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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociokultūrinės aplinkos įtaka paauglių gyvenimo būdui / Effect of socio-cultural environment to the life of adolescents

Drevinskienė, Ilona 08 June 2004 (has links)
Effect of socio-cultural environment to the life stile of adolescents The purpose of this survey is to reveal the relation between the socio-cultural environment of adolescents and their life stile. In the process of writing this paper the following targets were announced: 1. To analyse and summarize scientific literature which analyses the issues of life stile. 2. In the form of questionnaire survey to study the peculiarities of life stile of the adolescents, who live in town and in the country and who belong to different social classes. The survey was carried out in the town of Šiauliai and its region in 2004. 166 respondents of grades 9-10 from secondary and basic schools of Šiauliai and its region took part in the survey. The data of the survey revealed that the main factors affecting the life stile of adolescents are the place of residence and social stratification of the family. The influence of the above-mentioned factors was revealed in accordance to four components: values, relations with parents, relations with adolescents of the same age and free time. Moreover, the survey showed the contrast among the town and countryside adolescents from economically strong and weak families. The adolescents who live in town value friends (x = 3,62) and health (x = 4,13) more, whereas the adolescents who live in the country value their parents (x = 3,49). These values are also preferred by the adolescents from economically strong families. The adolescents, who live in the... [to full text]

Kaimo turizmas kaip sociokultūrinė veikla / Rural tourism as a motivated sociocultural activity

Sodonytė, Eglė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvoje dar tik formuojasi kaimo turizmo samprata, nors kaime turistai lankosi jau seniai – Lietuvoje nuo seno buvo įprasta ils÷tis kaime. Suvokdami kaimo turizmo svarbą ir naudą, įvairių šalių kaimo turizmo tyrin÷tojai band÷ apibūdinti šį reiškinį. Užsienio šalių literatūroje jis vadinamas įvairiai: poilsiu kaime, kraštovaizdžio turizmu, agroturizmu, poilsiu agrarin÷je aplinkoje, atostogomis kaime. Daugumoje šalių vartojamas terminas „kaimo turizmas“ (pvz., Anglijoje, Airijoje – rural tourism, Danijoje, Kanadoje, Estijoje – farm tourism ir pan.). / At present in Lithuania the understanding or concept of rural tourism is still in the stage of development though people have been coming to villages to have a rest since old times. Acknowledging the importance and benefit of rural tourism the researchers of it have always been trying to give an accurate description of what rural tourism is. In the literature on this issue in different countries are used different words, such as a rest in the country (village), countryside tourism, agrotourism, a rest on a farmstead or a holiday in a village, to describe it. In most countries this type of relaxation or activity is called “rural tourism” though in some countries like Denmark, Canada, Estonia it is called “farm tourism”.

Estetinio judesio reikšmė asmens sociolultūrinei integracijai / The meaning of the aesthetic motion for person's sociocultural integration

Glatkauskaitė, Ramunė 10 July 2006 (has links)
While integrating to socio cultural environment such person’s features like ability to watch, analyze, interpret and estimate the qualities of motion, language (intonation), sound and view. This trains communication culture in various social situations. The improvement of body movements opens the opportunity to experience the joy which comes from educated, strong, healthy organism, it creates preconditions of person’s self expression and self realization. However in various spheres of life and work it is often being hidden behind the stream of words, not emphasizing the plastic opportunities of person’s body. In the activity of sports body movements can be described by cultural point of view, the not verbal motion of the body is modernized which has some aesthetic value. Improving human’s body movements will get socio cultural quality which could be expressed by the unity of peculiarities using them as the means of self expression in the socio cultural activity. That is why movement culture and their plastic (aesthetic) expression is one of the person’s problems of the cultural upbringing. The object of the investigation is the importance of the aesthetic movement to person’s socio cultural integration. The aim of the investigation is to reveal the importance of the adult’s body movements improving to their socio cultural integration. The hypothesis of the investigation is that improving of the body movements (in the aesthetic point of view) to the adult’s socio cultural... [to full text]

Ugdymo sąlygų vaidmuo formuojantis kaimo pagrindinių mokyklų moksleivių muzikinėms nuostatoms / The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school students

Vaidogienė, Regina 25 May 2005 (has links)
The way a person views something or tends to behave towards something or some-body often is defined using a term attitudes. The role of attitudes in pedagogy is especially important. In the postgraduate work “The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school students” there are given findings of educational research, which analyse the influence of educational conditions in shaping attitudes to-wards music of rural secondary school students. In the first part of the work, “Features of musical education in Lithuanian rural schools” there are analysed peculiarities of the development of attitudes towards musical education in Lithuania’s rural schools, traditions of musical education at Pastrėvys, Kietaviškės and Beižonys rural schools; peculiarities of teenagers psychophysiological devel-opment and their musical education. There is also examined influence of current rural so-ciocultural environment on shaping students’ attitudes towards music; in addition there is done a research comparing conditions of musical education in rural and urban secondary schools. In the part “Developing students’ musical skills as a condition for shaping musical at-titudes” there are given findings of students’ intonation and rhythm abilities as well as de-pendence of their musical attitudes on the music abilities they posses. Purpose of this work is to examine pedagogical conditions of musical education in rural schools, to determine the influence of them... [to full text]

Lietuvos savivaldybių muziejų sociokultūrinė veikla bendruomenėje / Lithuanian municipality museums sociocultural activities in community

Butkevičius, Gintaras 11 June 2005 (has links)
West-countries museums, which had represented the traditional, historical and national values, have transformed since 1980 extending the range and character of their activities. Such transformations in Lithuania started in 1990, after regaining Lithuania independence. The museums, along with representation of „high level“ culture, started to take part in the processes of contemporary and popular culture, and the range of their activities started to vary a lot. The needs of museum visitors became one of the main issue. Anyway, the issues of interaction and relationship between museums and community, the analysis of museums sociocultural activities still remain very important problem requiring deeper studies. This study investigates municipality museums sociocultural activities. The study focuses on conceptualization of such activities, the interaction between museums and regional communities which is understood by meeting sociocultural needs of the visitors. This research project includes four pats. First three parts presents literature analysis: the theoretical basis of museums sociocultural activities, museums-community relationship peculiarities and general museums policy in Lithuania in 1990 – 2004. The fourth part includes the investigation of museums sociocultural activities in community from the visitor’s point of view. The following museums were included in the study: Panevėžys country, Biržai, Kupiškis, Pasvalys and Rokiškis municipality museums. 136 visitors... [to full text]

Būsimųjų pedagogų sociokultūrinė raiška akademinėje aplinkoje, kaip profesinio tobulėjimo prielaida / Forward teachers' sociocultural expression in the studing environment - as the assumption of the professional growth

Pusvaškė, Erika 17 July 2014 (has links)
Sparčiai kintanti visuomenė kelia vis naujus reikalavimus būsimiesiems pedagogams. Svarbu gebėti integruotis į aplinką, kurioje egzistuoja būsimi pedagogai. Šiuo požiūriu svarbus būsimo pedagogo sociokultūrinis mobilumas - gebėjimas prisitaikyti prie visuomenės kultūros ypatybių. Šis reiškinys verčia pažinti sociokultūrinės raiškos sistemą, kuri koreguoja individualios kultūros bei kompetencijos struktūrą. Todėl būsimo pedagogo mobilumas yra svarbus jo kompetencijos ir profesinės veiklos sėkmės komponentai. Tyrimo hipotezė - akademinėje aplinkoje įgyjamos sociokultūrinės raiškos patirtis yra pedagogų profesinės sėkmės ir vertybinių nuostatų formavimosi prielaida. Tyrimo tikslas - pagrįsti būsimųjų pedagogų sociokultūrinės raiškos akademinėje aplinkoje, kaip profesinio tobulėjimo prielaidą. Tyrimo metodologija ir metodai. Rašant magistro darbą remtasi Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo dokumentais, Lietuvos edukologų ir užsienio autorių darbais, atliktais jų tyrimais. Atliekant anoniminę anketinę apklausą siekiama sužinoti būsimųjų pedagogų nuomonę apie sociokultūrinės raiškos akademinėje aplinkoje, kaip profesinio tobulėjimo prielaidą. Statistinė tyrimo duomenų analizė atlikta kompiuterine SPSS (Statistical program for social sciences) 20 programos versija. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 respondentai, t.y., I-V kurso studentai, iš Šiaulių universiteto edukologijos, menų, humanitarinio, socialinės gerovės ir negalės studijų ir socialinių mokslų fakultetų. Tyrimo rezultatai. Magistro darbą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rapidly changing society is becoming the new requirements for forward teachers. It is important to be able to integrate into the environment, where there are future educators. In this regard, an important teacher of the future sociocultural mobility - the ability to adapt to society's cultural characteristics. This phenomenon leads to know the sociocultural expression system, which adjusts the individual and the cultural competence framework. Therefore, the forward teacher mobility is important for its excellence and professional success components. The hypothesis - the academic environment and sociocultural expression of acquired experience of teachers' professional success and values formation assumption. The aim - substantiate forward teachers' sociocultural expression in the studying environment - as the assumption of the professional growth. Research methodology and methods. When writing the master's degree work based on Lithuanian Ministry of Education documents, Lithuanian educators and foreign authors performed their studies. In an anonymous survey aims to find out the opinions of forward teachers' about sociocultural expression in the studying environment - as the assumption of the professional growth. The statistical methods of data analysis computer SPSS (Statistical program for social sciences) 20 version. 132 respondents of Siauliai university Faculties of Education, Arts, Humanities, Social Welfare and Disability Studies and Social Sciences have answered the... [to full text]


Gečienė, Raimonda 29 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos tobulinimo galimybės ugdant būsimus mokytojus analizė. Skatinant moksleivių raišką ir sociokultūrinės raiškos plėtrą, svarbu juos išmokyti kurti supančios aplinkos kultūrą, o ne tik ja remtis, būti jos vartotojais. Tai labai svarbi asmenybės nuostata. To siekiama remiantis moksleivių socialine kultūrine raiška. Ši aplinkybė verčia išskirti sociokultūrinę raišką kaip aktualią moksleivių ugdymo ir mokytojo rengimo problemą. Anketinės apklausos metu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas atskleisti sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos tobulinimo galimybes ugdant būsimus mokytojus. Tyrimo objektas: būsimų mokytojų sociokultūrinė meninė raiška. Tyrime dalyvavo 183 Šiaulių universiteto studentų ir 60 Šiaulių miesto meno mokytojų, parinkti atsitiktinės atrankos būdu. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami sociokultūrinės meninės raiškos vaidmuo būsimų mokytojų ir meno mokytojų profesiniam tobulėjimui. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Studentai, lankę mokykloje būrelius, jiems taip pat yra poreikis lankyti meno kolektyvą ir universitete. Tie studentai, kurie lanko meno kolektyvus, turi reikšmės ir jų aktyvumui visuomeniniuose renginiuose, spektaklių ar koncertų lankymui. 2. Tiek apklaustieji studentai, tiek ir meno mokytojai lanko meno kolektyvus, norėdami patenkinti pomėgius, poreikius, o lankyti pasirinktą kolektyvą nusprendžia dažniausiai patys, tai rodo, jog ši meninės saviraiškos rūšis yra labai svarbi ir aktuali asmeniškai. 3... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work theoretical analysis of possibilities to improve skills of artistic expression qualifying teachers is presented. Working with students of different age groups showing possible ways of expressing themselves and improving skills of artistic expression is very important. To improve skills of artistic expression is the main goals set for the qualification course. It enables young people to create positive atmosphere and cultural environment in reality, and prevents them from being only consumers. Improvement of artistic skills is assumed to be the major goal when developing any personality. This aim could be achieved by appealing to students' skills of sociocultural expression. Therefore development of sociocultural skills is relevant while preparing teachers for their future job. The questionnaire has been prepared and the research has been done to educe possibilities for improving skills of artistic expression during the teachers' qualification course. Different ways of artistic expression has been observed. 183 students of Siauliai university and 60 teachers currently working in Siauliai schools have answered the questions given and participated in the research. The empirical part of the paper determines how skills of artistic expression effect professional development of a teacher. The most important implications of the research done are: 1. Students, who participated in different extra curriculum activities and clubs at school, tend to join clubs and art groups... [to full text]

Viešosios bibliotekos vaidmuo bendruomenėje / The role of the public library in the local community

Kirtiklienė, Daiva 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – viešosios bibliotekos vaidmuo bendruomenėse. Darbo tikslas – apibrėžti ir įvertinti viešosios bibliotekos, kaip sociokultūrinio objekto, vaidmenį bendruomenėje. Darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti svarbiausius bendruomenės gyvavimo aspektus ir bruožus, teoriniu požiūriu išnagrinėti viešosios bibliotekos paskirtį ir kaitą, išsiaiškinti Marijampolės savivaldybės viešosios bibliotekos filialų vaidmenį mažose bendruomenėse. Atlikus literatūros analizę ir atvejo tyrimą, kuriuose informacijai ir duomenims gauti naudotasi bibliotekos nepublikuotų ataskaitų, statistinių duomenų analizės bei anketinės apklausos metodais, prieita prie išvados, kad viešoji biblioteka užima reikšmingą vietą socialinėje bendruomenės sistemoje; pastebėta bendruomenės, kaip socialinės sistemos, funkcionavimo priklausomybė nuo sociokultūrinės aplinkos bei švietimo ir kultūros paslaugų infrastruktūros išvystymo. Analizuojant socialinę bendruomenės sistemą, jos vystymosi bei struktūros pokyčius bei viešosios bibliotekos, kaip socialinės institucijos transformacijos požymius, atkreiptas dėmesys į viešosios bibliotekos galimybes vietos bendruomenėje jos sociokultūrinei, informacinei bei edukacinei situacijai gerinti ir viešosios bibliotekos pokyčių, lemiamų bendruomenės poreikių, perspektyvas. Išanalizavus bendruomenės teritorinius bei socialinius aspektus, prieita prie išvados, kad individo socializacija ir integracija į pilietinę visuomenę vyksta gyvenamosios vietovės pagrindu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject-matter of the master’s thesis is the role of the public library in the community. The aim of the work is to define and evaluate the role of the public library as a socio-cultural object in the community. The goals of the research study are as follows: to establish cultural and information needs of the community, to review the mission and evolution of the public library, to estimate the need of the public library services and to define their structure, and to survey and evaluate the role of the branches of the Marijampolė municipality public library in small communities. Having used the theoretical methods of induction and comparison of the scientific literature and the empirical scientific research based on the method of analyzing data from statistics and the data acquired from the questionnaires, a conclusion was made that the public library plays a significant role in the social system of the community. Having applied the method of generalizing abstraction, there was observed a dependence of the functioning of the community as a social system on the development of the infra-structure of the socio-cultural environment and that of the educational and cultural services. Having analyzed territorial and social aspects, a conclusion was made that socialization and integration of the individual into the civil society takes place on the territorial basis in the set social environment through purposeful community and socio-cultural education. It was also noted that in... [to full text]

Biblijos horizontas XXa. šeštojo dešimtmečio kartos lietuvių poetų kūryboje / The Biblical horizon in the XXth century 6th decade generation Lithuanian poets' ceation

Norvaišaitė, Rasa 03 June 2005 (has links)
Summary The architectonics of the Biblical horizon allow to perceive, and highlight the ideological and semantical poetical kernel of the XXth century 6th decade poets’ generation. While highlighting the peculiarity of the Biblical horizon and revealing the semantical kernels of writers’ apprehension and poetical worldview, the theoretical hermeneutical principle of text reading is chosen. A reference is made to the perspective of Ricoeuras, which formulates the tradition of hermeneutical symbol and metaphor apprehension. The Biblical horizon is perceived according to the three poetical traditions of the Scripture re-creating. That would be: the structure of views proning to the logycs of rebellion and myth, the poetical principle of sensual and perceptual relation to the things, the intelectual novation of the biblical religious architectonics. The creation of these poets, representing diverse poetical traditions, idividually transform (Platelis, Kajokas, Gailius, Cieškaitė) or deform (Patackas) the notional field of the Scripture. In Patackas and Platelis poetry, representing the verse of death or reflection, for pointing out the Biblical horizon is important the mythopoetical cogitation which brings forward the dominant of rebellion, related to the sociocultural apprehension and revealing the Biblical typology of banishment from the paradise. Patackas poetry points out the perspective of the profanic paradygme, demythologization of the biblical images, semantical... [to full text]

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