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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skola i förändring- Konsekvenser för studenter på lärarutbildningen

Holmberg, Sofia, Nilsson, Angelica January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning av hur lärarstudenter har upplevt och reflekterat över den pågående skolreformen samt hur detta kan komma att påverka dem i deras framtida yrke. För att få svar på detta har fyra frågeställningar legat som grund, där såväl revisionen av förskolans läroplan som lärarutbildningens förändring nämns. Den litteratur som presenteras i uppsatsen är bland annat rapporter från skolverket och forskningsöversikter som berör implementeringen av förskolans första läroplan. Även forskning om hur lärarstudenter upplever den första tiden som yrkesverksamma och hur lärarutbildningen förändrats genom tiderna nämns. Vidare har läroplanerna för förskolan granskats och jämförts, för att få svar på vilka skillnaderna mellan de båda styrdokumenten är. Resultatet av uppsatsen är kortfattat att respondenterna inte upplevt att förändringarna i skolvärlden påverkat dem nämnvärt, men att det är en förändring mot det positiva. Respondenterna upplever att läroplanen för förskolan har fått tydligare ramar och ett mer reglerat innehåll, vilket upplevs som positivt då det blir lättare att applicera läroplanens innehåll i verksamheten. De studenter som har arbetat i förskola tidigare känner sig lugna inför det kommande arbetet med den reviderade läroplanen och nämner att den påtalade skillnaden inte är nämnvärt stor. Däremot upplever studenterna, utan erfarenhet inom yrket, att de ämneskunskaper som utbildningen har genererat inte är tillräckliga för att klara av att förse barn i förskolan med tillräckliga kunskaper.

Hållbart lärande åt alla. Hur bör skolan vara utformad för att alla individer ska kunna utveckla sina styrkor och bli aktivt deltagande samhällsmedborgare?

Ekdahl, Ceit, Helleblad, Gosia January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRAKTEkdahl, Ceit & Helleblad, Gosia (2010). Hållbart lärande åt alla. Hur bör skolan vara utformad för att alla individer ska kunna utveckla sina styrkor och bli aktivt deltagande samhällsmedborgare? (Sustainable learning for all. How should the educational system be designed in order to allow all individuals to develop their talents and strengths and in becoming actively participating citizens?). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.I detta examensarbete har vi undersökt hur skolan skulle kunna utvecklas för att skapa ett hållbart lärande för alla individer, vilket innebär en utvecklingsprocess där all energiåtgång under skolgången syftar till människans positiva utveckling som individ, demokratisk, aktivt deltagande samhällsmedborgare och aktör på arbetsmarknaden. Med utgångspunkt i kunskapsfält innefattande forskning, deklarationer, undersökningar, politiska direktiv och sakkunnigas uttalanden genomförde vi en undersökning baserad på kvalitativa djupintervjuer med personer som vi ansåg representera olika utbildningar, arbetspositioner och socioekonomiska förhållanden. Undersökningen resulterade i uppfångade av ett utvecklingsområde som dagens skola skulle behöva genomgå för att alla individer ska kunna ges förutsättningar för ett hållbart lärande.

Påverkar närhet till högskola regional attraktionskraft? : Effekter på migrationsströmmar i Sverige till följd av införandet av regionala högskolor

Hedman, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker effekter av högskolereformen år 1977 på Sveriges inrikes migrationsströmmar för perioden 1968–1996. Reformen innebar att 12 nya högskolor upprättades i 16 kommuner i landet som tidigare haft 6 verksamma universitet. Identifikationsstrategin drar nytta av att endast ett par svenska kommuner omfattades av reformen vilket gör det möjligt att jämföra migrationsflöden i dessa kommuner med resterande delar av landet. Detta för att komma närmare en kausal tolkning av resultaten. Resultaten visar att inflyttning till kommuner som upprättade en högskola ökade med totalt 7,74 procent under perioden jämfört med resterande delar av Sverige. Inflyttningen för åldersgrupp 15–29 år ökade med 15,56 procent och inflyttningen för individer över 65 år minskade med 10,97 procent. Utflyttningsandelen ökade med 7,5 procent i den yngsta åldersgruppen men ingen signifikant effekt kunde säkerställas för resterande befolkning. Slutligen ökade rörligheten relativt sett mer för män än kvinnor. / This paper investigates the effects of a higher education reform that took place in Sweden in 1977 on within country migration for the time period 1968-1996. 12 new universities were established in 16 municipalities in the country which up until this point had housed only 6 operative universities. The identification strategy takes advantage of the fact that the reform was implemented exclusively in some municipalities making it possible to compare these with remaining parts of the country to get closer to interpreting a causal effect. The results show that within country migration to municipalities who established new universities increased by 7.74 percent compared to the rest of Sweden. Migration to university cities in age group 15- 29 increased with 15.56 percent and migration for individuals over the age of 65 decreased with 10.97 percent. Migration out of university municipalities increased with 7.5 percent in the youngest age group but no significant effects were found for the rest of the population. Furthermore, mobility increased relatively more for men than women.

Folkskolan : En diskursanalys av prästeståndet och bondeståndets folkskoledebatt 1840-1841 / Grade school : A discourse analysis of the clergy and the peasantry's school debate 1840-1841

Anerland Sjögren, Nina, Åhman, Edwin January 2021 (has links)
During the nineteenth century the liberal ideals were spreading across large parts of mainland Europe, and the Swedish parliament of 1840-41 is sometimes considered to be the first one embossed by the ideology. Liberal ideas such as the prison reform, the poor relief reform and the school reform were all on the agenda. The state was composed of the king and four political orders tasked to represent each respective social group, the peasantry, the town folks, the clergy and the nobility. All of these with different rates of representation and policies. Sweden had also for the last decades experienced an increase in crime, poverty and drunkenness. The before mentioned reforms were all made in an attempt to better the situation and make way for a better future. In this study we will look at the parliamentary debates of two of the four political orders, the peasantry and the clergy for the parliament previously mentioned. Our goal is to find out what the two orders thought about the establishment of the first national grade school, that would mean considerable changes for both parties which is partly why they are specifically chosen for this study. The two sides frequently had their differences and would not often cooperate with one another. Although liberalismen was a big part of the reason the king proposed the changes, we will instead focus mostly on Michel Foucault’s theory of biopower (or biopouvoir in French) and social discipline. What general themes can be found in the debates? What was the purpose of the grade school? And lastly, are there any similarities and differences between the reviewed orders? What we can see at the end of the study is that the two orders have different focuses. While the peasantry mainly focused on implementing a school to steer the younglings in the “right” way, the clergy emphasised a spiritual teaching that would foster the individual.

Reform i vor tid - et diskursanalytisk studie af lederartikler i lærere og skolelederes fagblade før, under og efter lærerkonflikten i 2013

Christensen, Jens January 2014 (has links)
I denne opgave undersøges diskursen hos lærere og ledere i forbindelse med lærerkonflikten i Danmark i 2013. Med en diskursanalytisk tilgang inspireret af Chantal Mouffe og Ernesto Laclau undersøges lederartikler i fagbladene Plenum og Folkeskolen før, under og efter konflikten. En analyse af den retoriske situation og et særligt fokus på metaforer, som udtryk for såkaldte strukturelle landskaber, supplerer den diskursanalytiske metode. I en sammenfattende diskussion af analysens resultater vurderes forskellige udtryk for hegemoni indenfor diskurserne. Hvor skolelederne tydeligt skelner mellem skolereform og overenskomstforhandlinger gør lærerne det ikke. Lærernes og skoleledernes forskellige diskurser forholder sig ikke direkte antagonistisk til hinanden, men skaber til gengæld basis for en fremtidig selvstændig organisering for lederene udenfor Danmarks Lærerforening. / This study examines the discourses of teachers and principals regarding the teacher’s conflict in Denmark 2013. The methodological approach inspired by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau examines editorials published by the unions (Danmarks Lærerforening and Skolelederforeningen) before, during and after the conflict. Furthermore metaphorical concepts and the rhetorical situation are subjects of analysis. Finally the results of the analysis are discussed in regard to aspects of Mouffe and Laclau´s theories on hegemony.

Marknadsstrategier på den reformerade skolmarknaden : En undersökning om gymnasieskolors marknadsföringsmetoder

Malmström, Dan, Mårtensson, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
I början av 1990-talet så genomförde den borgerliga regeringen friskolereformen vilket in-nebar att det statliga monopolet upplöstes och att fristående skolor kunde konkurrera på samma villkor som kommunala skolor. Detta medförde att det ekonomiska ansvaret för gymnasieskolan övertogs av respektive kommun och att skolpengen infördes. Reformen har inneburit ökat antal skolor och hårdare konkurrens. Detta tillsammans med minskat elevan-tal har pressat skolorna till att optimera sin marknadsföring för att attrahera elever. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera om det finns någon skillnad i hur kommunala respektive fristående gymnasieskolor arbetar med marknadsföring. Samt att undersöka hur deras syn på dagens skolmarknad ser ut. För att ta reda på detta har vi intervjuat företrädare för fyra stycken kommunala och fyra fristående skolor i Stockholms län. Vi har även valt att göra observationer på Gymnasiemässan 2010. Undersökningen har visat att Öppet hus och gymnasiemässan är viktiga mötesplatser för att skapa långsiktiga relationer till eleverna. Det har även visat sig att skillnaden mellan vad skolorna kommunicerar inte beror på vilken huvudman skolan tillhör. Två av de kommunala skolorna hade problem med att anpassa sig till nyare teknologi och nyare kommunikationskanaler jämfört med två av de fristående sko-lorna som var i framkant när det gäller kommunikationskanaler. De fristående skolorna var alla överens om att det var viktigt att skydda sig mot konkurrensen genom att differentiera sig på dagens marknad. / In the beginning of the 1990’s, the Swedish government changed the rules on the school mar-ket by implementing a school reform. The reform made it possible for private actors to com-pete on the market along with the municipal schools on equal terms. The economic responsi-bility for the schools was held by the county. The reform made entry to the market easy which has led to hardened competition. By present time it is clear that the number of pupils is de-creasing. As a result, this forces the schools into optimising their marketing to attract pupils. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse whether there is any difference in how municipal schools and independent schools conduct their marketing, and how their perception of the schoolmarket is. To study this we have made four interviews with municipal schools and four interviews with independent schools in the county of Stockholm. We have also made an observation on Gymnasiemässan (high school fair at the event hall “Stockholmsmässan”). The conclusion of the study is that to create a long term relationship with the pupils it is nec-essary to use Öppet hus (when schools invite parents and pupils to experience the school) at the schools and to attend on the High school fair. The message communicated by the schools does not differentiate depending if the school is independent or municipal. Two of the munic-ipal schools were having a problem with adapting to newer technology and newer channels of communication, compared to two of the independent schools who were in a leading position in ways of channel communication. All of the independent schools did agree upon the neces-sity to differentiate on today’s market to be protected from the competition.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

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