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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Identifiering av tjänstersutvecklingsprocess hos svenska banker : En kvalitativ studie om New Service Development och svenska bankers arbete med tjänsteinnovation.

Johansson, Maja, Parmar, Akash January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I linje med att digitaliseringen utvecklas har bankernas struktur påverkats. Tidigare forskning visat att den ekonomiska utvecklingen har drivits av innovation. Den ökande betydelsen av tjänster har medfört ett större fokus på tjänstens utvecklingsarbete. Tjänster är dock väldigt understigande och improduktivt utvecklade i jämförelse med produkter, vilket gör det svårt att generellt utveckla tjänster. Då utvecklingens syfte är att förstärka organisationens position på marknaden kan det vara intressant att se utvecklingsprocessen för svenska banker. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur svenska banker arbetar med tjänsteinnovation, hur deras utvecklingsprocess ser ut samt vad för svårigheter som uppstår i samband med detta. Studien syftar också till att undersöka huruvida New Service Development processen faktiskt används av svenska banker i praktiken. Vidare ska studien tillföra en ökad förståelse för svenska bankers utveckling av tjänster, hur dess utvecklingsprocess ser ut, samt vilka som är involverade. Detta med ett ursprung i NSD-processen. Metod: Undersökningen utgår från en kvalitativ metod, där den har genomförts med en flerfallstudie på fyra olika banker i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer via onlinemöte och e-mail. Intervjuerna utfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Därefter har materialet analyserats för att kunna upptäcka skillnader och likheter mellan bankerna. Slutsats: Vi ser uppenbara likheter mellan de fyra studerade bankerna att en New Service Development process inte används fullt ut hos någon av de. Därmed drar vi slutsatsen att NSD inte direkt används i praktiken hos svenska banker. Däremot kan vi se att vissa delar av bankernas utvecklingsprocess går att likna med utvecklingen av en NSD-process. Vidare också att bankerna tenderar till att arbeta med tjänsteinnovation på liknande sätt, men att utvecklingsprocessen inom tjänsterna är någorlunda specifik för vardera bank. / Background: In line with the development of digitalisation, the banks' structure has been affected. Previous research has shown that economic development has been driven by innovation. The growing importance of services has led to a greater focus on service development. However, services are very inferior and unproductively developed in comparison with products, which makes it difficult to generally develop services. As the purpose of the development is to strengthen the organization's position in the market, it may be interesting to see the development process for Swedish banks. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish banks’ work with service innovation, what their development process looks like and what difficulties arise in connection with this. The study also aims to investigate whether the New Service Development process is actually used by Swedish banks in practice. Furthermore, the study will provide an increased understanding of Swedish banks' development of services, how its development process looks like, and who is involved. This originates in the NSD process. Method: The survey is based on a qualitative method, where it has been conducted with a multiple case study at four different banks in Sweden. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with online meetings and e-mail. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Then, the material has been analyzed in order to detect differences and similarities between the banks. Conclusions: We see obvious similarities between the four banks studied that a New Service Development process is not fully used by any of them. Thus, we conclude that NSD is not directly used in practice by Swedish banks. On the other hand, we can see that certain parts of the banks' development process can be compared to the development of an NSD process. Furthermore, also that the banks tend to work with service innovation in a similar way, but that the development process within the services is fairly specific to each bank.

Innovativ tjänsteutveckling för fastighetsföretag : Metoder för att skapa nya tjänster som matchar interna och externa krav

Ardesjö Olsen-Lie, Fanny, Melin, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv finns det ett stort intresse av att utveckla innovativa tjänster då forskning visar att det skapar hållbara konkurrensfördelar. Fastighetsföretag arbetar med tjänsteutveckling för att fylla sina fastigheter och arbetar tätt ihop med sina kunder där efterfrågan styr utvecklingsprocessen. Föreliggande studie testar Wang & Tsais (2012) tjänsteutvecklingsmodell där metoderna tjänstekartläggning, ‘service blueprint’ och ‘axiomatic design’ utgör verktyg för fastighetsföretag. Med dessa metoder ska företaget identifiera kundernas behov och leverera en ny tjänst som uppfyller både interna och externa krav. Genom innovativ tjänsteutvecklingsprocess minskar på så sätt gapet mellan kunders förväntningar om vad företaget kan erbjuda för tjänster och fastighetsbolags uppfattningar om vilket behov kunderna har. Med denna utgångspunkt utformades studiens forskningsfrågor; -     Vilka tjänster kan fastighetsföretagen erbjuda för att matcha den efterfrågan som ställs av nyetablerade entreprenörer? -          Hur kan fastighetsföretag genom ’service blueprinting’, i ett nära samarbete med kunden, skapa innovativa tjänster med en långsiktig plan för lokalkontrakt? -          Hur arbetar fastighetsföretag med ’axiomatic design methodology’, för att konstruera tjänster som efterfrågas av nyetablerade entreprenörer, och på så sätt skapa hållbara konkurrensfördelar? / From a business perspective, there is a considerable interest in developing innovative services, as research shows that it creates sustainable competitive advantage. Real estate companies are working with service development to fill their properties and work closely with their customers where demand determines the development process. The present study tests the Wang & Tsai (2012) service development model where the methods service mapping, service blueprint and axiomatic design provides tools for real estate companies. With these methods, the company shall identify customer needs and deliver a new service that meets both internal and external requirements. Through innovative service development process, the gap between customers’ expectations of what services the company can offer and the real estate companies’ perceptions of what needs the customers have decreases. On this basis, the research questions of the study were designed; -          What services can property companies offer to match the demand made by newly established entrepreneurs? -          How can the real estate company through service blueprinting, in a close cooperation with the customer, create innovative service with a long-term plan for local contracts? -          How do real estate companies work with axiomatic design methodology, to construct the services demanded by newly established entrepreneurs, and thus create sustainable competitive advantage?

Utmaningar och möjligheter med en användarcentrerad utveckling av e-tjänster hos en myndighet

Rytiniemi, Agnes, Tervonen, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Denna fallstudie hade som syfte att undersöka utvecklingen av e-tjänster i en myndighet, med fokus på hur de kan anta ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt. Data har samlats in från myndighetsanställda som är involverade i utvecklingen av e-tjänster, genom en förstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data har sedan analyserats genom tematisk analys. Studien avslöjade att myndigheten står inför flera utmaningar när det gäller att implementera ett användarcentrerad praxis, på grund av begränsad kunskap om varför ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt är viktigt, varierande förutsättningar för att involvera interna och externa användare samt ett inåtvänt myndighetsperspektiv. Resultaten lyfter fram behovet av ett bättre stöd till de anställda inom myndigheten och fler utbildningar i tjänstedesign och användarcentrerad utveckling samt metoder för användarinvolvering. Genom att förbättra den interna kapaciteten och främja en användarcentrerad kultur kan myndigheten bättre anpassa sin e-tjänsteutveckling till användarnas behov och förväntningar.

Engaging Asian faith communities and counselling psychology perspectives in the development of older adult services

Thompson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
This mixed methods study investigates how counselling psychology perspectives can collaborate with the Sikh community in the development of Older Adult Psychology Services. 73 Sikh participants, aged 45-65 years contributed in English and Punjabi through interview, questionnaire or focus group at multiple community sites across 3 metropolitan boroughs in Sandwell. Qualitative data from validated scenarios and personal experience were analysed by a thematic approach informed by Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Master themes were identified for religion, quality of life and service development. The SF12v2 (Ware et al., 2005) is a measure of health and well-being which showed just below average population norms for physical and mental health components of well-being for the Sikh Community. The God Locus of Health Control Scale (Wallston et al., 1999) demonstrated religion‟s importance, and how karma is integral to Sikhs‟ understanding and management of health. 80.6% (N=31) prefer older adult service providers to account for their religious beliefs and counselling psychologists are recommended to address this request in their engagement with this community. Preferences in the modes of delivery, types of psychological intervention and aids to service uptake are provided with recommendations for clinical practice, training and future research.

Kundinvolvering vid tjänsteutveckling : En studie om bankers kundinvolvering i dendigitala tjänsteutvecklingen / Customer involvement in service development : A study about banks customer involvement in the digital servicedevelopment

Kettis, Per, Filip, Eriksson January 2017 (has links)
During the 21st century banks have been going through big changes due to both digitization and increase in competition from niche banks. Furthermore, there has been a decrease in customer satisfaction during the last decade. The purpose of this study is therefore to clarify how the banks act in their work to stay competitive by cater their customers’ needs through customer involvement. The objective of this study has been to conduct in-depth interviews with two of the four big banks of Sweden. In-depth interviews were chosen to, in the best way possible, examine the underlying factors, and how they act when involving customers.The results obtained from the in-depth interviews was then analysed starting from the framework of theory found about the subject to create a perception whether the banks’ work corresponds with the contemporary research about the subject of customer involvement and customer focus. The result from the analysis then gave the authors the insights that the banks where, in a much greater extent than was thought, where working with both customer involvement and questions about digitization. This through a clear customer focus and strategic planning of how to assimilate information about their customers. The conclusion of the study is that the banks’ work is in line with what the researchers are advocating in their research about how to cater to customers’ needs through customer involvement. The banks have thereby created a foundation from which they can develop services the in the best way possible cancreate satisfied customers. / Under 2000-talet har bankerna genomgått stora förändringar med utmaningar från såväl digitalisering och ökad konkurrens från mindre nischbanker. Ytterligare har bankernas kundnöjdhet minskat under det senaste decenniet. Den här studien syftar därför till att klargöra hur bankerna arbetar för att vidhålla sin konkurrenskraftighet genom att tillgodose kundens behov med kundinvolvering. Det genom att genomföra djupintervjuer med två av de fyra storbankerna. Djupintervjuer valdes för att på ett så bra sätt som möjligt undersöka de bakomliggande faktorerna samt hur arbetet med deras kundinvolvering faktiskt ser ut. Resultatet som erhölls från djupintervjuerna har sedan analyserats med utgångspunkt från de teoretiska referensramar som sammansatts. Det för att skapa en uppfattning om huruvida bankernas arbete överensstämmer med den moderna forskningen kring kundinvolvering och kundfokus. Resultatet från analysen gav författarna insikten om att bankerna, i en långt vidare utsträckning än vad som uppfattats, arbetar med såväl kundinvolvering som frågor om digitalisering. Det genom tydlig kundfokus och strategiska planer för att tillgodogöra sig av kundens information. Studiens slutsats är att bankerna arbetar i det led forskarna förespråkar i sin forskning kring hur kundens behov till bästa sätt tillgodoses genom kundinvolvering. Bankerna har därmed skapat sig en grund till att utveckla tjänster som på bästa sätt skapar nöjda kunder.

Entwicklungspfad Service Engineering 2.0

Meyer, Kyrill, Böttcher, Martin 16 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das Service Engineering hat sich innerhalb der letzten Jahre zunehmend als eine wissenschaftliche Fachdisziplin etabliert. Das vorliegende Heft bietet in kompakter Form einen kurzen Abriss über die Entwicklung dieses Bereiches der Wissenschaft und kondensiert die Grundideen und bisher in der Forschung betrachteten Aspekte. Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine Auseinandersetzung mit neuen Anforderungen seitens der veränderten Dienstleistungswirtschaft. Aus diesen ergibt sich, dass bisherige Ansätze des Service Engineerings grundlegend weiterentwickelt und neue Ansätze bereitgestellt werden müssen. Diese bilden die Entwicklungspfade für ein Service Engineering 2.0.

Utveckling av en integrerad tjänst : En fallstudie inom kollektivtrafikbranschen

Sundström, Erik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Studies of service development have mostly focused on isolated projects or processes. Little attention has been paid to the historical, political and business contexts, and, much emphasis has been put on the development of new services in relation to the re-bundling of existing services. The main purpose of this dissertation is therefore to describe and understand the development of an integrated service including context factors. An integrated service is built on two or more existing services. Two research questions are formulated: one focusing on what is being developed (i.e. the integrated service) and the other on how the integrated service is being developed. The dissertation contributes to the theoretical field of service research in the area of service development.</p><p>A suitable case in the business context of a public transport authority in Sweden was chosen for the purpose. An in-depth, longitudinal study was carried out, spanning ten years. A combination of deductive and inductive approaches was used in the analysis.</p><p>The empirical results show that the service concept was designed by the owners within the economic and technical restrictions at hand. Some adjustments were made but in practice there was little focus on the customers’ needs and demands. The theoretical contributions are summed up in two models which describe an integrated service (“what”) and the development process of an integrated service (“how”). The model of an integrated service is based on a service platform consisting of integrated resources and service processes corresponding to the customers’ primary needs. Different supporting services are developed, corresponding to the customers’ secondary needs. The supporting services strive for customisation and are designed in flexibility. The model of the development process illustrates that the development of an integrated service can be described and understood as a process consisting of activities of breaking up and integrating service pre-requisites, the internal service infrastructure and factors related to a stakeholder network. The process of breaking up and integrating, propelled by stakeholders, is described and understood as change pressure.</p>

Utveckling av Servicekvalitet och Tjänsteleverans vid Köpcentrum : En Uppföljande och Fördjupande Studie vid Steen & Ström Sverige / Development of Service Quality and Delivery at Shopping Malls : A Follow up and In-dept Study at Steen & Ström Sweden

Brigelius, Therese, Pollack, Johan January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Utveckling av en integrerad tjänst : En fallstudie inom kollektivtrafikbranschen

Sundström, Erik January 2006 (has links)
Studies of service development have mostly focused on isolated projects or processes. Little attention has been paid to the historical, political and business contexts, and, much emphasis has been put on the development of new services in relation to the re-bundling of existing services. The main purpose of this dissertation is therefore to describe and understand the development of an integrated service including context factors. An integrated service is built on two or more existing services. Two research questions are formulated: one focusing on what is being developed (i.e. the integrated service) and the other on how the integrated service is being developed. The dissertation contributes to the theoretical field of service research in the area of service development. A suitable case in the business context of a public transport authority in Sweden was chosen for the purpose. An in-depth, longitudinal study was carried out, spanning ten years. A combination of deductive and inductive approaches was used in the analysis. The empirical results show that the service concept was designed by the owners within the economic and technical restrictions at hand. Some adjustments were made but in practice there was little focus on the customers’ needs and demands. The theoretical contributions are summed up in two models which describe an integrated service (“what”) and the development process of an integrated service (“how”). The model of an integrated service is based on a service platform consisting of integrated resources and service processes corresponding to the customers’ primary needs. Different supporting services are developed, corresponding to the customers’ secondary needs. The supporting services strive for customisation and are designed in flexibility. The model of the development process illustrates that the development of an integrated service can be described and understood as a process consisting of activities of breaking up and integrating service pre-requisites, the internal service infrastructure and factors related to a stakeholder network. The process of breaking up and integrating, propelled by stakeholders, is described and understood as change pressure.

Value-Added Services in Third-Party Logistics : A study from the TPL providers’ perspective about value-added service development, driving forces and barriers

Atkacuna, Ilze, Furlan, Karolina January 2009 (has links)
Competition in the logistics service industry has constantly increased over the last decades which has lead to the traditional services offered by third-party logistics (TPL) providers becoming commodities and no longer offering attractive profit margins. When the company’s core product becomes a commodity, the company’s performance of supplementary services becomes vital for competitive advantage. The term “value-added service” is defined as a service adding extra feature, form or functions to the basic service and stands for all types of activities which are not directly based on services traditionally offered by TPL providers, i.e., transportation and warehousing. The term value-added service is mainly used in the logistics literature while supplementary service is used in the service management literature. Although value-added services can offer obvious advantages in form of customer lock-in and improved competitive advantage, such services are still offered at a low level and there is much space for development. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how TPL firms develop value-added services and to investigate what the driving forces and barriers for developing and providing such services are. In the frame of reference, literature within service management, outsourcing, third-party logistics, value-added services, innovation and learning have been used. In the thesis, an inductive research approach is used and qualitative study has been carried out by applying multiple case studies as a research strategy. The empirical material is gathered from three TPL providers: Bring Logistics Solutions, Aditro Logistics and Schenker Logistics. Data was collected through several interviews conducted at the three target companies and the findings have been analysed using the existing theory stated in the frame of reference. The main conclusions from analysing the development process of value-added services are that this process in most cases is initiated by customer request and that development of value-added service can occur both in the beginning or during an ongoing relationship, though a lack of information about a customer’s business in the beginning of the relationship can hinder the TPL provider to develop value-added services. Apart from the TPL provider and the customer, firms such as IT companies, transport suppliers and other companies can be involved in the development process. No formal innovation process is applied for developing value-added services. The main driving force behind value-added services is meeting customer demands. Lack of proactiveness from the TPL provider’s side can be a barrier for developing value-added services, as well as problems with achieving successful organizational learning. The difficulty for the TPL firm to coordinate offering so many different services can be also seen as a barrier.

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