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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fast deep discharging using a controllable load as pretreatment for EV battery recycling : A study on efficacy, speed, and safety / Snabb djupurladdning med en kontrollerbar belastning som förbehandling för återvinning av batterier i elbilar : En studie av effektivitet, hastighet och säkerhet

Van Genechten, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
In response to the present and projected growth of the EV industry, the development of a large-scale, reliable and efficient lithium-ion battery recycling sector is vital to ensure circularity of the embedded valuable metals and ensure overall sustainability of the technology. One of the main recycling procedures under development is based on hydrometallurgy. As a pretreatment step before lithium-ion batteries can undergo this process, they have to be deactivated to prevent uncontrolled release of the contained electrical energy. This deactivation step is often performed by deep discharging batteries to 0.0 V, instead of the usual lower cut-off around 3.0 V. Usually, deep discharging is performed by connection to resistors or through submersion in a salt solution. However, due to the discharge current derating proportionally to the terminal voltage, this procedure can be quite slow, especially if considerable rebound voltages are to be prevented. This work explores the feasibility of a faster discharge procedure in terms of discharge speed, effectiveness, and safety. The proposed procedure entails deep discharging at constant current using a controllable load, followed by applying an external short-circuit immediately. The C-rate during constant current discharging is varied to study its effects. The short-circuit is applied at a terminal voltage of 0.0 V or 1.0 V. The safety of both process steps is assessed experimentally. The main safety risks that are reviewed are the temperature rise and subsequent risk of thermal runaway, as well as the risk of electrolyte leakage due to pressure increase and swelling. In the experimental work, two types of large format prismatic NMC811 cells are deep discharged starting from an SoC of 0%. The experiments are limited to single cells. It is found that an additional 4% of additional capacity is available in the deep discharging region for a stationary cell at 0% SoC. The risk of thermal runaway is assessed as low based on the temperature measurements and a literature review. To investigate the rise in pressure, the thickness of all cells are measured, and the in situ pressure is measured for three samples. The risk for electrolyte leakage is assessed as low. The rebound voltage and cell thickness are followed up to one week after the discharge procedure. After a short-circuit of 30 minutes, the rebound voltage of all cells is near 2.0 V, but a slightly longer short circuit duration would be necessary to reliably achieve this threshold. The total procedure time is much shorter than those of alternative discharge procedures, while still remaining safe. / Som svar på den nuvarande och förväntade tillväxten inom elbilsindustrin är utvecklingen av en storskalig, tillförlitlig och effektiv återvinningssektor för litiumjonbatterier avgörande för att säkerställa cirkularitet för de inbäddade värdefulla metallerna och säkerställa teknikens övergripande hållbarhet. En av de viktigaste återvinningsmetoderna som är under utveckling baseras på hydrometallurgi. Som ett förbehandlingssteg innan litiumjonbatterier kan genomgå denna process måste de avaktiveras för att förhindra okontrollerad frisättning av den elektriska energi som de innehåller. Detta deaktiveringssteg utförs ofta genom djupurladdning av batterierna till 0.0 V, istället för den vanliga lägre gränsen runt 3.0 V. Vanligtvis utförs djupurladdning genom anslutning till resistorer eller genom nedsänkning i en saltlösning. Eftersom urladdningsströmmen avtar proportionellt mot terminalspänningen kan denna procedur dock vara ganska långsam, särskilt om man vill förhindra stora återkopplingsspänningar. I detta arbete undersöks genomförbarheten av en snabbare urladdningsprocedur när det gäller urladdningshastighet, effektivitet och säkerhet. Det föreslagna förfarandet innebär djupurladdning vid konstant ström med en kontrollerbar belastning, följt av omedelbar applicering av en extern kortslutning. C-hastigheten under urladdning med konstant ström varieras för att studera dess effekter. Kortslutningen appliceras vid en terminalspänning på 0.0 V eller 1.0 V. Säkerheten för båda processtegen bedöms experimentellt. De huvudsakliga säkerhetsriskerna som granskas är temperaturökningen och den efterföljande risken för termisk rusning, samt risken för elektrolytläckage på grund av tryckökning och svullnad. I det experimentella arbetet djupurladdas två typer av prismatiska NMC811-celler i storformat från en SoC på 0%. Experimenten är begränsade till enstaka celler. Det visade sig att ytterligare 4% kapacitet finns tillgänglig i djupurladdningsområdet för en stationär cell vid 0% SoC. Risken för termisk urladdning bedöms som låg baserat på temperaturmätningarna och en litteraturgenomgång. För att undersöka tryckökningen mäts tjockleken på alla celler och in situ-trycket mäts för tre prover. Risken för elektrolytläckage bedöms som låg. Återkopplingsspänningen och cellernas tjocklek följs upp upp till en vecka efter urladdningsproceduren. Efter en kortslutning på 30 minuter är returspänningen för alla celler nära 2.0 V, men en något längre kortslutningstid skulle vara nödvändig för att tillförlitligt uppnå detta tröskelvärde. Den totala tiden för proceduren är mycket kortare än för alternativa urladdningsprocedurer, samtidigt som den fortfarande är säker.

Fault energy implications of distributed converter interfaced generation : A case study of an underground mine grid / Distribuerad omformardriven generering och dess påverkan på kortslutningsenergi : En fallstude i ett gruvkraftnät

Hjertberg, Tommy January 2021 (has links)
Adding Power Electronic Interfaced Devices (PEID) generation to grids is an increasing trend because of the concurrent development of better power electronic converters and a greater interest in a better utilisation of energy resources. Small and dispersed energy sources that would previously not be worth introducing into the grid is becoming more and more viable and other potential benefits such as better control of voltage levels and smoothing out load changes also spur this development. But while there are great potential benefits of the controllability of these devices there are also risks when existing protection systems are made for the linear behaviour of traditional synchronous generators. This thesis describes the peculiarities of the short circuit behaviour of PEID generators and how this affects the short circuit energy levels in terms of short circuit current, I2t and incident arc energy. Using simulation, it is shown that in the case of the specific mine grid studied, the incident arc energy increases substantially and that this need to be considered when evaluating installation of PEID generation. / Användningen av nätansluten omformardriven generering ökar alltmer i takt med att bättre omformare utvecklas och intresset för ett effektivare nyttjande av energiresurser ökar. Små och utspridda energiresurser som tidigare inte var värda att ta vara på tillgängliggörs alltmer, och fördelar som bättre spänningsreglering och lastutjämning driver på utvecklingen. Men med de fördelar som kommer av omformarnas reglerbarhet så kommer också risker beroende av deras olinjäritet, eftersom existerande skyddssystem är anpassade till det linjära beteendet hos traditionella synkrongeneratorer. Den här avhandlingen behandlar säregenheterna i kortslutningsbeteendet hos effektelektroniska omformare och hur det påverkar kortslutningsenergin i bemärkelsen I2t, händelseenergin vid ljusbågar samt kortslutningsströmmen. Via dynamisk simulering så visas att händelseenergin i vissa fall kan öka avsevärt och att detta behöver övervägas vid installation av omformardriven generering.

Hydropower generator and power system interaction

Bladh, Johan January 2012 (has links)
After decades of routine operation, the hydropower industry faces new challenges. Large-scale integration of other renewable sources of generation in the power system accentuates the role of hydropower as a regulating resource. At the same time, an extensive reinvestment programme has commenced where many old components and apparatus are being refurbished or replaced. Introduction of new technical solutions in existing power plants requires good systems knowledge and careful consideration. Important tools for research, development and analysis are suitable mathematical models, numerical simulation methods and laboratory equipment. This doctoral thesis is devoted to studies of the electromechanical interaction between hydropower units and the power system. The work encompasses development of mathematical models, empirical methods for system identification, as well as numerical and experimental studies of hydropower generator and power system interaction. Two generator modelling approaches are explored: one based on electromagnetic field theory and the finite element method, and one based on equivalent electric circuits. The finite element model is adapted for single-machine infinite-bus simulations by the addition of a network equivalent, a mechanical equation and a voltage regulator. Transient simulations using both finite element and equivalent circuit models indicate that the finite element model typically overestimates the synchronising and damping properties of the machine. Identification of model parameters is performed both numerically and experimentally. A complete set of equivalent circuit parameters is identified through finite element simulation of standard empirical test methods. Another machine model is identified experimentally through frequency response analysis. An extension to the well-known standstill frequency response (SSFR) test is explored, which involves measurement and analysis of damper winding quantities. The test is found to produce models that are suitable for transient power system analysis. Both experimental and numerical studies show that low resistance of the damper winding interpole connections are vital to achieve high attenuation of rotor angle oscillations. Hydropower generator and power system interaction is also studied experimentally during a full-scale startup test of the Nordic power system, where multiple synchronised data acquisition devices are used for measurement of both electrical and mechanical quantities. Observation of a subsynchronous power oscillation leads to an investigation of the torsional stability of hydropower units. In accordance with previous studies, hydropower units are found to be mechanically resilient to subsynchronous power oscillations. However, like any other generating unit, they are dependent on sufficient electrical and mechanical damping. Two experimentally obtained hydraulic damping coefficients for a large Francis turbine runner are presented in the thesis.

Mise en place d'une méthodologie de modélisation en vue du diagnostic des défauts électriques des alternateurs / Development of a generator modelling methodology for the purpose of electrical faults diagnosis

Filleau, Clément 13 October 2017 (has links)
Devant la forte demande mondiale en énergie électrique, les alternateurs à diodes tournantes constituent une solution largement répandue dans les installations de génération d’électricité de fortes puissances (hydraulique, fossile et éolien) ainsi que dans les applications îlotées sous forme de groupes électrogènes ou de petits alternateurs intégrés dans les systèmes embarqués. La renommée de ce type d’alternateur s’est construite sur leurs robustes constitutions mécanique et électrique et sur leur parfaite adaptabilité au type de charge alimentée. Néanmoins, l’utilisation de ces machines dans des conditions de fonctionnement très contraignantes, que cela soit à cause des fortes puissances demandées par les applications industrielles ou des contraintes environnementales dans lesquelles travaillent les alternateurs isolés, engendre une recrudescence de défauts, principalement de types électriques, à l’intérieur du système. L’apparition de ces défaillances est extrêmement délétère pour des applications à haut niveau de service et dont un arrêt intempestif peut engendrer des coûts de maintenance et d’immobilisation très élevés pour les opérateurs. Devant la nécessité de planifier de façon optimisée les opérations de maintenance à effectuer sur les alternateurs, il est possible de mettre en place des stratégies de diagnostic qui surveillent l’apparition des principales défaillances susceptibles de toucher ce type de machine. Bien que les modifications imprévisibles du point de fonctionnement liées à la charge compliquent la tâche, il est envisageable de mettre en lumière la présence de défauts de court-circuit dans les bobinages ainsi que des défaillances de diodes dans le pont redresseur triphasé en étudiant les modifications des formes d’ondes des signaux électriques générés. Ce travail est décrit dans la présente thèse. Face au manque d’antécédents sur le sujet, une grande partie des recherches s’est focalisée sur la conception et la mise en place d’un modèle numérique d’alternateur à diodes tournantes représentatif des formes d’ondes réelles en régimes sain et défaillant, tache non triviale étant donné le caractère saillant des pôles de l’alternateur. Pour répondre à ces attentes, un processus original de co-simulation a été mis en place présentant une identification des inductances de l’alternateur sous Flux2D et une estimation numérique des équations différentielles du système sous Matlab. Cette modélisation fiable a par la suite permis une sélection d’indicateurs de diagnostic par analyse fréquentielle des signaux électriques qui sont capables, sans ajout de capteurs supplémentaires, d’informer l’utilisateur sur la présence de défauts à l’intérieur du système. Afin de s’assurer une bonne compréhension des phénomènes, un grand soin a été apporté à la justification théorique des modifications spectrales introduites par les défauts dans les signaux électriques. Une importante campagne d’essais expérimentaux a permis la validation des modèles sain et défaillant grâce à la réalisation, par la société Nidec Leroy- Somer, d’un alternateur capable de simuler des défauts de court-circuit inter-spires stator. Ces essais ont mis au jour la possibilité de détecter les défauts dans de nombreuses configurations de court-circuit, mais également la difficulté de les prévoir de façon anticipée, ouvrant par là même de nombreuses perspectives de recherche. / Considering human.s huge needs in electrical energy, power alternators equipped with integrated rotating rectifiers represent a widely used solution. Indeed, this type of generator equips most of the industrial electrical power plants (hydro, fossil and wind) as well as isolated applications in the form of Diesel generators or onboard alternators. Due to their robustness and their electrical adaptability, power alternators have acquired a solid reputation and are therefore considered as an obvious solution when dealing with energy production activities. Nonetheless, the hard conditions to which they are constrained imply a dramatic deterioration of their mechanical and electrical components that can lead to serious damages, such as the loss of diodes or the emergence of short-circuits in the alternator.s coils. Such damages can make it impossible for the alternator either to fully deliver the expected power or to simply continue being operated, engendering in both cases a forced outage of the alternator and impacting dramatically the maintenance and exploitation costs. In order to avoid such issues, a setting up of diagnostic methods has been considered in this work. Even though the modifications of the electrical load is a big matter proper to electrical generation applications, a diagnostic method consisting in the monitoring of electrical signal spectra may be undertaken and can inform the user about the apparition of unintended faults. Due to the lack of knowledge on the electrical malfunctions of this kind of alternator, a great part of the thesis has been dedicated to the numerical modelling of the complete system, in healthy as well as in faulty operating conditions. Because of the salience of the rotor poles, an accurate representation of the alternator.s inductances constitutes a key point of a faithful simulation of the signals. waveforms. To offer a more convenient model, an original co-simulation process between Flux2D and Matlab has been developed. It is composed of an easy-to-use numerical model based on differential equations developed in Matlab and conserves the inductances accuracy thanks to an identification with the finite elements in Flux2D. This model could then be used to develop a diagnostic methodology based on the surveillance of several spectral components specific to different electrical signals. These components have proven themselves sensitive to the fault and offer by the way a clear view of the state of health of the system. Furthermore, a theoretical study has been undertaken to demonstrate the modifications of the fault indicators created by the occurrence of an electrical fault. In addition, a thorough test campaign has been realised in order to confirm the validity of both the numerical models and the diagnostic methodology. This campaign has become feasible thanks to the development of a special 27kVA alternator by Nidec Leroy-Somer, in which additional plugs have been inserted to give access to different turns of a stator coil, and thus to enable the realisation of stator inter-turn short-circuits. The campaign has brought valuable information about the opportunities to detect a short-circuit in a primitive phase and let the doors open to further researches in this domain.

Estimativa dos esforços eletromecânicos em transformadores submetidos a um curto-circuito trifásico

Rosentino Junior, Arnaldo José Pereira 09 July 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Power transformers are essential and a large part of the asset cost structure of the electrical power system. When they present any defect or failure, it will be required high costs to repair or replace them, due their commercial costs and by the capability loss to transmit power during a period of time. Generally, transformer failure can occur as a result of the weakness insulation caused by the electrochemical processes involving the cooling liquid (oil), by vibrations due the electromagnetic forces in normal operation, i.e., steady state, and also by winding deformation as the result of short-circuits. It is expected that a transformer will experience and survive a number of short circuits during its service life. But one such event will cause some slight winding movement, which can gradually increasing and the ability of the transformer to withstand further electromechanical forces will be then reduced. It is therefore very important to check the mechanical condition of transformers periodically, particularly for older units, to provide an early warning of an impending catastrophic failure. Thus a specialist technique is required for the monitoring and assessment of mechanical condition of winding transformer. Despite designers and manufacturers, as well as the operation and maintenance technicians of power supply companies worry about this subject, new methodologies and tools to assess the strength effects as the result of short circuits in transformers are still necessaries. So, this work proposes to know the strength characteristics caused by the radial and axial forces in winding transformers. In this context, it will be presented different strengths that can occur in winding transformer, identifying the principal failures as the result of these stresses. Besides, it will be developed an analytical method to evaluate the forces and stresses in winding three phase transformer under a three phase short circuit. Finally, the analytical method results will be compared with a computer simulation based in time domain using the software FEMM, which applies the finite element method. / Transformadores de potência são equipamentos essenciais aos sistemas elétricos e também um de seus componentes de maior preço. Quando estes equipamentos se danificam ou apresentam algum tipo de falha, o seu reparo ou até mesmo sua substituição demanda altíssimos custos financeiros, tanto pelo alto valor comercial destes equipamentos como pela perda temporária da capacidade de transmissão de energia elétrica. Muitas falhas destes equipamentos devem-se à redução da suportabilidade da isolação dos seus condutores/enrolamentos causado pelos fenômenos eletroquímicos do líquido de resfriamento (óleo), pelas vibrações produzidas pelas forças eletromecânicas durante a sua operação normal, ou seja, em regime permanente, e também pelas deformações dos enrolamentos causadas pelas altas correntes de curto-circuito. Espera-se, no entanto, que um transformador suporte um determinado número de curtos-circuitos durante seu tempo de operação. No entanto, verifica-se que cada evento poderá provocar pequenos deslocamentos relativos nos enrolamentos, os quais podem aumentar cumulativamente, reduzindo desta forma a capacidade do transformador de suportar novos esforços eletromecânicos. Neste contexto, torna-se importante a verificação periódica das suas condições mecânicas, principalmente nas unidades com muito tempo de operação, de forma a se obter subsídios para impedir falhas catastróficas. O emprego de técnicas especiais é requerido para o monitoramento e avaliação das condições mecânicas do enrolamento de um transformador. Apesar de este assunto ser uma preocupação constante dos projetistas e fabricantes de transformadores, bem como dos profissionais de manutenção e operação das empresas de energia elétrica, há certa carência de metodologias e ferramentas consistentes para se avaliar os efeitos dos esforços mecânicos decorrentes das elevadas correntes transitórias sobre estes equipamentos. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem por meta o entendimento das características dos esforços mecânicos causados pelas forças radiais e axiais nos enrolamentos dos transformadores. Para tanto, esta dissertação mostrará os diferentes tipos de esforços eletromecânicos passíveis de ocorrer nos enrolamentos de um transformador, identificando os principais tipos de falhas provocadas por essas solicitações. Em seguida, será desenvolvida uma metodologia analítica para estimar as forças e estresses nos enrolamentos de um transformador trifásico submetidos a um curto-circuito trifásico. Assim, os valores obtidos pela metodologia analítica serão confrontados com resultados de uma simulação computacional no domínio do tempo utilizando-se o programa FEMM baseado na técnica de elementos finitos. / Mestre em Ciências


Souza, Júlio César Nascimento 22 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:53:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Julio Cesar Nascimento Sousa.pdf: 971697 bytes, checksum: b4ee5e79977202a1c5eba4528ed34766 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-22 / This work focuses on the modeling of single-phase and three-phase distribution with earth return, for high impedance faults analysis. The main motivation is the lack of definitive solutions for such faults. These faults often occur when an overhead conductor breaks and falls on high impedance surface such as asphalt road, cement, trees, among others. That fault is analyzed in a Single wire earth return system - SWER, and in a rural three-phase feeder. The SWER is deduced starting from a generic three-phase system, where simplifications based on practical assumptions are added. Simulations are accomplished in two distribution test systems, with the objective of identifying the behavior pattern of the high impedance faults. It is also included a discussion and analysis of results and suggestions related to future works. / Este trabalho focaliza a modelagem das redes de distribuição monofásicas e trifásicas com retorno por terra, para análise das faltas de alta impedância. A motivação principal está no fato de não existirem soluções definitivas para essas faltas. Este tipo de falta ocorre quando um cabo energizado rompe e cai sobre um tipo de superfície, tal como asfalto, areia, árvores, dentre outros. Essa falta é analisada em uma rede Monofásica com Retorno por Terra MRT em uma rede trifásica rural. A rede MRT é deduzida a partir de uma rede trifásica genérica, onde são adicionadas hipóteses simplificadoras práticas. São realizadas simulações em dois sistemas testes de distribuição, com o objetivo de identificar o padrão de comportamento das faltas de alta impedância. É realizada uma discussão e análise de resultados, sugerindo-se trabalhos futuros.

Contribution à l'identification de nouveaux indicateurs de défaillance des modules de puissance à IGBT / Contribution to the identification of new failure indicators for power assembly

Belmehdi, Yassine 04 May 2011 (has links)
L’électronique de puissance a un rôle de plus en plus grandissant dans les systèmes de transports : voitures électriques et hybrides, trains et avions. Pour ces applications, la sécurité est un point critique et par conséquent la fiabilité du système de puissance doit être optimisée. La connaissance du temps de fonctionnement avant défaillance est une donnée recherchée par les concepteurs de ces systèmes. Dans cette optique, un indicateur de défaillance précoce permettrait de prédire la défaillance des systèmes avant que celle-ci soit effective. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation électromécanique des puces de puissance IGBT et MOSFET. L’exploitation de cette caractérisation devrait permettre, à plus long terme, de mettre en évidence un indicateur de l’état mécanique des assemblages de puissance à des fins de fiabilité prédictive. / Power electronics has a role increasingly growing up in transport:electric and hybrid vehicles, trains and aircraft. For these applications, security is a critical point, thus the reliability of the power assembly must be optimized. The knowledge of time to failure is very important information for the designers of these systems. Inthis context, an early failure indicator would predict system failuresbefore it becomes effective. In this thesis, we focused on the electromechanical characterization of power transistors: MOSFET and IGBT. Based on these results this electromechanical characterization should help us in the longer term, to highlight an early failure indicator of the power assembly.

New gate drive unit concepts for IGBTs and reverse conducting IGBTs

Lizama Arcos, Ignacio Esteban 27 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This work presents different novel gate drive unit (GDU) concepts for IGBT and reverse conducting IGBT (RC-IGBT). They have been experimentally tested with medium voltage class IGBT modules (1200...1700V/650…1400A) and a RC-IGBT module (1200V/200A). The switching behaviour of the RC-IGBT was investigated, and a new trigger pulse pattern to drive the RC-IGBT was developed, designed and implemented. The experimental results showed that the switching losses were reduced by 20% in the RC-IGBT compared to the switching losses of a standard diode. Two novel schemes are introduced to estimate the collector current through the IGBT, based on the measurement of the voltage across the internal stray inductance of the IGBT module. Furthermore, a GDU concept was derived to balance the on-state collector currents of parallel-connected IGBTs, reducing the current imbalance to 5%. Also, a new fast short circuit protection method (FSCP) for IGBT modules was developed, designed and implemented in another GDU, allowing turning-off the considered IGBT in less than 1μs, reducing the IGBT stress. Another scheme implemented in a GDU features an improved gate current switching profile of the IGBT, which reduces the switching losses by 25% compared to the standard switching method. In order to reduce the conduction losses, a GDU with an increased turn-on gate-emitter voltage (larger than 20 V) was investigated. In the investigated IGBT, the on-state losses were reduced by 18% when a gate-emitter voltage of 35V is used compared to when a gate-emitter voltage of 15V is used. All these new GDU concepts have been implemented with a simple and inexpensive electronic circuitry, which is an important feature for a possible industrial implementation.

Conception d’un module d’électronique de puissance «Fail-to-short» pour application haute tension / Designing a power module with failure to short circuit mode capability for high voltage applications

Dchar, Ilyas 31 May 2017 (has links)
Les convertisseurs de forte puissance sont des éléments critiques des futurs réseaux HVDC. À ce titre, leur fiabilité et leur endurance sont primordiales. La défaillance d’un composant se produit soit en circuit ouvert, ou en court-circuit. Le composant défaillant en circuit ouvert est inadmissible pour les convertisseurs utilisant une topologie de mise en série. En particulier, dans certaines applications HVDC, les modules doivent être conçus de telle sorte que lorsqu'une défaillance se produit, le module défaillant doit se comporter comme un court-circuit et supporter ainsi le courant nominal qui le traverse. Un tel comportement est appelé “défaillance en court-circuit” ou “failure-to-short-circuit”. Actuellement, tous les modules de puissance ayant un mode de défaillance en court-circuit disponibles dans le commerce utilisent des semi-conducteurs en silicium. Les potentialités des semi-conducteurs en carbure de silicium (SiC) poussent, aujourd’hui, les industriels et les chercheurs à mener des investigations pour développer des modules Fail-to-short à base des puces SiC. C’est dans ce contexte que se situe ce travail de thèse, visant à concevoir un module à base de puces SiC offrant un mode de défaillance de court-circuit. Pour cela nous présentons d’abord une étude de l’énergie de défaillance des puces SiC, afin de définir les plages d’activation du mécanisme Fail-to-short. Ensuite, nous démontrons la nécessité de remplacer les interconnexions classiques (fils de bonding) par des contacts massifs sur la puce. Enfin, une mise en œuvre est présentée au travers d’un module “demi pont” à deux transistors MOSFET. / The reliability and endurance of high power converters are paramount for future HVDC networks. Generally, module’s failure behavior can be classified as open-circuit failure and short-circuit failure. A module which fails to an open circuit is considered as fatal for applications requiring series connection. Especially, in some HVDC application, modules must be designed such that when a failure occurs, the failed module still able to carry the load current by the formation of a stable short circuit. Such operation is referred to as short circuit failure mode operation. Currently, all commercially available power modules which offer a short circuit failure mode use silicon semiconductors. The benefits of SiC semiconductors prompts today the manufacturers and researchers to carry out investigations to develop power modules with Fail-to-short-circuit capability based on SiC dies. This represents a real challenge to replace silicon power module for high voltage applications in the future. The work presented in this thesis aims to design a SiC power module with failure to short-circuit failure mode capability. The first challenge of the research work is to define the energy leading to the failure of the SiC dies in order to define the activation range of the Fail-to-short mechanism. Then, we demonstrate the need of replacing the conventional interconnections (wire bonds) by massive contacts. Finally, an implementation is presented through a "half bridge" module with two MOSFETs.

Simulace dějů v elektrických přístrojích / Simulation of phenomena in switchgears

Daševič, Ladislav January 2009 (has links)
Aim of the thesis is to explain the issue of forces acting in circuit breaker caused by magnetic fields induced by short-circuit current. This thesis is focused on force affecting in concrete system of a circuit breaker. The given circuit breaker is made by OEZ Letohrad, the type Modeion BD250. In the thesis the way of creating 3-D model is shown for the purpose of creating numeric simulation by ANSYS 11. The next approach of the thesis is the description of applicating the results for DC and AC current calculations. The noted calculation is made in the programme MATLAB 6.5. The solutions are mentioned at calculations both in the graphic form and numeric specifications. Visualisation was made by using GIF graphic system animation. The individual pictures processing was done in the programme UNLEAD GIF ANIMATOR 5.

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