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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Buller : Hur planeras en bullerfri stad?

Milosevic, Suncica January 2015 (has links)
Milosevic, S. 2014. Buller – Hur planers en bullerfri stad?. Kulturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsatser, Uppsala universitet.   This essay is about noise pollution caused by urbanization. The field study takes place in Uppsala and explores their organization of handling problems with noise pollution caused by traffic. Noise pollution has long been neglected as an environmental hazard. Studies show that noise pollution can cause severe health problems such as increased blood pressure. Therefore the EU has made a new directive on how cities should handle noise pollution. The essay also exemplifies how the work with noise pollution is implemented in a residential production of today. I have come to my results by observing the surroundings and interviewing the planning engineer of the new residential buildings on the street Stationsgatan which is close to the Central station in Uppsala, Sweden. I have also interviewed the project manager of the municipality’s action plan for reducing noise pollution which was made due to the EU-directive. My results show that we must reduce our dependence of cars and plan for a soundscape as much as we plan on the visual aspect if we want to reduce the noise pollutions in our cities. Not only will the noise pollution reduce if we reduced the use of private cars but also a lot of other pollutions would decrease.

Sågarnas sång : folkligt musicerande i sågverkssamhället Holmsund 1850-1980 / The song of the saw-mills : popular music-making in the saw-mill community of Holmsund 1850-1980

Arvidsson, Alf January 1991 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the public music-making by locals in Holmsund 1850—1980, and to explain the great variety of musical forms in hope to thereby illuminate the importance of local music-making for the workers' musical taste, but also how workers' musical aesthetics were affected by a more general working-class culture. The variety of musical forms is explained according to John Blacking's distinction between change of musical system, and variation and innovation within a musical system. There are two major changes of the musical system. The first generations of workers in Holmsund were recruited from the surrounding countryside, and the main structure of their music-making seems to have remained unchanged. During the 1880s and 1890s there is an introduction of new elements which dominate the whole industrial epoch: brass instruments become the most highly valued instruments, and the thoroughly organized group playing. The new ideals of instrument sound are related to the new soundscape of the industrial society. Organized group playing is seen as homological with the social organization of industrial production, where the work of individuals in different departments is coordinated by a conductor/executive in power. During the decade of the 1960s the musical system is once more changed. Electronic technology changes the concepts of sounds and distribution forms, the influence of local music-making on public musical taste became marginal. Local music-making cannot therefore be said to reflect a workers' aesthetic, but should rather be interpreted as tendencies counteracting the professionalism and mediafication of modern society. These epochal models outline the basic structural frame of the musical system of each period and the role assigned to local music-making. At the same time there is a great variety of musical forms within each period. These variations are systematized as temporarily-used ways fo managing certain pairs of concepts, which are seen as oppositional or complementary. These pairs are: individual/collective, ideals of equality/professionalization, education/entertainment, continuity/innovation, culture/subculture, and male/female. Finally, the ways in which values and attitudes of the general working-class culture influence the local music scene are analyzed. Instead of the abstract ideals of composition, the usefulness of the music is stressed in popular aesthetics. The genius cult of art musics does not fit into popular music situations, where the will to work hard for the audience is valued instead. Ways of relating to the body form another distinction between bourgeois and worker culture. Popular music is much centred around dance music, which is also used in concert situations. What these values and attitudes have in common is that they are part of a popular aesthetic which the educated aesthetic uses as a negative reference point. / digitalisering@umu

Habiter l'in-vu : formes de visualisations sonores / Reside in the un-viewen : kinds of sound visualisations

Bak, Eléonore 30 June 2016 (has links)
Le paysage sonore relève de la discrétion. L’écoute est une expérience solitaire dont le raffinement potentiel reste difficile à cerner par le langage, contaminé par l’image.Il existerait pourtant des formes de visualisations sonores dans l’art, qui nous permettraient paradoxalement d’aller au plus près des nuances de l’écoute et de révéler des aspects in-vus du paysage. Oubliés, inconscients, peu ou non encore repérées, mais non muets pour cela, ils participeraient à notre habiter. L’expérimentation constructive, c’est-à-dire l’écouter renforcé par un modus operandi spécifique, « la plongée », sorte de technique de chute, progressivement réelle, virtuelle autorisant des ajustements posturaux très fin, et le représenter quasi aveuglément, nous aiderait à les retrouver. La visualisation sonore opèrerait d’abord comme un outil de médiation. Parce qu’elle jongle délibérément avec la multi-sensorialité, elle permettrait de distinguer entre ce qui est donné à voir (figure) et ce qui est donné à vivre (fond).Elle fonctionnerait ensuite comme un support d’analyse, qui nous permettrait d’examiner l’action in situ in vivo d’un corps qui non se représente, mais qui trace pour mieux s’inscrire dans le mouvement. Doté d’une haute réceptivité et créativité, il serait capable d’assimiler le jeu d’une playing aura toujours plus actuelle par la convolution des gestes corporels (postures d'écoute, gestes plastiques) et ambiants (le « déjà là » sans qu’on en ait forcément conscience : les effets de la forme construite, les effets climatiques, culturels et sémantiques). Le mouvoir ensemble des corps et corporéités se densifierait momentanément sous forme de nœuds. L’organisation discrète, néanmoins concrète de ces figures de synthèse des transitions, de ces sommes, esthétiques, sensibles et intensives, que nous appellerons aussi des « motifs » de l’écoute, serait typique. Nos modes exploratoires et de restitution nous appendraient à les lire. Cela nous permettrait non seulement de nous comprendre en tant qu’êtres parmi des créatures tempérées, mais de découvrir un paysage simultanément guide et conséquence, dont l’habiter/construire se déclarerait dans et par son architecturation élastique, poreuse et à pouvoir intime. Nous serions alors en mesure d’opérer un bougé d’apparence du paysage. Nous examinerons l’ensemble de ces expériences à l’aide de notre corpus premier (d’origine artistique), tout en les raisonnant à l’aide de critères d’évaluation mixtes (Art, Architecture). Nous vérifierons nos modes d’exploration et de restitution à l’aide d’examens cognitifs. Nous les réfléchirons encore à travers des arguments phénoménologiques et philosophiques. Nous-nous intéresserons ensuite aux environnements artificiels. Nous pensons en effet qu’ils interviennent dans la texture de nos expériences. Comme elles instaurent des gestuelles normées qui assistent de plus en plus nos actes contemporains d’habiter/construire, elles méritent d’être évaluées. Tout en nous appuyant ici sur notre corpus second, qui se compose d’enquêtes auprès d’autres sujets percevants, nous analyserons les conséquences d’une telle incarcération technologique des gestes et plus précisément le comment elle interfère avec nos perceptions et nos représentations. Nous examinerons également des interfaces sensoriellement et gestuellement enrichies. Nous y étudierons les étiquettes, les décalages et les handicaps culturels. Nous réfléchirons enfin sur l’incorporation de nos mesures à l’intérieur des outils et maquettages existants. Nos modes d’exploration et de restitution s’illustreraient comme des auxiliaires de l’écoute sensible, qui deviendrait communément partageable. Instruments-mêmes d’une linguistique de l’in-vu, dont le spontané sophistiqué nous aiderait de nous mettre à la place de l’autre, ils permettraient de créer des connexions, de partager et de croiser nos idées, de faire évoluer nos interconnaissances et de concevoir des constructions collaboratives. / Soundscape noticed to discretion. Hearing is a solitary experience whose potential refinement remains difficult to surround by language because its visual contamination.There exist yet kinds of sound visualisations in art, which would paradoxically permit us to approach very close nuances of hearing and to wander to un-viewed aspects of landscape. Forgotten, unconscious, but not mute at all, they are a part in our living and constructing activities. The constructive experimentation, which means the action of hearing reinforced by a specific modus operandi, a kind of falling, called « the plunge » and the quasi blind representing, could help us to discover them again. This technique, gradually real, virtual would complete the experience by finely postural adjustments.The sound visualisation operates here first as a tool for mediation. Wilful juggling with multi-sensory generated meaning it permits us not only to distinguish both which is given to see (figure) and to live (fond, substance), but also to discover the action of a body which is not representing it-self but tracing in the aim of better inscription into the movement. By virtue of high receptivity and creativity this body would be able to assimilate a playing aura which means the main present, conscious and unconscious, always topical because of the convolution of bodily gestures (listening poses, plastic expressions) and ambient gestures (the yet there, not automatically conscious: the acoustic, climatic, cultural and semantic effects). The moving together of bodies and body like beings would momentarily become denser and shaping knots. The discreet nevertheless concrete organisation of these synthetic figures of transitions, of this aesthetic, sensory and intensive summary, which we call even listening patterns, in the sense of motif, is typical. Our exploration and reproduction modes would help us to learn to interpret them.From then, we would not only understand us as beings among other tempered creatures, but also discover a landscape simultaneously guide and consequence, whose elastic, porous and intimate proceedings and values of living/constructing would make us able to carry out a fade of landscape appearance.We will study all these experiences through our principal corpus (artistic one). We will argue them by mixed evaluations (artistic, architectural ones). We will verify our exploration and restitution modes by cognitive exams. We will think about them by phenomenological and philosophical reasoning.After this we wont become interested by artificial environments. We think in fact that they intervene in the texture of our experience. As they institute normed gestures, which assist more and more frequently our contemporary living/constructing acts they need to be gauged. Leaning on our secondary corpus, which is composed by investigations with other perceiving subjects, we will analyse the consequences of this kind of technological imprisonment of the gestures and precisely the how they interfere with our perceptions and representations. We will also examine gestural and sensory enriched interfaces. The sound visualisation would help us to make etiquettes, shifts and handicaps clear, to think about incorporation of our measurements into the existing tools and models.Our exploration and restitution modes would make us more attentive for sensible aspects of listening, which would become a common divisible. Linguistic instruments of the un-viewen whose sophisticate spontaneous would help us to set to the place of our next neighbour they would permit us to create connexions, to divide up and to cross our ideas, to mature our mutual knowledge and to conceive collaborative constructions.

Listening to whales: tying acoustics to ecology

Burnham, Rianna Elizabeth 04 December 2018 (has links)
The acoustic sense is vital to all life processes for whales. It defines their ‘active space’, and the extent and nature of interactions with their surroundings. Yet, we are still learning the basics of most species’ acoustic behaviours and vocal repertoires. The ecology of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) is well known, however vocal behaviours are not well described outside of breeding lagoons. Bottom-stationed acoustic monitoring devices were deployed in Clayoquot Sound, west coast Vancouver Island to explore acoustics use outside of these areas. During migration the use of low frequency moan calls are prevalent, perhaps for group cohesion, with lead whales guiding followers. During the summer more inter-group calls (knocks, upsweeps) are employed. Here I explored the use of ‘motherese’ calls between cow-calf pairs, and how this may mirror the weaning process. Photoperiod, increased ambient noise, threat perception, and vessel and aircraft presence elicited acoustic responses. Calling was also altered by social, behavioural, and physiological state. These results begin to show gray whales to be acoustically sensitive, with highly nuanced vocalising behaviours. Acoustic methods afford monitoring at times and in places that would otherwise be impossible, and lends themselves to the study of rare or cryptic species. Ocean gliders with passive acoustic capacity were used to explore deep-coastal and shelf-break waters for large whale species. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) were common on the shelf, whereas calls from fin (Balaenoptera physalus), blue (Balaenoptera musculus), sperm (Physeter macrocephalus), and possibly sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) were heard in more offshore locations. Concurrent habitat data steams help establish area use and importance to these species. The surveys focus on submarine canyons that are thought to aggregate prey. Calls denote whale presence, whereas call type may suggest behaviour and habitat use. Calls described for feeding and breeding were heard for fin and blue whales, with distinct temporal distribution. Acoustic techniques complement other ecological methods and can fill existing knowledge gaps in whale life histories. It can also help quantify the effect of human activities on whale populations and ocean soundscapes. These findings will inform management actions. I provide examples of management links to acoustic-ecological research. / Graduate

Perceptionen av ljud i en stadsmiljö : Kan det påverka uppfattningen av instruktioner? / The perception of sound in a city environment : Could it affect the understanding of instructions?

Amandusson, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete handlar om ifall perceptionen av ljud i stadsmiljöer kan påverka uppfattningen av instruktioner och minne. I den litterära bakgrunden presenteras vad ett ljud är, vad skillnaden är mellan Hi-fi och Lo-fi ljudlandskap samt en generell överblick om vad noise är och hur människans minne fungerar. Frågeställningen som undersöktes var om perceptionen av olika ljud i en stadsmiljö kan påverka uppfattningen av instruktioner. För att kunna svara på frågeställningen skapades tre olika ljudsekvenser, där två av sekvenserna innehåller ljuden som kan påverka instruktionerna och en är kontrollsekvensen för att se om instruktionerna är lätta att följa. Den urvalsgrupp som deltog fick lyssna och utföra olika instruktioner samt svara på kvalitativa frågor. Detta användes sedan för nå en slutsats. Vid ett framtida arbete och fördjupning av undersökningen kan det leda till att information och ljud i spel inte går förlorade i mängden av andra ljud, perspektivet av dem finns kvar.

Entornos sonoros : sonoridades e ordenamentos

Ferretti Martinez, Ulises Dardo January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o aproveitamento compositivo dos entornos sonoros. Para esta pesquisa em composição musical, foram utilizados, como campo de estudo, entornos sonoros localizados dentro de perímetros urbanos e, como materiais na aproximação ambiente/composição explorada, diversas potencialidades musicais dos sons que constituem os entornos sonoros e as organizações deles emergentes. Também foram contempladas como motivadoras e força de coesão nos processos compositivos realizados diversas características da escuta no meio ambiente e do fluxo do entorno sonoro com suas variações. As composições foram realizadas para meios acústicos e eletroacústicos, considerando-se o espaço de diversas maneiras. / This work deals with the compositional use of sound environments and their reflection. For this research in music composition, sound environments located within urban perimeters were used as a field of study, and as materials for the approach environment / composition that explore the diverse musical capabilities of the sounds that make up the surroundings and the sound of these emerging organizations. As a motivating and cohesive force in the processes undertaken, several characteristics of the listening in the environment and the flux of the sound environment and its variations have been included also. The compositions were realized through acoustic and electroacoustic media comprising the space in different ways.

"faLei em voz ALTA" : ERRAGEM, voz e outros sons em performances sônicas

Rolim, Marion Velasco January 2017 (has links)
“falei em voz ALTA”: ERRAGEM, Voz e Outros Sons em Performances Sônicas investiga as manifestações sonoras na minha produção artística em performance. A presença, a experiência e a ressonância do corpo, se manifestam através da voz (falada, cantada, processada) e dos eventos sonoros com os quais meu corpo se relaciona (escuta, capta, produz) no tempo e no espaço. Minhas performances se misturam e ou partem de situações da vida diária e tem como principal elemento, o som. Por conta disso, são chamadas de performances sônicas. Ao trabalhar com o som, destaco as questões de duração nas Artes Visuais, nas suas variações: tempo instantâneo, simultâneo, desconectado, transposto, em movimento, proporcionado pelas mídias móveis e arquivos audiovisuais; do erro que define ou não, recomeços; da memória que coexiste em diversos planos e permite historicização e atualização. A pesquisa faz uso do conceito de paisagem sonora (Murray Schafer e equipe WSP), da noção de ruído (Luigi Russolo) e da presença da voz (Paul Zumthor). Criou o conceito e opera a metodologia ERRAGEM que busca atualizar questões sobre tempo, espaço em movimento e erro. Através da ERRAGEM – errar para pequenos formatos, para pequenas ações, articulei a produção artística relativa a essa pesquisa e a sua difusão, para que acontecessem em deslocamento ou seja, fossem construídas com/em viagens. Apesar de heterogêneos, concebidos com procedimentos e tempos diferentes, realizados em lugares específicos (in-situ) e, por conta disso, na sua maioria, foram orientados para vídeo e áudio. Os dez trabalhos que compõem a tese, foram agrupados em dois formatos-conceito: Guias acústicos e Instant Bands e encontram-se disponíveis na Internet. / "Spoke aloud ": ERRAGEM, Voice and Other Sounds in Sonic Performances investigates the sound manifestations in my artistic production in performance. The presence, experience and resonance of the body manifest through the voice (spoken, sung, processed) and of the sound events with which my body relates (listening, capturing, producing) in time and space. My performances mix and or, depart from situations of daily life and has as its main element, the sound. Because of this, they are called sonic performances. In working with sound, I highlight the issues of duration in the Visual Arts, in their variations: instantaneous, simultaneous, disconnected, transposed, moving, provided by mobile media and audiovisual archives; Of the error that defines or not, restarts; Of memory that coexists in different planes and allows historiography and updating. The research makes use of the concept of soundscape (Murray Schafer and WSP team), the notion of noise (Luigi Russolo), the presence of voice (Paul Zumthor), created the concept and operates the ERRAGEM – methodology that seeks to update questions about time, Space in motion and error. Through ERRAGEM - to err for small formats, for small actions, I articulated the artistic production related to this research and its diffusion, to happen on the displacement, built with / on trips. Although heterogeneous, designed with procedures, different times, performed in specific places (in-situ) and, for that reason, were mostly oriented to video and audio. The ten artworks that compose the thesis were grouped into two formats-concepts: Acoustic Guides and Instant Bands, available on the Internet.

A paisagem sonora eletrônica: a construção de novas audibilidades no cinema / The electronic soundscape: the construction of new audibilities in the cinema

José Cláudio Siqueira Castanheira 26 February 2010 (has links)
Novas tecnologias, entendidas como parte integrante dos ambientes midiáticos contemporâneos, ajudam a conformar novos modelos perceptivos. O surgimento e a proliferação de tecnologias de síntese e de modelagem de sons por meios eletrônicos recria a relação entre o espaço presente no filme e as referências significantes que possuímos desse espaço. Os sons destacam-se dos objetos empíricos, alargando o campo de significações e de afetações sensoriais. Ao criar novas relações entre o corpo do espectador e uma inédita paisagem sonora eletrônica, novas tecnologias de som, como parte de um processo mais amplo das mídias, demandam um maior envolvimento da plateia. Dispositivos de imersão, efeitos especiais, uma nova distribuição espacial do ambiente sonoro, maior fidelidade e potência, reproduzem o encantamento físico despertado pelos primeiros cinemas. Para analisar o surgimento de novas audibilidades, novas formas de investigar o mundo a partir dessas tecnologias e dessa atual paisagem sonora, este trabalho procura uma abordagem tríplice. Inicialmente, procuramos fazer uma descrição de cunho fenomenológico da experiência cinematográfica. Em seguida, utilizamos propostas da Teoria das Materialidades para falar das afetações físicas induzidas pelo espaço sonoro eletrônico. Por último, utilizamos a perspectiva das ciências cognitivas que nos diz que corpo, cérebro e ambiente neste caso um ambiente extremamente tecnológico fazem parte de um mesmo processo dinâmico / New technologies, understood as an integral part of contemporary media environment, help to shape new models of perception. The emergence and proliferation of technologies of synthesis and modeling of sounds by electronic means recreates the relationship between the space in the film and the significant references that we have of that space. The sounds are detached from empirical objects, extending the field of signification and sensorial affectations. When creating new relationships between the body of the spectator and an unprecedented electronic soundscape, new sound technologies, as part of a wider process of media, demand a greater involvement of the audience. Immersion devices, special effects, a new spatial distribution of the sound, greater fidelity and power, they reproduce the physical enchantment generated by the first cinemas. To analyze the emergence of new audibilities, new ways to investigate the world from these technologies and this actual soundscape, this work seeks a threefold approach. Initially, we try to make a phenomenological description of the cinematic experience. Then we use Materiality Theory proposals to deal with the physical affectations induced by electronic soundscape. Finally, we use the perspective of cognitive science which tells us that body, brain and environment in this case an extremely technological one are part of the same dynamic process

Entre ouvires: a paisagem sonora da Igreja Batista em Jardim Utinga em foco

Miguel, Fábio [UNESP] 07 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-07-07Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:31:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 miguel_f_me_ia.pdf: 724845 bytes, checksum: 46775c462e4fbac420175f8a862db682 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos principais diagnosticar o ambiente sonoro da Igreja Batista em Jardim Utinga e compreender de que maneira os membros se relacionam com este espaço acústico. Para isso, revisa-se a literatura da área de som ambiental Ecologia Acústica em interface com a Educação Ambiental, para entendimento das diferentes dimensões: sociais, culturais e econômicas presentes no estudo do ambiente sonoro e na relação da comunidade com ele. A partir dessa revisão foi possível estabelecer os sons que caracterizam a paisagem sonora da Igreja e verificar se a comunidade se sente afetada por eles, ou não. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo e reflexivo que, além de se basear em diversos autores selecionados, fundamenta-se no Pensamento Sistêmico, segundo o define FRITZJOF CAPRA (2004). A Metodologia utilizada é diferenciada para cada segmento da investigação, amparando-se na definição de método dada por RICHARDSON (1999). Para levantamento dos dados, no segundo capítulo, é utilizada a técnica de observação não-particpante; no terceiro capítulo, emprega-se a técnica de observação participante; e no último capítulo, a técnica de seminário, definida por THIOLLENT (2002). Da observação e análise do espaço sonoro da Igreja, pelo pesquisador e pela comunidade, e o conseqüente levantamento das características dessa paisagem sonora e seus problemas, surgiu a necessidade da realização de um seminário, no qual as questões foram discutidas e soluções apontadas, pela comunidade presente. A partir dos resultados obtidos desenvolveu-se uma reflexão, baseada nos quatro princípios de SCHAFER para os caminhos de um projeto acústico, a saber: respeito pelo ouvido e pela voz; consciência do simbolismo sonoro; conhecimento dos ritmos e tempos da paisagem sonora natural; compreensão do mecanismo de equilíbrio pelo qual uma paisagem sonora... / The main objectives of this research are to diagnostics the acoustic environment of the Baptist Church in Jardim Utinga und to undestand the way the members relate to this acoust space. To do this, the literature related to the sound environment is revised - Ecology Acoustic in interface whith the Environment Education aiming at understanding the different dimensions: social, cultural and economic present in the study of the acoustic environment and in the relationship of the community with it. Taking this revision into account, it was possible to establish the sounds that characterize the church soundscape and to check if the community feels affected by them or not. This is a qualitative and reflexive research which, beyond the mentioned authors, is built on the Sistemic Thought, according to the Fritzjof Capra's definition (2004). The methodology is diferent for each segment of the investigation, based on the definition on the method given for Richardson (1999).Thus, for survey of the data, the not-participant observation technique is usedin the second chapter, the participant observation techinique is used in the third chapter and the seminary thechnique defined for Thiollent(2002) in the last chapter. From the observation and analysis made by the researcher and the community about the acoustic space of the church, and the consequent survey of the characteristics of this soudscape and its problems, the necsssity of the seminary taking place apperead, when questions were discussed and solutionswere pointed by the present community. From the results, a reflexion was developed, based on the fous principles of SCHAFER to the ways of an acoustic project, such as: respect for the natural soundscape; understanding of the mechanism of balance for which an unbalanced ... (Complete abstract, access electronic address below)

A Linguagem dos Sinos em Diamantina (MG): rotas turísticas na paisagem sonora / The Language of the Bells in Diamantina (MG): tourist routes in the soundscape

Rayel, Renata Salgado [UNESP] 21 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by RENATA SALGADO RAYEL null (rerayel@gmail.com) on 2016-12-23T00:07:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Rayel_Renata.pdf: 10622472 bytes, checksum: e662a2a550a7b75cdd25e4d88325038b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-01-03T13:49:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rayel_rs_dr_rcla.pdf: 10622472 bytes, checksum: e662a2a550a7b75cdd25e4d88325038b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-03T13:49:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rayel_rs_dr_rcla.pdf: 10622472 bytes, checksum: e662a2a550a7b75cdd25e4d88325038b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-21 / A ressignificação da cultura sineira em Diamantina (MG) entremeia diversas áreas do conhecimento em um diálogo que busca na formação das ambiências sonoras, a percepção e valoração paisagística. Como referencial para este trabalho de pesquisa, seguimos essencialmente os trilhos da fenomenologia que dialoga com a consciência dos sentidos para a leitura ambiental. Os métodos adotados basearam-se: na subjetividade qualitativa da memória afetiva dos sineiros, por meio da técnica de história oral que objetiva “dar voz aos excluídos”, como também na interpretação quantitativa a partir do mapeamento da área de estudo, que quantifica os níveis de decibéis do som dos sinos como forma de mensurar sua propagação e interferência no ambiente urbano. Para maior visibilidade e conhecimento da cultura sineira, sugerimos ações educativas de experiência sensorial e de escuta sensível, que levem o participante adentrar o universo sineiro e a reaprender a observar a paisagem, de modo a sentir as sonoridades, por meio de rotas sineiras turísticas com os seus elementos “invisíveis” resistentes na cultura local. Essas atividades de educação ambiental e patrimonial podem caracterizar-se como entretenimento educativo, quando abrangem os segmentos turísticos: cultural, religioso e sensorial. / The resignification of the bell culture in Diamantina (MG) interweaves different areas of knowledge in a dialogue that looks for the perception and appreciation of the landscape in the formation of the sonorous ambiances. As a reference for this research, we followed mainly the paths of the phenomenology that converses with the awareness of the senses for the environmental reading. The methods employed were based on: the qualitative subjectivity of the affective memory of the bellmen using oral history as a technique, which aims at “giving voice to the excluded ones”, and also on the quantitative interpretation from the mapping the area studies, that quantifies the decibels of the bell sound as a way of measuring its propagation and interference in the urban environment. For greater visibility and recognition of the bell culture, we propose educational actions of sensory experience and of sensitive hearing that take the participant to get in the bell universe and relearn to observe the landscape, so that he is able to feel the sonorities through tourist bell routes with their “invisible” elements, remaining in the local culture. These activities of environmental and heritage education may be considered as educational entertainment when they embrace tourist fields: cultural, religious and sensory.

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