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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Selenoprotein S

Cockman, Eric Michael 26 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Physiological Roles of Selenoprotein H in Mice

Wang, Qingzhou 10 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Low-hierarchy selenoproteins are sensitive to selenium (Se) deficiency and are proposed to confer the protection of body Se against age- and development-related diseases. Selenoprotein H (SELENOH), a low-hierarchy selenoprotein, is greatly downregulated by both dietary Se deficiency and age. To explore physiological roles of SELENOH, Selenoh knockout mice were employed. Segregation analyses demonstrated reduced frequencies of homozygotes and heterozygotes among the neonates of the breeding combinations of Selenoh+/- males vs. Selenoh+/- or Selenoh-/- females, demonstrating essential roles of SELENOH in embryogenesis. Litter sizes from these two breeding groups were comparable with control, suggesting a role of SELENOH in zygotic but not somatic embryogenesis. By contrast, SELENOH was dispensable for longevity in mice. Selenoh-/- males showed azoospermia and a 34%-63% reduction in testis mass in the mice. Histological examination and the analyses of stage-specific markers by qRT-PCR indicated that the Selenoh-/- spermatocytes were arrested in the pachytene stage. Furthermore, GPX4 plausibly accounted for some of the Se loss in the testes because the knockout resulted in a 90% decrease in GPX4 mRNA level. Interestingly, the knockout increased the Selenop and Gpx1 mRNA levels by over 2.3- and 1.9-folds, respectively, but decreased the mRNA amount of Selenov by 99.9% in the testes. As a key component of the meiotic cohesion complex to promote sister chromatid cohesion, Rec8 mRNA amount was reduced by 91.1% in the Selenoh-/- testes aged 42 days. SELENOH knockout did not affect body weight or food intake but resulted in glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in the mice. Additionally, SELENOH knockout reduced the mRNA amounts of Gpx1, Gpx4, and Txnrd1 in the liver and Gpx4 in the skeletal muscle. These findings suggest that SELENOH plays a role in glucose metabolism and regulates body Se metabolism in mice. In summary, results of these three studies unveil essential roles of SELENOH in embryogenesis, spermatogenesis, and glucose tolerance in mice. SELENOH plausibly plays upstream roles to optimize these physiological events in association with the transcriptional regulation of several selenoproteins and meiotic proteins. Future studies are warranted to understand the mechanisms by which SELENOH maintains such developmental and metabolic processes.

Physiological roles of selenoprotein H in age-related trace element regulation and selenoprotein expression in mice

Apalowo, Oladayo Emmanuel 13 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Earlier studies have shown that low-hierarchy selenoproteins such as Selenoprotein H (SELENOH) are sensitive to selenium deficiency and are suggested to confer the protection of body selenium against age-related diseases like type-2 diabetes. Further investigations into the response of tissues and selenotranscriptomes to dietary selenium deficiency, age, and sex reveal distinct tissue-specific sexual dimorphic patterns of selenium status and selenotranscriptomes. The objective of this dissertation was to understand the physiological roles of SELENOH during mouse aging. Serum, liver, muscle, brain, lungs, and kidney were collected and stored at - 80ºC for immunoblotting. The protein expression of SELENOP, GPX1, GPX3, and TXNRD1 were assessed in target tissues. AKT T-308 phosphorylation was also assessed in peripheral tissues. Perkin Elmer ELAN DRC II ICP-MS was used to determine trace mineral distribution using appropriate isotopes for each element (82Se, 57Fe, 66Zn, 63Cu, 52Cr, 60Ni, and 59Co). Our results revealed that (1) SELENOH knockout mediates the effect of dietary selenium deficiency by decreasing AKT T-308 phosphorylation in the muscle and liver of 9 months mice by 47-80% and worsened by old age to various degrees; (2) Male and female GPX1 and SELENOP protein expressions were increased by SELENOH knockout and age in the different tissues except liver, indicating the downregulation of liver GPX1 during selenium deficiency to sustain SELENOP production and transport selenium to the kidney, brain and lung to maintain GPX1 and TXNRD1 expressions; and (3) SELENOH knockout altered the ionome of trace elements, zinc, iron, copper, nickel, chromium, selenium and cobalt in the tissues of male and female mice during aging with the kidney largely affected, followed by the muscle and lung while the liver was least affected. The findings suggest that SELENOH mediates the physiological role of dietary selenium deficiency during aging. SELENOH alters the distribution of trace elements, regulates the protein expression of SELENOP, GPX1 and TXNRD1 in different organs and decreased AKT T- 308 phosphorylation, which suggests that SELENOH plays a crucial protective role against T2D- like symptoms.

Selenabhängige Glutathionperoxidasen als Mediatoren und Ziele der intrazellulären Redoxregulation : Identifizierung der GI-GPx als Ziel für Nrf2 und der PHGPx ... / Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidases as mediators and targets of intracellular redox regulation

Banning, Antje January 2005 (has links)
Das 1817 erstmals schriftlich erwähnte Selen galt lange Zeit nur als toxisch und sogar als procancerogen, bis es 1957 von Schwarz und Foltz als essentielles Spurenelement erkannt wurde, dessen biologische Funktionen in Säugern durch Selenoproteine vermittelt werden. Die Familie der Glutathionperoxidasen nimmt hierbei eine wichtige Stellung ein. Für diese sind konkrete Funktionen und die dazugehörigen molekularen Mechanismen, welche über die von ihnen katalysierte Hydroperoxidreduktion und damit verbundene antioxidative Kapazität hinausgehen, bislang nur unzureichend beschrieben worden. <br><br> Die Funktion der gastrointestinalen Glutathionperoxidase (GI-GPx) wird als Barriere gegen eine Hydroperoxidabsorption im Gastrointestinaltrakt definiert. Neuen Erkenntnissen zufolge wird die GI-GPx aber auch in verschiedenen Tumoren verstärkt exprimiert, was weitere, bis dato unbekannte, Funktionen dieses Enzymes wahrscheinlich macht.<br> Um mögliche neue Funktionen der GI-GPx, vor allem während der Cancerogenese, abzuleiten, wurde hier die transkriptionale Regulation der GI-GPx detaillierter untersucht. Die Sequenzanalyse des humanen GI-GPx-Promotors ergab das Vorhandensein von zwei möglichen "antioxidant response elements" (ARE), bei welchen es sich um Erkennungssequenzen des Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 handelt. Die meisten der bekannten Nrf2-Zielgene gehören in die Gruppe der Phase-II-Enzyme und verfügen über antioxidative und/oder detoxifizierende Eigenschaften. Sowohl auf Promotorebene als auch auf mRNA- und Proteinebene konnte die Expression der GI-GPx durch typische, in der Nahrung enthaltene, Nrf2-Aktivatoren wie z.B. Sulforaphan oder Curcumin induziert werden. Eine direkte Beteiligung von Nrf2 wurde durch Cotransfektion von Nrf2 selbst bzw. von Keap1, das Nrf2 im Cytoplasma festhält, demonstriert. Somit konnte die GI-GPx eindeutig als Nrf2-Zielgen identifiziert werden. Ob sich die GI-GPx in die Gruppe der antiinflammatorischen und anticancerogenen Phase-II-Enzyme einordnen lässt, bleibt noch zu untersuchen. <br><br> Die Phospholipidhydroperoxid Glutathionperoxidase (PHGPx) nimmt aufgrund ihres breiten Substratspektrums, ihrer hohen Lipophilie und ihrer Fähigkeit, Thiole zu modifizieren, eine Sonderstellung innerhalb der Familie der Glutathionperoxidasen ein. Mit Hilfe eines PHGPx-überexprimierenden Zellmodells wurden deshalb Beeinflussungen des zellulären Redoxstatus und daraus resultierende Veränderungen in der Aktivität redoxsensitiver Transkriptionsfaktorsysteme und in der Expression atheroskleroserelevanter Adhäsionsmoleküle untersucht. Als Transkriptionsfaktoren wurden NF-kB und Nrf2 ausgewählt. Die Bindung von NF-kB an sein entsprechendes responsives Element in der DNA erfordert das Vorhandensein freier Thiole, wohingegen Nrf2 durch Thiolmodifikation von Keap1 freigesetzt wird und in den Kern transloziert. Eine erhöhte Aktivität der PHGPx resultierte in einer Erhöhung des Verhältnisses von GSH zu GSSG, andererseits aber in einer verminderten Markierbarkeit freier Proteinthiole. PHGPx-Überexpression reduzierte die IL-1-induzierte NF-kB-Aktivität, die sich in einer verminderten NF-kB-DNA-Bindefähigkeit und Transaktivierungsaktivität ausdrückte. Auch war die Proliferationsrate der Zellen vermindert. Die Expression des NF-kB-regulierten vaskulären Zelladhäsionsmoleküls, VCAM-1, war ebenfalls deutlich verringert. Umgekehrt war in PHGPx-überexprimierenden Zellen eine erhöhte Nrf2-Aktivität und Expression der Nrf2-abhängigen Hämoxygenase-1 zu verzeichnen. Letzte kann für die meisten der beobachteten Effekte verantwortlich gemacht werden.<br><br> Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass eine Modifizierung von Proteinthiolen als wichtige Determinante für die Regulation der Expression und Funktion von Glutathionperoxidasen angesehen werden kann. Entgegen früheren Vermutungen, welche oxidative Vorgänge generell mit pathologischen Veränderungen assoziierten, scheint ein moderater oxidativer Stress, bedingt durch eine transiente Thiolmodifikation, durchaus günstige Auswirkungen zu haben, da, wie hier dargelegt, verschiedene, miteinander interagierende, cytoprotektive Mechanismen ausgelöst werden. Hieran wird deutlich, dass sich "antioxidative Wirkung" oder "oxidativer Stress" keineswegs nur auf "gute" oder "schlechte" Vorgänge beschränken lassen, sondern im Zusammenhang mit den beeinflussten (patho)physiologischen Prozessen und dem Ausmaß der "Störung" des physiologischen Redoxgleichgewichtes betrachtet werden müssen. / Selenium was discovered in 1817 by the Swedish chemist Berzelius and was for a long time considered as being toxic and even procarcinogenic. In 1957, however, Schwarz and Foltz realized that selenium is an essential trace element which elicits its biological functions in mammals as a structural component of selenoproteins among which the family of glutathione peroxidases plays a dominant role. Glutathione peroxidases reduce hydroperoxides to the corresponding alcohols and contribute to the antioxidative capacity of a cell. However, other functions of glutathione peroxidases and the according molecular mechanisms have hardly been described.>br><br> The gastrointestinal glutathione peroxidase (GI-GPx) is believed to build a barrier against the absorption of foodborne hydroperoxides. In addition, GI-GPx expression is increased in different tumors. This indicates further, still unknown, functions of this enzyme.<br> In order to elucidate new possible functions of GI-GPx, especially during carcinogenesis, the transcriptional regulation of GI-GPx was analyzed in more detail. An analysis of the GI-GPx promoter sequence revealed the presence of two putative "antioxidant response elements" (ARE) which are recognition sites for the transcription factor Nrf2. Most of the known Nrf2 target genes either belong to the group of phase-II detoxification enzymes or possess antioxidative and/or detoxifying properties. On promoter level as well as on mRNA- and protein level the expression of GI-GPx was induced by typical Nrf2-activating compounds such as sulforaphane or curcumin that are contained in the diet. A direct involvement of Nrf2 was demonstrated by cotransfection of Nrf2 itself or by cotransfection of Keap1 which retains Nrf2 in the cytosol. Thus, the GI-GPx gene was unequivocally identified as a new target for Nrf2. Whether GI-GPx also belongs in the category of antiinflammatory and anticarcinogenic enzymes remains to be elucidated.<br><br> The phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx) is exceptional among the glutathione peroxidases because of its broad range of substrates, its high lipophilicity, and its ability to modify protein thiols. With PHGPx-overexpressing cells, the influence of PHGPx on the cellular redox state and on resulting changes in the activity of redox-sensitive transcription factors and on the expression of proatherogenic adhesion molecules was analyzed. For this, the redox-sensitive transcription factors NF-kB and Nrf2 were chosen. NF-kB requires free thiols for being able to bind to its responsive element within the DNA, whereas Nrf2 is released from Keap1 and translocates to the nucleus upon a modification of protein thiols. PHGPx-overexpression resulted in an increase in the ratio of GSH to GSSG, in a reduced amount of intracellular protein thiols, and in a diminished proliferation rate. Furthermore, PHGPx-overexpressing cells displayed a reduced IL-1-dependent NF-kB activity as was assessed by a reduced NF-kB DNA-binding ability and activity of a NF-kB-driven reporter gene. In addition, the expression of the NF-kB-dependent vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) was also inhibited by overexpression of PHGPx. On the other hand, PHGPx-overexpressing cells displayed an increased activity of Nrf2 that was accompanied by an increased expression of the Nrf2-dependent heme oxygenase-1. Heme oxygenase-1 most likely is responsible for most of the aforementioned effects.<br><br> The data presented here show that a modification of protein thiols can be regarded as an important determinant for the regulation and for the functions of glutathione peroxidases. In contrast to the previous assumption that oxidative processes are always linked to pathologic changes, a moderate oxidative stress seems to have beneficial effects, because it triggers different cytoprotective mechanisms. It can be concluded that the terms "antioxidative effect" or "oxidative stress" cannot simply be restricted to "good" or "bad" processes, but need to be seen in context with the modulated (patho)physiological processes and the degree of "disturbance" of the physiologic redox balance.

Factors impacting the hepatic selenoprotein expression in matters of critical illness

Martitz, Janine 11 July 2017 (has links)
Selenoproteine spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der antioxidativen Abwehr und bei Immunreaktionen. Der Selen(Se)metabolismus wird von Hepatozyten gesteuert, die das Se-Transportprotein Selenoprotein P (SEPP) synthetisieren und sezernieren. SEPP nimmt bei kritischen Erkrankungen, z. B. Sepsis ab und führt zu niedrigen Se-Spiegeln. Sepsis triggert die übermäßige Produktion von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen. Aminoglykosid-Antibiotika (AG), die oft bei schwerer Sepsis eingesetzt werden, induzieren Fehlinterpretationen der mRNA inklusive des Stoppcodons UGA welches für die Selenoprotein-Biosynthese notwendig ist. Es wurden daher die molekularen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Zytokinen IL-6, IL-1b und TNFa, AG und dem Se-Status mit der Biosynthese in Leberzelllinien untersucht. IL-6 führte zu einer starken Reduktion der SEPP-mRNA und einer dosisabhängigen Reduktion von SEPP. Parallel dazu reduzierte IL-6 das Transkriptlevel, die Proteinexpression und die Enzymaktivität der Typ-I-Dejodase (DIO1). Auf die Expression der antioxidativ-wirkenden Glutathionperoxidasen (GPX) wirkte IL-6 isozymspezifisch; während die Transkriptkonzentrationen von GPX2 anstiegen und die von GPX4 abnahmen, blieb GPX1 unbeeinflusst. Die IL-6-abhängigen Effekte bestätigten sich auch in Reportergenassays von SEPP-, DIO1-, GPX2- und GPX4-Promotorkonstrukten. Um die Wirkungen von AG auf die Selenoprotein-Translation besser zu verstehen, wurden die SECIS-Elemente von GPX1-, GPX4- und SEPP-Transkripten in ein Reportersystem kloniert und auf eine Regulation durch AG und Se analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der korrekte Se-Einbau vom Se-Status, von der AG-Konzentration und dem spezifischen SECIS-Element abhängig ist. Auf transkriptionaler und translationaler Ebene führten AG zu stark erhöhten SEPP-Spiegeln, während die Expression und Enzymaktivität von GPX und DIO1 nur in geringerem Ausmaß beeinflusst wurden. Eine Analyse der Se-Beladung zeigte, dass der Se-Gehalt von SEPP stark durch AG reduziert und vom Se-Status abhängig war. / Selenoproteins play important roles in antioxidant defence and immunoregulation. Selenium (Se) metabolism is controlled by hepatocytes synthesizing and secreting the Se-transporter selenoprotein P (SEPP) declining in critical illness, e.g., sepsis. Sepsis triggers excessive production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Aminoglycoside (AG) antibiotics applied in sepsis in induce mRNA misinterpretation including the stop codon UGA required during selenoproteins biosynthesis. The molecular interplay between the cytokines IL-6, IL-1b and TNFa, AG and Se-status on selenoprotein expression was investigated in hepatic-derived cell lines. IL-6 strongly reduced the level of SEPP mRNA and secreted SEPP in a dose-dependent manner. Likewise, expression of selenoenzyme type 1 deiodinase (DIO1) declined at the transcript, protein and enzyme activity level. The effects of IL-6 on the expression of antioxidative-acting glutathione peroxidases (GPX) were isozyme-specific; while transcript level of GPX2 increased and those of GPX4 decreased, GPX1 remained unaffected. IL-6-dependent effects were reflected in reporter gene experiments of selenoprotein promoter constructs. Characterising the effects of AG on selenoprotein translation, the SECIS-elements of GPX1, GPX4 and SEPP transcripts were cloned into a reporter system and analysed for their response to AG and Se. The results indicate that the correct co-translational Se-insertion depends on the Se-status, AG concentration and the specific SECIS-element. At both transcriptional and translational levels, SEPP levels were strongly increased in response to AG, whereas the expression and enzyme activity of GPX and DIO1 were affected to a lower degree. Analysis Se-status indicate that the Se-content of SEPP was strongly reduced by AG and depends on Se-status.

Einfluss von Selenoprotein P auf die intestinale Tumorigenese im Mausmodell

Michaelis, Marten 13 January 2009 (has links)
Das essentielle Spurenelement Selen (Se) wird als einziges Spurenelement über den genetischen Code als Bestandteil der 21. proteinogene Aminosäure Selenocystein (SeCys) in eine kleine Gruppe von Proteinen eingebaut. Als Bestandteil des aktiven Zentrums dieser Selenoproteine ist Se bzw. SeCys essentiell für deren Funktion. Die Biosynthese der Selenoproteine ist durch eine Reihe von Besonderheiten gekennzeichnet, so z.B. durch eine hierarchisch abgestimmte Versorgung der unterschiedlichen Organe mit dem limitierenden Spurenelement bzw. durch eine hierarchische Versorgung der einzelnen Selenoproteine während ihrer Biosynthese. Für die biologische Verwertung und Verteilung ist das Selenoprotein SePP von zentraler Bedeutung. Transkriptomanalysen haben aufgezeigt, dass gerade in Tumoren die Expression von SePP stark erniedrigt ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, inwieweit der Verlust von SePP einen kausalen Einfluss auf die Tumorigenese nimmt. Hierzu wurden zwei transgene Mausmodelle verkreuzt: zum einen Mäuse mit einem partiellen bzw. kompletten genetischen Verlust der SePP-Expression und zum anderen Mäuse mit einer Mutation im APC-Tumorsuppressorgen, welche multiple intestinale Neoplasien (Min) auslöst und als Paradigma in der experimentellen Darmkrebsforschung dient. Der komplette Verlust des SePP-Gens bewirkte eine stark erhöhte Tumorrate im Dünndarm der APCmin-Mäuse. Hierdurch konnte SePP als neuer wichtiger Modulator der APC-abhängigen Tumorigenese etabliert werden. Interessanterweise genügte bereits der Verlust eines einzelnen SePP-Allels, um mehr, größere und weniger differenzierte Adenome im Dünndarm entstehen zu lassen. Diese Beobachtung deutet auf einen entscheidenden Gen-Dosis-Effekt von SePP für die intestinale Tumorigenese hin und könnte damit als weiteres sinnvolles Kriterium zur Feindiagnostik von Darmkrebs dienen. Die molekularbiologischen Untersuchungen der Tumore lassen eine Aktivierung von Zellzyklus-, Angiogenese- und Akutphaseprozessen vermuten. Hierdurch und über die erhöhte Produktion von Wachstumsfaktoren kann die vermehrte Tumorigenese bei SePP-Mangel erklärt werden. Weitergehend konnte auch der Darm, ungeachtet seiner primären Rolle bei der Selenaufnahme, als abhängig von einer regulären SePP-Expression erkannt werden. Somit stellt sich SePP als zentraler Vermittler des Selenmetabolismus dar, und könnte auf lange Sicht als funktioneller Biomarker des Selenstatus für die individuelle Risikoabschätzung etabliert werden. / Selenium (Se) is the only trace element which is encoded in the genome as the 21st proteinogenic amino acid selenocystein (Sec). Se is essential for the catalytic activity of the small group of Sec-containing selenoproteins. The biosynthesis of this group of extraordinary proteins is characterized by several specialities, e.g. the distribution of Se differs between the organs giving rise to a hierarchical biosynthesis of the selenoproteins and there is an intracellular hierarchy of selenoprotein biosynthesis in times of Se depletion. One particular selenoprotein is of central importance for the organification and trafficking of Se within the organism, i.e., Selenoprotein P (SePP). From transcriptome analyses it was deduced that this Se transport protein is markedly reduced in tumours of several origins. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate whether SePP has a causal impact on the tumourigenesis within the intestinal tract. For this purpose, the SePP-KO mouse model with a genetically impaired SePP expression was crossed with the well-established APCmin intestinal tumour model. A stop mutation in the APC tumour suppressor gene causes multiple intestinal neoplasias (Min) in these mice. The combined deletion of SePP caused a sharp increase in tumour incidence in the small intestines of APCmin mice. Interestingly, even the inactivation of only one SePP allele was sufficient to induce more and less well differentiated adenomas in the small intestine. These results indicate that SePP acts as an important modulator of APC dependent tumorigenesis in a gene dose dependent manner. In the long run, SePP might turn out as another valuable biomarker to estimate the individual cancer risk. From a mechanistic point of view, the transcriptome analyses indicate that an impaired SePP expression favors cell cycle progression, angiogenesis and acute phase response. In addition, an elevated production of growth factors in response to SePP deficiency might contribute to the phenotype of bigger and more undifferentiated tumours. Additional analyses of the intestines revealed that the intestinal tract is dependent on a regular SePP expression in order to synthesise its regular set of selenoproteins even so it represents the prime organ of Se absorption. Therefore, SePP represents a central Se transport and storage protein also within the intestinal tract, highlighting its essential role to preserve health and regular Se metabolism.

Validação da via de biossíntese de selenocisteína e selenoproteínas em Trypanosoma por RNA de interferência

Costa, Fernanda Cristina 24 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:20:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4383.pdf: 5759644 bytes, checksum: 0a6a6bb722062f7934be619267686311 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-24 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Selenium (Se) is an essential element found in selenoproteins as the 21st amino acid (Selenocysteine Sec).For the Sec incorporation and the related biosynthetic pathaway, several elements are required: tRNASec, a UGA codon and a Sec insertion sequence (SECIS), a conserved motif downstream of the selenoprotein encoding gene. Selenoproteins generally participate in the cellular redox balance, playing an important role on cell growth and proliferation. These proteins, as well as the the Sec synthesis pathway, are present in members of the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya domains, being identified in several protozoa, including the kinetoplastids. Auranofin, a gold-contaning antirheumatic drug, is a known selenoproteins inhibitorand Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania majorcells are sensitive to this compound, with a LD50 in nanomolar range. This indicates a possible dependence of these parasites on selenoproteins. Theselenophosphate synthetase (SELD/SPS2) is responsible for the formation of monoselenophosphate from selenide and ATP, being essencial for selenoprotein biosynthesis. SPS2 knockdown led to apoptosis under sub-optimal growth conditions. The selenoproteome of these flagellated protozoa consists of distant homologs of the mammalian SelK and SelT, and a novel selenoprotein designated SelTryp, a kinetoplastidspecific protein. The functions of any of these selenoproteins are not known.We have investigated the effect of their downregulation in T. brucei to interpret their possible physiological role. The TbSelK depletion shows no effect on growth under optimal conditions, but the cells became more sensitive to endoplasmic reticulum stress agents and oxidative stress, suggesting that SelK is an ER stress-regulated protein and plays an important role in protecting T. brucei cells from ER stress agent. The TbSelT gene silence by RNA interference hampers the parasite survival, but the sensitivity to the agents tested was not asevident as it was forTbSelK, suggesting a role for TbSelT in protection against stress, but not specifically ER stress. Our results show the importance of selenocysteine and selenoproteins to parasite survival. / Selênio (Se) é um elemento essencial encontrado em selenoproteínas na forma do 21º aminoácido selenocisteína (Sec U). A incorporação co-traducional de Sec depende de uma complexa via de síntese, de um códon de terminação UGA em fase de leitura e uma estrutura terciária do RNA mensageiro conhecida como elemento SECIS. A maioria das selenoproteínas conhecidas participa de processos de manutenção do estado redox das células, tendo um importante papel no crescimento e proliferação celular. Essas proteínas, bem como os componentes da via de síntese de Sec, estão presentes em membros dos domínios de Bactérias, Arquéais e Eucaria, tendo sido identificada em diversos protozoários, incluindo os kinetoplastidas. Auranofin, um composto de ouro usado como agente antireumático, tem sido descrito como um inibidor de selenoproteínas através de sua ligação com o aminoácido selenocisteína e células de Trypanosoma brucei e Leishmania major são altamente sensíveis a este composto, apresentando um LD50 na faixa de nanomolar. Esta evidência indica uma possível dependência destes parasitas por selenoproteínas e consequentemente pela sua via de síntese. A selenofosfato sinetase (SELD/SPS2) é a enzima responsável pela síntese de monoselenofosfato a partir de seleneto e ATP, sendo, portanto uma proteína fundamental na síntese de selenocisteína. Sua depleção levou a apoptose celular quando mantidas em condições de estresse. Esse efeito pode ser causado pela consequente falta das selenoproteínas ou pelo acúmulo de espécies tóxicas de selênio, como o seleneto. Os protozoários apresentam número reduzido de selenoproteínas e kinetoplastidas apresentam 3, duas homólogas distantes de mamíferos, SelK e SelT, e uma nova proteína exclusiva denominada SelTryp, que não apresentam homologia com nenhuma outra proteína descrita. O papel dessas proteínas não é conhecido, e nós investigamos suas possíveis funções através da inibição de sua expressão. A depleção de TbSelK não mostrou efeito sob condições normais, mas tornou as células mais sensíveis a agentes indutores de estresse de retículo endoplasmático, o que nos permite inferir uma função de manutenção da homeostase dessa organela. A depleção de TbSelT causou uma diminuição no crescimento celular, mas o aumento da sensibilidade aos agentes indutores de estresse não foi tão pronunciada como em TbSelK. Nossos resultados revelam a importância de selenocisteína para parasitas, uma vez que esses organismos enfrentam diversos tipos de estresses para manter a viabilidade e a progressão da doença nos diferentes hábitats encontrados ao longo do seu ciclo de vida.

Rôle de la sélénoprotéine N dans les réseaux de régulation rédox : études physiologique et transcriptomique / Raie of selenoprotein N in redox regulation networks : physiological and transcriptomic studies

Briens, Mickaël 24 October 2014 (has links)
La réponse au stress oxydatif joue un rôle important dans de nombreux processus d’adaptation biologique. Les sélénoprotéines jouent un rôle clef dans le contrôle du stress oxydatif. Des mutations du gène codant pour la sélénoproteine N (SelN) sont la cause de différentes formes de dystrophies musculaires chez l’Homme mais la fonction moléculaire de SelN reste inconnue. Au cours de ma thèse j’ai cherché à déterminer la fonction moléculaire de SelN, et son rôle dans les mécanismes de régulation Rédox. Le modèle de souris Sepn1-/- a constitué l’outil central permettant de répondre à ces objectifs.Les principaux résultats ont révélé une sensibilité particulière des souris Sepn1-/- à certains agents inducteurs de stress oxydatif ou réticulaire. J’ai également caractérisé le modèle Sepn1-/- par séquençage haut débit, en comparant les muscles paravertébraux d’animaux Sepn1-/- et sauvages. Les résultats montrent que malgré l’absence de phénotype musculaire, il y a activation de 580 gènes codant pour des protéines secrétées et mettent en avant l’activation d’un certain nombre de voies métaboliques. Ces résultats participent à une meilleure caractérisation du rôle de la sélénoprotéine N dans le réticulum endoplasmique. / Oxidative stress response plays a major function in the adaptation of biological systems. Selenoproteins have a main role in oxidative stress control. Mutations in the gene coding for the selenoprotein N (SelN) cause different muscular dystrophies in Humans but the molecular function of SelN is still unknown. The main objective of my PhD was to determine the molecular function of SelN, and its role in Redox regulation mechanisms. The Sepn1-/- mouse model was a central tool to reach those objectives.The key results revealed a higher sensibility of Sepn1-/- mice to specific oxidative or reticular stress inducers. Moreover, the Sepn1-/- mouse model was characterized by high throughput sequencing, comparing gene expression of paravertebral muscle of Sepn1-/- and wild type animals. Results showed activation of 580 genes in Sepn1-/- mice despite the absence of muscular phenotype in those conditions. Activated genes are coding for secreted proteins and indicated the activation of several metabolic pathways. Those results participated to Sel N function determination in the endoplasmic reticulum.

Contribution à l'étude du rôle de la Sélénoprotéine T dans la maladie de Parkinson

Boukhzar, Loubna 12 January 2017 (has links)
Les maladies neurodégénératives sont des pathologies progressives qui affectent le système nerveux, entraînant la mort des cellules nerveuses. Les plus connues et les plus fréquentes sont la maladie d’Alzheimer et la maladie de Parkinson, mais il en existe d’autres. Toutes ces maladies se caractérisent par la perte progressive de neurones dans des régions plus ou moins localisées du système nerveux, entraînant des complications cognitives, motrices ou perceptives. La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est causée par la dégénérescence de neurones dopaminergiques de la substance noire et de leurs terminaisons nerveuses qui normalement libèrent la dopamine dans le striatum. Les deux principaux facteurs de risque communs aux maladies neurodégénératives sont l’âge et le stress oxydant. Le stress oxydant joue un rôle central dans la physiopathologie de la MP, mais les mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de ce stress dans les cellules dopaminergiques ne sont pas totalement élucidés. De nombreuses études montrent que les sélénoprotéines jouent un rôle central dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie redox et la protection cellulaire, mais la contribution précise des membres de cette famille de protéines au cours des maladies neurodégénératives est encore peu connue. Des études antérieures de l’Unité ont permis de découvrir le rôle essentiel d’une nouvelle sélénoprotéine, la sélénoprotéine T (SelT) dans les processus de différenciation neuronale, mais le rôle de cette sélénoprotéine dans les processus neurodégénératifs n’était pas connu. Nous avons montré d'abord que la SelT dont l’invalidation génétique est létale pendant l'embryogenèse, exerce une puissante activité oxydoréductase de type thiorédoxine. Dans un modèle cellulaire de neurones dopaminergiques, représenté par les cellules de neuroblastome SH-SY5Y, la modification de l’expression de la SelT affecte le niveau du stress oxydant et la survie cellulaire. Le traitement de souris sauvages par des neurotoxines ciblant les neurones dopaminergiques telles que le 1-méthyl-4-phényl-1,2,3,6-tétrahydropyridine (MPTP) ou la roténone induit une expression massive de la SelT dans la voie nigro-striée, suggérant que la SelT pourrait protéger ces neurones dans les conditions de dégénérescence. En revanche, ce même traitement administré chez les souris invalidées pour la SelT dans le cerveau provoque un syndrome parkinsonien, avec apparition de symptômes moteurs confirmant donc que la présence de la SelT doit participer à la protection des neurones dopaminergiques dans des conditions mimant la MP. Les symptômes moteurs observés sont associés à un stress oxydant et une dégénérescence marquée des neurones dopaminergiques. De même, nous avons observé une diminution de la forme active de la tyrosine hydroxylase, ce qui se traduit par des taux de dopamine réduits dans le striatum des souris invalidées et traitées par les neurotoxines. Ces données montrent que la SelT est essentielle à la survie et à la fonctionnalité des neurones dopaminergiques in vitro et in vivo dans les conditions de neurodégénérescence mimant la MP. Enfin, chez les patients souffrant de la MP, nous avons observé une augmentation considérable de la SelT au niveau du caudate-putamen mais pas d’autres structures cérébrales. L’ensemble de ces résultats révèle l'activité d'une nouvelle enzyme de type thiorédoxine qui protège les neurones dopaminergiques contre le stress oxydant et empêche l’apparition précoce de symptômes moteurs sévères chez les modèles animaux de la MP. Nos données indiquent que des sélénoprotéines telles que la SelT dont les taux sont élevés chez des parkinsoniens, jouent un rôle crucial dans la protection des neurones dopaminergiques contre le stress oxydant et la mort cellulaire ouvrant ainsi la voie au développement de nouvelles stratégies de neuroprotection ciblant ces protéines dans la MP. / Neurodegenerative diseases are progressive pathologies that affect the nervous system, causing the death of nerve cells. The best known and most frequent are Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, but there are others. All these diseases are characterized by the progressive loss of neurons of the nervous system, leading to cognitive, motor or perceptual complications. Parkinson's disease (PD) is caused by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and their nerve endings that normally release dopamine into the striatum. The two main risk factors common to neurodegenerative diseases are age and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress plays a central role in the pathophysiology of PD, but the mechanisms involved in controlling this stress in dopaminergic cells are not fully elucidated. Many studies show that selenoproteins play a central role in the control of redox homeostasis and cell protection, but the precise contribution of members of this family of proteins during neurodegenerative diseases is still unknown. Previous studies performed in our laboratory have uncovered the essential role of a new selenoprotein, selenoprotein T (SelT) in the processes of neuronal differentiation, but the role of this selenoprotein in neuroprotection was not known. We first showed that SelT, whose gene knock-out is lethal during embryogenesis, exerts a potent thioredoxin-like oxidoreductase activity. In a cellular model of dopaminergic neurons, represented by SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, modification of SelT expression affects the level of oxidative stress and cell survival. Treatment of wild-type mice by neurotoxins targeting dopaminergic neurons such as 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) or rotenone induced massive expression of SelT in the nigro-striatal system, suggesting that SelT could protect these neurons under conditions of degeneration. On the other hand, this same treatment given in mice invalidated for SelT in the brain caused a parkinsonian syndrome with the appearance of motor symptoms, thus confirming that the presence of SelT must participate in the protection of dopaminergic neurons under conditions mimiking PD. The observed motor symptoms are associated with oxidative stress and marked degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. Similarly, we observed a decrease in the active form of tyrosine hydroxylase, resulting in reduced dopamine levels in the striatum of invalidated and neurotoxin-treated mice. These data show that SelT is essential for the survival and functionality of dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo under the conditions of neurodegeneration mimicking PD. Finally, in patients with PD, we observed a considerable increase in SelT levels in the caudate-putamen but not in other cerebral structures. Together, these results uncovered the activity of a novel thioredoxin-like enzyme that protects dopaminergic neurons against oxidative stress and prevents the early onset of severe motor symptoms in animal models of PD. Our data indicate that selenoproteins such as SelT, whose levels are increased in PD play a crucial role in protecting dopaminergic neurons against oxidative stress and cell death, thus paving the way for the development of new neuroprotection strategies targeting these proteins in PD.

Rôle de la sélénoprotéine P et de la glutathion peroxydase 3 dans le phénotype des macrophages et la régénération musculaire / Role of selenoprotein P and glutathione peroxidase 3 in macrophage phenotype and skeletal muscle regeneration

De Oliveira Bouvière, Jessica 30 September 2019 (has links)
Les macrophages peuvent transiter entre les états pro et anti-inflammatoires, un processus appelé de polarisation. Les molécules sécrétées par les macrophages sont capables d'induire différents profils métaboliques. Les analyses transcriptomiques de macrophages pro et anti-inflammatoires humains ont identifié nouvelles molécules avec un peptide sécrétoire. Parmi ces candidates, les sélénoprotéines étaient l’une des plus exprimés dans les macrophages anti-inflammatoires. Ainsi, nous évaluons l’impact des sélénoprotéines sur la polarisation des macrophages, secondaires à l’inflammation et leur implication au cours de la régénération musculaire. Une fois établi que les cytokines stimulent les transitions des macrophages, nous avons utilisé IFN-gamma et IL10 pour explorer ces différents profils inflammatoires in vitro. Les macrophages dérivés de la moelle osseuse de WT et de sélénoprotéines KO ont été polarisés avec les deux cytokines pour obtenir un phénotype pro et anti-inflammatoire, respectivement. Nos résultats ont montré que, en absence de sélénoprotéines, les macrophages réduisaient leur capacité à migrer d'un état d'activation à l’autre par rapport au contrôle, soulignant ainsi l'importance de ces molécules pour contrôler les états d’alternance des macrophages. Le modèle de lésion en réponse à la cardiotoxine a été utilisé pour examiner, in vivo, la capacité des macrophages à modifier leur phénotype au cours de la régénération du muscle squelettique. Trois jours après une lésion, la population pro est remplacé par une anti-inflammatoire, comme l'a déjà montré l'analyse par cytométrie en flux. Cependant, les modèles de macrophages pro-inflammatoires sélénoprotéines KO étaient présent trois fois plus nombreux relativement à la population anti-inflammatoire, indiquant que ces macrophages n’ont pas acquis le phénotype anti-inflammatoire. De plus, nous évaluons la fonction des macrophages en absence de sélénoprotéines. Suite à la polarisation avec les cytokines, décrites ci-dessus, les expériences ont démontré que les macrophages anti-inflammatoires WT favorisaient la fusion des myoblastes, alors que les sélénoprotéines KO n'étaient pas en mesure de maintenir cette fusion. En conclusion, les sélénoprotéines modulent la polarisation des macrophages, impliquant leur capacité à acquérir différents phénotypes in vitro et in vivo, ainsi que leurs effets sur la fusion des myoblastes / Macrophages can go through transitions between pro and anti-inflammatory states, one process called polarization skewing. Molecules secreted by macrophages are able to induce different metabolic profiles. Transcriptomic analyses of human pro and anti-inflammatory macrophages identified new molecules with a secretory peptide. Selenoproteins were one of the most expressed in anti-inflammatory macrophages. Thus, we evaluate the respective roles of selenoproteins on macrophage polarization parameters in inflammation and their implication in regenerative processes. Once established that cytokines largely spur macrophage transitions we used IFN-gamma and IL10 to explore these different inflammatory profiles in vitro. Bone marrow derived macrophages from WT and selenoproteins KO models were polarized with both cytokines to obtain a pro and anti-inflammatory phenotype, respectively. Our results showed that without selenoproteins, macrophages had impairment of their capacity to switch from one activation state to another as compared with the control, emphasizing the importance of these molecules to control macrophage transitional states. The cardiotoxin injury model was use to in vivo examine the macrophages capability to switch their phenotype during skeletal muscle regeneration. Three days after an injury pro is replaced by anti-inflammatory population, as has already been shown by flow cytometry analysis. However, macrophages from selenoproteins KO presented three-fold increase of pro-inflammatory macrophages while anti-inflammatory population decreased, indicating that they did not acquire an anti-inflammatory phenotype. In addition, we evaluate the macrophage function in absence of selenoproteins. After polarization with cytokines, experiments demonstrated that WT anti-inflammatory macrophages promoted myoblast fusion, whereas selenoproteins KO were not able to sustain their fusion. In conclusion, selenoproteins modulate macrophage polarization implicating their ability to acquire different phenotypes in vitro and in vivo as well as their effects on myoblast fusion

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