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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det pyr under ytan : En kvalitativ studie om konflikter bland undersköterskor / It's just below the surface : A qualitative study concerning conflicts among enrolled nurses

Håkansson, Ellen, Evertsson, Louice January 2018 (has links)
En stor andel av alla sjukskrivningar i Sverige beror på psykisk ohälsa. Kvinnor inom kontaktyrken löper störst risk att drabbas. Konflikter på arbetsplatsen är en anledning till psykisk ohälsa. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur kvinnliga undersköterskor upplever konflikter i arbetsgrupp utifrån fyra perspektiv: arbetsgrupp, genus, makt och socialt utbyte. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer har vi intervjuat tio undersköterskor i en mindre ort i Västra Götaland. Resultatet visar att informanterna upplever att konflikter har en negativ inverkan på undersköterskornas arbetssituation. Informanterna upplever även att konflikter uppstår på grund av olika personlighetstyper som inte harmoniserar med varandra, olika arbetssätt samt undvikande från arbetsuppgifter. Majoriteten av informanterna upplever att de agerar på ett medlande eller undvikande sätt i konflikter. De upplever även att konflikternas uttryckssätt beror på genusstrukturer. Exempelvis upplever informanterna att de hellre väljer att prata bakom ryggen på varandra än att reda ut konflikterna. De upplever att det är ett genusrelaterat beteende att prata bakom ryggen på varandra. Informanterna vittnar även om upplevelsen att det lätt uppstår en maktobalans bland nyanställd personal och mer etablerad personal. Slutligen visar studien resultat att informanterna upplever att chefens beteende är av stor vikt för personalens välmående. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultaten på att undersköterskornas konflikter på arbetsplatsen är komplexa och kan te sig på olika sätt. Att konflikterna är varierande i sin uttrycksform kan bero på att det är en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats med en hög arbetsbelastning. / A majority of the individuals on sick leave in Sweden is due to mental illness and women working in healthcare is at high risk. A common reason due to psychological health related sickness is conflicts in the workplace. The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine female enrolled nurse’s experiences of conflicts in workgroups. Four perspectives are taken in to account – work group, gender, power and social exchange theory. The empirical samplings were collected via semi-structured interviews with ten enrolled nurses attending from a smaller city in the Västra Götaland region. The result shows that conflicts have a negative impact regarding the workplace situation in general. The conflicts arise due to differences in personality type, different approaches to how to get the job done and also evading of work duties. The result also show that a majority of the informants consider their conflict management strategies characterized by meddling or avoiding. They also consider the conflicts means of expression originating from gender structures. For example, the informants prefer to talk behind each other’s backs rather than solve the conflicts immediately. They consider this originating from gender related behavior. Further on a power imbalance tend to occur between enrolled nurses who is newly hired and/or with less professional experience and those who has a lot of professional experience and has been at the workplace for a longer time. The head manager’s behavior toward conflicts is of great importance regarding the enrolled nurse’s wellbeing in the workplace. In summary the results show that the conflicts in the workplace is complex and appear differently. A reason behind this could be the fact that the enrolled nurse’s work place is both female dominated and characterized by a heavy workload.

Kärleken som förlorade : En kvalitativ socialpsykologisk studie om avslutade kärleksrelationer / The love that lost : A qualitative social psychological study of ended love relationships

Bengtsson, Jennifer, Thorsson, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
Individer har ett grundläggande närhetsbehov som bara kan uppfyllas genom varaktiga relationer, samtidigt är det i dagens samhälle vanligt förekommande med separationer. I Sverige har det dessutom visat sig att sambopar separerar i hög utsträckning. Föreliggande studie tillämpar ett kvalitativt, fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt och syftar till att skapa förståelse för vilka upplevelser individer som avslutat ett samboförhållande har om hur det sociala utbytet mellan partnerna uttrycktes och påverkade förhållandet. Med social utbytesteori, social resursteori och rättviseteori som teoretiska utgångspunkter intervjuades tio respondenter som har avslutat ett samboförhållande. Resultatet visar att respondenterna i aspekten av tid upplevde sig vara bortprioriterade samt att tiden som spenderades tillsammans upplevdes vara utan kvalitet. I aspekten av kärlek upplevde respondenterna att det var viktigt att uttrycka kärlek genom symboliska gester men att det inte uttrycktes tillräckligt i förhållandet. Respondenterna upplevde sig även vara missgynnade i aspekten av både tid och kärlek på grund av upplevelsen av att ge mer i båda aspekterna än vad respondenten fick tillbaka av sin partner. / Every individual have a basic proximity need that can only be fulfilled through long lasting relationships, despite this proximity need it is very common with dissolutions of relationships in today’s society. It has also been proven that cohabiting couples in Sweden separate to a large extent. Present study applies a qualitative, phenomenological approach with the purpose to create an understanding of what experiences individuals who have ended a cohabiting relationship have about how the social exchanges between the partners was expressed and affected the relationship. With social exchange theory, social resource theory and equity theory as theoretical framework, ten respondents who have separated from a cohabiting relationship were interviewed. The results show that the respondents were, in the aspects of time, perceived to be out of priority and that the time spent together was found to be without quality. In the aspects of love, the respondents felt that it was important to express love through symbolic gestures, but that it was not expressed enough in the relationship. The respondents also felt underprivileged in the aspects of time and love because of the experience of giving more in both aspects than what was given in return.

Managing inter-partner relationships and its impact on international joint venture performance : - A multiple case study from a Swedish partner firms perspective

Jacobsen, William, Mattsson, André, Santonsson, Eric January 2017 (has links)
International joint ventures (IJV) are frequently stated to be increasingly popular but with significant managerial dissatisfactions in their operations. Severe failure rates of IJVs is distinguished in previous literature, between 30-70 percent eventually end up in failure. Prior research suggests that the management aspect of inter-partner relationships is limited. There is also limits in research regarding the factors impacting how to manage inter-partner relationship and how it relates to IJV performance. The theory used for this study is an integrated framework of social exchange theory (SET) and transaction cost economics (TCE). These theories acquire two sets of mechanisms on how to manage inter-partner relationship and its impact on IJV performance: (1) social mechanisms of trust, communication, and cultural adaptation, and (2) structural mechanisms of ownership control, contract, balanced asset specificity and resource complementarity. The framework is tested empirically using interviews as data collection from five Swedish companies involved in an IJV with partners headquartered in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The outcome of this study suggests that a majority of the mechanisms impact on how to manage an inter-partner relationship and also provide to enhance IJV performance. The most influencing factors on inter-partner management and IJV performance are trust, communication, contract and resource complementarity. We also identified interesting results regarding the interaction between the social and structural mechanisms in relation to management and IJV performance.

Why Consumers Disclose Their Tourism Experiences on Tourism Social Networking Sites: Multiple Theoretical Perspectives

Zhang, Junshu 29 October 2016 (has links)
Tourism social networking sites (SNSs) are websites that provide users with templates for describing their travel experiences and an infrastructure to share such travel posts with a network of like-minded individuals. Tourism SNSs represent an important advertising channel for the tourism industry, as they may assist travelers in selecting destinations and planning vacations on the basis of other travelers’ experiences, which may further stimulate travel and generate income for the tourism industry (Yazdanifard & Yee, 2014). User-generated content (UGC) in the form of travel posts is the core offering and key success factor of tourism SNSs. Travel posts constitute a valuable resource that attracts users to these websites, and they serve as a key data feed into the data mining process that is used to develop travel products on tourism SNSs. However, one problem with tourism SNSs is that their users, especially the new ones, do not publish their travel experiences on these SNSs as often as they do on traditional SNSs, such as Facebook. This may result in a lack of content and, therefore, a loss of potential consumers and, consequently, revenue. Therefore, a study on self-disclosure behavior in writing travel posts may contribute to understanding the reasons why this problem exists and help tourism SNSs improve their service accordingly. The author used multiple theoretical perspectives (social exchange theory and social cognition theory) to develop a comprehensive self-disclosure framework. The framework was tested by using a partial least squares based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach with data from 443 participants recruited from the two most popular Chinese tourism SNSs: Qyer.com and mafengwo.cn. The findings show that self-disclosure behavior on tourism SNSs was significantly affected by self-benefit, positive feedback from other users, social benefits, rewards, tourism SNSs’ security mechanism, and ease of use. However, habit and motive did not have a statistically significant effect on self-disclosure behavior. Moreover, self-disclosure behavior positively affected electronic word of mouth (EWOM) relating to the tourism SNSs. Finally, the findings have theoretical and practical implications, and the thesis ends with a discussion of the limitations of this study and suggestions for future research.

Contribution à la connaissance de la gouvernance copreneuriale dans l'entreprise familiale / Contribution to the knowledge of the copreneurale governance in the famaily business

Villéger, Amélie 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les copreneurs sont des couples partageant à la fois un engagement conjugal (marital ou pseudo-marital) et un engagement entrepreneurial (la propriété et/ou la gestion et/ou la responsabilité d’une entreprise). Malgré leur prégnance historique et contemporaine dans le tissu économique des entreprises familiales, leur étude scientifique a été négligée voire oubliée.La présente recherche se propose de combler cette lacune en mobilisant un socle théorique original et globalisant (Théorie Générale des Systèmes et Théorie de l’Echange Social) qui permet de construire un modèle conceptuel du copreneuriat. Ce modèle est ensuite mis à l’épreuve empiriquement grâce à quinze études de cas précédées d’une réflexion épistémologique et méthodologique poussée.Les résultats et la discussion montrent que le système « copreneurs » est, encore aujourd’hui, largement organisé selon le schéma sexué traditionnel de répartition des rôles. Le partage du pouvoir y est marqué par une opposition entre pouvoir formel et pouvoir informel, le premier étant majoritairement attribué à l’homme. Cette organisation sexuée fait apparaître les concepts de « caring » et de sacrifice, et crée une gouvernance « parentaliste ». La « soutenabilité » du modèle à travers le temps est aussi interrogée. Les interactions des copreneurs sont ensuite étudiées au prisme de la Théorie de l’Attachement et le concept novateur de « coupleness » est mis en évidence. Finalement, ces spécificités copreneuriales sont appréhendées en termes de gains et de coûts, et au regard du possible calcul effectué par les copreneurs quant à l’utilité de leur situation. L’ensemble pose les prémices d’une Théorie Globale du Copreneuriat. / Copreneurs are couples who share both a conjugal commitment (pseudo-marital or marital) and an entrepreneurial commitment (ownership and / or management and / or responsibility of a company). Despite their historical and contemporary resonance in the economic fabric of family businesses, scientific study has been neglected or even forgotten.This research aims to fill this gap by mobilizing an original and global theoretical basis (the General Systems Theory and the Social Exchange Theory) which allow to build a conceptual model of copreneurship. This model is then tested empirically through fifteen case studies preceded by an epistemological and methodological reflection.The results and discussion show firstly that the system "copreneurs" is still today widely held in the traditional gendered pattern of distribution of roles. The distribution of power resulting is marked by an opposition between formal power and informal power, the first being overwhelmingly attributed to man. This gendered organization also shows the concepts of "caring" and sacrifice of women copreneur, and is the foundation of governance that can be described as "parentaliste". The system's complexity poses in turn the question of "sustainability" of the model over time. Copreneurs interactions are studied through the prism of Attachment Theory while the entire system concept allows to highlight the innovative concept of "coupleness". Finally, all these specificities of copreneuriale governance are apprehended in terms of gains and costs, and in view of a possible calculation by the copreneurs about the usefulness of their situation. All poses the beginnings of a Global Theory of Copreneurship.Keywords:

Förhållandet mellan förtroende och kunskapsutbyte i globala virtuella team

Kemi, Pierre, Tengwall Pagels, Carl January 2020 (has links)
Globala virtuella team är arbetsgrupper som jobbar mot gemensamma mål och där merparten av kommunikationen sker virtuellt. Dessa team kännetecknas av att förtroende är viktigt för att de ska fungera effektivt och att de ofta används för att utbyta kunskap. Uppsatsen utforskar hur förtroende och kunskapsutbyte förhåller sig till varandra i globala virtuella team. För att genomföra det har olika konceptualiseringar av förtroende och kunskapsutbyte studerats: generellt förtroende och snabbt förtroende samt uttrycklig kunskap och tyst kunskap. Detta har studerats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som ingår i globala virtuella team. Resultatet i studien indikerar att generellt förtroende och kunskapsutbyte har stor betydelse för varandra. Vidare indikerar resultatet att snabbt förtroende har betydelse för i vilken utsträckning kunskapsutbyte delas och att det finns betydande svårigheter att dela tyst kunskap i globala virtuella team, vilket kan leda till bristande generellt förtroende.

Stakeholders role in Sustainble Tourism Development. : A case study in Kenya, linked to Maasai culture.

Hast, Anna January 2023 (has links)
To keep in mind while reading and focus of the thesis: -       Sustainable tourism, what is it and who is it for?  -       How can the tourist industry affect cultures?  -       Why do some hosting population fear culture losses but happily receive tourists?  -       Why do people choose to travel?  -       What and how can I as an individual contribute?    The numbers of international tourists are steadily increasing along globalization, which makes it an important phenomenon to highlight. The tourist industry contributes to global development, which would preferably be done through sustainability’s three pillars: economically, socially, and environmentally. Sustainable development and eco-tourism are the main fields for this research. Based on the wish to avoid disturbing peace and harming people, the topic is relevant to investigate. The field study aims to explore and understand the correlations between the development of the tourist industry and the Maasai communities.    Different stakeholders were defined within the tourist industry, to collect various perspectives on this matter through semi-structured interviews and field observations. I choose to investigate the topic by focusing on the world known ethnic group Maasai´s. By centering the conditions of a village based in Siana conservancy, which is located next to Maasai Mara in Kenya. The village consists of habitats who practice traditional and culture settlements. Thus, the interest of the study is to explore and explain why Maasai cannot be viewed as an homogenic ethnic group, with the aim to reduce assumptions.    Social Exchange Theory (SET) was applied as a lens to analyze the findings. To discuss possible reasonings when calculating expected outcomes made by the stakeholders, whether to socially interact based on the key principles in the theory: evaluating profits versus costs before socially engaging.    The findings identify complications with the social exchange that the tourist industry implies. However, the Maasai´s culture based on livestock came to be a central topic from the stakeholder’s perspectives while I was processing and writing the findings. Furthermore, other topics that were highlighted were: education, equity, and education. Lastly, the village members shared a significant fear regarding culture loss, even though they welcomed the root cause of it to continue and even expand - tourism.

The Moderating Effect of Organizational Policies and Procedures in Relation to the Consequences of Sexual Harassment of Women

Aranda, Nicole 01 January 2021 (has links)
Sexual harassment is common in the workplace and leads to negative outcomes for individuals and organizations. Previous research has shown that turnover is a negative outcome of sexual harassment. Organizations can implement policies and procedures, but little research exists examining the impact of these policies on employee perceptions and intentions. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine perceived enforcement of organizational policies and procedures as a moderator of the relationship between sexual harassment and turnover intentions. Social exchange theory is used to explain this concept between women from male-dominated professions and gender-balanced professions. Participants were 66 employed females from different industries. A series of regressions and ANOVAs indicated that sexual harassment and turnover intentions had significant results. Future research directions and limitations are discussed.

Residents’ perceptions of tourism development in Bali : A comparative field study in Canggu and Ubud

Eriksson, Maja, Roos, Jessica, Helmer, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
The rapid and to some extent uncontrolled tourism expansion in Bali is likely to have major impacts on the island and its residents. Tourism development in Bali is a top priority for economic growth and is the main economic sector on the island. Sustainable tourism has become an increasingly important and recognized topic due to tourism’s inherent nature to generate both positive and negative economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts. Sustainable tourism development is about striking a balance between meeting the needs of local communities, satisfying tourist demand and protecting the natural environment. Residents of host communities are seen as a vital component of the tourism experience as they are the first to interact with tourists. The residents' perceptions are essential to assessing the feasibility of all types of development initiatives, as well as their perceptions are of great importance linked to their personal well-being. Social exchange theory (SET) and triple bottom line (TBL) were used as theoretical frameworks to fulfil the purpose of this study. The study aimed to create an understanding of how residents in Bali experienced the island’s tourism development, and whether and how it differed between residents of the two different destinations: Ubud and Canggu. By examining Bali residents' perceptions of tourism on the island, a small contribution can be made to tourism research from a resident-centric perspective. In turn, this can contribute to subjective indications concerning tourism that are likely to be important in a developing island context. The results showed that the perceived economic benefits outweighed both the socio-cultural, and environmental perceived costs. This result can be interpreted as being due to the residents' strong dependency on tourism, where their vulnerability should be taken into account in sustainable tourism development.

A Theory of Viral Growth of Social Networking Sites

Fisher, Michael T. 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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