Spelling suggestions: "subject:"now"" "subject:"know""
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Deicer Usage on Concrete and Asphalt Pavements in UtahThomas, Chase David 01 December 2013 (has links)
The objectives of this research were to 1) compile winter maintenance data for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to directly compare concrete and asphalt pavements with regards to deicer usage and 2) determine if there is a statistical difference in deicer usage on concrete and asphalt pavements. To this end, three data sources were consulted for this research: Material Maintenance Quality Assurance (MMQA) database, UDOT road database, and Google Maps. The final compiled data set prepared for analysis in this research contained deicer quantities by deicer type, pavement surface areas by pavement material type, traffic, longitude, latitude, and elevation data. The deicer data evaluated in this analysis represented the total quantities of each deicer distributed during the 8-year period during which the MMQA database was used by UDOT.Several multiple linear regression analyses were performed to determine if concrete or asphalt pavements required different amounts of deicers, including salt, Redmond salt, brine, wetted salt, magnesium chloride, sand, pre-mix, and wetted pre-mix, during the winter seasons evaluated in this research. Because plow routes were not equal in total pavement area, a variable called “concrete proportion” was created. Similarly, traffic and deicer quantities were divided by total pavement area in lane miles to account for the variation in maintenance station sizes and to allow for direct comparison of the various maintenance stations. After the values of the independent variables were finalized, full and reduced models were created for the total amount of all deicers per lane mile and the amounts of each of the eight individual deicers per lane mile based on the statistical significance of the respective independent variables. A total of 18 regression models were completed for this research.From the results of the statistical analyses, concrete proportion was statistically significant in models for three of the dependent variables, including brine, wetted salt, and wetted pre-mix. However, neither the full nor the reduced regression model prepared for the sum of all deicers had concrete proportion as one of the significant variables. The absence of concrete proportion as an independent variable in these models shows that, on average, after correcting for differences in traffic volume and pavement area, deicer usage in Utah is not affected by pavement type. Therefore, except in areas where applications of brine, wetted salt, and wetted pre-mix are common, winter maintenance costs should not be a factor in the determination of pavement type.
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Factors Influencing Racially Ethnic Minority Youth Participation in Snow SportsWhitehead, Jennifer N. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Low participation of racially ethnic minority youth in snow sports activities may be caused by racism through structural and symbolic factors. The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of teachers from school-based programs and resort ski school programs as well as coaches from afterschool club and community-based organizations regarding the structural and symbolic influences on the participation of racially ethnic minority youth in snow sports. Using critical race theory as the conceptual framework, a qualitative, phenomenological inquiry was centered on the experiences of ethnic minority youth related to potential racism in structural and symbolic factors regarding participating in snow sports activities. Participants were selected by a purposeful, homogenous sampling strategy, and data were collected from semistructured interviews of the 12 participants. Data were analyzed through the use of NVivo12 to search for codes, categories, and themes related to racism and the structural and symbolic factors that influence racially ethnic minority youth participation in snow sports activities. The findings of this study help bring an increased understanding of why there continues to be a lack of racially ethnic minority youth in snow sports through themes, such as exposure and access, cultural representation, and racism, which may be useful to schools, resorts, clubs, and similar organizations who educate youth and promote snow sports activities. The results of this study may help bring about positive social change by supporting culturally responsive practices throughout the snow sports industry, which aim to provide fair, equitable, and inclusive opportunities for racially ethnic minority groups to participate in snow sports.
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An Archive of Poetry: Surviving Settlement, Upholding Feminine Virtue, and Practicing Narrative Discipline in Anne Bradstreet's and Eliza R. Snow's PoetryAdams, Britta Karen 17 June 2022 (has links)
Settlement is a frequent topic in scholarly conversations about early American literature. From studies about William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation to Anne Bradstreet's poetry, settlement is a consistent theme in texts written by early Americans and in scholarship written by experts about early American texts. Settlement is also a major theme in the poetry written by Eliza R. Snow after fleeing with the Latter-day Saints from Missouri and settling in Nauvoo, Illinois. Both Bradstreet and Snow lived through settlement crises, crises that incorporated and exacerbated religious tensions within their communities eventually taking the form of the Antinomian Controversy and the Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844. The poetry left behind by Bradstreet and Snow is often an overlooked archive of historical sources that gives its readers insight into how these women responded to the crises within their communities and how feminine virtue played a role in their settlement crises. In light of this, in this paper I combine recent scholarship that focuses on Mormon settlement with scholarship that complicates the narratives about prominent women in Mormon history to unearth new insights into the lived experiences of Mormon women during settlement crisis. I borrow this move from scholars of early American history who have done this for a long time and have similarly uncovered new discoveries into the women that they study. Given that we now understand things that the Puritans did not fully--namely, that women are complex and that their historical images are often posthumously determined by archives (often controlled by powerful men)--I pay specific attention to the similarities of how settlement affects Puritan and Mormon women, both in their present-tense and in the historical narratives about them. Focusing on the intersection between settlement and women helps us to understand female writers, the way that women endured settlement, and the way that settlement affected the gender and overarching politics of their communities. Most notably, examining this intersection gives scholars insight into the ways that women writers--such as Anne Bradstreet and Eliza R. Snow--discipline their own narratives and leave behind poetical archives in order to be remembered as virtuous and well-behaved women, while the women who did not leave an archive are more susceptible to the narrative control of powerful men over historical archives.
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The Midstream Collective / Collective MidstreamGasson, Julian January 2022 (has links)
How do we hold each other through a change of phase? This is the seminal question asked in this thesis as it explores networked systems populated by urban metabolisms and waste streams. Using an embodied feminist framework, this paper attempts to highlight short comings in the current treatment of road snow sludge in the metropolitain areas of Stockholm, Sweden and proposes the use of a systemic, intergrated mycological strategy to filter and detoxify snow-melt-water before it re-enters natural bodies of water.
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Uncertainty in Simulated Fluxes and Physical Conditions of Two North European Wetlands.Mancera Gonzalez, Rafael January 2010 (has links)
There is an extended concern for how to quantify the fluxes of greenhouse gasses (GHG) and how they are related to climate change and land use. Efforts have already been done, mostly regarding carbon (C) compounds, but there is still much to be done especially to understand regulating factors and interactions with the Nitrogen cycle. NitroEurope is a large project for the integrated European research into the N cycle. This study shares its aim, to improve the understanding the physics involved in the fluxes of the reactive N (Nr). More specifically, the patterns of some physical and biological processes related to Nr have been studied for two wetlands, one in the proximity of Edinburgh and the other in the North of Finland. A common model setup has been used for both of them, since they are both peat soils. The differences applied to achieve appropriate performances give insights of their nature. The presence of snow is a major factor that governs the behavior of the site in Finland. The scaling of existing models for the estimation of heat transfer in the soil of the Scottish site is also critical, such as its groundwater level. The sites represent different climatic conditions, but for CO2 fluxes they showed similar behavior and response to governing meteorological conditions. Using the GLUE method in combination with a process oriented ecosystem model, some further insights have been gained for the regulation and control of greenhouse gas emissions from the two sites.
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Optimering av databasinformation / Optimization of Database InformationBlomberg, John, Östlund, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att med avseende på Snow Softwares databas försöka att effektivisera samt omstrukturera de procedurer som hanterar deras regelverk. Den är ej inriktad på att utvärdera eller förändra de algoritmer som redan finns i Microsoft SQL Server. Ett flertal olika prototyper framställdes och utvärderades. Dessa var ej specifika för just denna databas och kan därför vara intressanta även i andra sammanhang. Den prototyp som visade sig vara mest effektiv implementerades så att den enkelt skulle kunna tas i bruk i det nuvarande systemet. Prototypen gav en ungefärlig förbättring i söktid på 18,8 %
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Validation of Remote Sensing Snow Cover AnalysisGeidne, Anna January 2005 (has links)
The by SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) developed snow cover product, that analyses snow cover from satellite images, needs to be validated. A reliable validation method should be developed and concentrated to verify the snow cover analyses from images emerged from the recently operative European MSG-satellite. The validation is done for Europe, and this first validation test to evaluate the validation method is only done for a couple of clear days in March 2004. The snow cover analyses from the MSG images, computed by the snow cover product, are compared to synoptic snow observations and to a similar snow cover product from the NOAA project NESDIS. Every grid point of the MSG analysis area and the reference NESDIS area has been given a snow classification, describing the local status of the snow cover. The synoptic classification is derived from snow depth reports, stored in SMHI database. The product (MSG) classification and the reference classification in every grid point has then been added to a table and presented for manual evaluation. The most exacting work is to prepare the validation data to be comparable. The preparation quality affects the results, especially at the comparison to the synoptic source where the snow cover classification is a delicate problem. The synoptic reference data has shown up to be far too sparse to be used for a serious validation. There are also problems with the interpretation of the snow reports. Using the NESDIS source as reference the result looks better and the validation method is probably reliable. Images of the snow cover from MSG and NESDIS sources have also been sketched and compared. This comparison shows that the snow cover differences might originate from the snow cover product. The temperature of the ground might affect the snow detection; the snow is not detected sufficiently when ground is cold. On the other hand high altitude clouds seems possibly generate false snow detection. From the image comparison could also be presumed that forest might hide the snow cover. A more complete validation is now needed to draw any definitive conclusions if the existing snow cover differences originate from the snow cover product or from the validation method. But the method seems to work. Synoptic source is not recommended to use as validation reference, but the snow cover scenes from NESDIS seems to be a reliable reference source and works well for the validation method. / En produkt för beräkning av snötäckningsgrad har utvecklats av SMHI (Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut). Produkten analyserar snötäcke utifrån satellitbilder och en tillförlitlig metod att validera produkten ska utvecklas. Valideringen som sedan ska göras, koncentreras till att verifiera snötäckesanalyser utifrån den nyligen operativa Europeiska MSG-satellitens bilder. Valideringen görs för Europa, och denna första testvalidering för att utvärdera valideringsmetoden görs för ett fåtal dagar med klart väder under mars 2004. Produktens snötäckesanalyser från MSG-satellitens bilder jämförs med synoptiska snöobservationer tillika analyser från en liknande produkt från amerikanska NOAAs projekt NESDIS. MSG- och NESDIS-analysernas snötäckesinformation finns lagrat i ett snöklassificeringsfält motsvarande den geografiska arean (Europa), där alla gridpunkter har tilldelats en klassificering vilket beskriver den lokala statusen på snötäcket i punkten. Snötäckesklassificeringen för de synoptiska observationerna görs utifrån snödjupsrapporter lagrade i SMHIs databas. De olika värdena på MSG-klassificeringen och referensklassificeringen i varje punkt summeras och presenteras i en tabell för utvärdering. Det mest krävande jobbet är att förbehandla indatat från de olika källorna för att få det jämförbart. Kvalitéten på förarbetet påverkar resultatet, speciellt vid jämförelsen mot synoptiska data där snötäckesklassificeringen är komplicerad. Resultattabellen tenderar att visa på ett bra resultat, men produkten för snötäckesanalys verkar ha svårt att detektera snö tillfredställande. Den synoptiska referenskällan har visat sig innehålla alldeles för lite data för att kunna användas i en seriös validering. Det finns även vissa problem med tolkningen av snörapporterna från databasen. Med NESDIS-produktens analys som referens ser resultatet bättre ut och valideringsmetoden kan sannolikt betraktas som tillförlitlig. En jämförelse mellan kartbilder över de två källornas klassificeringar har visat att det är möjligt att avvikelserna i beskrivningen av snötäcket beror på produkten för snötäckesanalys. Produktens snödetektering ser ut att kunna påverkas av marktemperaturen, snön upptäcks inte tillräckligt bra då marken är kall. Även höga moln ser ut att kunna påverka snödetekteringen och ger i så fall falskt klassificeringen snö där det enligt referenskällan är barmark. Utifrån bildjämförelsen kan också antas att skog kan gömma snötäcket. En mer komplett validering krävs för att dra några definitiva slutsatser om skillnaderna i snötäckningsgrad beror på valideringsmetoden eller på produkten för snötäckesanalys. Men metoden ser ut att kunna fungera. Synoptiska observationer rekommenderas inte att använda som referens, men snötäckesanalyser från NESDIS-projektets produkt verkar vara en tillförlitlig referens och fungerar väl för valideringsmetoden.
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An investigation of the design of cylinderical steel tanks modelled according to EN14015 and according to the EurocodesGebre, Yonas January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Storage tanks are above or below ground vessels for storing chemicals, petroleum and other liquid products. Above ground vertical cylindrical shells are typically thin walled structures prone to buckling and lose their stability especially when they are empty or have lower fluid level due to external loads.According to the Swedish National board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket), the Eurocodes and the Swedish national annex and building code for structural design, EKS (BFS 2011:10) should be used for verification of mechanical resistance of storage tanks. However the industry has been using a European design standard EN14015, for design of large site built steel tanks. The research question is if this design fulfils the requirements in the Swedish building code EKS and the Eurocodes. In order to investigate this, a parametric study of the buckling resistance of an empty tank has been performed, by comparing the design according to EN14015 With the requirements according to the Swedish building code and the Eurocodes. The finite element analysis was done with the finite element tool ABAQUS, The parametric study was carried out for three terrain categories0, I and II, for thesix snow load zones and for six basic wind velocities according to the Swedish snow and wind maps in EKS. The buckling resistance also further investigated for three reliability classes, reliability class 1, 2 and 3 according to the Swedish national annex and for two fabrication classes, fabrication class A and B usingEN1991-1-6The finite element analysis result of linear elastic and nonlinear buckling analysis with imperfections showed that, design according to EN14015 can meet the requirements of Eurocodes and EKS at lower basic wind velocities, terrain category (I and II) for smaller imperfections . But it does not meet the requirements at terrain category-0, for all reliability classes and all imperfection classes.The tank shell showed in some cases an increase in the load proportionality factorin nonlinear analysis for the load combinations considered in this study. It is thus necessary to study further on the finite element modelling of thin walled large tanks on relations of local buckling effect due to highly stiffened regions and the effect of magnitudes and applications of imperfections for large tanks using EN1993-1-6
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Processeffektivitetens inverkan på kostnader / Impact of process efficiency on costsSmith, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Under vinterhalvåret krävs snöröjning på en flygplats och den processen utgör idag ett hinder för flygtrafiken. Snöröjningsprocessen av en landningsbana ser olika ut beroende på flygplats i världen. Swedavia driver ett världsledandeprojekt som avser att automatisera snöröjningsprocessen. Denna rapport visar det ekonomiska resultat som erhålls som följd av att den inre effektiviteten ökas i snöröjningsprocessen. Detta visas genom fyra effektivitetsmått - resursnyttjande, kapabilitet, flexibilitet och ledtid. Resultatet från samtliga effektivitetsmått visar ett övertygande samband mellan processeffektivitet och reducerade kostnader. Andra områden där kostnadsbesparingar kan undersökas är leanslöserier. Leanslöserier har undersökts under projektet och en förbättring har konstaterats inom flera områden, men magnituden har inte beaktats i detta arbete. / Snow removal at the airports is a requirement during the period of October-March. The snow removal process is currently an obstacle for arriving and departing air traffic. Swedavia is implementing a world-leading project with intentions to automate the snow removal process. This report’s purpose is to visualize the financial result because of the increasing inner efficiency of the snow removal process. Resource utilization, capability, flexibility and lead time were used as criteria to illustrate the relation between process efficiency and reduced costs. Using these four criteria, all results indicate a connection between process efficiency and reduced costs. Other areas where cost reduction may be investigated are lean wastes. Lean wastes have been investigated during this project and improvements have been noted in several areas. However, the cost-saving magnitude of these improvements is not considered in this report.
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The Effects of Elevation and Vegetation Type on Snow Accumulation and Melt in Logan Canyon, UtahThies, Paul R. 01 May 1973 (has links)
Snow accumulation and melt characteristics were studied in Logan Canyon, Utah. Three replications of aspen, conifer, and open field types at 6300, 7100,and 8000 feet were measured for snow depth and water content during 1972. Elevation was found to have the greatest effect on snow water content. The gradient of increasing water content with rise ln elevation was found to be .51 inches/100 feet in the zone from 6300 to 7100 feet and 1.9 inches/100 feet from 7100 to 8000 feet. The cooler temperatures at higher elevations partially account for the 8000 foot zone beginning to melt 40 days after the 7100 foot zone, and the 7100 foot zone trailing the 6300 foot zone by 20 days. Although the snow at the 8000 foot elevation began melting later than the lower zones, it melted at twice the rate. Vegetation cover type has no significant effect on the amount of snow deposited. However, the conifer type protects the snowpack from solar radiation causing the snowpack to have a significantly lower density than the snowpack assocaited with either aspen or open field. The snowpack under the conifer canopy melts 30 percent slower and remains 17 days longer.
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