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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efektivita právní úpravy péče o seniory / The efficiency of the legal regulation of care for senior citizens

Filípková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The effectiveness of legal regulation of care for the elderly - summary From the projected demographic development, one can conclude that the proportion of the elderly in the society will grow significantly in the future. Advancing age is generally accompanied by the weakening of self-reliance and the need of help from others to take care of oneself. The aim of this work is to capture the latest trends in taking care of the elderly and its legislative anchorage in the laws of the Czech Republic. The fundamental law from which I start is the act no. 108/2006 Sb. on social services. This act brought a large number of changes and new institutions into the department of care (not only for seniors), from which the most important was the introduction of care subsidy. The work is focused mainly theoretically, it is divided into seven chapters and further particular sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with embedding the social services into the social security law system, and also briefly with their historical development. These bases represent essential determinants that affect both the current state of social services, as well as their possible future development. The need for effective regulation of social services for seniors can be seen in the demographic indicators, which confirm the long-term trend towards...

Možnosti sociální práce v podpoře partnerského a sexuálního života lidí se zdravotním postižením / Possibilities of the social work on the support of the sexual and partnership of disabled people

Drábek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE Husitská teologická fakulta Diplomová práce Possibilites of the social work on the support of the sexual and partnership of disabled people Vedoucí práce: Autor: PhDr. ThDr. Václav Mitáš, Th.D. Bc. Tomáš Drábek Praha 2011 Annotation The author of this thesis concerns the issues of charitable profession workers working with disabled people, in area of sexuality and partnerships. The workers tend to have wide knowledge in many disciplines, but in sexuality, which is so natural and closely related to the quality of life, are not instructed. According to the author, it is necessary to develop social workers' attitude towards sexuality during their professional training, and implicate a different behaviour towards persons with disabilities and their sexuality. Education in area of sexuality as well as disability studies should not be based on theoretical knowledge, but need to be conceived as a process of forming views at fundamental issues in this area. Therefore the aim of this thesis should be to declassify the topic of sexuality and to accept it as a natural part of life for everyone, including individuals with disabilities.

Systém sociálních služeb zaměřených na integraci Romů v Jihlavě / System of social services focused of on integration of Roma people in Jihlava

Schrek, Vítězslav January 2013 (has links)
Annotation: This thesis concerns in detail with the system of social services which contribute to the process of social inclusion of the Roma minority in the area of Jihlava city. The thesis describes analytically particular services from a point of view of their needs, focus and range, and puts them in the context of theoretical knowledge of social work and its importance for integration. It specially focuses on the local excluded Roma urban localities, it maps their current status and analyses the general situation from a viewpoint of next development related to the housing of Jihlava's Roma people. Proposals for measures how to improve the living conditions of the Roma community in Jihlava and its coexistence with the majority are a part of this thesis.

Kan en relation överlämnas? : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan barn och socialsekreterare. / Can a relationship be handed over? : A qualitative study about the relationship between children and social workers.

Hujic, Dijana, Olsson, Christian January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine and understand social workers view on the relationship between children and social workers within Individual and Family care in Sweden, and how personnel turnover affects relationship-building with children.   Method: This study is based on a qualitative method, with semi-structured interviews as an approach to gather empirical data. The participants in the study are seven social workers from five different municipalities in Sweden, who work with placed children.   Theory: Our theoretical framework is the attachment theory and the accounts theory. This approach has helped us analyze the result and highlight the importance of essential attributes for a good relationship between social worker and child.   Result: The study is characterized by two different themes, Professional relationship-building and The organization of social work. Our results show that the attributes trustful, confiding, straight, predictable and respectful are essential for a good relationship. Further results indicate that continuity is of importance to build and preserve a healthy relationship. The study also shows that variety in the work force have negative impact on the relationship between social workers and placed children.

Analýza poptávky po sociálních službách ve vybraném městě / Analysis of Demand for a City Social Service

Kohoutová, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the structure of needs, barriers and effective demand for social services in the town Strmilov. Using multiple methods (interviews, public inquiry, observation, experiment) this thesis presents the initial conditions for the planning of social services in the town, including proposals for the development of social services.

Sociální služby a jejich dostupnost v Plzeňském kraji / Social services ant their availability in Pilsner region

Strnadová, Simona January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my thesis "Social services and their availability in Pilsner region" is to monitor and analyze social services in the region, with particular focus on Klatovy region as a frontier area. It is also examined if people who are living in the border area also have an opportunity to get to needed services. The first part deals with the problem of a definition of social policy, the social services are described according to the legal determination. Also there are mentioned the problems of financing of social services and on the other hand positive aspects of community planning. The second part of the thesis is focused on Pilsner region, where the priorities of municipalities with extended powers in the field of social services are presented. In the third part of thesis is described a specific range of social services in Klatovy. People in the border region have the opportunity to get especially to services of social care and consulting services. A wider range of services (for the elderly, the disabled, children and youth and other disadvantaged and vulnerable groups) is available in Klatovy.

”Men utbrändhet och stress, är det så allvarligt egentligen?” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress på arbetsplatsen / “But burnout and stress, is it really that serious?” : A qualitative study on how social workers handle work related stress at the workplace

Andersson, Julia, Lindgren, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to identify how social workers experience and handle work related stress in order to understand how stress can be handled on an individual level. The study was based on a qualitative study and used semi-structured interviews. Interviews with professionals showed that stress mainly occur in absence of control. Social workers use social support and structure their work to reduce demands, to handle stress. The professionals also believe that limits and distance in work is key. Social workers use these different strategies to handle stress, yet some of the issues is adjusted within the organisation. Various organizational factors may contribute or prevent a burnout. In conclusion although the professionals can form their work situation by using these techniques to reduce stress, some problems will remain because it is controlled within the organisation. Keywords: Social worker, work related stress, burnout, social services, work situation.

Orosanmälningar i förskolan : En intervjustudie om förskolepersonals perspektiv på orosanmälningar

Sjöström, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Titel: Orosanmälningar i förskolan - En intervjustudie om förskolepersonals perspektiv på orosanmälningar Författare: Anna Sjöström   Tidigare forskning visar att det råder en stor brist på orosanmälningar till socialtjänsten, speciellt från de professionella som arbetar med barn. I den här studien har kvalitativa intervjuer utförts med personal inom förskolan, detta för att ta del av deras subjektiva bild av utsatta barn och anmälningsplikten. Studien gjordes på fyra förskollärare inom förskolan och materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av systemteori, stämplingsteori och utvecklingspsykopatologins begrepp risk- och skyddsfaktorer. Resultatet visade att anmälningsplikten sågs som både logisk och viktig för förskollärare även om det var svårt att veta vart gränsen gick för när de skulle anmäla. Det var även svårt att se vissa tecken på utsatthet och mer utbildning önskades inom området. Studien visar att det fanns vissa brister i samverkan med socialtjänsten, vilket skulle kunna förbättras genom mer information om socialtjänstens arbete samt ett tätare samarbete. / Title: Notifications of concern in preschool- An interview study on preschool teachers’ perspective of notifications of concern Author: Anna Sjöström   Previous Research shows a shortage of notifications of concern to social services, especially from professionals who work directly with children. In this study, qualitative interviews were made on four preschool teachers to see their subjective view of vulnerable children, and their duty to report. The material obtained was then analyzed based on systems theory, labeling theory and the concepts of developmental psychopathology; risk- and protection-factors. The results show that the informants felt that the duty of notification was logical and important, but they sometimes thought that it was difficult to know the line between reporting or not, they found it difficult to see some of the signs of exposure and they wanted more education in the area. There were also some lack of collaboration with the social services, which they stated could be improved through more information about the work of the social services and a closer cooperation.

Att mötas över myndighetsgränser : En kvalitativ studie av samverkan mot brott i nära relation / To act across the borders of authorities : A qualitative study of intraorganizational collaboration against intimate partner crime

Ericsson, Jesper, Stengård, Isabelle January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur tjänstemän hos socialtjänsten och polisen uppfattar samverkan mellan de olika organisationerna, mer specifikt samverkan som metod i arbetet mot brott i nära relationer. Studien ämnade även undersöka hur de uppfattar myndigheternas roller i ett sådant samarbete. För att undersöka detta genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän från båda myndigheterna, i både förstadiet och efter genomförandet av ett samverkansprojekt mot brott i nära relationer. Studiens resultat visade att idén om att samverka mot brott i nära relationer har ett starkt stöd bland tjänstemännen hos båda myndigheterna. De faktorer som uppfattades som viktigast för en effektiv samverkan är en tydlig ansvarsfördelning mellan aktörerna, att förankra metoden i hela organisationen, en administrativ samordning och att samverkan får tillräckliga resurser. Resultatet visade också att tjänstemännen hos de båda myndigheterna hade en tydlig bild av den egna yrkesrollen, men att en osäkerhet hos aktören kan dyka upp när hen förväntas agera på ett vis som inte är i linje med den egna uppfattningen om rollen. / The aim of the study was to investigate how officials of the social services and the police perceived inter-organizational collaboration. More specifically inter-organizational collaboration as a method in the work against intimate partner violence. The study also aimed to examine how they perceive the authorities' roles in such cooperation. In order to investigate this, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with officials from both authorities. The interviews were conducted both in the preliminary stage and after a collaborative project against intimate partner violence. The study's result showed that the idea of cooperating against this type of problems has a strong support among the officials of both authorities. Factors that are perceived as the most important for effective collaboration are a clear division of responsibilities between the actors; to have the collaboration on an institutional level, instead of interpersonal, administrative coordination and ensuring that the collaboration has sufficient resources. The result also showed that the officials of the two authorities had a clear conception what constitutes as their professional role. That clear conception can create an uncertainty within the actor when he or she is expected to act in a manner that is not in line with his or her perception of the role.

Är digitalisering lösningen? : En kvalitativ studie om digitalisering av insatsen boendestöd / Is digitization the solution? : A qualitative studie about digitization of the intervention residential support

Nodelijk, Adam, Shastavari, Arjan January 2019 (has links)
Digitalisering är i dagsläget ett aktuellt ämne i samhället och inom socialt arbete. Boendestöd är en insats som erbjuds av socialtjänsten till bland annat människor med funktionsnedsättning. Boendestödet innefattar ett praktiskt och socialt stöd, där målet är att klienten ska kunna leva ett självständigt liv. Med hänsyn till digitalisering var det av relevans att undersöka hur det kan påverka boendestödet och organisationen, professionen samt relationen till klienten. Därför var syftet med studien att undersöka digitalisering av boendestödsverksamheter i Halmstad kommun för att skapa djupgående förståelse av digitaliseringens möjligheter och svårigheter för verksamheterna och målgruppen. Vidare var syftet att undersöka vilka synsätt de som arbetar med boendestöd eller digitalisering, har till digitalisering av boendestödsinsatser. Studien hade sin utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Urvalet bestod av två digitaliserings-experter, fyra enhetschefer och tre boendestödjare. Resultatet visade en mängd möjligheter och svårigheter och vilka synsätt som finns till digitalisering av boendestödet. En svårighet var kunskapen som boendestödjaren behöver besitta om välfärdsteknik. En möjlighet var att använda digitala verktyg för att effektivisera resursfördelningen i verksamheten. En slutsats som framkom i studien var att teknikens användande och komplettering av arbetssätt påverkas av klientens intresse, kunskap, funktionsnedsättning och ålder. Andra slutsatser var att det behövs mer utbildning för boendestödjare kring tekniken, en mer enhetlig samsyn kring digitalisering och skapas flera samt nya tillvägagångssätt i boendestödet. / Digitization is today a current topic in society and social work. Residential support is an  intervention  offered  by  social  services  to  people  with  disabilities,  among  other groups. Residential support includes practical and social support with the goal being that the client can live an independent life. With regards to digitization it were relevant to investigate how it can affect the residential support and the organization, profession and relation to the client. Thus the purpose of this study was to investigate digitization  of  residential  support  organizations  in  the  municipality  of  Halmstad  to produce a thorough understanding of possibilities and difficulties in digitization for the  organization  and  target  group.  The  purpose  was  also  to  investigate  what  stances those  who  work  with  residential  support  or  digitization  have  towards  digitization  of residential support.This  study  had  a  qualitative  approach,  where  nine  semi-structured  interviews  took place. The sample of the study included two digitization experts, four managers and three  residential  support  employees.  The  studies  result  showed  a  variation  of possibilities and difficulties as well as what stances that exists towards digitization of residential  support.  Knowledge  for  the  residential  supporter  of welfare  technology was a difficulty. The use of digital technology to streamline the use of resources in the organization was a possibility. The study concluded that the use of digital technology and its supplement of work methods can be influenced by factors such as the client’s interest,  knowledge,  disability  and  age.  Additional  conclusions  were  the  need  for more  education  about  digital  technology  for  the  residential  supporter,  the  need  of consensus  in  regards  of  digitization  and  the  creation  of  several  and  new  approaches in residential support.

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