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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social commerce : En studie om hur vårt nya sätt att kommunicera förändrar vårt sätt att konsumera

Bogren Ericsson, Linda, Eklöf, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Sociala medier har fått allt större betydelse när det gäller kommunikation mellan människor och för företag har explosionen av sociala medier inneburit både möjligheter och utmaningar. För att möta konsumenterna där de befinner sig har företag nu följt efter kunderna till de sociala medierna. I strävan efter att öka sin lönsamhet har företag tagit tillvara på sociala medier som en ny och effektiv e-handelskanal, en verksamhet som fått namnet social commerce. Social commerce är ett nytt fenomen i Sverige och handlar om försäljning av varor och tjänster via sociala medier. Vårt mål med denna studie är att undersöka anledningarna till varför några svenska företag har valt att använda sociala medier som en plattform för sin e-handel samt klargöra vad det är som gör att sociala medier är en lämplig plattform för e-handel. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med företag som på olika sätt bedriver social commerce. Undersökningen baseras på intervjuer med respondenter från totalt fem svenska företag där tre av dessa står i fokus för undersökningen. Dessa tre företag är; Comviq, Pocket Shop och Lagerhaus, som alla bedriver social commerce. Ytterligare två intervjuer har utförts med företagen Askås och Cloud Nine som utvecklar e-handelstjänster till den sociala medieplattformen. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att de kommunikativa aspekter som sociala medier innehar underlättar spridning av information vilket är en viktig anledning till varför de undersökta företagen anser att sociala medier passar för e-handel. Den virala spridningen av online word-of-mouth har en enorm effekt tack vare att informationen kan spridas snabbt, effektivt och till många via människor i det sociala nätverket. Denna förmåga är ett viktigt skäl till varför de tre undersökta företagen använder sociala medier som en plattform för sin e-handel. I vår slutsats noterar vi att konvergensen mellan e-handel och sociala medier och konsumenternas behov av att delta är tecken på hur vårt förändrade sätt att kommunicera påverkar vårt sätt att konsumera. / Title: Social commerce - A study of how our changing way of communicating affects the way we consume Number of pages: 39 (43 including enclosures) Author: Linda Bogren Ericsson, Sara Eklöf Tutor: Ann-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: HT 2011 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Purpose/Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to study the phenomenon social commerce in Sweden and investigate the reasons why Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus have chosen to use social media as a platform for their e-commerce. Furthermore, we want to clarify what it is that makes social media a suitable platform for e-commerce and how e-commerce can take advantage of the unique features that social media possesses. Material/Method: The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with companies who are in contact with social commerce in different ways. The study was based on interviews with respondents from five Swedish companies. Three of these companies, Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus are all engaged in social commerce, and the other two, Askås and Cloud Nine are developers of e- commerce services for the social media platform. Main Results: The result of our study showed that Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus chose to use social media as a platform for e-commerce in order to increase their sales. Furthermore, social media holds important communicative features that facilitate the dissemination of information. The viral spread of online word-of-mouth can quickly and effectively reach many people through the connected network within social media. This ability is an important reason for why the three companies use social media as a platform for e-commerce. It also emphasizes how e-commerce can benefit from a presence on social media. In our conclusion, we note that the convergence of e-commerce and social media, and the consumer’s need for participation are signs of how our changing way of communicating affects the way we consume.

社群商務之熟人經濟與關係行銷 / Acquaintance Economy and Relationship Marketing of Social Commerce

謝欣芸 Unknown Date (has links)
社群商務(Social Commerce)最早在2005年在雅虎官方部落格Yahoo Search Blog首次成為一個字詞,其後十幾年變化出更多形式,包括團購、募資、購物網站的論壇、社群網站等多元形式。本研究著重於探討在社群網站上的社群商務行為。 社群網站除了友誼聯繫與資訊交流的功能外,也提供越來越多服務及平台機制,其中一項即是社群商務。依台灣網路用戶來看,超過九成的網路用戶每月都會使用Facebook,是亞太區滲透率最高的市場,因此本研究將以Facebook作為觀察社群商務的代表社群平台,觀察賣家在社群平台上進行關係行銷的方式。 依照賣家面向的顧客類型可以分成主要面向認識的人與主要面向陌生人等兩種經營社群商務模式,由於不管是認識的人或陌生人,大家在Facebook上大家都互為「好友」,因此賣家向Facebook好友銷售商品的行為稱為「熟人經濟」。本研究透過個案訪談法分析社群商務中熟人經濟之商業模式與賣方進行關係行銷的作法。 / The term social commerce was first introduced by Yahoo Search blog in 2005. Since then, the scope of social commerce has expanded to include group buying, crowdfunding, forum of online store, and social networking site. The study focuses on the activities of social commerce on social networking site. Social networking site provides more and more services besides the functions of keeping connections and sharing information, and one of them is social commerce. More than 90% of the Taiwanese internet users are Facebook monthly users, so Facebook will be the observational social platform in this study. The way that sellers do relationship marketing will be analyzed in this study. This study classifies two social commerce categories according to whether the major customers that sellers sell products are to people that the seller knew or to strangers. Owing to whether seller knew the customer before or not, they call each other “friend” on Facebook, and the behavior that sellers sell goods to friends is called “acquaintance economy.” This study analyzed the acquaintance economy and relationship marketing of social commerce through interview method.

The Influence of Social Media on E-Commerce Sties

Alghamdi, Elham 10 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses the influence that social media sites have on the behavior of online customers (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The thesis combines information from three different approaches that study how social media sites are used by online stores to help increase their sales: 1) Google Analytics; 2) Crazy Egg; and 3) an online Survey. Firstly, Google Analytics was used to collect data from three online sources. The data was used to determine the path that customers took to arrive at the online stores. Using data only from those customers who completed a transaction. The researcher found that revenue generated from search engines was approximately four times higher than from typed URLs, online ads, as well as Twitter and Facebook. The researcher also found that revenue generated from Twitter traffic was increasing. Secondly, Crazy Egg was used to collect information on event actions (e.g., button presses) that generated more webpage specific details. In particular, we were interested in knowing how often customers clicked on an online store’s social media buttons (e.g., on Facebook and Twitter). The Crazy Egg data indicated that customers only used the online store’s social media buttons (i.e., Facebook and Twitter) about 1% of the time. Finally, an online survey was conducted in order to capture the opinions and attitudes of customers who used social media, including their tendencies to follow stores online, and the frequency of their visits to the store’s social media sites. We found that all participants used at least one social media site. Approximately 69% of the participants followed stores online using social media (Facebook and Twitter being the most common) and they used these sites to look for offers, find product information, and read reviews from other customers and the online stores’ owners. The survey also showed that 47% of participants reported that they had used social media buttons while visiting an online store, which was much higher than the results generated by Crazy Egg.

Examining consumers’ acceptance of social commerce in clothing e-retail

Nadeem, W. (Waqar) 10 June 2016 (has links)
Abstract Social commerce is an emerging phenomenon and consumers’ acceptance of it has set a challenge for marketing today. The proliferation of Web 2.O technologies has brought consumers to spend most of the time online at different platforms of social media to connect with their family and friends. These mere connectivity, entertainment, and socialization platforms possess a huge potential to drive businesses. The main premise here is that social networking sites have been tremendously popular, especially Facebook, which has led to more integration of consumers and retailers. Consumers, unintentionally or subconsciously, are coming across information about their preferred brands at Facebook and their decision making is influenced through this. In this regard, a study is required that examines consumers’ acceptance behavior in social commerce settings. This dissertation contributes to the existing knowledge of the new phenomenon of social commerce in marketing literature. It highlights the consumers’ aspects of the acceptance of social commerce and contributes to the theoretical discussions on three levels: (i) it provides a general framework for engaging consumers online through traditional means (e-commerce) and new means (social commerce); (ii) it identifies the various consumer segments present at the most popular social networking site, Facebook; and finally (iii) it extends the recently devised model—the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2)—with constructs such as trust, perceived security, and perceived privacy in order to identify consumers’ trust in the new stream of social commerce. The main aim of this study is to understand consumers’ acceptance of social commerce empirically, in a way that enlightens the theoretical implications and enables managers to devise strategies accordingly in this new age of social commerce. To this end, data has been collected from three countries—Italy, Pakistan, and Australia—in order to have a diverse perspective on consumers around the world. The data comes from consumers who participate in social commerce and whose shopping decisions are influenced by Facebook. As social commerce is a rather new and unstructured phenomenon, this dissertation focused on the consumers’ perspective and the most popular social networking site, Facebook, thus providing a baseline theoretical model of further research with different categories, target audiences, and constructs. / Tiivistelmä Sosiaalinen kaupankäynti on nouseva ilmiö, ja kuluttajien hyväksyntä sitä kohtaan herättää haasteen nykypäivän markkinoinnille. Web 2.0-teknologioiden määrän räjähdysmäinen kasvu on saanut kuluttajat viettämään suurimman osan ajastaan sosiaalisen median eri alustoilla. Yhteydenpidon, viihteen sekä sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen alustat pitävät hallussaan valtavan liiketoimintapotentiaalin. Sosiaalisten yhteisöpalveluiden, etenkin Facebookin äärimmäinen suosio on johtanut integraatioon kuluttajien ja vähittäiskaupan välillä. Facebookissa kuluttajat, tietoisesti tai alitajuisesti, törmäävät informaatioon suosikkibrändeistään, mikä vaikuttaa heidän päätöksentekoonsa. Näin ollen on muodostunut tarve tutkia kuluttajien hyväksyntäkäyttäytymistä sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin kontekstissa. Tämä tutkielma edistää olemassa olevaa tietämystä sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin ilmiöstä markkinoinnin kirjallisuudessa. Se korostaa kuluttajanäkökulmaa sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin hyväksynnässä sekä osallistuu akateemiseen keskusteluun kolmella tasolla: i) tarjoamalla yleisen viitekehyksen kuluttajien sitouttamiseksi verkossa sekä perinteisin (verkkokaupankäynti) että uusin (sosiaalinen kaupankäynti) keinoin, ii) tunnistamalla tämän hetken suosituimman yhteisöpalvelu Facebookin erilaiset kuluttajasegmentit sekä iii) laajentamalla äskettäin laadittua yhtenäistä teoriamallia teknologian hyväksynnästä sekä käytöstä (UTAUT2), joka pyrkii tunnistamaan kuluttajien luottamusta sosiaaliseen kaupankäyntiin muun muassa luottamuksen ja koetun turvallisuuden sekä yksityisyyden rakenteiden kautta. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen tavoite on saavuttaa ymmärrystä kuluttajien sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin hyväksynnästä empiirisesti, valaisten teoreettisia johtopäätöksiä sekä edistäen liikkeenjohdon mahdollisuuksia asianmukaisten strategioiden laadintaan sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin aikakaudella. Tähän mennessä aineistoa on kerättyä kolmesta maasta – Italiasta, Pakistanista ja Australiasta – monimuotoisen ja maailmanlaajuisen kuluttajaperspektiivin saavuttamiseksi. Data on kerätty sosiaaliseen kaupankäyntiin osallistuvilta kuluttajilta, joiden ostopäätökseen Facebook vaikuttaa. Sosiaalisen kaupankäynnin ollessa vielä suhteellisen uusi ja epämuodollinen ilmiö, tämä kuluttajanäkökulmaan suosituimmassa sosiaalisessa yhteisöpalvelussa Facebookissa keskittyvä tutkielma tarjoaa jatkotutkimuksia varten perustan teoreettiselle mallille eri kategorioineen, kohdeyleisöineen sekä rakenteineen.

Value co-creation in a digital world : A case study on a Swedish online retailer implementing value co-creation

de Verdier Below, Tim, Istrefi, Florian, Karlefors, Arvid January 2020 (has links)
Background: In the past, the majority of products were sold in the retail industry through physical stores, making it possible for customers to interact and be personal with the retailers. The development of technology has made retailers move their operations to an online environment.    Problem: The problem of this paper is how companies that operate in an online environment can create relationships with their customers in the context of value creation. There exists limited research on how online retailers can create value creation and co-creation through e-commerce and m-commerce.   Purpose: This research aims to investigate what actions that are influencing value creation and value co-creation between firm and customer in the online sector of e-commerce and m-commerce. The thesis will examine if there exists a difference between e-commerce and m-commerce in terms of value creation and co-creation.    Method: This thesis is based on a qualitative research approach, the empirical findings were collected through an interview with the CEO of Please the Swede (PTS), followed up with six semi-structured interviews with the company's customers.   Results: It is evident that PTS carries out two different value-creating actions that enable the company to co-create value with its customers in e-commerce and m-commerce. Customer service and social media were identified as the two services that co-create value. It was also concluded that it did not exist any differences in terms of how value co-creation was created through PTS e-commerce and m-commerce.

Hur Social är Social Handel?

Österling Andersson, Rebecca, Cindy, Svensson January 2019 (has links)
The purchasing process has in many ways been affected by the digitalization. As the digital commerce is growing in market shares the physical stores are struggling. The mobile phone has become a central point of purchasing as digital technologies has become an important factor in creating customer value. In addition, social platforms have made an entrance in e-commerce, creating social commerce. First by being a platform for information and inspiration. But with recent launches the social platforms are releasing functions to in a wider sense boost selling activities and creating application design for a more seamless shopping experience. At the same time Influencer marketing is a rapidly growing industry that businesses invest more in every year.  The purpose of this thesis is to create a better understanding for social commerce as business model and how the functionality supports and limits the interaction between commercial actors and the private users in activities of the purchasing process. The question was investigated based on the perspective of the relationship between commercial actors and their followers. Where design is studied based on factors of functionality, usability and sociability in relation to purchases- and sales activities. The study will also focus on how the framework is set for the activity and interaction that takes place on the social platform in social commerce.To answer the research question, a netnography was performed and though observations of businesses and influencers Instagram accounts, to conduct a mainly qualitative data acquisition. Where the purpose is to observe the behavior and activities that occurs on the platform and set them i relation to the technical aspects of the platform.The results of this thesis show that the commercial actors; businesses and influencers have different strategies supporting their commercial interests on the social platform: The Seamless strategy (businesses) and the Social strategy (influencers). Both supported by the platforms functionalities, the businesses, business model tend to be more vulnerable to the potential changed conditions that the platform's framework entails.

社群網站行為與線上社會資本對社群商務之影響- 以社群網站臉書為例 / How Behaviors on Social Network Sites and Online Social Capital Influence Social Commerce: The Case of Facebook

吳至倫, Wu, Chih Lun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社群網路不斷快發展而使得上社群網站成為使用者每日生活的一部分,而社群商務也因此蓬勃發展。社群商務是社群網站使用者因社交活動而彼此交換分享產品或服務資訊的行為。根據Forrester Research在2011年的報告,預測至2015年時社群商務的產值將達300億美金。因此社群商務將隨社群網站不斷的發展,將越來越重要。 因此,本研究文獻回顧及焦點訪談藉由社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽二種行為、社會資本-結合型社會資本(親密朋友)及橋接型社會資本(普通朋友)來預測社群網站使用者採用社群商務-給予及接受二種意願。 本研究以社群網站臉書的使用者為研究對象,研究以紙本及線上二種方式來搜集使用者問卷。紙本問卷主要以北部某大學生為主要搜集對象,線上問卷則以在電腦教室的大學生、社群網站臉書的線上使用者及BBS-批踢踢實業坊的使用者同時也是社群網站臉書上的使用者為主。有效問卷970份。經由信度分析、效度分析及共同方法變異分析,確認本研究之信效度,並採用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Square,PLS),來進行結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)研究模型分析。 總體研究一開始先進行分析社群網站行為、線上社會資本及採用社群商務三者主構面皆為二階構面之間的關係。結果發現社群網站行為對線上社會資本及線上社會資本對採用社群商務三個主構面皆是顯著正向的關係。接著本研究模型整體分析社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽、線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)對使用者採用社群商務的意願-給予及接受皆有正向顯著的影響。因此本研究並繼續在就個別研究子構面進行探討。 參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對結合型(親密朋友)社會資本有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度大於參與行為對於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度。參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對於橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度大於參與行為對於橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本的正向影響程度。 參與行為對採用社群商務意願(給予)有顯著的正向影響,但瀏覽行為對採用社群商務意願(給予)沒有影響。參與行為和瀏覽行為皆對採用社群商務意願(接受)皆有顯著的正向影響,但參與行為與瀏覽行為二種行為對於採用社群商務意願(接受)沒有顯著的不同。 結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對採用社群商務意願(給予)皆有顯著的正向影響,且橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(給予)的正向影響程度大於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(給予)的正向影響程度。結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對採用社群商務意願(接受)皆有顯著的正向影響,但結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)二種社會資本對於採用社群商務意願(接受)沒有顯著的不同。 綜上所述,總體而言,瀏覽行為對於社會資本優於參與行為對於社會資本的影響。參與行為對於採用社群商務意願優於瀏覽行為對於採用社群商務意願。橋接型(普通朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願優於結合型(親密朋友)社會資本對於採用社群商務意願。 此外,在經由量化分析研究,本研究獲得全部研究假設分析的結果,接著本研究並採用事後質性分析(Post Hoc Qualitative Analysis),利用半結構式深度訪談,對象包括大學部1-4年級的學生及上班族來做事後質性分析。事後質化分析的結果是將量化分析的所支持的假設加以驗証及探究更深一層的說明,並提供解釋量化分析所不支持假設的可能原因。 本研究理論貢獻在於採用社群網站行為-參與及瀏覽及線上社會資本-結合型(親密朋友)及橋接型(普通朋友)來預測採用社群商務-給予及接受之意願。較少研究採用社群網站行為及社會資料理論來解釋社群商務。管理意涵在於社群網站的營運者,應思考如何藉由社群網站來增加對使用者的〞黏性〞及提昇使用者瀏覽網站的流量,並依據使用者之前瀏覽的記錄,來推測並提供使用者所喜好的内容。更進一步來說,為增加使用者的參與行為可依照使用者彼此間的互動來分析使用者社群網站上的行為以推薦使用者加入其有興趣的粉絲團及社團,以增加親密朋友及普通朋友之使用者彼此的互動,同時增加線上結合型及橋接型社會資及使用者採用社群商務的意願。此外,本研究建議社群網站經營者應努力發展線上朋友介紹功能,並藉由大數據的資料分析擴大使用者的交友範圍。對於使用者線下的朋友,希望將其成為本身結合型(親密朋友)或橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本。對於使用者線上不認識的朋友,希望能其成為橋接型(普通朋友)的社會資本,因為他們可能加入同一粉絲團或社團,以促進社群網站的使用者採用社群商務的意願。 / Following the fast growing of social network sites (SNS) such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook in the cyber world recently, the social commerce has become an important emerging issue in these SNS. According to the Forrester Research (2011) predicted the total value of output for social commerce will reach US$30 billion in 2015. Because the development of social commerce will follow the continueous growing of SNS, the social commerce will play a pivotal role in the e-commerce. According to the literature review and focus group discussions, the study explored and applied SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding (close friends) and bridging (ordinary friends) to predict SNS users to adopt giving and receiving social commerce intention (SCI). The study applied an empirical research on SNS users i.e. FB users to be research target samples. The data collection were applied by paper_based and online_based as two way to collect sample data. With regard to sample data from paper_based survey, the study adopted undergraduate students of a university located in northen Taiwan was the research main collection samples for paper_based survey. As to online_based survey, the study utilized undergraduate students, who are the same as paper_ based survey in the same university with computer lab classes, FB users of researchers’ friends and Taiwan largest Bulletin Board System-PTT who are also FB users to collect online users’ data. The total valid samples are 970 from online_based and paper_based survey. After reliability analysis, validity analysis and common method variance testing, the study confirmed that reliability and validity of study samples met the requirement of each statistical testing and were qualified for testing the study whole research model. Then, the study adopted partial least square (PLS) to proceed with structural equation modeling (SEM) research model testing. As to whole model research testing, in the beginning the study was testing the relationship among SNS behavior, online social capital and SCI. The three constructs are second order constructs. The testing results show the effects of SNS behavior on online social capital and the effects of online social capital on SCI are significantly positive. Hence, the research continues to proceed with the research model testing. The research findings of whole research model testing have shown SNS behavior as a second order construct of participating and browsing, online social capital-bonding and bridging are both significantly positive influence to adopt social commerce intention as a second order construct as SCI (giving and receiving). Hence, the study will continue to explore the relationships between each sub-construct in the research. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bonding social capital. Moreover, browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bonding social capital than participating behavior is associated with bonding social capital. Participating and browsing behavior are both significantly positive on bridging social capital. Browsing behavior is more significantly positive associated with bridging social capital than participating behavior is associated with bridging social capital. Participating behavior is significantly positive on adopting SCI (giving). However, browsing behioavr is no significant influence on adopting SCI (giving). Participaiting behavior and browsing behavior both have significantly positive influences on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between participating behavior and browsing behavior on adopting SCI (receiving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (giving). Moreover, bridging social capital is more significantly positive associated with SCI (giving) than bonding social capital is associated with SCI (giving). Bonding and bridging social capital are both significantly positive on SCI (receiving). However, there are no significant differences between bonding and bridging social capital on adopting SCI (receiving). To Sum up, generally speaking, browsing behavior is better on social capital than participating behavior is on social capital. Participating behavior is more suitable on adopting SCI than browsing behavior is on social capital. Bridging social capital is more appropriate on adopting SCI than bonding social capital is on adopting SCI. Besides, after quantitative data analysis, the study proceeds with the post hoc qualitative analysis. Utilizing semi-structured in-depth interviews with undergraduate students and working persons to continue post hoc qualitative analysis. The aim of post hoc qualitative analysis is to validitate and provide insight for the hypotheses which are supported by quantitative analysis. Moreover, it provides the explainations for the hypotheses which ae not supported by the quantitative analysis. The theory contributions of the study are applying SNS behavior including participating and browsing, social capital theory including bonding and bridging to predict SNS users to adopt SCI (giving and receiving). Seldom researches SNS behavior and social capital theory to explain social commerce individually. With regard to managerial implications are for SNS operators to think how to utilize SNS to increase users stickiness and raise users’ browsing quantities - following the users’ accumulated browsing behaivors history to predict and provide the contents which users may have interest. Moreover, regarding the interacting behavior for SNS users of participating behavior is to analyze the behaviors of SNS users and to recommend uers to join the fan pages or clubs that they may be interested in. Doing so is to increase the interactions with close friends and ordinary friends to enhance online bonding and bridging social capital and the users’ intentions to adopt SCI simotenously. In addition, the study recommends SNS operators to adopt friends introducing functions thoroughly and apply big data statistical analysis to enlarge the users’ friends rang to make more SNS friends. For the SNS offline friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ offline friends to become their online bonding or bridging social capital. For the SNS online unknown friends, the study wish to let SNS users’ online unkown friends to become their online bridging social capital because they may join the same fan pages or clubs to enlarge and accelerate SNS users to adopt SCI.

Social Media Marketing System Aiming at Increasing Purchase Intentions on B2c E-Commerce Sites

Danieli, Ela January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and to explore how B2C e-commerce businesses could use social media marketing strategies to increase their consumers purchase intentions on their sites. Findings enabled the development and research of a comprehensive social media marketing system which includes a general set of components and tools aiming at increasing purchase intentions on such sites. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on literature as well as previous studies of Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing System, E-commerce, B2C, Social Commerce, S-commerce, Online Purchase Intentions, Trust and Social Trust. A conceptual framework was created and led the research method which used a convergent parallel mixed method design that includes gathering and analysing both qualitative and quantitative data. The data is gathered from potential users and clients of the system and led by the user-centered design (UCD) process. The obtained qualitative and quantitative data was analysed separately and then merged together by a side-by-side comparison. With the use of this approach, several ways businesses can increase consumers purchase intentions towards their B2C e-commerce site were discovered. Social media presence, published content, publishing frequency, content type, special sale promotions and social media friends are variables that have been found to be influential upon purchase intentions. The integration of a social media marketing system combined with these variables was found to be a successful tool for B2C e-commerce businesses wanting to increase consumers purchase intention through social media networks.

Antecedentes da confiança e intenção de compra no comércio social: um estudo sobre a perspectiva das mídias sociais como ferramentas de anúncios de produtos e serviços / Antecedents of trust and intention to purchase in social commerce: a study about social media perspective as aid tools for produts and services

Pagan, Natália Munari 27 October 2017 (has links)
A confiança online é de grande importância no comércio online sendo considerada mais importante no comércio social do que no comércio eletrônico, visto que, ela é a responsável por levar os consumidores a adquirir a intenção de compra. Devido a grande importância da confiança no comércio online, esta pesquisa possuiu como principal objetivo estudar o relacionamento entre a confiança e as variáveis que a influência (seus antecedentes) e entre a confiança e a intenção de compra. Este relacionamento foi verificado no comércio social mais especificamente em sua segunda forma de classificação, a qual, considera as mídias sociais como sendo um tipo de loja online. Como antecedentes foram estudados a privacidade, a segurança, a proximidade, a familiaridade e o hábito de utilizar o site sendo que este foi estudado de forma inédita neste estudo. Para realizar esta pesquisa foi realizado um levantamento junto com os consumidores que utilizam o Facebook como site do comércio social. Como método de coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário elaborado com base na escala Likert de sete pontos onde este foi aplicado aos estudantes da graduação e da pósgraduação da Universidade de São Paulo campus Ribeirão Preto sendo que a amostra utilizada nesta pesquisa foi por conveniência. Como método de análise de dados foi utilizado o modelo de equações estruturais. Foi possível mostrar que os antecedentes: privacidade, segurança, familiaridade e hábito de usar o site influenciam positivamente a confiança e que a proximidade exerce influência negativa. Também foi mostrado que a confiança influencia positivamente a intenção de compra. Os resultados deste estudo trouxeram importantes descobertas na área de pesquisa do comércio social contribuindo tanto com a literatura quanto com a prática. Em relação a literatura foi possível mostrar que a segurança é um antecedente da confiança fato que não tinha sido comprovado em outra pesquisa, além do mais foi visto de forma inédita que o hábito de usar o site também é um antecedente que exerce influência positiva sobre ela. Na prática estes resultados podem ser utilizados pelos administradores para melhorar seus sites. / Online trust is of great importance in online commerce being considered more important in social commerce than in electronic commerce since it is responsible for getting consumers to acquire the intention to purchase. Due to the great importance of trust in online commerce this research had as main objective to study the relationship between trust and the variables that influence (its antecedents) and between the trust and the intention to purchase. This relationship was verified in social commerce more specifically in its second form of classification which considers social media as being a type of online store. As antecedents we studied the privacy, security, proximity, familiarity and habit of using the site, and this was studied in an unprecedented way in this study. To carry out this research was carried out a survey together with consumers who use Facebook as a social commerce site. As a method of data collection, a questionnaire was developed based on the seven-point Likert scale where it was applied to undergraduate and graduate students from the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto campus and the sample used in this study was for convenience. As a method of data analysis the structural equations model was used. It was possible to show the antecedents: privacy, security, familiarity and habit to use the site positively influence the trust and that the proximity exerts negative influence. It has also been shown that trust positively influences the purchase intention. The results of this study have brought important findings in the area of social commerce research contributing both to literature and practice. In relation to the literature it was possible to show that security is an antecedent of trust fact that had not been proven in another research, besides was seen in an unprecedented way that the habit of using the site is also an antecedent that exerts a positive influence on it. In practice, these results can be used by administrators to improve their sites.

Social commerce no Brasil: uma perspectiva do usuário / Social Commerce in Brazil: an user perspective

Magalhães, Alexandre Sanches 02 September 2013 (has links)
A internet tem apresentado forte crescimento desde o final dos anos 1990. Na metade dos anos 2000, o fenômeno das mídias sociais inicia-se. No Brasil, o Orkut foi um dos desbravadores desde novo mercado, hoje dividido por empresas como Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter e tantos outros. O internauta brasileiro adotou as mídias sociais e aparece na lista de maiores usuários desta mídias. Aconteceu isso com o Orkut, acontece isso com o Youtube, com o Facebook, com o Twitter, e o fenômeno merece ser acompanhado de perto pela academia. Pesquisando sobre o crescimento das mídias sociais, apareceu uma maneira de vender produtos, um misto de e-commerce e mídia social, chamado de social commerce. Nele, uma empresa oferece um produto para um usuário de mídia social, para que este presenteie um amigo ou conhecido nesta rede social, baseado nas declarações deste amigo ou conhecido. Seria este modelo viável no Brasil? Quais os elementos importantes para que esse tipo de comercio avance no Brasil? Este é o objeto de estudo desta tese de doutorado. / The internet hás been presenting a strong growth since the final of the 1990´s. In the middle of the years 2000, the social media fenomenon started in Brazil. Orkut is one of the first players in this market, but nowadays companies like Youtube, Facebook, Linkediin, Twitter among others divide the user´s attention. The Brazilian internet users adopted the social media and appear on the top of the all lists, being considered a have user os this kind of media. It was true with Orkut, and it is also happening with Youtube, Facebook and Twitter and it must be focused by researchers and intellectuals. While researching about the social media growth, it was found in articles a new way to sell products, a mix of e-commerce and social media, named social commerce. In this model, a e-commerce company offers a product to a social media user, so this person can give a present to a contact or friend, which is a contact in this same social media, all based on the profile of this contact or friend. Would be this model profitable in Brazil? Which elements are important to develop it in the country? This is the focus of this study.

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