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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Écologie et conservation des abeilles sauvages le long d'un gradient d'urbanisation / Ecology and conservation of wild bees along an urbanization gradient

Fortel, Laura 01 October 2014 (has links)
Depuis des années, on observe un déclin des insectes pollinisateurs. La perte d’habitats naturels, en partie liée àl’urbanisation, est considérée comme l’une des causes majeures de ce déclin. Des populations d’abeilles(Hymenoptera : Anthophila) se maintiennent cependant en milieux urbains. La structure de leurs communautés,ainsi que leurs comportements de butinage et de nidification peuvent être affectés par les perturbations liées àl’urbanisation. Notre objectif était d’évaluer l’ampleur de ces modifications et de comprendre leurs mécanismes enutilisant 24 sites dans le Grand Lyon localisés selon un gradient d’urbanisation croissante (mesurée par laproportion de surfaces imperméables). Nous avons analysé les réseaux d’interactions pour étudier les relationsflore-abeilles et nous avons mis en place des aménagements pour la nidification (carrés de sol et hôtels à abeilles)sur 16 sites urbains ou périurbains pour étudier la dynamique de nidification et son impact sur les populations.Nous avons capturé 16352 spécimens appartenant à 293 espèces, soit près du tiers de la faune françaised’abeilles. Les sites périurbains (avec environ 50% de surface imperméable) avaient la plus grande richessespécifique. Les abeilles à langue longue et les abeilles cavicoles étaient plus présentes dans les milieux urbanisés,mais la spécialisation des interactions plantes-abeilles est restée stable le long du gradient d’urbanisation. Ladiversité spécifique des abeilles était associée de façon positive avec la diversité florale, la durée de floraison desespèces végétales et/ou leur floribondité. Les communautés d’abeilles étaient dépendantes de ces trois facteurs etaussi des plantes spontanées (natives ou naturalisées) plus que des plantes horticoles (ornementales ou exotiques).Enfin, les aménagements pour la nidification ont été colonisés par une faune d’abeilles diversifiée. Hormis Osmiabicornis, les abeilles ne présentaient aucune préférence quant aux substrats dans lesquels elles nidifiaient. Même sil’urbanisation change la structure des communautés d’abeilles, nos résultats confirment qu’une diversité importanted’abeilles sauvages peut perdurer dans des milieux moyennement, mais aussi fortement urbanisés.Dans un contexte d’urbanisation croissante et de déclin des abeilles, il semble indispensable de mettre en placedes plans de gestion en faveur de ces insectes pollinisateurs sauvages en agissant sur l’étendue des surfaces fleuries,les continuités écologiques entre ces surfaces, et une gestion plus appropriée des parcs, jardins et espaces vertsurbains. La présence d’une grande diversité d’espèces y compris dans des milieux très anthropisés fait vraiment desabeilles un groupe phare pour sensibiliser les citoyens à la biodiversité et aux services écosystémiques / Evidence has been accumulating for years that pollinator populations are declining. The loss of natural habitats,in part linked to urbanization, is considered to be one of the major causes of this decline. Some bee populationspersist nevertheless in urban environments. The structure of their communities, as well as their foraging and nestingbehaviors can be affected by urbanization. Our objective was to assess the magnitude of these changes and tounderstand their mechanisms by using 24 sites located in the Grand Lyon along a gradient of urbanization(measured by the proportion of impervious surface). We analyzed interaction networks to investigate plant-beerelations, and man-made nesting structures on urban sites (squares of soil and bee hotels) to study nesting dynamicsand its relevance for bee populations.We collected 16,352 specimens belonging to 293 species. Periurban environments (i.e., with ca. 50% ofimpervious surface) had the greatest diversity of bees. Long-tongued bees and cavity nesting bees were moreprevalent in urban environments, but the specialization of plant-bee interactions remained stable along the gradientof urbanization. The species richness of the bee community was positively associated with floral diversity, theduration of flowering of plant species and/or their floribundity. Bee communities depended on these three factorsand also spontaneous (native and naturalized) plant species more than on horticultural plants (ornamentals andexotics). Finally, man-made nesting sites were colonized by a diverse bee fauna. Apart from Osmia bicornis, beesshowed no preference for the substrates in which they nested. Our work confirms that, even if urbanization changesthe structure of the bee communities, an important diversity of bee species can persist in periurban, but also urbanenvironments.In a context of increasing urbanization and declining bee populations, it appears essential to create managementplans for these wild pollinators by acting on the surface of flowering areas, the ecological network linking them,and the appropriate management of parks, gardens, and recreational areas. The presence of a diverse array of beespecies even in the most urbanized area makes these pollinators worthy of being a flagship group to raise theawareness of citizens about biodiversity and ecosystemic services

Strategické řízení letiště Brno-Tuřany / Strategic managment of Brno - Turany airport

Kulmukhambetov, Kairat January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to describe the past, present and expected future of the airport in Brno. An analysis was carried out that was sent as a reminder of the airport's potential, which should be revealed in the near future. The appendix describes airport development methods with similar characteristics used by other managers

Novostavba polyfunkční budovy, Jihlava / Newly-built mixed-use building, Jihlava

Kratochvíl, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the construction and maintenance of project documentation for the implementation of the multipurpose building in Jihlava. Designed building is located in the southern town of Jihlava, in the slightly hilly terrain on the west side. The house is rectangular ground plan, with a projecting portion bowling lanes. Roofing form a single-slope roof. It is a multifunctional building, the first floor consists of a restaurant with bowling lanes in the second and third floor houses the Tax Office. They used conventional and traditional building materials. The thesis also specializing on the subject of air conditioning and heating.

Farma v Horní Lipové / Farm in Horní Lipová

Kühnová, Edita January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the processing of project documentation in the documentation phase for construction of building object SO 01 – Detached house with facilities. The thesis is not worked out in full extent, as prescribed in Decree No. 62/2013 Coll. Amending Decree No. 499/2006 Coll., On Construction Documentation. It includes only part A (Data Accompanying Report), B (Summary Technical Report), C (Situational Drawings), D.1.1 (Architectural and Building Solutions) and D.1.3 (Fire Safety Solutions) of Appendix 6 of this Decree. In addition, a thermal-technical assessment of the building was elaborated. There are two specializations in small range as additional part of the documentation as well. The proposed two-storey house with small cellar is situated on flat land in the village of Lipová-lázně and layout of the object is divided into two parts, part of house with function of housing and part with facilities for cooking and catering for more persons.

Contribution à la caractérisation des think tanks américains à travers l'étude de leur discours et de leur culture professionnelle / A contribution to the analysis of the milieu of think tanks in the United States through their discourse and professional culture

Gaillard, Mathilde 15 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation du milieu des think tanks aux États-Unis à travers l’étude de leur discours et de leur culture professionnelle dans le cadre d’une recherche en anglais de spécialité. L’objectif est de démontrer que ce milieu hétérogène peut être envisagé comme un milieu spécialisé, caractérisé par un discours et une culture spécifiques qui répondent aux impératifs de son objectif d’influence. Dans une première partie, nous exposons les fondements épistémologiques de la thèse : nous présentons les défis soulevés par l’étude de cet objet du point de vue de la recherche en anglais de spécialité, et proposons une approche de sa spécialisation fondée sur sa raison d’être. Une définition opératoire est élaborée, et le cadre méthodologique de la thèse à la croisée de l’histoire institutionnelle et politique des États-Unis, de l’ethnographie, de l’analyse du discours et de la pragmatique est exposé. La deuxième partie porte sur les modalités notamment culturelles de la spécialisation ; nous montrons comment le milieu s’est structuré en réponse à un besoin d’expertise dans la société américaine, et s’organise autour de missions, pratiques, valeurs et genres communs. Une topographie de ces genres est proposée pour éclairer les modalités communicationnelles de la stratégie programmatique des think tanks. La troisième partie explore les modalités discursives de cette stratégie dans deux genres, les blogs et les policy briefs, pris individuellement, puis en vis-à-vis ; l’analyse des modules péritextuels, structurels et interpersonnels révèle un ensemble de choix argumentatifs qui reflètent les enjeux de captation et de crédibilité de l’intervention des experts. / This dissertation aims to characterize the milieu of think tanks in the United States through their discourse and professional culture from the French point of view of research on English for Specific Purposes. We contend that this heterogeneous milieu may nonetheless be considered a specialized milieu, as its discourse and its culture are shaped by its programmatic aim. Part 1 presents the epistemological foundations of our research: it sheds light on the theoretical challenges raised by the study of think tanks in the framework of English for Specific Purposes and offers an approach to specialization based on its raison d’être. We suggest a working definition for the milieu and explain the methodology for this study situated at the crossroads between US institutional and political history, ethnography, the French approach to discourse analysis, and pragmatics. Part 2 focuses on the cultural manifestations of think tanks’ programmatic aim; it shows how the milieu has crystallized in response to a need for expertise in US society and is characterized by similar aims, practices, values and genres. A topography of these genres is offered to cast light on the milieu’s discursive strategy. Part 3 explores the discursive manifestations of this strategy and concentrates on two genres, blog posts and policy briefs, which are studied first individually and then jointly. The analysis of peritextual, structural and interpersonal modules reveals the argumentative choices experts make to remain credible and attractive in the marketplace of ideas.

Postgraduální vzdělávání lékařů v ČR: Mladí lékaři v zajetí formálních a neformálních institucí / Postgraduate medical education in Czech Republic: Young doctors captured between formal and informal institutions

Šíchová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the field of postgraduate medical education. The main goal of this thesis is deeper understanding of problems in the educational system. By means of a qualitative research the thesis explores the problems and causes of current postgraduate educational system from the perspective of young physicians. The research is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with physicians who are currently passing through a phase of postgraduate medical education. Results of the survey show the most questionable fact, according to participants, is the lack of the educational leadership which is supposed to be secured by the assigned supervisor. Despite the formal rules, this role is often ensured merely formally or is missing at all. Participants also mentioned difficulties related to accomplishing of specialized practical training and required procedures. Both of them are frequently subordinated to informal rules. The main findings are based on revealing the causes of problems mentioned above. The reasons of ascertained discrepancy are introduced with the theoretical help of the theory of informal institutions by G. Helmke and S. Levitsky. Through the lense of chosen theory the issue is that there is insufficient efficiency of formal institutions. Therefore, prospective solution should...

On the Defining Ideals of Rees Rings for Determinantal and Pfaffian Ideals of Generic Height

Edward F Price (9188318) 04 August 2020 (has links)
<div>This dissertation is based on joint work with Monte Cooper and is broken into two main parts, both of which study the defining ideals of the Rees rings of determinantal and Pfaffian ideals of generic height. In both parts, we attempt to place degree bounds on the defining equations.</div><div> </div><div> The first part of the dissertation consists of Chapters 3 to 5. Let $R = K[x_{1},\ldots,x_{d}]$ be a standard graded polynomial ring over a field $K$, and let $I$ be a homogeneous $R$-ideal generated by $s$ elements. Then there exists a polynomial ring $\mathcal{S} = R[T_{1},\ldots,T_{s}]$, which is also equal to $K[x_{1},\ldots,x_{d},T_{1},\ldots,T_{s}]$, of which the defining ideal of $\mathcal{R}(I)$ is an ideal. The polynomial ring $\mathcal{S}$ comes equipped with a natural bigrading given by $\deg x_{i} = (1,0)$ and $\deg T_{j} = (0,1)$. Here, we attempt to use specialization techniques to place bounds on the $x$-degrees (first component of the bidegrees) of the defining equations, i.e., the minimal generators of the defining ideal of $\mathcal{R}(I)$. We obtain degree bounds by using known results in the generic case and specializing. The key tool are the methods developed by Kustin, Polini, and Ulrich to obtain degree bounds from approximate resolutions. We recover known degree bounds for ideals of maximal minors and submaximal Pfaffians of an alternating matrix. Additionally, we obtain $x$-degree bounds for sufficiently large $T$-degrees in other cases of determinantal ideals of a matrix and Pfaffian ideals of an alternating matrix. We are unable to obtain degree bounds for determinantal ideals of symmetric matrices due to a lack of results in the generic case; however, we develop the tools necessary to obtain degree bounds once similar results are proven for generic symmetric matrices.</div><div> </div><div> The second part of this dissertation is Chapter 6, where we attempt to find a bound on the $T$-degrees of the defining equations of $\mathcal{R}(I)$ when $I$ is a nonlinearly presented homogeneous perfect Gorenstein ideal of grade three having second analytic deviation one that is of linear type on the punctured spectrum. We restrict to the case where $\mathcal{R}(I)$ is not Cohen-Macaulay. This is a natural next step following the work of Morey, Johnson, and Kustin-Polini-Ulrich. Based on extensive computation in Macaulay2, we give a conjecture for the relation type of $I$ and provide some evidence for the conjecture. In an attempt to prove the conjecture, we obtain results about the defining ideals of general fibers of rational maps, which may be of independent interest. We end with some examples where the bidegrees of the defining equations exhibit unusual behavior.</div>

Hemispheric differences in preparatory attention : a divided visual field study / Différences hémisphériques de l’attention préparatoire : une étude en champ visuel divisé

Fernandez, Laura Gabriela 27 September 2013 (has links)
Un aspect fondamental du contrôle attentionnel réside dans la capacité du sujet à anticiper l’apparition d’un stimulus afin de rendre son traitement plus rapide et plus efficace. L'attention préparatoire (AP) est la capacité de moduler (rehausser) l’intensité de l’attention dirigée vers un stimulus sélectionné avant son apparition, en empêchant que le sujet soit distrait par une information non pertinente. Certaines études soutiennent que l’AP est latéralisée dans l’hémisphère droit (HD) alors que d’autres suggèrent que les deux hémisphères, l’hémisphère gauche (HG) et l’HD, sont impliqués dans la modulation de l’AP. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser le rôle joué par chaque hémisphère cérébral dans la modulation de l’AP dirigée vers une localisation de l’espace. Nous avons développé une version latéralisée du test APT (pour Attentional Preparatory Test, proposé par LaBerge, Auclair & Siéroff, 2000), le LAPT (Lateralized Attentional Preparatory Test). L’APT permet de mesurer la capacité des sujets à moduler leur AP vers la localisation d’une cible lorsque la probabilité d'un distracteur varie selon plusieurs blocs d’essais. Dans l’APT, le temps de réponse augmentait lorsque la probabilité d’apparition d’un distracteur dans la phase préparatoire antérieure à la présentation de la cible augmentait, ce qui montre que l’AP est modulée par des évènements antérieurs au traitement de la cible. Nous avons créé le LAPT en utilisant la méthode de présentation en champ visuel divisé dans laquelle les stimuli peuvent apparaître dans le champ visuel gauche (CVG) ou dans le champ visuel droit (CVD). Les différences de performances entre champs visuels nous donnent des indications sur les stratégies de traitement des deux hémisphères (CVD/HG vs CVG/HD). Dans une série d’études, nous avons montré que la modulation de l’AP en fonction de la probabilité attendue d’un événement diffère dans chaque champ visuel/hémisphère en fonction de la configuration de la tâche. Dans le CVD/HG, l’AP est modulée par la probabilité des événements distracteurs, surtout quand cette probabilité est explicite. De plus, l’HG semble tenir un rôle crucial dans la modulation de l’AP quand la cible et le distracteur sont difficiles à discriminer. Dans le CVG/HD, l’AP est modulée par la probabilité temporelle des événements et dépendrait du délai le plus probable dans lequel la cible est attendue, mais seulement lorsque la discrimination entre la cible et le distracteur est plus facile. Enfin, nos résultats suggèrent que les différences entre le CVD/LH et le CVG/RH lors de cette modulation attentionnelle se mettent en place à un niveau perceptif du traitement de l’information car ils sont indépendants de la main utilisée pour répondre et donc des processus requis au niveau de la programmation motrice. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que chaque hémisphère utilise une stratégie différente pour moduler l’AP lorsqu’elle est dirigée vers une localisation de l’espace. / A crucial aspect of attentional control is the capacity of anticipating a stimulus appearance in order to improve the speed and effectiveness of its subsequent processing. Preparatory attention (PA) is the ability to modulate (enhance) the intensity of attention directed to a selected stimulus prior to its occurrence, preventing subjects from being distracted by interfering stimuli. Some studies propose that PA is lateralized to the right hemisphere (RH) while others suggest that both the left hemisphere (LH) and the RH participate in the modulation of PA. The aim of the present thesis was to examine the role of each brain hemisphere in the modulation of PA directed to a spatial location. We developed a lateralized version of the Attentional Preparatory Test, (APT, proposed par LaBerge, Auclair & Siéroff, 2000), named the Lateralized APT or LAPT. The APT measures the ability of subjects to modulate PA directed to a target location when the probability of a distractor occurrence varies across several blocks of trials. In the APT, the response times increased as the probability of a distractor appearing in the preparatory phase preceding the target presentation increased, showing that PA is modulated by the events occurring prior to the target appearance. We developed the LAPT using the divided visual field paradigm in which stimuli can occur in the left (LVF) or the right (RVF) visual fields. The visual field differences in subjects’ performance are assumed to reflect differences in the processing strategies of both hemispheres (RVF/LH vs LVF/RH). In a series of studies we showed that the modulation of PA by the expected probability of events was different in each visual field/hemisphere, depending on task configuration. In the RVF/LH, PA is modulated by the expected probability of distractor events, especially when this probability is explicit. In addition, the LH seems to play a crucial role in modulating PA when the target and the distractor are hard to discriminate. In the LVF/RH, PA is modulated by the temporal probability of events and may depend on the most probable delay in which the target is expected, but only when the discrimination between the target and the distractor is easy. Most importantly, our findings suggest that the differences between RVF/LH and LVF/RH in the modulation of PA take place at the perceptual level of processing because they are independent of the hand use in executing the response, thus also independent of the processes taking place at the motor programming level. Taken together our results, they suggest that each hemisphere uses a different strategy to modulate PA when directed to a spatial location.

Man vill garna ha A i ett ämne man skal vara bäst på. : - en studie om rytterfølelse og elevers oppfattning av å få karakter i Idrettsspesialisering / You Really want an A in a subject that you are supposed to be the best at. : - a study of equestrianfeel and students' perception of gaining a grade in sports specialization.

Helseth, Kaisa January 2021 (has links)
Abstract:Today, there are great opportunities for students in high school to be able to combine their elite investment in sports with their studies in high school. This education is called NIU and RIG. In the Equestrian world we often talk about equestrian feel, it is a word that is often used in the training of riders. Equestrian feeling is a term that can be defined as a speechless communication between horse and rider (Game,2001).This master thesis in science of Education has as a study area to gain a greater understanding of how equestrian feeling fits into the subject of sports specialization and how students experience getting grades in riding. This study builds on Antonovsky (2005) theory about KASAM ‘’Feeling of context’’. and how the KASAM concept is seen in relation to equestrian feeling and students' experience of getting grades in sport- specialization Sports does not only influence the schools agenda through norms, cultures and unwritten rules - but also the grade assessment themselves in comparisons made between athlete and results within the sports specialization. (Ferry, 2014; Hedberg, 2014; Larneby, 2020).Students and teachers alike believe sports specialization as an education lacks clarity in its assessment criteria. This is evident in the students who seem unable to distinguish whether they are being judged on the basis of their performance or their personality. The results of this study shows that stronger guidelines from the school system, and sports federations are needed on how these assessments should be undertaken. For the moment the experience (shared by coaches, teachers and students) that grading is too fluid endures. The meaning of the term equestrian feeling, on the other hand, do not have a great impact on the assessment in the subject, according to the teachers who were interviewed.The students' experience of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness become important components to take into account in the assessment in Sports Specialization. Their4sense of connection in the relationship, riding and school, is important for the student's elite commitment and further education.Keyword: Equestrian Sport, Equestrian feel, Nationally approved sports (NIU), Sport specialization

Terminological Mediation in Information Technology and Related Fields

Richards, Jessica Smith 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Terminological dissonance is created by the inherent ambiguity of natural language and compounded by ontological specialization efforts within fields. Terminological dissonance creates high-risk miscommunications in two key areas: within Information Technology as a singular domain, and also between IT and other fields in interdisciplinary projects. A comprehensive literature review revealed a lack of previous effort to acknowledge or solve problems of terminological dissonance within Information Technology. This research provides a comprehensive overview and definition of the terminology mediation space as it relates to Information Technology and adjacent fields. An analysis and verification of the contents and implementation of the terminology mediation tool Termediator has also been created as part of this research. The Termediator tool's conceptual model is further validated through the analysis of its synonymous and polysemous clustering methods and results.

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