain aspects of the visual scene for refined processing by the lower areas until the inference process in the higher areas converges to a single hypothesis about this scene.
In order to minimize a number of required selection-refinement iterations, one has to find a short sequence of maximally informative portions of the visual input. Since the feedback is not static, the selection process is adapted to a scene that should be recognized. To find a scene-specific subset of informative features, the adaptive selection process on every iteration utilizes results of previous processing in order to reduce the remaining uncertainty about the visual scene.
This phenomenon inspired us to develop a computational algorithm solving a visual classification task that would incorporate such principle, adaptive feature selection. It is especially interesting because usually feature selection methods are not adaptive as they define a unique set of informative features for a task and use them for classifying all objects. However, an adaptive algorithm selects features that are the most informative for the particular input. Thus, the selection process should be driven by statistics of the environment concerning the current task and the object to be classified. Applied to a classification task, our adaptive feature selection algorithm favors features that maximally reduce the current class uncertainty, which is iteratively updated with values of the previously selected features that are observed on the testing sample. In information-theoretical terms, the selection criterion is the mutual information of a class variable and a feature-candidate conditioned on the already selected features, which take values observed on the current testing sample. Then, the main question investigated in this thesis is whether the proposed adaptive way of selecting features is advantageous over the conventional feature selection and in which situations.
Further, we studied whether the proposed adaptive information-theoretical selection scheme, which is a computationally complex algorithm, is utilized by humans while they perform a visual classification task. For this, we constructed a psychophysical experiment where people had to select image parts that as they think are relevant for classification of these images. We present the analysis of behavioral data where we investigate whether human strategies of task-dependent selective attention can be explained by a simple ranker based on the mutual information, a more complex feature selection algorithm based on the conventional static mutual information and the proposed here adaptive feature selector that mimics a mechanism of the iterative hypothesis refinement.
Hereby, the main contribution of this work is the adaptive feature selection criterion based on the conditional mutual information. Also it is shown that such adaptive selection strategy is indeed used by people while performing visual classification.
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Entwicklung kognitiver Funktionen / Hemmungsbezogene Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei lernbehinderten Kindern / development cognitive functions / inhibitited attentionprocesses in learning disabled childrenSchlegel, Annett 03 May 2006 (has links)
Arbeitsgedächtnisdefizite lernbehinderter Kinder sind bisher vor allem im phonologischen Bereich nachgewiesen worden. Die eigene Studie untersucht mögliche Defizite im Bereich der zentralen Exekutive mit zwei Schwerpunkten: (a) Lassen sich bei der Steuerung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit spezifische Defizite Lernbehinderter identifizieren? (b) Zeigen sich Besonderheiten in den Alterszugewinnen selektiver Aufmerksamkeit? In der Untersuchung wurden Grundschulkinder gleichen mentalen und gleichen chronologischen Alters mit einer Gruppe lernbehinderter Kinder einer vierten Klasse verglichen. Zusätzlich wurden ältere Schulkinder (7. Klasse, 4. Klasse, 7. Klasse einer Sonderschule L) einbezogen, so dass auch prüfbar wird, inwiefern sich Alterszugewinne der kognitiven Funktionen bei lernbehinderten im Vergleich zu unauffälligen Schülern unterscheiden. Einbezogen wurden nur L-Schüler mit einem IQ < 85. Zur Erfassung der zentral-exekutiven selektiven Aufmerksamkeit wurden drei verschiedene Aufgabenanforderungen (TAP, Stopp-Signal, TEZEK) gewählt. Die Befunde deuten auf ein frühes Funktionsdefizit der lernbehinderten Kinder hin, das bis 14 Jahre weitgehend kompensiert werden kann.
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Reduced memory and attention performance in a population-based sample of young adults with a moderate lifetime use of cannabis, ecstasy and alcoholIndlekofer, Friedrich J., Piechatzek, Michaela, Daamen, Marcel, Glasmacher, Christoph, Lieb, Roselind, Pfister, Hildegard, Tucha, Oliver, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Schütz, Christian G. January 2009 (has links)
Regular use of illegal drugs is suspected to cause cognitive impairments. Two substances have received heightened attention: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or ‘ecstasy’) and δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or ‘cannabis’). Preclinical evidence, as well as human studies examining regular ecstasy consumers, indicated that ecstasy use may have negative effects on learning, verbal memory and complex attentional functions. Cannabis has also been linked to symptoms of inattention and deficits in learning and memory. Most of the published studies in this field of research recruited participants by means of newspaper advertisements or by using word-of-mouth strategies. Because participants were usually aware that their drug use was critical to the research design, this awareness may have caused selection bias or created expectation effects. Focussing on attention and memory, this study aimed to assess cognitive functioning in a community-based representative sample that was derived from a large-scale epidemiological study. Available data concerning drug use history allowed sampling of subjects with varying degrees of lifetime drug experiences. Cognitive functioning was examined in 284 young participants, between 22 and 34 years. In general, their lifetime drug experience was moderate. Participants completed a neuropsychological test battery, including measures for verbal learning, memory and various attentional functions. Linear regression analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between cognitive functioning and lifetime experience of drug use. Ecstasy and cannabis use were significantly related to poorer episodic memory function in a dose-related manner. For attentional measures, decrements of small effect sizes were found. Error measures in tonic and phasic alertness tasks, selective attention task and vigilance showed small but significant effects, suggesting a stronger tendency to experience lapses of attention. No indication for differences in reaction time was found. The results are consistent with decrements of memory and attentional performance described in previous studies. These effects are relatively small; however, it must be kept in mind that this study focussed on assessing young adults with moderate drug use from a population-based study.
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