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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Bijoux et leurs représentations dans les images de l’Italie du Nord aux XIVe et XVe siècles : Vallée d’Aoste – Piémont – Ligurie – Lombardie : États et rang social, emblématique et fonctions des objets de parure des laïcs : L’apport de l’Iconographie / Jewels and their Representations in Images of northern Italy (Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy) in 14th and 15th century

Zingraff, Sarah 11 December 2014 (has links)
L'étude des bijoux - notion complexe pour la période prise en examen - et de leurs représentations, s'appuie sur l'analyse des images en deux dimensions de la Vallée d'Aoste, du Piémont, de Ligurie et de Lombardie aux XIVe et XVe siècle. Elle vise à observer les contextes et les types de support permettant d'observer des détails comme les objets précieux, ainsi qu'à déterminer les grands groupes de commanditaires des images mettant en scène ces objets. Elle vise ensuite à analyser la fréquence d'apparition des différents bijoux et accessoires de parure, ainsi qu'à déterminer les catégories de personnages les plus ornées, tout en confrontant ces résultats avec les autres sources à notre disposition: mobilier archéologique, objets d'orfèvrerie, documentation comptable, inventaires après décès, lois somptuaires, récits de chroniqueurs, sermons, correspondance, poésie, ainsi que les Lapidaires dédiés aux gemmes. Sont abordées les particularités mises en avant par les images, qui insistent sur les différentes valeurs morales attachées à chaque type d'objet de parure, à l'endroit du corps auquel il était destiné ainsi qu'au rang de celui qui les portait.Le recours à plusieurs études relevant du domaine de l'anthropologie historique permet d'observer le rôle important des occasions qui requéraient le port de ces objets ou qui en commandaient les échanges, découlant des nécessités imposées par un cérémonial très ritualisé, lors duquel les objets de parure jouaient un rôle de représentation et de protection.L'analyse s'oriente sur la « stratégie » déployée par les images et leurs commanditaires, au sein d'une logique des apparences visant à légitimer leur position. / The study about jewels and adornment accessories - a complex notion for the period in examination - and their representations, leans on the analysis of the two-dimensions images produced in Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy in the 14th and 15th century.It aims at observing contexts and types of medium allowing images to show such details as jewels and adornment accessories, when still visible, and to determine the different groups of people who subscribed the images where these objects appear.It aims at analyzing the frequency of appearance of the various jewels and dress adornments, as well as determining which are the most decorated categories of characters, while confronting these results with the other sources at our disposal: archeological and goldsmiths' work finds, account books, inventories, sumptuary laws, chroniclers narratives, sermons, correspondence, poetry, and a particular genre of literature dedicated to gemstones: Lapidaries.The particularities advanced by images insist on the various moral values attached to every type of jewel and adornment object, their location on the body, as well as the rank of their owner.The recourse to several studies belonging to the historic anthropology domain allows focusing on the important role played by the occasions which required the bearing of these objects or which commanded their exchanges, ensuing from a ritualized ceremonial, during which the finery objects played a role of representation as well as protection.Finally, the analysis turns on the "strategy" displayed by images and, especially by those who ordered them, joining within logic of appearances, in order to legitimize their position. / Lo studio dei gioielli – nozione complessa per il periodo preso in esame – e delle loro rappresentazioni, si basa sull’analisi delle immagini a due dimensioni prodotte nella Valle d’Aosta, in Piemonte, Liguria e Lombardia ne Trecento e Quattrocento. Mira innanzitutto ad osservare quali sono i contesti ed i tipi di produzione che permettono di osservare dettagli come gli accessori ornamentali, quando questi sono ancora reperibili, così come a determinare i grandi gruppi di promotori delle immagini raffiguranti questi oggetti. Mira poi ad analizzare in modo quantitativo la frequenza delle apparizione di quei differenti tipi di gioielli ed accessori preziosi, nonchè a determinare quali sono le categorie di personaggi più ornati, pure confrontando questi risultati con le altre fonti a disposizione. Tra queste si annoverano reperti archeologici e oggetti di oreficeria, ma anche fonti scritte : documentazione archivistica contabile, inventari, leggi suntuarie, opere di cronisti, sermoni, corrispondenza, poesia, così come une tipo particolare dedicato alle gemme : i Lapidari. Sono così evidenziate le particolarità messe in luce dalle immagini, che insistono sulle differenti caratteristiche morali legate ad ogni tipo di oggetti presi in conto, alla parte del corpo alla quale era destinato, così come al rango sociale di chi lo portava. Il ricorso a parecchi studi che rientrano nel campo dell’antropologia storica permette di osservare il ruolo importante delle occasioni che richiedevano di ornarsi con questi oggetti o che ne determinavano gli scambi, il che dérivava dalle necessità imposte da un cerimoniale molto ritualizzato, nel quale quegli oggetti preziosi assumevano nello stesso tempo una funzione di rappresentazione et di protezione. Infine, l’analisi si orienta sulla « strategia » sviluppata dalle immagini, e sopratutto dai loro donatori, iscrivendosi in una logica delle apparenze che tendeva a legittimare la loro posizione.

La différenciation individuelle : définition d’une approche théorique et comparaison de mesures / Individual differentiation : definition of a theoretical approach and comparison of mesures

Causse, Elsa 08 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche est consacré à la différenciation individuelle (DI), une notion présente dans trois champs de recherche : l’identité, l’individualisme/collectivisme et la variabilité perçue dans les groupes. Avec des approches contrastées, ces trois courants ne situent pas la DI au même niveau d’analyse et adoptent des méthodologies différentes. En outre, dans ces travaux, la DI n’a qu’une place périphérique. Par conséquent, on ne sait pas exactement ce qu’elle recouvre. L’objectif de ce travail est d’approfondir le contenu théorique de la DI et de l’opérationnaliser plus précisément. Afin de comparer les méthodologies existantes, nous avons utilisé trois mesures de la DI. Une échelle générale et décontextualisée, des échelles spécifiques, contextualisées séparément et une mesure implicite fondée sur des descriptions de soi et d’autrui. L’impact du statut socioprofessionnel, du genre, du contexte et de l’ordre des descriptions dans la mesure implicite ont été examinés auprès d’une population de professionnels, agents de service et avocats. Les résultats montrent un fort impact des variables positionnelles sur la DI. Le contexte et l’ordre des descriptions ont également induit d’importantes variations. Cette recherche permet de mieux délimiter l’approche de la DI et d’étayer sa définition. La DI correspond à une norme socioculturelle induisant deux conséquences : la perception d’unicité et la recherche de différence, repérable dans les stratégies de présentation de soi. L’utilisation de mesures complémentaires semble indispensable car ces deux effets sont approchés par des mesures différentes, la mesure générale et la mesure implicite, respectivement. Sur ces deux mesures, la DI est plus importante dans les groupes dominants. Les échelles spécifiques correspondent à une mesure explicite qui produit des résultats inversés : davantage de DI dans les groupes dominés. Ce type de mesure révèle un refus des images respectives associées aux groupes dominants et dominés. Elle permet de comprendre que dans la vie quotidienne, la DI engendre de nombreux paradoxes par rapport aux besoins de conformité et d’affiliation groupale. Cette mesure reflète la gestion des contradictions induites par la DI aux plans identitaire et normatif. / The present dissertation is devoted to individual differentiation (ID), a notion that is present in three fields of research: identity, individualism/collectivism and perceived group variability. These three approaches do not consider ID at the same level of analysis and use different methods. Moreover, ID only has a peripheral place. Consequently, we do not know exactly what this notion covers. This work intended to develop the theoretical content of ID and operationalize it more precisely. With the aim to compare the existing methods, we used three measures of ID. A general and decontextualized scale, specific scales, separately contextualized and an implicit measure based on self and others descriptions. The impact of socio-professional status, gender, context and order of descriptions in the implicit measure were estimated within a population of cleaners and lawyers. Results showed a strong effect of status variables on ID. Important variations induced by context and order of descriptions were also observed. This research enabled to delimit ID approach and to develop its definition. ID refers to a socio-cultural norm that brings about two consequences: perception of uniqueness and quest of difference, located in self presentation strategies. The use of complementary measures appears necessary since these two effects are reached by different measures, general measure and implicit measure respectively. With these two measures, ID is more important in high-status groups. Specific scales refer to an explicit measure which produces the opposite result: more ID in low-status groups. This type of measure reveals a rejection of respective images associated to high and low-status groups. It enables us to understand that in everyday life, ID generates many paradoxes with regard to the needs of conformity and of group affiliation. This measure reflects the control of contradictions induced by ID that arise at an identitary level and a normative one.

Marketingová doporučení pro porodnice na základě dotazníkového šetření zkoumajícího preference rodiček / Marketing recommendations for maternity hospitals on the basis of questionnaires inquiry containing preferences of expectant mothers

Kuželová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this Master's Thesis is to form marketing recommendations for maternity hospitals. These marketing recommendations are in the form of marketing mixes, that are designed for individual revealed segments. The theoretical part of my Master's Thesis contains the reason why the maternity hospitals should implement marketing in the present day. Further goal of the theoretical part is to explain why I apply to the area of obstetrics the marketing of services. Further the theoretical part describes specifics of marketing of services, segmentation process, targeting and positioning. There is stated characteristics of the marketing mix in the area of services at the end of the theoretical part. The analytical part is based on written questionnaires inquiry. On the basis of results of questionnaires inquiry is carried out the process of segmentation using statistical programme IBM SPSS Statistics version 21.0. The result of segmentation process is discovering three market segments. These segments show similar characteristics. There is determined attractiveness of revealed segments in the chapter dealing with targeting. Marketing recommendations describe the value of providing services. Marketing recommendations are supplemented with social status of respondents.

The correlation between social support, socioeconomic status and psychological well-being among Hispanic adolescent females

Alvarez, Xochitl Margarita, Mercado, Marcela 01 January 2006 (has links)
The specific purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between social support, socioeconomic status and psychological well-being among Hispanic adolescent females. In examining these specific variables, the researchers obtained a clearer picture as to the predictors that influence Hispanic adolescent female's psychological well-being.

Den sociala utsatthetens effekter på psykisk ohälsa : En studie om gymnasieungdomar i Kronoberg / The effects of social vulnerability on mental health : A study about adolescent youth in Kronoberg

Stjärna, Ellie January 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the impact social vulnerability has on subjective mental health among adolescents. Furthermore, this study aims to measure which of the independent variables that represent social vulnerability has the most effect on mental health. The independent variables include sex, gender, NPD-diagnosis, ethnic background, and subjective social status. Several studies have investigated these topics before, but few studies measure different kinds of socially vulnerable groups together and compare them side by side. A quantitative approach is used, namely cross-table analysis and regression analysis. The theoretical framework consists of theories on gender, minority stress, social fields, social status, and a holistic approach to the understanding of health. The results show that 16 percent of the variation within subjective mental health can be traced to social vulnerability. The most vulnerable to subjective mental health issues were adolescent girls (in the biological sense), followed by adolescents with NPD-diagnosis, and then adolescents with a queer gender identity. The least vulnerable to subjective mental health issues were adolescents with low social status. However, it seems that an adolescent’s social status within the school is more important than their family’s social status in society.

Rekonstrukce zdraví a životního stylu jedinců pohřbených v sídlištních jamách a hrobech starší a střední doby bronzové na základě patologických znaků na kostře / Health reconstruction of individuals buried in settlements and graves in Early Bronze Age based on pathological traces on skeletons

Pankowská, Anna January 2014 (has links)
An increase in the diversity of Early Bronze Age (EBA) burial practices is well documented in central and southern Moravia between 2200-1500 BC. Apart from scarce cremations and pithoi burials, two more frequent parallel burial types appear. One is the standard burials in cemeteries, the other burials in settlement pits, the latter considered a deviation until recently. Thanks to recent excavations and new quantification procedures, however, abundance of settlement burials as well as uniformity and predictability of body deposition and grave equipment in pit burials has been shown. My intention is to show the existence of two parallel burial rites on the basis of bioarchaeological and archaeological evidence. I focus on the reconstruction of health and social status of individuals buried in settlement pits and graves. I observe the amount of demographic variability, diseases and trauma within each group. I suppose the distribution of diseases according to age, sex and archaeological record will be similar within each of the groups. As a result, we may speak about two equivalent burial practices. If deviations are encountered within settlement pits, however, we should speak about deviations or burials determined for a minority and homogeneous segment of population. Skeletons originate in two...

Exploring Four Barriers Experienced by African Americans in Healthcare: Perceived Discrimination, Medical Mistrust, Race Discordance, and Poor Communication

Cuevas, Adolfo Gabriel 08 January 2013 (has links)
For many health conditions, African Americans bear a disproportionate burden of disease, injury, death, and disability compared to European Americans. African Americans also use health services less frequently than do European Americans and this underuse of services contributes to health disparities in the United States. Studies have shown that some disparities are present not as a result of poor access to care, but, to a certain extent, as a result of the experiences patients have at their doctors' offices. It is, therefore, essential to understand African American patients' perspectives and experiences with healthcare providers. Past studies have shown that four barriers affect the quality of patient-provider relationships for African Americans: perceived discrimination, medical mistrust, race discordance, and poor communication. The studies, however, have not looked at how these barriers manifest when African Americans speak about their perspectives and experiences with health care providers. This project was a secondary data analysis of qualitative data provided by adult African American community members from Portland, Oregon with diabetes or hypertension or both, each of whom participated in one of 10 focus groups. The focus groups were conducted as part of a study that applied community based participatory research (CBPR) principles to understand patients' experiences with their doctors. Using a deductive approach, this analysis enhanced the understanding of how the barriers play a role in patient-provider relationships. Further, the analysis showed how the barriers are interrelated. In learning African American patients' experiences and perspectives on these four key barriers, the investigator proposes recommendations for healthcare providers as to how they can best deliver quality care for African Americans.

Boldness Behavior and Chronic Stress in Free-Ranging, Urban Coyotes (<i>Canis latrans</i>)

Robertson, Katie E. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A comparative study of Quebec English-Speaking and Franco-Ontarian postsecondary students' linguistic identity, boundary work and social status / Linguistic identity, boundary work and social status

Jean-Pierre, Johanne January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation based on a comparative qualitative study of Franco-Ontarian and Quebec English-speaking postsecondary students. / Kymlicka (2007) identifies three diversity silos in Canada: Indigenous peoples, official bilingualism, and multiculturalism encompassing immigrants and ethnic groups. This dissertation falls within the official bilingualism silo and explores linguistic identity, boundary work and social status amongst Franco-Ontarian and Quebec English-Speaking postsecondary students. Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto between January and June 2014 with 36 participants in English and French. First, this dissertation investigates how Franco-Ontarian and Quebec English-Speaking postsecondary students choose to self- identify, define, and enact their linguistic identity. Second, many questions aim to gauge potential symbolic linguistic boundaries, their porosity, and the role of bilingualism. Third, this dissertation delves into participants’ experiences of discrimination based on language or linguicism. Fourth, this inquiry examines if: a) the participants believe that bilingualism is highly esteemed and respected as a social status, b) if they believe that language is a commodity, c) and independently of their belief, if bilingualism results in a cosmopolitan lifestyle. Certain themes permeate all the chapters. Franco-Ontarian postsecondary students experience linguistic insecurity and express concerns for the future of French in their communities. While Quebec English-speaking postsecondary students do not voice fear for the future of the English language, they reveal a deep desire to be recognized as belonging in Quebec society. Some policy implications are discussed in the conclusion. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Francophones outside of Quebec and Quebec Anglophones are official language minorities with rights enshrined in the 1985 revised Official Languages Act. Their postsecondary experiences are less studied than their elementary and high school pathways. This dissertation summarizes the results of a study about the beliefs, attitudes and thoughts of Franco-Ontarian and Quebec English-Speaking postsecondary students about their linguistic identity, culture, their education, and the role of bilingualism in their lives. In order to do so, interviews were completed in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto with CEGEP, college and university students or recent graduates between January and June 2014 with a total of 36 participants. The results indicate that historical linguistic conflicts and the contemporary political context influence the responses of each group. The interviews also reveal that Quebec English-speaking participants want to be fully accepted as Quebecers while Franco-Ontarian participants worry for the future of their communities.

What is the Efficacy of Peer Presentation for English Languag Learners?

Roy, Courtney 01 August 2014 (has links)
This study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner’s (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspec-tives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions con-cerning enjoyment and contentment of academic topics. Three ELLs from two learning environ-ments participated with the eight day intervention, comprising of 45 minute instructive sessions to become proficient with demonstrating an arrangement of invigorating yet harmless scientific experiments. After the Peer Presentation, analysis of pre- and post-sociometric results demon-strated an overall increase of more intimate friendships. Examination of the ELLs' oral inter-view responses indicated growth of enjoyment regarding their institution and public discourse. Overall recommendations and suggestions of utilizing Peer Presentations are discussed for those involved with educating students.

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