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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The long-term effects of methamphetamine on depressive-like behaviour and neuroplasticity in stress-sensitive rats / Moné Mouton

Mouton, Moné January 2014 (has links)
Methamphetamine (METH) abuse has become a fast growing drug problem that has developed into a global epidemic. In fact, METH is one of the most commonly abused substances with an estimated 35 million abusers worldwide and is said to be the second most popular illicit drug. The Western Province of South Africa has seen a dramatic increase in drug abuse in recent years where METH is the primary or secondary drug of abuse. Interestingly, more than 50% of these individuals are under the age of 20 years. The longer duration of euphoric effects of METH has attracted many users away from cocaine in favour of METH. In addition to the rapid euphoric effect of METH, the direct short-term effects include arousal, reduced fatigue, an increase in blood pressure, reduced appetite as well as sustained attention. Chronic METH abuse may result in debilitating and long-lasting effects that includes mood disorders such as depression. Studies suggest a strong relationship between exposure to adverse environmental factors early in life and the later development of a neuropsychiatric disorder, such as depression. However, these severe consequences do not seem to invoke cessation of the drug. The euphoric and addictive properties of METH causes users to abuse the drug with an increase in frequency and dose, even though it might not have been their original intention. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effect of early-life administration of METH to stress-sensitive (Flinders Sensitive Line - FSL) and control (Flinders Resistant Line - FRL) rats on depressive-like behaviour and regional brain monoamine levels later in life. The study implemented a sixteen-day period for administration of METH or a vehicle control from postnatal day 19 (PnD19) to postnatal day 34 (PnD34). The latter developmental stage corresponds to pre-adolescence in the rat when neurological development are similar to that seen in human adolescents, and represents the stage when drug abuse is most common in humans. Chronic dosing of METH and saline was performed twice daily at 09:00 and at 15:00. The animals received a sub-cutaneous (SC) escalating dose regimen of METH during the 16 day period (mimicking binging behaviour in humans), with every dose escalating in increments of 0.2 mg/kg from 0.2 mg/kg to 6.0 mg/kg. The study then investigated whether early-life administration of METH would cause depressive-like behaviours directly after the injection period (immediate drug effects before withdrawal on PnD35) or later in life (after the withdrawal period in early adulthood on PnD60). The behavioural effects were assessed in a battery of tests and thereafter the rats were sacrificed and the frontal cortex removed and snap frozen for later analyses of altered neurochemistry. The study demonstrated that chronic METH treatment during pre-adolescence induces significant behavioural changes related to depression in humans directly after the injection period (PnD35) and later in life (PnD60). The animals displayed antidepressant-like behaviour in the forced swim test (FST) before withdrawal, yet a depressogenic effect was observed 25 days post-withdrawal. This effect also seems to be additive to the congenital depressive-like phenotype of FSL rats, suggesting a role for genetic susceptibility. This observation would be in line with the two-hit hypothesis of depression, suggesting that the manifestation of depression will result when a genetic predisposition is followed by an environmental stressor (i.e. METH) later in life. The data suggests a working hypothesis that individuals that already have a predisposition to depression may be more susceptible to developing depression when abusing METH. The fact that the FSL control rats were more immobile than FRL control rats also confirmed the face validity of the FSL genetic rat model of depression. Locomotor activity assessment indicated that METH treatment decreased locomotor activity in FSL and FRL rats compared to their vehicle controls on PnD35 but not on PnD60. It is important to note that the effects observed in locomotor activity could not have contributed to the immobility observed in the FST, confirming that the immobility in the FST indeed reflects psychomotor and not locomotor effects. The study also demonstrated that METH significantly lowers social interaction behaviour in both FRL and FSL rats, both immediately following drug treatment (PnD35) and after withdrawal (PnD60). It is therefore clear that this effect of METH is long-lasting, putatively related to neurodevelopmental effects. In addition, the rats investigated the familiar object for a greater amount of time in the novel object recognition test (nORT) on PnD35 and PnD60 and may be the result of loss of recognition memory for the familiar object. This data confirms that METH results in cognitive memory deficits probably due to sustained adverse neurodevelopmental effects. Neurochemical analyses of the frontal cortex indicated decreased serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) levels on PnD35. METH is widely recognised for its pro-inflammatory effects, while the reduced 5-HT levels observed may have been the result of an increase in circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines. Neurochemical analyses provided thought-provoking data concerning the role of the permissive hypotheses of depression, indicating that dopamine (DA) is most likely not responsible for the behavioural effects observed, at least under the current study conditions, whereas 5-HT is decidedly more involved than expected. The data also suggest that depletion in NE plays a role in the development of depressive-like behaviours following METH exposure. Based on these findings, we propose that disturbances in 5-HT and NE are a crucial mechanism in how METH abuse may precipitate or worsen depressive-like symptoms in individuals who abuse METH. It should be noted that this study does not discard the role of DA in the development of depression after METH exposure, although under the current study conditions it appears that DA does not play a central role. The current study demonstrated that pre-adolescent exposure to METH can reproduce most of the behavioural changes seen in depressed individuals, and that these behavioural data can be used to identify causal neurochemical factors. Environmental stressors such as METH abuse should be regarded as an additional diagnostic criterion and is relevant to an accumulative risk factor hypothesis. Furthermore, although further study is required, the data suggests that early-life exposure to METH may predispose an individual to mood disorders and behavioural abnormalities later in life. / MSc (Pharmacology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015


PEDRO NUNO DE SOUZA MOURA 14 November 2017 (has links)
[pt] A modelagem de reservatórios consiste em uma tarefa de muita relevância na medida em que permite a representação de uma dada região geológica de interesse. Dada a incerteza envolvida no processo, deseja-se gerar uma grande quantidade de cenários possíveis para se determinar aquele que melhor representa essa região. Há, então, uma forte demanda de se gerar rapidamente cada simulação. Desde a sua origem, diversas metodologias foram propostas para esse propósito e, nas últimas duas décadas, Multiple-Point Geostatistics (MPS) passou a ser a dominante. Essa metodologia é fortemente baseada no conceito de imagem de treinamento (TI) e no uso de suas características, que são denominadas de padrões. No presente trabalho, é proposto um novo método de MPS que combina a aplicação de dois conceitos-chave: a técnica denominada Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), que permite a aceleração da busca por padrões similares a um dado objetivo; e a técnica de compressão Run-Length Encoding (RLE), utilizada para acelerar o cálculo da similaridade de Hamming. Foram realizados experimentos com imagens de treinamento tanto categóricas quanto contínuas que evidenciaram que o LSHSIM é computacionalmente eficiente e produz realizações de boa qualidade, enquanto gera um espaço de incerteza de tamanho razoável. Em particular, para dados categóricos, os resultados sugerem que o LSHSIM é mais rápido do que o MS-CCSIM, que corresponde a um dos métodos componentes do estado-da-arte. / [en] Reservoir modeling is a very important task that permits the representation of a geological region of interest. Given the uncertainty involved in the process, one wants to generate a considerable number of possible scenarios so as to find those which best represent this region. Then, there is a strong demand for quickly generating each simulation. Since its inception, many methodologies have been proposed for this purpose and, in the last two decades, multiple-point geostatistics (MPS) has been the dominant one. This methodology is strongly based on the concept of training image (TI) and the use of its characteristics, which are called patterns. In this work, we propose a new MPS method that combines the application of a technique called Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), which permits to accelerate the search for patterns similar to a target one, with a Run-Length Encoding (RLE) compression technique that speeds up the calculation of the Hamming similarity. We have performed experiments with both categorical and continuous images which showed that LSHSIM is computationally efficient and produce good quality realizations, while achieving a reasonable space of uncertainty. In particular, for categorical data, the results suggest that LSHSIM is faster than MS-CCSIM, one of the state-of-the-art methods.

On the possibility of using organic molecules in the characterization of subsurface processes

Schaffer, Mario 04 April 2013 (has links)
Tracertests stellen heute einen integralen Bestandteil im Repertoire der hydro(geo)logischen Charakterisierungstechniken dar. Insbesondere konservative Stoffe werden zur Bestimmung von hydraulischen Reservoir- und Aquiferparametern eingesetzt. Diese Stoffe verhalten sich weitestgehend inert und unterliegen somit nur vernachlässigbaren physikochemischen Wechselwirkungen während ihrer Verweilzeit im untersuchten Geosystem. Im Gegensatz dazu stellt der Einsatz nicht-konservativer organischer Stoffe als Tracer einen relativ neuen Ansatz dar, welcher das Potential birgt, zusätzliche Informationen zu ablaufenden Untergrundprozessen zu gewinnen, sofern die Wechselwirkungsarten und somit das Tracerverhalten bekannt sind. Folglich ist die genaue Kenntnis potentieller Transportprozesse und deren Abhängigkeiten eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Interpretation dieser Tracer. In diesem Zusammenhang ist die Sorption an Festphasen für zahlreiche gelöste organische Verbindungen der wohl bedeutendste physikochemische Transportprozess. Aus diesem Grund ist die systematische Untersuchung von Sorptionsprozessen und deren Abhängigkeiten von den Moleküleigenschaften bzw. Randbedingungen ein Hauptbestandteil der hier vorgestellten, kumulativen Dissertationsschrift. Die aus den Sorptions-untersuchungen abgeleiteten Schlussfolgerungen wurden in die Entwicklung eines neuen, reaktiven Reservoir-Tracers für die geologische Speicherung von CO2 mit einbezogen. Um einen Überblick über das Sorptionsverhalten organischer Verbindungen mit unterschiedlichen Funktionalitäten zu gewinnen, wurde zunächst der pH-abhängige Stofftransport mehrerer dissoziierbarer Arzneimittelwirkstoffe (Säuren, Basen, Zwitter) mit Hilfe von Sedimentsäulenexperimenten untersucht. Hierzu wurden die Sorptionskoeffizienten bestimmt und mit den vorausberechneten Ergebnissen zweier Korrelationsansätze verglichen. Eine starke pH-Abhängigkeit zeigte die Sorption für alle Moleküle mit einem pKS-Wert im oder nahe des untersuchten pH-Bereiches. Eine zufriedenstellende Vorhersage war nur für neutrale und anionsche (saure) Verbindungen möglich. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Sorption der kationischen (basischen) und zwitter-ionischen Verbindungen stärker als erwartet. Als Ursache dafür kann das Auftreten zusätzlicher, elektrostatischer Sorptionsmechanismen angesehen werden, welche in den konventionellen Korrelationsansätzen nicht berücksichtigt werden. Somit konnte unter anderem erwartet werden, dass auch Kationenaustausch einen signifikanten Prozess für die Retardation organischer Kationen im Untergrund darstellt. Mit zwei kationischen Beta-Blockern durchgeführte Säulenversuche belegen die dominierende Rolle von Kationenaustauschprozessen. Steigende Konzentrationen anorganischer Kationen führen aufgrund der verstärkten Konkurrenz um die Austauscherplätze des Sorbens zu einer geringeren Sorption der organischen Kationen. Der Beitrag nicht-hydrophober Wechselwirkungen zur Gesamtsorption konnte mit >99% abgeschätzt werden. Aufgrund der großen Bedeutung von Kationenaustauschprozessen sollten weitere Einflussfaktoren berücksichtigt werden, um den Transport organischer Kationen zuverlässig vorhersagen zu können. Daher wurde anschließend der Einfluss konkurrierender anorganischer Kationen auf die Sorption organischer Kationen in Wasser/Sediment-Batchtests systematisch untersucht. Die bei verschiedenen Hintergrundkonzentrationen an anorganischen Kationen aufgenommenen Sorptionsisothermen des kationischen Beta-Blockers Metoprolol zeigten eine deutlich stärkere Beeinflussung der Sorption durch Ca2+ als durch Na+. Durch die gefundene Korrelation zwischen dem Freundlich-Koeffizienten und der Konzentration anorganischer Kationen wird eine Vorhersage der Metoprolol-Sorption im Bereich der untersuchten Randbedingungen möglich. Zudem konnte der Beitrag sorptiver Wechselwirkungen zum organischen Kohlenstoff des Sediments als vernachlässigbar bestimmt werden. Insgesamt liefern die erzielten Ergebnisse einen weiteren wichtigen Beitrag zur Prozessbeschreibung der Sorption und helfen somit, die Vorhersage des Stofftransportes organischer Kationen im Untergrund zu verbessern. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit werden das Konzept und die Entwicklung eines neuen, reaktiven Tracers (KIS-Tracer) zur Charakterisierung von Grenzflächen während Injektionen von überkritischem CO2 in tiefe salinare Aquifere beschrieben. Durch eine Hydrolysereaktion an der CO2/Wasser-Grenzfläche mit bekannter Kinetik wird ein Zusammenhang zur zeitlichen Änderung der Grenzflächengröße geschaffen. Basierend auf den vorangegangenen Untersuchungen zur Sorption, wurde das konservative, organische Anion Naphthalinsulfonat als Basisstruktur für die Tracersynthese (Veresterung) und somit auch als gewünschtes Hydrolyseprodukt ausgewählt. Neben der Definition notwendiger Tracereigenschaften wurden bereits erste Verbindungen synthetisiert, im Labor getestet und mit einem neuentwickelten, makroskopischen Modell ausgewertet. Abschließend wurde das Tracerverhalten exemplarisch für verschiedene hypothetische Funktionen der zeitlichen Grenzflächenänderung numerisch modelliert. Die bisher erzielten Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend und gewähren einen ersten Einblick in das Potential von KIS-Tracern.

Photo-crosslinked Surface Attached Thin Hydrogel Layers

Pareek, Pradeep 05 April 2005 (has links)
Stimuli sensitive polymers and hydrogels respond with large property changes to small physical and chemical stimuli (e.g. temperature, pH, ionic strength). The bulk behavior of these polymers is widely studied and they show an isotropic swelling. However, thin hydrogel layers of polymers on a substrate show a swelling behavior, which is constrained in some way. Therefore, size, confinement, patternability, response time and transition temperature of thin hydrogel layers are the most important parameters in technological applications and this study focuses on the investigation of these above-mentioned parameters. The aim of this study involves synthesis, characterization and application of thin photo-crosslinked hydrogel layers. Dimethylmaleimide (DMI) moiety was incorporated in the polymers chains and was used to introduce photo-crosslinking by [2+2] cyclodimerization reaction in the presence of UV irradiation. The following photo-crosslinkers based on DMI group were synthesized ? - Acrylate photo-crosslinker (DMIAm) - Acrylamide photo-crosslinker (DMIAAm) - Polyol photo-crosslinker (DMIPA, DMIPACl) The conventional free radical polymerization of above listed photo-crosslinker with its respective monomer resulted in formation of photo-crosslinkable polymers of (a) HEMA, (b) DMAAm, (c) NIPAAm/DMAAm, (d) NIPAAm/Cyclam. The properties of these polymers were investigated by NMR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, GPC and SPR. Thin hydrogel layers were prepared by spin coating on gold-coated LaSFN9 glass. The covalent attachment to the surface was achieved through an adhesion promoter. Swelling behavior of the thin polymer layers was thoroughly investigated by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy and Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy (OWS). SPR and OWS gave a wide range of information regarding the film thickness, swelling ratio, refractive index, and volume degree of swelling of the thin hydrogel layer. For hydrophilic photo-crosslinked hydrogel layers of HEMA and DMAAm, it was observed that the volume degree of swelling was independent of temperature changes but was dependent on the photo-crosslinker mol-% in the polymer. These surface attached thin hydrogel layer exhibited an anisotropic swelling. For NIPAAm photo-crosslinked hydrogel layers with DMAAm as a hydrophilic monomer, it was observed that both transition temperature (Tc) and volume degree of swelling increases with increase in the mol-% of DMAAm. To study the effect of film thickness on Tc and volume degree of swelling, hydrogels with wide range of film thickness were prepared and investigated by SPR. These results provided vital information on the swelling behavior of surface attached hydrogel layer and showed the versatility of SPR instrument for studying thin hydrogel layers. Later part of project involved synthesis of multilayer hydrogel assembly involving a thermoresponsive polymer and a hydrophilic polymer. The combination of two layers with photo-crosslinkable DMAAm polymer as base layer and photo-crosslinkable NIPAAm polymer as top layer formulate a multilayer assembly where, the base layer only swells in response to temperature and the top layer shows temperature dependent swelling. Photo-crosslinked hydrogel layers of NIPAAm, DMAAm and HEMA shows a high-resolution patterns when irradiated by UV light through a chromium mask. At last this study focused on an important application of these hydrogel layers for cell attachment processes. Cell growth, proliferation and spreading shows a biocompatible nature of these hydrogel surfaces. Such thermoresponsive photo-crosslinkable multilayer structure forms bases for future projects involving their use in actuator material and cell-attachment processes.

Bolags CSR-arbete och kostnaden för räntebärande skulder : En global kvantitativ studie av 2539 bolag

Högdahl, Stefan, Lindqvist, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Bolags CSR-arbete och kostnaden för räntebärande skulder Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi  Författare: Stefan Högdahl & Mikael Lindqvist  Handledare: Jan Svanberg Datum: 2022 - Juni  Syfte: Forskningen kring CSR är omfattande och kan ta en mängd olika inriktningar. Denna studie studerar sambandet mellan bolags CSR och deras ESG-betyg i förhållande till deras kostnader för räntebärande skulder för att se om dessa kan ge ekonomiska fördelar. Vidare studeras även CSR-redovisningens samband uppdelat mellan okänsliga och känsliga sektorer med bolags kostnader för räntebärande skulder. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvantitativ och deduktiv utgångspunkt inom den positivistiska forskningsfilosofin. Datan är hämtad från Refinitiv Eikon och innehåller information från 2539 företag. Denna data har sedan behandlats och analyserats via IBM SPSS. Resultat och slutsats: Utifrån de genomförda regressionsanalyserna framkommer det förväntade negativa sambandet mellan CSR och skuldkostnad och hypoteserna styrks. Företag som utför ett bra CSR-arbete och erhåller ett högt ESG-betyg kan därmed enligt studiens resultat minska sin skuldkostnad genom lägre räntor. Regressionsanalyserna visade även på att företags CSR-redovisning är av större vikt inom känslig sektor. Detta kan ge en grund för företag att motivera kostnaderna för hållbarhetsarbete. Examensarbetets bidrag: Genom att undersöka sambandet mellan CSR och skuldkostnad har studien bidragit till att klargöra detta förhållande. Därmed kan företag lättare motivera ett arbete med CSR. Sambandet tyder också på att långivare är medvetna om företags CSR-arbete och tar hänsyn till det i sin riskbedömning vid sättande av räntor. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Att långivare tar hänsyn till CSR-arbete visar sig i studien. Vidare forskning kan undersöka på vilket sätt CSR ingår som en del i riskanalysen hos dessa. Vidare forskning kan även undersöka hur stor påverkan denna ränteskillnad får på bolagens ekonomiska resultat och huruvida det är ett tillräckligt stort incitament för att satsa på CSR. / Title: Companies work with CSR and the cost of interest-bearing liabilities Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Stefan Högdahl & Mikael Lindqvist Supervisor: Jan Svanberg Date: 2022 - Juni Aim: The research on CSR is extensive and can take a wide variety of orientations. This essay studies the relationship between companies' CSR and their ESG-ratings in relation to their costs for interest-bearing liabilities to determine if these can provide financial benefits. Furthermore, the relationship between CSR accounting is also divided into insensitive and sensitive sectors with companies' costs for interest-bearing liabilities. Method: The study is based on a quantitative and deductive vantage point within the positivist research philosophy. The data is taken from Refinitiv Eikon and contains information from 2539 companies. This data was then processed and analyzed via IBM SPSS. Result and Conclusions: Based on the regression analysis carried out, the expected negative relationship between CSR and cost of debt emerges and the hypotheses are substantiated. Companies that perform good CSR work and receive a high ESG rating can thus, according to the results of the study, reduce their debt costs through lower interest rates. The regression analysis also show that companies' CSR accounting is of greater importance in the sensitive sector. This can provide a basis for companies to justify the costs of sustainability work. Contribution of the thesis: By examining the relationship between CSR and cost of debt, the study has helped to clarify this relationship. This makes it easier for companies to motivate work with CSR. The connection also indicates that lenders are aware of companies' CSR work and take this into account in their risk assessment when setting interest rates. Future research: The fact that lenders take CSR into account when setting interest rates is shown in the study. Further research can investigate the way in which CSR is included as part of their risk analysis. Further research can also examine how much impact this interest rate difference has on the companies' financial results and whether there is a sufficiently large incentive to invest in CSR.

Design of side-sensitive double sampling control schemes for monitoring the location parameter

Motsepa, Collen Mabilubilu 06 1900 (has links)
Double sampling procedure is adapted from a statistical branch called acceptance sampling. The first Shewhart-type double sampling monitoring scheme was introduced in the statistical process monitoring (SPM) field in 1974. The double sampling monitoring scheme has been proven to effectively decrease the sampling effort and, at the same time, to decrease the time to detect potential out-of-control situations when monitoring the location, variability, joint location and variability using univariate or multivariate techniques. Consequently, an overview is conducted to give a full account of all 76 publications on double sampling monitoring schemes that exist in the SPM literature. Moreover, in the review conducted here, these are categorized and summarized so that any research gaps in the SPM literature can easily be identified. Next, based on the knowledge gained from the literature review about the existing designs for monitoring the process mean, a new type of double sampling design is proposed. The new charting region design lead to a class of a control charts called a side-sensitive double sampling (SSDS) monitoring schemes. In this study, the SSDS scheme is implemented to monitor the process mean when the underlying process parameters are known as well as when they are unknown. A variety of run-length properties (i.e., the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 95th percentiles, the average run-length (𝐴𝑅𝐿), standard deviation of the run-length (𝑆𝐷𝑅𝐿), the average sample size (𝐴𝑆𝑆) and the average extra quadratic loss (𝐴𝐸𝑄𝐿) metrics) are used to design and implement the new SSDS scheme. Comparisons with other established monitoring schemes (when parameters are known and unknown) indicate that the proposed SSDS scheme has a better overall performance. Illustrative examples are also given to facilitate the real-life implementation of the proposed SSDS schemes. Finally, a list of possible future research ideas is given with hope that this will stimulate more future research on simple as well as complex double sampling schemes (especially using the newly proposed SSDS design) for monitoring a variety of quality characteristics in the future. / Statistics / M. Sc. (Statistics)

The Development of a Novel Model for Chronic Renal Allograft Rejection

Breidenbach, Joshua David January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

ESG och finansiell prestation : En kvantitativ studie om branschtillhörighets betydelse vid förhållandet mellan ESG-poäng och finansiell prestation / ESG and Financial Performance : A Quantitative Study on the Importance of Industry Affiliation in the Relationship between ESG Scores and Financial Performance

Krii, Carl, Wiktorsson, Joel January 2023 (has links)
Klimatkrisen är en av de största utmaningarna som världen står inför. På senare år har en ökad uppmärksamhet för hållbarhet vuxit vilket medfört att företagens ansvarstagande i miljömässiga, sociala och styrningsrelaterande frågor blivit en allt viktigare del. För att kvantifiera hur väl hållbarhetsarbetet utförts i företag har hållbarhetsmåttet ESG utvecklats. Begreppet ESG är en sammanställning av tre olika segment: Environmental, Social och Governance som utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv inriktar sig på att mäta dessa segment. Huruvida högre ESG-poäng leder till förbättrad finansiell prestation är däremot oklart. Många studier har undersökt relationen mellan ESG och finansiell prestation, dock har ingen konsensus kring förhållandet ännu konstaterats. Denna studie har därför undersökt om detta förhållande existerar på den svenska marknaden. I studien undersöktes om förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation påverkas beroende på företags branschtillhörighet. För att undersöka om branschtillhörighet har en signifikant effekt på förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation har en uppdelning mellan branscher och sektorer gjorts för företag som är känsliga för ESG-frågor och de som inte är det. De redovisningsbaserade prestationsmåtten som använts är ROA och ROE och det marknadsvärde-baserade måttet i studien var Tobin’s Q. Regressionsanalyser utfördes med ESG och de individuella pelarna E,S och G som oberoende variabler. Resultatet från studien fann överlag ett insignifikant förhållande mellan de redovisningsbaserade måtten ROA och ROE för känsliga företag. En positiv relation kunde däremot konstateras för det marknadsvärde-baserade måttet Tobin’s Q för de känsliga företagen. För de icke-känsliga företagen fanns studien överlag inga signifikanta förhållanden mellan något av de tre finansiella prestationsmått som används i studien. Resultaten ger inget stöd till hypotesen att ESG och de tre individuella pelarna E,S och G har en mer positivt relation till de finansiella prestationsmåtten inom känsliga företag än icke-känsliga företag. Något som kan förklaras av att ESG-poäng inte bedömer prestationen utan enbart rapporteringen. För att bringa klarhet i frågan gällande branschtillhörighetens påverkan på förhållandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation behövs mer omfattande hänsyn till industriella faktorer tas för att ytterligare förstå sambandet mellan ESG och finansiell prestation. / The climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing. In recent years, increased attention to sustainability has led to corporate responsibility in environmental, social and governance-related issues becoming increasingly important. To quantify how well sustainability efforts are being carried out in companies, the sustainability measure ESG has been developed. The term ESG is a compilation of three different segments: Environmental, Social, and Governance, which from a sustainability perspective focus on measuring these segments. However, it is unclear whether higher ESG scores lead to improved financial performance. Many studies have examined the relationship between ESG and financial performance, but no consensus has yet been reached on the relationship. This study has therefore examined whether this relationship exists in the Swedish market. The study investigated whether the relationship between ESG and financial performance is influenced by a company's industry affiliation. To investigate whether industry affiliation has a significant effect on the relationship between ESG and financial performance, a breakdown of industries and sectors was made for companies that are sensitive to ESG issues and those that are not. The accounting-based performance measures used are ROA and ROE, and the market based measure in the study was Tobin's Q. Regression analyses were performed with ESG and the individual pillars E, S, and G as independent variables. The results of the study generally found an insignificant relationship between the accounting-based measures ROA and ROE for sensitive companies. However, a positive relationship was found for the market based measure Tobin's Q for sensitive companies. For non-sensitive companies, the study generally found no significant relationships between any of the three financial performance measures used in the study. The results do not support the hypothesis that ESG and the three individual pillars E, S, and G have a more positive relationship with the financial performance measures within sensitive companies than non-sensitive companies. This could be explained by the fact that ESG scores do not assess performance, only reporting. To bring clarity to the question regarding the impact of industry affiliation on the relationship between ESG and financial performance, it is necessary to take more comprehensive industry factors into account in order to further understand the relationship between ESG and financial performance.

Normkritisk interaktionsdesign - En kvalitativ studie om vilka tillvägagångssätt UX-designers använder för att designa normkritiskt inom interaktionsdesign

Svanberg, Emma, Höjman, Ella January 2023 (has links)
Att sociala normer omedvetet inbäddas i interaktionsdesign har kommit att bli ett problem i takt med den ökade digitaliseringen. Tidigare forskning visar på att interaktionsdesign inte är en neutral plattform utan kan bidra till exkludering genom att förstärka uppfattningen om vem produkten riktar sig mot inom ramarna för de sociala normer som existerar i samhället. Kunskapsgapet ligger således i bristen på teoretiska och metodologiska tillvägagångssätt som hjälper designers att ifrågasätta normativa designkonventioner och navigera designrymden för alternativa metoder och praktiker. Denna kvalitativa studie med socialundersökning som forskningsstrategi grundar sig i att besvara forskningsfrågan: Vilka tillvägagångssätt använder UX-designers för att designa normkritiskt inom interaktionsdesign? I denna studie syftar tillvägagångssätt på olika metoder och principer som UX-designers använder i sitt normkritiska arbete. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer intervjuades tio UX-designers med frågor som utgick från fyra perspektiv: kulturella representationer, interaktivitet, teknik och användningssammanhang. Data analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys och ställdes sedan i relation till dessa fyra perspektiv med kunskap från tidigare studier för att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan. Studien visade på att det fanns flera tillvägagångssätt till att designa normkritiskt, nämligen genom användarcentrerad design, tillgänglighetsgranskning, samt ifrågasättande av normativa designval. Vidare identifierades ett antal ekonomiska, strukturella och tekniska barriärer som motverkar UX-designers tillvägagångssätt för normkritisk interaktionsdesign. / In line with increased digitalisation, the fact that social norms subconsciously are embedded in interaction design has become a topic of discussion. Previous research shows that digitally designed platforms aren't as neutral as we once thought but excludes users by reinforcing the perception of a target audience within the framework of societal norms. The knowledge gap lies in the lack of theoretical and methodological approaches to assist designers in questioning normative design conventions and help navigate the design sphere for alternative methods and practices. By collecting data from social surveys, this qualitative study aims to understand and answer the research question: What approaches do UX designers use to design norm-critically within interaction design? In this study, approaches refers to methods and principles that UX designers use in their norm-critical design work. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten participants with questions based on four norm-critical perspectives: cultural representation, interactivity, technology, and context of use. Later, the data was analysed by the use of thematic analysis and examined in relation to these four perspectives with data collected from previous studies to be able to answer the research question. The study showed that UX designers have several approaches to working norm-critical, namely through user-centered design, accessibility reviews, and questioning normative design practices. However, a number of financial, structural, and technical barriers have been identified that counteracts UX designers approaches to norm-critical interaction design.

TSN Distributed Clock : An analysis of relationships between network configuration parameters and the resulting precision of time synchronization / TSN Distribuerad Klocka : En analys av samband mellan nätverksparametrar och den resulterande precisionen av tidssynkronisering

Götberg, Jakob, Olsson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
In real-time systems spanning a network, there is a need for deterministic communication. The best-effort approach which most of the Internets traffic follows is not suitable for this area since it does not guarantee packet delivery within a deadline and there is also no accurate measure of when the packet was sent. The network core and edge entities such as routers and hosts do not have any concept of time in normal networking, making real-time constraints more difficult to enforce. Time Sensitive Networking is a set of standards, all of which are related to solving the problem above. The most central of these standards is IEEE 802.1AS which defines the generic Precision Time Protocol that specifies how all the nodes of a network should synchronize their clocks to one master clock, giving them a common perception of time. This standard is a prerequisite for some of the other standards in the suite, for example, the 802.1Qbv standard defining a Time Aware Sharper which provides bounded latency for time-critical traffic. A common perception of time is also by itself needed by applications that have to orchestrate actions, with temporal relations to each other, across a network. These applications can be found within areas such as industrial automation and vehicular control systems. The problem that this thesis explores is how the precision of time synchronization of a Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) solution depends on variables in the network such as configuration, topology, and external factors. To find the correlation between the parameters and the precision of the time synchronization, several experiments have been conducted. The experiments were performed on a simple network of hardware components constituting a physical test bed and an oscilloscope was used to probe the clocks if its nodes and extract measurements. Our findings indicate several relationships between the tested parameters and the synchronization precision. The biggest conclusion we can make from our study is that the IEEE 802.1AS standard does not rely on the support of other standards to achieve sub-microsecond results when there is a best-effort traffic load on the network. The manipulated configuration of the standard has given results that in general coincide with the expected behavior. Finally, the data gathered on different topologies, that were tested showed no significant trends regarding the precision. / I realtidssystem som kommunicerar över nätverk finns det ett behov av deterministisk kommunikation. Det vanliga tillvägagångssättet som de mesta av internettrafiken följer är inte lämpligt för detta område eftersom det inte garanterar paketleverans inom en deadline och det inte heller finns något exakt mått av när paketet skickades. Nätverkets enheter som routrar och noder har inte någon uppfattning om tid i normala nätverk, vilket gör realtidsbegränsningar omöjliga att upprätthålla. Time Sensitive Networking är en uppsättning standarder, som alla är relaterade till att lösa problemet ovan. Den mest centrala av dessa standarder är IEEE 802.1AS som definierar generic precision Time Protocol som specificerar hur alla noder i ett nätverk ska synkronisera sina klockor till en masterklicka, vilket ger dem en gemensam tidsuppfattning. Denna standard är en förutsättning för några av de andra standarderna i sviten, till exempel 802.1Qbv-standrarden som definierar en Time Aware Scheduler som ger begränsad latens för tidskritisk trafik. En gemensam tidsuppfattning behövs också av applikationer som måste orkestrera operationer, med tidsmässiga relationer till varandra, över ett nätverk. Dessa applikationer finns inom områden som industriell automation och fordonsstyrningssystem. Problemet som denna avhandling undersöker är hur precisionen av tidssynkronisering av en TSN-lösning beror på variabler i nätverket så som konfiguration, topologi och externa faktorer. För att hitta korrelationen mellan parametrarna och precisionen i tidssynkroniseringen har flera experiment genomförts. Experimenten utfördes på ett enkelt nätverk av hårdvarukomponenter som utgör en fysisk testbädd och ett oscilloskop användes för att undersöka klockorna på dess noder och extrahera mätningarna. Våra resultat indikerar flera samband mellan de testade parametrarna och synkroniseringsprecisionen. Den största slutsatsen vi kan dra från vår studie är att IEEE 802.1AS-standaden inte förlitar sig på stöd från andra standarder för att uppnå resultat under mikrosekunder när det finns en annan trafikbelastning på nätverket. Den manipulerade konfigurationen av standarden har gett resultat som i allmänhet överensstämmer med det förväntade beteendet. Slutligen visade de insamlade data om olika typologier som testades inga signifikanta trender vad gäller precisionen.

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