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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive style and social needs of academically gifted children

Skinner, Geraldine, n/a January 1985 (has links)
Most departmental policy statements on the education of gifted and talented students recommend their retention, where possible, in mainstream classes in neighbourhood schools. The educational experience in such classes, of 14 students identified as academically gifted by their teachers, was investigated using a case study approach. Their cognitive style was studied by reference to information processing strategies as revealed in WISC-R subtest scores. Interpersonal and communication skills were investigated through classroom observation and structured interviews. The theories of deviance and authority were applied in interpreting this data. Results indicated relationships between students' cognitive style and teachers' identification methods, and between students' cognitive style and their school satisfaction. Sex differences in teacher response and student interaction were also noted.

How the Child's Social Needs are Being Met in some First Grades of North Texas

Gardner, Mary Frances 08 1900 (has links)
This study undertook to present and evaluate the ways in which the social needs of the first-grade child are being met by teachers in North Texas. Based on the data presented in the study, eleven definite conclusions have been drawn.

"Hellre vara smutsig en dag extra än att inte komma ut" : En kvalitativ studie om fyrtiotalisters sociala behov

Johansson, Karin, Nilsson, Denise January 2014 (has links)
People born 1940-1949 will be more demanding regarding help from the elder care than previous generations. The explanation often proposed is that people born in the 1940’s grew up after the Second World War when cultural changes took place in society. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe the social needs of people born in the 1940’s today, in order to make cautious assumptions about what type of social needs elder care is likely to face in the future, when the older people becomes in need of elder care. A hermeneutic interpretation was made of the interviews with four older people born in the 1940’s who are not in need of elder care at the moment, and one social care assistant. The results showed that people born in the 1940’s want to maintain their current interests and activities in the future. Demands from the 1940’s generation concerning request for help from elder care, will according to this study and previous research, increase, especially concerning social needs and relationships. The conclusion is that the 1940’s generation will have bigger demands on getting various social needs satisfied, but how those needs will be met by the elder care, is still an open question for the future. / Fyrtiotalisterna kommer att ställa mer krav angående hjälp från äldreomsorgen än vad tidigare generationer gjort och förklaringen sägs vara att fyrtiotalisterna växte upp efter kriget då ett kulturellt skifte förändrade samhället. Syftet med denna studie var att redogöra för vilka sociala behov fyrtiotalister har i dagsläget för att göra försiktiga antaganden om vilka sociala behov som äldreomsorgen kan tänkas möta i framtiden, när fyrtiotalisterna blir i behov av äldreomsorg. Intervjuer med fyra fyrtiotalister som idag inte har något behov av äldreomsorg och en biståndshandläggare låg till grund för studien och analysen genomfördes utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att fyrtiotalisterna vill bevara sina nuvarande intressen och aktiviteter i framtiden. Kraven från fyrtiotalisterna kommer enligt denna studie och tidigare forskning att öka jämfört med tidigare generationer, speciellt när det rör sociala behov och relationer. Slutsatsen är att fyrtiotalisterna kommer ställa mer krav på att få olika sociala behov tillgodosedda, men hur dessa behov senare kommer att tillgodoses av äldreomsorgen är en öppen fråga för framtiden.

Flykten : En socialpsykologisk studie om att kombinera sociala behov med individuella behov

Matton, Erica January 2012 (has links)
There is a contradiction between not wanting to be alone, craving for fellowship, but still not wanting to socialize with just anybody. The purpose with this paper is to inquire into individuals experiences of loneliness and of fellowship, as well as the tension between individual/ and social needs. The empirical material consists of five semistrucured interviews with a mix of individuals with one common factor; they were all frequently visited the meeting/place Nyfiket in Helsingborg during the summer 2011. The result were interpreted on the basis of E.Goffmans theory concerning the inevitable role-playing in everyday life, E.Fromms discussion about individuals ongoing espace towards- or away from things in life. But also on the basis of Robert S. Weiss theory about provisions of different social relationships, and T. J.Scheff argumentation concerning the balance between closeness and distance when it comes to social bonds. This study showed that each one had or did experience loneliness. Although it also shows that the experience of loneliness as well as fellowship is divided. Loneliness is divided into voluntarily and satisfying or involontarily and awful. It also came to my understandning that intercourse provides with goodness but also comes with strenuous requirements as roleexpectations. The individuals though shared a wish for possibilities to socialize without requirements. / Det förekommer en motsägelse beträffande att inte vilja vara ensam, med en längtan efter gemenskap, men samtidigt inte vilja umgås med vem som helst. Syftet med denna studie är att kvalitativt undersöka individers upplevelse av ensamhet och gemenskap samt spänningen mellan individuella- och social behov. Materialet består av fem genomförda semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett blandat urval individer med en gemensam faktor; de var alla återkommande besökare på mötesplatsen Nyfiket i Helsingborg under sommaren 2011. Intervjueresultatet tolkades utifrån E.Goffmans rollbegrepp, E.Fromms tankar om indidivdens flykt till- eller flykt från något. Samt utifrån Robert S. Weiss teori om sex förnödenheter av social tillförsel och T.J.Scheffs resonemang kring balansen mellan närhet och distans vilka fordras för individens fulla3välbefinnande.Studien visar att var och en har upplevt- eller upplever en känsla ensamhet. Dock visar det sig att ensamhetens- såväl som gemenskapens påverkan är tvåsidig. Ensamhet som delas upp i två kategorier av informanterna kan vara ofrivillig och avskyvärd alternativt tillfredställande då den är självvald. Gemenskap har likaså antingen en positiv inverkan eller en negativ, om det senare alternativet innebär påfrestande rollförväntningar. En önskan om utökad gemenskap samt möjligheter till kravlöst umgänge uttrycks hos samtliga.

Nakvynės namų klientų socialinių poreikių tenkinimo galimybės / The opportunities for satisfying the social needs of clients of kip house

Kulienė, Janina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Pasikeitus ekonominėms ir juridinėms sąlygoms, atsirado benamių – žmonių, praradusių gyvenamąjį būstą. Butai prarandami dėl įvairių priežasčių: tapus aferistų aukomis, prasiskolinus, degradavus. Dalis šių žmonių tampa visiškais benamiais ─ neturi nuolatinio darbo, gyvenamosios vietos, valkatauja, elgetauja, nusikalsta. Jie nakvoja atsitiktinėse vietose: vasarą parkuose, apleistuose pastatuose, žiemą – šiluminėse trasose, stotyse. Tikslus tokių benamių skaičius nežinomas. Laikinai jie gali prisiglausti nakvynės namuose. Poreikis apsigyventi nakvynės namuose yra žymiai didesnis nei laisvų vietų skaičius juose. Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje socialinių paslaugų sistema sparčiai plėtojama, savivaldybėse kuriamos įvairių tipų įstaigos, teikiamos naujų rūšių paslaugos. Išsiplėtus paslaugų sistemai, atsiranda naujų santykių tarp paslaugų teikėjų, ypač aktualūs tampa paslaugų valdymo, prioritetų nustatymo, paslaugų pirkimo ir pardavimo, taip pat mokėjimo už paslaugas klausimai. Vykdydama savo programines nuostatas, Vyriausybė socialinės apsaugos ir socialinės aprėpties politika siekia, kad kiekvienam šalies gyventojui būtų sudarytos visaverčio gyvenimo sąlygos, atsižvelgiant į moterų ir vyrų padėties skirtumus. Dar didesnis dėmesys bus skiriamas socialinei atskirčiai įveikti, skurdui ir turtinei nelygybei mažinti, skatinti šeimos stabilumui. Išdėstytos socialinės apsaugos ir socialinės aprėpties politikos nuostatos padės įgyvendinti Nacionalinės Lisabonos strategijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The opportunities for satisfying the social needs of clients of kip house The object of the investigation: to assess the opportunities for satisfying the social needs of clients of kip house in Vilnius City. Pursuing the object, the following tasks were set: - to identify the factors that predetermine homelessness of clients of kip house; - to disclose the social needs of clients of kip house. On the investigation, the method of quantitative research was applied. It was expected to identify the causes of becoming of the clients of kip house homeless and the social needs of them required for self-assistance using the semi-structured interviewing. It was tried to identify the opportunities for satisfying the social needs of clients of kip house in course of joint analysis of the results of the interviewing under the questionnaire and the documents. The investigation was carried out in January-February 2008. Homeless persons provided with social care and short-time social protection services at Vilnius City kip house that applied for a short-time social care services were interviewed. It was important to elucidate whether opportunities for satisfying the social needs of clients exist at the kip house. The persons under investigation were 5 males and 4 females residing at the kip house. The semi-structured interview was formed of 34 questions – 11 closed and 23 open questions. The principal conclusions: - Homelessness is not only a lack of lodging. It is a very complicated... [to full text]

Paauglių socialinių poreikių įgyvendinimas neformaliame muzikiniame ugdyme / The implementation of the adolescent social needs in the non-formal musical education

Dargevičius, Justas 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe analizuojamas paauglių socialinių poreikių įgyvendinimas neformaliame muzikiniame ugdyme. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – atskleisti paauglių socialinių poreikių įgyvendinimą neformaliame muzikiniame ugdyme. Tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai: išanalizuoti paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio ypatumus; pateikti neformaliojo ugdymo apibrėžtį; išryškinti neformaliojo ugdymo specifiką paauglių socialinių poreikių kontekste; ištirti paauglių socialinių poreikių įgyvendinimo sąlygas neformaliame muzikiniame ugdyme. Tyrimo objektas – paauglių socialinių poreikių įgyvendinimas neformaliame muzikiniame ugdyme. Tyrimas atliktas Raseinių rajono kultūros centruose, naudojant anketinės apklausos metodą. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą, švietimo dokumentus ir atlikto tyrimo rezultatus gautos tokios išvados: paauglystė – tai tarpsnis, kuris itin reikšmingas kiekvienai augančiai, bręstančiai asmenybei. Vaikas, tampa suaugusiu žmogumi, fiziškai stipriu, subręsta psichologiškai, formuojasi jo charakteris, socialiniai ryšiai, išryškėja asmenybės polinkiai ir interesai, keičiasi įprastiniai žmogaus vaidmenys, visuomenės lūkesčiai, atsiranda naujų galimybių išreikšti save poreikis. Šio virsmo metu labai svarbu paaugliui padėti sėkmingai visą tai išgyventi. Jaunimo neformalus ugdymas yra kryptinga veikla, kuria plėtojamos jauno žmogaus asmeninės, socialinės ir edukacinės kompetencijos, siekiama ugdyti sąmoningą asmenybę, sugebančią atsakingai ir kūrybingai spręsti savo problemas ir aktyviai dalyvauti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Paper analyses the implementation of the adolescent social needs in the non-formal musical education. The aim of research - to reveal the implementation of the juvenile social needs in the non-formal musical education. Objectives to achieve the aim: to analyze the pecularities of the stages of adolescence; to present the definition of non-formal education; to highlight the specificity of non-formal education in the context of adolescent social needs; to analyze the conditions of implementation of adolescent social needs in non-formal musical education. The object of reasearch – the implementation of juvenile social needs in the non-formal musical education. The research was conducted in the Culture Houses of Raseiniai area using the questionnaire method. Analysis of the scientific literature, educational documents and the results of conducted research, has recieved such conclusions: adolescence – it is a phase which is particularly meaningful for every growing, maturing personality. The child becomes an adult man, physically strong, mentally mature, form his character, social relations, reveal the personality turns and interests, change the conventional man roles, society‘s expectations, comes the need of new opportunities to express themselves. During this transformation is very important to help teenagers succesfully survive it. Non-formal education is purposeful work which developing young man personal, social and educational competencies, trying to raise conscious... [to full text]

Symbolic and practical facets in the use and production of home medical technology : the example of blood pressure monitoring

Vasileiou, Konstantina January 2015 (has links)
The value to consider user needs throughout the development of medical devices has been acknowledged in the field of health technology assessment. Yet, user needs are narrowly conceptualised and are mainly examined from an ergonomic perspective. By focusing on the user-device interaction per se with a view to detect use errors and to create design solutions that promote intended use, the dominant approach to user needs research fails to adequately elaborate upon symbolic and practice-related dimensions in the user-technology relationship. Moreover, whilst the examination of user needs from a User standpoint is clearly required, it is also crucial to investigate how the medical device industry understands and addresses this issue, since it is these understandings that will eventually be projected onto the technology. The present research sought to provide a cross-actor account on the issue of user needs by examining the perspectives of two key stakeholders: the users and the medical device manufacturer. Using the example of home blood pressure (BP) monitoring, a qualitative programme of research explored, on the one hand, the process of integrating home blood pressure monitors (HBPMs) into daily life as well as the elements that are conducive to building trust in this technology, and on the other, the practices the medical device manufacturer adopts to capture its users and their needs. The results suggest that people engage with home BP monitoring in an effort to develop an experiential understanding of their health condition reproducing the dominant discourse around the benefits of self-care. Nevertheless, communicating this practice outside the home was not always without tension since concerns around the ascription of undesired identities were expressed. Home measurements were occasionally performed to check the dependability of technology – arguably an unintended device use – indicating the importance of establishing trust in the artefact. Building trust in HBPMs appeared to be a multifaceted phenomenon that was not limited to the perceived trustworthiness of the technology but implicated a network of other trustworthy relationships with humans, institutions and technologies. Medium-to-large medical device manufacturers appear to appreciate the value of a user needs-informed approach to medical device development employing a series of routes, more or less direct and formalised, to reach their user. The challenge for the industry is to synthesise the evidential base deriving from individual user studies to create a higher order knowledge base. The term ‘symbolic’ – also employed in the title of this thesis – signifies people’s representations, reasoning and meanings constructed around the use or production of home medical technology whilst the term ‘practical’ (or practice-related) refers to actions, activities, and routines pertaining to these two aspects.

Exploring Teacher Beliefs of Adolescent Developmental Needs Through Positive Student Comments of their Teachers

Hinchcliff, Elizabeth Bowers 10 April 2020 (has links)
This study seeks to qualitatively examine the intersection between teachers' practical reasoning and beliefs, adolescent developmental needs, and positive teacher-student relationships. Positive comments about middle school teachers were gathered anonymously from middle school students (grades 6-8; ages 11-14) and coded according to four developmental domains: physical, social, emotional, and physical. Chi square analysis was used to determine statistical significance of which domains students alluded to most often when describing their teachers. The six middle school teachers who were mentioned most frequently in the student comments participated in semi-structured, open-ended interviews in which they were asked about the developmental needs of their students and responded to positive comments that students had made about them. Cross-case analysis was used to compare teacher attitudes and beliefs about teacher-student relationships and adolescent developmental needs, as well as to reveal practices teachers enacted in response to perceived needs. Findings suggest that teachers interpret a majority of student actions as indicative of underlying emotional needs, and that they use emotions as an entry point through which they can attend to the needs of students not just emotionally, but socially and cognitively as well. Teachers revealed in what ways they integrate developmentally appropriate classroom practices into their teaching based on their assumptions of need, including providing students a safe environment and using different types of humor in the classroom. Teacher perspectives on the characteristics of the ideal teacher surfaced, as well as how teachers tend to position themselves against students within the teacher-student relationship. Suggestions for teacher preparation programs as well as practicing teachers to place a greater focus on intentional developmentally appropriate teaching practices are given.

The Role of Social Workers in Addressing Patients' Unmet Social Needs in the Primary Care Setting

Bako, Abdulaziz Tijjani 04 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Unmet social needs pose significant risk to both patients and healthcare organizations by increasing morbidity, mortality, utilization, and costs. Health care delivery organizations are increasingly employing social workers to address social needs, given the growing number of policies mandating them to identify and address their patients’ social needs. However, social workers largely document their activities using unstructured or semi-structured textual descriptions, which may not provide information that is useful for modeling, decision-making, and evaluation. Therefore, without the ability to convert these social work documentations into usable information, the utility of these textual descriptions may be limited. While manual reviews are costly, time-consuming, and require technical skills, text mining algorithms such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) offer cheap and scalable solutions to extracting meaningful information from large text data. Moreover, the ability to extract information on social needs and social work interventions from free-text data within electronic health records (EHR) offers the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate the outcomes specific social work interventions. However, the use of text mining tools to convert these text data into usable information has not been well explored. Furthermore, only few studies sought to comprehensively investigate the outcomes of specific social work interventions in a safety-net population. To investigate the role of social workers in addressing patients’ social needs, this dissertation: 1) utilizes NLP, to extract and categorize the social needs that lead to referral to social workers, and market basket analysis (MBA), to investigate the co-occurrence of these social needs; 2) applies NLP, ML, and deep learning techniques to extract and categorize the interventions instituted by social workers to address patients’ social needs; and 3) measures the effects of receiving a specific social work intervention type on healthcare utilization outcomes.

Dynamic interaction between media use and caloric intake

Hedstrom, Alexander E. 21 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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