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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MAKING HERSTORY : En kritisk analys av dramatiserad kvinnohistoria i visuell media / MAKING HERSTORY : A critical analysis of dramatized women’s history in visual media

Linder, Marlene January 2018 (has links)
The media is not only a source of entertainment, it is also a way to better understand ourselves and a means to shape our identities. The purpose of different types of communication are never neutral, there is always a discourse and an underlying meaning at work. By continually portraying women as stereotypical characters, the patriarchal discourse is reproduced and perpetuates an unequal view of women in society. It is possible to reconstruct the hegemonic male domination and representation is key if there is a change to be had in this area. Thus, it is of utter importance to create productions that showcase a vast variety of social and gender roles. The purpose of this essay is to analyse female representation in visual media with a primary focus on women’s history, exemplified by how gender is created by female characters in the miniseries Fröken Frimans krig. The analysis has a basis in multimodal critical discourse analysis as well as critical narrative analysis, and also takes into consideration Mulvey’s theories on the male gaze. The theoretical framework is based on poststructural feminist theory with an aim to deconstruct notions of what constitutes a woman and a man.

Missing the present for the unkown : the relationship between fear of missing out (FoMO) and life satisfaction

Jood, Tsholofelo Ella 04 1900 (has links)
Fear of missing out (FoMO) is a type of internet slang used to describe the “pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent” (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan & Gladwell, 2013, p. 1841). This pervasive fear encompasses an individual’s life and it is exacerbated by the social media updates of online counterparts. A study conducted by a South African pharmaceutical company revealed that 62% of the respondents have a constant fear of missing out on something that might be happening elsewhere. This study underscores the relevance of studying FoMO as a construct in the South African context. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between FoMO and satisfaction with life, as these two constructs have previously shown to be negatively correlated. The self-proclaimed FoMO sufferers who will be partaking in this study will be requested to complete an online questionnaire to establish the nature of the relationship between FoMO and satisfaction with life. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Needs of poverty-stricken families : perspectives from adult members

Manuel, Gratitude Bulelwa 06 1900 (has links)
Many families have been deprived access to basic human needs like food, clothing, shelter, protection, education and health services because of poverty. In South Africa poverty remains a challenge, resulting from economic and social inequalities, where 40% of its population still live in poverty (Landman, Bhorat, Van der Berg & Van Aardt 2003). The study aimed at ascertaining and describing the needs identified by adult members living in poverty, in the Lukhanji Municipality. The researcher used a probability, systematic, random sampling method to obtain respondents for the study. A non-experimental, descriptive, quantitative research approach was adopted. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 150 respondents, after which a numerical data analysis was done with the assistance of a statistician. Unemployment could be ascribed to lack of education and skills, which exposed families to poor living conditions, ill-health, insecurity and other social ills. Recommendations were made to solve these problems. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Sociální status podmíněný prací / The Social Status Conditioned by Work

ŠPIČKOVÁ, Hana January 2012 (has links)
From the sociological research realized in last years we can learn many interesting facts. We can find out what are currently the prestigious profession and what are not, what is the socio- economic status of individuals, what is the subjective social distance to the profession and many interesting research focused on the profession, prestige of the profession and social status. Sociological research take account of the objective viewpoint and on the subjective viewpoint regarding to the demographic and economic situation in the society. Some of the named sociological researches were compared with the results of this work that was interested in the subjective perception of respondent´s social status, and how risky profession affects their health. My diploma thesis is divided into three parts. The main themes are: the company, work and state of health. The first part of the theory is focused on the concept society based on other concepts important for this thesis. The second part focuses on the theory of professions working sample of respondents to the prestige of their profession and to the international classification of employment. The last is engaged in the concepts of health, illness, health and social determinants of health. The aim of this work was to determine how the respondents perceive their subjective social status, whether the selected structure of employment (education, income, occupational position) affect the social status of the respondent and the effect on the type of profession declared subjective health. The work set up three research questions, which copied the contents of its objectives: ? What is the respondent´s subjective social status? ? Do the chosen structures of employment have any influence on the social status of the respondent? ? Do the exercised profession has any influence on the subjective declarated heslth? Becouse of the set aims, I used the form f qualitative research. To collect data I used research method and its associated questioning research structured interview technique. The research group consisted of eight respondents from the staff of the Czech Police, Fire and Rescue Service of Czech Republic, Ambulance Service and the miners working in uranium mines with differentiation according to age. The work could serve to expand awareness of the different professions working. It may also serve as inspiration for further research.

Inégalités socioéconomiques et effets cardiovasculaires des expositions aux émissions industrielles au Québec, Canada

Batisse, Emmanuelle 04 1900 (has links)
Les populations sont exposées quotidiennement à mélange complexe de polluants de l’air, comme les particules fines, le dioxyde de soufre et le dioxyde d’azote, qui ont été associés à de nombreux effets de santé, notamment d’ordre respiratoire et cardiovasculaire. La répartition des sources émettrices, les caractéristiques du paysage (c.-à-d. le cadre bâti, la topographie) et par conséquent ce mélange et l’exposition des populations varient de manière spatio-temporelle. L’objectif de ce mémoire était de documenter les inégalités sociales d’exposition aux émissions industrielles de polluants de l’air et les effets cardiovasculaires aigus de l’exposition journalière à ces polluants chez des populations vulnérables résidant à proximité de ces sources. Ainsi, à l’aide d’une étude écologique, nous avons analysé les corrélations entre le niveau de défavorisation (quatre indicateurs) de 2189 écoles primaires et secondaires québécoises et leur exposition aux émissions industrielles dans des rayons de 2,5 à 7,5 km. Nos résultats suggèrent des inégalités d’exposition des populations infantiles aux émissions industrielles à l’école, cependant elles n’étaient pas constantes pour les quatre indicateurs. En outre, nous avons analysé, utilisant une étude cas-croisés, le lien entre l’exposition aux polluants industriels estimés à l’aide des émissions et des concentrations de ces polluants, et les décès pour maladies cardiovasculaires chez des personnes âgées résidant dans un rayon de 7,5 km d’une industrie. Aucune association convaincante n’a été notée ; nos résultats étaient très variables ; cela était probablement dû aux limites associées à l’estimation de l’exposition de notre étude. De futures études avec de meilleures estimations d’exposition seront nécessaires pour soutenir ces résultats. / On a daily basis, populations are exposed to a complex mixture of air pollutants such as fine particulate matters, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide that have been associated with a range of health effects namely respiratory and cardiovascular effects. Emitting sources’ distribution, landscape characteristics (i.e. infrastructure, topography) and thus the complex mixture of air pollutants and populations’ exposure vary greatly in space and time. This thesis aimed to document social inequalities in exposure to industrial air emissions of pollutants and associations between daily exposure to these pollutants and cardiovascular mortality in vulnerable populations living near these sources. Thus, using an ecological design, we analyzed Pearson’s correlations between deprivation level (using four indicators) of 2,189 primary and secondary Quebec schools and their exposure to industrial emissions in a radius of 2.5 to 7.5 km. Our results suggest inequalities in exposure to industrial air emissions at school in children. These associations were not consistent among all four indicators of deprivation. Besides, using a case-crossover design, we evaluated the associations between exposure to industrial air pollutants using both emission exposure estimates and sensor levels and deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the elderly living near industrial sources (<7.5 km). We found no convincing evidence of association. Our results varied greatly which could be caused by the limits of our study related to estimating exposure. Further studies using improved exposure estimates are necessary to support our findings.

Identités funéraires, variants biologiques et facteurs chronologiques : une nouvelle perception du contexte culturel et social du Cerny (Bassin parisien, 4700-4300 avant J.-C.) / Funerary identities, biological diversity and chronological factors : a new perception of the cultural and social context of the cerny culture (Paris Bassin, 4700-4300 BC)

Thomas, Aline 12 December 2011 (has links)
Au cours du Ve millénaire avant notre ère, le Bassin parisien voit l’émergence des premières nécropoles et du monumentalisme funéraire. Associé à la culture de Cerny, ces vestiges offrent un observatoire privilégié des mutations sociales que connaissent les communautés du Néolithique moyen en France. À partir d’une approche archéo-anthropologique, nous livrons ici un bilan complet de la population Cerny, au niveau général, à l’échelle des trois types de site (à structure de type Passy, plats et à sépulture sous dalle), et au niveau de chaque nécropole. Les sites de Passy, Balloy, Gron, Escolives-Sainte-Camille, Vignely (La Noue Fenard et La Porte aux Bergers), Chichery, Orville, Malesherbes (Les Marsaules et La Chaise), qui réunissent l’essentiel des squelettes Cerny mis au jour (n=160), font l’objet de cette étude. Quel que soit le niveau scalaire, le croisement des paramètres biologiques et archéologiques est systématisé et soumis à la décision statistique. Les résultats s’inscrivent dans un cadre interprétatif fiable grâce à de nouvelles datations 14C. Les analyses intra-sites révèlent différentes modalités sélectives des défunts et, parfois, le rassemblement codifié de sépultures en différents loci. Le statut des inhumés et leur fonction sociale jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la structuration des sites. Deux modèles organisationnels, dont un, répété de nécropole en nécropole, illustre une hiérarchisation des statuts à l’intérieur des structures monumentales. La correspondance de ces mêmes statuts en nécropoles plates suggère que l’identité sociale des défunts n’est pas la seule raison d’être du monumentalisme funéraire. Enfin, la dualité du Cerny, traditionnellement rattachée à deux manifestations diachroniques de la culture, doit être reconsidérée. La différenciation typologique évidente entre les longs couloirs de type Passy et les sépultures sous dalles de type Malesherbes, est ici soutenue par une distinction d’ordres funéraire et biologique, indépendamment du facteur chronologique, remettant en question l’unité culturelle du Cerny. / During the 5th millennium B.C., the Paris Basin sees the emergence of the first necropoles and funerary monumentality. Associated with the Cerny culture, these vestiges offer a privileged insight into the social transformations of Middle Neolithic communities in France. Following an archaeo-anthropological approach, we present a full assessment of the Cerny population as a whole, according to the three types of sites (Passy type structures, extended flat sites and slab graves) and with regard to each necropolis. The sites of Passy, Balloy, Gron, Escolives-Sainte-Camille, Vignely (La Noue Fenard and La Porte aux Bergers), Chichery, Orville, Malesherbes (Les Marsaules and La Chaise), which comprise the bulk of Cerny skeletons uncovered (n=160), constitute the object of this study. The cross-referencing of biological and archaeological parameters is systematized and subjected to statistical reasoning, regardless of the scalar value. These results, combined with new 14C dates, provide a reliable interpretive framework. Intrasite analyses reveal different modes of selection of the deceased and, occasionally, codified grouping of burials into separate loci. The rank of the dead and their social status play a predominant role in the structuring of the sites. Two models of organisation, one of which is repeated in every necropolis, illustrate the social stratification operating within monumental structures. The presence of individuals of similar status in flat necropoles suggests that the social identity of individuals is not the raison d'être of monumental graves. Moreover, the duality of the Cerny culture, traditionally seen as two diachronic manifestations of this culture, must now be reconsidered. The clear typological distinction between the long passage tombs of the Passy type and the slab graves of the Malesherbes type is herein upheld on both funerary and biological levels, regardless of chronology, thus calling the Cerny cultural unity into question.

The Role of Transit in the Upward Mobility of Low-Income Indianapolis Residents

Arianna Michaela Rambaram (11546773) 18 October 2021 (has links)
<p>This study examines the extent to which transit may be able to assist with the upward mobility of low-income groups, specifically those making less than a living wage. Previous studies relating to job accessibility have examined the feasibility of reaching jobs using various modes of transportation, and some have factored educational requirements into the attainability of those jobs. However, no studies thus far have attempted to determine transit accessibility to jobs that can facilitate and enable upward mobility for low-income households. Employment data relevant to the labor force of Marion County, Indiana, is used to determine the earnings (mainly wages or salaries) associated with occupations, and which occupations require no more than a high school education. Those occupations are then paired with the various industries they are found in, and the earnings belonging to the industry’s highest-earning occupation is associated with that industry. The median household incomes of low-income Census block groups (CBGs) are then compared to the earnings of each transit-accessible industry to evaluate whether those earnings are large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in the CBGs. Bus routes and bus stops for the local transit system (IndyGo) along with workplace locations are mapped in ArcGIS to assess the low-income population’s accessibility to workplaces belonging to a select group of industries. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Bus routes that serve both downtown Indianapolis and low-income CBGs were found to provide people living in those CBGs with access to some of the most lucrative jobs, particularly those found in the <i>Finance and Insurance</i> industries. Over half of Indianapolis’ transit-accessible industries have earnings amounts large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in all the low-income CBGs; this corresponds to 6,748 unique workplaces. Findings from this study suggest that low-income people would benefit from having access to transit routes that serve downtowns and other areas with high concentrations of white-collar jobs. Low-income Indianapolis residents informed of this study’s results may be motivated to explore the possibilities for better-paying jobs accessible to them by transit. Furthermore, methods used in this study can help in ranking different transit routes for accessibility to workplaces conducive to upward mobility. The rankings can be updated periodically to assist in addressing equity goals for transit planning.</p>

Koncept tříd v dějinách sociálního myšlení a v soudobé sociologii / The concept of classes in the history of social thought and contemporary sociology

Kubová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical-historical attribute and focuses on the theory of classes and class conflict, on the genesis of the concept of class. The thesis will analyze the authors and directions-schools that have had an impact on the ideological founder of the concept Karl Marx and also how they developed their thinking. Marx nor any other author of the term "class, classes, class" never clearly defined. It is a historical and sociological perspective on the concept of "class", which is often defined differently, and still there is any clear definition, which would approve whole academic community. In modern societies, the term "class" is not used so often and has been replaced by the concept of social stratification. In recent years, the "classes" being discussed by worldwide experts, but the solution is still not found. Nevertheless, this work is optimistic and the author clearly advocates that the term "class" will not vanish from professional sociological discourse.

Třídy, nerovnost a konflikt: v dějinách sociálně historického myšlení a v současnosti / Class, Disparity and Conflict: in the history of socio-historical thinking and present

Kubová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical-historical attribute and focuses on the theory of classes and class conflict, on the genesis of the concept of class. The thesis will analyze the authors and directions-schools that have had an impact on the ideological founder of the concept Karl Marx and also how they developed their thinking. Marx nor any other author of the term "class, classes, class" never clearly defined. It is a historical and sociological perspective on the concept of "class", which is often defined differently, and still there is any clear definition, which would approve whole academic community. In modern societies, the term "class" is not used so often and has been replaced by the concept of social stratification. In recent years, the "classes" being discussed by worldwide experts, but the solution is still not found. Nevertheless, this work is optimistic and the author clearly advocates that the term "class" will not vanish from professional sociological discourse.

Health Care Benefits for State Workers: What Drives the Differences?

Carew, Bonnie L 02 May 2009 (has links)
In any given week glance through the nation's leading newspapers and popular magazines and chances are you will find an article on the nation's medically uninsured. In chiding a country that allows 16% of its citizens to suffer the risks associated with that lack of insurance, reference is frequently given to the exemplary coverage provided to federal government employees by the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. What of the benefits provided to state government employees? How good is the coverage, and, of particular interest, are there significant variations across states and what factors might contribute to those differences? This study assesses the level of health care benefits afforded to state government employees in all fifty states and considers the potential impact of political ideology, political culture, economic conditions and public employee union membership in influencing variations in those benefits across the states. The state paid portion of a family’s health care premium was adjusted to allow for differences in health care costs across the states resulting in a range of the level of benefits from $318 per month in Mississippi to $1834 per month in New Hampshire. A state’s economic condition, the level of public union membership, and a moralistic political culture were all shown to have a positive association with the level of benefits. Political ideology, defined as the degree of liberalism, was, however, not shown to have a statistical association. Understanding health care benefit differences between states and the factors that drive those differences has the potential of improving lives and the functioning of state governments. Scant information on those differences exist in the current literature; this study has developed a baseline of information and an assessment of driving influences that will, hopefully, stimulate additional approaches and research efforts. Benefits, in general, have been shown in the literature to impact the ability of state governments to attract and maintain employees of merit. Advocates of increased benefits can utilize these study results to place their requests in a broader context.

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