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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbar konsumtion : framtida hållbara verksamheter inom fordon och energibranschen ur ett miljöperspektiv / Tenable consumption- future tenable activities within the branches of vehicle and energy from an environmental perspective.

Lewis, Jenny, Nilsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
I dag är miljöfrågan ett omdiskuterat ämne och människor känner oro fördagens miljösituation. I takt med att individer konsumerar allt mer och medtanke på att jordens resurser är begränsade är det ett faktum att nya vägarkrävs för att kunna skapa ett hållbart konsumtionssamhälle och en hållbarutveckling. Karaktärerna av de nya vägarna är emellertid inte lika lätta attidentifiera som behovet av dem.Frågan är hur engagerade och drivande företag behöver vara när det gällerutvecklingen av hållbara verksamheter. Vidare är det ingen självklarhetbeträffande vem eller vilka som bär ansvaret för utvecklingen gentemot enhållbar framtid. Ytterligare en omdiskuterad fråga är huruvida ekonomisktillväxt i längden är förenlig med en ekologiskt hållbar utveckling. Islutändan vill ju trots allt företag uppnå en god lönsamhet och därmed tryggasin egen överlevnad på marknaden.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka, beskriva och analyserautvecklingsmöjligheterna för företag att bedriva lönsamma och hållbaraverksamheter i en förändrad framtid.För att kunna besvara de frågor som uppsatsen bygger på har teori varitgrundstommen. Vidare har en växelverkan skett mellan teori och empiri.Intervjuer med politiker liksom representanter från stora företag med mycketkunskap och många års erfarenhet ger uppsatsen tyngd.Vi har kommit fram till att det är av stor vikt att det kapital som företag ochstat satsar på miljöarbete investeras på ett effektivt sätt. Det krävs dyrbarainvesteringar för att stödja en miljöfrämjande utveckling och för attproducera produkter med minskad miljöbelastning.Företag måste vara nytänkande för att kunna erbjuda miljövänliga produktersom dessutom efterfrågas av konsumenter på marknaden. Det är enligt vårmening troligt att miljövänliga produkter inte genererar en önskvärdlönsamhet för företag, framför allt på kort sikt. Vi anser attkringverksamheter och en satsning på långsiktiga relationer med kundernakan kompensera en minskad lönsamhet inom miljösatsningsområden.Vi ser att företag som har en stor miljömedvetenhet och dessutom användersig av den i sin produktion och framställer miljövänliga produkter kan vinnakonkurrensfördelar. Genom att aktivt arbeta mot en hållbar utveckling kanföretag, enligt vår mening, skapa nya möjligheter. Ansvaret för arbetetgentemot en hållbar utveckling tycker vi ska ligga på såväl företag som stat.För att kunna nå lösningar som möjliggör en hållbar utveckling krävs medandra ord ett stort och välfungerande samarbete med en gemensammålsättning. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Viés egotímico : percepções de discentes do curso de pedagogia de uma universidade pública estadual de Mato Grosso e professores egressos em exercício /

Beck, Marcelo Luis Grassi January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: José Augusto da Silva Pontes Neto / Banca: José Aloyseo Bzuneck / Banca: Sueli Édi Rufini Guimarães / Banca: Francisco Hashimoto / Banca: Maria Luiza Louro de Castro Valente / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal a verificação das percepções sobre fracasso escolarde professores e discentes de um curso de pedagogia. Essa verificação teve por objetivo identificar possível viés ou atribuições egotímicas por parte dos professores em exercício, quando confrontados com as pressões do exercício profissional . A atribuição egotímica é aquela que tem por objetivo o deslocamento de uma atribuição interna para externa, preservando assim a auto-estima e o autoconceito do sujeito. Foram aplicados questionários em discentes de uma universidade pública estadual do Mato Grosso, bem como em professores egressos dessa mesma instituição que atuam na rede pública de ensino. Foram elaboradas categorias conforme as respostas dos entrevistados e as diferenças nas alusões às categorias por parte de docentes em exercício e discentes apontam para a ocorrência do fenômeno da atribuição egotímica por parte dos professores. / Abstract: This work had as main objective the verification of the perceptions of teachers and students about school failure in a course of pedagogics. This verification had the objective of identifying possible bias or egothymics attributions by the operating teachers, when collated with the pressures of the professional exercise. The egothymics attribution can be expressed on the displacement of an attribution from the internal to a external side, thus preserving the self-esteem and the self-concept of the subject. Questionnaires had been applied to students of a state public university of the Mato Grosso, as well as in teachers originated from the same institution and who act in the public net of education. Categories have been elaborated according to the interviewed onesþ answers and the differences in the mention to the categories between the operating teachers and the students point to the occurrence of the egothymics attribution phenomenon in the teachers side. / Doutor

Prevalência do uso de álcool e outras drogas entre escolares da rede pública de ensino de Uberaba - MG: fatores de risco e de proteção / Prevalence of alcohol and other drugs among students public schools of Uberaba-MG: risk and protective factors.

Andrea Ruzzi Pereira 22 June 2015 (has links)
OBJETIVOS GERAIS: Avaliar a prevalência de problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool e outras drogas entre estudantes do 8º e 9º anos do ensino fundamental das escolas públicas municipais de Uberaba MG. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS - descrever e analisar: o estilo parental adotado pelos pais dos adolescentes, de acordo com a percepção do responsável participante; o estilo parental adotado pelos pais e mães, de acordo com a percepção dos adolescentes; a autoestima dos adolescentes; o apoio social percebido pelos adolescentes; verificar se há correlação entre estilo parental, autoestima, apoio social e problemas associados ao uso de drogas entre os adolescentes participantes da pesquisa. METODOLOGIA: Pesquisa transversal, descritiva correlacional de abordagem quantitativa. O estudo envolveu 685 participantes, sendo 347 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, alunos do 8° e 9° anos do ensino fundamental de escolas municipais de Uberaba-MG e 338 responsáveis por esses adolescentes. A coleta de dados ocorreu em 2013, por meio dos instrumentos: DUSI - Drug Use Screening Inventory; Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg; Escalas de Exigência e Responsividade Parental versões para adolescentes e para pais e/ou responsáveis; Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil; e Social Support Appraisals (SSA- REDUZIDA). As variáveis dependentes são todas do tipo ordinal, sendo realizados testes e medidas de correlação do tipo Não Paramétrico. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes eram meninas de 14 anos (38,62%). Os adolescentes relataram uso de várias substâncias, com maior uso de: álcool (52,9%), tabaco (10,08%), tranquilizantes (6,15%) anfetaminas (4,25%), e maconha (3,46%) nos últimos 30 dias que antecederam a pesquisa. O estilo parental predominante adotado pelos pais/responsáveis foi o autoritativo, mas a percepção que os pais têm sobre ele não tem associação com a prevalência e com os problemas relacionados ao uso de drogas. O estilo autoritativo também predominou na percepção dos filhos. O estilo parental materno tem associação com o uso de drogas pelos filhos, sendo os estilos permissivos e negligentes mais associados ao uso de álcool combinado com drogas ilícitas; o autoritário e o autoritativo tem o maior número de filhos abstêmios, mas parece associar-se ao uso de drogas ilícitas. Os pais e as mães são mais exigentes com filhos mais jovens, o que é um fator de proteção ao uso de substâncias. O apoio social de todas as fontes analisadas é percebido como muito baixo pelos participantes, sendo os professores a melhor fonte e a família a que provê menor apoio. Os adolescentes têm em sua maioria autoestima positiva, mas não há correlação entre autoestima e o risco do uso de drogas, o que sugere que adolescentes com autoestima positiva e negativa estão igualmente suscetíveis ao uso e abuso delas. CONCLUSÃO: reforça-se a necessidade de que as políticas públicas sobre drogas sejam realmente efetivadas e que haja um trabalho para compreensão de que não há quantidade segura para o uso por adolescentes; que o álcool é a droga de acesso às outras substâncias, mas por si só já é a droga que mais traz prejuízos físicos, psíquicos e sociais. / GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of problems related to alcohol and other drugs among students in 8th and 9th grades of elementary education of public school in Uberaba - MG. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESTo describe and analyze: the parenting style adopted by the parents of the adolescents, according to the perception of these parents; the parenting style adopted by parents, according to the adolescents\' perception; the self-esteem of adolescents; the social support perceived by the adolescents; as well as check for correlation between parenting style, self-esteem, social support and problems associated with drug use among the study adolescents participants. METHODS: Cross-sectional correlational descriptive study of quantitative approach. The study involved 685 participants, 347 adolescents of both sexes, from 8th and 9th years of elementary education at public schools in Uberaba-MG and 338 responsible for these adolescents. Data collection took place in 2013, through the instruments: DUSI - Drug Use Screening Inventory; Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; Scales Exigency and Responsiveness Parental versions for teenagers and parents and / or guardians; Economic Classification Criterion Brazil; and Social Support Appraisals (SSALOW). The dependent variables are all the ordinal type and tests and measures correlation were performed by nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Most of the participants were girls 14 years old (38.62%). Adolescents reported use of various substances in the 30 days preceding the survey: alcohol (52.9%), tobacco (10.08%), tranquilizers (6.15%) amphetamines (4.25%), and marijuana (3.46 %). The predominant parental style adopted by parents / guardians was authoritative, but the perception that parents have about it is not associated with the prevalence and problems related to drug use. The authoritative style also prevailed in the perception of children. The maternal parenting style is associated with drug use by children, and the permissive and neglectful styles most associated with the use of alcohol combined with illicit drugs; the authoritarian and authoritative has the largest number of abstainers children, but appears to be associated with the use of illicit drugs. Parents are more demanding with younger children, which is a protective factor against substance use. Social support is perceived as too low by the participants, the best source being teachers. Family provides the lowest support. Teenagers have mostly positive self-esteem, but there is no correlation between self-esteem and the risk of drug use, suggesting that adolescents with positive self-esteem and negative are also susceptible to the use and abuse them. CONCLUSION: it is reinforced the need for really effective public policies on drugs and the facts that there is a long path to understanding that there is no safe amount of drugs for use by adolescents; that alcohol promotes access to other substances, but by itself is the drug that brings more physical, psychological and social damage.

Projetos sociais esportivos: um estudo das relações entre o esporte e o autoconceito / Sports Social Programs: a study of the relations between sport and self-concept

Elder Regis Deorato Marques 23 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as relações entre o esporte e o autoconceito, em projetos sociais esportivos. O estudo foi realizado no Projeto Esporte Talento (PET) e em duas escolas públicas localizadas na região centro oeste da cidade de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir da aplicação do inventário de autoconceito, denominado Piers-Harris 2 (2002), traduzido e validado para o português. A amostra foi composta de 148 participantes, divididos em três grupos: participantes do PET (n=71), não participantes de projetos sociais (n=53) e participantes de outros projetos sociais (n=24). As técnicas estatísticas utilizadas foram: análise descritiva unidimensional e bidimensional, testes de hipóteses paramétricas, regressão clássica e análise de dados categorizados. Os resultados indicaram que existe uma relação entre o esporte e o aumento do escore do autoconceito global (p=0,005), da dimensão intelectual do autoconceito (p=0,02) e da dimensão da popularidade do autoconceito (p<0,01). A relação entre o esporte e o autoconceito parece estar relacionada com a proposta pedagógica do PET (desenvolvimento de competências - aprender a ser, aprender a fazer, aprender a conhecer e aprender a conviver), demonstrando o potencial socioeducacional do esporte no desenvolvimento de competências não apenas motoras, mas também em outras dimensões do ser humano. Embora os resultados indiquem que o esporte pode contribuir para a melhoria do autoconceito em projetos sociais é necessário ressaltar que cada projeto possui uma proposta pedagógica diferenciada, e não é possível, a priori, generalizar os resultados desta pesquisa / This project aims at investigating the relations between sport and self-concept in sports social programs. The study was made at a Brazilian sports social program called Projeto Esporte Talento (PET) and in two public schools located in the midwest of São Paulo. Data was collected by applying the self-concept inventory, called Piers-Harris 2 (2002), translated and validated into Portuguese. The sample was composed of 148 participants, divided in three groups: participants of PET (n=71), non-participants in social programs (n=53) and participants of other social programs (n=24). The statistics techniques used were: one-dimensional and bidimensional descriptive analysis, parametric hyposthesis testing, classic regression and categorized data analysis. The results indicated that there is a relation between sport and the increase in the score of global self-concept (p=0.005), self-concept intelectual dimension (p=0.02) and of self-concept popularity dimension (p<0.01). The relation between sport and self-concept seems to be related to the pedagogical proposal of PET (skills development learn to be, learn to do, learn to know and learn to socialize), demonstrating the educational potential of sport in the development of not only motor skills, but also other dimensions of the human being. Although results indicate that sport can contribute to the improvement of self-concept in social programs, it is necessary to highlight that each program has a different pedagogical proposal and it is not possible to generalize the results of this research

A influência dos valores pessoais e da sensação de poder na comparação social estética

Yamim, Amanda Pruski January 2014 (has links)
A comparação social é um elemento ubíquo na sociedade, na qual os indivíduos, consciente ou inconscientemente, utilizam emoções, habilidades e opiniões dos demais para se avaliarem, se aprimorarem ou se promoverem. Por sua constante presença nas relações interpessoais e na vida das pessoas, a comparação social tem sido investigada e reconhecida a partir de uma ampla gama de consequências como emoções, julgamentos, atitudes e comportamento, e dentro deste último o comportamento de consumo. Para a melhor compreensão e aplicação da comparação social para a área de marketing, no entanto, é fundamental entender que suas consequências não ocorrem de maneira homogênea e o que influencia nessa heterogeneidade. Diante disso, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida, buscando investigar como elementos individuais, como os valores pessoais, e variáveis associadas às relações sociais, como a sensação de poder, podem atuar no fenômeno da comparação social e em suas consequências, buscando assim contribuir para o maior reconhecimento teórico e prático deste fenômeno. Foi delimitado como campo de estudo a comparação social estética devido aos impactos psicológicos e sociais que este campo possui nos indivíduos, principalmente nas mulheres, sendo estas delimitadas como a população desta pesquisa. A partir da realização de três estudos empíricos, utilizando os métodos survey e experimental, foi possível comprovar a moderação dos valores de autopromoção e da sensação de poder na comparação social estética. Os valores de autopromoção exercem um impacto positivo na comparação social, estando correlacionados positivamente com a orientação que os indivíduos têm em se compararem, assim como estão associados com as consequências psicológicas geradas a partir da comparação. A sensação de poder, por sua vez, apresentou um impacto negativo sobre a comparação social estética, minimizando suas consequências psicológicas. A partir desta pesquisa buscou-se contribuir para a teoria da comparação social, abordando-a a partir da visão ainda pouco explorada do fenômeno de comparação como bietápico e, assim, cooperar para minimizar a existente carência de poder preditivo que a comparação social sofre, a qual limita o reconhecimento do seu papel central para as ciências sociais e para a área de marketing. Juntamente a isso pretendeu-se propor novas possíveis estratégias que possam minimizar os efeitos negativos da comparação social estética imposta pela mídia na forma como as mulheres se percebem. / Social comparison is an ubiquitous element in society, where individuals consciously or unconsciously use others emotions, skills and opinions to evaluate, to promote or to improve themselves. For its continuous presence in interpersonal relations and in people's lives, the social comparison has been investigated and recognized for a wide range of consequences such as emotions, judgments, attitudes and behavior, and also consumption behavior. To improve the comprehension and application of social comparison to the marketing area it is necessary to understand that its consequences are not homogeneous through the individuals, and what can impact this heterogeneity. Considering that, this research was developed in order to investigate how individual elements, such as personal values, and variables associated with social relations, such as the power sense, can influence the phenomenon of social comparison and its consequences. By this, we expect to contribute to the improvement of theoretical and practical recognition of social comparison phenomenon. It was delimitated as a research field the aesthetics social comparison considering its psychological e social consequences to humans, specially women, being this gender the target population of this research. Through three empirical studies, one survey and two experimental studies, it was possible to prove the moderation of self-promotion values and the power sense at aesthetics social comparison. The self-promotion values had a positive impact at social comparison, firstly by its positive correlation with social comparison orientation, and second by influencing the intensity of psychological consequences of social comparison. The power sense, on the other hand, had a negative impact on the aesthetic social comparison, minimizing its psychological consequences. This research aimed to contribute to the theory of social comparison, addressing it from the still underexplored vision of social comparison as a two-stage phenomenon, and thus cooperate to minimize the existing lack of predictive power that this phenomenon suffers, limiting its recognition as a central role in the social sciences and in marketing field. Related to this, it was proposed new strategies that can be used to minimize the negative effects of aesthetic social comparison imposed by the media in the way women perceive themselves.

An Analysis of the Effects of a Human Relations Component in an Introduction to Education Course on the Self Concept and Interpersonal Relations of Secondary Education Pre-Service Teachers

Miller, Joyce E. Kyle. 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to analyze the effects of a human relations component in an introduction to education course on the self-concept and interpersonal relations of secondary education pre-service teachers. The purposes of this study were (1) to develop a human relations component to be used in an introduction to education course; (2) to utilize the component in an actual teaching situation; and (3) to examine the effects of the course on the self-concept and interpersonal relations of secondary education pre-service teachers. The results of the statistical analyses revealed that the differences between the experimental and control groups on measures of the self-concept and interpersonal relations were not statistically significant. No significant gains were made by the experimental group on both criterion measures. Findings derived from personal observations indicated that the experimental group became aware of the affective dimension of the teaching-learning process. It was also evident that factors in addition to increased scores should be considered in research concerning enhancement of the self-concept and interpersonal relations.

Shaping Self-Concept with Children's Books

Disque, J. Graham, Langenbrunner, Mary R. 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

The power of identity in important leadership decisions

Kelley, Christopher Patrick 01 December 2014 (has links)
Why might someone avoid information that could be useful for making an important decision? Useful information can indicate that some options are better than others for achieving an important goal or averting disaster. A theory is developed here which proposes that decisions feel more important because the consequences of the decisions are more threatening the self-concept. Useful information threatens to reduce a decision maker's decision options, thus constraining their opportunities to act quickly, reduce uncertainty and make the decision in a way that is self-verifying. This occurs while a decision maker is strongly motivated to reduce the uncertainty and the threat to the self-concept generated by the decision making situation. As a result, people become less likely to access useful information when making more important decisions. This is more likely to occur when the decisions includes a substantial threat to more salient identities and core aspects of the decision maker's self-concept. First a study is conducted to develop a measure of the relative strength of a respondent's leadership identity. Then, hypotheses derived from the theory are tested in two experiments. The hypotheses predict that participants making more important decisions will (1) experience stronger feelings, (2) value self-verifying options more and feel more certain after making a decision, (3) prefer fewer options in a subsequent decision task after making more, as opposed to less important decisions, (4) make more important decision more quickly, (5) access less useful information when making more important decisions , (6) feel more certain after avoiding useful information that could indicate an identity validating solution is inferior and less certain if accessing that information, (7) report that decisions associated with stronger feelings are more important, and (8) prefer fewer choices to pick from in a subsequent decision when having made a prior decision with less useful information. The hypotheses are tested in two incrementally differing experimental in which participants make organizational leadership decisions after completing the instrument developed to test the strength of their leadership identity. Contrasting pairs of conditions vary theoretically important elements to make the decisions feel more or less important. Both pairs vary the importance of the decision situation by changing the definition of the situation to increase or decrease the consequences for the participant's leadership identity. The second study similarly varies the decision's importance and adds the opportunity to access various types of useful information prior to making each decision. Findings indicate that decisions feel more important when the outcome includes a credible threat to the maintenance of a highly salient identity. Participant making more important decisions in experiment A felt more certain they were right after making their decisions. They preferred fewer options in a subsequent decision situation which indicates they felt more powerful. In Experiment B Participants were less likely to access useful information when making more important decisions. Participants who did access useful information prior to making a more important decision preferred more options in a subsequent task. This indicates they felt less powerful after making more important decisions with more information. These findings have implications for research on decision making, identity theory, leadership in organizations, and research on emotions, and the role of perceptual control in the resiliency of social structure.

Academic self-concept and academic achievement of African American students transitioning from urban to rural schools

Bacon, La Shawn Catrice 01 July 2011 (has links)
The relationship between academic self-concept and academic achievement in African American students who have experienced geographic mobility was the focus of this study. Specifically, this study used quantitative methods to assess African American students from counties in Iowa to obtain information about the students' relocation from urban to rural school environments and to understand how such moves influenced their academic performance and academic self-concept. Gender and length of time since transition were also considered. The sample consisted of 101 African American middle school/junior high students who had been enrolled in Iowa schools for less than 24 months or more than 24 months. Results indicated a significant relationship between academic self-concept and academic achievement measures of ITBS composite scores and cumulative GPA. Gender and the length of time since transition were not shown to be linked to students' academic ability or performance in school. Data gathered from this study will assist administrators, parents, educators, and school counselors with understanding geographic mobility, academic self-concept, and academic achievement. Information obtained will also provide insight about other factors that relate to the academic setting and students' assessment of school such as student motivation, perceptions of peers, the academic self-perceptions students possess, students' attitude towards teachers and classes, and students' attitude towards school.

El autoconcepto y el vínculo de los niños con sus mascotas / Self-Concept and children’s bond with their pets

Rifai Marco del Pont, Ximena 20 September 2019 (has links)
El presente estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, no experimental de diseño descriptivo correlacional y de corte transversal; el objetivo del presente estudio consistió en conocer la relación entre el autoconcepto y el vínculo que existe entre el niño (a) y su mascota en un grupo de 181 niños de ambos sexos (51.9% hombres, 48.1% mujeres) que pertenecieron al tercer (n = 64) , cuarto (n = 58) y quinto grado de primaria (n = 59) provenientes de dos colegios privados de Lima. Los participantes tenían edades de entre 7 y 13 años (M = 9.7, DE = 1.01) de los cuales 152 tenían un perro como mascota. Los integrantes respondieron al Cuestionario de Autoconcepto para Niños (Váldez-Medina, González, López, & Reusche, 2001) y la Escala de Vínculo con la Mascota (Schencke & Farkas, 2012). Con relación a las variables psicológicas, se encontró que el autoconcepto positivo y el vínculo con la mascota presenta una correlación positiva y no significativa (r = .13). En cuanto al autoconcepto negativo y el vínculo con la mascota presenta una correlación negativa y no significativa (r = -.10). Se discuten los resultados en función a la correlación entre los ítems con las dimensiones de Autoconcepto Positivo y Autoconcepto Negativo, en donde se encontró que existe una relación positiva entre el autoconcepto positivo y las conductas asociadas al cuidado de la mascota, así como también entre el autoconcepto positivo y la frecuencia con la que el niño le hace cariño a su mascota. Por último, se encontró una relación positiva y significativa entre el autoconcepto negativo y el número de hermanos que posee el niño. / The present research is a quantitative, non-experimental study of descriptive correlational and cross-sectional design, which objective is to explore the relationship between self-concept and the bond between the child and his/her pet in a group of 181 children of both sexes (51.9% male, 48.1% female) that belonged to the third (n = 64) , fourth (n = 58) and fifth grade (n = 59) from two private schools in Lima. The participants were between the ages of 7 and 13 years old (M = 9.7, DE = 1.01) of which 152 had a dog as a pet. Participants responded to the Self-concept Questionnaire for Children (Váldez-Medina, González, López, & Reusche, 2001) and the Companion Animal Bonding Scale (Schencke & Farkas, 2012). Regarding the psychological variables, it shows that positive self-concept and pet bonding have a positive but not significant correlation (r = .13). As for the negative self-concept and pet bonding, it was found that it has a negative but not significant correlation (r = -.10). The results are discussed according to the correlation between the items and the positive and negative self-concept dimensions, where it was found that there is a positive relationship between the positive self-concept and the behaviors associated with pet care, as well as between the positive self-concept and the frequency with which the child cares for his pet. Finally, a positive and significant relationship was also found between the negative self-concept and the number of siblings the child possesses. / Tesis

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