Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delft determination theory ."" "subject:"delfi determination theory .""
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Arbeta utan betalning? : En studie om hur motivation förändras över tid hos ideellt arbetande / Non-profit work : A study of how motivation changes over time in volunteeringJansson, Henrik, Nordqvist, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var dels att undersöka vad som motiverar människor att arbeta ideellt enligt självbestämmande teorin och i allmänhet genom en öppen fråga, samt om antalet år inom organisationen påverkade motivationsfaktorerna. Utifrån självbestämmande teorin undersöktes hur det tre motivationsbehoven autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet förändrades över tid hos volontärarbetarna. För att undersöka detta utformades en enkät som byggde på basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) som distribuerades till 70 volontärarbetare inom Röda korset verksamhet i Gävle. En hierarkisk regressionsanalys visade att behovet av samhörighet hos volontärarbetarna minskade över tid. Orsaker till att samhörigheten minskade över tid hos volontärarbetare diskuterades. / The purpose of this study was to examine what motivates people to volunteer both in general by an open-ended question, and according to self-determination theory. The purpose was also to investigate if the number of years in the organization affects the motivation factors. To investigate this a questionnaire based on the basic need satisfaction at work scale (BNS) was distributed to 70 volunteers in the Red Cross organization in Gävle. Based on self-determination theory this study examined how the three motivation needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness changed over time with volunteer workers. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that the need for relatedness of volunteer workers decreased over time. Reasons for the volunteer reduces of relatedness over time where discussed.
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L'évolution et l'orientation de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque chez les élèves roumains / Non communiquéAdam, Andréa 21 January 2011 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de mettre en évidence l’évolution et l’orientation de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque des élèves roumains tout au long du second cycle d’enseignement secondaire général. Depuis plusieurs années la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 1985b, 2000) a été utilisée afin de mieux comprendre le comportement des élèves en milieux scolaire. Ryan et Deci distinguent la motivation intrinsèque et la motivation extrinsèque qui diffèrent selon le type de récompense rattachée à l’activité. La théorie de l’autodétermination repose sur trois besoins psychologiques fondamentaux : l’autonomie, la compétence et la relation à autrui. Les déterminants psychologiques familiaux (parents), institutionnels (professeurs) et écologiques (système scolaire compétitif et évaluatif) sont aussi susceptibles d’influencer l’orientation motivationnelle de l’élève. Une première étude s’est attachée à analyser l’orientation et l’évolution de la motivation intrinsèque et extrinsèque. Les résultats présentent les élèves comme plus motivés extrinsèquement plutôt qu’intrinsèquement. De plus les deux formes de motivation diminuent tout au long de leur cursus scolaire. Une seconde étude s’est employée à mesurer le degré d’influence des trois besoins psychologiques sur la motivation intrinsèque des élèves. Les résultats ont montré que le besoin d’affiliation était le plus fortement corrélé positivement à la motivation intrinsèque. Les deux dernières études ont visé à mettre en évidence la relation entre le sentiment d’autonomie des élèves exercé par les parents et les professeurs et leur motivation intrinsèque. Les résultats confirment l’influence positive de ces deux déterminants sur la motivation intrinsèque des élèves. Enfin ces résultats seront discutés notamment sur le rôle des déterminants psychologiques dans cette recherche et dans le cadre des travaux sur la normativité de la motivation intrinsèque. / The main objective of this thesis was to highlight the evolution and direction of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of Romanian pupils throughout the second cycle of general secondary education. For several years the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985b, 2000) was used to better understand the behavior of students in the school. Ryan and Deci distinguish intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation that vary by type of reward attached to the activity. Self-determination theory is based on three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. The psychological determinants family (parents), institutional (college), and environmental (school system competitive and evaluative) are also likely to influence motivational orientation of students. A first study has sought to analyze the direction and evolution of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results show the students as more extrinsically motivated rather than intrinsically. In addition, both forms of motivation decrease throughout their school career. A second study aimed to measure the influence of the three basic psychological needs on the intrinsic motivation of students. The results showed that the need for affiliation was most strongly correlated positively to intrinsic motivation. Two recent studies have sought to highlight the relationship between perceived autonomy of students by parents and teachers and their intrinsic motivation. The results confirm the positive influence of these two determinants on the intrinsic motivation of students. Finally, these results will be discussed including the role of psychological determinants in this research and the work on the normativity of intrinsic motivation.
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Impact de la motivation et des caractéristiques individuelles sur la performance : application dans le monde académique / Impact of individual differences and motivation on performance : application in the academic worldChédru, Marie 27 March 2012 (has links)
Parmi le large éventail des facteurs influençant la performance des étudiants, quelles sont les contributions de la motivation et des caractéristiques individuelles ? Telle est la problématique de cette thèse qui s’articule autour de trois questions de recherche : (1) Comment modéliser la motivation et les profils de personnalité des étudiants ? (2) Selon le domaine d’études considéré, les étudiants sont-ils caractérisés par des « profils-type » ? (3) Quelles sont les parts relatives des variables de la personnalité et de la motivation dans la prédiction de la performance académique ? Ce travail s’appuie sur la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 1985) et le modèle des préférences cérébrales de Ned Herrmann (1992) ; il s’inscrit dans une démarche hypothético-déductive. Sur le plan théorique, nos travaux ont permis la mise au point d’une échelle de la motivation à poursuivre des études supérieures. Ils montrent qu’en lien avec le domaine d’études choisi, les étudiants sont caractérisés par des profils de personnalité types et que ces profils ont une influence sur leur performance scolaire, influence partiellement médiatisée par les variables de la motivation. Nos résultats sont discutés dans une perspective pratique et managériale, à l’attention des acteurs du monde de l’éducation supérieure, et au-delà du champ académique / Among the wide range of factors influencing students’ performance, what are the roles of motivation and individual differences? This study focuses on three research questions: (1) How can motivation and students’ individual preferences be conceptualized? (2) Depending on the curriculum, are graduate students characterized by specific profiles? (3) What are the relative contributions of individual differences and motivation in predicting academic performance? Based on self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985) and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (1992), this work uses hypothetico-deductive reasoning. From a theoretical point of view, our work has enabled the development of an instrument to measure motivation towards graduate studies. The results show that depending on the curriculum, graduate students are characterized by specific personality profiles. Motivation emerged as a partial mediator of the relationship between personality and performance. Our results are intended to suggest professional and managerial recommendations; they address both actors implied in higher education and beyond the academic field
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Online higher education courses are often designed using a one-size-fits-all model that treats students as instructional users rather than participants who contribute according to their learning needs and interests. Although many scholars have discussed personalized learning as a means to customize instruction over the past three decades, few have investigated the impact of personalized learning interventions. In particular, there is a gap in the literature on interventions using customized instructional content in online courses to provide individuals with opportunities to address their own learning needs and choices. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of this instructional approach on students’ self-determination, intrinsic motivation, learning engagement, and online learning experiences.<br><div>The researcher applied a convergent parallel mixed-methods design to collect, analyze, and merge quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously. Qualitative findings have converged with and diverged from the quantitative data. Quantitative results revealed that personalized learning has a statistically significant effect on students’ perceived feelings of autonomy and their online learning experiences. The approach also showed a significant effect on students’ perceptions toward their instructors. The findings showed that the majority of learners perceived personalized learning to be an effective instructional approach. According to the qualitative findings, this approach showed a positive effect on students’ self-determination (autonomy and competence), intrinsic motivation, engagement, and online learning experiences. However, the intervention did not show a positive effect on students’ feelings of relatedness.<br></div><div>This study may contribute to the understanding of effective and influential teaching and learning approaches, especially in online learning environments. The final findings might inform educators, instructional designers, and instructors about the personalized learning potential of tailoring online courses to students’ needs and interests, which may increase student motivation and engagement.<br></div>
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"Det är mer att det blir en riktig sport än att det blir en cirkus" : En kvalitativ studie om coaching och ledarskap på elitnivå inom freeskiing och snowboard / "It is becoming a real sport and not a circus" : A qualitative study concerning coaching and leadership on elite level in freeskiing and snowboardSjögren, Stina January 2019 (has links)
Freeskiing och snowboard, med alla sina tre tävlingsgrenar; slopestyle, big air och halfpipe introducerade i olympiska spelen, är två snabbt växande idrotter som etablerar sig i idrottsvärlden. Sverige ligger i framkant på både freeski- och snowboardscenen där två starka landslag kan mäta sig med världseliten. I och med det ökade intresset och möjligheten att tävla i idrotterna så ställs det högre krav på ett fungerande ledarskap och coaching för åkarna. Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva och öka förståelsen för hur coaching och ledarskap inom freeskiing och snowboard kan definieras och komma till uttryck på elitnivå. Baserat på sju djupintervjuer, relevant tidigare forskning och självbestämmandeteorin så har det undersökts hur både coacher och utövare ser på nuvarande coaching och ledarskap samt vilka utvecklingspotentialer som finns. Det undersöks även hur den rådande idrottskulturen ser på prestationsutveckling. Slutsatsen visade att nuvarande coaching och ledarskap fungerar tillfredsställande för både coacher och åkare, främst när det kommer till självbestämmande och självreglerat lärande för åkarna. De ser gärna utvecklingsmöjligheter i utökad kunskap kring kost, träning, mental träning och andra delar som främjar prestationsutveckling. Trots att idrottskulturen i vissa fall kan verka motsättande moderniseringen av idrotten så visade coacherna och de aktiva en positiv inställning till idrotterna utveckling. / Freeskiing and snowboard, with its three branches; slopestyle, big air and halfpipe now introduced in the Olympic games, are two fast-growing sports establishing themselves in the sporting world. Sweden, on top of the freeski- and snowboard scene with two solid national teams who can compete with the world elite. With the increased popularity and the opportunity to compete in both sports requires higher demands of a functional leadership and coaching for the riders. The aim of this study was to describe and develop deeper understanding of how coaching and leadership in freeskiing and snowboard can be defined and expressed on an elite level. Based on seven interviews, earlier relevant research and the self-determination theory it has been examined how coaches and athletes view the existing coaching and leadership together with potential development. It is also investigated how the prevailing sports culture view performance enhancement. The conclusion showed that coaches and athletes were satisfied with the current coaching and leadership, especially when it comes to self-determination and self-regulated learning for the riders. They see possible development in educating riders and coaches about performance enhancing tools like diet, training, mental training and other factors. Despite the sports’ culture opposing the modernization of freeskiing and snowboarding, coaches and riders were still positive about the development.
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Coacher och fysioterapeuters inverkan på idrottsutövarens rehabiliteringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om coacher och fysioterapeuters perspektiv på skadade idrottsutövares rehabiliteringsprocess / Coaches and physiotherapists impact on athletes rahabilitation process – A qualitative study concerning coaches and physiotherapists view on sport injured athletes rehabilitation processKylander, Carl-Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka coacher och fysioterapeuters strategier för att hjälpa en skadad idrottare tillbaka till fullt idrottande. Ett underliggande syfte var att belysa samarbetet mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter under en idrottsskaderehabilitering. Tidigare forskning antyder att det sociala stödet och utbildning inom psykologiska strategier har positiv inverkan på en idrottares psykologiska välmående följt en skada. I studien genomfördes totalt sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre coacher och tre fysioterapeuter med minst fem års erfarenhet av att coacha idrottsskadade utövare. Utifrån dessa intervjuer kunde fyra primära strategier urskiljas: (1) målsättning, (2) socialt stöd, (3) individanpassad rehabilitering och (4) individanpassat stöd. För det underliggande syftet kunde tre huvudkomponenter urskiljas: (1) kommunikation och etiska dilemman, (2) kunskap och (3) resurser. Konklusionen av denna studie är att de fyra primära strategierna kan användas i syfte av att göra rehabiliteringsprocessen i större grad självbestämmande för idrottare där coping fungerar som ett hjälpmedel att hantera motgångar i form av skador idrottare möter. Samarbetet mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter kunde ses ha en indirekt inverkan på en skadad idrottares rehabiliteringsprocess. Resurser påverkar hur kommunikationen och kunskapen ser ut runt idrottaren. Större resurser skapar en fördelaktig miljö i form av ett nära samarbete mellan coacher och fysioterapeuter med god kunskap kring coaching och rehabilitering vilket ger goda möjligheter för idrottaren att komma tillbaka till idrotten. / The purpose of this study was to identify strategies coaches and physiotherapists use to help an injured athlete back to full fitness. The purpose was also to highlight the cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists. Earlier research suggests social support and psychological strategies have a positive impact on an athlete’s psychological wellbeing after an injury and during the rehabilitation. It was conducted six semi structured interviews with three coaches and three physiotherapists. Findings suggest there are four primary strategies used: (1) goal setting, (2) social support, (3) individualised rehabilitation and (4) individualised support. Findings concerning the cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists had three key components: (1) communication and ethical dilemmas, (2) knowledge and (3) resources. This study suggest that the four primary strategies could be used in purpose of making sport injury rehabilitation more self-determined for the athlete, where copingstrategier works as a useful tool to help an injured athlete manage adversities. The cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists could by indirect means have an impact on an injured athletes rehabilitation process. Resources affect how the communication and knowledge appear surrounding the athlete. Greater resources lead to favourable conditions in the shape of close cooperation between coaches and physiotherapists with knowledge about coaching and rehabilitation which creates more opportunities for an athlete to get back to full fitness following a sports injury.
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Cirkulär ekonomi : Företags motivation till en cirkulär affärsmodell / Circular economy : Firms motivation for a circular business modelLarsson, Mimmi, Saulo, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världsekonomin har länge präglats av en linjär ekonomi, ett system som inte är hållbart och ett hot mot en framtida stabil ekonomi. Cirkulär ekonomi har lyfts fram som ett mer hållbart alternativ. Företagen är de som behöver vara drivande för att en omställning från linjär ekonomi till cirkulär ekonomi ska vara möjlig och en del företag har redan idag påbörjat detta arbete genom att implementera en cirkulär affärsmodell i sin verksamhet. En del tidigare forskning visar på ekonomiska fördelar för företag som arbetar med cirkulära affärsmodeller, en del visar på ekonomiska nackdelar. Denna studie vill bidra både teoretiskt och praktiskt genom att studera företags drivkrafter till att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell och därmed undersöka om det finns andra drivkrafter än ekonomisk lönsamhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som motiverat företag till att börja arbeta med cirkulär ekonomi. Genom att studera företagens syn på intäkter och kostnader i samband med att ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi ämnar studien bidra med bättre förståelse för vilken påverkan ekonomisk lönsamhet har på företags beslut om hur verksamheten ska styras. Syftet är även att undersöka om det finns andra drivkrafter än ekonomisk lönsamhet som påverkar motivationen till att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell. Då studien ämnar bidra med förståelse för vilka drivkrafter företag har haft till att börja arbeta på detta sätt bör studien vara av intresse för de beslutsfattare som verkar för att företag ska styra sin verksamhet till en cirkulär ekonomi. Metod: För att svara på studiens frågeställning och uppfylla syftet har kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med företag som påbörjat sitt arbete med en cirkulär affärsmodell. De teorier som används i studien för att analysera den empiri som samlas in är aktieägarteorin, intressentteorin och självbestämmandeteorin. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet från de företag som deltagit i studien visar att möjlighet till positiv påverkan på intäkter och kostnader på kort sikt inte haft särskilt stor inverkan på beslutet att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell. En del arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi trots att de i dagsläget ser negativ ekonomisk påverkan av det, att kortsiktigt öka vinsten tycks inte varit vad som motiverat till att styra mot en cirkulär affärsmodell. Det som snarare tycks motivera företagen är att en cirkulär affärsmodell hjälper dem leva upp till svensk lagstiftning och ökade miljökrav, samt att det finns en vilja att minska sin klimatpåverkan. Förutom detta framkommer det att kundernas och marknadens efterfrågan på miljövänliga alternativ är något som i stor utsträckning motiverat företagen att arbeta för en cirkulär ekonomi. Resultatet går till viss del i linje med tidigare forskning. Det som skiljer sig är att lagar och miljökrav samt miljöintresse är mer framträdande än tidigare forskning visat. Det vore därför intressant att i vidare studier undersöka drivkrafter till cirkulära affärsmodeller utifrån institutionell teori. Det vore även intressant att studera skillnader vid en jämförelse mellan små, medelstora och stora företag eller börsnoterade och onoterade företag. / Background: For a long time, the world economy has been built on a linear economy, a system that is not sustainable and a threat to a sustainable future economy. A circular economy has been raised as a more sustainable alternative. It has been brought forward that the firms will have to lead the work towards a circular economy for the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy to be possible, and some firms have already started this work by implementing a circular business model. Some previous studies have shown that a circular business model generates economic benefits, some have shown economic disadvantages. This study aims to give theoretical and practical contributions by studying the drivers that has determined companies to implement a circular business model, and thereby examine if there are other drivers than economic profitability. Purpose: The aim of the study is to explore which drivers have motivated firms to start working towards a circular economy. By studying the firm’s view on revenues and costs in conjunction with their work for a circular economy the study aims to contribute with knowledge regarding to which extent economic profitability has an impact on the decision to change the business model. An additional aim with the study is to explore if there are other drivers that has had an impact on the motivation to direct the business towards a circular business model. Since the study aims to contribute with understanding regarding which drivers that have motivated firms to work this way, the study should be of interest for decision makers who want firms to start working towards a circular economy. Method: To answer the research question, and to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used by conducting semi-structured interviews with firms which are working with a circular business model. The theories that have been used to analyse the empirical data are the shareholder theory, the stakeholder theory and the self-determination theory. Result and conclusion: The result shows that the opportunity to have a positive impact on revenues and costs in the short term has not had an impact on the decision to direct the business towards a circular business model for most of the companies that have been a part of this study. Some of them work toward a circular economy even though it currently has a negative impact on their profit. Economic profitability in the short term does not seem to have been what has motivated them into directing the business towards a circular business model. It seems that they would rather have been motivated to work with a circular business model because they need to follow environmental regulations and live up to certain environmental requirements in procurement, together with a will to lower their impact on the environment. Besides this it appears that the demand for environmentally friendly products from the company's customers and the market in general is something that has motivated the companies to work towards a circular economy. The results comply with earlier studies to some extent. Differences are that drivers in terms of laws and environmental requirement in procurement are mentioned more in this study than in earlier studies. For further studies it would therefore be interesting to study drivers for a circular economy using institutional theory. It would also be interesting to study differences between drivers for small, medium and large companies, or differences between listed and unlisted firms.
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Motivation des adolescents obèses pour l'activité physique. Les apports de la théorie de l'autodétermination et de l'entretien motivationnel / Motivation of obese adolescents toward physical activity. The contributions of self-determination theory and motivational interviewing.Gourlan, Mathieu 20 October 2011 (has links)
L'obésité représente à l'heure actuelle un problème de santé publique majeur. Malgré le rôle essentiel de l'activité physique (AP) dans la gestion du poids, de nombreuses études rapportent les difficultés d'engagement des populations obèses dans un style de vie actif. Ce travail doctoral porte sur l'étude des déterminants psychosociaux de l'AP des personnes obèses. Une méta-analyse a tout d'abord été conduite afin de déterminer l'impact des interventions faisant la promotion de l'AP auprès des populations obèses. L'analyse des 49 études publiées à ce jour, a permis de conclure à un impact significatif, mais modéré (d = 0.44) des interventions, sur l'AP des participants. Si quelques variables (e.g., durée, type d'indicateurs d'AP, format des sessions) semblent moduler le poids des interventions, il n'a pas été possible de tirer des conclusions concernant les processus psychosociaux impliqués dans ces effets. Prenant appui sur la théorie de l'autodétermination (TAD, Deci & Ryan, 2002), un programme de recherche constitué de 3 études complémentaires a ensuite été réalisé, afin (1) d'améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes motivationnels associés à l'adoption d'AP chez des adolescents obèses, et (2) d'évaluer l'impact d'une intervention motivationnelle destinée à rendre cette population plus active physiquement. Suivant un plan corrélationnel transversal, l'étude 1 avait pour objectif d'identifier les patterns motivationnels spécifiquement associés à différents types d'AP (i.e., AP sportive, de loisir, domestique). Les résultats suggèrent que l'AP de loisir est associée à un niveau élevé de régulations identifiée et intégrée, et à un faible niveau d'introjection. La pratique sportive est quant à elle, associée à un niveau élevé d'introjection et un faible niveau de régulation externe. L'étude 2 a exploré, par l'intermédiaire d'une méthodologie qualitative, les facteurs motivationnels associés au succès ou à l'échec d'un programme de gestion du poids pour adolescents. Les résultats indiquent que les participants ayant réussi à perdre du poids semblaient bénéficier d'un plus grand soutien de la part de la famille, et manifestaient une plus grande motivation autodéterminée à maintenir leurs comportements de santé. Enfin, à partir d'un plan randomisé contrôlé sur 6 mois, l'étude 3 a cherché à déterminer si l'ajout de 6 entretiens motivationnels (EM, Miller & Rollnick, 2002) augmentait l'efficacité d'un programme cognitivo-comportemental de gestion du poids. Comparés aux participants n'ayant bénéficié que du programme de gestion du poids, les analyses multi-niveaux montrent que les adolescents qui ont bénéficié à la fois des EM et du programme de gestion du poids présentaient (1) une plus grande augmentation de leur AP (auto-rapportée et objective), (2) une plus grande hausse des régulations identifiée et intégrée, (3) un niveau supérieur de soutien de l'autonomie du personnel médical, et (4) une diminution plus importante du niveau d'amotivation. Pris dans leur ensemble, ces résultats soulignent à la fois l'intérêt de l'EM, comme une stratégie pertinente pour promouvoir l'AP des adolescents obèses, et celui de la TAD comme cadre explicatif des mécanismes motivationnels associés à l'adoption d'AP chez des adolescents obèses. / Obesity currently represents a major public health issue. Despite the fact that physical activity (PA) is recognized to play a key role in weight control, numerous studies tend to show that obese populations experience difficulties in the adoption of an active lifestyle. This doctoral dissertation deals with the psychosocial determinants of PA among obese populations. A meta-analysis was first conducted so as to determine the impact of interventions promoting PA among obese populations. Inclusion of 49 studies published to date enabled to conclude to the existence of a significant, but moderated (d=0.44), impact of interventions on participants' PA. Despite the fact that few variables (e.g., duration, type of PA indicator, format of sessions) modulated impact of interventions, few results appeared concerning the psychosocial processes implicated in those effects. Based on self-determination theory (SDT, Deci & Ryan, 2002), a program of research comprising 3 complementary studies was then conducted in order to (1) enhance the understanding of the motivational mechanisms associated with a PA adoption among obese adolescents, and (2) evaluate the impact of a motivational intervention aiming at helping this population to become more physically active. Using a cross-sectional methodology, study 1 aimed at indentifying the motivational patterns specifically associated with different type of PA (i.e., leisure time PA, sport, daily PA). The results suggest that leisure time PA is associated with high levels of identified and integrated regulations, as well as low levels of introjection. Sport participation was associated with high levels of introjection and low levels of external regulation. Study 2 explored with a qualitative methodology the motivational factors associated with the success or failure of a weight loss program for adolescents. The results indicate that participants who succeeded in losing weight expressed more support from their family and more autonomous reasons to maintain health behaviors. Lastly, study 3 consisted in a randomized controlled trial of 6 months aimed at determining to what extent the addition 6 motivational interviewing sessions (MI, Miller & Rollnick, 2002) would impact the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral weight loss program. Compared to participants who only benefited from the weight loss program, multilevel analyses reveal that adolescents who received both MI and weight loss program reported (1) an higher increase of PA (self-reported and objective), (2) an higher increase of integrated and identified regulations, (3) an higher autonomy support from medical staff and (4) a more important decrease of amotivation. Taken globally, those results both suggest interest of MI as a pertinent counseling method to promote PA among obese adolescent population as well as interest of SDT as an explanatory framework of motivational processes associated with PA adoption among obese adolescents.
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A Family Systems Perspective on Supporting Self-Determination in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities During TransitionsTaylor, Whitney Dawn 08 July 2019 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the family context of self-determination in adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) during life transitions. Although self-determination is interpreted in different ways in different disciplines, the construct is frequently used to describe the attitudes and behaviours that allow people to feel autonomous and causal in their lives. Research on self-determination in adolescents and adults with ID has commonly occurred in community and special education sectors, with an emphasis on arranging supports for people with ID to develop component self-determination skills, like choice making, problem solving, and goal setting. From the perspective of organismic-dialectical theories, people develop and express self-determination through relationships and person-environment interactions at multiple system levels. Further research on the way family interactions and supports influence the self-determination of adults with ID is important. To address this need, this dissertation includes a qualitative study presented in two manuscripts and a quantitative study presented in one manuscript.
The qualitative study explored processes and challenges in the family system during significant life transitions with an adult family member with ID. Families participated in semi-structured interviews and ethnographic observations of daily activities every three to four months for one year. Manuscript 1 concerns the influence of family processes on the self-determination of two young adults with ID as they attained adult roles in the community. Parents were observed to model goal setting, encourage choice making, and scaffold new skills, which helped the young adults with ID to experience autonomous motivation in their transitions. Parents reported feeling unsure of the best way to promote their adult child’s independence while ensuring his or her safety. They tried to resolve this dilemma with open and honest communication. Most interestingly, families collaborated in choice making to the extent that every family member perceived autonomy in transition planning and implementation.
Manuscript 2 concerns the influence of transition processes and challenges on the quality of life and resilience of four families with an adult family member with ID. Although families reported different transition types, they progressed through similar transition stages. They invested in quality of life and self-determination as a foundation, considered future support needs, pre-planned and actively planned transitions, implemented transitions, adjusted to new roles and routines, and reflected upon their growth. Although all families experienced challenges during their transitions, two families entered a state of crisis when they did not receive mental health and residential supports. Findings highlight that transitions are lifelong processes in the family system, and risk and protective factors at multiple system levels affect resilience and self-determination.
The quantitative study, presented in Manuscript 3, considers that the family system functions within broader socioecological environments that include formal services for adults with ID. Community participation supports provide opportunities to develop self-determination in recreational, educational, and vocational activities. In a cohort of families requesting community participation supports, the vast majority of parents endorsed the expectation that this service would improve choice-making outcomes for their adult child with ID. Preliminary results suggest that the gender and prior choice-making experience of the adult with ID may be associated with the odds of parents endorsing this expectation.
The General Discussion integrates the primary findings from each manuscript within a conceptual framework informed by self-determination theory, family systems theory, and family resilience models. This dissertation has theoretical implications for the way the self-determination construct is understood and applied in research with families with a family member with ID. Further, this dissertation reveals practical implications for supporting families with a family member with ID during important life transitions.
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Soutien à l'autodétermination, personnalité et conséquences émotionnelles chez les patients hospitalisés en service de soins de suite et réadaptation : apport de la théorie de l'autodétermination / Autonomy support, personnality, and emotionals outcomes in older people hospitalized in after-care and rehabilitation services : contribution of the Self-Determination theorySouesme, Guillaume 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’hospitalisation représente une étape de vie à laquelle doit faire face une grande majorité des personnes âgées. Cette expérience trop souvent accompagnée d’un déclin physique et psychologique marque pour beaucoup le début de la fin. Basé sur les fondements théoriques de la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD), ce travail doctoral a deux objectifs. (1) Définir qualitativement le soutien à l’autodétermination dans les services de soins de suite et réadaptation (SSR). (2) Connaître l’impact des orientations de causalité́ des patients sur la perception de soutien ou de contrôle à l’autodétermination et les conséquences motivationnelles et émotionnelles associées. L’étude 1 a montré que les professionnels de santé mettaient en avant une image idéalisée de leur environnement de soins. Les patients (étude 2) ont indiqué de nombreuses contraintes qui atténuent l’effet de cette vision positive. L’étude 3 a démontré que les orientations de causalité du patient étaient une variable qui en interaction avec la perception de l’environnement, n’aboutissait pas aux mêmes conséquences motivationnelles et émotionnelles. De par le rôle déterminant octroyé par la TAD à la motivation, les professionnels de santé se doivent d’être capables de nourrir, entretenir et soutenir la motivation des patients. Une réflexion sur les recommandations pratiques et des axes de recherches futurs seront proposés. / Hospitalization is a life stage that faces a large majority of older people. This experience is often accompanied by both physical and psychological declines and means, for most of older people the beginning of the end. Based on the self-determination theory (SDT), this doctoral dissertation has two objectives. (1) To qualitatively define an autonomy supportive environment in after-care and rehabilitation services (ACRS). (2) To know the impact of causality orientations on patients' perceptions of an autonomy supportive or controlled environment and the associated motivational and emotional consequences. Study 1 showed that healthcare professionals conveyed an idealized image of their work environment and the care they provide. Patients (study 2) indicated many constraints that mitigated the effect of this positive view of an autonomy supportive environment and reduced their ability to experience it. Study 3 demonstrated that patient's causality orientations were a variable which interacted with the perception of ACRS environment, did not induce the same motivational and emotional consequences. Thus, these studies contribute to the self-determination theory in the health setting by showing the determining role of patients’ motivation. It is therefore necessary for healthcare professionals to be able to feed, maintain and support patients’ motivation. In the light of the contribution of the self-determination theory, a reflection about practical recommendations and future lines of research will be proposed.
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