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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design, development and experimentation of a discovery service with multi-level matching

Pileththuwasan Gallege, Lahiru Sandakith 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The contribution of this thesis focuses on addressing the challenges of improving and integrating the UniFrame Discovery Service (URDS) and Multi-level Matching (MLM) concepts. The objective was to find enhancements for both URDS and MLM and address the need of a comprehensive discovery service which goes beyond simple attribute based matching. It presents a detailed discussion on developing an enhanced version of URDS with MLM (proURDS). After implementing proURDS, the thesis includes details of experiments with different deployments of URDS components and different configurations of MLM. The experiments and analysis were carried out using proURDS produced MLM contracts. The proURDS referred to a public dataset called QWS dataset. This dataset includes actual information of software components (i.e., web services), which were harvested from the Internet. The proURDS implements the different matching operations as independent operators at each level of matching (i.e., General, Syntactic, Semantic, Synchronization, and QoS). Finally, a case study was carried out with the deployed proURDS. The case study addresses real world component discovery requirements from the earth science domain. It uses the contracts collected from public portals which provide geographical and weather related data.

Causal latent space-based models for scientific learning in Industry 4.0

Borràs Ferrís, Joan 30 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral está dedicada a estudiar, desarrollar y aplicar metodologías basadas en datos, fundamentadas en modelos estadísticos multivariantes de variables latentes, para abordar el paradigma del aprendizaje científico en el entorno de la Industria 4.0. Se pone especial énfasis en los modelos causales basados en variables latentes que utilizan tanto datos provenientes de un diseño de experimentos como, principalmente, datos provenientes del proceso de producción diario, es decir, datos históricos. La tesis está estructurada en cinco partes. La primera parte discute el paradigma del aprendizaje científico en el entorno de la Industria 4.0. Se destacan los objetivos de la tesis. Además, se presenta una descripción exhaustiva de los modelos basados en variables latentes, sobre los cuales se fundamentan las metodologías novedosas propuestas en esta tesis. En la segunda parte, se presentan las novedosas aportaciones metodológicas. En primer lugar, se muestra el potencial de PLS para analizar datos del DOE, con o sin datos faltantes. Posteriormente, el potencial de los modelos causales basados en variables latentes se centra en definir el espacio de diseño de la materia prima que proporciona garantía de calidad con un cierto nivel de confianza para los atributos críticos de calidad, junto con el desarrollo de un nuevo índice de capacidad multivariante basado en el espacio latente para clasificar y seleccionar proveedores para una materia prima particular utilizada en un proceso de fabricación. La tercera parte pretende abordar aplicaciones novedosas mediante modelos causales basados en variables latentes utilizando datos históricos. En primer lugar, se trata de su aplicación en el ámbito sanitario: la Pandemia COVID-19. En este contexto, se utiliza el uso de modelos basados en variables latentes para desarrollar una alternativa a los ensayos clínicos controlados con placebo. Luego, se utilizan modelos basados en variables latentes para optimizar procesos en el marco de aplicaciones industriales. La cuarta parte presenta una interfaz gráfica de usuario desarrollada en código Python que integra los métodos desarrollados con el objetivo de ser autoexplicativa y fácil de usar. Finalmente, la última parte discute la relevancia de esta disertación, incluyendo propuestas que merecen mayor investigación. / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral està dedicada a estudiar, desenvolupar i aplicar metodologies basades en dades, fonamentades en models estadístics multivariants de variables latents, per abordar el paradigma de l'aprenentatge científic a l'entorn de la Indústria 4.0. Es posa un èmfasi especial en els models causals basats en variables latents que utilitzen tant; dades provinents d'un disseny d'experiments com, principalment, dades provinents del procés de producció diari, és a dir, dades històriques. La tesi està estructurada en cinc parts. A la primera part es discuteix el paradigma de l'aprenentatge científic a l'entorn de la Indústria 4.0. Es destaquen els objectius de la tesi. A més, es presenta una descripció exhaustiva dels models basats en variables latents, sobre els quals es fonamenten les noves metodologies proposades en aquesta tesi. A la segona part, es presenten les noves aportacions metodològiques. En primer lloc, es mostra el potencial de PLS per analitzar dades del DOE, amb dades faltants o sense aquestes. Posteriorment, el potencial dels models causals basats en variables latents se centra a definir l'espai de disseny de la matèria prima que proporciona garantia de qualitat amb un cert nivell de confiança per als atributs crítics de qualitat, juntament amb el desenvolupament d'un nou índex de capacitat multivariant basat en l'espai latent per a classificar i seleccionar proveïdors per a una primera matèria particular utilitzada en un procés de fabricació. La tercera part pretén abordar aplicacions noves mitjançant models causals basats en variables latents utilitzant dades històrques. En primer lloc, es tracta de la seva aplicació a l'àmbit sanitari: la Pandèmia COVID-19. En aquest context, es fa servir l'ús de models basats en variables latents per desenvolupar una alternativa als assaigs clínics controlats amb placebo. Després s'utilitzen models basats en variables latents per optimitzar processos en el marc d'aplicacions industrials. La quarta part presenta una interfície gràfica d'usuari desenvolupada en codi Python que integra els mètodes desenvolupats amb l'objectiu de ser autoexplicativa i fàcil d'usar. Finalment, l'última part discuteix la rellevància d'aquesta dissertació, incloent-hi propostes que mereixen més investigació. / [EN] The present Ph.D. thesis is devoted to studying, developing, and applying data-driven methodologies, based on multivariate statistical models of latent variables, to address the scientific learning paradigm in the Industry 4.0 environment. Particular emphasis is placed on causal latent variable-based models using both data coming from a planned design of experiments and, mainly, data coming from the daily production process, namely happenstance data. The dissertation is structured in five parts. The first part discusses the scientific learning paradigm in the Industry 4.0 environment. The objectives of the thesis are highlighted. In addition to that, a comprehensive description of latent variable-based models is presented, on which the novel methodologies proposed in this thesis are founded. In the second part, the novel methodological contributions are presented. Firstly, the potential of PLS to analyze data from DOE, with or without missing runs is illustrated. Then, the potential of causal latent variable-based models is concentrated on defining the raw material design space providing assurance of quality with a certain confidence level for the critical to quality attributes, jointly with the development of a novel latent space-based multivariate capability index to rank and select suppliers for a particular raw material used in a manufacturing process. The third part aims to address novel applications by means of causal latent variable-based models using happenstance data. First, it concerns a health application: the Pandemic COVID-19. In this context, the use of latent variable-based models is applied to develop an alternative to placebo-controlled clinical trials. Then, latent variable-based models are used to optimize processes within the framework of industrial applications. The fourth part introduces a graphical user interface developed in Python code that integrates the developed methods with the aim of being self-explanatory and user-friendly. Finally, the last part discusses the relevance of this dissertation, including proposals that deserve further research. / Borràs Ferrís, J. (2023). Causal latent space-based models for scientific learning in Industry 4.0 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198993


BARBARA CARDOSO GOMES 12 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho visa dar complemento à ferramenta gráfica interativa previamente criada com a finalidade de modelar e dimensionar vigas e pilares em concreto armado, inserindo no dimensionamento a não linearidade física. A ferramenta existente tem como base o programa FTOOL, que de maneira didática permite modelar e realiza análise estrutural em duas dimensões, resultando em deslocamentos, reações e esforços internos. Com base nos esforços e dados iniciais da estrutura tais como materiais, seções e cobrimento, a nova ferramenta altera a rigidez das seções para que se considere os efeitos de fissuração e fluência do concreto, além da relação não linear entre tensão e deformação. É necessário inserir uma análise da rigidez das seções, que após a fissuração da peça, na transição do Estádio I para o Estádio II, têm sua rigidez reduzida, cálculo este feito pela rigidez secante obtida pelos diagramas momento-curvatura. Desta forma, é necessário reavaliar a rigidez das diversas seções de maneira iterativa, fazendo-se a redistribuição de esforços de acordo com a variação das rijezas nas seções dos elementos estruturais. Propõe-se a comparação entre a recomendação da NBR 6118:2014, item 15.7.3, para consideração aproximada da não linearidade física e a rigidez secante obtida pelas relações momento-curvatura, tanto para os pilares como para as vigas. Para isso são estudados três exemplos de estruturas onde compara-se os resultados obtidos para os esforços internos, armadura e deslocamento. / [en] The present work aims to complement the graphic-interactive tool previously created for modeling and designing reinforced concrete beams and columns, introducing the material nonlinearity in the design. The existant tool is based on the FTOOL program, which didactically allows to model and performs structural analysis in two dimensions, resulting in deflections, reactions ans internal forces. Based on the forces and initial data of the structure such as materials, cross sections and concrete covering, the new tool changes the cross sections stiffnesses to consider the effects of concrete cracking and creep, besides the nonlinear relationships between tensions and deformations. It is necessary to introduce an analysis of the section stiffnesses, which after cracking, in the transition between stages I and II, presents a reduction in its stiffiness, that is evaluated by the secant stiffness from the moment-curvature diagrams. Thus, it is necessary to reevaluate the stiffness of the several sections iteratively, performing the redistribuition of the forces according to the vaiation of stiffness on the structural elements. It is proposed the comparison between the recommendation of NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), in its topic 15.7.3, for the approximate consideration of material nonlinearity and the secant stiffness obtained by the moment-curvature relationships, both for columns and beams. So three examples of structures are studied, in which the results obtained for internal forces, reinforcement and displacement are compared.

Evaluating the expressiveness of specification languages : for stochastic safety-critical systems

Jamil, Fahad Rami January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the expressiveness of specification languages for stochastic safety-critical systems, addressing the need for expressiveness in describing system behaviour formally. Through a case study and specification language enhancements, the research explores the impact of different frameworks on a set of specifications. The results highlight the importance of continuous development in the specification languages to meet the complex behaviours of systems with probabilistic properties. The findings emphasise the need for extending the chosen specification languages more formally, to ensure that the languages can capture the complexity of the systems they describe.  The research contributes valuable insights into improving the expressiveness of specification languages for ensuring system safety and operational reliability.

Jahresbericht 2009 / Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz / Annual Report 2009 / University Library of Chemnitz

Malz, Angela 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2009 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2009

Optimalizace provozu indukční pece ve slévárně Vsetín / Optimalization of Induction Furnace Operation in foundry Vsetín

Trachta, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is optimalisation of induction furnace in foundry for company PROMET FOUNDRY a.s. The company has two induction furnances. There are installed as identical construction. They have 2 modes of operation. First mode is founding and second mode is mode, where is temperature in maintain mode. Only one induction furnance can work in the founding mode at a time though. Inducion furnances are in the single-phase connection and they cause unbalance in the distribution network. Near the foundry there is a small network area whitch it is operated by company Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s. The consumption of electrical energy in foundry so big, that in the year 2009 was made elaborate for Zásobování teplem Vsetín a.s. It was write at Laboratoře diagnostiky výkonů (Laboratory of performance diagnostics), which is a part of Electrotechnic Department at Technical Univarsity of Ostrava. The ordered study was named “Verification of causes of increased reactive energy consumption during transition from electricity delivery to electricity consumption”. The conclusion of this assignment confirms that in distribution network in the Jiráskova area in Vsetín there is unbalance of electrical energy and there is high part of reactive power. The next conclusion is crucial to find the customer who made the unbalance and to set relevant remedy. The last step will be the identification whether such device can actually be effectively balanced. It was subsequently proved that the Promet Foundry was causing the unbalance and that balanced consumption would be reasonable. Promet Foundry thus addressed Autel a.s. company with an inquiry to make a study of removing the causes of the unbalance which is caused by current induction furnaces operation at a minimum possible cost, least possible influence on the performance and minimum construction changes concerning the building. In this thesis there will be some topics. The result of which will be introducing of used heating technology, introducing of company and of effective plant performance and subsequent suggestions of possible unbalance removal or reactive power decrease. Several ways which are being implemented in the industry in order to balance consumption will be described. A suitable balancing plant will be subsequently chosen and its parameters will be calculated.

Jahresbericht 2009 / Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz

Malz, Angela 17 March 2011 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2009 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2009

Electro-thermal characterization, TCAD simulations and compact modeling of advanced SiGe HBTs at device and circuit level / Caractérisation électrothermique, simulations TCAD et modélisation compacte de transistors HBT en SiGe au niveau composant et circuit

D'Esposito, Rosario 29 September 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse présente une étude concernant la caractérisation des effets électrothermiques dans les transistors bipolaires à hétérojonction (HBT) en SiGe. Lors de ces travaux, deux procédés technologiques BiCMOS à l’état de l’art ont été analysés: le B11HFC de Infineon Technologies (130nm) et le B55 de STMicroelectronics (55nm).Des structures de test dédiées ont étés conçues, pour évaluer l’impact électrothermique du back end of line (BEOL) de composants ayant une architecture à un ou plusieurs doigts d’émetteur. Une caractérisation complète a été effectuée en régime continu et en mode alternatif en petit et en grand signal. De plus, une extraction des paramètres thermiques statiques et dynamiques a été réalisée et présentée pour les structures de test proposées. Il est démontré que les figures de mérite DC et RF s’améliorent sensiblement en positionnant des couches de métal sur le transistor, dessinées de manière innovante et ayant pour fonction de guider le flux thermique vers l’extérieur. L’impact thermique du BEOL a été modélisé et vérifié expérimentalement dans le domaine temporel et fréquentiel et aussi grâce à des simulations 3D par éléments finis. Il est à noter que l’effet du profil de dopage sur la conductivité thermique est analysé et pris en compte.Des topologies de transistor innovantes ont étés conçues, permettant une amélioration des spécifications de l’aire de sécurité de fonctionnement, grâce à un dessin innovant de la surface d’émetteur et du deep trench (DTI).Un modèle compact est proposé pour simuler les effets de couplage thermique en dynamique entre les émetteurs des HBT multi-doigts; ensuite le modèle est validé avec de mesures dédiées et des simulations TCAD.Des circuits de test ont étés conçus et mesurés, pour vérifier la précision des modèles compacts utilisés dans les simulateurs de circuits; de plus, l’impact du couplage thermique entre les transistors sur les performances des circuits a été évalué et modélisé. Finalement, l’impact du dissipateur thermique positionné sur le transistor a été étudié au niveau circuit, montrant un réel intérêt de cette approche. / This work is focused on the characterization of electro-thermal effects in advanced SiGe hetero-junction bipolar transistors (HBTs); two state of the art BiCMOS processes have been analyzed: the B11HFC from Infineon Technologies (130nm) and the B55 from STMicroelectronics (55nm).Special test structures have been designed, in order to evaluate the overall electro-thermal impact of the back end of line (BEOL) in single finger and multi-finger components. A complete DC and RF electrical characterization at small and large signal, as well as the extraction of the device static and dynamic thermal parameters are performed on the proposed test structures, showing a sensible improvement of the DC and RF figures of merit when metal dummies are added upon the transistor. The thermal impact of the BEOL has been modeled and experimentally verified in the time and frequency domain and by means of 3D TCAD simulations, in which the effect of the doping profile on the thermal conductivity is analyzed and taken into account.Innovative multi-finger transistor topologies are designed, which allow an improvement of the SOA specifications, thanks to a careful design of the drawn emitter area and of the deep trench isolation (DTI) enclosed area.A compact thermal model is proposed for taking into account the mutual thermal coupling between the emitter stripes of multi-finger HBTs in dynamic operation and is validated upon dedicated pulsed measurements and TCAD simulations.Specially designed circuit blocks have been realized and measured, in order to verify the accuracy of device compact models in electrical circuit simulators; moreover the impact on the circuit performances of mutual thermal coupling among neighboring transistors and the presence of BEOL metal dummies is evaluated and modeled.

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