Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5oftware agents"" "subject:"1software agents""
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-05 / Considering the several important points that motivated the research in the area of computer supported collaborative learning, this PhD thesis gives the state of the art in the area, presents the mathNet system as new Computer Supported Learning Environment that explores the Cooperative Learning paradigm, and proposes the MACSA system for Student Modeling. The mathNet artifact is one of the little software packages that implement effectively the collaborative learning paradigm. It offers new opportunities in education by integrating collaborative learning with computer, multimedia and network technologies in a manner that we believe will challenge traditional methods of pedagogy and benefit the learning process in a fundamental way. The MACSA is implemented as a software agent who aims to handle the information that composes the learner model of MATHNET. In the mathNet Environment the learning process occurs through six cooperative phases: 1) group preparation; 2) knowledge presentation; 3) knowledge assimilation; 4) knowledge application; 5) group evacuation; and 6) individual evaluation. We focus on the information that may be modeled by the agent in asch phase and what this information may be modeled for. Concretely, we will show which information is modeled in the first phase (group preparation) and how it is used for groups formation. The information modeled is made by individual attributes elicited in one moment from questionnaires answered by the students in the first time they use framework, and in other moments from the student system interaction. The MACSA has the originality to integrate quantitative and qualitative metrics to follow and evaluate the student profile and behavior within a teaching-learning session. MACSA administrates the process complexity through software agents and the model was defined based on the questions: what s a model? What to model for? And how to model? MACSA emphasizes the modeling of the interaction within the system during a learning session based on the communication modes and problem resolution phases. Finally, it is presented the representation, organization, implementation, application and integration of MACSA within the MathNet, especially the interaction of the MACSA with the problem resolution agent and all the other agent and all the other agents that made the MathNt agent society. / Considerando os diversos pontos relevantes que proporcionaram a motivação para investir em pesquisa na área que envolve ensino cooperativo computadorizado, apresenta-se nesta tese, uma visão panorâmica sobre a área de conhecimento, que diz respeito à modelagem do aprendiz, em ambientes de ensino-aprendizagem cooperativo computadorizado. Propõe-se o Sistema MACSA de Modelagem do Aprendiz que integram
métricas quantitativas e qualitativas para acompanhar a evolução do perfil do aprendiz adquirido em uma sessão de ensino-aprendizagem através dos agentes de softwares. Faz-se uma abordagem teórica e situacional sobre os Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes - STI, enfatizando o módulo do modelo do aprendiz, por se tratar de um assunto relevante para este estudo. Apresenta-se também, uma revisão de várias ideias e abordagens existentes sobre os ambientes de aprendizagem cooperativa e a modelagem do aprendiz nesses ambientes, especificando o que é modelo do aprendiz, quem modelar, quais informações modelar e como modelar, e ainda como as informações a serem modeladas podem ser representadas em um modelo. Apresenta-se o Assistente de Resolução de Problemas -ARP. Define-se o que é um problema, os métodos e estratégias para resolução de problemas, como ocorre a resolução de problemas no MATHNET. Apresenta-se a proposta do sistema MACSA de Modelagem do Aprendiz no Sistema MATKNET. Detalha-se o processo de Modelagem do Aprendiz Cooperativo em uma Sessão de Aprendizagem no MATHNET através da representaqão, aquisição e manutenção do modelo, especificando as informações que precisam ser modeladas e como modelar. dentro das atividades pedagógicas. Essas atividades compreendem a formação de grupos, apresentação do conhecimento, assimilação do conhecimento-, aplicação do conhecimento e avaliação (de grupo e individual), mostra-se a utilização do modelo e o agente de modelagem do aprendiz. Mostra-se a modelagem das interações do ambiente, especificando os recursos de comunicação síncronos e assíncronos, detalhando as interações que poderão ocorrer, bem como, o acompanhamento dos passos da resolução de problemas com o MACSA, através do agente supervisar cooperativo. Mostra-se a representação, estrutura, implementação, aplicação e integração do MACSA no MATHNET.
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Echtzeitfähige Softwareagenten zur Realisierung cyber-physischer ProduktionssystemeTheiss, Sebastian 04 July 2016 (has links)
Aktuelle ökonomische Trends, wie die zunehmende Globalisierung und die wachsende Technisierung und Individualisierung vieler Konsumgüter, führen im Hinblick auf die zur Fertigung dieser Güter eingesetzte Automatisierungstechnik zu steigender Komplexität und hohen Flexibilitätsanforderungen. Ein Konzept zur Adressierung dieser Anforderungen ist die Auslegung von automatisierten Anlagen als modulares System flexibel kombinierbarer cyber-physischer Komponenten. Die namensgebende Einheit von mechatronischem Bauteil und lokaler Rechenkapazität ermöglicht Herstellern solcher Komponenten, Softwarebausteine für typische Steuer-, Bedien- oder Diagnoseaufgaben gebrauchsfertig vorzubereiten und so den (Re-)Engineeringaufwand bei der (Um-)Gestaltung des Gesamtsystems deutlich zu reduzieren. Allerdings stellt diese Vision hohe Ansprüche an die zugrundeliegende Softwarearchitektur, die von den derzeit zur Realisierung automatisierter Systeme eingesetzten Technologien nicht vollständig erfüllt werden.
Das Paradigma der Agentenorientierung ist ein tragfähiger Ansatz zur Realisierung solcher lose gekoppelten verteilten Systeme und stellt durch leistungsfähige Interaktionsmechanismen sowie die enge Integration von semantischem Wissen zusätzliche Funktionalität in Aussicht: Als Agenten ausgelegte Komponenten könnten auch die logische Vernetzung untereinander während der Inbetriebnahme, nach Umrüstungen oder in Reaktion auf Betriebsstörungen teilweise selbst übernehmen. Dadurch ergeben sich Fähigkeiten wie Selbstkonfiguration und Selbstregeneration, die in der Fachliteratur unter dem Begriff Self-X zusammengefasst werden. Die fehlende Echtzeitfähigkeit, insbesondere in Bezug auf besagte Interaktionsmechanismen, hat jedoch bisher die Einsetzbarkeit von Agentensystemen in der Automatisierung limitiert und die Ausschöpfung der genannten Potentiale behindert.
Deshalb wird in dieser Dissertation eine echtzeitfähige Laufzeitumgebung für Softwareagenten entworfen und anschließend die Überarbeitung bestehenden Kommunikationsmechanismen im Hinblick auf ihre Echtzeitfähigkeit vorgenommen. In diesem Kontext wird mit dem Konzept der semantischen Adressierung eine vielfältig einsetzbare Möglichkeit geschaffen, Nachrichten an ausgewählte Gruppen von Agenten mit bestimmten, semantisch beschriebenen Eigenschaften zur verschicken. Die dabei zur Wissensrepräsentation genutzten Taxonomie-Bäume bieten ein für viele Aufgabenstellungen ausreichendes Maß an Ausdrucksstärke und erlauben zudem die Verarbeitung unter harten Echtzeitbedingungen. Abschließend werden die geschaffenen Mechanismen in einem Antwortzeitmodell abgebildet, mit dem das rechtzeitige Reagieren eines Agentensystems auf lokal oder verteilt zu behandelnde Ereignisse überprüft und nachgewiesen werden kann. Damit wird ein Hauptkritikpunkt von Agentensystemen adressiert, was zu einer nachhaltigen Steigerung der Akzeptanz des Agentenparadigmas führen könnte. Während große Teile der erarbeiten Lösung als allgemeingültige Grundlagenforschung verstanden werden können, wird bei der Formulierung von Anforderungen, der Darstellung von Beispielen und der Erläuterung von Entwurfsentscheidungen immer wieder auf automatisierungstechnische Belange Bezug genommen. Außerdem wird am Ende der Arbeit eine kritische Bewertung der Ergebnisse vor dem Hintergrund eines möglichen Einsatzes in zukünftigen Automatisierungssystemen durchgeführt und damit das Gesamtbild abgerundet.
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Development of an Artificial Intelligent Software Agent using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Techniques to play Backgammon VariantsKostias, Aristotelis, Tagkoulis, Georgios January 2018 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence has seen enormous progress in many disciplines in the recent years. Particularly, digitalized versions of board games require artificial intelligence application due to their complex decision-making environment. Game developers aim to create board game software agents which are intelligent, adaptive and responsive. However, the process of designing and developing such a software agent is far from straight forward due the nature and diversity of each game. The thesis examines and presents a detailed procedure of constructing a software agent for backgammon variants, using temporal difference, artificial neural networks and backpropagation. Different artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms used in board games, are overviewed and presented. Finally, the thesis describes the development and implementation of a software agent for the backgammon variant called Swedish Tables and evaluates its performance. / Artificiell intelligens har sett enorma framsteg inom många discipliner de senare åren. Speciellt, digitaliserade brädspel kräver implementering av Artificiell intelligens då deras beslutfattande logik är väldigt komplex. Dataspelutvecklarnas syfte och mål är att skapa programvaror som är intelligenta, adaptiva och lyhörda. Dock konstruktionsoch utvecklingsprocess för att kunna skapa en sådan mjukvara är långtifrån att vara faställd, mest på grund av diversitet av naturen av varje spel. Denna avhandlingen forskar och föreslår en detaljerad procedur för att bygga en "Software Agent" för olika slags Backagammon, genom att använda AI neurala nätvärk och back-propagation metoder. Olika artificiell intelligensoch maskininlärningsalgoritmer som används i brädspel forskas och presenteras. Slutligen denna avhandling beskriver implementeringen och utvecklingen av ett mjukvaru agent för en backgammonvariant, närmare bestämt av "Svenska Tabeller" samt utvärderar dess prestanda.
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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de implementação de uma blockchain
privada gerenciada por agentes de software para armazenar dados de sáude. A
tecnologia blockchain está mudando a maneira com que dados privados são
armazenados. Agora é possível compartilhar informações sem revelar quem é o
dono da informação. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema que permite que usuários
armazenagem dados de saúde em uma blockchain gerenciada por agentes de
software. Pesquisas revelaram que dados de saúde devem ser armazenado em
blockchains privadas, pois são privadas e não devem ser acessíveis para qualquer
pessoa como em blockchains públicas. Técnicas de engenharia de software foram
utilizadas para desenvolver a arquitetura proposta. O resultado é uma blockchain
privada capaz de manipular dados no padrão HL7 e armazena-los de forma
anônima e privada. Agentes de software foram utilizados para realizar todo o
processo de recebimento, validação e inserção de dados no blockchain. / [en] This paper presents an implementation approach for a private blockchain that is managed by software agents for healthcare data storage. Blockchain technology is changing the way we store private information. Now, it is possible to share private information while not revealing its owner s identity. This paper presents a
solution, which enables users to store medical data by using blockchains along with software agents. Further research work has shown that healthcare data, as sensitive information, should be stored in private blockchains through the use of appropriate methods. Software engineering techniques have been used to achieve the proposed solution. The result is a private blockchain that is suitable for manipulating HL7 data, ensuring anonymity and privacy. This can be achieved through software agents that act as regulatory controls for the private blockchains.
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Controllable Procedural Game Map Generation using Software Agents and Mixed InitiativeAderum, Oskar, Åkerlund, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
Processen att skapa innehåll till digitala spel för hand är kostsamt och tidskrävande. Allteftersom spelindustrin expanderar ökar behovet av att minska produktionskostnaderna. En lösning på detta problem som det forskas om idag är procedurell generering av spelinnehåll. Kortfattat innebär detta att en algoritm gör det manuella arbetet istället för en designer. I denna uppsats presenterar vi en sådan metod för att automatisera processen att skapa kartor i digitala spel. Vår metod använder kontrollerbara agenter med blandade initiativ (dvs. designern och algoritmen turas om) för att skapa geometri. Vi använder stokastiska agenter för att skapa variation och deterministiska agenter för att garantera spelbarhet. För att kontrollera dessa agenter använder vi en uppsättning parametrar som kan manipuleras. Däröver har designern tillgång till ett antal verktyg inklusive möjligheten att låsa befintlig geometri, konvertera geometri till andra typer, lägga till geometri manuellt, och även möjligheten att använda agenter på specifika områden på kartan. Vi tittar på spelläget Battle i det digitala spelet Mario Kart 64 och visar hur vår metod kan användas för att skapa sådana kartor. Vi utförde en användarstudie på outputen från metoden och resultatet visar att kvaliteten är i allmänhet gynnsam. / The process of creating content for digital games by hand is a costly and time consumingone. As the game industry expands, the need to reduce costs becomes ever more pressing.One solution to this problem being research today is procedural generation of content.In short, this means that an algorithm does the labor rather than a designer. In thisthesis we present such a method for automating the process of creating maps in digitalgames. Our method uses controllable software agents and mixed initiative (i.e. allowingthe designer and algorithm to take turns) to create geometry. We use stochastic agentsto create variation and deterministic agents to ensure playability. To control these agentswe use a set of input parameters which can be manipulated. Furthermore, the designerhas access to a number of tools including the ability to lock existing geometry, convertgeometry to other types, add geometry manually, as well as the ability to use agents onspecific areas of the map. We look at the game mode Battle in the digital game MarioKart 64 and show how our method can be used to create such maps. We conducted auser study on the output of the method and the results show that the quality is generallyfavorable.
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Extending Service Oriented Architecture Using Generic Service RepresentativesNajafi, Mehran 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) focuses on dividing the enterprise application layer of an enterprise system into components (as services) that have direct relationships with the business functionality of the enterprise. Web services, which are based on message exchanges, are the most widely adopted SOA technology. Web services provide web-accessible programs and devices that have been widely promoted for cloud computing environments. However, different types of web services are required to model actual services in the business domain. Particularly, enterprises (business providers such as banks, health care, and insurance companies) usually send their agents or other personnel (e.g., representatives, installers, maintainers, and trainers) to client sides to perform required services. An enterprise agent can be modeled as a software agent - a computer program that cannot be transmitted efficiently by communication messages. Lacking an efficient way to model the transmission of enterprise agents in traditional message based technologies restricts the application and usage of service-oriented architectures. The central problem addressed in this thesis is the need to develop an efficient SOA model for enterprise agents that will enable service providers to process client data locally at the client side.</p> <p>To address the research problem, the thesis proposes to model enterprise agents in SOA with a generic software agent called the Service Representative. This is a generic software agent which stays at the client side and can be customized by different service providers to process client data locally. Moreover, to employ a service representative, the thesis proposes a new type of web services called Task Services. While a traditional web service, called Data Service, processes client data completely at the server side, a task service is a web service with the capability of processing client data and resources partially or completely at the client side, using a Service Representative. Each task service assigns a task with three components to the generic service representative: task model, task knowledge, and task data. The task components are mapped to business components such as business process models, business rules and actions, and business data, where they can be efficiently transmitted by service messages.</p> <p>The combination of a service representative and task services provides an executable platform for service providers at the client side. Moreover, the client does not need to reveal its data, and hence privacy and security are maintained. Large volume client data is processed locally, causing less network traffic. Finally, real-time and event-triggered web services can be developed, based on the proposed approach.</p> <p>The main contributions and novelty of this research are: i) a domain independent computational model of enterprise agents in SOA to support a wide variety of client-processing tasks, ii) client- side web services which are compatible with typical server-side web services and comparable to other client-side processing technologies, iii) extensions of the SOA architecture by adding novel generic components including the service representative, the competition desk, and the service composition certifier, iv) provision of a formal model of client-side and server-side web services based on their construction of business components, v) empirical evaluations of the web service model in a number of different applications, using a prototype system, and vi) the application of the developed model to a number of target domains including the healthcare field. Furthermore, because client-side and server-side web services are complementary, a decision support model is provided that will assist service developers to decide upon the best service type for a web service.</p> / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Um sistema para sugestão e otimização de conteúdo aplicado ao servidor multimídia do SBTVDWickert, Toni Ismael 04 October 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-08-26T23:36:04Z
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ToniWickert.pdf: 3748993 bytes, checksum: d136cd157ac0c38a4b63acbf5d54142d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-26T23:36:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ToniWickert.pdf: 3748993 bytes, checksum: d136cd157ac0c38a4b63acbf5d54142d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-10-04 / Nenhuma / A televisão analógica aberta atinge aproximadamente 97% dos lares brasileiros. Com o advento do Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital (SBTVD) os usuários terão a possibilidade de ter um canal de interatividade. Dessa forma, será possível ter acesso ao servidor de aplicações multimídia, ou seja, haverá a possibilidade de enviar ou receber e-mails, acessar aplicações interativas, assistir filmes ou notícias específicas. A Plataforma Digiconv tem como objetivo a geração de conteúdo digital para TV Digital, IPTV e dispositivos móveis. Esse trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e a implementação de um sistema dividido em dois módulos, o módulo de sugestão de conteúdo tem como objetivo sugerir conteúdos ao usuário, de acordo com o seu perfil, através do uso de agentes de software e ontologias. Nesse módulo, foi desenvolvido um sistema para sugestão com filtragem baseada em conteúdo, dessa forma, o sistema encontra conteúdos semelhantes àqueles que o usuário escolheu no passado para lhe sugerir. Já o módulo de transmissão de conteúdo, tem como objetivo otimizar os parâmetros de transmissão, que é abordado como um problema de otimização combinatória conhecido como Problema de Seleção de Partes que é classificado como NP-Completo. Nesse módulo formam utilizados agentes de software, Busca Tabu, Algoritmo Genético e um Algoritmo Híbrido com o objetivo de encontrar a melhor política de transmissão dos parâmetros de vídeo (LD, P1, SD, P2 e HD) e dos parâmetros de áudio (áudio estéreo e áudio 5.1). A validação desse módulo foi feita, através da média harmônica da distribuição do link de internet disponível no servidor. O resultado desse trabalho é um sistema com dois módulos, um para sugestão de conteúdo e outro módulo que define a melhor política de transmissão do conteúdo. / The open analogic television arrives on approximately 97% of Brazilian homes. With the advent of the Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD) users will be able to have an interactive channel. That way, users can access the multimedia applications server, to send or receive emails, access interactive applications, watch movies or specific news. The Digiconv Platform aims to generate digital content to Digital TV, IPTV and mobile devices. This work presents the development and implementation of an architecture divided into two modules, the content suggestion module aims to suggest content to the user, according to his profile, through the use of software agents and ontologies. In this module, a system was developed using content-based filtering, thus the system find similar content to suggest according to the content that the user liked in the past. The content transmission module aims to optimize the transmission parameters, which is addressed as a combinatorial optimization problem known as Part-Selection Problem that is classified as NPComplete. In this module, were used software agents, Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm with the goal to find the best transmission policy of the video parameters (LD, P1, SD, HD and P2) and the audio parameters (stereo audio and 5.1 audio). The validation of this module is done through the harmonic mean of the distribution of the internet link available on the server. The result of this work is a system with two modules, one module suggest content and the other module defines the best content transmission policy.
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"SemanticAgent, uma plataforma para desenvolvimento de agentes inteligentes" / SemanticAgent, a platform for development of Intelligent Agents capable of processing restricted natural language.Lucena, Percival Silva de 15 April 2003 (has links)
Agentes inteligentes é um termo guarda-chuva que agrega diversas pesquisas no desenvolvimento de softwares autônomos que utilizam técnicas de Inteligência Artificial a fim de satisfazer metas estabelecidas por seus usuários. A construção de sistemas baseados em agentes inteligentes é uma tarefa complexa que envolve aspectos como comunicação entre agentes, planejamento, divisão de tarefas, coordenação, representação e manipulação de conhecimento e comportamentos, entre outras tarefas. Plataformas para agentes prevêem alguns serviços que permitem a desenvolvedores construir soluções sem a necessidade de se preocupar com todos detalhes da implementação. Um novo modelo para criação de agentes chamado 'agentes atômicos' é proposto com o objetivo de oferecer flexibilidade para o gerenciamento de conhecimento e implementação de comportamentos. A arquitetura Agentes Semânticos provê um framework para a implementação de tal modelo, oferecendo um conjunto de ferramentas para a criação de agentes inteligentes. Um protótipo de plataforma para agentes, baseado em tal arquitetura, foi desenvolvido em Java e permite a criação de aplicações capazes de processar linguagem natural restrita, manipular conhecimento e executar ações úteis. / Intelligent Agents is an umbrella term that aggregates different research on the development of autonomous software that uses Artificial Intelligence techniques in order to satisfy user requests. The construction of systems based on intelligent agents is a complex task that involves aspects such as agent communication, planning, work division, cooperation, epresentation and manipulation of knowledge,among other activities. Agent Platforms provide some services that allow developers to build solutions without the need of worrying about every implementation detail. A new model for creating agents, called 'atomic agents', is proposed with the goal of offering flexible knowledge management and behavior implementation for constructing software agents. The Semantic AgentArchitecture provides a framework for the implementation of such model, offering a set of tools for the creation of intelligent agents. A prototype Agent Platform, based on the architecture, was developed in Java and allows the creation of applications that are able to process restricted natural language, manipulate knowledge and execute useful actions.
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Uma arquitetura híbrida com aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento de agentes de software / A Hybrid Architecture with Learning for the Development of Software AgentsCOSTA, Adriana Leite 14 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-09-22T18:42:19Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
AdrianaCosta.pdf: 3838428 bytes, checksum: 2c98d9d837cb8ba187aa038e80b2d304 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-22T18:42:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
AdrianaCosta.pdf: 3838428 bytes, checksum: 2c98d9d837cb8ba187aa038e80b2d304 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão / Software agents represent an evolution of traditional software entities, having the ability to
control their own behavior and acting with autonomy. Typically, software agents act reactively,
where actions and perceptions are predefined at design time, or in a deliberative way, where the
corresponding action for a given perception is found at run time through reasoning. Deliberative
agents do not need all knowledge to be predefined; on the contrary, from an initial knowledge
they can infer new knowledge. However, to find an action appropriate to a particular perception,
they take a long time, generating a high computational cost. As a solution to this problem, a
hybrid architecture with learning for the development of hybrid software agents is presented in
this work. Hybrid agents combine reactive and deliberative behavior taking advantage of the
speed of reactive behavior and the reasoning capability of the deliberative one are a better option
for structuring software agents. The main advantages of the proposed architecture are learning of
the reactive behavior, faster and more efficient, through the interactions of the agent with its
environment and its consequent adaptability to the environment. The agent adapts to the
environment as it learns new reactive behavior from frequent deliberative behavior. The
proposed architecture was evaluated through the development of case studies in the information
security domain using case-based reasoning, ontologies for the representation of domain
knowledge and supervised learning for automatic generation of reactive rules. Results obtained
with the case studies performed confirmed a greater effectiveness and a shorter response time of
the hybrid agent with learning regarding both the reactive or deliberative agent as well as a
hybrid agent without learning in the intrusion detection in computer networks domain. From the
specification and evaluation of the hybrid architecture with supervised learning in the
Information Security domain, a reference architecture for the development of hybrid agents with
learning was generalized. In future works, we intend to evaluate this reference architecture in
other domains, with other types of reasoning and learning techniques to evaluate its impact on
the productivity and quality of the development of hybrid software agents. / Os agentes de software representam uma evolução do software tradicional, tendo a capacidade
de controlar seu próprio comportamento e agir com autonomia. Tipicamente, os agentes de
software agem de forma reativa, onde as percepções e ações são predefinidas no momento da sua
concepção, ou de forma deliberativa, onde a ação correspondente para uma determinada
percepção é encontrada em tempo de execução através de um processo de raciocínio. Os agentes
deliberativos não necessitam que todo o conhecimento seja predefinido, ao contrário, a partir de
um conhecimento inicial eles conseguem inferir novo conhecimento. Todavia, em muitos casos,
para encontrar uma ação apropriada a uma determinada percepção eles levam muito tempo,
gerando um alto custo computacional. Como solução a esse problema, apresentamos neste
trabalho uma arquitetura híbrida com aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento de agentes de
software híbridos. Os agentes híbridos, que combinam comportamento reativo e deliberativo, são
uma opção melhor para estruturar os agentes de software. As principais vantagens da arquitetura
tese é o aprendizado do comportamento reativo, mais rápido e eficiente, através de interações do
agente com o seu ambiente e a sua consequente adaptabilidade ao ambiente. O agente se adapta
ao ambiente na medida em que aprende novo comportamento reativo a partir de comportamento
deliberativo frequente. A arquitetura tese foi avaliada através do desenvolvimento de estudos de
casos no domínio da segurança da informação utilizando o raciocínio baseado em casos,
ontologias para a representação do conhecimento do domínio de estudo e aprendizagem
supervisionada para geração automática de regras reativas. Os resultados obtidos com os estudos
de casos realizados confirmaram uma efetividade maior e um menor tempo de resposta do agente
híbrido com aprendizagem em relação tanto ao comportamento isolado de um agente reativo ou
deliberativo bem como de um agente híbrido sem aprendizagem no domínio da detecção de
intrusões em redes de computadores. A partir da especificação e avaliação da arquitetura híbrida
com aprendizagem supervisionada no domínio da Segurança da Informação, foi generalizada
uma arquitetura de referência para o desenvolvimento de agentes híbridos com aprendizagem.
Em trabalhos futuros, pretende-se avaliar esta arquitetura de referência em outros domínios, com
outros tipos de raciocínio e técnicas de aprendizagem para avaliar o seu impacto na
produtividade e qualidade do desenvolvimento de agentes de software híbridos.
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Intelligent multiagent systems based on distributed non-axiomatic reasoning / Inteligentni multiagentski sistemi zasnovani na distribuiranom ne-aksiomatskom rezonovanjuMitrović Dejan 14 September 2115 (has links)
<p>The agent technology represents one of the most consistent approaches to distributed artificial intelligence. Agents are characterized by autonomous, reactive, proactive, and social behavior. In addition, more complex, intelligent agents are often defined in terms of human-like mental attitudes, such as beliefs, desires, and intentions.</p><p>This thesis deals with software agents and multiagent systems in several ways. First, it defines a new reasoning architecture for intelligent agents called<em> Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System </em>(DNARS). Instead of the popular Belief-Intention-Desire model, it uses Non-Axiomatic Logic, a formalism developed for the domain of articial general intelligence. DNARS is highly-scalable, capable of answering questions and deriving new knowledge over large knowledge bases, while, at the same time, concurrently serving large numbers of external clients. </p><p>Secondly, the thesis proposes a novel agent runtime environment named<em> Siebog.</em> Based on the modern web and enterprise stan-dards, Siebog tries to reduce the gap between the agent technology and industrial applications. Like DNARS, Siebog is a distributed system. Its server side runs on computer clusters and provides advanced functionalities, such as automatic agent load-balancing and fault-tolerance. The client side, on the other<br />hand, runs inside web browsers, and supports a wide variety of hardware and software platforms.</p><p>Finally, Siebog depends on DNARS for deploying agents with unique reasoning capabilities.</p> / null / <p>Agentska tehnologija predstavlja dosledan pristup razvoju distribuirane veštačke inteligencije. Ono što agente izdvaja od ostalih pristupa su autonomno, reaktivino, pro-aktivno, i socijalno ponašanje. Pored toga, kompleksniji, inteligentni agenti se često definišu koristeći ljudske mentalne konstrukcije, kao sto su verovanja, želje i namere.</p><p>Disertacija se bavi softverskim agentima i multiagentskim sistemima sa nekoliko aspekata. Prvo, definisana je nova arhitektura za rasuđivanje sa primenom u razvoju inteligentnih agenata, nazvana Distribuirani sistem za ne-aksiomatsko rasuđivanje (eng. <em>Distributed Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System</em>) (DNARS). Umesto popularnog BDI modela za razvoj inteligentnih agenata (eng. <em>Belief-Desire-Intention</em>), arhitektura se zasniva na tzv. <em>ne-aksiomatskoj</em> logici, formalizmu razvijenom u domenu veštačke opšte inteligencije. DNARS je skalabilan softverski sistem, sposoban da odgovara na pitanja i da izvodi nove zaključke na osnovu veoma velikih baza znanja, služeći pri tome veliki broj klijenata.</p><p>Zatim, u disertaciji je predložena nova multiagentska platforma nazvana Siebog. Siebog je zasnovan na modernim standardima za razvoj veb aplikacija, čime pokušava da smanji razliku izmedu multiagentskih sistema i sistema koji se koriste u industriji. Kao DNARS, i Siebog je distribuiran sistem. Na serverskoj strani, Siebog se izvršava na računarskim klasterima, pružajući napredne funkcionalnosti, poput automatske distribucije agenata i otpornosti na greške. Sa klijentske strane, Siebog se izvršava u veb pretrazivačima i podržava široku lepezu hardverskih i softverskih platformi.</p><p>Konačno, Siebog se oslanja na DNARS za ravoj agenata sa jedinstvenim sposobnostima za rasuđivanje.</p>
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