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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Type Systems for Distributed Programs: Components and Sessions

Dardha, Ornela 19 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Modern software systems, in particular distributed ones, are everywhere around us and are at the basis of our everyday activities. Hence, guaranteeing their correctness, consistency and safety is of paramount importance. Their complexity makes the verification of such properties a very challenging task. It is natural to expect that these systems are reliable and above all usable. i) In order to be reliable, compositional models of software systems need to account for consistent dynamic reconfiguration, i.e., changing at runtime the communication patterns of a program. ii) In order to be useful, compositional models of software systems need to account for interaction, which can be seen as communication patterns among components which collaborate together to achieve a common task. The aim of the Ph.D. was to develop powerful techniques based on formal methods for the verification of correctness, consistency and safety properties related to dynamic reconfiguration and communication in complex distributed systems. In particular, static analysis techniques based on types and type systems appeared to be an adequate methodology, considering their success in guaranteeing not only basic safety properties, but also more sophisticated ones like, deadlock or livelock freedom in a concurrent setting. The main contributions of this dissertation are twofold. i) On the components side: we design types and a type system for a concurrent object-oriented calculus to statically ensure consistency of dynamic reconfigurations related to modifications of communication patterns in a program during execution time. ii) On the communication side: we study advanced safety properties related to communication in complex distributed systems like deadlock-freedom, livelock-freedom and progress. Most importantly, we exploit an encoding of types and terms of a typical distributed language, session π-calculus, into the standard typed π-calculus, in order to understand the expressive power of concurrent calculi with structured communication primitives and how they stand with respect to the standard typed concurrent calculi, namely (variants) of typed π-calculus. Then, we show how to derive in the session π-calculus basic properties, like type safety or complex ones, like progress, by encoding.

Beyond band : perspectives on the high school jam session

Southworth, Patricia Joan 05 1900 (has links)
This mixed-method case study examined effects of high school musicians' participation in the jam session, a student-directed, extracurricular music activity. The single case study site was a rural British Columbia high school exceptional for its support of jamming. Forty-four subjects, including 21 who fully met stated criteria for jammers, and 13 non-jamming subjects, were studied over a period of four months. The general research question was: Does participation in a band room jam session benefit students cognitively and motivationally? Specific research questions were: Do students who informally jam on various forms of music enhance their music skills in the perception and meaningful manipulation of music elements, and if so, how? In what ways does Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory explain the continued participation of students in the jam session? Three quantitative instruments were administered to 13 jammers capable of playing a Bb Concert scale on a melody instrument as well as to a comparable group of 13 non-jammers. These instruments included Gordon's Advanced Measures of Music Audiation (AMMA), Froseth's Test of Melodic Ear-to-Hand Coordination (TMEHC), and a researcher-developed test of ear-to-hand coordination (SOR). An ANOVA test showed no significant difference between jammer and non-jammer groups on AMMA scores (p<0.05). ANOVA showed a notable but not significant difference (p<0.056) between groups on the TMEHC, while a Repeated Measures Analysis of pre/post test TMEHC scores showed no effect of jamming over a period of 10 weeks. ANOVA showed a very clear difference between groups on the SOR (p<0.001). Qualitative data collected via journaling, interviews, observation, and participant-observer tasks indicated that jammers were perceiving and manipulating music elements in meaningful ways, and also supported Csikszentmihalyi's flow theory as an explanation for jam session participation. In particular, flow characteristics including transformation of time, loss of self-consciousness, and challenge/skill balance were both observed and reported. The role of the teacher, the presence of a music subculture, and the pseudo-curricular nature of jamming were noted as possible topics for further research.


Bagnara, Laura 14 December 2015 (has links)
This work is part of the umbrella project collaborative educational activities in school settings - ACECE (TICKS 2012), which constitutes a proposal for collaborative continuing education in such, as a theoretical and methodological perspective, allows, in the context of the investigated group (a public school in Santa Maria, RS), build a space for reflection, critique and negotiation, about the developed discursive practices, as well as the relation to the objectives previously defined by the social actors involved (in-service teachers in that school context and researchers from UFSM) (MAGALHÃES & GENTLEMAN, 2008, p. 114; MAGALHÃES, 2002, p 48). As part of this research, the present study investigates the reflection process developed during the theoretical and practical discussions (reflective sessions) developed over the continuing education program ACECE, in 2012, seeking to understand assumed teachers roles by the teachers and how these roles are configured lexicon grammatically. The corpus is consisted of transcripts of three (3) reflective sessions developed throughout 2012 in order to discuss the concept of literacy and to develop socially situated educational activities. For the analysis, we considered two textual characteristics: modality and evaluation (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003, p. 159), as these give an indication of the commitment of the participants with their texts. These categories were organized by Fairclough (2003), based on the contributions of Systemic Functional Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1994). The results in the analysis of the first section show an initial alignment of participants to two specific identity positions: engagement (60%) and non-engagement (40%) to the reflective process developed in the continuing education program. This initial alignment remains evident in the mid-reflective process, but with an engagement expansion of participants (71% of occurrence). We have identified, in the discourse of participants who took an engagement attitude to the reflective process throughout the continuing education program, two teachers roles. Specifically, these two roles are related to two images: as a centralizing teacher position in the learning process and a reflective teacher position. At the end of the reflective process, the analysis revealed an alignment of teachers to a single identity position: engagement to the reflective process developed in the continuing education program. Thus, in summary, through the Third reflection space (PASSIONI, 2012, p.180), the teachers promoted the development of reflective thinking spaces that resulted in (de/re) construction of their professional identity to assume discursively the role of reflective teachers. Finally, we hope that the actions developed at school can support other studies that focus on school context research and practices that may foster new initiatives of teachers continuing education (SILVA, 2014, p. 130). / Este trabalho integra o projeto guarda-chuva Atividades colaborativo-educacionais em contextos escolares A.C.E.C.E. (TICKS, 2012), o qual se constitui em uma proposta de formação continuada colaborativa na medida em que, como perspectiva teórico-metodológica, permite, no contexto do grupo investigado (uma escola pública de Santa Maria, RS), construir um espaço de reflexão, de crítica e de negociação sobre as práticas discursivas desenvolvidas, bem como sua relação com os objetivos previamente definidos pelos atores sociais em questão (professoras em serviço atuando no referido contexto escolar e pesquisadores da UFSM) (MAGALHÃES & FIDALGO, 2008, p. 114; MAGALHÃES, 2002, p. 48). Como parte desta investigação, a presente pesquisa analisa o processo reflexivo desencadeado durante as discussões teórico-práticas (sessões reflexivas) desenvolvidas ao longo do curso de formação continuada A.C.E.C.E, no ano de 2012, procurando desvelar os papéis docentes assumidos pelas professoras participantes e como estes se configuram léxico-gramaticalmente. O corpus foi constituído por transcrições de três (3) sessões reflexivas desenvolvidas ao longo de 2012, a fim de problematizar o conceito de letramento e desenvolver atividades pedagógicas socialmente situadas. Para a análise, levamos em consideração duas características textuais: a modalidade e a avaliação (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003, p. 159), uma vez que estas dão indicação do comprometimento das participantes com seus textos. Essas categorias foram organizadas por Fairclough (2003), com base nas contribuições oferecidas pela Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994). Os resultados da análise da primeira sessão revelam um alinhamento inicial das participantes a duas posições identitárias específicas: de engajamento (60%) e não engajamento (40%) ao processo reflexivo desenvolvido no programa de formação continuada. Esse alinhamento inicial continua evidente na metade do processo reflexivo, mas com expansão do engajamento das participantes (71% de ocorrência). Identificamos, no discurso das participantes que assumiram uma atitude de engajamento ao processo reflexivo constituído pelo programa de formação continuada, dois papéis docentes. Especificamente, esses dois papéis estão relacionados a duas imagens; de professora centralizadora do processo de aprendizagem e de professora reflexiva. Ao final da caminhada reflexiva, a análise revelou um alinhamento das professoras a uma única posição identitária: de engajamento ao processo reflexivo desenvolvido no curso de formação continuada. Assim e em síntese, por meio do Terceiro Espaço de reflexão (PASSIONI, 2012, p.180), as professoras promoveram espaços de desenvolvimento do pensamento reflexivo que resultou na (des/re)construção da identificação profissional das professoras participantes que, no discurso, mostram assumir o papel de professoras reflexivas. Por fim, esperamos que as ações desenvolvidas na escola possam subsidiar outros estudos que se concentrem na investigação do contexto escolar e que possam fomentar novas iniciativas de formação continuada de professores (SILVA, 2014, p. 130).

Fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos associados ao comportamento exploratório de ratos submetidos ao teste e reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado / Hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors associated with the exploratory behavior of rats submitted to the test and retest session in the elevated plus maze

Lucas Albrechet de Souza 05 August 2010 (has links)
O protocolo de teste/reteste no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE) mostra que a experiência prévia no labirinto produz alterações duradouras nas respostas comportamentais de roedores. Nesse contexto, ratos submetidos ao LCE pela primeira vez apresentam um aumento característico na exploração dos braços abertos e uma redução dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco após a administração de drogas ansiolíticas. Na reexposição ao labirinto, porém, essas drogas tornam-se ineficazes em alterar as medidas tradicionais do LCE. Esse fenômeno foi inicialmente observado com o benzodiazepínico clordiazepóxido e referido como one-trial tolerance (tolerância de um ensaio OTT). A proposta do presente estudo é compreender a OTT por meio do exame dos fatores hormonais, cognitivos e neuroanatômicos envolvidos nesse fenômeno. A administração sistêmica do benzodiazepínico midazolam ou de metirapona, um bloqueador da síntese de glicocorticóides, reduziu a frequência dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco e dos níveis plasmáticos de corticosterona quando injetados antes das sessões teste ou reteste. Além disso, a reexposição de ratos ao LCE foi caracterizada por uma avaliação de risco mais proeminente, de acordo com a análise fatorial, e pela ativação de estruturas límbicas envolvidas com aspectos cognitivos do medo, como a região ventral do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFm) e a amígdala, mostrada por meio da distribuição da proteína Fos. Midazolam administrado antes da primeira exposição ao LCE produziu uma redução significativa do número de neurônios Fos-positivos no córtex cingulado anterior, área 1 (Cg1) e nos núcleos anterior e pré-mamilar dorsal do hipotálamo. Por outro lado, midazolam causou uma redução no número de neurônios Fos-positivos no CPFm, amígdala, núcleo dorsomedial do hipotálamo e núcleos da rafe em ratos reexpostos ao LCE. Cg1 foi a única estrutura-alvo do benzodiazepínico em ambas as sessões. Resultados comportamentais similares aos produzidos pelo tratamento sistêmico foram obtidos com infusões de midazolam intra-Cg1. Esses resultados apontam para um papel crucial dos comportamentos de avaliação de risco no desenvolvimento da OTT e indicam o Cg1 como um importante sítio de ação ansiolítica dos benzodiazepínicos em roedores. / The elevated plus maze (EPM) test/retest protocol has shown that prior experience to the maze produces enduring changes in behavioral responses of rodents. In this context, rats submitted for the first time to the EPM display a characteristic increase in open arm exploration and reduced risk assessment behaviors after the administration of anxiolytic drugs. Upon re-exposure to the maze, however, these drugs become unable to change the traditional measures of the EPM. This phenomenon was initially observed with the benzodiazepine chlordiazepoxide and referred to as one-trial tolerance (OTT). The purpose of the present study is to understand the OTT through the exam of the hormonal, cognitive and neuroanatomical factors involved in this phenomenon. The systemic administration of the benzodiazepine midazolam or metyrapone, a glucocorticoids synthesis blocker, reduced the frequency of risk assessment behaviors and the corticosterone levels when injected before the test or retest sessions. Moreover, the re-exposure of rats to the EPM was characterized by more prominent risk assessment behaviors, according to the factor analysis, and by activation of limbic structures involved with cognitive aspects of fear, such as the ventral regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and amygdala, as shown through the distribution of the Fos protein. Midazolam injected before the first exposure to the EPM produced a significant decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), anterior and dorsal premammillary nuclei of hypothalamus. On the other hand, midazolam caused a decrease in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the mPFC, amygdala, dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus and raphe nuclei in rats re-exposed to the EPM. Cg1 was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both sessions. Behavioral results similar to those produced by systemic treatment were obtained with intra-Cg1 infusions of midazolam. These results point to a crucial role of the risk assessment behaviors in the development of the OTT and indicate the Cg1 as an important locus for the anxiolytic-like action of benzodiazepines in rodents.

Caracterização da carga de treinamento no voleibol de alto rendimento

Horta, Thiago Andrade Goulart 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-16T14:12:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 thiagoandradegoularthorta.pdf: 3150102 bytes, checksum: d853bc7c45c17025698a153fb99323db (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-02-26T12:36:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 thiagoandradegoularthorta.pdf: 3150102 bytes, checksum: d853bc7c45c17025698a153fb99323db (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-26T12:36:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 thiagoandradegoularthorta.pdf: 3150102 bytes, checksum: d853bc7c45c17025698a153fb99323db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / A quantificação e a distribuição adequada das cargas de treinamento, somados a análise de marcadores de estresse e rendimento envolvidos no processo de treinamento, são fundamentais para que ocorram as adaptações psicofisiológicas específicas e o aumento de rendimento dos atletas. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve os seguintes objetivos 1) analisar o comportamento das variáveis bioquímicas, psicológicas e de rendimento em quatro momentos do período preparatório de treinamento; 2) analisar o perfil da carga de treinamento de diferentes períodos, semanas e posições no voleibol masculino de alto rendimento; e 3) analisar a influência do salto vertical na percepção da carga de treinamento no voleibol de alto rendimento. Os objetivos 1 e 2 tiveram a mesma amostra composta de 16 atletas do sexo masculino (26,9 ± 4,6 anos, 94,9 ± 11,6 Kg, 194,6 ± 8 cm e 14,3 ± 4,8 % de gordura) pertencentes a equipe de voleibol da UFJF; já o objetivo 3 contou com atletas de outra temporada de treinamentos composto por 15 atletas do sexo masculino ( 27,7 ± 4,4 anos, 95,2 ± 4,9 Kg, 196,1 ± 4,2 cm e 11,6 ± 3,7 % de gordura) pertencentes a mesma equipe da UFJF. Foi observado diferença estatisticamente significativa nos 4 momentos analisados do período preparatório de treinamento composto por 7 semanas para carga de treinamento semanal total (CTST) e creatina quinase (CK), sem alterações significativas no teste de salto vertical, Testosterona (T), Cortisol (C) e razão T/C. A análise do estado de estresse e recuperação dos atletas através do RESTQ-76 Sport, apresentou diferença significativa apenas em duas escalas do questionário, Bem Estar e Lesões. Foi observada maior carga de treinamento diário (CT) no período preparatório em relação ao período competitivo I e II; na análise da CT das semanas, sem jogo, com 1 jogo, e com 2 jogos, foram encontradas diferenças significativas, com a CT da semana sem jogo apresentando maior valor em relação as semanas com jogos; e em relação as posições de atuação foram observadas diferenças significativas dos Ponteiros em relação as outras posições com exceção dos Levantadores. Por fim, foi observado que os levantadores apresentaram o maior número de saltos verticais totais (119,2 ± 48,5 saltos) com diferença significativa em relação às demais posições, e não houve diferença significativa entre as posições em relação ao salto de ataque (oposto, ponteiro, central respectivamente / 34,6 ± 16,9; 31,3 ± 15,6; e 31,7 ± 19,0 saltos). Em relação às correlações entre a PSE dos atletas e o número de saltos verticais, foram encontradas correlações entre PSE e salto de ataque (r = 0,44) para opostos, e (r = 0,34) para ponteiros; e correlação positiva entre a PSE e saltos de ataque no treinamento tático (r = 0,36). Conclui-se, que a creatina quinase se mostrou sensível às alterações nas cargas de treinamento, enquanto que a testosterona, cortisol, teste de salto vertical e RESTQ-76 Sport não apresentaram sensibilidade em refletir o estresse imposto ao organismo dos atletas submetidos ao processo de treinamento. Maiores cargas de treinamento foram apresentadas no período preparatório e na semana sem jogo em relação às semanas com um e dois jogos, além disso, os ponteiros apresentaram maiores valores de cargas de treinamento diárias em relação ás outras posições de atuação. O salto vertical mostrou ter influência de baixa a moderada magnitude na carga interna apresentada pelos atletas de voleibol através da PSE, com outras variáveis podendo ter contribuição no valor da PSE reportada pelos atletas de voleibol. / The quantification and distribution of adequate training loads, plus analysis of stress markers and performance involved in the training process, are fundamental to occur specific psychophysiological adaptations and increased athletes´ performance. Thus, the dissertation had the following aims 1) to analyze the behavior of biochemical, psychological and performance variables at four times the preparatory period training, 2) analyze the load profile of different periods, weeks and positions in men's volleyball high performance, and 3) analyze the influence of the vertical jump in the perception of training load in volleyball high performance. In purposes 1 and 2 had the same sample consisting of 16 male athletes (26.9 ± 4.6 years, 94.9 ± 11.6 kg, 194.6 ± 8 cm and 14.3 ± 4.8 % fat) belonging to volleyball team UFJF; in purpose 3 had athletes from another season of training consisted of 15 male athletes (27.7 ± 4.4, 95.2 ± 4.9 kg, 196.1 ± 4.2 cm and 11.6 ± 3.7 % fat) belonging to the same UFJF team. Statistically significant difference was observed in 4 of the time points analyzed preseason training composed of 7 weeks for total weekly training load (TWTL) and creatine kinase (CK), no significant changes in the vertical jump test, testosterone (T), cortisol (C), the T/C. The analysis of the state of stress and recovery of athletes by RESTQ -76 Sport, showed a significant difference in only two scales of the questionnaire, Welfare and Injury. The greater daily training load (TL) was observed in the preparatory period for competitive period I and II; and in the analysis of TL weeks without playing, with one game and two game, significant differences were found, TL of the week with no game featuring higher value compared with the weeks games; and relative positions in expertise were observed significant differences of Pointers regarding other positions except the Setters. Finally, it was observed that the setters had the highest number of total vertical jumps (119.2 ± 48.5 jumps) with a significant difference from the other positions, and there was no significant difference between the positions in relation to attack jump (opposite, outside hitter and middle blocker) respectively 34,6 ± 16.9; 31.3 ± 15.6; 31.7 ± 19.0 jumps) . Regarding the correlations between RPE athletes and the number of vertical jumps, correlations between RPE and jump attack (r = 0.44) were found to opposite, and (r = 0.34) for pointers, and positive correlation between RPE and attack jumps the tactical training (r = 0.36). It is concluded that creatine kinase was sensitive to changes in training loads, while testosterone, cortisol, vertical jump test and RESTQ-76 Sport showed no sensitivity to reflect the stress imposed on the body of athletes subjected to the process training. Higher training loads were presented at the preparatory period and the week without game for weeks one and two games, in addition pointers showed higher loads of daily training in relation to other positions of action. The vertical jump showed influence of low to moderate magnitude in the internal load presented by the volleyball players through the RPE, with other variables may have contribution in the amount of RPE reported by volleyball players.

Middleware para migração de sessões de interação de aplicações Web: suporte para o desenvolvimento de aplicações Web migráveis / Middleware for Web applications interaction session migration: support to migratable Web application development

Lima, Vinícius Bulhões da Silva 25 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-20T11:22:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Vinícius Bulhões da Silva Lima - 2017.pdf: 1288600 bytes, checksum: 399c59b930da350822c70cfe23640219 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-02-20T12:27:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Vinícius Bulhões da Silva Lima - 2017.pdf: 1288600 bytes, checksum: 399c59b930da350822c70cfe23640219 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-20T12:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Vinícius Bulhões da Silva Lima - 2017.pdf: 1288600 bytes, checksum: 399c59b930da350822c70cfe23640219 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Nowadays, it is common to find a variety of powerful devices which execute applications that were only supported by machines that were traditionally more capable, such as desktop PCs. Due to the variety of plataforms and operating systems, which exhibit different available resources and user interaction methods, applications need to be provided in different versions. As a result, users work with the same application on different devices, at different locations and at different times of the day. Facing these user's new possibilities, applications need support to allow users to easily switch from one device to another and resume their tasks at the same point where they stopped. This work introduces a middleware architecture that can be used by web applications to acquire the interaction session migration capability. Thus, web applications' interaction sessions, and their related data, can be migrated from one device to another in an automatic and seamless way. A middleware platform was designed and implemented in order to evaluate the proposed approach. Also, it is evaluated the effect of transfer mechanisms on the handoff process of the interaction session application. / O mercado oferece vários dispositivos com capacidade de processamento suficiente para executar aplicações que anteriormente eram apenas suportadas por máquinas mais robustas, como os computadores de mesa. Tais aplicações possuem diferentes versões finais para cada plataforma e sistema operacional, pois os recursos como capacidade de processamento, armazenamento e periféricos mudam e a interação com o usuário varia de acordo com esses recursos. Essa diversidade possibilita usuários trabalharem com a mesma aplicação em diferentes dispositivos, em diferentes locais e durante diferentes períodos do dia. Com essas possibilidades oferecidas ao usuário, as aplicações necessitam de suporte para que os usuários possam facilmente mudar de um dispositivo para outro e continuar suas tarefas no mesmo ponto no qual pararam. As aplicações Web estão crescendo em popularidade entre os usuários e também podem se beneficiar do suporte para mudar o dispositivo no qual interagem com o usuário. Este trabalho apresenta a arquitetura de um middleware por meio do qual aplicações Web podem adquirir a capacidade de migrar sessões de interação com o usuário. Como resultado, as sessões de interação das aplicações Web, juntamente com os dados relacionados a elas, podem ser transferidas de um dispositivo para outro de forma automática e transparente. Uma implementação da proposta do middleware foi feita a fim de avaliar a abordagem. Também é avaliado o efeito da escolha do mecanismo de transferência para o envido dos dados relacionados a sessão de interação da aplicação.

Comparação entre diferentes parâmetros de controle da carga interna e externa de treinamento, recuperação e rendimento em atletas de natação

Andrade, Francine Caetano de 11 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-31T12:34:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 francinecaetanodeandrade.pdf: 975998 bytes, checksum: 187163df36d3d3d5dec09c56b2ed10ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T02:56:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 francinecaetanodeandrade.pdf: 975998 bytes, checksum: 187163df36d3d3d5dec09c56b2ed10ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T02:56:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 francinecaetanodeandrade.pdf: 975998 bytes, checksum: 187163df36d3d3d5dec09c56b2ed10ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-11 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente estudo teve como objetivos 1) comparar a percepção da intensidade da carga de treinamento planejada pelo técnico com a intensidade percebida pelos atletas; 2) analisar a relação entre a carga externa de treinamento representada pelo volume e intensidade e a carga interna obtida pela PSE da sessão; e 3) verificar o comportamento do estado de recuperação e dos níveis de rendimento em função das cargas externas e internas em atletas juvenis de natação. Participaram do estudo 17 atletas juvenis de natação de ambos os sexos (15,2 ± 0,57 anos; 59,7 ± 5,7 kg e 170,1 ± 6,3 cm). Diariamente, antes da sessão de treinamento, os atletas responderam a escala de TQR e o treinador respondeu a Escala de PSE conforme planejou seu treino. Ao final de cada sessão, os atletas responderam a Escala de PSE e o treinador anotou o volume total a intensidade e a duração da sessão. Os atletas também responderam ao RESTQ no primeiro dia de coleta, após o Campeonato Estadual e após o Campeonato Nacional. Os resultados oficiais de cada atleta em cada prova foram convertidos em International Point Score (IPS), para análise do rendimento. Para a análise dos dados, utilizaram-se os programas estatístico Statistica (versão 8.0) e SPSS (versão 19.0) e nível de significância de 5% em todas as análises. Os principais achados indicaram que as maiores incompatibilidades entre as percepções de atletas de natação e seu treinador estão na categoria moderada. Porém, em intensidades extremas (treinos leves ou pesados) os atletas perceberam as sessões dentro do proposto. A carga interna apresentou maiores valores de correlação com o volume total nadado, além de a PSE da sessão sofrer maior influência das variáveis relacionadas ao volume aeróbio, do que das relacionadas ao volume anaeróbio. Houve aumento dos níveis de recuperação, apesar da não alteração do rendimento entre as três competições. Durante a competição principal, os atletas tinham uma menor autoeficácia, aceitação pessoal e qualidade do sono e um maior estresse geral, mas que não foram suficientes para alterar significativamente a relação recuperação-estresse do RESTQ. Sugere-se que futuros estudos correlacionem as variáveis de carga interna e externa também com variáveis fisiológicas, para verificar possíveis diferenças nos resultados. / The aim of this study was to 1) compare the perception of the training load intensity planned by the coach with the intensity perceived by athletes, 2) analyze the relationship between the external training load represented by the volume and intensity and internal load obtained by the session RPE, and 3) verify the behavior of the recovery state and performance levels from the external and internal loads in young swimming athletes. The sample consisted of 17 young swimming athletes of both genders (15.2 ± 0.57 years, 59.7 ± 5.7 kg and 170.1 ± 6.3 cm). Every day, before the training session, the athletes responded to TQR scale and the coach responded RPE scale as he planned workout. At the end of each session, the athletes responded to RPE scale and the coach noted the total session intensity and session duration. Athletes also responded to RESTQ in the first collection day, after the State Championship and after the National Championship. The official results of each athlete in each event were converted to International Point Score (IPS) for analysis of performance. For data analysis, we used the statistical software Statistica (8.0) and SPSS (19.0) and a significance level of 5% for all analyzes. The main findings indicated that the major incompatibilities between perceptions of swimmers and their coach are in the moderate category. However, in extreme intensities (light or heavy workouts) athletes realized within the proposed sessions. The internal load had higher correlation with the total volume swum, and the session RPE suffer greater influence of variables related to aerobic volume than anaerobic volume. There was an increase of the recovery levels, despite not change in performance between the three competitions. During the main competition, the athletes had a lower self-efficacy, personal acceptance and sleep quality and a greater overall stress, but were not sufficient to significantly alter the relationship of stress-recovery RESTQ. Suggest that future studies correlating internal and external training load variables with physiological variables, to check possible differences in results.

Quantificação da carga de treinamento, desempenho e respostas de marcadores enzimáticos, hormonais e psicométricos no futsal

Nogueira, Ruan Alves 10 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-05-12T11:02:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-06-27T19:29:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T19:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ruanalvesnogueira.pdf: 1615173 bytes, checksum: 07d5c7e68d297b4fb738f629f1c681c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-10 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente estudo teve como objetivos 1) comparar a resposta de marcadores enzimáticos, hormonais e psicométricos de três microciclos pertencentes a diferentes momentos da temporada de atletas de futsal e 2) verificar o comportamento de testes de rendimento em relação às adaptações dos atletas às cargas de treinamento após o período da pré-temporada no futsal. A amostra foi composta por 15 atletas do sexo masculino integrantes de uma equipe de futsal de alto rendimento. Anteriormente ao início das sessões da pré-temporada, os atletas foram submetidos à alguns testes de rendimento. Ao final da pré-temporada todos os jogadores repetiram o protocolo. Também foram analisados três microciclos não consecutivos da temporada, com ausência de jogos e posteriores a pelo menos dois dias de recuperação. Foram realizadas 4 coletas de dados, no primeiro dia de treinamento da equipe (baseline) e no último dia de treinamento de cada um dos 3 microciclos, consistindo em coleta sanguínea para análise dos níveis séricos de CK e dos valores dos hormônios Testosterona e Cortisol, além da aplicação da TQR e do RESTQ. Os principais achados indicaram que algumas escalas do RESTQ mostraram-se sensíveis às variações da carga. A Testosterona e o Cortisol não se constituíram como marcadores diretos da carga de treinamento. Verificou-se a necessidade de um acúmulo da carga para alterar a Razão T/C, enquanto a TQR mostrou ser uma ferramenta capaz de refletir agudamente o estado de recuperação do atleta após a aplicação das cargas. A CK necessita ser analisada em conjunto com outros marcadores para melhor interpretação das respostas. Dentre os testes aplicados, o Yo-yo Intermitent Recovery Test 2 (YYIR2) e o teste de salto vertical Squat Jump (SQJ) foram os únicos que apresentaram diferenças significantes durante a pré-temporada. / The aim of this study was to 1) compare the enzyme markers, hormonal and psychometric responses of three microcycles belonging to different moments of the soccer athletes season and 2) verify the behavior of the performance tests in relation to athletes adaptations to training loads after the futsal preseason. The sample was composed of 15 male athletes members of a futsal team high yield. Before the beginning of the pre-season training sessions, athletes were submitted to some performance tests. At the end of the preseason all players repeated the protocol. We also analyzed three nonconsecutive microcycles with no games and post at least two recovery days. Were performed 4 data collections on the team training first day (baseline) and on the training last day of each of the 3 microcycles, consisting of blood collection for analysis of serum CK and values of the testosterone and cortisol hormones. In addition, the athletes answered the TQR and RESTQ in these moments. The main findings indicated that some RESTQ scales were sensitive to load variations. Testosterone and Cortisol not constituted as direct training load markers. It’s necessary a training load accumulation to change the T/C ratio, while TQR shown to be a tool capable of acutely reflect the state of the athlete's recovery after the loads application. CK need to be conjunction analyzed with other markers for better interpretation of the responses. Among the tests, the Yo-yo intermitent Recovery Test 2 (YYIR2) and vertical jump test Squat Jump (SQJ) were the only significant difference that during the pre-season.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Exploratory Testing in Comparison with Scripted Testing

Pang, Huan, Latif, Noman January 2011 (has links)
Context: Exploratory Testing (ET) and Scripted Testing (ST) are two of the more commonly practiced manual testing approaches in industry. ST is a traditional testing approach in which testing is carried out by executing pre-designed test cases. While in ET, learning, test designing and test execution are carried out simultaneously. In many instances, ET and ST complement each other very well in projects; however, proponents of ET claim that ET is more cost-beneficial in comparison to ST. Moreover, a few studies have indicated that ET is more effective in defect detection. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been conducted to compare the costs and benefits of these two approaches. Objectives: The aim of this study was to conduct a qualitative Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of ET in comparison with ST. By comparing and analyzing these two testing approaches, this study attempts to aid in decision-making with respect to how resources should be allocated for ET and ST for certain projects. Methods: The factors of costs and benefits of ET and ST were identified by conducting six semi-structured interviews in industry. Based on the analysis of these factors, a CBA model is proposed. The academic and industrial evaluation of the proposed CBA model was performed by conducting five interviews with researchers and practitioners. In addition, a qualitative CBA of a process of ET, Session-Based Testing Management (SBTM), and a process of ST, Test-Case Based Testing (TCBT) is conducted by collecting data through questionnaires and interviews with industry practitioners. A total of 22 questionnaire responses and seven interviews were analyzed. Results: By analyzing the identified cost and benefit factors, a CBA model was developed based on the testing phases stated in the ISO/IEC 29119 standard. A qualitative CBA of the SBTM process in comparison with the TCBT process was conducted by applying the CBA model in a questionnaire. The following findings were gathered from the CBA: • The differences of the SBTM and TCBT processes are identified by an analysis of the activities performed in various organizations, which the respondents belonged to. • The results of the analysis and comparison, of the costs (in terms of effort) and benefits (quality of the testing activities) of these two testing processes, are presented with respect to each testing phase. • The factors that impact the costs and benefits of using SBTM and TCBT, are summarized and discussed in this report. • The scenarios, in which SBTM and TCBT can be more cost-beneficial, are identified based on practitioners’ opinions. Conclusions: According to the survey results, industry practitioners consider SBTM as more cost-beneficial in comparison with TCBT, particularly in the test design, implementation and test execution phases. However, industry practitioners also stressed that ET should not be considered as a replacement for ST. In some contexts, testing objectives are better achieved through a more scripted approach, while, in other contexts, testing objectives will benefit more from the ability to create and improve tests as they are being executed. Whether a testing approach is valuable or cost-beneficial also depends on the context of project and the required benefits.

Enabling Multimedia Services over Wireless Multi-Hop Networks

Cavalcanti de Castro, Marcel January 2009 (has links)
With the constant development of wireless technologies, the usageof wireless devices tends to increase even more in the future.Wireless multi-hop networks (WMNs) have emerged as a keytechnology to numerous potential scenarios, ranging from disasterrecovery to wireless broadband internet access. The distributedarchitecture of WMNs enables nodes to cooperatively relay othernode's packets. Because of their advantages over other wirelessnetworks, WMNs are undergoing rapid progress and inspiringnumerous applications. However, many technical issues still existin this field. In this thesis we investigate how Voice over IP(VoIP) and peer-to-peer (P2P) application are influenced bywireless multi-hop network characteristics and how to optimizethem in order to provide scalable communication.We first consider the deployment of VoIP service in wirelessmulti-hop networks, by using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)architecture. Our investigation shows that the centralized SIParchitecture imposes several challenges when deployed in thedecentralized wireless multi-hop environment. We find that VoIPquality metrics are severely degraded as the traffic and number ofmultiple hops to the gateway increase. In the context ofscalability, we further propose four alternative approaches whichavoid current limitations.In the second part of this thesis we tackle the network capacityproblem while providing scalable VoIP service over wirelessmulti-hop networks. The performance evaluation shows the influenceof intra and inter-flow interference in channel utilization, whichdirect impacts the VoIP capacity. In order to avoid the small VoIPpacket overhead, we propose a new adaptive hop-by-hop packetaggregation scheme based on wireless link characteristics. Ourperformance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme can increasethe VoIP capacity by a two-fold gain.The study of peer-to-peer applicability over wireless multi-hopnetworks is another important contribution. A resource lookupapplication is realized through structured P2P overlay. We showthat due to several reasons, such as characteristics of wirelesslinks, multi-hop forwarding operation, and structured P2Pmanagement traffic aggressiveness the performance of traditionalP2P applications is rather low in wireless multi-hop environments.Therefore, we suggested that a trade-off between the P2P lookupefficiency and the P2P management traffic overhead can be achievedwhile maintaining the overlay network consistency in wirelessmulti-hop networks.

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