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Demographical factors on adult individuals who’s root filled upper first molar was extracted between 2009 and 2014Landt, Kristoffer, Hagstam-Harrison, Linda January 2016 (has links)
SammanfattningSyfteSyftet med denna studie var att studera demografiska faktorer hos individer vars första överkäksmolar extraherats mellan 2009 och 2014 efter utförd rotfyllning 2009 och jämföra med en grupp individer vars första överkäksmolar kvarstår efter rotfyllning 2009. Material och metodData samlades in från Försäkringskassan och Statistiska Centralbyrån på de individer som rotfyllt en tand år 2009. Hos 36 139 av dessa individer utfördes en rotfyllning på en första överkäksmolar och 4362 av dessa extraherades senare. En kontrollgrupp skapades på 4362 individer vars första överkäksmolar inte extraherats efter rotfyllning utförd 2009. Demografiska fakta som valdes att studera var följande: nationalitet, medelinkomst, utbildningsnivå, ålder, civilstånd och kön. ResultatAv de individer som fått sin första överkäksmolar extraherad var 85 % födda i Sverige och 15% var födda utomlands. 86 % i kontrollgruppen var födda i Sverige, 14 % utomlands.Avseende medelinkomst, utbildningsnivå och ålder, kunde endast små skillnader ses mellan den studerade gruppen och kontrollgruppen.Inga skillnader noterades bland ogifta mellan den studerade gruppen och kontrollgruppen. 50,4 % i den studerade gruppen var gifta, 49,6 % i kontrollgruppen. 51,2 % var skilda i den studerade gruppen, 48,8 % i kontrollgruppen.51,8 % var kvinnor i den studerade gruppen, 48,2 % i kontrollgruppen. Siffrorna var omvända hos män.SlutsatsEndast små, om några, skillnader i demografiska faktorer kunde ses mellan individer som fått sin första överkäksmolar extraherad och en grupp som inte fått motsvarande tand extraherad efter utförd rotfyllning år 2009. / AimThe aim of this thesis was to study the demographics of Swedish adult individuals who had one of their first upper molars root filled in 2009 and subsequently extracted between 2009-2014 and to compare them to individuals not extracting the equivalent teeth.Material and methodsData on the individuals were collected from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. The sample consisted of 4362 adult individuals whose root filled upper first molars where extracted between 2009 and 2014. A control group of 4362 individuals who had not had their root filled upper first molar extracted by 31st December 2014 was created for comparison. Demographical factors chosen to study were: nationality, mean disposable income, educational level, age, civil status and gender. This data was collected from Statistics Sweden.ResultsIn the study group 85% were Swedish born and 15% were not whereas in the control group 86% were Swedish born and 14% were not. Regarding mean income, educational level and age, only small differences were observed between the study group and control group. No differences were observed between unmarried in the study group and control group. In the study group 51.2% were divorced and 48.8% in the control group.Regarding gender 51.8% were female in the study group, 48.2% in the control group. ConclusionOnly small, if any, differences were noted between Swedish adult individuals who had one of their first upper molars root filled in 2009 and subsequently extracted between 2009-2014 and the control group who retained the equivalent teeth.
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Uppsatsens titel och undertitel Övervikt och fetma hos tio-åriga barn i Stockholms län : förändrade mönster över en fyraårsperiod / Overweight among ten year old children in Stockholm county over a four year period : gender and socioeconomic differencesSundblom, Elinor January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva prevalens av övervikt, fetma och undervikt hos 10-11-åriga barn under en fyraårsperiod. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra två födelsekohorter, 1989 och 1993 med fokus på könsskillnader och skillnader i socioekonomi (SES) definierat utifrån inkomst i fyra olika typområden. Studien utfördes i Stockholms län 2005 där SES-områden och skolor inom dessa områden valdes slumpmässigt. Antropometriska data från skolhälsovårdsjournaler insamlades från barn i skolår fyra. Vikt, längd och födelsedata erhölls från 2416 10-11-åringar födda 1989 och från 2183 barn födda 1993. Övervikt och fetma definierades enligt Cole ́s ålders- och könsspecifika BMI-gränser. Undervikt definierades som – 2 SD enligt referenskurvor från Karlberg 2001. En tydlig könsskillnad kan ses vad gäller prevalens av övervikt och fetma. Hos pojkarna var 21,3 % överviktiga både i kohort 1989 och 1993 medan fetma ökade ickesignifikant från 3,1 % till 4,0 %. Hos flickorna minskade övervikten från 22,9 % till 19,7 % (ns) och fetma minskade från 4,6 % till 2,9 % (RR= 0,62 95 % CI:0,41-0,98). Undervikten tenderade att minska både hos flickor och hos pojkar. Vid jämförelse av de olika SES-områdena var den sociala gradienten mer tydlig i födelsekohort 1993 jämfört med 1989. I födelsekohort 1993 var 17,1 % av pojkarna överviktiga i det mest resursstarka området jämfört med 29,0 % i det mest resurssvaga området. För fetma var motsvarande siffror 1,9 % och 6,0 %. Flickorna uppvisade ett helt annat mönster; hos flickor i det mest resurssvaga området var överviktsprevalensen nästan identisk vid de två studerade tidpunkterna; 28,4 % och 28,3 %. I de övriga SES-områdena var övervikten lägre hos flickor i födelsekohort 1993 jämfört med födelsekohort 1989. Studien visar att trenden av övervikt och fetma delvis ändrat riktning med en minskning av fetma hos flickorna medan pojkarna fortsätter att öka särskilt i resursfattiga områden. Det finns en tendens till att den sociala gradienten har ökat under den studerade fyraårsperioden vilket understryker vikten av förebyggande åtgärder för barn och deras familjer i särskilt resursfattiga områden / The objective of the study was to describe prevalence of overweight, obesity, and underweight among 10-11 year old children during a four year period. This was done by comparing 1989 and 1993 birth cohorts, with focus on gender and socioeconomic (SES) using data from small geographical areas. The study was performed 2005 in Stockholm county where SES areas and schools within SES areas were randomly sampled. In selected schools, anthropometric data from routine assessments of 4thgraders were abstracted from school records. Weights, heights and birthdates were retrieved from 2416 10-11 year olds born in 1989 and 2183 born in 1993. Overweight and obesity were defined according to Cole’s age- and sex-specific BMI cut-off points. Underweight was defined as -2 SD according to the national growth reference curves established by Karlberg and coworkers 2001. Secular trends in prevalence between 1989 and 1993 seemed to vary by sex. In boys, the prevalence of overweight was 21.3 % in both birth cohorts, while obesity increased non-significantly from 3.1 to 4.0 %. In girls overweight decreased non-significantly from 22.9 to 19.7 and obesity decreased from 4.6 to 2.9 % (RR= 0.62 95 % CI: 0.41-0.98). The prevalence of underweight decreased non-significantly both in boys and in girls. When comparing the different SES-areas the social gradient was more obvious in birth cohort 1993 than cohort 1989. In birth cohort 1993 17.1 % of the boys were overweight in the most affluent area compared to 29.0 % in the low SES area. For obesity the prevalences were 1.9 % and 6.0 % respectively. In girls there is a slightly different pattern; among girls in the low SES areas the prevalence of overweight are almost identical 28.4 and 28.3. In the other areas the 1993 cohort shows a lower overweight prevalence compared to girls born 1989. In summary decreases in obesity occurred in girls from the two respective birth cohorts; at the same time both overweight and underweight tended to decrease. In contrast, among boys, there were no significant differences over time, although increases in obesity were detected among boys in less advantaged socioeconomic areas.This underlines the need for computer based monitoring of routine height and weight measurements in schools and preventive efforts which target children and their families in areas of low-socioeconomic status in early childhood. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-158-x</p>
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Hållbart jordbruk? : En studie om ekobönders förvaltarskap / Sustainable agriculture? : A study on the stewardship of organic farmersStrandberg, Hans January 2015 (has links)
The term sustainable agriculture may be formulated, but not yet practically integrated in agriculture. This thesis investigates the organic farmers´ ideas and experiences of what they consider sustainable or not sustainable in agriculture. Using unstructured phone interviews and "walk-alongs" with KRAV-farmers in Kristianstad, I have sought to understand their ideas and experiences, inspired by the phenomenological approach. The thesis communicates the experiences of organic farmers of sustainable agriculture based on an explicit role as stewards of the same. How come they express themselves and act the way they do? Why are these issues important and how do they relate to each other? The result, using the three dimensions of economical, ecological and social sustainability, is presented. How farmers experience profitability, eco-awareness and influence in their stewardship are important. The overlapping areas for sustainability describe the need of fair terms in socioeconomic terms. Agroecologically, the stewards need to experience the work to be practically feasible, both financially and ecologically. Socioecologically, their stewardship becomes more acceptable within an eco-aware market, which adds to their individual creation of meaning. Even though there are ideas and experiences of what sustainable agriculture includes, this does not necessarily mean that this is what the farmers find in their work. In the eyes of these farmers, their experiences need to be more just, feasible and acceptable for sustainability. How farmers continue to handle complex choices in agriculture for economic, ecological and social sustainability is interesting; not only for the farmers themselves, but also in a societal perspective for long-term domestic food security. What they see as sustainable depends on the choices of other stakeholders and how the farmers themselves formulate goals and purpose with regard to their own farming. They argue that one thing leads to another, which the thesis gives plenty of practical examples of. The thesis should be seen as a normative contribution to the public debate about what is sustainable, listening to the voices of organic farmers.
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