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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


AGHSAEE, PAYAM 10 January 2012 (has links)
The breaking of internal solitary waves (ISWs) of depression shoaling upon a uniformly sloping boundary in a smoothed two-layer density field was investigated using high-resolution two-dimensional simulations. The simulations were performed for a wide range of boundary slopes S∈[0.01,0.3] and wave slopes. Over steep slopes (S≥0.1), three distinct breaking processes were observed; surging, plunging and collapsing breakers which are associated with reflection, convective instability and boundary layer separation, respectively. Over mild slopes (S≤0.05), nonlinearity varies gradually and the wave fissions into a train of waves of elevation after it passes through the turning point where solitary waves reverse polarity. The dynamics of each breaker type were investigated and the predominance of a particular mechanism was associated with a relative developmental timescale. The breaker type was characterized in wave slope S_w versus S space and the reflection coefficient (R), modeled as a function of the internal Iribarren number, was in agreement with other studies. The same 2D model was applied to investigate boundary layer separation-driven global instability, which is shown to play an important role in breaking of shoaling ISWs. The simulations were conducted with waves propagating over a flat bottom and shoaling over relatively mild (S=0.05) and steep (S=0.1) slopes. Combining the results over flat and sloping boundaries, a unified criterion for vortex shedding is proposed, which depends on the momentum thickness Reynolds number and the non-dimensionalized ISW-induced pressure gradient at the point of separation. The criterion is generalized to a form that may be readily computed from field data and compared to published laboratory and field observations. During vortex shedding, the bed shear stress, vertical velocity and near-bed Reynolds stress were elevated, implying potential for sediment re-suspension. Laboratory experiments were also performed to study three-dimensionality (3D) of global instability. Our results agree with previous laboratory experiments, using the proposed pressure gradient parameter and Reynolds number. The 3D effects prevent the vortices from ascending as high as they do in 2D simulations. The instabilities were not able to re-suspend sediments with 20 µm median diameters, which suggests applying lighter sediments, as finer sediments will be cohesive and dynamically different. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2011-12-23 15:03:29.76

Farming system and landscape complexity affects pollinators and predatory insect communities differently

Håkansson, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
It has been argued that organic farming sustains a higher biodiversity than conventional farming. This might promote the ecosystem services that exist in agricultural landscapes such as pollination and pest control. Here, I examined the effect of farming system (organic vs. conventional) with respect to the time since farming system transition, landscape heterogeneity and plant richness on pollinating and predatory insects. In total, data from 30 farms were used, of which 20 were organic and 10 were conventional. The data were analyzed using general linear models and model averaging. The results show that insect groups responded differently to various factors. Pollinators were more sensitive to landscape complexity, showing an increase of abundance and species richness with an increased heterogeneity. Predators on the other hand reacted to farming system, where there was an increase in abundance and species richness on organic farms.

Ofrivillig isolering på anstalt : Intagnas beskrivning av isoleringens effekter, önskan om stöd samt stödet från Kriminalvården

Ragnemyr, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
En återkommande debatt rörande kriminalvården är hur man ska kombinera de två grundprinciperna i fängelserna: vård och straff. Om isolering är ett straff i straffet, hur ser då vården ut i anslutning till denna? Få eller inga andra former av frihetsberövande skapar så mycket psykologiskt trauma, med så många symptom på psykisk sjukdom, som isolering gör. I studien undersöktes vilka effekter ofrivillig isolering, under minst två månader, hade på den psykiska och fysiska hälsan, samt vilket stöd tidigare fängelseintagna fått under och efter sin tid av isolering. Dessutom undersöktes vilket stöd den intagne själv hade önskat att få. Resultatet bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tidigare fängelseintagna som ofrivilligt blivit isolerade. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning och begreppen ångest, depression, avsaknad av social interaktion samt sociala band till andra. Två av tre respondenter visade tecken på att isoleringen påverkat deras psykiska hälsa mycket negativt. Den tredje respondenten visade vissa negativa effekter men tycks ha klarat tiden i isoleringen förhållandevis väl. Ångest och depression var tydliga symptom som isoleringen lett till. Avsaknad av social interaktion skapade stort lidande både under och efter isoleringen och ledde till såväl social tillbakadragenhet som rädsla för att skapa nya kontakter. / A recurrent debate within the correctional treatment, is how to combine the two fundamental principles: rehabilitation and controle. If solitary confinement is a punishment within the punishment, then what does the support in association to it look like? There are few or no other forms of detainment that creates as much psychological trauma, with so many symptoms of mental illness as seen in isolated inamtes. This study examined the effects of involuntary solitary confinement during at least two months, to the psychological and physical health, and the support that former inmates got during and after their time of isolation. It also examined what kind of support the inmates had wanted. The result is based on interviews with persons who previously have been imprisoned and then have been involuntarily placed in solitary confinement. The result was analyzed using previous research and the concepts anxiety, depression and lack of social interaction. Two of the three respondents showed signs of very negative effects on their psychological health from the solitary confinement. The third respondent showed some negative effects but seemed to have coped with the isolation relatively well. Anxiety and depression were obvious symptoms that the solitary confinement had caused. Lack of social interaction had created considerable suffering during and after the solitary confinement and had caused social seclusion as well as fear of making new contact

Ondes internes solitaires dans le Golfe de Guinée : cartographie et modélisation / Internal solitary waves in the Gulf of Guinea : mapping and modelling

Baquet, Emeric 22 February 2018 (has links)
Les ondes internes sont observées partout dans le monde. Elles ont un rôle important dans la mise en place de la chaine trophique, et elles peuvent avoir un impact sur les activités humaines. Ainsi, dans le Golfe de Guinée, des ondes internes solitaires (OIS) ont provoqué des incidents sur des plateformes pétrolières. L’objectif de la thèse est d’identifier leurs zones de génération, leurs directions de propagation, ainsi que les conditions d’environnement susceptibles de les déclencher. La thèse a comporté deux aspects : d’une part des mesures de courant étaient disponibles et d’autre part la mise en place de modèles numériques. Ces mesures ont montré le passage d’OIS. En outre, les zones de génération potentielles sont identifiées en haut du talus continental. Leur répartition mensuelle a montré une variabilité saisonnière, due à la Mousson Ouest Africaine qui modifie les conditions de stratification au cours de l’année.La modélisation a été réalisée avec HYCOM. Une maquette hydrostatique régionale du Golfe de Guinée a été mise en place. Elle a d’abord été validée en configuration barotrope (océan homogène). Une configuration bicouche a ensuite été testée, et la théorie linéaire des ondes internes a été vérifiée sur ses résultats. Des termes non hydrostatiques ont ensuite été ajoutés dans les équations horizontales du courant de HYCOM, pour modéliser des OIS. L’impact des paramètres physiques, en particulier la force de Coriolis et le forçage barotrope, ainsi que l’effet d’un courant moyen, a été étudié sur des configurations bicouches radiales. Enfin, un canyon a été ajouté au milieu du talus pour évaluer qualitativement les effets d’une bathymétrie 2D sur les OIS. / Internal waves are observed in different locations. They have a key role in the set up of the trophic chain, and they can impact human activities.For instance, in the Gulf of Guinea, internal solitary waves (ISWs) have caused hazards on offshore oil platforms. The aim of the thesis is to identify the generation zones and the directions of propagation of these ISWs, and the environmental conditions (tides, stratification) that can generate them. One the one hand measurements of currents were available, and on the other hand numerical models were used.Measurements of currents were analyzed. Packets of ISWs were identified. Moreover, the potential generation zones of the ISWs, particularly the top of the shelf break, were inferred from their direction of propagation. The monthly repartition of the packets of ISWs revealed a seasonal variability, due to the West African Monsoon, which modified the conditions of the stratification throughout the year.Concerning the modelling, the numerical model HYCOM was used. One regional hydrostatic model of the Gulf of Guinea was built. This regional model was validated for a barotropic configuration (homogeneous ocean) first. Then, a two-layered configuration was set up, and the linear theory of the internal waves was confirmed on the results.Non hydrostatic terms were added to the horizontal velocity equations in HYCOM, to model ISWs. The influence of different physical parameters, such as the Coriolis force, the barotropic forcing, and a mean current was studied on two-layered radial configurations. Finally, a canyon in the middle of the shelf break was set up to assess qualitatively the effect of a 2D bathymetry on the ISWs.

Equação reduzida para ondas curtas na superfície da água

Carvalho, Paulo Gustavo Serafim de [UNESP] 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:32:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 carvalho_pgs_me_ift.pdf: 273148 bytes, checksum: b8f03ddb09e18a5f045875f4ec5b3d33 (MD5) / Estuda-se o comportamento de ondas de superfície em um fluido invícido no limite de curtos comprimentos de onda e levando em conta efeitos não-lineares. Uma equação para este limite é obtida e algumas soluções são exibidas. / Abstracts: The behaviour of surface-waves on a inviscid fluid is studied in the short-wave limit, taking nonlinear effects into account. An equation describing this limit is obtained and some of its solutions exibited.

Diversidade e estrutura genética de populações urbanas de abelhas Centridini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) visitantes florais de Tecoma stans (L) Kunth (Bignoniaceae) / Diversity and genetic structure of urban populations Centridini bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) floral visitors of Tecoma stans (L) Kunth (Bignoniaceae)

Diego Moure Oliveira 09 October 2013 (has links)
Em abelhas, como nos demais himenópteros, a haplodiploidia e o mecanismo de determinação do sexo restringem o tamanho efetivo da população. Ademais, a nidificação próxima ao sítio natal pelas fêmeas das espécies solitárias restringe o fluxo gênico materno e causa alta viscosidade populacional. Centris é um gênero de abelhas solitárias da tribo Centridini, encontradas em distintos locais, como matas contínuas ou fragmentos florestais, bem como em ambientes urbanos; as espécies C. analis e C. tarsata se destacam no gênero pela abundância com que são encontradas nestas localidades. São abelhas poliléticas ou generalistas na coleta de pólen e nidificam em cavidades pré-existentes. Em razão de seu porte médio, presume-se que não apresentem alta capacidade de dispersão. Fêmeas de algumas espécies do gênero apresentam comportamento filopátrico. Estes dados nos levam a supor que espécies com traços biológicos similares tenham suas populações naturalmente estruturadas (subdivididas). Para testar esta hipótese, foram analisadas algumas regiões do genoma mitocondrial (DNAmt) de abelhas Centridini residentes em áreas urbanas. As duas subunidades da citocromo c oxidase (COI e COII), bem como o RNA transportador de leucina (RNAtLeu), apresentaram baixo nível de variação intra-específica, e a dificuldade em amplificar estas regiões para uma das espécies impediu a utilização destas regiões para análises populacionais. Desta forma, foram selecionadas duas regiões gênicas com taxas de variação intra-específicas distintas, o gene citocromo b (cytb) e a subunidade maior do DNA ribossômico (16S). Por ser uma molécula de herança materna, a análise destas regiões gênicas nos permitiu obter informações a respeito de colonização e o número de linhagens maternas. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que as populações de Centris tarsata e Centris trigonoides apresentam baixa e moderada estruturação, respectivamente. Para C. analis, a espécie mais bem amostrada, o excesso de picos duplos apresentados nos eletroferogramas dificultou a interpretação dos resultados. Foi possível ainda verificar diferenças na distribuição haplotípica de machos e fêmeas de C. tarsata, sugerindo a ocorrência de uma dispersão enviesada para machos, caracterizando uma dispersão sexo-assimétrica. / In bees, as in other hymenopterans, the haplodiploidy and mechanism of sex determination constrain the effective population size. Moreover, the nesting close to home site by the females of solitary species restricts maternal gene flow and causes high population viscosity. Centris is a genus of solitary bees of the tribe Centridini found in different locations, such as continuous forests or forest fragments, as well as in urban environments; the species C. analis and C. tarsata stand out in the genre for the abundance that are found in these locations. They are polyletics bees, or generalists in collecting pollen, and nest in cavities pre-existing. In reason of its medium size, it is presumed that do not present high dispersal capacity. How some species of the genus are phylopatric, we presume that other also presenting similar behavior. These data lead us to suppose that species with similar traits have their populations naturally structured (subdivided). To test this hypothesis, we analyzed urban populations of four species of Centris for some regions of mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). The two subunits of cytochrome c oxidase (COI and COII) and the tRNA leucine (tRNALeu) showed a low level of intraspecific variation, and the difficulty to amplify those regions for one species prevented the use of these regions to population analysis. Thus, we selected two gene regions with distinct rates of intra-specific variation, the gene cytochrome b (cytb) and the large subunit ribosomal DNA (16S). As a molecule maternally inherited, the analysis of the mitochondrial genes enabled us to obtain informations about colonization through the number of maternal lineages. Our results suggest that Centris tarsata and Centris trigonoides populations exhibit low and moderate genetic structuring, respectively. In C. analis, the species most well sampled, the excess of double peaks showed in the electropherograms difficults the interpretation of results. Also, for the species C. tarsata was possible to verify differences between males and females, suggesting the occurrence of a male skewed dispersion and an asymmetrical dispersion.

Plasticidade do comportamento alimentar: um estado do núcleo do trato solitário

LIRA, Livia de Almeida 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-02-16T14:35:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Livia de Almeida Lira_ POSNEURO 2016.pdf: 2312565 bytes, checksum: 6dc0de86f266e98ad31d5c7c89d2219e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T14:35:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Livia de Almeida Lira_ POSNEURO 2016.pdf: 2312565 bytes, checksum: 6dc0de86f266e98ad31d5c7c89d2219e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / FACEPE / O controle do comportamento alimentar é um fenômeno complexo dependente da interação entre os sinais originados na periferia do corpo e em várias regiões do sistema nervoso central, incluindo o núcleo do trato solitário (NTS). Esse núcleo regula muitos aspectos do comportamento alimentar e expressa receptores para vários peptídeos e hormônios indutores de saciedade, incluindo a serotonina. Prejuízos na via de sinalização e no conteúdo encefálico deste neurotransmissor estão associadas à hiperfagia e obesidade. Algumas regiões encefálicas responsáveis pela regulação do comportamento alimentar são alvos de ajustes permanentes promovidos por eventos que ocorrem durante os estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento. Nessa fase, a influência de estímulos ambientais, particularmente os nutricionais, podem modular os eventos ontogenéticos e promover sérias consequências na vida adulta. Nesse estudo, o objetivo foi investigar os efeitos da desnutrição proteica perinatal sobre aspectos morfofuncionais do NTS relacionados ao controle do comportamento alimentar. Ratos da linhagem Wistar, mantidos em condições padrões de biotério foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de acordo com a dieta ofertada para mães durante a gestação e lactação: grupo controle (C, caseína 17% / n = 10) ou grupo desnutrido (D, caseína 8% / n =10). Foram avaliados aos 35 e 180 dias de vida: a) peso corporal; b) ingestão alimentar; c) expressão da proteína FOS nas regiões rostral e medial do NTS em resposta ao estímulo alimentar; d) sequência comportamental de saciedade e os parâmetros microestruturais da alimentação e apenas aos 35 dias de vida: e) densidade de terminais e distribuição de receptores serotoninérgicos 5-HT1B nos subnúcleos ventrolateral, intermediário, medial e comissural do NTS. As áreas estudadas foram identificadas e quantificadas com auxílio do atlas estereotáxico de Paxinos e Watson (1998). Com base nessas avaliações, o presente trabalho demonstrou que a desnutrição perinatal promove: 1) redução do peso corporal (35 dias: C=129.06±0.20; D=68.10±0.35; 180 dias: C = 435.70±0.70; D = 370.30±0.70); (2) hiperfagia (35 dias: C = 6.8±0.6; D = 11.9±0.9; 180 dias C = 6.6±0.4; D = 10±0.8); (3) retardo na saciedade, (4) aumento no tamanho (C= 5,5 ±0,43; D= 7,8± 0,57) e duração (C=14,3± 1.8; D= 20,4±1,7) das refeições; (5) aumento na ativação neuronal nas porções rostral (35 dias: C = 134.5±22.23; D= 366.8±58.02/ 180 dias = 240.6±38.10; D = 444.2±57.05) e medial do NTS (35 dias: C = 172.8±26.28; D= 435.2±72.69/180 dias: C= 224.4±33.10; D= 434.0±45.31); (6) aumento na densidade de terminais serotoninérgicos no NTS (C= 34,4 ± 1,5 n= 5; D= 48± 3,6) e no subnúcleo intermediário (C= 28,3 ± 2; D= 43± 1,5) e (7) maior quantidade de neurônios 5-HT1B-IR no NTS (C= 159,6± 18,2;D= 317,1± 18,6) e nos subnúcleos ventrolateral (C= 20,1± 2,7/N=5D= 34,4± 3,5), intermediário (C= 20,9± 2,8/N=5; D= 49,3± 3) e medial (C= 45,6 ± 6/N=5; D= 95,4± 6). Estes resultados indicam que o NTS é uma estrutura particularmente vulnerável às influências da manipulação nutricional nos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento e pode ser alvo de processos adaptativos do controle comportamento alimentar observados nesses animais na vida adulta. / The control of feeding behavior is dependent on the interactions among a variety of signals originated from periphery and several brain areas, such as the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) in the caudal brainstem. This nucleus regulates many aspects of feeding behavior and expressed receptors for several satiety inducing peptides and hormones including serotonin. Losses in the signaling pathway and the brain content of this neurotransmitter are associated with hyperphagia and obesity. Some brain regions responsible for the regulation of feeding behavior are targets of permanent adjustments promoted by events that occur during the early stages of development. At that stage, the influence of environmental stimuli, particularly the nutritional, may modulate ontogenetic events and promote serious consequences in adult life. In this study, the main aim was to investigate the effects of perinatal protein malnutrition on morphological and functional aspects of the NTS related to control of feeding behavior. Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups according to the diet offered to the dams during gestation and lactation: control group (C, diet containing 17% casein/ n=10) or isocaloric lowprotein group (LP, diet containing 8% casein/ n=10). We evaluated: a) body weight; b) food intake; c) c-Fos protein expression in the rostral and medial NTS; d) behavioural sequence satiety and micro-structural parameters of feeding and e) density of serotoninergic terminals and distribution of 5-HT1B receptor in the ventro-lateral, intermediate, medial and commissural subnucleus of NTS. The areas studied were identified and quantified with Stereotactic atlas of Paxinos and Watson (2005). Based on these evaluations, the present study showed that the malnutrition: (1) promotes perinatal) reduced body weight (35 days: C = 129.06 ± 0.20; D = 68.10 ± 0.35; 180 days: C = 435.70 ± 0.70; D = 370.30 ± 0.70); (2) hyperphagia (35 days: C = 6.8 ± 0.6; D = 11.9 ± 0.9; 180 days C = 6.6 ± 0.4; D = 10 ± 0.8); (3) delay in satiety, (4) increase in size (C = 5.5 ± 0.43; D = 7.8 ± 0.57) and duration (C = 14.3 ± 1.8; D = 20.4 ± 1.7) meals; (5) increase in neuronal activation in the rostral portions (35 days: C = ± 134.5 22.23; D = ± 366.8/58.02 180 days = 240.6 ± 38.10; D = ± 444.2 57.05) and medial NTS (35 days: C = 172.8 ± 26.28; D = ± 72.69/180 days 435.2: C = ± 224.4 33.10; D = ± 45.31 434.0); (6) increase in density of serotonergic terminals in the NTS (C = 34.4 ± 1.5 n = 5; D = 48 ± 3.6) and the intermediate subnucleus (C = 28.3 ± 2; D = 43 ± 1.5) and (7) increased amount of 5-HT1B-IR neurons in the NTS (C = 159.6 ± 18.2; D = 317.1 ± 18.6) and ventro-lateral (C = 20.1 ± 2.7/N = 5 d = 34.4 ± 3.5), intermediate (C = 20.9 ± 2.8/N = 5; D = 49.3 ± 3) and medial subnucleus (C = 45.6 ± 6/N = 5; D = 95.4 ± 6). These results indicate that the NTS is a particularly vulnerable structure to the influences of nutritional manipulation in the early stages of development and may be adaptive processes of control feeding behavior observed in these animals into adulthood.

Explicit Multidimensional Solitary Waves

King, Gregory B. (Gregory Blaine) 08 1900 (has links)
In this paper we construct explicit examples of solutions to certain nonlinear wave equations. These semilinear equations are the simplest equations known to possess localized solitary waves in more that one spatial dimension. We construct explicit localized standing wave solutions, which generate multidimensional localized traveling solitary waves under the action of velocity boosts. We study the case of two spatial dimensions and a piecewise-linear nonlinearity. We obtain a large subset of the infinite family of standing waves, and we exhibit several interesting features of the family. Our solutions include solitary waves that carry nonzero angular momenta in their rest frames. The spatial profiles of these solutions also furnish examples of symmetry breaking for nonlinear elliptic equations.

"Vi är så rädda för att barn ska vara ensamma" : Förskolepersonals förhållningssätt till ensamlekande barn / "We are so afraid of children being lonley" : Preeschool employees perception on solitary play

Salo, Johanna, Olofsson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Studien handlar om ensamlekande barn i förskolan, alltså barn som inte leker tillsammans med andra barn. Syftet med studien är att synliggöra förskolepersonals uppfattningar om lekens utformning och dess betydelse för ensamlekande barn. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunk ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lek och utveckling. Vi har i studien använt en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjort vår datainsamling. De som intervjuats är fyra förskollärare och en är barnskötare, alla med varierad erfarenhet inom förskolans verksamhet. Frågeställningarna behandlar förskolepersonals uppfattningar om lek och lekens betydelse, orsaker till ensamlek samt pedagogiska utmaningar med att få ensamlekande barn att leka med andra barn. Resultatet visar hur viktig vuxnas förhållningssätt till barn och deras lek är samt vad det har för betydelse i mötet med enskilda individer. Förskolepersonalens tankar kring orsaker till att barn leker ensamma synliggörs i resultatet och tar upp barns erfarenheter, diagnoser samt avsaknad av ett gemensamt språk. Studien visar även att förskolepersonal upplever en komplexitet i arbetet med ensamlekande barn då det handlar om kompetens och erfarenhet för att personalen ska kunna känna av när barnet behöver stöttning eller inte. Likaså synliggörs i resultatet att gruppaktiviteter är vikt då förskolepersonalen menar att ensamlekande barn kan se och lära av andra samt bli en del i ett sammanhang.

Apprendre et raisonner : approche développementale et socio-cognitive du rôle des situations collectives et individuelles d’apprentissage / Learning and reasoning : a developmental and socio-cognitive study on combining collective and individual situations

Boissonnade, Romain 28 October 2011 (has links)
Les recherches sur le développement des conceptions en physique mettent l’accent soit sur des processus intraindividuels, soit sur des processus situés dans les situations collectives. En revanche, les situations individuelles et leur intérêt dans la construction des idées restent mal définies. Une expérimentation pré-/post-test a permis de suivre 106 enfants de 10 ans qui prédisent, justifient et expliquent de manière générale le phénomène de flottaison des objets. L’entraînement leur propose d’utiliser des objets et des outils pour élaborer à trois reprises une explication du phénomène, sans feedback de l’adulte. Quatre conditions expérimentales sont comparées. Dans deux conditions, les enfants travaillent par trois fois soit individuellement, soit en dyade. Deux autres conditions articulent des situations solitaires et dyadique : dans une condition, ils s’entraînent en individuel puis en dyade puis en individuel ; dans une autre, ils s’entraînent en dyade puis en individuel puis en dyade. Les évolutions cognitives diffèrent selon les conditions. Le fait de travailler régulièrement en dyade favorise l’enrichissement des justifications particulières. Le fait de faire travailler les enfants ensemble enrichirait le répertoire argumentatif pour décrire la réaction des objets. L’entraînement individuel-dyadique-individuel favorise de meilleures prédictions. Cette articulation spécifique des situations amènerait une restructuration plus profonde des connaissances. Il y a donc des articulations de situations plus favorables selon les performances attendues. L’analyse des conduites pendant l’entraînement et les études de cas révèlent l’importance des contradictions rencontrées, dues à la fois à l’hétérogénéité des objets, aux interactions entre pairs et à la présence d’outils. Des pistes de recherche et d’application sont enfin proposées. / Research on how children conceptualize the principles of physics classically emphasizes intraindividual processes or collective situations. Individual situations and their consequences on the development of concepts are poorly defined. A pre-/post-test study was conducted in a school setting with 106 ten-year-old children. Children had to predict, justify and generally explain the phenomenon of buoyancy exhibited by objects immersed in water. During the training phases, they were free to use objects and instruments to write a general explanation. This task was repeated three times, which enable us to compare four experimental conditions: (1) children who worked individually; (2) children who worked in close collaboration; (3) children who began working individually, then worked in a dyad, and then worked again individually; and (4) children who began working in dyads, then worked individually, and then worked again in dyads. Evolution of cognition differed. When they are trained regularly in dyads, children develop better justifications of their particular predictions. Working in dyads enriches their argumentative repertoire to describe objects’ reactions. The individual-dyadic-individual training was the only experimental condition that led to progressively more accurate predictions. This specific combination may lead to a restructuration of cognitive processes. Each combination of social situation has a different effect on the childrens’ ability to predict, justify and generally explain. During the training, general and specific analyses of the practices of the children helped us to propose a detailed interpretation: these analyses show that children are confronted with different contradictions depending not only on their interactions with peers, but also with heterogeneous objects and tools. Future research is proposed.

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