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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konzumace ovoce a zeleniny a subjektivní hodnocení zdraví v české části studie HAPIEE / Fruit and vegetable intake and self-rated health in the Czech republic: the HAPIEE study

Hrežová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with self-rated health and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the Czech part of the HAPIEE study. The recommended amount of 400 g of fruit and vegetable consumption was met at 49,2% of men and 70,1% of women participating in the study. In the case of a higher 600 g recommendation it was 23,3% men and 42,6% women. The relationship between self-rated health and fruit and vegetable consumption was analyzed using the logistic regression method. Health was better assessed by those who consumed fruits and vegetables in the interval of 258-549g (2nd and 3rd quintiles of fruit and vegetable consumption). Those who consumed less or more fruits and vegetables rated their health worse. There were no differences in the relationship between self-rated health and consumption of fruits and vegetables among the sexes, although men had a higher chance of rating their health as bad than women. Key words: self rated health, fruit and vegetable intake, fruit, vegetable, regression

En longitudinell studie av psykologiska riskfaktorer för depression och ångest

Nabb, Cajsa-Stina Matilda, Taylor, Rebecca Diana January 2021 (has links)
Tidigare forskning pekar på att det kan finnas samband mellan vissa psykologiska faktorer och utveckling av depression och ångest. Därför var syftet med denna studie att undersöka huruvida olika psykologiska faktorer påverkar risken att utveckla depression samt ångest vid en uppföljning efter tre år. Studien baserades på data som insamlats vid det första (T1) och det andra (T2) mättillfället i den longitudinella populationsbaserade Miljöhälsostudien i Västerbotten. Samplen i denna undersökning bestod av deltagare som inte hade ångest (n=1930), och deltagare som inte hade depression (n=2120) vid T1. I studien undersöktes i vilken utsträckning upplevelse av utmattning, insomni, känsla av hjälp- och hopplöshet, stress, självskattad ohälsa, ångest och depression vid T1 ökade risken för depression respektive ångest vid T2. Logistiska regressionsanalyser visade på en signifikant ökad risk för att utveckla depression vid T2 (Oddskvot; OK=1.99-3.64) för samtliga riskfaktorer. Riskfaktorerna depression, utmattning, hjälp- och hopplöshet och självskattad ohälsa ökade risken för att utveckla ångest vid T2 signifikant (OK=2.37-3.78). Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att riskfaktorerna indikerar en i varierande grad ökad risk för att utveckla depression och ångest. Kännedom om riskfaktorer kan vara ett betydelsefullt stöd för att i ett tidigt skede sätta in interventioner och därmed förhindra senare insjuknande i depression och ångest. / Previous research suggests that there may be a link between certain psychological factors and development of depression and anxiety. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate how different psychological factors affect the risk of developing depression and anxiety in a follow-up three years later. The study was based on data from baseline (T1) and follow-up (T2) in the Västerbotten Environmental Health Study, a longitudinal population- based study. The sample consisted of participants who did not have anxiety (n = 1930), and participants who did not have depression (n = 2120) at T1. The study examined the extent to which experience of exhaustion, insomnia, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, stress, low self-rated health, anxiety and depression at T1 increased the risk of depression and anxiety at T2, respectively. Logistic regression analyses showed a significantly increased risk of developing depression at T2 (Odds ratio; OR = 1.99-3.64) for all risk factors. The risk factors depression, exhaustion, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness and low self-rated health significantly increased the risk of developing anxiety at T2 (OR = 2.37-3.78). In conclusion, the results show that the risk factors indicate a varying degree of increased risk of developing depression and anxiety. Knowledge of risk factors is important as support for initiating interventions at an early stage and thus preventing later onset of depression and anxiety.

Subjektive Gesundheitseinschätzung gesunder Frauen nach der Geburt eines Kindes / Self-rated health (SRH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in women after childbirth

Schäfers, Rainhild 27 September 2011 (has links)
In Deutschland ist eine zunehmende Kinderlosigkeit zu beklagen (Statistisches Bundesamt 2009). Die Ursachen hierfür werden primär vor dem Hintergrund der Unvereinbarkeit von Berufstätigkeit und Mutterschaft diskutiert (Schrupp 2008). Aus lerntheoretischer Perspektive wären subjektiv empfundene gesundheitliche Ein-schränkungen von Frauen nach der Geburt eines Kindes als weitere Ursache denkbar. Über die subjektiven Gesundheitseinschätzungen von Frauen im geburtshilflichen Kontext ist jedoch nur wenig bekannt. Vereinzelt finden sich Hinweise, dass Frauen ihre subjektive Gesundheit (SGH) nach der Geburt ihres Kindes trotz bestehender Morbidität sehr positiv bewerten (Bauer 2011, Schytt et al. 2005, Borrmann 2005). Ziel der Studie ist es die subjektive Morbidität, die SGH sowie die gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (GHLQ) gesunder Frauen acht Wochen und sechs Monate nach der Geburt eines Kindes zu erfassen und die Faktoren zu ermitteln, die sich beeinflussend auf SGH und GHLQ auswirken. Methode: Retrospektive, longitudinale Kohortenstudie. Basis der Sekundäranalyse bilden Daten von 1029 Erst- und Mehrgebärenden, die im Rahmen einer multizentrisch angelegten, prospektiven Interventionsstudie zum Versorgungskonzept Hebammenkreißsaal an der Hochschule Osnabrück unter Förderung des Bundesministeri-ums für Bildung und Forschung (FKZ 01 GT 0616) zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt (t0) sowie acht Wochen (t1) und sechs Monate (t2) nach der Geburt erhoben wurden. Zur Ermittlung der SGH wurde der SF-1 angewendet. Die Operationalisierung der GHLQ erfolgte über die standardisierte körperliche und die standardisierte psychische Summenskala des SF-36. Ergebnisse: Gut die Hälfte der Studienteilnehmerinnen bewertete ihre SGH zu t1 und t2 besser als gut, wobei Erstgebärende gegenüber Mehrgebärenden signifikant häufiger diese positive Einschätzung vornahmen (p<.007). Neben einer Reihe von Faktoren, die in keinem unmittelbaren Zusammenhang mit der Geburt stehen, zeigten sich geburtsspezifische Aspekte als signifikante Einflussgrößen. In der Gruppe der Erstgebärenden er-höhte sich bei Vorliegen geburtsverletzungsbedingter Beschwerden die Chance auf eine beeinträchtigte SGH zu t1 signifikant (OR 1.68, [95% KI 1.04-2.71]; p=.035). In der Gruppe der Mehrgebärenden erwies sich ein nega-tives Geburtserleben zu t2 als signifikante Einflussgröße für eine beeinträchtigte SGH (OR 7.66, [95% KI 2.17-26.99]; p=.002). Hinsichtlich der GHLQ konnten ebenfalls geburtsspezifische Aspekte als Einflussgrößen ermit-telt werden. Zu t1 erhöhten in der Gruppe der Erstgebärenden geburtsverletzungsbedingte Beschwerden die Chance auf eine verminderte GHLQ um fast das Dreifache (OR 2.83, [95% KI 1.63-4.93]; p<.001). Ein negati-ves Geburtserleben verdoppelte die Chance auf eine verminderte GHLQ in dieser Gruppe (OR 2.09, [95% KI 1.19-3.65]; p=.010). In der Gruppe der Mehrgebärenden zeigte sich das negative Geburtserleben ebenfalls als signifikante Einflussgröße (OR 3.93, [95% KI 1.14-13.53]; p=.030). Dies allerdings erst zu t2. Insgesamt konn-ten in einzelnen Subskalen des SF-36 signifikante Abweichungen zwischen der landes-, alters- und geschlechts-spezifischen Normstichprobe und dem Studiensample festgestellt werden. Schlussfolgerung: Geburtsverletzungsbedingte Beschwerden und ein negatives Geburtserleben beeinflussen die SGH und GHLQ nachhaltig. Mit dem Anspruch einer qualitativ hochwertigen geburtshilflichen Versorgung gilt es die subjektiven Gesundheitseinschätzungen von Frauen nach der Geburt eines Kindes standardisiert zu evalu-ieren. Um Ceiling-effekte zu vermeiden müssen die in anderen Bereichen bisher üblichen Erhebungsverfahren für den geburtshilflichen Kontext modifiziert werden

Interracial Couples at Risk: Discrimination, Perceived Stress, Depressive Symptoms and Self-Rated Health

Pittman, Patricia Susan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Type 2 Diabetes in China: Health Behaviors, Diabetes Self-Management, and Self-Rated Health

Pan, Xi 21 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Educational Parity, Health Disparities: Differential Health Returns to Education by Race/Ethnicity in Young Adulthood

Jones, DeShauna D. 20 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A systematic review of the relationships between social capital and socioeconomic inequalities in health: a contribution to understanding the psychosocial pathway of health inequalities

Uphoff, E.P., Pickett, K.E., Cabieses, B., Small, Neil A., Wright, J. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / Recent research on health inequalities moves beyond illustrating the importance of psychosocial factors for health to a more in-depth study of the specific psychosocial pathways involved. Social capital is a concept that captures both a buffer function of the social environment on health, as well as potential negative effects arising from social inequality and exclusion. This systematic review assesses the current evidence, and identifies gaps in knowledge, on the associations and interactions between social capital and socioeconomic inequalities in health. Through this systematic review we identified studies on the interactions between social capital and socioeconomic inequalities in health published before July 2012. The literature search resulted in 618 studies after removal of duplicates, of which 60 studies were eligible for analysis. Self-reported measures of health were most frequently used, together with different bonding, bridging and linking components of social capital. A large majority, 56 studies, confirmed a correlation between social capital and socioeconomic inequalities in health. Twelve studies reported that social capital might buffer negative health effects of low socioeconomic status and five studies concluded that social capital has a stronger positive effect on health for people with a lower socioeconomic status. There is evidence for both a buffer effect and a dependency effect of social capital on socioeconomic inequalities in health, although the studies that assess these interactions are limited in number. More evidence is needed, as identified hypotheses have implications for community action and for action on the structural causes of social inequalities.

Teachers’ job stress and health- the buffering role of sense of coherence

Pöllänen, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Teachers’ work-related health has worsened in Sweden, seen in the rising number of teachers who are stressed, unmotivated and that have left work or are on sick leave (The Swedish National Agency for Education, 2013; Månsson, 2008). The thesis’s aim was to explore the relation between health, personal coping and job stress. As proposed by Antonovsky (1979; 1987), sense of coherence (SOC) was used as an important individual approach for Salutogenesis; health maintenance. Health was measured as self-reported health and job stress according to the demand-control model (DCM) by Karasek (1979). Data came from the Teacher survey, a questionnaire part of a larger research project based at the Centre for Health and Equity Studies, Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet, focused on school environment and health for pupils and teachers. The analytical sample consisted of teachers teaching 7-9th grade (n=1092), from both private and public schools. Results indicate an association for SOC and DCM independently with self-rated health, as well as a strong role for SOC in decreasing the odds of having less than good health due to psychosocial working conditions, especially for teachers who perceive their jobs as highly demanding.

Health differences between employees in human service professions and other professions : The impact of psychosocial and organizational work environment

Aronsson, Vanda January 2016 (has links)
While recent publications indicate that employees in human service professions have higher risk of sickness absence and mental ill-health, little is known about the association with other health outcomes and possible mechanisms behind the differential risk. This study investigates differences in burnout, self-rated health and sickness absence between those in human service professions and other professions and examines whether differences in psychosocial and organizational work environment can explain possible variations. Data were derived from the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH), an approximately representative sample of the Swedish working population (n=4486). Results from binary logistic regressions suggested that those in human service professions had higher odds of burnout and sickness absence those in other professions. Differences in burnout were explained by background variables while differences in sickness absence were explained by psychosocial and organizational work factors. Employees in human service professions had lower odds of suboptimal self-rated health than others in the fully adjusted model. Women were at higher risk of burnout, sickness absence, and all adverse psychosocial and organizational work environment factors except social support. Future studies should investigate the most crucial psychosocial and organizational work factors in human service professions with the objective to improve employee health.

The relationship between perceived own health state and health assessments of anchoring vignettes

Hinz, Andreas, Häuser, Winfried, Glaesmer, Heide, Brähler, Elmar 08 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Self-reported health depends on the internal frame of reference and on response styles. One way of studying this dependency is using anchoring vignettes. Response shift effects are assumed to induce a negative correlation between self-reported health and the health assessments attributed to the vignettes. Method: A representative sample of the German adult population (N = 2,409) was selected. Participants were asked to rate their health state and the health states of two rather complex vignettes representing patients with several health complaints on a 0-100 scale. Results: The mean score of self-assessed health was M = 76.20 (SD = 20.6). There was a very small positive correlation between the assessment of the vignettes and the self-assessed health state (r = .12). After controlling for a proxy of objective health, measured in terms of chronic conditions, the relationship remained slightly positive. Chronic conditions were only marginally associated with the assessments of the vignettes (0 conditions: M = 44.8; ≥ 2 conditions: M = 42.2). Conclusions: The lack of the postulated association between self-reported health and vignettes’ ratings means that we cannot derive tools to correct the subjective ratings for differential use of frames of reference.

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