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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expanding Scales of Influence: Behavioral, Physiological, and Reproductive Implications of Relative Power within Social Groups

Ligocki, Isaac Young 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

ERa Expression and Monogamy in Prairie Voles: An Experimental Field Study

Lambert, Connor T. 30 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Betydelsen av genus i förvaltningsrättens LVU-bedömningar : Genusnormer i svenska domskäl enligt 3 § LVU / The significance of gender in court assessments of Swedish Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act : Gender norms in Swedish court assessments related to 3 § Swedish Care

Tucker, Klara, Härmark, Elsa January 2024 (has links)
This essay has examined how the administrative courts evaluate boys and girls in relation to the Swedish Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (1990:52). This was examined using a qualitative social constructionist comparative design and analyzed using Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, gender theory and Foucault’s theory of power. The findings have demonstrated that gender-based disparities exist in court rulings. Girls are frequently viewed as victims, and their behavior is often associated with their sexuality, with the latter being used as a justification for risk assessment. By contrast, the presumptions that connect boys’ actions to their mindset and compulsion for destructiveness are used to evaluate them. In comparison to girls, boys exhibit a higher degree of normalization and acceptance of anti-social behavior. The study's findings demonstrate that there are indications that the courts do not treat boys and girls equally, and as a result, not everyone is treated equally. The study encourages further studies on the subject to demonstrate and amend current gender-biased legal systems. / Uppsatsen har undersökt hur Förvaltningsdomstolar bedömer pojkar och flickor som är aktuella för 3 § Lagen om vård av unga (1990:52), LVU. Detta har gjorts med en kvalitativ jämförande design och analyserats med Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys, Foucaults maktteori och genusteori med en utgångspunkt från socialkonstruktionismen. Resultatet visar att genusskillnader finns i förvaltningsrättens domskäl. Flickor tenderar att betraktas som offer och deras beteende kopplas ihop med deras sexualitet där sexualiteten används som ett argument vid fastställandet av risk för den unge. Pojkarna bedöms i stället utifrån andra premisser där deras beteenden kopplas ihop med deras inställning och deras motståndskraft mot destruktivitet. Normbrytande beteenden normaliseras och accepteras i högre grad hos pojkarna än hos flickorna. Studiens resultat visar att det finns indikationer på att domstolarna inte behandlar flickor och pojkar på samma sätt och därmed bedöms olika. Undersökningen uppmanar till fortsatta studier om ämnet för att påvisa och förändra nuvarande genusbundna rättssystem.

Self-concept among Swedish Forensic Psychiatric Patients

Bunoza, Tea January 2024 (has links)
Self-concept is the individual's subjective view of themselves. It impacts interaction with others and, in turn, further the development of the self. Cultural aspects, gender differences, and psychiatric and substance use disorders further impact the subjective view of the self. Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) is a model rooted in interpersonal theory and the interpersonal circle that divides the self-concept into eight behavioral clusters over love-hate and autonomy-control. The individual's measured self-beliefs can be used in motivational work and treatment. The forensic psychiatric population is complex, with high levels of comorbidity, but little is known about how they view themselves. This study aims to capture their self-concept and examine if different psychiatric diagnostic groups have distinct self-concept profiles. One hundred and six patients who had previously completed the SASB introject questionnaire were included. Demographic data and other variables were also coded from their electronic journal. The participant's descriptives showed differences from the normative group and slight differences between the psychiatric groups. Inferential statistical analysis showed a significant difference regarding the negative clusters between the Neurodevelopmental and Psychosis groups and a trend of differing scores between the Neurodevelopmental and Personality Disorders groups. Study limitations make it hard to point to distinct self-concept profiles, but SASB-results indicate that the patients generally feel positive about themselves. Further research is needed to increase the findings' generalizability and better capture self-concept in comorbid inpatients. / FOR-SATA

Dominance relationships and Daily activity in the Spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) at the Zoo of Borås

Stade, Isabelle January 2024 (has links)
The Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is a gregarious carnivore known for its strictly structured hierarchical rank relationships. At the zoo of Borås a clan, consisting out of two Spotted hyenas, are participating in an ex-situ program. In order to successfully enact conservational work, within zoos, sustainable management of zoo populations is of importance, and the behavioral aspect is vital in enabling welfare. In this study, I observed social interactions and activity in the Spotted hyenas at the zoo of Borås, for ten continuous days. The study aimed to investigate the dominance relationship and daily activity of the individuals. Furthermore, if this correlates with concentrations of testosterone. I performed two different observational studies, one focusing on social and agonistic behaviors, and the other on general behaviors. A third method, blood sampling, was intended to be performed but due to non-optimal conditions it was not executed. The results implied that the two individuals were highly nocturnal, with activity peaks to be observed during the first half of the night and at dawn. The individuals spent the majority of the time, 60.6%, resting which signifies that they are active during shorter periods. They were highly social with each other, but force measurements and aggressive displays did occur, mainly during the night. Sansa was the one taking initiative in conflicts, which suggests attempts in dominating Arya. Further, this indicates that the activity and dynamic of the individuals resembles that of a wild population, along with corresponding with previously performed studies and behavioral descriptions.

Urban Public Space Impact on Social Interaction

AL Haj Ali, Suhaib January 2024 (has links)
This master’s thesis explores the role of the urban lifestyle closely linked to the modern urban environment, but the digital era has brought significant changes. The online world has changed the meaning of physical urban space and led to a decline in the quality of life. To address this issue, this report uses a multidisciplinary approach that draws on urban planning and sociology to verify a framework that illustrates how the primary determinant of urban space vitality has shifted from function and aesthetics to socio-spatial interaction. This interaction refers to social needs and people's engagement in a particular space.  The report presents different spatial and social synergy aspects and proposes a qualitative paradigm based on this concept. Furthermore, the model is tested through an empirical study at Fristadstorget, a town center in Eskilstuna, Sweden.   The guideline’s principal framework is expected to provide insights into the revitalization of urban public space and previous evaluations of the corresponding designs, providing a theoretical framework that will benefit planners and decision-makers in future projects.

Soziale Mechanismen in einer Meute Englischer Foxhounds

Dopfer, Melanie 14 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Haushundes (Canis lupus forma familiaris) mit Fokus auf seine sozialen Eigenschaften hat große Relevanz in Anbetracht seiner zunehmenden Bedeutung im Zusammenleben mit dem Menschen als Familienmitglied und Arbeitstier. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Relevanz von Dominanz in den Beziehungen von Gruppenmitgliedern einer Meute Englischer Foxhounds darzustellen sowie ihre Auswirkung auf die Sozialstruktur der Hunde. Weitergehend sollte die Analyse von aggressionsanzeigendem Verhalten und sozialen Strategien Aufschluss über Regelungsmechanismen im Zusammenleben der Hunde geben. Speichelcortisolanalysen sollten Einblick über die Stressexposition der Hunde in diesem Zusammenleben geben. Das Neutrophilen/ Lymphozyten Verhältnis im Blut sollte darüber hinaus mögliche Auswirkungen der Cortisolproduktion auf das Immunsystem aufzeigen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden 16 Englische Foxhounds einer Meute von 72 Hunden berücksichtigt. Je 4 Hündinnen und 4 Rüden wurden einer von 2 Gruppen zugeteilt. Über einen Zeitraum von 10 Monaten erfolgten Verhaltensbeobachtungen an jedem Individuum mittels der Methode Focal Animal Sampling. Von Hunden aus Gruppe 1 wurden 17,5 Stunden Beobachtungsmaterial und aus Gruppe 2 17,0 Stunden gesammelt. Die Speichelproben wurden mit der Salivette® der Firma SARSTEDT (Nümbrecht- Rommelsdorf) entnommen und mittels eines speziell für die Speichelcortisol- Analyse entwickelten Immunoassays (double- antibody biotin- linked enzyme immunoassay) analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die als möglicherweise dominanzanzeigend eingestuften Indikatoren, nämlich die Körperhaltung High Posture und die Durchsetzungskraft als Eigenschaft eines Hundes, konnten als solche nicht bestätigt werden. Es konnte keine dominanzbasierte Hierarchie ermittelt werden. Auch konnten von 82 Dyaden nur in 5 eine Dominanz- Subordinanz- Beziehung ermittelt werden, was kein aussagekräftiges Ergebnis darstellt. Aggressive Handlungen wurden in beiden Gruppen pro Stunde durchschnittlich jeweils 12 Mal beobachtet, jedoch meist in der Intensität 1 - 2 (von 5- stufiger Skala). Sie wurden hochsignifikant häufiger unter Rüden als unter Hündinnen beobachtet (p= 0,002). Berechnungen der Aggressionskoeffizienten belegten deutliche Unterschiede in den individuellen Aggressionsniveaus. Die Analyse ausgetragener Konflikte auf Taktiken und Strategien lieferte jedoch keine signifikanten Ergebnisse. Die Foxhounds reagierten situativ und selten gegner- und nie kontextabhängig. Die Speichelcortisolanalysen belegten vielfach höhere Basal- Mittelwerte der Foxhounds verglichen mit Analysen von Hunden anderer Studien. Eine Reduktion des Cortisolwerts erfolgte bei 14 von 16 Hunden nach 20- minütigem Einzelspaziergang mit Menschenkontakt. Allerdings konnte keine Verbindung zwischen dem Speichelcortisolwert und dem soziometrisch errechneten Rangplatz in der Gruppe ermittelt werden. Ebenso bestand keine Korrelation zwischen dem Speichelcortisolwert und Immunstatus sowie Aggressionspotential. Schlussfolgerungen: Dominanz spielte keine erkennbare Rolle in den sozialen Interaktionen und Beziehungen der Hunde. Die Ergebnisse lassen die Schlussfolgerung auf eine egalitäre Sozialstruktur der Foxhounds zu statt einer dominanzabhängigen, was auch durch die situativ geregelten Begegnungen unterstützt wird. Aggressives Verhalten als häufig repräsentiertes Kommunikationselement wurde bei den einzelnen Hunden unterschiedlich oft beobachtet, was auf die Verschiedenheit der Charaktere und ihre Motivationen, Konflikte einzugehen, hindeutet. Die häufiger unter Rüden beobachtete Aggression kann auf ein erhöhtes Konkurrenzpotential hindeuten. Die im Speichel der Foxhounds gemessenen Cortisolwerte lassen die Vermutung auf eine durch das Gruppenleben bedingte Erhöhung des Basalwerts zu, ohne Konsequenzen auf den Immunstatus. Die fehlenden Korrelationen zu den individuellen Rangplätzen und Aggression unterstützt die Vermutung eines lockeren bzw. egalitären Sozialgefüges.

Doadores de granulócitos, plaquetas e sangue total. O real perfil altruístico e seu capital social / Granulocyte donors, platelets and whole blood donors: the real altruistic profile and their social capital

Rocha, Pedro Capuani 29 May 2013 (has links)
O concentrado de granulócitos é um importante componente para o tratamento de pacientes oncológicos. A doação deste componente é mais complexa do que outras doações de sangue ou hemocomponentes, porque necessita de maiores esforços e assumção de riscos por parte do doador e, também, o uso de equipamento automatizado de aférese. O presente estudo tem o objetivo de aumentar o conhecimento sobre a população de doadores de granulócitos e avaliar a diferença entre suas motivações para realizarem as doações e seu capital social geral comparando com doadores de plaquetas e doadores altruistas de sangue total. Com esses resultados os hemocentros que realizam a coleta de granulócitos não só poderão ter informações mais objetivas que tornem mais eficaz o recrutamento deste tipo de doador e, consequentemente, aumentar a disponibilidade deste componente como também, identificando um perfil semelhante dos doadores de granulócitos na população geral de doadores o banco de sangue poderá fidelizar estes indivíduos e promover doações de sangue mais seguras. O perfil dos doadores de granulócitos foi avaliado a partir de um estudo caso-controle, sendo o grupo casos formado por estes doadores (n=64) e, os controles por doadores de plaquetas (n-64) e de sangue total (n=68), na razão de um caso para dois controles. Doadores de granulócitos são principalmente do sexo masculino e com idade mais avançada do que os controles. Com referência às motivações para doarem, doadores de granulócitos não se diferem substancialmente dos doadores de plaquetas, mas em relação aos doadores de primeira vez de sangue total há diferenças consideráveis principalmente no que diz respeito ao interesse nos resultados dos testes sorológicos. Doadores de sangue total são quase duas vezes mais motivados a doarem pelo recebimento dos resultados comparados aos doadores de granulócitos, bem como também se motivam mais a doarem para tirar o dia de folga do trabalho o que indica um gesto de menor altruísmo destes daodores. O perfil sócio determinante entre os grupos de doadores também se difere, doadores de granulócitos são pessoas efetivamente mais engajadas socialmente comparados aos controles e têm de uma rede comunitária mais coesa e confiável, concordando cerca de duas vezes mais do que doadores de plaquetas que têm vizinhos conhecidos que os ajudaria financeiramente (OR=2,49) ou concordando quatro vezes mais que doadores de sangue total que têm vizinhos conhecidos que estariam sempre prontos a ajudar outros vizinhos (OR=4,02). Concluimos que os resultados indicam que há a necessidade dos bancos de sangue utilizarem novas estratégias de recrutamento para aumentar a conversão de doadores, passando a utilizar, além do recrutamento interno, comunicações mais efetivas que, consigam atingir a população foco com maior eficiência, em locais onde a probabilidade de encontrar doadores mais engajados socialmente é aumentada, como clubes, centros comunitários ou associações / The concentrate of granulocytes is an important component for oncologic patient\'s treatment. Donation of this component is more complex than other blood components donations, because it claims more efforts and risks assumptions by the donor, and also the use of automated apheresis equipment. The present study is aimed to increase knowledge about the granulocyte donors´ population and evaluate differences among their motivations to accomplish donations and their general social capital, comparing with platelets apheresis donors and altruistic whole blood donors. These results may help blood centers, which carry granulocyte collection, not just to achieve much more objective information about these donors, but also to identify similar granulocyte donors´ profile within the general population. Blood banks may be able to achieve fidelity among these individuals and to promote safer blood donations. Granulocyte donors´ profile was evaluated in a case-control study. Cases were formed by granulocytes donors (n=64) and controls by platelet apheresis donors (n-64) and first time whole blood donors (n=68), in a ratio of one case per two controls. Granulocyte donors are mainly male and older than controls. Regarding the motivation to donate, granulocyte donors are not essentially different from platelets donors, but regarding first time whole blood donors, there are considerable differences, especially in respect to test seeking. Moreover, whole blood donors are almost twice more motivated to donate to take a day off at work, which shows a minor altruistic gesture. The determinant social profile among donors´ groups is also different. Granulocyte donors are effectively more social engaged people when compared to controls, and have a much more coherent and trustful community net, assenting about twice more than platelets donors, which have acquainted neighbors that would be ever ready to help other neighbors (OR=4.02). In conclusion, these findings indicate that is necessary to blood centers to use new recruitment strategies to increase donor´s retention. More effective communications procedures, besides internal recruitment, that achieves the target with more efficiency in locals where the probability to find donors more social engaged is increased, as clubs, community centers or associations must be warranted

Social associations, relatedness and population genetic structure of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Iceland

Tavares, Sara B. January 2017 (has links)
In killer whales, fish- versus mammal-eating ecological differences are regarded as key ecological drivers of sociality, but the potential influence of specific target prey characteristics remains unclear. This thesis aimed to study the social patterns and dynamics of Icelandic killer whales feeding upon herring, a schooling prey that undergoes frequent changes in distribution and school size. I used a multi-disciplinary approach combining photo-identification and genetic data to understand the sociality, role of kinship and genetic differentiation within the population. Individuals sighted in summer-spawning and overwintering herring grounds during at least five separate days (N = 198) were considered associated if photographed within 20 seconds of each other. Photo-identified individuals were genotyped (N = 61) for 22 microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA control region (611 bp). The population had weak but non-random associations, fission-fusion dynamics at the individual level and seasonal patterns of preferred associations. The society was significantly structured but not hierarchically. Social clusters were highly diverse and, whilst kinship was correlated with association, it was not a prerequisite for social membership. Indeed, some cluster members had different mitochondrial haplotypes, representing separate maternal lineages. Individuals with different observed movement patterns were genetically distinct, but associated with each other. No sex-biased dispersal or inbreeding was detected. This study revealed that the Icelandic population has a multilevel society without clear hierarchical tiers or nested coherent social units, different from the well-studied salmon- (‘residents') and seal-eating populations in the Northeast Pacific. In the Icelandic population kinship drives social structure less strongly than in residents. These findings suggest effective foraging on schooling herring in seasonal grounds promotes the formation of flexible social groupings which can include non-kin. Killer whale sociality may be strongly influenced by local ecological context, such as the characteristics of the specific target prey (e.g., predictability, biomass, and density) and subsequent foraging strategies of the population.

Variabilidade comportamental e seleção cultural: efeitos de esquemas análogos a reforçamento diferencial de variabilidade LAG e a CRF em processos de seleção de metacontingências

Kracker, Carolina Krauter 03 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:17:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolina Krauter Kracker.pdf: 3705226 bytes, checksum: 2d14824d7cb8a26f483a95c38dd83639 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Metacontingencies are the product and the process of selection of cultural practices in the third level of selection by consequences, in which variation is a fundamental requisite for selection to occur. Three experiments were conducted with the objectives of investigate the effects of schemes analogous to differential reinforcement schemes of variability LAG, and CRF, upon the behavior variability in cultural selection processes, and to ascertain in which ways more or less variability along these processes would affect the selection of a new metacontingency, in the face of a change in the cultural consequences presentation criterion. In the Experiment I, 21 participants worked in trios, under the effect of schemes analogous to LAG 2 and LAG 1 for the products of responses of inserting numbers from 0 to 9 in spots placed in some computers´ screens. It was required, as a condition to the presentation of cultural consequences (bonus), that an aggregate product (PA) featured by an specific relation among the sums of the numbers inserted by the participants and by non-repetition of the sums between cycles, according to the n of the LAG contingence, was produced. It was observed that there wasn´t systematic production of this PA along more than two consecutive generations of participants and that only the specified relation among sums recurred along different generations. Stereotypies in the operant responses´ topographies and in the sums were found. In the face of the change in the criterion of presentation of the cultural consequences, featured by a different relation among the sums (new PA), the selection of/ by metacontingencies and cultural transmission occurred and the production of stereotypies was again observed. In the second experiment, that counted on 14 participants, similar experimental phases were conducted, except that there wasn´t a phase in which schemes analogous to LAG were in effect. The selection of/by metacontingencies and its transmission were verified in these conditions, and when the change in the criterion of presentation of the cultural consequences was made, a new cultural selection was observed in a similar moment of the occurrence of this phenomenon in the previous experiment; the practice was also transmitted. Behavior stereotypies were noticed, mainly in the first process of cultural selection that was described. There were 18 participants in the third experiment, in which a scheme analogous to LAG 1 for the sums was introduced; after 13 generations of participants the selection of/by metacontingencies was ascertained, as well as its transmission. It was observed that there was more variability in the responses topographies and in the sums, but patterns that indicated restrictions in the behavior variability were identified when the cultural selection occurred. It was concluded that the introduction of schemes analogous to LAG hampered the selection of/by metacontingencies and that a new cultural selection happened rapidly, despite of more or less behavioral variability in the microcultures´ stories previously the modification of the criterion related to the presentation of cultural consequences / Metacontingências são o produto e o processo de seleção de práticas culturais no terceiro nível de seleção por consequências, em que variação é requisito fundamental para ocorrência de seleção. Três experimentos foram conduzidos com os objetivos de investigar os efeitos de esquemas análogos a esquemas de reforçamento diferencial de variabilidade LAG e CRF em relação à variabilidade comportamental em processos de seleção cultural; e de averiguar de que maneira maior ou menor variabilidade ao longo desses processos afetariam a seleção de uma nova metacontingência, diante de uma mudança no critério de apresentação das consequências culturais. No Experimento I, 21 participantes trabalharam em trios, vigorando esquemas análogos a LAG 2 e LAG1 em relação a produtos das respostas de inserção de números de 0 a 9 em caselas dispostas nas telas de computadores. Exigiu-se, como condição para a apresentação de consequências culturais (bônus), que um produto agregado (PA) caracterizado por uma determinada relação entre as somas dos números inseridos pelos participantes e pela não-repetição das somas entre ciclos, de acordo com o n do LAG, fosse produzido. Observou-se que não houve produção sistemática desse PA por mais de duas gerações consecutivas de participantes e que apenas a relação entre as somas especificada recorreu por diversas gerações, observando-se estereotipias nas topografias das respostas operantes e nas somas. Diante da mudança no critério de apresentação da consequência cultural, caracterizada por uma relação diferente da anterior entre as somas (novo PA), ocorreu a seleção de/por metacontingências e transmissão cultural, novamente observando-se a geração de estereotipias. No segundo experimento, que contou com 14 participantes, fases experimentais semelhantes foram conduzidas, exceto que não houve uma fase em que esquemas análogos a LAG vigoraram. Averiguou-se que a seleção de/por metacontingências e sua transmissão ocorreram nessas condições e, diante de mudança no critério de apresentação da consequência cultural, nova seleção cultural foi observada em momento próximo ao verificado no experimento anterior, ocorrendo também a transmissão da prática. Estereotipias comportamentais foram notadas, principalmente no primeiro processo de seleção cultural descrito. Houve 18 participantes no terceiro experimento, em que se implementou um esquema análogo a LAG 1 para as somas; após 13 gerações de participantes, a seleção de/ por metacontingências com esse esquema em vigor pôde ser constatada, bem como sua transmissão. Foi observada maior variabilidade nas topografias de respostas e somas, mas padrões que indicaram restrição na variação comportamental foram identificados diante da ocorrência da seleção cultural. Constatou-se que a introdução de esquemas análogos a LAG teve como efeito dificultar a seleção de/ por metacontingências e que uma nova seleção cultural ocorreu rapidamente a despeito de haver maior ou menor variabilidade comportamental nas histórias de microculturas, anteriormente à mudança de critério para apresentação da consequência cultural de microculturas.

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