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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filozofie přirozeného jazyka - její úpadek a co po něm / Philosophy of Ordinary Language - its Decline and What to Do After It

Ivan, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The general topic of the thesis is the history of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. To be more precise, it deals with the critical arguments, which were raised against is. The thesis offers a short historical and sociological review of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. Critical analysis shows two things: 1) the main reason for the rejection was a different understanding of meaning (and consequences of such a understanding); 2) critics begged the question and already assumed the justification of these rejections in their arguments. The area of this criticism was: the paradigm case argument, the empirical nature of the statements of meaning produced by the Ordinary Language Philosophy, the structural elements of meaning and the political implications of the theory of meaning. The thesis criticizes the Ordinary Language Philosophy in those parts (and in such interpretations), where its understanding of meaning does not differ from the understanding of the critics and where they share common assumptions. On the other hand, the thesis argues for an interpretation, which avoids classical understanding of meaning in all its consequences. Finally, the thesis asks how the Ordinary Language Philosophy can be useful for contemporary debates.

"Avaliação da voz e inteligibilidade da fala de surdos antes e depois da terapia fonoaudiológica com recurso computadorizado" / Evaluation of voice and speech intelligibility of deaf individuals before and after speech therapy utilizing computerized resources.

Lopes, Daniele Cristina Jeronymo 15 September 2004 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A audição é fundamental para aquisição e desenvolvimento da fala. Atualmente, mesmo com o avanço no atendimento ao surdo utilizando a língua de sinais, muitos procuram pelo trabalho oral. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as mudanças na voz e na fala de surdos após a aplicação de um procedimento terapêutico que utiliza como apoio o feedback visual. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 18 indivíduos surdos, com idades entre 12 e 17 anos que realizaram 16 sessões de terapia fonoaudiológica com apoio visual. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Encontraram-se valores de freqüência fundamental e tempos de fonação próximos ao esperado para sujeitos com audição normal e melhora da inteligibilidade da fala e do controle do pitch. Esses achados mostraram que o trabalho com surdos deve abranger a parte vocal, pois esta proporciona melhora na voz e na fala. / Hearing is fundamental for the acquisition and development of speech. Nowadays, even with improved assistance to deaf people using sign language, many of them seek oral language. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the changes in the voice and speech of deaf people after application of a therapy procedure with the support of visual feedback. METHODS: 18 deaf individuals, aged between 12 and 17, took part in this study consisting of 16 speech therapy sessions using visual support. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The values of fundamental frequency and phonation times were found to be close to expected values for individuals with normal hearing as well as improved speech intelligibility and pitch control. These findings showed that the work with deaf people should encompass the vocal element as it provides an improvement in voice and speech.

Speech and language therapy in practice : a critical realist account of how and why speech and language therapists in community settings in Scotland have changed their intervention for children with speech sound disorders

Nicoll, Avril January 2017 (has links)
Healthcare professionals such as speech and language therapists are expected to change their practice throughout their career. However, from a practice perspective, there is a lack of knowledge around what practice change is, what it really takes, and why there are different trajectories. Consequently, therapists, managers and commissioners lack empirical evidence on which to base decisions about enabling practice change. In addition, intervention researchers lack basic sociological research around implementation that could inform their research designs, reporting and impact. This case-based sociological inquiry, underpinned by critical realist assumptions, was designed to address this knowledge gap. It includes a two-stage qualitative synthesis of 53 (then 16) studies where speech and language therapists explained the work of their practice in depth, and a primary qualitative study focused on one professional jurisdiction, children with speech sound difficulties (SSD). Forty two speech and language therapists from three NHS areas and independent practice in Scotland participated in individual interviews or self-organised pairs or focus groups to discuss in depth how and why they had changed their practice with these children. A variety of comparative methods were used to detail, understand and explain this particular aspect of the social world. The resulting theory of SSD practice change comprises six configured cases of practice change (Transforming; Redistributing; Venturing; Personalising; Delegating; Refining) emerging from an evolving and modifiable practice context. The work that had happened across four key aspects of this context (Intervention; Candidacy; Caseload; Service) explained what made each case possible, and how practice had come to be one way rather than another. Among its practical applications, the theory could help services plan more realistic practice change. In addition, the inductively developed layered model of SSD intervention change has the potential to contribute to speech and language therapy education as well as methodological discussions around complex interventions.

"Avaliação da voz e inteligibilidade da fala de surdos antes e depois da terapia fonoaudiológica com recurso computadorizado" / Evaluation of voice and speech intelligibility of deaf individuals before and after speech therapy utilizing computerized resources.

Daniele Cristina Jeronymo Lopes 15 September 2004 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A audição é fundamental para aquisição e desenvolvimento da fala. Atualmente, mesmo com o avanço no atendimento ao surdo utilizando a língua de sinais, muitos procuram pelo trabalho oral. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as mudanças na voz e na fala de surdos após a aplicação de um procedimento terapêutico que utiliza como apoio o feedback visual. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 18 indivíduos surdos, com idades entre 12 e 17 anos que realizaram 16 sessões de terapia fonoaudiológica com apoio visual. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Encontraram-se valores de freqüência fundamental e tempos de fonação próximos ao esperado para sujeitos com audição normal e melhora da inteligibilidade da fala e do controle do pitch. Esses achados mostraram que o trabalho com surdos deve abranger a parte vocal, pois esta proporciona melhora na voz e na fala. / Hearing is fundamental for the acquisition and development of speech. Nowadays, even with improved assistance to deaf people using sign language, many of them seek oral language. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the changes in the voice and speech of deaf people after application of a therapy procedure with the support of visual feedback. METHODS: 18 deaf individuals, aged between 12 and 17, took part in this study consisting of 16 speech therapy sessions using visual support. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The values of fundamental frequency and phonation times were found to be close to expected values for individuals with normal hearing as well as improved speech intelligibility and pitch control. These findings showed that the work with deaf people should encompass the vocal element as it provides an improvement in voice and speech.

Говорни капацитет особа са израштајима на гласницама / Govorni kapacitet osoba sa izraštajima na glasnicama / Capacity speech of people with tumors of the vocal folds

Veselinović Mila 29 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Говор представља врло сложену људску делатност. За његову успешну реализацију потребно је ускладити правилну артикулацију, исправан акустички сигнал, несметану перцепцију и одговарајућу когнитивну спознају. Као најзначајнији модалитет реализације језика у процесу комуникације у великој мери зависи од квалитетагласа који је његов неодвојиви део. Патолошке карактеристике гласа и говора особа са бенигним и малигним израштајима на гласницама перципирају се као различите варијације висине, интензитета и квалитета говорног гласа. Циљеви истраживања: Утврдити говорни капацитет особа са малигним, бенигним и псеудотуморима, на гласницама пре и после оперативног лечења, разлику између њиховог говорног капацитета и утврдити како оперативно лечење утиче на разумљивост и временске одреднице говора. Истраживање је спроведено током 2016. и 2017. годинена Клиници за болести ува, грла и носа Клиничког центра Војводине. Узорак је чинило 67 испитаника подељених у 2 групе према врсти израштаја на оне који су имали бенигне и псеудотуморе и испитанике са малигним туморима на гласницама старости од 23 до 74 године (AS 55,43 године; SD 11,95 година). Методе примењене у истраживању: Општи упитник, Тестови за искључивање из узорка (Мини-Ментал тест - Mini mental State Examination, Упитник о анксиозности-GAD-7 Anxiety, Тријажни артикулациони тест), Индекс говорног хендикепа -Speech Handicap Index,Акустичка анализа гласа, Максимално фонацијско време вокала /а/, Анализа временске организације говора, Разумљивост говора, Анализа мелодије реченице. Према нашим резултатима, пре операције у обе групе испитаника говорни капацитет је био готово уједначен са малом разликом јер су ипак нешто бољи говорни капацитет имале особе са малигним израштајима на гласницама али без статистичке значајности у поређеним групама. После оперативног лечења бенигних и псеудотумора на гласницама дошло је до статистички значајног побољшања говорног капацитета (p=0,005). После операције постојалаје статистички значајна разлика између говорног капацитета испитиваних група, при чему су бољи говорни капацитет имали испитаници групе I &ndash; са бенигним и псеудотуморима (t=-3,807, p&lt;0,001). Разумљивост говора је код испитаника са малигним туморима гласнице била статистички значајно повезана са вредностима говорног капацитета пре операције (p=0,008). У погледу временске организације говора, код испитаника са малигним туморима на гласницама после операције дошло је до статистички значајног погоршања (p=0,025). У истраживању није добијен изоловани ефекат времена или врсте израштаја на говорни капацитет, али постоји њихов удружени ефекат (f = 10,079, p = 0,002). Препорука је да се сви пацијенти после оперативног лечења израштаја на гласницама укључе у поступак рехабилитације гласа и говора.</p> / <p>Govor predstavlja vrlo složenu ljudsku delatnost. Za njegovu uspešnu realizaciju potrebno je uskladiti pravilnu artikulaciju, ispravan akustički signal, nesmetanu percepciju i odgovarajuću kognitivnu spoznaju. Kao najznačajniji modalitet realizacije jezika u procesu komunikacije u velikoj meri zavisi od kvalitetaglasa koji je njegov neodvojivi deo. Patološke karakteristike glasa i govora osoba sa benignim i malignim izraštajima na glasnicama percipiraju se kao različite varijacije visine, intenziteta i kvaliteta govornog glasa. Ciljevi istraživanja: Utvrditi govorni kapacitet osoba sa malignim, benignim i pseudotumorima, na glasnicama pre i posle operativnog lečenja, razliku između njihovog govornog kapaciteta i utvrditi kako operativno lečenje utiče na razumljivost i vremenske odrednice govora. Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom 2016. i 2017. godinena Klinici za bolesti uva, grla i nosa Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Uzorak je činilo 67 ispitanika podeljenih u 2 grupe prema vrsti izraštaja na one koji su imali benigne i pseudotumore i ispitanike sa malignim tumorima na glasnicama starosti od 23 do 74 godine (AS 55,43 godine; SD 11,95 godina). Metode primenjene u istraživanju: Opšti upitnik, Testovi za isključivanje iz uzorka (Mini-Mental test - Mini mental State Examination, Upitnik o anksioznosti-GAD-7 Anxiety, Trijažni artikulacioni test), Indeks govornog hendikepa -Speech Handicap Index,Akustička analiza glasa, Maksimalno fonacijsko vreme vokala /a/, Analiza vremenske organizacije govora, Razumljivost govora, Analiza melodije rečenice. Prema našim rezultatima, pre operacije u obe grupe ispitanika govorni kapacitet je bio gotovo ujednačen sa malom razlikom jer su ipak nešto bolji govorni kapacitet imale osobe sa malignim izraštajima na glasnicama ali bez statističke značajnosti u poređenim grupama. Posle operativnog lečenja benignih i pseudotumora na glasnicama došlo je do statistički značajnog poboljšanja govornog kapaciteta (p=0,005). Posle operacije postojalaje statistički značajna razlika između govornog kapaciteta ispitivanih grupa, pri čemu su bolji govorni kapacitet imali ispitanici grupe I &ndash; sa benignim i pseudotumorima (t=-3,807, p&lt;0,001). Razumljivost govora je kod ispitanika sa malignim tumorima glasnice bila statistički značajno povezana sa vrednostima govornog kapaciteta pre operacije (p=0,008). U pogledu vremenske organizacije govora, kod ispitanika sa malignim tumorima na glasnicama posle operacije došlo je do statistički značajnog pogoršanja (p=0,025). U istraživanju nije dobijen izolovani efekat vremena ili vrste izraštaja na govorni kapacitet, ali postoji njihov udruženi efekat (f = 10,079, p = 0,002). Preporuka je da se svi pacijenti posle operativnog lečenja izraštaja na glasnicama uključe u postupak rehabilitacije glasa i govora.</p> / <p>Speech represents a very complicated human ability. For its successful realization, it&rsquo;s necessary to coordinate proper articulation, correct acoustical signal, unobstructed perception and adequate cognitive recognition. The most significant modality of language realization in the process of communication greatly depends on vocal quality, which is its inseparable element. Pathological vocal and speech characteristics in people with benign and malign growths on the vocal cords are perceived as different variations of pitch, intensity and quality of the speaking voice. Aims of the research: Determining the vocal capacity of people with malign, benign tumors and pseudo-tumors on the vocal cords, before and after surgical treatment, determining the difference between their vocal capacity and how surgical treatment affects comprehensibility and time determinants of speech. The research was conducted during 2016 and 2017 on the Otorhinolaryngology clinic of Vojvodina Clinical Centre. The sample consisted of 67 participants divided into 2 groups based on the type of growth present, into participants with benign and pseudo tumors and participants with malign tumors of the vocal chords, aged 23 &ndash; 74 (M=55,43; SD=11,95). Methods used in the research: General Questionnaire, Tests for exclusion from the sample (Mini mental State Examination), Anxiety Questionnaire &ndash; GAD-7 Anxiety, Triage Articulatory Test, Speech Handicap Index, Acoustic Vocal Analysis, Maximum phonation time vowel /a/, Time organization of speech analysis, Speech comprehensibility, Sentence melody analysis. According to the results of the research, before surgical treatment, the vocal capacity of both participant groups was nearly equable with a small difference of a somewhat higher vocal capacity in participants with malign growths on the vocal cords, but with no statistical significance between the compared groups. After surgical treatment of benign and pseudo tumors on the vocal cords, a statistically significant improvement of vocal capacity was observed (p=0,005). Post surgically, a statistically significant difference between the vocal capacity of tested groups was observed, with a higher vocal capacity present in the first group of participants with benign and pseudo tumors (t=-3,807, p&lt;0,001). Speech comprehensibility in participants with malign tumors of the vocal cords was significantly correlated with the values of speech capacity prior to the surgical treatment (p=0,008). In regards to time organization of speech, there was a statistically significant deterioration in patients with malign vocal cord tumors (p=0,025). The research showed no isolated effect of time or type of growth on speech capacity, but a combined effect was observed (f=10,079, p=0,002). The recommendation is that all patients are included in the procedure of speech and vocal rehabilitation after surgical treatment.</p>

Temporal aspects of speech production in bilingual speakers with neurogenic speech disorders

Theron, Karin 07 August 2003 (has links)
The present study is the first to examine the effect of first versus second language (L1 versus L2) speech production on specific temporal parameters of speech in bilingual speakers with neurogenic speech disorders. Three persons with apraxia of speech (AOS), three with phonemic paraphasia (PP) and five normal speaking participants were included as subjects in the study. Subjects were required to read phonemically similar L1 and L2 target utterances in a carrier phrase, five times each, at a normal and fast speaking rate, respectively. This rendered four speaking contexts that included speech production in L1 at either a normal (L1NR) or fast speaking rate (L1FR) and speech production in L2 at either a normal (L2NR) or fast speaking rate (L2FR). Acoustic analysis of on-target productions involved measurement of utterance onset duration, vowel duration, utterance duration and voice onset time. Results revealed that in normal speakers, speech production in L2 results in greater token-to-token variability than in L1. However, token-to-token variability in the experimental subjects did not tend to increase whilst speaking in L2, most probably because these subjects generally decreased their speaking rate in this context, resulting in more consistent production. The subjects with AOS and PP seemed to be influenced by the increased processing demands of speaking in L2 to a greater extent than the normal speakers, in that they more frequently experienced difficulty with durational adjustments (decreasing duration in the fast speaking rate) in L2 than in L1. Furthermore, the subjects with AOS or PP also exhibited a greater extent of durational adjustment in L1 than in L2. The durations of most of the subjects with either AOS or PP tended to differ from those of the normal group to a greater extent in L2FR that was hypothesized to be the most demanding speaking context for these subjects. The longer than normal durations and greater than normal token-to-token variability in the subjects with either AOS or PP imply the presence of a motor control deficit. The extent of the motor control deficit appears to be more severe in AOS than in PP as is evident from the finding that the subjects with AOS generally exhibited longer durations and greater token-to-token variability than the subjects with PP. The pattern of breakdown in respect of different parameters and utterance groups also differed between subjects with AOS and PP. The nature of the disorder in AOS and PP thus appears to be both quantitatively and qualitatively different. Regarding measurement of the different temporal parameters, voice onset time appears to be less subject to the influence of L2 than the other measured temporal parameters. The results of this study imply that bilingual AOS is as much a reality as bilingual aphasia. Furthermore, the results underscore the importance of taking contextual factors, specifically L1 versus L2, into account when compiling assessment and treatment procedures for persons with either AOS or PP, since speech production in L2 appears to be motorically more difficult than in L1 for persons with neurogenic involvement. The significance of the results is discussed with reference to the influence of speech production in L2 on temporal control and the underlying nature of AOS and PP with regard to theories of speech sensorimotor control. Copyright / Dissertation (DPhil (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

“Man famlar lite i mörkret” : Lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av att arbeta med barn med språkstörning / Fumbling in the Dark : Teachers’ Experiences of Working with Children with DLD

Chepngeno, Mercy, Joyce, Ellen, York, Alana January 2023 (has links)
Developmental language disorder (DLD) is a communication disorder which can greatly affect a child’s ability to achieve academic goals. In Sweden, all children have the right to receive the support they need in school. To ensure the needs of students with DLD are being met, more studies are needed regarding teachers’ knowledge about DLD as a diagnosis, their experiences related to working with these students, and their experiences of relevant interprofessional teamwork. The purpose of this study is therefore to shed light on the professional situation for teachers of students with DLD. The results of the study are based on focus group interviews with 19 teachers from 17 different counties in Sweden. The interviews were transcribed and then analyzed using content analysis. The study found that the participating teachers experience DLD as a diagnosis which greatly affects students’ goal achievement as well as their socio-emotional well being. The participants also underlined the lack of instruction related to DLD in teacher training programs and described that this lack of instruction sometimes led them to feel unprepared in their work with these students. Interprofessional collaboration was lifted as an especially important aspect of work with children with DLD, but many experienced the circumstances at their workplace as suboptimal for effective teamwork. The teachers specifically expressed a desire for more collaboration with SLPs and highlighted the importance of knowledgeable and competent school leadership. The results of the study indicate a need for children with DLD to be more highly prioritized both in the education of teachers but also in the allocation of resources within schools. Additionally, in order to achieve more equitable access to education for these students, teachers feel that SLPs need to be more closely involved at the school level. / Likvärdig utbildning för barn med språkstörning - En studie om måluppfyllelse, erfarenheter och deltagande

Medical image captioning based on Deep Architectures / Medicinsk bild textning baserad på Djupa arkitekturer

Moschovis, Georgios January 2022 (has links)
Diagnostic Captioning is described as “the automatic generation of a diagnostic text from a set of medical images of a patient collected during an examination” [59] and it can assist inexperienced doctors and radiologists to reduce clinical errors or help experienced professionals increase their productivity. In this context, tools that would help medical doctors produce higher quality reports in less time could be of high interest for medical imaging departments, as well as significantly impact deep learning research within the biomedical domain, which makes it particularly interesting for people involved in industry and researchers all along. In this work, we attempted to develop Diagnostic Captioning systems, based on novel Deep Learning approaches, to investigate to what extent Neural Networks are capable of performing medical image tagging, as well as automatically generating a diagnostic text from a set of medical images. Towards this objective, the first step is concept detection, which boils down to predicting the relevant tags for X-RAY images, whereas the ultimate goal is caption generation. To this end, we further participated in ImageCLEFmedical 2022 evaluation campaign, addressing both the concept detection and the caption prediction tasks by developing baselines based on Deep Neural Networks; including image encoders, classifiers and text generators; in order to get a quantitative measure of my proposed architectures’ performance [28]. My contribution to the evaluation campaign, as part of this work and on behalf of NeuralDynamicsLab¹ group at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, within the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ranked 4th in the former and 5th in the latter task [55, 68] among 12 groups included within the top-10 best performing submissions in both tasks. / Diagnostisk textning avser automatisk generering från en diagnostisk text från en uppsättning medicinska bilder av en patient som samlats in under en undersökning och den kan hjälpa oerfarna läkare och radiologer, minska kliniska fel eller hjälpa erfarna yrkesmän att producera diagnostiska rapporter snabbare [59]. Därför kan verktyg som skulle hjälpa läkare och radiologer att producera rapporter av högre kvalitet på kortare tid vara av stort intresse för medicinska bildbehandlingsavdelningar, såväl som leda till inverkan på forskning om djupinlärning, vilket gör den domänen särskilt intressant för personer som är involverade i den biomedicinska industrin och djupinlärningsforskare. I detta arbete var mitt huvudmål att utveckla system för diagnostisk textning, med hjälp av nya tillvägagångssätt som används inom djupinlärning, för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning automatisk generering av en diagnostisk text från en uppsättning medi-cinska bilder är möjlig. Mot detta mål är det första steget konceptdetektering som går ut på att förutsäga relevanta taggar för röntgenbilder, medan slutmålet är bildtextgenerering. Jag deltog i ImageCLEF Medical 2022-utvärderingskampanjen, där jag deltog med att ta itu med både konceptdetektering och bildtextförutsägelse för att få ett kvantitativt mått på prestandan för mina föreslagna arkitekturer [28]. Mitt bidrag, där jag representerade forskargruppen NeuralDynamicsLab² , där jag arbetade som ledande forskningsingenjör, placerade sig på 4:e plats i den förra och 5:e i den senare uppgiften [55, 68] bland 12 grupper som ingår bland de 10 bästa bidragen i båda uppgifterna.

Úvod do teorie jazykové správnosti / Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness

Beneš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness. The theme of this Thesis is the novel conceptualization of the subject field, which is, in the Czech context, traditionally dealt with within the theory of language cultivation, from the perspective of the so-called ontological "socialism" (esp. Itkonen, 1978; 2003). The first two chapters explain why the subject field of the (theory of) language cultivation is to be newly approached from this very perspective. The conceptual discussion in the first chapter identifies three underresearched factors (reaction of the Protectorate elites to the Nazi occupation policy; variety-based approach to the "language" and physicalism) that had negative effect to the debate on these questions and therefore they should not be taken into consideration; the terminological discussion in the second chapter supports the claim that it is not suitable to associate the traditional term (theory of) language cultivation with this novel conceptualization. The third chapter introduces in detail the so-called ontological "socialism" according to which there are not only spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language means, but also non-spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language rules qua actually existing social facts, in the subject field of linguistics. The fourth chapter provides a...

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