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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Modularity of a System

Johansson, Per, Holmberg, Henric January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar skapandet och designen av en arkitektur över ett system för behandling av depression och andra psykiska sjukdomar via internet, kallat Melencolia. Ett av kraven för detta projekt är att skapa ett system som kan utökas i framtiden. Vi har härlett detta krav till begreppet modularitet och för att skapa en modulär arkitektur för Melencolia har vi undersökt vad begreppet innebär och härlett det till att vara ett kvalitetsdrag hos flera kvalitetsattribut däribland ”maintainability” och ”reusability”. Med hjälp av ”Attribute Driven Design” kan en arkitektur skapas som fokuserar kring en viss typ av kvalitetsattribut. Eftersom modularitet inte är ett kvalitetsattribut utan en kvalitetsegenskap har vi varit tvungna att ändra indata till denna metod, från kvalitetsattribut till kvalitetsegenskap. Vidare har vi härlett och lagt fram en ny metod för att mäta kvalitetsegenskaper i en mjukvaruarkikektur.Slutligen har vi använt vår metod för att mäta graden av modularitet i Melencolias arkitektur. / This thesis considers the problem of creating and designing an architecture for a software project that will result in a system for treatment of depression on the Internet. One of the requirements for this project, named by Melencolia, is to create a system which can be extended in the future. From this requirement we have derived the concept of modularity. In order to create a modular architecture we have concluded that modularity is a quality characteristic of multiple quality attributes such as "maintainability" and "reusability".We deploy Attribute-Driven Design (ADD) in this Melencolia project. By doing this, an architecture that is focused around modularity can be created. Since modularity is not a quality attribute, but rather a quality characteristic, we had to change the input to ADD from a quality attribute to a quality characteristic.Furthermore, we derive and propose a new method for quality characteristic evaluation of software architectures.Finally we apply our aforementioned method on the architecture of Melencolia and by doing this we get an indication on how well our proposed architecture satisfies modularity.

Collaborative design in electromagnetics

Almaghrawi, Ahmed Almaamoun January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Autonomous Control in Advanced Life Support Systems : Air Revitalisation within the Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative / Autonom styrning i avancerade livsuppehållande system : Återupplivning av luft inom det Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative

Demey, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
In recent years international space agencies have become more and more explicit about long term lunar and Martian space missions. With the space program Terrae Novae, the European Space Agency puts forward a focus on the development of Human & Robotic Exploration technologies essential in enabling such long term missions. An integral component of this program is the focus on Advanced Life Support Systems. Life support systems are operated to provide astronauts with life necessities like oxygen, water and food. Currently, conventional Life Support System often have a linear supply design, relying on resources shipped from Earth, with limited onboard re-usage. However, for extended space missions, this linear supply model becomes impractical due to the constraints of dry mass during space travel. Given this need, the European Space Agency initiated the MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) project aimed at the development of a bioregenerative life support systems. In previous works, the MELiSSA Loop has been proposed: a system design inspired by terrestial ecosystems, that consists of multiple compartments that perform specific biological functions like nitrification and biosynthesis. Due to the complex interdependence of the individual compartments and general space system requirements, the control of such this cyber-physical system forms a significant challenge. This thesis proposes a previously undescribed architecture for the MELiSSA Loop controller design that coordinates the resource distribution between the compartments and establishes atmosphere revitalisation. The architecture meets control objectives specified at high level, and at the same time satisfies the physical and operational constraints. / Under de senaste åren har internationella rymdorganisationer blivit mer och mer tydliga om långsiktiga mån- och rymduppdrag på mars. Med rymdprogrammet Terrae Novae lägger Europeiska rymdorganisationen fram ett fokus på utvecklingen av Human & Robotic Exploration-teknik som är nödvändig för att möjliggöra sådana långsiktiga uppdrag. En integrerad del av detta program är fokus på Advanced Life Support Systems. Livsuppehållande system används för att förse astronauter med livsnödvändigheter som syre, vatten och mat. För närvarande har konventionella livsuppehållande system ofta en linjär försörjningsdesign som förlitar sig på resurser som skickas från jorden, med begränsad återanvändning ombord. Men för utökade rymduppdrag blir denna linjära försörjningsmodell opraktisk på grund av begränsningarna av torr massa under rymdresor. Med tanke på detta behov initierade Europeiska rymdorganisationen MELiSSA-projektet (MicroEcological Life Support System Alternative) som syftade till att utveckla ett bioregenerativt livsuppehållande system. I tidigare arbeten har MELiSSA Loop föreslagits: en systemdesign inspirerad av terrestiska ekosystem, som består av flera fack som utför specifika biologiska funktioner som nitrifikation och biosyntes. På grund av det komplexa ömsesidiga beroendet mellan de enskilda avdelningarna och allmänna krav på rymdsystem, utgör kontrollen av sådana detta cyberfysiska system en betydande utmaning. Denna avhandling föreslår en tidigare obeskriven arkitektur för MELiSSA Loopkontrollerdesignen som koordinerar resursfördelningen mellan avdelningarna och etablerar återupplivning av atmosfären. Arkitekturen uppfyller styrmål som anges på hög nivå, och uppfyller samtidigt de fysiska och operativa begränsningarna.


MATHEUS ADLER SOARES PINTO 21 March 2024 (has links)
[pt] Sistemas tradicionais de karaokê geralmente utilizam vídeos pré-editados, o que limita a criação de experiências de videokê. Nesta dissertação, propomos um novo método para a geração de videokê em tempo real a partir de fontes de streaming de vídeo, chamado Gerador de Videokê. Este método combina técnicas de processamento de vídeo e áudio para gerar automaticamente videokê e é projetado para realizar o processamento em tempo real ou próximo a isso. Os principais objetivos deste estudo são formular uma metodologia para processar vídeos em fluxo contínuo e gerar videokê em tempo real, mantendo características essenciais como a supressão das vozes principais da música e a geração automática de legendas destacando palavras. Os resultados obtidos representam uma contribuição significativa para o campo da geração de multimídia em tempo real. O método foi implementado em uma arquitetura cliente/servidor para testes. Essas contribuições representam um avanço no campo dos sistemas de entretenimento e multimídia, pois introduzem uma nova metodologia para a criação de experiências de videokê. Até onde sabemos, este é o primeiro trabalho que aborda o desenvolvimento de um gerador de videokê em tempo real que realiza sincronização automática e destaque a nível de palavras, com base em uma revisão da literatura. / [en] Traditional karaoke systems typically use pre-edited videos, which limits the creation of videoke experiences. In this dissertation, we propose a new method for generating videoke in real-time from video streaming sources, called the videoke Generator. This method combines video and audio processing techniques to automatically generate videoke and is designed to perform processing in real-time or near real-time. The main objectives of this study are to formulate a methodology to process videos in continuous flow and to generate videoke in real-time while maintaining essential features such as the suppression of the main voices of the music and the automatic generation of subtitles highlighting words. The results obtained represent a significant contribution to the field of real-time multimedia generation. The method was implemented in a client/server architecture for testing. These contributions represent a step forward in the field of entertainment and multimedia systems as they introduce a new methodology for the creation of videoke experiences. To our knowledge, this is the first work that addresses the development of a real-time videoke generator that performs automatic synchronization and highlighting at the word level, based on a literature review.

Optimierung von Algorithmen zur Videoanalyse / Optimization of algorithms for video analysis : A framework to fit the demands of local television stations

Ritter, Marc 02 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Datenbestände lokaler Fernsehsender umfassen oftmals mehrere zehntausend Videokassetten. Moderne Verfahren werden benötigt, um derartige Datenkollektionen inhaltlich automatisiert zu erschließen. Das Auffinden relevanter Objekte spielt dabei eine übergeordnete Rolle, wobei gesteigerte Anforderungen wie niedrige Fehler- und hohe Detektionsraten notwendig sind, um eine Korruption des Suchindex zu verhindern und erfolgreiche Recherchen zu ermöglichen. Zugleich müssen genügend Objekte indiziert werden, um Aussagen über den tatsächlichen Inhalt zu treffen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anpassung und Optimierung bestehender Detektionsverfahren. Dazu wird ein auf die hohen Leistungsbedürfnisse der Videoanalyse zugeschnittenes holistisches Workflow- und Prozesssystem mit der Zielstellung implementiert, die Entwicklung von Bilderkennungsalgorithmen, die Visualisierung von Zwischenschritten sowie deren Evaluation zu ermöglichen. Im Fokus stehen Verfahren zur strukturellen Zerlegung von Videomaterialien und zur inhaltlichen Analyse im Bereich der Gesichtsdetektion und Fußgängererkennung. / The data collections of local television stations often consist of multiples of ten thousand video tapes. Modern methods are needed to exploit the content of such archives. While the retrieval of objects plays a fundamental role, essential requirements incorporate low false and high detection rates in order to prevent the corruption of the search index. However, a sufficient number of objects need to be found to make assumptions about the content explored. This work focuses on the adjustment and optimization of existing detection techniques. Therefor, the author develops a holistic framework that directly reflects on the high demands of video analysis with the aim to facilitate the development of image processing algorithms, the visualization of intermediate results, and their evaluation and optimization. The effectiveness of the system is demonstrated on the structural decomposition of video footage and on content-based detection of faces and pedestrians.


AIRTON JOSE ARAUJO LIBORIO 13 January 2015 (has links)
[pt] A natureza de certos sistemas de software determina que estes tenham de executar de maneira ininterrupta. Por outro lado, diversos sistemas de software são constantemente sujeitos a mudanças, por questões que incluem, mas não se limitam a, infraestrutura, correções de falhas, adição de funcionalidades e mudanças na lógica de domínio. Evolução dinâmica de software consiste em alterar aplicações durante a sua execução sem interrompê-las, mantendo-as disponíveis mesmo durante a aplicação destas modificações. Sistemas distribuídos baseados em componentes permitem decompor o software em entidades claramente separadas. Nesses casos, a evolução pode ser resumida a remoção, adição e modificação de tais entidades, e se tais atividades podem ser exercidas enquanto a aplicação está em execução, tem-se evolução dinâmica de software. Através disso, neste trabalho foi criada uma abordagem em que é possível se manipular arquiteturas distribuídas desenvolvidas sobre o middleware SCS de maneira a se minimizar a interrupção de partes do sistema enquanto certas adaptações são implantadas. Aplicamos o mecanismo em um sistema distribuído já consolidado, o CAS, que consiste em uma infraestrutura de gravação extensível com suporte a captura e acesso automáticos de mídias distribuídas. / [en] The nature of some software systems determine that they run without interruption. Furthermore, many software systems are constantly subject to change for reasons that include, but are not limited to, infrastructure changes, bug fixes, addition of functionalities, and changes in the domain logic. Dynamic software evolution consists into changing application during execution without stopping them, keeping them available even when applying these modifications. Component-based distributed systems allows decomposing software into clearly separated entities. In such cases, evolution can be summarized to removal, addition and modification of such entities, and if such activities can be performed while the application is executing, dynamic adaptation is achieved. In this work, we ve investigated an approach that aims to allow manipulation of distributed software architectures developed over the SCS middleware, in order to minimize system disruption while certain adaptations are deployed. The mechanism was tested in an already consolidated distributed system, the CAS, which consists of an extensible recording infrastructure that supports automatic capture and access of distributed medias.

Context-based code quality assessment / Avaliação de qualidade de código baseada em contexto

Aniche, Mauricio Finavaro 15 July 2016 (has links)
Two tasks that software engineers constantly perform are writing code that is easy to evolve and maintain, and detecting poorly written pieces of code. For the former, software engineers commonly rely on well-known software architecture styles, such as Model-View-Controller (MVC). To the latter, they rely on code metrics and code smell detection approaches. However, up to now, these code metrics and code smell approaches do not take into account underlying architectureall classes are assessed as if they were the same. In practice, software developers know that classes differ in terms of responsibilities and implementation, and thus, we expect these classes to present different levels of coupling, cohesion, and complexity. As an example, in an MVC system, Controllers are responsible for the flow between the Model and the View, and Models are responsible for representing the systems business concepts. Thus, in this thesis, we evaluate the impact of architectural roles within a system architecture on code metrics and code smells. We performed an empirical analysis in 120 open source systems, and interviewed and surveyed more than 50 software developers. Our findings show that each architectural role has a different code metric values distribution, which is a likely consequence of their specific responsibilities. Thus, we propose SATT, an approach that provides specific thresholds for architectural roles that are significantly different from others in terms of code smells. We also show that classes that play a specific architectural role contain specific code smells, which developers perceive as problems, and can impact class\' change- and defect-proneness. Based on our findings, we suggest that developers understand the responsibilities of each architectural role in their system architecture, so that code metrics and code smells techniques can provide more accurate feedback. / Duas tarefas que desenvolvedores de software constantemente fazem são escrever código fácil de ser mantido e evoluído, e detectar pedaços de código problemáticos. Para a primeira tarefa, desenvolvedores comumente fazem uso de conhecidos padrões arquiteturais, como Model-View-Controller (MVC). Para a segunda tarefa, desenvolvedores fazem uso de métricas de código e estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código (code smells). No entanto, até o momento, métricas de código e estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código não levam em conta a arquitetura do software em análise. Isso significa que todas classes são avaliadas como se umas fossem iguais às outras. Na prática, sabemos que classes são diferentes em suas responsibilidades e implementação, e portanto, esperamos que elas variem em termos de acoplamento, coesão e complexidade. Por exemplo, em um sistema MVC, Controladores são responsáveis pelo fluxo entre a camada de Modelo e a camada de Visão, e Modelos representam a visão de negócios do sistema. Nesta tese, nós avaliamos o impacto dos papéis arquiteturais em técnicas de medição de métricas de código e de detecção de maus cheiros de código. Nós realizamos um estudo empírico em 120 sistemas de código aberto, e entrevistamos e realizamos questionários com mais de 50 desenvolvedores. Nossos resultados mostram que cada papel arquitetural possui distribuições diferentes de valores de métrica de código, consequência das diferentes responsabilidades de cada papel. Como consequência, propomos SATT, uma abordagem que provê thresholds específicos para papéis arquiteturais que são significantemente diferentes de outros em termos de métricas de código. Mostramos também que classes que cumprem um papel arquitetural específico também contêm maus cheiros de código específicos. Esses maus cheiros são percebidos por desenvolvedores como problemas reais e podem fazer com que essas classes sejam mais modificadas e apresentem mais defeitos do que classes limpas. Sugerimos então que desenvolvedores entendam a arquitetura dos seus sistemas, bem como as responsabilidades de cada papel arquitetural que as classes desempenham, para que tanto métricas de código quanto estratégias de detecção de maus cheiros de código possam prover um melhor retorno.

Identificação e visualização de dependências em sistemas de software orientados a objetos / Identification and Visualization of Dependencies in Object-Oriented Software Systems

Oliva, Gustavo Ansaldi 22 September 2011 (has links)
Degradação do design é um problema central investigado na área de evolução de software. A densa rede de interdependências que emerge entre classes e módulos ao longo do tempo resulta em código difícil de mudar, não reutilizável e que não comunica por si só sua intenção. Dentre outros motivos, designs degradam porque requisitos mudam de maneiras não antecipadas pelo design inicial, ou seja, as modificações no código introduzem dependências novas e não planejadas entre classes e módulos do sistema. A gerência de dependências visa reduzir a degradação do design por meio de uma série de mecanismos que auxiliam na administração da complexidade estrutural inerente de sistemas orientados a objetos. Neste trabalho, investigamos as técnicas de identificação de dependências estruturais e lógicas. Em particular, por meio de um estudo de larga escala, comparamos os conjuntos desses dois tipos de dependências. Em seguida, conduzimos um estudo de caso a fim de identificar as origens de dependências lógicas. Por fim, fazemos um levantamento das técnicas de visualização de dependências e mostramos a ferramenta XFlow. / Design degradation is a central problem investigated in the area of software evolution. The dense web of interdependencies that emerges among classes and modules over time results in code that is hard to change, not reusable and that does not communicate its intention. Among other reasons, designs degrade because requirements changes in ways that were not anticipated by the initial design, i.e. the changes in code introduce new and unplanned dependencies among classes and modules of the system. Dependency management aims to reduce design degradation by means of a series of mechanisms that helps in the management of the inherent structural complexity of object oriented systems. In this work, we investigate structural and logical dependencies identification techniques. In particular, by means of a large scale study, we compare the sets of these two kinds of dependencies. Afterwards, we conduct a case study in order to uncover the origins of logical dependencies. Finally, we survey dependency visualization techniques and present the XFlow tool.


GUSTAVO ROBICHEZ DE CARVALHO 16 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] A engenharia de software baseada em componentes é uma abordagem que prevê a reutilização de artefatos de software na geração de um conjunto de aplicações. Ao desenvolver aplicações com esta abordagem, é preciso reunir ou compor componentes de software já existentes. Após compor estas unidades, é necessário coordenar as interdependências estabelecidas entre elas para adequar a aplicação em desenvolvimento à resolução do problema. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura de software que separa e estrutura os conceitos de coordenação, composição e componentes de software em camadas arquiteturais. A partir desta estrutura, espera-se que modificações específicas em construções de uma camada tenham o mínimo de influência sobre as demais. ACCA (Arquitetura para a Coordenação e a Composição de Artefatos de Software) deve ser entendida como uma estrutura conceitual utilizada para organizar o desenvolvimento de software baseado em componentes. Além disto, são apresentados um framework para ilustrar a realização da camada de composição de ACCA, o processo de reificação de ACCA e um processo de desenvolvimento de software utilizando a abordagem proposta. / [en] Component Based Software Engineering is an approach for reusing software artifacts when developing applications. In order to develop solutions using this approach, it is necessary to compose software using components that have already been developed. After putting those pieces together, we need to coordinate the interdependencies established among those compositions to fulfill the requirements, needed to resolve a problem. This dissertation proposes a software architecture that separates and structures the concepts of coordination, composition and software components in different architectural layers. Using this approach, we expect that specific modifications in layer constructions have the minimum impact on the others layers. ACCA (Architecture for Coordination and Composition of software Artifacts) must be understood as a conceptual structure that is used to organize component based software development. It also presents a composition framework, the reification process for ACCA and a software development process organized using this approach.

A pattern based approach for the architectural design of e-business applications

Dabous, Feras Taleb Abdel Rahman, School of Information Systems Technology & Management, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
With the widespread use of the Internet and its associated technologies, enterprises have to evolve in the way they are conducting business. 'e-business applications' refer to a new class of distributed applications that involves the Internet as a communication platform. Each e-business application supports the full automation of business processes that can span across multiple enterprises. For a given application domain that involves e-business application development, a number of design decisions that best fullfil stakeholders requirements have to be made. One important issue is the reuse of functionality which exists within legacy systems that can belong to one or more enterprises within the same domain. Most existing design approaches are inadequate in supporting the exploration of all design combinations. Moreover, there is little work on how to identify the best design decisions systematically for a given application domain. In this thesis we present a pattern-based approach that addresses the architectural design of e-business applications. We identify a number of architectural patterns whose instantiation on a given design problem correspond to different architectural design alternatives. We also identify models that enable the estimation of quality attributes for such alternatives. Then we investigate and utilise methods to select the best pattern for a given design problem. We also describe the process of generating the alternative architectures, estimating their qualities, and then ranking them with respect to any quality attribute or a combination of quality attributes. We validate this approach on a real life case study in the area of capital markets. The case study concerns realistic e-business applications that rely on existing legacy applications. The validation exercise has produced predictions which have been compared with actual design decisions that have been made. The thesis also proposes a framework for the systematic identification of architectural patterns. An additional set of architectural patterns and their impact on the case study are discussed. The main contribution of this thesis is in the identification of patterns and quality attributes models for the architectural design of e-business applications that aid in the systematic selection of the most appropriate architectural pattern for a given problem context.

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