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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autokybernetik und Persönlichkeit junger Leiter / Auto-cybernetics and personality of young leaders

Klein, Joachim Alexander 02 1900 (has links)
German text / Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht die Bedeutung des Begriffs Autokybernetik im theologischen Umfeld zu ergründen und ihre Auswirkung in Bezug auf die Persönlichkeit junger Leiter im kirchlichen Rahmen. Der Blick fällt besonders auf Leiter in der Entwicklungsstufe der sog. Emerging Adulthood (18 bis 28 Jahren). Durch die zunehmend gesellschaftlich geforderte Selbstorganisation und Selbstorientierung mit vielen Entscheidungszwängen kommt der Selbststeuerung im Leben des jungen Leiters eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Grundlagen zur Autokybernetik innerhalb der Praktischen Theologie gelegt. In einem zweiten Teil werden Faktoren der Autokybernetik anhand verschiedener Modelle erfasst und gebündelt. In einem dritten, empirischen Teil, sollen die ermittelten Faktoren in der Praxis überprüft werden. Dabei steht die Relevanz von Autokybernetik in der Praxis junger Leiter im Mittelpunkt. Es soll festgestellt werden, inwieweit junge Leiter diese Selbststeuerung bereits umsetzen und mit welchem Erfolg sie das tun. / The study tries to clarify the meaning of “auto-cybernetics” in the theological environment and to explore its impact in relation to the personality of young leaders in the church context. The view is especially noticeable in the stage of development of the so-called Emerging Adulthood (18-28 years). Due to the increasing self-organization and self-orientation required by the society with many constraints self-regulation becomes more and more important to the life of young leaders. In the first part of the work the fundamentals of auto-cybernetics within the Practical Theology are stated. In a second part factors of the auto-cybernetics are seized and bundled using different models. In a third empirical part the identified factors are to be tested in practice. The relevance of auto-cybernetics in the practice of young leaders is in the centre. It will be determine how young leaders do practice this self-regulation and in which extension. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

En personcentrerad stödgrgrupp : en nyckel till nya perspektiv och insikter vid typ 2 diabetes / Person - Centered Support Group : A Key to New Perspectives and Insights on Type 2 Diabetes

Lundström, Hanna, Isaksson, Hilda January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter med typ 2 diabetes har ett uttalat behov av stöd och kunskap för att utföra egenvårdsåtgärder, integrera sjukdomen i det dagliga livet för att hålla en bra blodsockernivå och därmed undvika sena komplikationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva de erfarenheter som personer med typ 2 diabetes erhållit genom att deltaga i en personcentrerad stödgrupp. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en empirisk kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Elva personer som hade deltagit i stödgrupp för personer med typ 2 diabetes deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Konventionell kvalitativ innehållsanalys ansats användes vid analysen. Resultat: Deltagandet i en personcentrerad stödgrupp för personer med typ 2 diabetes innebar att de fick träffa andra personer med samma sjukdom men med skilda livssituationer och erfarenheter, vilket utgjorde en grund för diskussioner och reflektioner där de fick ny kunskap och förståelse. Stödgruppens utformning och process med förutbestämda teman, närvaron av professionella diabetessjuksköterskor och det öppna samtalsklimatet där deltagarna fick delge sina åsikter ansågs mycket givande. Konklusion: Genom medverkan i stödgrupper erhöll deltagarna nya insikter och perspektiv på den egna livssituationen. De fick också insikt i att dagliga livet kräver olika lösningar för olika personer. / Background: Patients with type 2 diabetes have an expressed need of support and knowledge to perform self-care interventions, to integrate the illness in daily life as well as to avoid complications. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and describe the experiences of participating in a support group in patients with type 2 diabetes. Method: The study was performed with an empirical qualitative design with an inductive approach. Eleven participants who had attended the support group for patients with type 2 diabetes participated in semi-structured interviews. Conventional qualitative content analysis was used in the analysis. Results: Participation in a person-centered support group for patients with type 2 diabetes meant that they met others with the same disease but with different life situations and experiences, which provided a basis for discussions and reflections where they received new knowledge and understanding. The design and process of the support group with preselected themes, the presence of professional diabetes nurses and an open debate atmosphere where participants could share their opinions were considered rewarding. Conclusion: Participants in the support groups were given new insights and perspectives on their own life situation, and also a realization that the problems of everyday life demand are individual and requires various solutions.

勞動檢查自主管理面對之道德風險:以臺北市營造工地自主管理策略聯盟為例 / Moral hazard behind Self-management policy of labor inspection:A case study on strategic alliances of Self-management of construction sites in Taipei city

余建中, Yu, Chien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
臺北市勞動檢查處為配合近年來「宣導、檢查、輔導」三合一策略提升防災效能,自民國87年開始將檢查業務部分轉換為「自主管理」模式,並將臺北市的營建工地分級管理,依不同等級有不同的自主檢查頻率,並派員實施不同程度的稽查。 依相關自主管理計畫的規定,若某營造廠加入計畫獲得「優等」或「特優級」的認證標章,除非發生災害、遇專案檢查及市民檢舉等情形外,檢查員不主動前往實施勞動檢查,但仍由機關中技正層級以上人員組成機動小組,不定期以輔導方式實施督導;所以該營造廠只要依規定之檢查流程及制式表格填寫按時回報,就幾乎不受規範所拘束。 但是近年參加自主管理計畫的營造工地發生職業災害的頻率,並未如預期下降,不符機關績效目標;因此,本研究重點在探究勞動檢查運用自主管理政策工具績效不佳的原因,是否這些營造廠的工地在申請獲得「優等」或「特優級」認證後,負責職業安全衛生工作的人員或主管,其責任及權限的移轉後造成行為與態度轉趨鬆懈? 研究結果發現在實施自主管理計畫後,在營造廠中依不同的層次有不同的結果,部分負責人確實發生了道德風險(Moral Hazard)行為,而負責職業安全衛生工作的人員,礙於利潤及工期等眾多因素,鬆懈了安全衛生工作,部份發生了道德風險行為,致未達組織預設的目標。 / Taipei Labor Inspection Office adopted a strategy that combined advocacy, inspection and counseling to enhance the effectiveness of occupational hazards prevention. Since 1998, it began to change the policy from “inspection strengthening” to “self-management”. With hierarchical management of the construction sites in Taipei according to this strategy, construction sites of different levels have different inspection frequency and different degrees of inspection. In accordance with the self-management program, if an construction site in Taipei who joined this program obtains "excellent" or "Premium Class" certification, unless occupational accident happened, or special inspection project is launched, or citizens report, or other dangerous situations occur, the inspection personnels will not do labor inspection, but will still occasionally provide unscheduled counseling by official chief. As long as the construction company fills out the report form on time according to the program of the standard inspection flow, this company is nearly unregulated. But the occupational accident rate of those sites who applied to self-management program did not fall as expected, it does not achieve the goal as set by official performance indicators; therefore, this study aims to explore the reasons why those sites who obtain "excellent" or "Premium Class" certification, have shown that their behaviors and attitudes toward occupational safety and workers’ health have become more lax after joining the program? This study found that after the implementation of self-management program, moral hazard behaviors occur in different hierarchical levels of organizations. Construction company’s directors do show moral hazard behavior, while those in charge of occupational safety and health work, some do have moral hazard behavior, out of profit motive and time concern of the construction project among many other factors. All together explains why this self-management program does not achieve the goal set by official performance indicators.

Vadybos specialistų ugdymas veiklai tarptautinėje darbo rinkose: tobulinimo strategijos / Management specialist training for activities in the international market: strategic decisions

Pluktaitė, Justina 17 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksniai, švietimo sistemos, darbo rinkos poreikių harmonizavimo galimybės Lietuvoje. Išnagrinėta organizacijų tarptautiškumo įtaka žmonių išteklių vadybos pokyčiams, pateikiamos Lietuvos švietimo sistemos ypatybės rengiant vadybos specialistus. Pateikiama mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, kurioje nagrinėjama vadybos specialistų kompetencijos, žmonių išteklių vadybos principai, specialistų integracijos į darbo rinką modeliai. Pristatoma mokslinio tyrimo metadologija. Siekiant nustatyti vadybos specialistų įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje veiksnius, Lietuvos organizacijų keliamus reikalavimus įdarbinant vadybininkus, atlikta darbo rinkos struktūros statistikos ir mokslininkų atliktų tyrimų analizė bei atlikta anketinė vadybos studijų studentų ir absolventų ir įvairių organizacijų atstovų apklausa. Atsižvelgiant į literatūros šaltinių, statistikos analizę bei atliktus tyrimus, parengti strateginiai sprendimai, kurie leidžia vadybos specialistui pasirinkti įsidarbinimo tarptautinėje darbo rinkoje strategiją. Apibendrinamos išvados ir pateikiami pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 7 dalys: įvadas, 4 dėstymo dalys, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / This Master thesis has its main focus on managers training for activities in the international market, considering the needs of labour market and education institutions in order to harmonise specialist training system. It covers human resource management changes regarding business internationalisation process and influence of human resource management changes in the Lithuanian education system for the training of management specialists. This Master thesis evaluates labour market and education system requirements regarding managers’ competence and his integration in the international labour market. Scientific literature review examined the management expertise of specialists, human resource management principles, basic models of specialsits integration into the labour market. Statistical mathematic and empirical research analysis presents nowadays market situation in training management specialists and covers the need of harmonisation of all training system. This Master thesis offers strategic decisions focused on trinomial managers training model. Considering all analysis of theoretical and practical manager’s approach, there are given findings of this Master thesis. The structure of this thesis: introduction, 4 main chapters, conclusions, and references. Thesis consists of: 102 p. texts without appendixes, 29 pictures, 12 tables, and 183 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

Kauno miesto ir rajono pirminės sveokatos priežiūros centrų pacientų, sergančių cukriniu diabetu, požiūris į diabeto priežiūrą / The attitude towards diabetes care of patients of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaunas city and rural area

Ulozienė, Jolanta 21 June 2010 (has links)
Cukrinis diabetas (CD) yra valdoma liga, kuriai būtina ne tik tinkama ir atitinkanti gydymo standartus medikų teikiama diabeto priežiūra, bet ir sergančiųjų šia liga savipriežiūra. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti ir palyginti Kauno miesto ir rajono pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centrų pacientų, sergančių CD, požiūrį į diabeto priežiūrą. Uždaviniai: 1) įvertinti ir palyginti Kauno miesto ir rajono pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centrų (PSPC) pacientų, sergančių CD, demografines socialines, gyvensenos ir CD charakteristikas; 2) įvertinti ir palyginti Kauno miesto ir rajono PSPC sergančių CD, požiūrį į savipriežiūrą bei CD priežiūros prieinamumą; 3) įvertinti Kauno miesto ir rajono PSPC pacientų, sergančių CD, pasitenkinimą cukrinio diabeto priežiūra. Tyrimo metodika. Tirti suaugę Kauno miesto privataus PSPC (n=104) ir Kauno rajono privataus PSPC pacientai (n=151), sergantys CD. Anoniminė anketinė apklausa vyko nuo 2009-10-05 iki 2010-02-10, naudojant tyrėjų sudarytą klausimyną. Duomenys analizuojami standartiniais statistiniais metodais (SPSS 13,0), skaičiuojant vidurkius, vertinant požymių priklausomybę pagal Pirsono (χ2) kriterijų, veiksnių pasireiškimo palyginimui skaičiuota šansų santykiai, veiksnių įtakai nustatyti atlikta logistinė regresija. Rezultatai. Miesto sergančiųjų CD tarpe, lyginant su rajono, buvo keturis kartus daugiau neturinčių jokių diabeto komplikacijų, bet du kartus dažniau besigydančių dėl CD problemų ligoninėje, taip pat daugiau įgijusių aukštesnį išsilavinimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a manageable disease, but it requires suitable and adequate care according treatment standards as well as self-management of the disease. The aim of the study: To assess and compare the attitudes towards diabetes care of patients with DM of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaunas city and Kaunas rural area. The objectives of the study: 1) to assess and compare demographic, social, lifestyle and disease characteristics of patients with DM of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaunas city and rural area; 2) to assess and compare the attitudes towards self-management of DM and medical care accessibility of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaunas city and rural area; 3) to assess and compare satisfaction with diabetes care of patients of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaunas city and rural area. Methods: Adult patients with DM from Kaunas city Primary Health Care centre (n =104) and from Kaunas rural area Primary Health Care centre (n=151), were involved in the survey. Anonymous questionnaire survey was carried out since 2009-10-05 until 2010-02-10 using the questionnaire developed by researchers. Statistical analysis package (SPSS 13,0) was used to analyse the data. Dependence of symptoms was researched by the use of Pirson test (χ²). Odds ratio was computed for comparison of factor manifestation. Logistic regression was performed in order to determine the influence of factors. The results: Among the patients with DM in the city, comparing to the rural area... [to full text]

Integrative Medicine in the Dutch healthcare system : prerequisites and tools for implementation

van Vliet, Marja January 2017 (has links)
Integrative Medicine (IM) is a care approach that focuses on the overall well-being and healing process of patients rather than solely on their disease. IM educates and empowers people to be active players in their own care, emphasizes the therapeutic relationship, and makes use of all appropriate evidence-based approaches. The health-oriented foundations of IM are in line with the recently posed concept that describes health as ”the ability to adapt and to self-manage”. Due to the shared underpinnings of both IM and the new concept of health, incorporation of this new concept of health may serve as a facilitator for the development and implementation of IM. From a practical viewpoint, working from an integrative care approach requires specific competences from healthcare providers, such as socio-communicative and self-reflective skills, and reflexivity towards a holistic perspective on health. Previous studies have shown that a Mind-Body Medicine (MBM) course can potentially foster these competences among future healthcare providers. This thesis intended to gain increased insight into the prerequisites and tools for implementation of IM. Therefore, in the first part it aimed to explore the attitudes and practice of IM among Dutch nurses and the support for the new dynamic concept of health as ”the ability to adapt and to self-manage” among main stakeholders within the Dutch healthcare community. Furthermore, in the second part it aimed to evaluate the possibilities of an MBM course among medical and nursing students as a tool to foster an integrative care approach. Methods Both quantitative and qualitative research designs were used. Attitudes and practice of IM were assessed in a semi-structured survey study among 355 Dutch nurses (study I). Support for the new concept of health was explored in a mixed method study, where in the first step data from interviews and focus-groups among 140 stakeholders were investigated by use of manifest content analysis, and in the second step a cross-sectional survey was performed among 1938 stakeholders to verify the findings of the first step (study II). The MBM course was evaluated by a controlled, quasi-experimental intervention study (74 participants / 61 controls among medical students and 47 participants / 64 controls among nursing students) in which validated questionnaires were used (study III). Furthermore, in-depth interviews with 11 medical and 15 nursing students were employed and analysed by a Phenomenological Hermeneutical method to obtain an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the MBM course for the participants (study IV). Findings Study I showed an overall positive attitude towards IM among nurses. Patient-centeredness and a focus on individuals’ own resources and responsibility to promote health met the most support among both nurses and other stakeholders. These elements were considered to be the main positive aspects of the new dynamic concept of health among stakeholders as well (study II). Use of evidence-based and safe complementary therapies and a healing environment received some support from the nurses, but lack of knowledge and lack of evidence seems to hinder further incorporation in the current healthcare practice (study I). Additionally, study II revealed that health was perceived to comprise six dimensions: bodily functions, mental functions &amp; perception, spiritual / existential dimension, quality of life, social and societal participation and daily functioning. In line with patients, nurses had a more broad conception of health in comparison to other healthcare professionals. Study III showed long-term beneficial effects of the MBM course on two dimensions of empathy (personal distress and empathic concern) among medical students, and on perceived stress and empathy (personal distress) among nursing students. Study IV brought forth that the MBM course can be understood as a pathway to inner awareness and a support to connecting with others as well as the outside world. The following themes were identified: “ability to be more present”, “an increased perception and awareness of self”, and “connecting on a deeper level with others”. Conclusion It can be concluded from the results in the first explorative part of this thesis that the observed positive attitudes and perceptions among healthcare professionals toward IM and the newly proposed health concept can serve as important facilitators for further implementation of IM within the Dutch healthcare system. Furthermore, the increased ability to deal with stress, improved empathic abilities and more openness toward different perspectives on health and new treatment options among medical and nursing students following a MBM course, as reported in the second part of this thesis, suggest that this course might be a suitable tool to foster an integrative care approach among future healthcare professionals. / IM (Integrativ Vård mer adekvat term på svenska) är ett vårdkoncept/vårdansats som mer fokuserar på patienters välmående och läkeprocesser än enbart deras sjukdom. IM överlämnar makten och utbildar individen till att själv bli aktiva i sin vård, den framhäver vikten av en god vårdande relation och använder alla tillämpliga evidensbaserade metoder. Den hälsofrämjande grunden i IM är i linje med ett nyligen utvecklat hälsobegrepp, som beskriver hälsa som ”en persons förmåga till att anpassa sig och hantera utmaningar”. Utifrån den liknande grunden och förutsättningarna hos IM och det nya hälsobegreppet så kan en integration av dem vara en understödjande faktor för utveckling och implementering av IM. Utifrån en praktisk synvinkel så innebär en integrativ vårdansats att den som vårdar måste inneha specifika kompetenser och förmågor relaterade till bland annat socio-kommunikativ och självreflektiv förmåga, såväl som en reflektiv öppenhet till ett holistiskt perspektiv på hälsa. Tidigare forskning har visat att en Mind-Body Medicine (MBM) kurs potentiellt kan understödja utveckling av dessa kompetenser bland framtida vårdare. Denna avhandling avsåg i första hand att uppnå ökad insikt i förutsättningar och verktyg för implementering av Integrativ Vård. Mer specifikt syftade den till att beskriva attityder till, och utövande av IM bland Nederländska sjuksköterskor, samt undersöka stödet för det nya dynamiska hälsobegreppet (”en persons förmåga till att anpassa sig och hantera utmaningar”) bland intressenter inom Nederländsk Hälso- och Sjukvård. Vidare i andra hand, avsåg avhandlingen också att utvärdera förutsättningarna för att använda en MBM kurs som ett verktyg till att understödja och fostra ett mer integrativt förhållningssätt bland läkar- och sjuksköterskestudenter. Metod Både kvantitativ såväl som kvalitativ forskningsdesign tillämpades. Attityder till, och utövande av IM undersöktes i en semistrukturerad enkätstudie bland 355 Nederländska sjuksköterskor (studie I). Stödet för det nya hälsobegreppet undersöktes i en studie som genomfördes med mixad design, där i det första steget data från individuella- och fokusgruppintervjuer bland 140 intressenter genomgick en manifest innehållsanalys, och i det andra steget genomfördes en tvärsnittsstudie bland 1938 intressenter för att validera fynden från det första steget (Studie II). MBM kursen utvärderades i en kontrollerad, kvasi-experimentell interventionsstudie (71 deltagare/61 kontroller bland läkarstudenter, och 47 deltagare/64 kontroller bland sjuksköterskestudenter) med validerade frågeformulär (Studie III). Vidare även i en Fenomenologisk-Hermeneutisk ansats via individuella intervjuer med 11 läkar- och 15 sjuksköterskestudenter för att uppnå en djupare förståelse över MBM kursens betydelse för deltagarna (Studie IV). Fynd I studie I framkom att sjuksköterskorna övergripande hade en positiv attityd till IM. Patientcentrering och fokus på individens resurser, samt deras egna ansvar för att arbeta hälsofrämjande var områden som hade mest stöd bland både sjuksköterskor och andra intressenter. Dessa element ansågs också av intressenterna vara den mest positiva aspekten av det nya dynamiska hälsobegreppet (Studie II). Användandet av evidensbaserade komplementärmedicinska metoder och hälsofrämjande miljöer stöddes till viss del av sjuksköterskorna men brist på kunskap och brist på evidens förefaller vara hinder för integration i nuvarande vårdpraxis (Study I). I studie II framkom att begreppet hälsa uppfattades som att bestå i sex olika dimensioner; ”kroppslig funktion”, ”mental funktion och perception”, ”spirituell/existentiell dimension”, ”livskvalitet”, ”social-samhällelig inklusion” samt ”daglig funktion”. I samklang med patienter, så hade sjuksköterskor en bredare syn på hälsa än andra hälsoprofessioner. I studie III framkom långsiktiga positiva effekter av att delta i MBM kursen avseende i två dimensioner av empatisk förmåga (Personal distress och Empatic concern) bland läkarstudenterna, samt avseende upplevd stressnivå (perceived stress) och empati (personal distress) bland sjuksköterskestudenterna. I studie IV framkom att MBM kursen kan ses som ”en väg till inre medvetenhet och stöd till att knyta an till andra och den omgivande världen” vidare identifierades temana: ”en förmåga till en mer medveten närvaro”, ”en ökad uppfattningsförmåga och inre medvetenhet” samt ”att knyta an till andra människor på en djupare nivå”. Slutsats Utifrån resultaten i avhandlingens explorativa (I, II) del är slutsatsen att de observerade positiva attityderna, och uppfattningarna bland vårdgivare avseende IM och det nyutvecklade hälsobegreppet kan ses som viktiga facilitatorer för ytterligare implementering av IM i det Nederländska hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet. Vidare, den ökade förmågan att hantera stress, utveckla empatisk förmåga och mer öppenhet för nya perspektiv på hälsa och behandlingsalternativ hos läkar- och sjuksköterskestudenter efter deltagande i en MBM kurs (implementeringsdelen i denna avhandling, III, IV), stöttar antagandet att kursen kan ses som ett användbart verktyg för att understödja en mer integrativ vårdansats bland framtida vårdpersonal. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 3 i tryck, delarbete 4 inskickat.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 3 in press, paper 4 submitted.</p>

Déterminants de l’observance aux corticostéroïdes inhalés chez les enfants asthmatiques suite à une visite médicale d’urgence

Parent, Anne-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
L’utilisation continue de corticostéroïdes inhalés est reconnue pour réduire le nombre d’hospitalisations, la morbidité ainsi que les décès liés à l’asthme. Cependant, l’observance à cette médication chez les enfants asthmatiques demeure sous-optimale. Objectif : L’objectif général de ce mémoire de maîtrise est d’identifier les déterminants de l’observance aux corticostéroïdes inhalés durant les 28 jours suivant une visite médicale d’urgence en raison d’une une exacerbation d’asthme. Méthodologie : Il s’agit d’une analyse de données secondaires provenant d’un essai randomisé conduit auprès de patients se présentant dans un département d’urgence pour une exacerbation d’asthme. L’utilisation de corticostéroïdes inhalés au cours des 28 jours suivant la visite à l’urgence a été mesurée à l’aide de compteurs de doses électroniques. Résultats : Deux cent onze enfants ont été inclus dans les analyses et 76,8% étaient âgés de moins de 7 ans. L’observance moyenne au cours des 28 jours suivant la visite à l’urgence était de 62% (±29%). Les déterminants associés à une meilleure observance étaient une durée de traitement prescrite plus courte, une scolarité maternelle universitaire, une plus grande consommation de médication de soulagement rapide, une crise d’asthme plus sévère, un plus jeune âge de l’enfant et être Caucasien. Conclusion : Cette étude se distingue par le fait qu’elle inclut une large proportion d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, une population d’asthmatiques sous-représentée dans la littérature médicale malgré sa morbidité élevée. Une prescription de corticostéroïdes inhalés de courte durée s’est avérée être le meilleur prédicteur d’une bonne observance et témoigne d’une pratique en milieu hospitalier qui va à l’encontre des lignes directrices en matière de gestion de l’asthme. / Inhaled corticosteroids are recognized to prevent asthma related hospitalizations, morbidity and mortality. However, inhaled corticosteroids adherence among children with asthma remains suboptimal. Objective: This master’s thesis aimed to identify predictors of inhaled corticosteroids adherence during the 28 days following an emergency department visit. Methods: This study is a secondary analysis of data collected during a randomized control trial conducted among children presenting at an emergency department for an acute asthma exacerbation. Inhaled corticosteroids use was electronically monitored during the 28 days following the hospital discharge. Results: Two hundred and eleven children were included in the analyses and 76.8% were aged less than 7 years old. Mean adherence over the 28 days observation period was 62% (±29%). Predictors of a better adherence were: shorter prescribed duration of treatment, maternal university degree, more frequent use of rescue medication, more severe index exacerbation, younger age and Caucasian ethnicity. Conclusion: This study distinguishes itself by including a large proportion of preschool aged children, an especially vulnerable population of patients with asthma that is understudied despite its high morbidity. A short duration of treatment prescribed was the strongest predictor of inhaled corticosteroids adherence. This result highlights a medical practice that is contrary to guidelines on asthma management.

La crise du logement en Algérie : des politiques d'urbanisme mésadaptées

Lalonde, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
La crise du logement est généralement appréhendée comme une simple disparité entre une disponibilité de logements abordables et les besoins de la population. Ce mémoire a pour objectif de dépasser ce raisonnement en s’interrogeant sur l’adéquation entre la conception des logements publics et les besoins des populations ciblées, qui sont déterminés par les spécificités socioculturelles en évolutions complexes et dynamiques. Des logements sociaux d’une grandeur inadéquate, pour des considérations de rentabilité, entraînant l’apparition d’une surpopulation, ne pouvaient qu’engendrer leur détérioration rapide et leur bidonvilisation. Ce mémoire aborde donc le thème anthropologique de l’influence de l’organisation de l’habitat et des espaces de vies privées et collectives sur les sociétés humaines. Le cas particulier de l’Algérie est intéressant par sa virulence et par l’importation des politiques françaises au moment de la colonisation, politiques visant l’assimilation des Algériens aux habitudes de consommation et aux modes de comportement occidentaux. Ce mémoire tente de démontrer que les différents gouvernements issus de l’indépendance auront réactivé les politiques coloniales en matière d’urbanisme. De plus, l’augmentation de la fréquence des pratiques informelles de captation à la source des biens stratégiques rares à des fins spéculatives, dont les logements sociaux, accélérée par la libéralisation du marché immobilier et la privatisation des logements publics, a fait en sorte que très peu de logements sociaux furent attribués aux familles qui en avaient besoin qui se retrouvèrent donc de plus en plus marginalisées et devaient à leur tour se tourner vers des pratiques informelles pour espérer améliorer leurs conditions de logement. / The housing crisis is generally apprehended as a simple disparity between the availability of affordable housing and the population’s needs. This dissertation's objective is to go beyond this reasoning by questioning the adequacy between public housing’s planning and the targeted population’s needs, the latter being determined by sociocultural traits in complex and dynamic evolutions. Social housing of an inappropriate size, for considerations of profitability, leading to an overpopulation, could only generate its fast deterioration. This dissertation thus approaches the anthropological theme of the influence of housing organization and public or private living spaces on human societies. The case of Algeria is of particular interest because of its virulence and the French politics importation at the moment of the colonization, whose aim was the assimilation of Algerians to occidental behaviours and models of consumerism. This dissertation tries to demonstrate that the various governments who held power after the independence have resumed the colonial politics in matters of city planning. Moreover, the growing frequency of informal practices for collecting rare strategic goods at the source for speculative reasons, including social housing, was accelerated by the housing market liberalization and the privatization of social housing. This created a situation in which very few social housing has been given to families really needing it, thus being even more marginalized and needing to resort to informal practices, hoping to improve their housing conditions.

Littératie et autogestion du diabète : impact à court terme d’un programme de formation de 4 jours versus un programme de 2 jours sur le développement des compétences chez les patients diabétiques de type 2

Bouffard, Maud 10 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en collaboration avec l'équipe de l'Unité de jour de diabète de l'Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM: Hortensia Mircescu M.D., Françoise Desrochers, Michelle Messier et Stéphanie Chanel Lefort. / BUT : Cette étude longitudinale a pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact à court terme des programmes d’enseignement sur l’autogestion du diabète dispensés par l’équipe multidisciplinaire de l’Unité de jour de diabète (UJD) de l’Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM. L'UJD offre une formation de 4 jours (F4), avec une intervention mixte de type individuelle et de groupe, et une autre de 2 jours (F2), avec une intervention de groupe uniquement. MÉTHODE : En plus des mesures liées au contrôle métabolique (hémoglobine glyquée, indice de masse corporelle), des outils validés ont été retenus afin d’évaluer le niveau de littératie des patients, de même que les connaissances, les comportements d’autogestion et les attitudes par rapport au diabète à 0, 1 et 6 mois d’intervalle. Un total de 43 patients a été recruté, dont 13 en F2 et 30 en F4. RÉSULTATS : Âgés en moyenne de 59 ans, 77% des participants aux formations ont une scolarité de niveau collégial et plus. Cela les situe à un niveau satisfaisant de littératie, c'est-à-dire au regard de l’aptitude à comprendre et à utiliser l’information écrite dans la vie courante. En revanche, 64% des patients qui ne se sont pas présentés au cours (N=11) avaient un niveau de scolarité équivalent ou inférieur à un secondaire cinq. Les données analysées à l’aide de tests non-paramétriques montrent que les formations permettent à court terme une amélioration significative du contrôle métabolique des patients (p=0,042; N=33) et une perte pondérale moyenne de 2,4 kg (p=0,004; N=27). Les deux types de formations favorisent l’augmentation des connaissances sur la maladie (p=0,000 2jrs/4jrs) et contribuent à faire progresser favorablement les attitudes, soit de façon significative dans le cas des participants à la formation de 4 jours (p=0,000). La formation de 2 jours s’avère particulièrement efficace pour améliorer les comportements d’autosoins comme la prise de glycémie et les soins des pieds, alors qu’elle n’a eu que très peu d’effet sur les comportements liés au mode de vie. CONCLUSION : Les résultats de cette étude sont en faveur d’une intervention de type mixte et d’un plus grand nombre d’heures de contact entre les éducateurs et éducatrices et la ou le patient. Les données suggèrent finalement que bien que les interventions soient efficaces, ce sont les patients déjà fortement scolarisés qui tendent à participer à ce type de formation structurée. / OBJECTIVES : The objective of this longitudinal study is to evaluate the short term impact of diabetes self-management programs given by the multidisciplinary team of the CHUM Hôtel-Dieu Diabetes Day-Care Unit over 2-days (T2) or 4-days (T4) training sessions. METHODS : A total of 43 patients were recruited; 13 in the 2-day program, providing only group intervention and 30 in the 4-day program, providing both group and individual interventions. Besides measures of metabolic control (glycated haemoglobin, body-mass index), validated tools were used to evaluate literacy, as well as knowledge, self-care behaviours, and attitudes towards diabetes (at 0, 1 and 6 months). RESULTS : The average age of patients participating in the training sessions is 59 years old, and 77% have reached collegial or higher educational levels. This gives them sufficient literacy skills in terms of capacity to understand and use written information in everyday life. However, 64 % of the patients that did not show up or complete the training (N=11) had educational levels equal or lower to secondary 5. Outcome data, analyzed with nonparametric tests, show that diabetes self-management education programs of the Hôtel-Dieu CHUM lead to significant short-term improvement of metabolic control in patients (p=0,042, N=33) and result in a average weight loss of 2.4 kg (p=0,004, N=27). Both types of training increase patients knowledge of the disease (p=0,000 F2/F4), and the 4-days training session significantly contribute to positive attitudes towards the disease (p=0,000). The 2-days training program is particularly effective in improving self-care behaviours such as blood glucose monitoring and foot care, but it had very little effect on behaviours related to lifestyle. CONCLUSION : These results show that the 4-day program has proven more effective in improving self-management competency suggesting that the duration of interaction time between educators and patient seems to be a good predictor of the impact of the training. Although interventions are found to be effective, outcomes ultimately suggest that it is mostly patients with higher education that tend to participate in this formal training.

Metakognice v kurikulu a její podpora ve vyučování / Metacognition in curriculum and its support in school teaching

Lisner, Luboš January 2011 (has links)
This paper treat of the support of the metacognitive skills in school teaching. Resources for elaboration of this paper are legislation, framework educational programs, specific concepts for development of learning and principles of total quality management. The outcom of this paper is specific model of teacher's self-management.

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