Spelling suggestions: "subject:"förvaltarna"" "subject:"förvaltare""
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Att leva under förvaltarskap : En grundad teori om hur individer under förvaltarskap upplever förvaltarskapetJohammar, Carin January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Utmaningar kring förvaltarskap : En studie om tre kommuners arbete kring förvaltarskapNilsson, Agnes, Jakobsson, Freja January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: This study adult guardianship for people with impaired decision- making capacity will be analysed. Three different counties in Skåne, Sweden will be studied with the perspective of their recruitment process and the supervision of the adult guardian. The purpose of the study is to look closer at how the counties quality assures their work and how they can guarantee legal certainty to the people with impaired capacity. In today’s society there’s an increasing amount of people in need of an adult guardian, both in Sweden and around the world. To have an adult guardian is a drastic restriction in a person’s life, as they lose all their legal rights, whereas the guardianship is allowing another person to take over their decision making. Therefore this measure should only be used as the last resort of action. Today we’re often fed with different horror stories about non- working adult guardians, who misuse their power-position in another person’s life and the society speculates whether this measure is for the person’s best or not. Therefore this study will be looking closer at how this procedure is implemented in practice in the countys.Method: This study is a documentary study based on swedish laws, national guidelines, public documents and internal guidelines from each county. The collected material was analyzed with a thematic analysis method.Result: Current laws and national guidelines leave a room for interpretation for the countys to organise their work with the procedure of adult guardianship. The study showed both differences and similarities in the counties work procedure. The studied counties were variously generous with sharing their internal guidelines and documents. Some counties used the national guidelines more frequently, while others had established more internal guidelines for the employee to use.Conclusion: All the counties had established routines and guidelines which can be seen as measures in the form of both quality assuring and legal certainty for the people with impaired decision-making capacity. The area of adult guardianship is unexplored, which could benefit from the counties sharing their experiences with each other and be further explored.
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Av jord är du kommen, jord ska du åter bli. En kvalitativ studie av kopplingar och motsättningar mellan kristen tro och miljöengagemang hos kristna i SverigeVargadotter, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Studier har visat att religion är en viktig komponent för att förstå människors attityder och beteenden gentemot naturen. Kristendomen har av en del forskare pekats ut som en förklaring till människans exploatering av naturen och det finns forskare som ansett att kristen tro är oförenlig med ett miljöengagemang. Samtidigt visar studier att det finns ett växande miljöintresse hos kristna i t.ex. USA. Den här studien syftade till att undersöka ett exempel på vilka kopplingar och motsättningar som kristna i dagens Sverige uttrycker mellan sin kristna tro, naturen och miljöengagemang. Metoden som användes var deltagande observation i mikroformat under en kristen miljökonferens samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kristna. Studien visade att det inte uttrycktes några motsättningar mellan att vara kristen och engagera sig i natur- och miljöfrågor, däremot att det kan finnas en motsättning mellan miljöengagemang och kyrkan samt att motsättningar kan komma från olika tolkningar av bibelord som råda och härska. Studien visade också att intresset och engagemanget för natur och miljö hängde samman med den kristna tron om förvaltarskap och att det sågs som viktigt att ära Guds skapelse genom att vårda den. / Studies have shown that religion is an important component for understanding human attitudes and behaviors regarding nature. Christianity have by some scholars been proposed as an explanation for humanities exploitation of nature and some point out that Christianity is at odds with environmentalism. At the same time studies show there is a growing interest in environmentalism among Christians in for example the USA. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore an example of what connections and divergences that is expressed among Christians in Sweden today concerning their faith, nature and environmentalism. The methods used were case study during a Christian environmental conference in Sweden and semi structured interviews with Christians. The study showed that there weren’t any divergences expressed between being a Christian and environmentalism but that there may be a divergence between Christian environmentalism and the Church. Also, divergences may come from differing interpretations of biblical words such as rule and subdue. The study also showed that the interest and concern regarding nature and the environment had to do with the Christian belief in stewardship and that it was important to honor God’s creation by caring for it.
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Att återskapa Eden : En ekoteologisk analys av den miljövetenskapliga strategin / Recreating Eden : An ecotheological analysis of the environmental science strategy rewildingUlvekrans, Anders January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Om Jesus kommer imorgon vill jag ändå plantera mitt äppelträd : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 artiklar om klimathotet och klimatengagemang från kristna tidskrifterThelin, Klara January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the relevance and function of Christian reli-gious belief in constructing views on climate change (sv: klimathot) and climate action (sv: klimatengagemang). To ensure a focus on religiosity and the construc-tion of personal beliefs rather than systematic theology the study used psycholo-gist Crystal L. Parks theory on religious meaning making. Fourteen articles about climate change with denominational elements from the Christian newspapers Dagen, Insidan, Kyrkans Tidning, Budbäraren and Världen Idag were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The results showed that the articles had ex-panded the extent of religion to encompass both climate change and climate ac-tion. Through truth claims and references to the Bible the threat of climate change was incorporated in the narrative of Genesis and humanity’s fall from grace and climate change was portrayed as the result of humanity’s failure at properly stew-arding nature. The environment was assigned value through depictions of the en-vironment as a creation by God. Climate action was presented as a necessity and a duty with references to God giving humanity the responsibility of stewarding na-ture. The ascription of religious meaning to climate action also meant that the re-ligiosity of the authors functioned as a motivation in regards to climate action. The religiosity, as portrayed in the articles, also exhibited a transcendent function in the case where the authors described their stewardship as a united effort with God. The idea that God was helping humanity in their stewardship and had the power to renew the world for the better also functioned as a mitigation to climate anxiety.
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Det finns ingen planet B : Om befrielseteologi, ekoteologi och ekologi / There is no planet B : About liberation theology, ecotheology and ecologyThelin, Gunilla January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom ett möte mellan befrielseteologi, ekoteologi och ekologi bidra till ett teologiskt tänkande och en möjlig attitydförändring inför det klimathot och den förändring som mänskligheten måste genomföra för sin biologiska överlevnads skull. Uppsatsen diskuterar befrielseteologi och förvaltarskap och svarar på frågor om människans uppgift och ansvar, vem människan är i förhållande till skapelsen, vem den förtryckte är idag samt vem som har mandat att föra skapelsens talan.
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Hållbart jordbruk? : En studie om ekobönders förvaltarskap / Sustainable agriculture? : A study on the stewardship of organic farmersStrandberg, Hans January 2015 (has links)
The term sustainable agriculture may be formulated, but not yet practically integrated in agriculture. This thesis investigates the organic farmers´ ideas and experiences of what they consider sustainable or not sustainable in agriculture. Using unstructured phone interviews and "walk-alongs" with KRAV-farmers in Kristianstad, I have sought to understand their ideas and experiences, inspired by the phenomenological approach. The thesis communicates the experiences of organic farmers of sustainable agriculture based on an explicit role as stewards of the same. How come they express themselves and act the way they do? Why are these issues important and how do they relate to each other? The result, using the three dimensions of economical, ecological and social sustainability, is presented. How farmers experience profitability, eco-awareness and influence in their stewardship are important. The overlapping areas for sustainability describe the need of fair terms in socioeconomic terms. Agroecologically, the stewards need to experience the work to be practically feasible, both financially and ecologically. Socioecologically, their stewardship becomes more acceptable within an eco-aware market, which adds to their individual creation of meaning. Even though there are ideas and experiences of what sustainable agriculture includes, this does not necessarily mean that this is what the farmers find in their work. In the eyes of these farmers, their experiences need to be more just, feasible and acceptable for sustainability. How farmers continue to handle complex choices in agriculture for economic, ecological and social sustainability is interesting; not only for the farmers themselves, but also in a societal perspective for long-term domestic food security. What they see as sustainable depends on the choices of other stakeholders and how the farmers themselves formulate goals and purpose with regard to their own farming. They argue that one thing leads to another, which the thesis gives plenty of practical examples of. The thesis should be seen as a normative contribution to the public debate about what is sustainable, listening to the voices of organic farmers.
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