Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial security"" "subject:"bsocial security""
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Regime próprio de previdência e assistência social: uma análise do grau de conhecimento que o servidor público do Município do Rio de Janeiro detém em relação às informações gerenciais do regime previdenciário municipal / Own scheme of social security and welfare: an analysis of the degree of knowledge that the public servant of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro holds for the information management of the municipal pension systemCláudia Lima Félix 06 March 2009 (has links)
Em função dos problemas vivenciados na seguridade social ao longo da história os governos promoveram reformas estruturais com o objetivo de equacionar estes problemas e promover o equilíbrio das contas públicas. A seguridade social brasileira
foi modulada em um sistema multipilar congregando uma previdência pública para cobertura de trabalhadores do setor privado (RGPS), uma previdência complementar (RPC) e uma previdência do setor público (RPPS). O RPPS é uma previdência de filiação obrigatória e contribuição compulsória, não permitindo aos seus contribuintes argüirem sua adesão, sendo um questionamento impraticável enquanto houver um vínculo empregatício. A compreensão do funcionamento do regime previdenciário ao qual está vinculado, suas obrigações e direitos enquanto contribuinte e beneficiário, apresenta-se de vital importância para a aquiescência de sua participação, assim como também a sua co-responsabilidade na gestão dos recursos aportados ao sistema. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, por meio da realização de uma
pesquisa de natureza descritiva e com adoção do método quantitativo para tratamento dos dados, se as informações contábeis geradas pelo regime previdenciário municipal são úteis ao processo decisório desta última classe de segurados previdenciários, os servidores públicos municipais. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o servidor municipal demonstra um baixo interesse em obter informações previdenciárias principalmente financeiras e contábeis. Este baixo interesse advém de dois fatores: dificuldade de acesso (65% dos respondentes) e pouco conhecimento de temas
relacionados tema tais como fontes de custeio e aplicação dos recursos (62%). O baixo interesse dos servidores públicos em obter informações quanto ao PREVIRIO/ FUNPREVI concede ao gestor do sistema liberdade para decidir os rumos que devem ser tomados para a instituição previdenciária. O servidor público precisa tomar conhecimento quanto aos resultados de gestão do sistema previdenciário e para isto são necessárias duas ações: de um lado uma intenção de agir do próprio servidor, tomando para si a responsabilidade pelos rumos do sistema. Do outro lado uma intenção próativa dos responsáveis pela gestão e pela elaboração de informações a serem disponibilizadas para este segmento de usuário. / In light of the problems experienced in social security throughout history governments promoted structural reforms aiming to solve these problems and promote the balance of
public accounts. The Brazilian social security system was graded on a multipilar together for a public pension coverage of workers in the private sector (RGPS), a supplementary pension (PRC) and a social security system for public sectors
employeers (RPPS). The RPPS is a scheme of compulsory membership and compulsory contribution, not allowing its contributors argue its membership, and a question there as
unworkable a job. The understanding of the functioning of the pension to which it is bound, its obligations and rights as a taxpayer and beneficiary, is of vital importance for the acquiescence of their participation, as well as its co responsibility in the management of resources contributed to the system. In this context, this study was to
evaluate, through the execution of a search of a descriptive and quantitative method for adoption of data processing, if the accounting information generated by the public pension system is useful for making the latter class of insured security, the public sectors employeers. The results showed that the local server has a low interest in obtaining information primarily financial and pension accounting. This low interest is due to two factors: difficulty of access (65% of respondents) and little knowledge of issues related issue such as funding sources and application of resources (62%). The low interest of public officials to obtain information about the PREVI-RIO/FUNPREVI
grants the freedom of the system manager to decide the direction to be taken to a welfare institution. The server must make public the results of knowledge management and the pension system are needed for this two actions: one part of an intention to do the server itself, taking for himself the responsibility for the direction of the system. Across a proactive intention of those responsible for management and for preparing information to be available for this segment of the user.
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A critical evaluation of the quality of social development interventions with specific reference to social assistanceDraai, Enaleen Enchella January 2013 (has links)
Citizens interact with government departments and agencies for public services and goods which lead to a service encounter between a public official and client. Various initiatives and policies have been developed and are being implemented in the public service to adopt a client-centred approach to service delivery. The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of 1997, identifies the eight Batho Pele principles which sets the framework for implementation of service quality within the South African public service. Government departments are expected to implement measurable service standards to determine levels of service quality to be met that will define levels of client satisfaction with service provision. The assessment of the service encounter by the client informs perceived levels of satisfaction held. This assessment of service quality by clients is therefore value-laden, subjective and periodic. The study focused on the implementation of measures to create and maintain a clientcentric public service in South Africa that would lead to levels of client satisfaction with service quality. The study assessed the implementation and maintenance of service quality at the Social Security Agency of South African the Eastern Cape. The SASSA is responsible for the disbursement of various social grants to facilitate a quality of life as enshrined by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa, 1996. The focus of the study was linked to beneficiary maintenance and customer care at SASSA. The study included three different sample groups namely the clients, officials engaged in grant administration and different levels of management which included senior management, district and area managers. The findings revealed that the SASSA has implemented numerous new programmes aimed at a client-centric approach to service delivery. Analysis of the findings revealed expectation as well performance gaps which indicated that officials do not comply with the protocols of the agency and the Batho Pele principles. The promised service standards specified within the SASSA Customer Care Charter is not being realised which fundamentally indicate inefficient and ineffective monitoring of compliance with norms and standards. A conclusion drawn therefore is that the human dignity of clients in search of socials assistance who chiefly constitute vulnerable groups is being infringed. Three key service quality dimensions are identified that needs intervention for improved service quality. These dimensions include tangibility, assurance and responsiveness of functional components identified in respect of nine themes.
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Essays on intergenerational transfers: Investigating differences between older immigrants and nativesLee, Jongseong January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three papers on intergenerational transfers and associated differences between immigrant and U.S. native-born (native) families. The first paper investigates differences in intergenerational transfers between immigrant and native families. The second paper examines the impacts of life events on intergenerational transfers and corresponding differences between immigrant and native families. Lastly, the third paper investigates the impacts of the U.S. Social Security program on intergenerational transfers and associated differences between immigrant and native families.
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Bestaansbeveiliging : 'n ekonomiese perspektiefVan der Merwe, Theo, 1959- 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Social security is an important instrument of government to reduce the risks of economic
insecurity to indivi~uals and the community. Social security usually consists of social insurance
(for example pensions, unemployment insurance and workmen's compensation) and social
assistance (for example social pensions, disability grants and maintenance grants). In view of
South Africa's low economic growth, high and rising unemployment, widespread poverty, skew
distribution of income and the disintegration of the family, social security requires urgent
attention. This issue is even more pressing during the political transition since most policy
measures and institutions are reconsidered, while pressure on government expenditure increases.
This study commences with a discussion of basic aspects of social security, such as its definition,
the rationale for social security in a market economy, the possible influence on economic
behaviour, targeting, the financing of social security through a payroll tax and general taxation
and the financing of a national pension fund.
One of the sources of information of social security is the experience of other countries in this
regard. The second part, which constitutes the core of the study, involves a comparative study of
social security. After a general discussion on comparative studies, the origin and development of
social security in welfare states (the USA, Britain and the Netherlands) and developing countries
(Chile, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba and Sri Lanka) are studied. African countries and the
"miracle" countries of the East also receive brief attention. The main emphasis is on equity and
efficiency, and aspects such as affordability, financing, targeting, the extension of coverage, a
negative income tax, traditional social security and specific programmes that could be of
importance to South Africa.
In the last section the origin and development of and the fiscal scope for social security are
discussed. Besides social insurance and assistance, programmes such as in-kind transfers, public
works programmes and tax expenditure receive attention. Aspects of social security such as
poverty alleviation, means testing, take-up rates, administration and corruption are discussed,
while recommendations are made on topics such as a "voluntarily" national pension scheme,
employment creation programmes and food stamps. / Bestaansbeveiliging is 'n belangrike instrument in die hande van die owerheid om die risiko' s van
ekonomiese onsekerheid vir individue en die gemeenskap te verminder. Bestaansbeveiliging
bestaan gewoonlik uit maatskaplike versekering (waaronder pensioene, werkloosheidsversekering
en ongevalleversekering) en maatskaplike bystand (byvoorbeeld maatskaplike pensioene,
ongeskiktheidstoelaes en onderhoudstoelaes). In die lig van Suid-Afrika se lae ekonomiese groei,
hoe en stygende werkloosheid, wydverspreide armoede, skewe verdeling van inkome en
gesinsverbrokkeling, verg bestaansbeveiliging dringende aandag. Die aangeleentheid is des te
dringender gedurende die politieke oorgangsperiode waartydens die meeste beleidsmaatreels en
instellings in heroorweging geneem word en daar voortdurend druk op die owerheid is om meer
van die land se skaars bronne te gebruik.
Ter inleiding word enkele kemaspekte van bestaansbeveiliging bespreek, waaronder die definisie
daarvan, die rasionaal vir bestaansbeveiliging in 'n markekonomie, die moontlike invloed van
bestaansbeveiliging op ekonomiese gedrag, die rol van teikenstelling, die finansiering van
bestaansbeveiliging deur middel van 'n loonstaatbelasting en algemene belastings en die
finansiering van 'n nasionale pensioenfonds.
Een bron van inligting oar bestaansbeveiliging is die ervaring van ander lande op hierdie terrein.
Die tweede gedeelte, wat die kern van die studie is, behels 'n vergelykende studie van
bestaansbeveiliging. Na 'n inleidende bespreking oar vergelykende studies in die algemeen, word
die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van bestaansbeveiliging in welvaartstate (die VSA, Brittanje en
Nederland) en in ontwikkelende lande (Chili, Mexiko, Guatemala, Kuba en Sri Lanka) bestudeer.
Afrikalande en die "mirakel-lande" van die Coste kry oorsigtelik aandag. Die nadruk in die
gedeelte val veral op billikheid en doeltreffendheid en aspekte soos bekostigbaarheid,
finansiering, teikenstelling, uitbreiding van dekking, negatiewe inkomstebelasting, tradisionele
bestaansbeveiliging en programme wat vir Suid-Afrika van betekenis kan wees.
In die laaste gedeelte word die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van en die fiskale ruimte vir
bestaansbeveiliging in Suid-Afrika bespreek. Benewens maatskaplike versekering en bystand, kry
programme soos in natura oordragte, openbare werke-programme (werkskeppingsprogramme) en
belastinguitgawes aandag. Aspekte van bestaansbeveiliging soos armoedeverligting, die
middeletoets, opneemkoerse, administrasie en korrupsie word bespreek en aanbevelings word
onder me er gemaak ten opsigte van 'n "vrywillige" nasionale pensioenskema,
werkskeppingsprogramme en voedselkoepons. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ekonomie)
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Reflexos previdenciários no contrato individual de trabalhoPaganelli, Cleber Regian 20 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-10-20 / Labor Law and Social Security Law currently represent two autonomous fields of Legal Science, and encompass the idea of protection for the working person, especially the employee under a work contract. Labor Law is responsible for protecting labor rights, whereas Social Security Law includes a significant number of provisions, represented by benefits and services available to the employee whenever he/she is faced with the contingencies which this field of law seeks to cover. The ultimate goal of this study is to analyze the impact of social security benefits on the individual work contract. To this end, we provide a brief overview of labor concepts, especially those regarding the work contract itself. Next, we present a few established social security laws in order to allow for a better comprehension of that which is the essence of this paper, that is, the theoretical and practical implications of social security benefits of Regime Geral de Previdência Social (General Social Security System and Special Social Security) RGPS on the work contract. Among all the benefits currently provided by the RGPS, we have not touched on the issue of pension benefit due to death, neither that of the reclusion aid, as they both involve benefits for the dependents of the insured individual, and therefore do not require debates regarding work contracts. Finally, we were able to establish that the social security benefits have a greater or lesser impact on the work contract, depending on each specific benefit, as they guard against different social risks / Direito do Trabalho e Direito Previdenciário representam na atualidade dois ramos autônomos da Ciência Jurídica, e encerram a ideia de proteção à pessoa que trabalha, em especial àquele trabalhador submetido a um contrato de trabalho subordinado. O Direito do Trabalho é responsável pela garantia de direitos trabalhistas, ao passo que o Direito Previdenciário contém um rol expressivo prestações, representadas por benefícios e serviços que estão à disposição do empregado quando este estiver sujeito às contingências que este ramo do direito objetiva amparar. O propósito último desse estudo é analisar o reflexo dos benefícios previdenciários no contrato individual de trabalho. Para tanto, fez-se uma breve exposição de conceitos trabalhistas, sobretudo no que diz respeito ao próprio contrato de trabalho. Em seguida foram descritos alguns institutos do Direito Previdenciário, a fim de permitir uma melhor compressão daquilo que é a essência dessa obra, qual seja, as implicações teóricas e práticas dos benefícios previdenciários do Regime Geral de Previdência Social RGPS no contrato de trabalho. De todos os benefícios que atualmente o RGPS dispõe, não se tratou acerca da pensão por morte, nem tampouco do auxílio-reclusão, por serem benefícios destinados aos dependentes do segurado e, portanto, não demandam debates frente ao contrato de trabalho. Ao final, foi possível constatar que os benefícios previdenciários impactam em maior ou menor medida no contrato de trabalho, a depender de cada benefício em específico, haja vista que tutelam riscos sociais distintos
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Bestaansbeveiliging : 'n ekonomiese perspektiefVan der Merwe, Theo, 1959- 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Social security is an important instrument of government to reduce the risks of economic
insecurity to indivi~uals and the community. Social security usually consists of social insurance
(for example pensions, unemployment insurance and workmen's compensation) and social
assistance (for example social pensions, disability grants and maintenance grants). In view of
South Africa's low economic growth, high and rising unemployment, widespread poverty, skew
distribution of income and the disintegration of the family, social security requires urgent
attention. This issue is even more pressing during the political transition since most policy
measures and institutions are reconsidered, while pressure on government expenditure increases.
This study commences with a discussion of basic aspects of social security, such as its definition,
the rationale for social security in a market economy, the possible influence on economic
behaviour, targeting, the financing of social security through a payroll tax and general taxation
and the financing of a national pension fund.
One of the sources of information of social security is the experience of other countries in this
regard. The second part, which constitutes the core of the study, involves a comparative study of
social security. After a general discussion on comparative studies, the origin and development of
social security in welfare states (the USA, Britain and the Netherlands) and developing countries
(Chile, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba and Sri Lanka) are studied. African countries and the
"miracle" countries of the East also receive brief attention. The main emphasis is on equity and
efficiency, and aspects such as affordability, financing, targeting, the extension of coverage, a
negative income tax, traditional social security and specific programmes that could be of
importance to South Africa.
In the last section the origin and development of and the fiscal scope for social security are
discussed. Besides social insurance and assistance, programmes such as in-kind transfers, public
works programmes and tax expenditure receive attention. Aspects of social security such as
poverty alleviation, means testing, take-up rates, administration and corruption are discussed,
while recommendations are made on topics such as a "voluntarily" national pension scheme,
employment creation programmes and food stamps. / Bestaansbeveiliging is 'n belangrike instrument in die hande van die owerheid om die risiko' s van
ekonomiese onsekerheid vir individue en die gemeenskap te verminder. Bestaansbeveiliging
bestaan gewoonlik uit maatskaplike versekering (waaronder pensioene, werkloosheidsversekering
en ongevalleversekering) en maatskaplike bystand (byvoorbeeld maatskaplike pensioene,
ongeskiktheidstoelaes en onderhoudstoelaes). In die lig van Suid-Afrika se lae ekonomiese groei,
hoe en stygende werkloosheid, wydverspreide armoede, skewe verdeling van inkome en
gesinsverbrokkeling, verg bestaansbeveiliging dringende aandag. Die aangeleentheid is des te
dringender gedurende die politieke oorgangsperiode waartydens die meeste beleidsmaatreels en
instellings in heroorweging geneem word en daar voortdurend druk op die owerheid is om meer
van die land se skaars bronne te gebruik.
Ter inleiding word enkele kemaspekte van bestaansbeveiliging bespreek, waaronder die definisie
daarvan, die rasionaal vir bestaansbeveiliging in 'n markekonomie, die moontlike invloed van
bestaansbeveiliging op ekonomiese gedrag, die rol van teikenstelling, die finansiering van
bestaansbeveiliging deur middel van 'n loonstaatbelasting en algemene belastings en die
finansiering van 'n nasionale pensioenfonds.
Een bron van inligting oar bestaansbeveiliging is die ervaring van ander lande op hierdie terrein.
Die tweede gedeelte, wat die kern van die studie is, behels 'n vergelykende studie van
bestaansbeveiliging. Na 'n inleidende bespreking oar vergelykende studies in die algemeen, word
die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van bestaansbeveiliging in welvaartstate (die VSA, Brittanje en
Nederland) en in ontwikkelende lande (Chili, Mexiko, Guatemala, Kuba en Sri Lanka) bestudeer.
Afrikalande en die "mirakel-lande" van die Coste kry oorsigtelik aandag. Die nadruk in die
gedeelte val veral op billikheid en doeltreffendheid en aspekte soos bekostigbaarheid,
finansiering, teikenstelling, uitbreiding van dekking, negatiewe inkomstebelasting, tradisionele
bestaansbeveiliging en programme wat vir Suid-Afrika van betekenis kan wees.
In die laaste gedeelte word die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van en die fiskale ruimte vir
bestaansbeveiliging in Suid-Afrika bespreek. Benewens maatskaplike versekering en bystand, kry
programme soos in natura oordragte, openbare werke-programme (werkskeppingsprogramme) en
belastinguitgawes aandag. Aspekte van bestaansbeveiliging soos armoedeverligting, die
middeletoets, opneemkoerse, administrasie en korrupsie word bespreek en aanbevelings word
onder me er gemaak ten opsigte van 'n "vrywillige" nasionale pensioenskema,
werkskeppingsprogramme en voedselkoepons. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Ekonomie)
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Komparace bilaterálních smluv o sociálním zabezpečení / Comparison of bilateral agreements on social securityBohuslavová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
Coordination of social security by bilateral agreements on social security is a specific area of international law that is essential to pay attention to. Czech Republic has up to now signed 16 bilateral agreements that are valid in their entirety. This thesis focuses on these 16 bilateral agreements and compares them with Regulation (EC) 883/2004 which became valid as the Czech Republic became member of European Union and which replaced bilateral agreements that were concluded with member states of European Union. The aim of this thesis is to perform a detailed analysis and to answer on following questions that are directly related to this issue. Firstly the thesis focuses on personal scale and answers a question of who is covered by bilateral agreements. Secondly the thesis focuses on material scale and answers a question of what subsystems are covered by agreements and compares them with the principles applied by Regulation (EC) 883/2004. Finally the thesis deals with a question of a future possible approach to coordination of social security in a global scale. It can be concluded that bilateral agreements concluded by the Czech Republic are each unique legal instruments. Therefore it is essential to study each agreement separately and not to make conclusions based on general knowledge of the issue.
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Sociální zabezpečení zaměstnanců v Evropské unii / Social Security of Employees in European UnionVolná, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the coordination of social security systems at EU and national level. It presents basic analysis of the relevant EU legislation. The model examples show the application of relevant legislation of the European Union which relate to the situation, and mentions the context of relevant administrative duties. The last part identifies the most problematic areas and proposes some general, but also specific recommendations related to the examples.
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A legal analysis of the social security rights of domestic workers in South Africa : issues and challengesSenyolo, Matome Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / This study discusses the legal analysis of social security rights of domestic workers
in the South African social security law. The notion social security is concerned with
the protection of individuals during the happening of certain event such as
unemployment, maternity, disability, old age, sickness, and death. For the purpose of
this study, social insurance schemes which arise from the employment relationship
will be explored. It is submitted that domestic workers like any other employees
should also be afforded social security protection as envisaged in the Constitution of
the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (the Constitution). Therefore, domestic workers
must also be provided social security rights arising out of their employment. Thus,
the research process will involve thorough analysis of statutes, case law, textbooks
and scholarly articles dealing with the social security law protection afforded to
domestic workers, in particular the social insurance component of social security.
For an exceptionally long time, domestic workers have been excluded from the
formal employment sector, which followed that they were automatically excluded
from social security protection. Despite section 9 of the Constitution, this espouses
non-discrimination and equal treatment of all the workers in South Africa. To this
end, there is no comprehensive social security system in South Africa that is capable
of providing adequate social protection to domestic workers. For example, most
domestic workers have no pension fund, and some are not registered with
Unemployment Insurance fund and Compensation for Injuries and Diseases
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Social assistance : legal reforms to improve coverage and quality of life for the poor people in South AfricaTshoose, Clarence Itumeleng 19 January 2017 (has links)
The South African Constitution in section 27(1)(c) obligates the state to develop a comprehensive social security system. It affirms the universal right to access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for those unable to support themselves and their dependants. It orders the state to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of these
The underlying normative commitment of social security is the improvement of the quality of life of the population by promoting economic or material equality. Social security ensures that all citizens have a stake in society and that each individual has an incentive to contribute to the development of the commonwealth. It plays a crucial role in the lives of communities and families viewed in the context of social transfers which
provide broader development objectives and tackles income poverty transfers.
The objectives of this study are threefold. Firstly, it examines the extension of social assistance coverage to the indigents in South Africa. Secondly, it looks at the legal mechanisms employed by courts and government in order to improve the social security rights of the poor in South Africa. Thirdly, the research investigates the possible reform
and trends in India and Brazil with the aim of improving South Africa’s system of social security.
For the avoidance of doubt, the law evaluated in this work is at 15 September 2015. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.
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