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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direct Detection Time of Flight Lidar Sensor System Design and A Vortex Tracking Algorithm for a Doppler Lidar

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Laser radars or lidar’s have been used extensively to remotely study winds within the atmospheric boundary layer and atmospheric transport. Lidar sensors have become an important tool within the meteorology and the wind energy community. For example, Doppler lidars are used frequently in wind resource assessment, wind turbine control as well as in atmospheric science research. A Time of Flight based (ToF) direct detection lidar sensor is used in vehicles to navigate through complex and dynamic environments autonomously. These optical sensors are used to map the environment around the car accurately for perception and localization tasks that help achieve complete autonomy. This thesis begins with a detailed discussion on the fundamentals of a Doppler lidar system. The laser signal flow path to and from the target, the optics of the system and the core signal processing algorithms used to extract velocity information, were studied to get closer to the hardware of a Doppler lidar sensor. A Doppler lidar simulator was built to study the existing signal processing algorithms to detect and estimate doppler frequency, and radial velocity information. Understanding the sensor and its processing at the hardware level is necessary to develop new algorithms to detect and track specific flow structures in the atmosphere. For example, the aircraft vortices have been a topic of extensive research and doppler lidars have proved to be a valuable sensor to detect and track these coherent flow structures. Using the lidar simulator a physics based doppler lidar vortex algorithm is tested on simulated data to track a pair of counter rotating aircraft vortices. At a system level the major components of a time of flight lidar is very similar to a Doppler lidar. The fundamental physics of operation is however different. While doppler lidars are used for radial velocity measurement, ToF sensors as the name suggests provides precise depth measurements by measuring time of flight between the transmitted and the received pulses. The second part of this dissertation begins to explore the details of ToF lidar system. A system level design, to build a ToF direct detection lidar system is presented. Different lidar sensor modalities that are currently used with sensors in the market today for automotive applications were evaluated and a 2D MEMS based scanning lidar system was designed using off-the shelf components. Finally, a range of experiments and tests were completed to evaluate the performance of each sub-component of the lidar sensor prototype. A major portion of the testing was done to align the optics of the system and to ensure maximum field of view overlap for the bi-static laser sensor. As a laser range finder, the system demonstrated capabilities to detect hard targets as far as 32 meters. Time to digital converter (TDC) and an analog to digital converter (ADC) was used for providing accurate timing solutions for the lidar prototype. A Matlab lidar model was built and used to perform trade-off studies that helped choosing components to suit the sensor design specifications. The size, weight and cost of these lidar sensors are still very high and thus making it harder for automotive manufacturers to integrate these sensors into their vehicles. Ongoing research in this field is determined to find a solution that guarantees very high performance in real time and lower its cost over the next decade as components get cheaper and can be seamlessly integrated with cars to improve on-road safety. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2018

Lane Change Intent Analysis for Preceding Vehicles : a Study Using Various Machine Learning Techniques / Analys av framförvarande fordons filbytesintentioner : En studie utnyttjande koncept från maskininlärning

Fredrik, Ljungberg January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, the level of technology in heavy duty vehicles has increased significantly. Progress has been made towards autonomous driving, with increaseddriver comfort and safety, partly by use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). In this thesis the possibilities to detect and predict lane changes for the preceding vehicle are studied. This important information will help to improve the decision-making for safety systems. Some suitable approaches to solving the problem are presented, along with an evaluation of their related accuracies. The modelling of human perceptions and actions is a challenging task. Several thousand kilometers of driving data was available, and a reasonable course of action was to let the system learn from this off-line. For the thesis it was therefore decided to review the possibility to utilize a branch within the area of artificial intelligence, called supervised learning. The study of driving intentions was formulatedas a binary classification problem. To distinguish between lane-change and lane-keep actions, four machine learning-techniques were evaluated, namely naive Bayes, artificial neural networks, support vector machines and Gaussian processes. As input to the classifiers, fused sensor signals from today commercially accessible systems in Scania vehicles were used. The project was carried out within the boundaries of a Master’s Thesis projectin collaboration between Linköping University and Scania CV AB. Scania CV AB is a leading manufacturer of heavy trucks, buses and coaches, alongside industrialand marine engines.

Development of Swarm Traffic Algorithms : Road detection within an ellipse / Utveckling av Svärmtrafikalgoritmer : Vägdetektion inom en ellips

Dal Mas, Massimiliano January 2021 (has links)
The latest trends in autonomous vehicles research gave rise to the needs for specific tools to validate and test such systems. The estimations state that to consider an autonomous vehicle statistically safe, it should drive for thousands of kilometres using traditional validation methods. This process would take a long time. Furthermore, an update in the software, would require to re-run those kilometres. Therefore, the testing must be performed exploiting virtual simulations that should realistically reflect the real world. One way to perfor msuch simulations is to let the vehicle model drive down a road map and control the surrounding traffic. To be effective, spawned traffic should not be generated too far from the target vehicle. The OpenSCENARIO standard offers a feature restricting such traffic within an ellipse centred in the central object (target vehicle). This thesis investigated what technique was more efficient and scalable to detect viable roads within the ellipse to spawn stochastic traffic on. The explored solutions are two: an analytical approach and an adaptation of the AABB tree algorithm. The research started with simple cases and incremented the scenario’s complexity during the development. Through this methodology, each technique’s positive aspects and limits have been highlighted, allowing a comparison to be made. / De senaste trenderna i autonoma fordon har ökat behovet av specifika verktyg för att validera och testa sådana system. För att kunna betrakta ett autonomt fordon som statistiskt säkert, ska enligt uppskattningar autonoma fordon köra tusentals kilometer med traditionella valideringsmetoder. Denna process skulle ta mycket lång tid. Dessutom skulle en uppdatering i mjukvaran kräva att alla dessa tusentals kilometer att körs igen. Därför måste testningen utföras med hjälp av virtuella simuleringar som bör efterlikna den reella världen realistiskt. Ett sätt att genomföra dessa simuleringar är att låta en autonom fordonsmodell köra genom ett vägnät och kontrollera kringliggande trafik. För att vara effektiv, bör kringliggande trafik inte genereras för långt bort från autonoma fordonsmodellen. OpenSCENARIO-standarden innehåller en funktion som begränsar genererad trafik inom en ellips centrerad kring fordonsmodellen. Detta examensarbete undersökte vilka tekniker som är mest effektiva och skalbara för att detektera relevanta vägar inom ellipsen att generera stokastisk trafik på. De två lösningar som studerades var: en analytisk och en numerisk som använde sig av AABB-träd-algoritmen. Utförandet började med simpla fall som successivt ökade till mer avancerade scenarion. Genom denna metodik blev varje tekniks positiva aspekter samt begränsningar belysta och jämförbara.

Konceptuell utveckling av interiören hos en framtida fullt autonom bil / Conceptual development of an interior in a future fully autonomous car

Edvardsson, Felicia, Warberg, Therése January 2016 (has links)
Målet med examensarbetet har varit att samla information åt ett tekniskt konsultföretag för att öka deras kunskap om autonoma system och fordonskommunikation. Statusen på arbetet kring dessa aktiva säkerhetssystem hos olika aktörer och hur systemen implementeras i dagens och framtidens fordon har undersökts genom omfattande litteraturstudier, intervjuer och marknadsanalyser. De autonoma systemen kan samla information från omgivningen genom sensorer och bidra till ett jämnare trafikflöde, ökad säkerhet, lättare bilar och bättre miljö. Genom fordonskommunikationen kan fordon kommunicera med varandra samt infrastrukturen och garantera en säker bilfärd. År 2030 utgörs innerstaden av autonom, elektrifierad kollektivtrafik för att transportera människor på begäran, samtidigt som personbilar till viss del förbjuds. Potentiella behov för människan i en fullt autonom bil har identifierats och diverse produktutvecklingsmetoder har tillämpats för att utforma två konceptuella lösningar för en framtida bilinteriör. Lösningarna visar interaktionen mellan människa och system eftersom underhållning och bekvämlighet blir viktigt i en fullt autonom bil. Respektive lösning är statsägd och rymmer fyra passagerare. I lösningarna är sittplatserna placerade på ett sätt som underlättar kommunikation mellan passagerarna. Passagerarna kan underhållas eller informeras individuellt eller gemensamt via text, ljud och bild. / The goal with this thesis project has been to collect information for a technical consulting company in order to increase their knowledge about autonomous systems and vehicular communication. The status of how various operators work with active safety systems and how the systems are implemented in current and future vehicles has been investigated through extensive literature studies, interviews and market research. The autonomous systems can collect information from the surrounding through sensors and contribute to better traffic efficiency, increased safety, lighter cars and a better environment. Through vehicle communication, the vehicle can communicate with each other in order to guarantee a safe ride. In 2030 the inner city constitutes of autonomous, electrified public transport to transport people on demand, meanwhile private cars are prohibited. Potential needs for the human in a fully, autonomous car has been identified and various product development methods has been applied in order to develop two conceptual solutions for a future car interior. The solutions show the interaction between human and system since entertainment and comfort becomes important in a fully, autonomous car. Each solution is state-owned and holds four passengers. In the solutions, the seats are placed in regard to facilitate communication between the passengers. The passengers can be entertained or informed individually or collectively by text, sound and images.

Entertainement [!] for faster driving takeovers : Designing games for faster and safer takeovers on level 3 self-driving cars

Di Luccio, Luca January 2020 (has links)
The upcoming level 3 generation of self-driving vehicles will be characterized by the freedom of not having the driver’s hands on the steering wheel. This acquired freedom is posing new challenges on the traditional passenger comfort paradigm as the drivers will spend a higher amount of time doing non-driving tasks (NDRT). Certain constraints must be imposed as the level 3 generation systems will not be able to drive all the time without active feedback from the user. The driver needs to stay active enough to do takeover in a situation where it is needed to. What effect will different NDRT have on the behavior of a driver in a self-driving car? In our low fidelity driving simulator, we tested different simple actions (e.g. playing a simple 2D game). We then evaluated them based on their accident avoidance and situation awareness in the post-transition period. The results show a significant difference between the reaction speeds of the drivers before and after an active task.

Prototype design for autonomous vehicle / Prototypkonstruktion av autonom bil

Lehander, Jacob, Persson, Joel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the mechanical design of a prototype vehicle developed for a company located in California. The project was based on an earlier vehicle located at KTH, Transport Labs, and investigated if the existing concept for the vehicle would work as a concept for an autonomous prototype, with focus on component layout and increased forces. The design of the vehicle is based on a concept with a carbon fiber bottom plate, two separate suspension modules with electric hub motors and steer by wire. In addition a steering interface, seats and a roll cage is added to the base. Quadrant symmetric design and four wheel steering/drive makes the vehicle move equally good forward and reverse. The steering is controlled by individual rotating actuators mounted at each wheel, meaning that the vehicle, apart from acquiring a low turning radius also can angle the wheel in the same direction and drive with so called crab steer where the car is moving sideways without rotating itself. The brake system contains a regular manual hydraulic brake system in parallel with an autonomous brake system. The project was started by generating a list of requirements. This was then considered when doing the design in CAD (Solid Edge). The design was validated with ADAMS (MBS) and ANSYS Workbench (FEA). The majority of the project was carried out in Sweden at KTH where the driveline of the vehicle was designed and assembled. The driveline was then transported to California where the vehicle was finalized and tested. The test carried out indicated that the concept was working as a prototype but that some of the components needed to be upgraded. All tests needed was not carried out which led to that the maximum speed of the vehicle was limited to 40 km/h Further durability-, and high load tests will be carried out in order to, with suitable safety, raise the maximum speed. The maximum steering angle of each wheel acquired was 23 degrees that, with four wheel steering, means an effective steering angle of 46 degrees. The cars minimum turning radius was around 5 meters. / Detta examensarbete beskriver den mekaniska konstruktionen av ett prototypfordon för ett företag beläget i Kalifornien. Projektet utgick från ett befintligt fordon på KTH, Transport Labs och undersökte hur vida det befintliga konceptet för det fordonet fungerade för en autonom prototyp, med särskilt hänseende till komponentplacering och ökade krafter. Fordonet är konstruerad runt en bottenplatta av kolfiber, två separata hjulupphängningar med elektriska navmotorer och så kallad ”steer by wire” samt kompletteras med ett förargränssnitt, säten och rullbur. Kvadrant symmetriska design och fyrhjuls styrning/drivning gör att fordonet för sig lika bra framåt som bakåt. Styrningen sköts av en individuell roterande motor fäst vid varje hjul vilket innebär att fordonet, utöver att få en låg svängradie, även kan vinkla alla hjul åt samma håll och uppnå så kallad krabbstyrning där bilen rör sig i sidled utan att själv rotera. Bromssystemet består av ett vanligt manuellt hydrauliskt bromssystem parallell kopplat med ett autonomt aktiverat bromssystem. Projektet inleddes med generering av en kravspecifikation. Denna låg sedan som grund för konstruktionen som genomfördes i Solid Edge (CAD). Konstruktionen validerades med hjälp av ADAMS (MBS) och ANSYS Workbench (FEM). Största delen av projektet genomfördes i Sverige på KTH där drivlinan av fordonets konstruerades och monterads. Denna flögs sedan till Kalifornien där fordonet färdigställdes och testades på plats. De genomförda testerna tydde på att konceptet fungerade bra som prototyp men att vissa komponenter behövde uppgraderas. Full testning han inte genomföras vilket ledde till att den maximala hastigheten begränsades till 40 km/h. Vidare uthållighets- och höglasttester kommer genomföras för att, på ett säkert sätt, kunna öka den maximala tillåtna hastigheten. Den maximala styrvinkeln för varje hjul uppgick till 23 grader vilket, med fyrhjulningsstyrning, innebär en effektiv styrvinkel på 46 grader. Bilens minimi svängradie uppgick till cirka 5 meter.

Optimization of geometric road design for autonomous vehicle

Aryal, Prabin January 2020 (has links)
These days most of the research related to autonomous vehicle technology focuses on vehicle technology itself and lesser on road infrastructure, including geometric design. This research project aims to lower the deficiency of research works required to make the optimized geometric road design for autonomous vehicle sustainable. In geometric design, significant concerns are designing the road geometrics such as lane width, the radius of horizontal curves, sag vertical curves and crest vertical curves, extra widening, setback distance, and intersection, making the road safer for the vehicles to travel comfortably.Road geometrics is widely designed using the stopping sight distance model, which provides sufficient time to avoid accidents and is efficient. Here in the research work, the stopping sight design model is used for autonomous vehicle technology. At first, the art of autonomous vehicle technology is studied, and a significant difference between autonomous vehicle technology and human-driven vehicle to apply stopping sight distance model is figured out. A literature study is also done for the geometric design of the road for the vehicle with the human driver and autonomous vehicle. The AASHTO model derived for the human-driven vehicle is used and modified for the autonomous vehicle, which gives the optimized geometric design for the autonomous vehicle. The Optimized geometric design parameter is designed individually in AutoCAD Civil 3D. Two road designs follow this in a random rural topography consisting of a normal road design for the vehicle with the human driver and a fully autonomous vehicle. Finally, the sustainability of optimized geometric design compared to road design for the human-driven vehicle is checked in terms of earthwork, pavement surface areas, and pavement materials volume. The result shows that the optimization of a geometric road design for autonomous vehicles is sustainable and extensive research is required.

Perception pour la navigation et le contrôle des robots mobiles. Application à un système de voiturier autonome / Perception for navigation and control of mobile robots. Application to an autonomous home valet parking system

Chirca, Mihai 08 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la conception d’un système capable d’effectuer des manœuvres de parking automatique plus polyvalent que ceux actuellement commercialisés, tout en conservant une définition technique des capteurs extéroceptifs limités en prix et en gabarit. Un cas d’usage typique est de permettre au véhicule de se rendre automatiquement dans la zone de garage du domicile de son propriétaire, cette fonction est classiquement appelée voiturier autonome à domicile. Partant de l’existant et connaissant les performances attendues, une architecture système et une architecture fonctionnelle ont été tracées. Cela a permis de constituer un ensemble de fonctions interconnectées qui ont participé dans la création d’une architecture software modulaire ainsi que dans la création des interfaces de connexion au véhicule prototype. Dans un premier temps, nous explorons la problématique de la détection d’obstacles. Partant d’un système propriétaire fermé de capteurs ultrason, nous avons réussi à réaliser une carte d’obstacle à un niveau de précision supérieur au produit d’origine. Une augmentation de la limite de détection des capteurs ultrason a été réalisée utilisant une technique Structure from Motion. Ces informations d’occupation ont été exploitées par la suite pour traiter la problématique de détection du couloir de navigation. Dans un second temps, la fonction de localisation du véhicule est abordée. Trois techniques de localisation collaborent pour une robustesse de fonctionnement continu : la localisation odométrique, la localisation par appariement des grilles d’occupation et la localisation par appariement entre une image actuelle et une base d’images adaptée à notre besoin et améliorée en termes de temps de calcul. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à la problématique de navigation du véhicule. Nous avons considéré résolue la problématique de contrôle des actionneurs pour le suivi d’une trajectoire donnée et nous nous sommes concentrés sur la création d’une trajectoire admissible. Nous avons développé une technique de planification locale pour l’évitement d’un d’obstacles non cartographiés. Pour la construction de trajectoire nous avons utilisé des courbes à géométrie connue et avons montré qu’en utilisant trois clothoïdes et éventuellement deux arcs de cercle (si le braquage maximal est atteint) il est possible de créer des trajectoires à courbure continue adaptées à notre situation. Nous avons montré que l’utilisation d’une carte d’obstacles nous permet de prédire plus en avance de la possibilité d’emprunter un certain couloir de navigation. Chacune des parties de ce travail a fait l’objet de validations en simulation mais aussi sur des données réelles démontrant la pertinence des approches proposées quant à l’application visée. / This work covers the conception of a system capable to do automatic parking maneuvers more versatile than those already commercialized, respecting the technical definition of exteroceptive sensors limited by costs and weight. A typical use case is to set a vehicle to park autonomously in the parking lot of a home, function generally called autonomous home valet parking. Taking from the existing and knowing the expected performances, a system architecture and a functional architecture were drawn. This allowed to compose an assembly of interconnected functions that participated in the creation of modular software architecture, as well as in the creation of connection interfaces with the prototype vehicle. First, we explored the obstacle detection problem. Having a closed property system with ultrasonic sensors, we managed to build an obstacle map with a higher precision level than the build-in product. An increasing limit detection of the ultrasonic sensors was developed using the Structure from Motion technique. This obstacle occupancy information was exploited afterwards in order to solve the detection problem of the navigation corridors. Second, the vehicle localization is addressed. Three localization techniques work for a continuous functioning robustness: the localization by odometry, the localization by occupancy grid map matching and the localization by comparing the current image with the images stored in a database adapted to our needs and improved by computing means. Last, we interested in the vehicle navigation problem. We considered solved the actuator control problem for the tracking of a given trajectory and we concentrated on an admissible trajectory planning. We developed a local path planning technique for avoiding the unmapped obstacles. In order to build the trajectory we used curves of known geometry and we proved that by using clothoides and eventually two circle arches (if maximum steering angle achieved) it is therefore be possible to create trajectories with continuous curves adapted to our situation. We confirmed that using an obstacle map will allow us to predict forehead the possibility to take a specific navigation corridor. Each part of this work was validated in simulation as well as on real data, proving the pertinence of the proposed approaches for the intended application.

Virtual Reality based Study to Analyse Pedestrian attitude towards Autonomous Vehicles

Pillai, Anantha Krishna January 2017 (has links)
What are pedestrian attitudes towards driverless vehicles that have no human driver? In this paper, we use virtual reality to simulate a virtual scene where pedestrians interact with driverless vehicles. This was an exploratory study where 15 users encounter a driverless vehicle at a crosswalk in the virtual scene. Data was collected in the form of video and audio recordings, semi-structured interviews and participant sketches to explain the crosswalk scenes they experience. An interaction design framework for vehicle-pedestrian interaction in an autonomous vehicle has been suggested which can be used to design and model driverless vehicle behaviour before the autonomous vehicle technology is deployed widely. / Vad är fotgängares inställning till förare utan fordon som inte har någon mänsklig förare? I det här dokumentet använder vi virtuell verklighet för att simulera en virtuell scen där fotgängare interagerar med förare utan bil. Det här var en undersökande studie där 15 användare möter ett förarefritt fordon vid en korsning i den virtuella scenen. Uppgifterna samlades i form av video- och ljudinspelningar, halvstrukturerade intervjuer och deltagarskisser för att förklara de övergripande scenerna de upplever. En ram för interaktionsdesign för fordonets fotgängarinteraktion i ett autonomt fordon har föreslagits, vilket kan användas för att utforma och modellera körlösa fordonsbeteenden innan den autonoma fordonstekniken används brett.

Drivers' Visual Focus Areas on Complex Road Networks in Strategic Circumstances: An Experimental Analysis

Shah, Abhishek 14 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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