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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritiska attityder vid val av vin - från gäster och personal / Factors that affects the guest and waiter staff in their choice of wine

Eriksson, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Интеллектуальный анализ данных при принятии решений импортозамещения средств виртуализации (на примере ЕИВЦ СП ГВЦ филиала ОАО «РЖД») : магистерская диссертация / Intelligent data analysis when making decision on the import substitution of virtualization tools (be the example of the EISC SP MCC branch of JSC Russian Railways)

Медовщиков, И. А., Medovschikov, I. A. January 2019 (has links)
В работе проанализированы вопросы импортозамещения программного обеспечения в России в теоретическом и практическом значении. Предложена матрица принятия решения импортозамещения виртуализации ИТ-инфраструктуры на основе лабораторного тестирования в Екатеринбургском информационном-вычислительном центре структурном подразделении Главного вычислительного центра – филиала ОАО «РЖД» (ЕИВЦ СП ГВЦ филиала ОАО «РЖД») как типового структурного подразделения Холдинга «РЖД». / The paper analyzes the issues of software import substitution in Russia in theoretical and practical terms. A matrix has been proposed for deciding on the import substitution of IT infrastructure virtualization based on laboratory testing at the Yekaterinburg Information and Computing Center, a structural subdivision of the Main Computing Center, a branch of Russian Railways (EISC SP MCC branch of Russian Railway) as a typical structural unit of Russian Railway Holding.

Разработка веб-ориентированной интегрированной среды разработки для Groovy на JavaScript : магистерская диссертация / Development of web IDE for Groovy language

Лопес Рейнага, Л. К., Lopes Reynaga, L. K. January 2019 (has links)
Спроектирована и разработана веб-ориентированная интегрированная среда разработки для Groovy на JavaScript с возможностью компиляции кода и загрузки сторонних библиотек. / The aim of the present work was to design and develop web-oriented integrated development environment with features such as code compilation and ability to use 3rd party libraries.


Södermark, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Caching is a fundamental technique widely used in the field of computing to reduce network traffic, server load, and latency. Storing frequently accessed data in a high-speed cache layer can make future requests process faster by involving fewer system components when generating and serving the response. Kalix is a software product that demands a caching solution since it faces latency and is frequently processing partially repeated queries. However, a cache does not guarantee improved performance, which is why the main problems of caching are: determining what content to cache, when to insert or remove cache content, implementing the caching logic, and deciding where to store the cache efficiently. Therefore, this paper theoretically investigates where a cache solution should be implemented within the Kalix system architecture to decrease latency and server load, and evaluates the subsequent cache implementation experimentally. As a result, a client-side cache is implemented which decreases the latency of Kalix by up to 74%, while reducing the I/O load and memory utilization on the server by 98%. The reason for the decrease is that the cache in the client can directly serve the majority of the content, allowing the servers of Kalix to do substantially fewer computations. The evaluation acts as a recommendation for the company behindKalix, Polystar, as to if a cache is beneficial and where the cache can efficiently be deployed, and this paper gives valuable insights into the decision-making of cache placement. Concludingly, implementing the cache positively impacts the Kalix user experience.

Design and evaluation of an inter-core QUIC connection migration approach for intra-server load balancing / Utformning och utvärdering av en QUIC migrationsmetod mellan kärnor för internbalansbelastning

Wang, Zhe January 2021 (has links)
With the emergence of novel cloud applications and their critical latency demand [1], Quick UDP Internet Connection (QUIC) [2] was proposed as a new transport protocol that is promising to reduce the connection establishment overhead while providing security properties similar to Transport Layer Security (TLS) [3]. However, without an efficient task scheduling mechanism, the high cost for encryption and decryption in QUIC can easily lead to load imbalance among multiple Central Processing Unit (CPU) cores and thus cause a high tail latency. In this paper, we proposed a QUIC connection inter-core migration scheme that can dynamically dispatch QUIC connections among CPU cores while keeping the service continuity. We emulated a scenario where the traffic load on two CPU cores is not even and tried to migrate connections from an overloaded CPU to another idle one. The results showed that the load imbalance can be reduced and both of the two CPU cores can be efficiently utilized. Moreover, the throughput can be improved by around 15% with a set of proper parameters thanks to the inter-core connection migration scheme. It was also revealed that the overhead introduced by the connection inter-core migration mechanism is relatively low when applying the migration to a large connection. / Med uppkomsten av nya molnprogram och deras kritiska latens efterfrågan [1], QUIC [2] föreslogs som ett nytt transportprotokoll som lovar att minska anslutningen etableringskostnader samtidigt som de tillhandahåller säkerhetsfastigheter som liknar TLS [3]. Dock utan en effektiv uppgift schemaläggningsmekanism, den höga kostnaden för kryptering och dekryptering i QUIC kan enkelt leda till obalans mellan flera CPU kärnor och orsakar därför en hög svanslatens. I detta dokument föreslog vi a QUIC-anslutning mellan kärnmigrationsschema som dynamiskt kan skickas SNABBA anslutningar mellan CPU kärnor samtidigt som servicekontinuiteten bibehålls. Vi emulerat ett scenario där trafikbelastningen på två CPU kärnor inte är jämn och försökte migrera anslutningar från en överbelastad CPU till en annan inaktiv. De resultaten visade att belastningsobalansen kan reduceras och båda de två CPU: erna kärnor kan utnyttjas effektivt. Dessutom kan genomströmningen förbättras med cirka 15% med en uppsättning korrekta parametrar tack vare anslutningen mellan kärnor migrationsschema. Det avslöjades också att de omkostnader som infördes av anslutning mellan kärnmigrationsmekanismen är relativt låg vid ansökan migreringen till en stor anslutning.

Dynamic Resource Management of Cloud-Hosted Internet Applications

Hangwei, Qian 27 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

An Internship in Technical and Scientific Communication with Dell Inc

Hawkins, Steve 11 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Разработка Discord-бота для воспроизведения музыки с поддержкой веб-интерфейса. Серверная часть : магистерская диссертация / Development of a Discord bot for playing music with web interface support. Server part

Овчинников, В. О., Ovchinnikov, V. O. January 2023 (has links)
Среди имеющихся аналогов Discord-ботов в первой части работы доказывается и разбирается актуальность создания музыкального Discord-бота, и, вместе с тем, требования реализации его серверной части. Далее описывается выбранная методология разработки и поясняется выбор стека технологий, а именно фреймворк, база данных, необходимость и приложение для контейнеризации проекта. В третьей части приводится принцип работы основных частей функционала бота: взаимодействие с API, реализация плеера и способ воспроизведения музыки. В конце описывается способ тестирования серверной части бота и делаются выводы. Данная работа опубликована на конференции ИНТЕР в секции «Искусственный интеллект и программная инженерия» (2023 г.). / Among the available analogues of Discord bots, the first part of the work proves and examines the relevance of creating a music Discord bot, and, at the same time, the requirements for implementing its server part. The following describes the selected development methodology and explains the choice of technology stack, namely the framework, database, need and application for containerizing the project. The third part describes the operating principle of the main parts of the bot's functionality: interaction with the API, implementation of the player and the method of playing music. At the end, a method for testing the server side of the bot is described and conclusions are drawn. This work was published at the INTER conference in the section “Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering” (2023).

Integrering av glukosmätare med molntjänst för hemmonitorering / Integration of Glucose Meter with Cloud Service for Remote Patient Monitoring

Karoumi, Daniel, Luong, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Under detta examensarbete har en lösning framtagits som underlättar distansmonitorering av patienter. Då olika medicinska produkter skickar data till sina egna plattformar blir det krångligt för både patienten och vårdgivaren att ta fram och hålla koll på alla vitalparametrar som tas. Därför har en gemensam plattform, LinkWatch, utvecklats. Idag kan flera vitalparametrar mätas och ses i plattformen. En säker och effektiv dataöverföring mellan en blodsockermätare och LinkWatchs webbserver har gjorts för att utöka funktionaliteten på LinkWatch. Målet med projektet var att integrera en blodsockermätare med LinkWatch. Arbetet har utförts i programmeringsspråken Kotlin och Swift. För att få kunskap om dataöverföringen söktes information om bland annat standarden FHIR, Bluetooth Low Energy samt tidigare arbeten. Resultatet av arbetet är två applikationer, en för iOS och en för Android. Mobilapplikationerna kan koppla sig till blodsockermätaren via Bluetooth, överföra dess värden till mobilen samt skicka dessa till LinkWatchs webbserver. Applikationerna har enkla användargränssnitt och enkla layouter för att underlätta patientens användning av applikationerna. Använder patienten LinkWatch, kan patienten se sitt blodsockervärde tillsammans med andra vitalparametrar och på så sätt få en bra överblick över sin hälsa. Projektet är positivt för diabetiker och andra som är intresserade av hälsa. Tack vare den användarvänliga plattformen och mångsidigheten av LinkWatch, kan användare enklare kunna hålla koll på sitt blodsockervärde och göra livsviktiga åtgärder vid uppkomst av symtom. Vidare kan även vårdgivare ta del av information som LinkWatch lämnar ut för att exempelvis se trender i patientens blodsockervärden. Fördelarna med att dela data med vårdgivaren är bland annat reducerade kostnader och ökad trygghet hos patienterna. / During this project, a solution has been developed that promotes remote patient monitoring. As different medical products send data to their own platforms, it becomes troublesome for both the patient and the care provider to take and keep track of all the vital parameters. Hence a common platform, LinkWatch, has been developed. LinkWatch is a platform where all the patient's medical signs can be seen. To increase the functionality of LinkWatch, a secure and efficient data transfer between a blood glucose meter and LinkWatch’s web server has been established. The goal of this project was to integrate a blood glucose meter with LinkWatch. The programming languages Kotlin and Swift were used to develop the mobile applications. To gain knowledge about the data transfer, research was done to obtain information about the FHIR standard, Bluetooth Low Energy and previous work in the field. The results of the project are two applications, one for iOS and one for Android. The mobile applications can connect to the blood glucose meter with Bluetooth, transfer its values to the mobile phone and send these to LinkWatch’s web server. When the records are in LinkWatch’s system, the patient is able to see their glucose levels along with other vital parameters. This project will have a major impact on patients with diabetes and others who are interested in health. Thanks to the user-friendly platform and the flexibility of LinkWatch, users of the application will be able to more easily keep track of their blood sugar value and take early action in the event of symptoms. Furthermore, health care providers can also take part in information that LinkWatch will provide, for example see trends in the patient's blood sugar values. The benefits with sharing data with the health care providers are cost reductions and increased patient satisfaction.

An Extensible Component-Based Architecture for Web-Based Simulation Using Standards-Based Web Browsers

Myers, David S. 23 September 2004 (has links)
Web-based simulation (WBS) systems offer tradeoffs between user interactivity and hardware requirements striking to seek a balance between the differing concerns. Server-based systems offer little interactivity or concurrent visualization capabilities, while client-based systems have increased hardware requirements asking the user to provide high-end workstations. Concurrent visualization of simulation output proves execution intensive, or unusable in some situations. Creating an execution efficient and user friendly WBS system greatly improves user experience while gaining all of the benefits inherent in a web-based system such as high accessibility and ease of maintenance. In order to provide a usable concurrent visualization WBS this thesis developed the Web-Based Queuing System Simulation System (WebQS3). WebQS3 splits the responsibilities of simulation execution and simulation visualization into a client-server environment; the client is responsible for the visualization display and server is responsible for simulation execution. The system differs from many previous WBS systems in that the client-side application is developed using web-standard technologies such as HTTP, XML, SVG, and ECMAScript instead relying on Java Applets and associated technologies. Using web-standards as the foundation of the client agent opens the visualization and model construction functionality to any user that accesses the application using a web browser while also making the application more scalable in terms of user load. Implementing the client with web-standards also included the development of an asynchronous client-server communication protocol as opposed to traditional synchronous communication protocols used by Java WBS systems. The asynchronous protocol demonstrates similar or better execution performance than similar synchronous communication protocols in most quality characteristics. By creating a WBS system using web-standards implemented in most modern web browsers any user may visit the WebQS3 site and have simulation tools available for use. Providing simulation services on the web makes eases the creation of simulation models my making the tools to readily available while facilitating information sharing and collaboration over the web. The WebQS3 system serves as a model to drive research in WBS systems away from proprietary Java technologies to web standards for front-end visualization technologies. / Master of Science

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