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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mercantilização em contramovimento : relações de reciprocidade e coesão social na agricultura sustentada pela comunidade em Minas Gerais

Eckert, Daniele January 2016 (has links)
O modelo convencional de organização da cadeia de produção e distribuição de alimentos é baseado na dependência cada vez maior do capital financeiro e industrial, no uso de agroquímicos, adubos, fertilizantes industriais e de outras técnicas provenientes da Revolução Verde, na livre circulação de mercadorias nos países e na inserção de intermediários na cadeia de distribuição. Esse modelo representa um movimento de mercantilização da agricultura e prejudica a autonomia dos indivíduos sobre a sua reprodução material e social, fazendo com que a sociedade enfrente um incremento de pobreza, insegurança alimentar, êxodo rural, danos à saúde e ao meio ambiente, assim como uma perda do senso de comunidade e de solidariedade. Além da compreensão do conceito e das formas de expressão do movimento de mercantilização, a lente teórica, que tem origem em Karl Polanyi, possibilita capturar o conceito da pluralidade e da coexistência dos princípios de regulação econômica e também do contramovimento como uma forma de resistência e de resgate da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos. É nesse contexto que a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade (CSA) surge como uma possibilidade de contramovimento ao mercado convencional de alimentos ao adicionar uma qualidade ao ato de alimentar-se pela produção agroecológica e ao reconectar produção e consumo mediante o encurtamento da cadeia de distribuição. O problema que norteou a pesquisa desta dissertação foi compreender quais seriam as formas de contramovimento que se configuram na Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade diante da generalização do processo de mercantilização. Por isso, o objetivo geral consistiu em compreender e analisar, em uma experiência real de CSA situada na região sudeste do Brasil, os padrões de troca não mercantil em operação e os fatores que favorecem a autonomia relativa e elevam a coesão social de produtores e consumidores que participam da experiência observada. O método empregado foi a observação participante, utilizando as técnicas da etnografia. Em termos gerais, os resultados encontrados na pesquisa sinalizam que os indivíduos não são passivos diante dos efeitos da mercantilização e articulam-se em movimentos que buscam proteção e ganho de autonomia. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese inicial de que nas atividades de CSA coexistem, com a troca de mercado, outros princípios de regulação da economia, especificamente a reciprocidade, que aparece em diversos momentos, desde as motivações para o engajamento dos indivíduos até a forma em que a própria troca é realizada. Isso porque ao privilegiar nas suas trocas o ato em vez do objeto e do interesse privado, há menção a uma relação mais humana que permite o estabelecimento de amizade, solidariedade, tolerância, fidelidade e comprometimento mútuos, mas, principalmente, possibilita a ampliação da autonomia relativa dos indivíduos e o estabelecimento de um senso de comunidade, que se faz em torno do alimento. Na pesquisa, foram identificados três fatores específicos desta eficácia: a forma de produzir o alimento, oposto ao da agricultura tradicional, o encurtamento da cadeia e as atividades em conjunto mobilizadas pelo grupo de agricultores e consumidores. Desta forma, a Agricultura Sustentada pela Comunidade constitui um contramovimento à mercantilização na agricultura e aparece como uma alternativa eficaz na construção da autonomia daqueles que estão entrelaçados nessa rede de alimentos e na ampliação da coesão social. Os resultados e conclusões apresentados ao longo da dissertação ganham relevância na medida em que contribuem com novas informações e possibilidades de atuação na reversão do êxodo rural, na diminuição da pobreza, na redução de gastos públicos em saúde com uma alimentação mais saudável, assim como na promoção de iniciativas de preservação do meio ambiente. / The conventional model of organization of the production and distribution of food chain is based on the increasing dependence on the financial and industrial capital, the use of agrochemicals, fertilizers, industrial fertilizers and other techniques from the Green Revolution, the free circulation of goods in countries and the inclusion of intermediaries in the distribution chain. This model represents a movement of commodification of agriculture and undermines the autonomy of individuals concerning their material and social reproduction, leading society to a status of poverty, food insecurity, rural exodus, damage to health and environment, as well as to a loss of sense of community and solidarity. In addition to understanding the concept and the ways of expression of the commodification movement, the theoretical approach, based on Karl Polanyi, enables to capture the concept of plurality and coexistence of the principles of economic regulation and also the countermovement as a form of resistance and rescue of the individuals’ autonomy. In this context, the Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) emerges as a possibility of countermovement to the conventional food market to add quality to the act of feeding by the agroecological production and to reconnect production and consumption by shortening the supply chain. The problem that guided the research of this dissertation was to understand what are the forms of countermovement that are present in the Community-Supported Agriculture before the generalization of the commodification process. Therefore, the overall objective was to understand and analyze, in a real experience of CSA located in southeast region of Brazil, the patterns of non-market exchange and the elements that favor the relative autonomy and increase social cohesion among producers and consumers participating in the observed experience. The method used was participant observation, using the techniques of ethnography. In general, the results found in the study show that individuals are not passive before the effects of commodification and they articulate in movements that seek protection and autonomy. The results confirm the initial hypothesis that, in the CSA, activities coexist with the exchange market, such as other principles of regulation of economy, especially reciprocity, which appears at various times, in motivation for engagement and in the way the exchange itself is performed. This happens because, when they prioritize their exchanges act instead of the object and the private interest, they develop a more human relationship that allows the establishment of friendship, solidarity, tolerance, mutual fidelity and commitment and also enable the expansion of autonomy of individuals and establish a sense of community, which is around the food. In this study, we have identified three specific elements that contribute to the effectiveness of the process: the way of producing food, as opposed to traditional agriculture, the shortening of chain and the activities in group promoted by the group of farmers and consumers. Thus, the Community-Supported Agriculture is a countermovement to the commodification in agriculture and an effective alternative in the construction of autonomy of those who are part of this net of food and in the expansion of social cohesion. The results and conclusions presented throughout the dissertation are relevant since they contribute with new information and possibilities of actions to slowdown rural exodus, alleviate poverty, reduce public spending on health with a healthier diet, as well as to promote the development of initiatives to preserve the environment.

Evasão e rotatividade em assentamentos rurais no Rio Grande do Sul

Mello, Paulo Freire January 2006 (has links)
A pesquisa apresenta o fenômeno da rotatividade, composta por evasão, trocas e outras saídas, em 193 assentamentos do Rio Grande do Sul, com ênfase na evasão de lotes. Esta é entendida como a saída do Programa de Reforma Agrária e foi correlacionada com 16 variáveis: a) crédito instalaçãomodalidade apoio; b) crédito instalação-modalidade materiais de construção; c)PRONAF A; d)percentual de lotes sem água; e) sem luz; f) sem casa; g) qualidade das estradas internas; h) estradas externas; i) qualidade dos solos; j) tipo de prestadora da assistência técnica, l) executor do assentamento, m) ano de implantação; n) tipo de público; o) a região de implantação; p) religião do evadido; e q) seu estado civil. Estas variáveis e a evasão foram obtidas com dados secundários no INCRA e no GRAC, o órgão de terras estadual. As duas últimas variáveis foram testadas somente em dois estudos de casos, realizados na forma de etnografias. Isto foi necessário para dar conta da hipótese central, de que a evasão é facilitada em situações de baixa coesão social, haja vista que quase todas as variáveis se referem à dimensão material da questão, notadamente problemas de crédito e infra-estrutura. Para a compreensão dos processos que levam à coesão social nos assentamentos, lançamos mão do aporte teórico da sociologia da crítica, com contribuições pontuais de outros autores, tais como Bourdieu, Elias, Wolf e Martins, entre outros, além da antropologia, principalmente através da noção de reciprocidade, neste caso, com o aporte essencial de Sabourin e Caillé. Os resultados obtidos revelam uma estimativa da média de evasão nos assentamentos de 22 %, porém com diferenças regionais grandes, onde, na metade norte do Estado, encontramos algo em torno de 10%, e na metade sul, quase 30%. Não obtivemos correlação de nenhuma variável da chamada dimensão material com a evasão, ao passo que verificamos a centralidade das relações de reciprocidade, em especial o parentesco, na forma da família extensa e do compadrio e das relações com os vizinhos, “gaúchos” e fazendeiros, na construção da coesão social e no estancamento da evasão. Esta se dá concomitante à contenção de conflitos, onde a Assembléia de Deus, Igreja Pentecostal, assume posição preponderante nos casos estudados. Os evangélicos, assim como os casados, tendem a uma menor rotatividade e evasão, pois caminham para um maior fortalecimento de laços sociais, quando comparados com os solteiros e os católicos. Por último, discutimos o papel dos mediadores, principalmente a assistência técnica, os técnicos dos órgãos de terra e as lideranças do MST, num ambiente de disputas e acordos entre projetos corporativos, por nós denominados: projeto tradicional-camponês, projeto socialista-coletivista e projeto empresarial, além das estratégias não corporáveis, que podem levar ao rentismo e à evasão propriamente. / The research presents the rotating phenomenon, composed by escape, exchange and others exits, in 193 settlements of Rio Grande do Sul, with emphasis in parcels escape. It is understood like the land reform escape and was correlated with 16 factors: a) install credit- support modality, b) install credit – construction materials modality, c) PRONAF A, d) percentage of parcels without water, e) without light parcels, f) percentage of parcels without house, g) internal road quality, h) external road quality, i) soil quality, j) technical assistance kind l) settlement executor, m) implant year, n) public type o) implant region, p) escaped religion, q) escaped civil state. These factors and the escape were got in secondary dates of INCRA and GRAC, the state land institution. The two last factors were tested only in ethnographic cases. It was necessary to respond the central hypothesis, where the escape is facilitated in low social cohesion situations, because almost all factors refers to the question material dimension, in particular, infra-structure and credit problems. To social cohesion process understanding, we made use the criticism sociology theoretic support, with other authors punctuals contributions, like Bourdieu, Elias, Wolf and Martins, among others; beyond the anthropology, mainly throw the reciprocity notion, in this case with the Sabourin and Caillé essential support. The results reveal a 22% settlement escape average estimative, however, with great regional differences, where, in state half northern, we found nearly 10%, and in half southern, almost 30%. We did not get correlation of no material dimension factors with escape, but we verified the reciprocity relations centrality, in special, the kinship, in extend family and “compadrio” form, and the neighbor relationship, “gaúchos” and farmers, in the social cohesion construction and in the escape stopping. It occur concomitant the contention conflict, where God Assembly, a Pentecostal Church, assumes a preponderant position in the studied cases. The evangelicals, just like the married, tend to low escape and rotation, because they lead to higher social laces strengthening, in comparison with catholic and singles. Finally, we discussed the mediator paper, mainly the technical assistance, land institutions technical and MST leaders, in a corporation projects struggle ambient, we denominated: peasant–traditional project, collectivist-socialist project and enterprise project, beyond the no corporeal strategies, that can lead to rental and escape.

Marcação por urina como trade-off em ambiente árido: estudo em cativeiro com o rabo-de-facho / Urine marking as trade-off in semi-arid environment: captivity study with rabo-de-facho

Bruno Garcia Simões Favaretto 30 March 2015 (has links)
A urina é importante na comunicação olfativa de mamíferos, especialmente em roedores: apresenta baixo custo e contém metabólitos potencialmente informativos. Possibilita que o receptor avalie características do emissor (p. ex. espécie, sexo, idade, status de dominância e de saúde, receptividade sexual e o tempo da emissão) a partir da urina encontrada. O balanço hídrico, no entanto, pode ser desvantajoso com o uso da urina na marcação por animais de ambientes xéricos e quentes, já que existe um tradeoff entre o volume de água acessível/ingerido e o emitido na micção/marcação, com pressão seletiva a favor da economia hídrica. Nestes casos pode ocorrer redução na emissão de volume com consequente limitação do uso da marcação por urina. Trinomys yonenagae (Rocha, 1995) (Rodentia, Echimyidae) é altamente afiliativa, endêmica da Caatinga, e pertencente a um gênero de ancestral silvícola, cuja maioria das espécies apresenta fidelidade a ambientes florestados. Produz urina de média osmolaridade e de volume semelhante ao de espécies silvícolas do gênero, embora viva em um paleodeserto de temperatura elevada. Nesse contexto hipotetizamos que T. yonenagae faz uso de marcação por urina, uma estratégia importante para roedores sociais, explorando favoravelmente a restrição filogenética (produção de urina de média osmolaridade) imposta por sua ancestralidade. O padrão de deposição de urina e de fezes de T. yonenagae (n=10) e da espécie-irmã, Trinomys setosus (n=10), de ambiente florestado, foi visualizado sob luz ultravioleta (UV), em sessões individuais (24h), em gaiolas-padrão (40x33x16cm), forradas com papel de filtro. O mesmo procedimento foi usado nas investigações posteriores - a quantificação do número de fezes e das marcas de urinas, com estimativas do volume de marcação (VUt=L total/sessão e L/marca) - em T. yonenagae pré-pubertal (32 a 76d, n=10) e em adultos (um a 11 anos, n=21), de ambos os sexos, em sessões (10min) individuais e em contexto social. Nesse caso os rabos-de-facho adultos foram pareados em compartimentos adjacentes (caixa de 40x30x26cm), com um coespecífico de mesmo sexo, conhecido e desconhecido, e de sexo oposto, desconhecido. Qualitativamente as espécies-irmãs apresentam padrão de disposição de urina semelhantes, provavelmente herdados do ancestral silvícola comum. Há depósitos de dois tipos: marcas grandes, nos cantos da gaiola, e marcas pequenas, distribuídas na área central. Em T. yonenagae, as marcas grandes (VUt=3,00-750,00L, 6,67±4,30% do volume urinário diário), correlacionam-se significativamente (Pearson=0,41; sig.<0,00) com a deposição de fezes, sugerindo deposição de latrina; o VUt das marcas pequenas é de 0,01 a 0,05L. O número de marcas pequenas mais elevado, entre os sujeitos que urinaram, foi de quando pareadas com conhecidas (ANOVA um fator, F=3,70 sig.<0,00), sugerindo coesão social em , e associado a um pequeno investimento hídrico. Observou-se também depósitos de secreções da Glândula Harderiana (GH), que não se correlacionaram com nenhuma das variáveis analisadas. Não ocorreram diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas demais comparações feitas. Em condição solitária, 80% dos indivíduos adultos marcaram (latência <5min), enquanto que o grupo de 26-41d apenas dois sujeitos marcaram. O VUt correlacionouse com a idade positivamente (Pearson=0,64; sig.=0,05), entre os indivíduos jovens, e negativamente entre os adultos (Pearson=-0,39; sig.<0,00), o que sugere que a marcação por urina possa ser hormônio-dependente, como ocorre em outras espécies de roedores. A limitação ao acesso à água no ambiente natural dos rabos-de-facho parece não ter se sobreposto aos fatores de ancestralidade e comunicação social na modulação do comportamento de marcação por urina em T. yonenagae, especialmente para fêmeas que ocupam papel diferenciado na hierarquia social do grupo. O trabalho também salienta a ausência de hierarquia linear nos rabos-de-facho, como anteriormente relatado, e evidencia a presença de atividade da GH, abrindo nova linha de estudos fisiológicos e comportamentais dessa glândula em ratos-de-espinho / Urine is important in olfactive communication in mammals, especially in rodents: its presents low costs and had potentially informatives metabolites. The urine enables the sender to transmit informations about itself (p. ex. species, sex, age, dominance and health status, sexual receptivity, and time of deposit). The water balance, however, can be disadvantageous with the use of urine marking in xeric and hot environments, because there is a trade-off between the amount of water available/ingested and delivered in urination/marking, with pressure selective in favor of the water economy. In these cases there may be a reduction in emission of the volume with consequent limitation of the use of the urine in marking. Trinomys yonenagae (Rocha, 1995) (Rodentia, Echimyidae) is highly affiliative, endemic in the Caatinga, and belongs to a genus of forestry ancestral, which most of species have congruence with forested environments. The rabo-de-facho produces urine with medium osmolarity and volume similar to that of forestry species in the genus, although lives in a high temperature paleodesert. In this context we hypothesized that T. yonenagae marks with urine, an important strategy for social rodents, and explore favorably the phylogenetic constraint (production of medium osmolarity urine) imposed by their ancestral. The pattern of urine and feces deposition of T. yonenagae (n=10) and of the sister-species, Trinomys setosus (n=10), of forested environment, was visualized under ultraviolet light (UV) in individual sessions (24h) in house-cages (40x33x16cm), with the floor covered with filter paper. The same procedure was used in further investigations quantification of the number of feces and of the urine marks, with estimation of the urine volume (VUt = L total/session and L/mark) in pre-puebertal (32 to 76d, n = 10) and adults (one to 11 years, n = 21) T. yonenagae, of both sexes, in 10min sessions under individual and social context. The adults in social context was pared, in an adjacent compartments (of 40x30x26cm box), with a same-sex conspecific, known and unknown, and opposite, sex unknown. Qualitatively, both species shows similar patterns of urine deposition, probably inherited from the forestry ancestral. There are kinds of deposits: larger ones, deposited in the corners of the cage, and small ones, distributed in the central area. In T. yonenagae, the larger marks (VUt = 3,00-750,00L, 6.67 ± 4.30% of the daily urine volume) are significantly correlated (Pearson = 0.41, sig <0.00. ) with the number of feces pellets, suggesting latrine deposition; the VUt of small marks is from 0.01 to 0,05L. The higher number of small marks among subjects who urinated was in paired with known situation (one-way ANOVA, F = 3.70; sig. <0.00), suggesting social cohesion in , and associated with a small water investment. It is also noted deposits of Harderian gland (GH) secretions, which were not correlated with any of the variables. There were no statistically significant differences in the other comparisons. In solitary condition, 80% of adults marked (latency <5min), while only two subjects in the 26-41d group marked. The VUt correlated positively with age (Pearson = 0.64;. sig = 0.05) among young individuals, and negatively among adults (Pearson = -0.39;. sig <0.00). This suggests urine-marking in T. yonenagae as a hormone-dependent behavior, like in other rodent species. The limited access to water in the natural environment of rabo-de-facho seems to have not overlapped the ancestry factors and social communication in the modulation of urine for marking behavior, especially for females occupying distinct role in the social hierarchy the group. The work also highlights the absence of linear hierarchy in rabo-de-facho, as previously reported, and shows the presence of GH activity, opening new line of physiological and behavioral studies of this gland in spiny-rats

“We Educate, they Indoctrinate” Religion and the Politics of Togetherness in Ontario Public Education

Van Arragon, Leo January 2015 (has links)
Religion has had an ambiguous role in Ontario public education, having provided both the common language for social cohesion and for resistance by religious groups to what they have perceived to be a dominant, exclusive and coercive ethos. In similar ways, religious freedom and diversity have been highly prized and protected in Ontario while at the same time being sources of anxiety and social disruption. Using critical discourse analysis and critical genealogical analysis I examine the conflicted role of religion in Ontario public education through competing discourses in political rhetoric, selected government documents formulating ways of conceptualizing the role of religion in public education from 1950 to 2003 and case law between 1985 and 1997. More precisely, I examine ways in which educational, social and political goals of education have been intertwined throughout the history of Ontario public education. I show that the public school system has been a state instrument privileged to deliver public education as a way to resolve the tension between social cohesion and social diversity by delivering common civic values. One result is that challenges to the public school system are often interpreted as attacks on public education and on Ontario society, particularly when those challenges are launched by religious groups. This has meant that debates about the role of religion in public education tend to be volatile making serious dialogue about this important social issue difficult to achieve while restricting the space for religious diversity in public education.

Building Solidarity and Social Cohesion through Participatory Communication in Afghanistan: A Case of the National Solidarity Program

Hosai, Qasmi January 2013 (has links)
Although different studies have been conducted on various aspects of the National Solidarity Program (NSP) in Afghanistan, research on strengthening solidarity and social cohesion through its participatory approach has received little attention. This research used development communication as a theoretical framework to understand the role of participatory communication in strengthening solidarity and social cohesion in Afghanistan. The study employed a qualitative case study. To this end, the study used semi-structured interviews via email and telephone with 10 participants. Thematic analysis was used to code and categorize the data. The study findings show that the NSP appears to promote participation and increase collectiveness among the Afghan people, which, in turn, seem to strengthen solidarity and social cohesion. Finally, future research areas are discussed in the light of these findings.

"They don't come alone. They are afraid": Immigrant Integration and Nature Use in Örebro City

Armengol Rodríguez, Gabriela Susana January 2019 (has links)
In a world with increasing cultural diversity, it is necessary to understand the different environmental mindsets and natural encounters created by local governments. As the population transforms, integration endeavors are susceptible to be influenced by biased perceptions of immigrants thereby affecting people’s relationship with nature in the city. Örebro is a city in Sweden that has a high focus on environmental management. It is for this reason that elite interviews of local public officials and the analysis of environmental documents have been conducted to investigate this phenomenon. Currently, the framings found portray immigrants as uneducated, fearful, vulnerable, and their use of nature is often described as ‘deviant’. Swedes, on the other hand, are framed as educated, confident, and comfortable in their experience of the city and its nature. The interviews and documents show that the city has ambitious environmental goals in which the Municipality attempts to reduce social differences. However, it continues to develop plans based on erroneous perceptions of both Immigrants and Swedes leading to a possible increase in the power gap between these groups. Additionally, it leads the Municipality to work on the basis of an unsubstantial amalgamation of immigrant groups rather than considering the differences within these.

The contribution of mixed-income housing towards social cohesion in Serala View Residential Development,Polokwane City, Limpopo Province

Lukhele, Themba Mfanafuthi January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / One of the fundamental challenges facing post-apartheid South Africa’s urban settlement planning has been the requirement for social cohesion. For this reason, urban transformation interventions involved the construction of mixed-income housing, wherein social cohesion among low- and middle-income households could be enforced. Far from rhetoric and the drift of middle-income households into cities that were previously the preserves for white people, urban South Africa remains deeply segregated. It is against this background that the study assessed the determinants of the manifestation of social cohesion in the Serala View residential area, which consists of diverse races and different socio-economic classes. The study is in a form of a case study, and has adopted the normative together with the historical research design. The study used both primary and secondary data to complement each other. These data is both qualitative and quantitative. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the purposively sampled respondents, and an interview schedule was used to solicit data from the key informants. The International Business Machine-Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS) version 22 software was use for analysis, with which a non-parametric t-test was conducted to determine the intensity of the respondents on the different dimensions of social cohesion. Analysis results reveal there are three typologies of mixed-income housing, which are generally recognized in urban areas of many countries, and that the Serala View is a Gated Townhouse Complex typology. Importantly, this typology is mainly identified by six physical characteristics, which are central in determining the manifestations of social cohesion in the gated townhouse complex typology. Importantly, target hardening, which refers to security measures, is considered to be the most important aspect in Serala View residential development. From the analyses and interpretation of the theoretical and empirical evidence, the dissertation concludes that the contributions of mixed-income housing towards social cohesion are mixed and non-straightforward. However, there is theoretical validity of the notion that such an approach could cultivate social cohesion among different socio-economic classes. Results from Serala View Residential area largely confirm this theoretical positioning. This dissertation concedes that implementation discrepancies could be the real elephant in the room, rather than the fault of the idea itself. / National Research Foundation (NRF)

Investigating the use of electronic communication and its impact on faculty staff members at a selected university of technology in South Africa

Sallie, Amiena January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019 / The Fourth Industrial Revolution has entrenched the use of communication technologies in the workplace owing to their advantages. However, these same technologies can also present challenges for organisations, especially when employees become too dependent on them, for example, using emails as a sole form of communication. Consequently, this impacts staff interaction, their interpersonal communication, as well as staff cohesion negatively. The main objective of this research study was to establish if faculty staff rely excessively on email communication, resulting in reduced interpersonal communication, staff cohesion, and staff interaction. The researcher used an interpretive phenomenological quantitative research approach in a case study at the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences at UoT X with the aim to understand participants’ email experiences. The sample frame comprised 438 staff members, while the study adopted a non-probability sampling method. The findings revealed that a majority of the employees rely on electronic communication to communicate important information to other staff members in spite of the fact that they did not receive any formal training to use email in a professional business environment. Moreover, the research found that over-reliance on email communication impacted negatively on relationships amongst faculty staff, whilst poor interpersonal communication was a major cause of conflict and misunderstandings, as shown in the literature. Faculty staff should be encouraged to interact with their colleagues on a face-to-face basis, and should only resort to using electronic communication in urgent contexts. Staff relations are built and strengthened by sharing experiences, interacting both formally and informally, resolving disagreements, and encouraging interpersonal dialogue, diversity and tolerance through interactions. Furthermore, faculties should create social environments such as off-campus research retreats, university sports events, conferences, recreational tours, and subject clusters to aid sharing experiences, and staff cohesion.

Building Community with Bamboo: ”Six volcanoes” multifunctional public space in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Ranara, Jeff January 2021 (has links)
Inspired by regional Austronesian vernacular architecture, volcanic forms in the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines, and the natural geometry of the Fibonacci spiral, “Six volcanoes” is a multifunctional public space in the municipality of Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, located a stone’s throw southeast of the University of the Philippines, Los Baños campus, in the peri-urban community of Barangay (village) Tuntungin Putho.   The 3500 sqm. site rises one meter from the original street level to a 14 m. high 1100 sqm. main space. A slightly lower 6 m. high 150 sqm. auxiliary space is southwest of the main space.  Bamboo poles, which could be grown and harvested on an adjacent mini-mountain, “Pulong Malake”, serve as building material, with steel connector joinery where appropriate.  Laid-stone foundations and the thatched-roof cogon grass material are sourced from a local quarry and local fields.  Possible uses of the spaces include a wifi-lounge, learning and workshop activities, sporting events, festivities and concerts, church services, meetings and conferences.  Open to all in the area, from impoverished squatters to residents of adjacent gated communities and walled homes, “Six volcanoes” would facilitate social networking and cohesion, combating informal social segregation and bridging socio-economic class divides.

Social cohesion in school Choir competitions: the experiences of conductors and adjudicators

Masuelele, Oreeditse Patrick January 2020 (has links)
In this qualitative study the researcher investigates how school choir competitions in South Africa contribute to creating platforms for social cohesion. The study examines the experiences of conductors and adjudicators in two main South African school choir competitions, namely the ATKV-Applous and ABC Motsepe (previously known as SASCE). This study was inspired by the contribution of the rising choral music platform in post-apartheid South Africa to national regeneration from tensions created by past disparities and how choral music contributes to social cohesion in society. Phenomenology is used to investigate the experiences of conductors and adjudicators and whether participation in choral competitions contributed to advancing social cohesion in a transforming South Africa. Data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews, the review of documents and the analysis of journal notes taken during the study. The Transformative Learning Theory (TLT) was applied as framework to contextualise deliberate reflection involving increased social knowledge and openness among respondents. In this study, choir conductors and adjudicators reflected on their experiences in choir competitions and how cohesion could be achieved through choir competitions. From the study the researcher concluded that competitive platforms such as choir competitions provide an opportunity for role players to test their strength as individuals and as part of a team. The study found that, regardless of many challenges hindering social cohesion, choral music competitions offer an environment for bringing people closer and establishing harmonious collaboration. Learning from others, sharing and reciprocating experiences lead to new partnerships that promote social cohesion. However, the conditions set out in the rules and policy requirements of the competitions could inhibit social cohesion by exclusion and conditions that may hinder interest. Although many studies focus on the value of choral activities and its contribution to social cohesion, this study fills the gap of exploring the role of choir competitions in fostering social cohesion. Recommendations include the need to foster an awareness of the role of school choir activities, which includes the selection of music, in encouraging nation-building. Furthermore, school choir competition policy should include clearer guidelines on social cohesion. It is recommended that training opportunities for conductors and adjudicators should be expanded and implemented to include musical development, but also focus on fostering a sensitivity to the complexity of cultural diversity and the power of choral activities to enhance nation-building and social cohesion in South Africa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / pt2021 / Humanities Education / PhD / Unrestricted

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