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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuell exploatering av barn på nätet : Hur välutrustade är olika sociala aktörer för att bemöta den nya problematiken?

Ahmad, Nora, Alhakim, Dina January 2021 (has links)
Sexuell exploatering av barn på nätet är ett fenomen som ökat substantiellt i takt med att internetanvändningen ökat i dagens samhälle. Forskning tyder på en ökning med ca 100 fall år 2020 jämfört med år 2019. Sexuell exploatering är i sig inte ett nytt fenomen, men den typen som sker via nätet kan betraktas som en ny form av exploatering som bör studeras närmare. Denna nya form av sexuell exploatering har bidragit till skapandet av en ny typ av förövare, som opererar anonymt och i många avseenden oreglerat. Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur välutrustade olika sociala aktörer som socialtjänst och fristående organisationer är för att bemöta barn som blivit sexuellt exploaterade på nätet samt identifiera vilka brister som förekommer i dagsläget. I arbetet genomförs sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma både inom socialtjänsten och fristående organisationer. Intervjuresultaten delas därefter in i fyra olika identifierade teman: Yrkesverksammas bemötande av utsatta barn, Är yrkesverksamma välutrustade för att bemöta barn som utsatts för sexuell exploatering via nätet?, Barn i riskzon för sexuell exploatering samt Olika typer av sexuell exploatering. Dessa teman analyseras, huvudsakligen utifrån systemteorin, foten-i-dörren metoden samt tidigare forskning inom ämnet, och även Barns-Behov-I-Centrum-arbetssättet (BBIC) då det genomsyrar socialtjänstens arbete med barn. / Sexual exploitation of children online is a phenomenon that has significantly increased in occurrence apace with the amplified use of the internet in today's society. Current research indicates an incline of about 100 more cases in 2020, compared to the year prior. Sexual exploitation in itself is not a new phenomenon, however the technology assisted exploitation can be considered a new form that needs more research. With a new problem follows the creation of a new type of perpetrator that operates anonymously and often unregulated. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how well-equipped different social work practitioners are to face this new phenomenon as well as to identify shortcomings that may exist. This study includes six semi-structured interviews with both social workers with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work and individuals within independent organizations targeting this phenomenon. The interview results were consequently divided into four different identified themes: Professionals' treatment of subjected children, Are professionals well-equipped to face children subjected to sexual exploitation online?, Children in risk zones, and Different types of sexual exploitation. The themes were subsequently analyzed, mainly on the basis of system- and the foot-in-the-door theory, previous research and Childrens-Needs-In-Center perspective (BBIC).

Happy ending? En studie i sexuell exploatering på thaimassagesalonger i Malmö

Bodis, Helena, Zadig, Josefina January 2019 (has links)
Flera olika källor har fastställt att många av Malmös thaimassagesalonger erbjudersexuella tjänster mot betalning. Syftet med denna studie har varit att delsundersöka hur omfattande den påstådda problematiken är samt att tydliggöravilken utsatthet en del av kvinnorna på salongerna lever i. En viktig del i studienhar varit att lyfta fram vilket stöd som professionella aktörer kan erbjuda dessakvinnor. Erfarenheter och kunskaper från de professionella aktörerna, bådefrivilligorganisationer, kommunala verksamheter samt myndigheter, har legat tillgrund för studiens resultat. Informationen har hämtats genom kvalitativaintervjuer med personal från ovan nämnda aktörer. Det framgår tydligt att detförekommer försäljning av sex på thaimassagesalonger i Malmö.Samtliga respondenter i intervjuerna bekräftar att många av kvinnorna på Malmösthaimassagesalonger lever i en särskild utsatthet. En beroendeställning gentemotsin arbetsgivare eller sin svenska man, tillsammans med en bristande kunskap omsvenska lagar och rättigheter, har varit det som bidragit till kvinnornaslivssituation. En rädsla för att mista sitt uppehållstillstånd har varit en faktor somökat deras beroendeställning. Enligt en del intervjupersoner kan arbetet med att nåut till denna målgrupp bli väsentligt mycket bättre. / Multiple sources determine that many of Malmö’s Thai massage parlours offersexual services. The goal of this study has been to investigate how extensive thealleged problem is, and to clarify the type of vulnerable situations some of thewomen working in the massage parlours live in. An important part on this studyhas been to highlight the type of support professionals can offer these women.Experiences and knowledge from professionals, voluntary organizations, andmunicipalities has been the bases for this study. Data has been gained throughqualitative interviews with professionals from the above mentioned actors. Theinterviews show that sexual services are sold in Thai massage parlours in Malmö.The interviewees confirm that many of the women that work in Thai massageparlours live in especially vulnerable situations. A combination of dependency ontheir employer, on a Swedish husband and a lack of understanding of Swedishlaws and rights, have contributed to these women’s vulnerability. A fear of losingtheir residency is a factor that has increased their dependency. According toseveral interviewees, outreach work toward this group can become substantiallyimproved.

Människohandel för sexuella ändamål: En problematisk lagstiftning?

Ekermann, Andrea, Ek, Cornelia January 2013 (has links)
Människohandel för sexuella ändamål regleras i 4 kap. 1a § BrB och innebär att någon genom olaga tvång, vilseledande, utnyttjande av någons utsatta belägenhet eller med annat sådant otillbörligt medel rekryterar, transporterar, överför, inhyser eller tar emot en person i syfte att exploatera honom eller henne för sexuella ändamål. I de fall där offret är under 18 år, döms gärningsmannen för människohandel även om denne inte använt sig av något sådant otillbörligt medel. Uppsatsens målsättning är att studera huruvida lagstiftningen rörande människohandel för sexuella ändamål har tillämpats sedan lagen infördes år 2002. Syftet med uppsatsen är således att studera om det förekommer någon förändring i brottsrubricering mellan åklagarens yrkande och domstolens beslut och varför denna eventuella förändring i brottsrubricering sker. Ett annat syfte är att föra en diskussion rörande polisens preventiva arbete gentemot brottet. Uppsatsen bygger på material i form av 41 domstolsavgöranden från Tingsrätt och Hovrätt mellan årtalen 2003 och 2012, där åtalet har gällt människohandel för sexuella ändamål. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i en kombination av två vetenskapliga metoder, juridisk metod och textanalys, samt en mindre litteratursökning. Sammanfattningsvis har det framkommit att lagstiftningen om människohandel för sexuella ändamål är svår att såväl tolka som att tillämpa. I hälften av åtalen sker en förändring av brottsrubricering och denna förändring är en direkt konsekvens av domstolens svårighet att styrka rekvisitet otillbörligt medel. Vidare behövs mer forskning kring tillämpningsproblematiken rörande lagstiftningen.

Kampen mot sexuell exploatering av barn på nätet : En kvalitativ diskursanalys av ECPAT Sveriges verksamhetsberättelser

Martini, Matilda, Ljungborg, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
Vi lever i ett samhälle där teknik och internet tar alltmer plats i vårt dagliga liv, särskilthos barn. Detta bidrar till en tillgänglighet som kan vara positiv på många sätt, men somockså kan leda till en hel del utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hurvillkoren sett ut för den ideella barnrättsorganisationen ECPAT Sveriges förebyggandearbete mot sexuell exploatering av barn på nätet. För att undersöka detta genomförs endiskursanalys. Studien har ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och bygger på ECPATSveriges verksamhetsberättelser mellan åren 2005–2022. De identifierade diskurserna ärekonomisk diskurs, utbildningsdiskurs, juridisk diskurs, globaliseringsdiskurs ochteknisk diskurs. Diskurserna analyseras med en diskursteori inspirerad av MichelFoucault (1972). Resultaten av analysen visade att villkoren präglas av både utmaningaroch möjligheter som främst kännetecknas av den tekniska utvecklingen i samhället,attityder gentemot problematiken och barns digitala verklighet, samt samarbeten medolika institutioner, civilsamhällsaktörer och allmänheten. Vi kunde se en avsaknad kringtidigare forskning som behandlar kommersialisering av barnpornografi ochbetalningsmetoder, framförallt nya, som används vid köp av barnpornografi på nätet.Avslutningsvis önskas ytterligare forskning kring problematiken sexuell exploatering avbarn på nätet då det är ett stort och aktuellt samhällsproblem. / We live in a society where technology and the internet take up a lot of space in our day-to-day life, especially for children. This contributes to an accessibility that can be positive in many ways, but that also can lead to a lot of challenges. The aim of thisstudy is to examine the conditions of the non-profit children’s rights organizationECPAT Sweden’s preventive work against sexual exploitation of children online, byconducting a discourse analysis. The study has a qualitative approach and is based onECPAT Sweden’s activity reports between the years of 2005-2022. The identifieddiscourses are economic discourse, education discourse, law discourse, globaldiscourse, and technical discourse. The discourses are analysed with a discourse theoryinspired by Michel Foucault (1972). The results of the analysis show that the conditionsare characterised by both challenges and opportunities which are mainly defined by thetechnical development in society, attitudes towards the problem and children’s digitalreality, and collaborations with various institutions, civil society actors and the public.We noticed a lack in previous research addressing the commercialization of childpornography and payment methods, especially new ones, that are used to purchase childpornography online. Finally, further research within the subject of sexual exploitation ofchildren online is requested as it is a major and current social problem.

Hur förebygger vi sexuell exploatering av barn? : En kvalitativ studie om det förebyggande arbetet i en mellanstor region i Sverige / How do we prevent sexual exploitation of children? : A qualitative study on the preventive work in a medium-sized region in Sweden

Kihlström, Ellinor, Nilsson, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Den sexuella exploateringen av barn är ett folkhälsoproblem som ökar både nationellt och internationellt. För att skydda barn i enlighet med barnkonventionen finns det ett behov av att arbeta förebyggande mot sexuell exploatering. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka aktörers erfarenheter av det förebyggande arbetet mot sexuell exploatering av barn i en mellanstor region i Sverige. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte användes kvalitativ metod. Urvalet gjordes som ett strategiskt urval och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet: Det förebyggande arbetet mot sexuell exploatering av barn i den studerade regionen präglas av samverkan och kunskap. Kunskap sprids mellan aktörer, men även till arbetets målgrupper. Arbetet har en bredd vad gäller arenor och målgrupper. I arbetet finns utmaningar kopplat till förebyggande arbete i sig, men även exempelvis resurser. Det regionala förebyggandet blir framgångsrikt genom bland annat samverkan och att ta hänsyn till regionala förutsättningar. Genom att arbeta förebyggande hoppas aktörer bidra till ett effektivt, långsiktigt och strategiskt arbete. Slutsats: Det förebyggande arbetet mot sexuell exploatering av barn i den studerade regionen är omfattande och inkluderar samhällsaktörer på olika nivåer. Intern och extern samverkan ses som grunden i det förebyggande arbetet. Detta är både en framgångsfaktor samtidigt som det kan skapa svårigheter i att koordinera arbetet effektivt. Trots att ämnet stundtals kan upplevas omfattande och svårhanterligt är det förebyggande arbetet en viktig del för att förhindra att barn inte drabbas av de konsekvenser som sexuell exploatering medför. Detta kan i sin tur skapa hälsovinster för den enskilda individen men också bidra till en social hållbar utveckling där folkhälsa samt samhällsekonomi gynnas. / Introduction: Sexual exploitation of children is a public health problem that is increasing both nationally and internationally. In order to protect children in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, there is a need to work preventively against sexual exploitation. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate professionals' experiences of the prevention against sexual exploitation of children in a medium-sized region in Sweden. Methods: In order to answer the aim of this study, a qualitative method was used. The selection was made as a strategic selection. Semi-structured interviews were used as data collection method. The analysis of collected material was done with qualitative content analysis. Results: The preventive work against sexual exploitation of children in the studied region is characterized by cooperation and knowledge. Knowledge is spread between professionals’, but also to the work's target groups. The work has a breadth in terms of arenas and target groups. In the work, there are challenges linked to preventive work in itself, but also, for example, resources. Regional prevention is successful through, among other things, collaboration and taking regional conditions into account. By working preventively, actors hope to contribute to effective, long-term, and strategic work. Conclusion: The preventive work against sexual exploitation of children in the studied region is extensive and includes social actors at different levels. Internal and external cooperation is seen as the basis of preventive work. This is both a success factor and at the same time it can create difficulties in coordinating the work effectively. Even though the subject can sometimes be experienced as extensive and difficult to handle, the preventive work is an important part of preventing children from suffering the consequences of sexual exploitation. This, in turn, can create health benefits for the individual, but also contribute to a sustainable social development where public health and social economy are benefited.

Criterios de aplicación para el delito de favorecimiento a la prostitución en los supuestos de comisión en establecimientos legalmente constituidos

Rosillo Delgado, Dalu Nicoll January 2024 (has links)
En este estudio de investigación, se aborda el delito de favorecimiento a la prostitución en establecimientos legales, proponiendo criterios de aplicación que aseguren una justa ejecución de la ley. La metodología utilizada incluye un análisis exhaustivo del delito en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico, así como su estudio en el derecho comparado en países como Chile, Argentina, Uruguay y Alemania. Los criterios propuestos se centran en proteger los derechos y el bienestar de las trabajadoras sexuales, garantizando su autonomía y evitando la explotación y el abuso. Se destaca la importancia de reconocer y valorar los establecimientos legales, así como el consentimiento informado de las trabajadoras sexuales. Con estos criterios de aplicación, se busca establecer un marco legal que brinde seguridad y protección a las trabajadoras sexuales, al tiempo que se previenen situaciones de explotación y abuso, asimismo evitar la criminalización injusta y promover un enfoque equilibrado que respete los derechos de todas las partes involucradas. / In this research study, the crime of favoring prostitution in legal establishments is addressed, proposing application criteria that ensure a fair execution of the law. The methodology used includes an exhaustive analysis of crime in our legal system, as well as its study in comparative law in countries such as Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Germany. The proposed criteria focus on protecting the rights and well-being of sex workers, guaranteeing their autonomy, and avoiding exploitation and abuse. The importance of recognizing and valuing legal establishments is highlighted, as well as the informed consent of sex workers. With these application criteria, it seeks to establish a legal framework that provides security and protection to sex workers, while preventing situations of exploitation and abuse, as well as avoiding unfair criminalization and promoting a balanced approach that respects the rights of all women. parties involved.

Mecanismos para elaboração de uma política pública visando à erradicação da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes no chamado turismo sexual na cidade do Rio de Janeiro

Veras, Thaísa Restani January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T18:56:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ACFF2.pdf: 673146 bytes, checksum: 00948fad214028772cd4866f5f357ebd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / The main objective of this dissertation is to propose mechanism in order to elaborate a public policy to eradicate child and teenage sexual exploitation at called sex tourism in Rio de Janeiro city. So, it is reflect upon theory of the theme, considering the situation of social vulnerability that major part of the population is located. Besides, defines the meaning of public policy in order to understand how they can help in the solution of the main problem. Data was collected through personal interviews based on unstructured script, to make possible the construction of a relation between a bibliographical review and an in loco perception of sex professionals about the subject. Therefore, it was possible to achieve the final objective and to propose themes for future studies. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal propor mecanismos para elaboração de uma política pública visando à erradicação da exploração sexual de crianças e adolescentes no chamado turismo sexual na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, faz-se reflexões teóricas sobre o tema, considerando a situação de vulnerabilidade social na qual se encontra grande parte da população. Além disso, define-se o significado de políticas públicas a fim de compreender como estas podem auxiliar na solução do problema proposto. Como procedimentos de coleta das informações, foram feitas entrevistas presenciais baseadas em roteiros não estruturados, que possibilitaram a construção de uma relação entre a revisão bibliográfica realizada e a percepção in loco das profissionais do sexo sobre o assunto. A partir disso, foi possível atingir ao objetivo final e propor temas para estudos futuros.

A critical analysis of human trafficking for sexual exploitation

Horne, Juanida Suzette 04 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted with the aim to critically analyse how the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation can be identified in order to develop practical guidelines to be used during the identification of this crime in South Africa. In this study the researcher conducted a review of pertinent literature, both international and national, to gain an understanding of the problem being researched. The explanatory sequential mixed-method design was used with the main purpose to use the qualitative data to help explain in more detail the initial quantitative results obtained. The explanatory sequential mixed-methods design assisted the researcher to follow a procedure whereby the mixed-mode survey design was applied to collect data through questionnaires. These questionnaires were in the form of mailed, self-administered surveys and in-person interviews with human trafficking provincial coordinators, police officials and investigators of human trafficking within the nine provinces country wide during the first quantitative phase of this study. The data were analysed and followed up during the second qualitative phase with interview schedules that were used in semi-structured one-on-one interviews with the following persons: police investigators working at the SAPS organised crime units who dealt with and investigated cases of human trafficking where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation; state prosecutors working at the National Prosecuting Authority who dealt with, identified and prosecuted human trafficking cases where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation in South Africa; NGOs who work in the field of counter-trafficking and victim assistance; and an international police investigator who dealt with, identified and investigated human trafficking cases where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation. The researcher is of the opinion that this study (analysing how the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation can be identified in order to develop practical guidelines to be used during the identification of this crime in South Africa) presents a significant contribution to the identification of human trafficking for sexual exploitation incidents in South Africa and subsequently presents practical guidelines that can be used during the identification of this phenomenon in South Africa. SUMMARY “Modern slavery – be it bonded labour, involuntary servitude, or sexual slavery – is a crime and cannot be tolerated in any culture, community, or country... [It] is an affront to our values and our commitment to human rights.” (US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Department of State, Trafficking in Persons Report, 2010) This study was conducted with the aim to critically analyse how the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation can be identified in order to develop practical guidelines to be used during the identification of this crime in South Africa. In this study the researcher conducted a review of pertinent literature, both international and national, to gain an understanding of the problem being researched. Relevant international legislation which informs South African legislation was accordingly considered in order to explain the current legal framework that forms the foundation to address this problem. A survey was conducted to gain insight into the phenomenon of human trafficking in South Africa. Thereafter interviews were conducted in order to understand the meaning provided by individuals to the problem researched. The researcher also explored how the federal police in Australia address the specific problem relating to the identification and investigation of human trafficking, as they have appointed a leading human trafficking task team focusing on this phenomenon in specific. Links and associations were identified through the knowledge and facts gained in this study, exploring past events and theories developed from former research relating to this topic. This formed the foundation of the study in order to describe and explain future application of findings emanating from this research. The explanatory sequential mixed-method design was used with the main purpose to use the qualitative data to help explain in more detail the initial quantitative results obtained. The explanatory sequential mixed-methods design assisted the researcher to follow a procedure whereby the mixed-mode survey design was applied to collect data through questionnaires. These questionnaires were in the form of mailed, self-administered surveys and in-person interviews with human trafficking provincial coordinators, police officials and investigators of human trafficking within the nine provinces country wide during the first quantitative phase of this study. The data were analysed and followed up during the second qualitative phase with interview schedules that were used in semi-structured one-on-one interviews with the following persons: police investigators working at the SAPS organised crime units who dealt with and investigated cases of human trafficking where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation; state prosecutors working at the National Prosecuting Authority who dealt with, identified and prosecuted human trafficking cases where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation in South Africa; NGOs who work in the field of counter-trafficking and victim assistance; and an international police investigator who dealt with, identified and investigated human trafficking cases where victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation. Through a critical analysis of the identification process of the phenomenon of human trafficking for sexual exploitation, the purpose of this research was to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon and establish, develop and provide practical guidelines, procedures and recommendations to the South African Police Service to identify these cases more successfully. The specific research objectives and research questions answered in this study to address the research aim were divided into five categories:  Explore and describe the phenomenon of human trafficking.  Determine the nature and extent of the legal arena to criminalise human trafficking, to prevent human trafficking, and to protect trafficking victims upon which South African legislation is based.  Explain how the identification of the phenomenon of human trafficking fits into the policing process.  Explore the current situation regarding the procedures followed to identify the phenomenon of human trafficking for sexual exploitation.  Develop practical guidelines, procedures and recommendations for police officials to identify human trafficking for sexual exploitation incidents more successfully. The trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual purposes lies in the expansion and ever growing sexual entertainment industry, which is most importantly a demand-driven phenomenon. The exploitation of victims for profit through the use of force, fraud or coercion remains the common denominator of this crime and the trade of human beings continues to evolve into new and more multifaceted forms of exploitation, using debt contracts and other means to coerce people for the purpose of profit gain. Women and children are perceived as the most exploitable and controllable and therefore are deemed to be the most in demand to contribute to this expanding and very competitive economic market driven by maximum profit. It is imperative and fundamental to have an understanding of the trafficking of persons as a crime committed against an individual and therefore it is of the utmost importance that police personnel serving in the South African Police Service (one of the key role players within the Criminal Justice System), are conversant with the means of trafficking, what it constitutes and what attributes and features this phenomenon includes. Through the development of practical guidelines, procedures and recommendations for police officials to identify human trafficking for sexual exploitation incidents more successfully, data obtained from both literature and interviews contributed immensely in the identification of incidents of human trafficking in order to prevent and address this crime successfully. The researcher is of the opinion that this study (analysing how the crime of human trafficking for sexual exploitation can be identified in order to develop practical guidelines to be used during the identification of this crime in South Africa) presents a significant contribution to the identification of human trafficking for sexual exploitation incidents in South Africa and subsequently presents practical guidelines that can be used during the identification of this phenomenon in South Africa. / Police Practice / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

Exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales en Inde : expériences de femmes prostituées à la gare de Varanasi

Gauthier, Marie-Pierre 08 1900 (has links)
L’exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales fait de plus en plus de victimes en Inde. Compte tenu de l’ampleur constatée du phénomène et de la gravité de ses multiples conséquences, notre recherche vise à mieux connaître et comprendre l’expérience vécue par les femmes se livrant à des activités sexuelles contre rémunération. Plus précisément, elle a comme objectifs de décrire le cheminement ayant conduit ces femmes à se livrer à de telles pratiques ainsi que leur réalité quotidienne et comment elles perçoivent leur situation pour ensuite être en mesure de formuler des propositions d’interventions préventives ou s’adressant aux femmes se livrant déjà à des activités sexuelles à des fins commerciales. Nous avons choisi de nous intéresser aux femmes vivant et se prostituant à la gare de Varanasi. Une approche qualitative a été privilégiée dans la réalisation de la recherche. Huit entrevues ont été réalisées avec des femmes et fillettes qui se prostituent à la gare, trois avec des intervenants sociaux y travaillant et l’observation in situ a permis d’enrichir le matériel recueilli. Ces prostituées sont souvent issues d’un milieu familial dysfonctionnel. C’est en situation de fuite ou d’abandon familial qu’elles s’installent à la gare. Il s’agit d’un endroit où les femmes sont en situation d’extrême vulnérabilité et où les conditions de vie sont misérables. Exposées aux dangers de la vie à la gare et accessibles aux proxénètes, la prostitution devient une option pour y survivre. Les besoins d’intervention auprès de ces femmes sont multiples et y répondre est complexe. Une approche favorisant la réduction des méfaits et la prévention paraît être les avenues à privilégier. / The sexual exploitation for commercial purposes is making more and more victims in India. Considering the scale of the phenomenon and the gravity of its multiple consequences, our research aims at knowing better and at understanding the experience lived by women engaged in sexual activities against payment. More precisely, the objectives of our research are to describe the progress having driven these women to be engaged in such practices as well as their daily reality and how they perceive their situation, to be then capable to formulate propositions of preventive interventions or addressed to the women being already engaged in sexual activities for commercial purposes. We chose to interest ourselves in the women living and prostituting themselves at the train station of Varanasi. A qualitative method was privileged in the realisation of the research. Eight interviews were conducted with women and girls who prostitute themselves at the train station and three with social workers already involved on site. The observation in situ allowed to enrich the collected data. These prostitutes often come from a dysfunctional family circle. It is in situation of flight or family abandonment that they settle down at the train station. It is a place where the women are in situation of extreme vulnerability and where the living conditions are miserable. Exposed to the dangers of the life at the station and accessible to the pimps, prostitution becomes an option to survive. The needs of intervention with these women are multiple and answering to those needs is complex. A harm reduction policy and prevention appear to be avenues to be privileged.

"Miss Kathy"

Alexander, Jeffrey, 1982- 05 1900 (has links)
Miss Kathy is a documentary film that tells the story of Kathy Griffin-Grinan, a lead recovery coach for prostitution and human trafficking with the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. Her non-profit organization —We’ve Been There, Done That – works in conjunction with law-enforcement to offer the survivors of prostitution a chance at rehabilitation. With endless enthusiasm, she mentors survivors as they struggle to escape a destructive lifestyle. This film also explores the relationship between human trafficking and prostitution, while addressing issues of victimization and exploitation.

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