Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cosphere."" "subject:"biophere.""
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[pt] A fim de compreender os motivos pelos quais ainda se registra baixa participação de mulheres no mercado de trabalho do fotojornalismo, a pesquisa aqui relatada procura estabelecer um espaço de diálogo sobre as questões que circunscrevem a cultura jornalística e as relações de gênero, em especial no que se refere às experiências profissionais das mulheres no fotojornalismo. Para fundamentar a análise, foram adotadas as teorias do jornalismo e os estudos de gênero. Tomou-se como eixo a divisão sexual do trabalho para tentar explicitar como, historicamente, as assimetrias foram construídas e como elas se estabelecem nas experiências profissionais das fotojornalistas. O problema que deu origem à pesquisa surgiu da experiência de campo da própria pesquisadora, que percebeu o fotojornalismo como fonte de relações de poder estabelecidas em torno do gênero, que, por sua vez, se relacionam também com classe, raça e sexualidade. A partir das memórias de fotojornalistas sobre suas experiências profissionais, que usam os óculos da cultura profissional pelos quais os jornalistas e as empresas jornalísticas veem o mundo, tentou-se compreender como o fotojornalismo dialoga com as questões de gênero. Concluiu-se que os graus dos óculos precisam ser atualizados, pois a cultura profissional é produtora de desigualdades e hierarquias. Há a necessidade de se usarem novas lentes que possam fazer perceber a importância de incluir as experiências das mulheres à cultura profissional jornalística de maneira equânime. Novas lentes essas que incorporem às questões de gênero, classe, raça e sexualidade colocadas em perspectiva e atravessamentos. / [en] The research aims to understand the reasons for the low participation of women in the photojournalism job market with the purpose of establishing a space for dialogue on the issues that circumscribe journalistic culture and gender relations, especially with regard to refers to the professional experiences of women in photojournalism. For that, it uses theories of journalism and gender studies as the theoretical bases for the study. It takes as its axis the sexual division of labor to try to understand how, historically, asymmetries were constructed and how they are established in the professional experiences of photojournalists. The research problem stems from the researcher s own experience in the field, where in the role of photojournalist she perceived him as the source of the power relations established around gender that are also related to class, race and sexuality. From the memories of photojournalists about their professional experiences, who in turn wear the glasses of professional culture, through which journalists and news companies see the world, she tried to understand how photojournalism dialogues with gender issues. It was concluded that the degrees of the glasses need to be updated because the professional culture produces inequalities and hierarchies. There is a need to use new lenses that can make it clear the importance of including women s experiences in their own professional journalistic culture. These new lenses that incorporate gender, class, race and sexuality issues put into perspective and crossings.
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Indigenous language programming and citizen participation in Uganda broadcasting : an exploratory studyChibita, Monica Balya 30 June 2006 (has links)
The thesis, Indigenous language programming and citizen participation in Ugandan broadcasting: an exploratory study constitutes an analysis of the significance of policy on indigenous language programming in Uganda's broadcast media. The thesis is conceived broadly within a critical studies' framework. It emphasizes the role of the broadcast media in the public sphere, as well as policy on linguistic diversity in making the public sphere more accessible to the majority of Ugandans. Fundamental assumptions of the thesis are the following:
* The imperatives of the market are in tension with the need to preserve a significant
amount of indigenous language broadcasting in Uganda's broadcast media for purposes of
* This tension can be discerned in the political-economic environment within which the
broadcast media in Uganda have evolved and operate as well as in public debate on
indigenous language programming in the broadcast media;
* The current state of the media's structure, operation and regulation have their roots in
Uganda's political history; and
* Policy on the indigenous languages has a bearing on Ugandans' capacity to participate
meaningfully in the democratic process via the broadcast media.
The thesis documents key social, political and economic factors surrounding policy on
indigenous language broadcasting in Uganda using interviews, an analysis of Uganda's
political history as well as key legal documents related to diversity and participation. It
documents public debate on the significance of language policy for the participation of
Ugandans in the democratic process through the broadcast media and examines how changes
in the structure and operation of Uganda's broadcast media, especially since the liberalisation of the airwaves in the early 1990s, are perceived by Ugandans to have affected their participation in the democratic process through the media. Finally the thesis makes
recommendations for future communication policy with regards to the role of language in
enhancing diversity and participation. / Communication Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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The Best Foot Forward : Self-Presentation and the Creation of Respectability Through Job Advertisements in the Public Press, 1800Caroline, Lindroth January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates how power relations were negotiated and expressed through the use of certain linguistic practices in a public context. More specifically, it looks closer at how job applicants presented themselves publically through newspaper advertisements and which discursive codes they made use of to portray themselves as reputable, desirable employees that fit into the bourgeois concept of respectability. The survey accordingly moves within the theoretical frameworks of the respectability discourse, altering power relations, self-presentation and the public sphere, and does so through the application of linguistic methods on a very specific material not commonly looked at from these macro-perspectives. The first part of the analysis identifies which specific social groups that used the press as a channel for self-presentation, focusing on the aspects of gender, marital status, work experience and occupational title. Through establishing this information, we reach an understanding of who can be ascribed an active participation in the public sphere and where to place these individuals along the social scale. Thereafter, the vocabulary of the advertisers is scrutinized and compared to see how strategies to create an air of respectability around yourself may have differed with the personal aspects mentioned above. Conclusively, the results from these enquiries serve as the basis for a larger discussion on whether the assertive self-promotion of the job advertisers can be interpreted as a self-empowerment among a section of London’s labourers, or whether the publication of the adverts rather is to be seen as a consolidation of already existing power relationships. The findings prove that through their strict adherence to the concept of respectability in a desire to win the favour of their social superiors, the linguistic strategies of the adverts cannot be interpreted as an early form of working class-movement with the intention of overthrowing the social order. On the contrary, the hierarchical structure of the 18th century was as present as ever when society moved towards the next centenary and was consolidated even further by the linguistic strategies of the advertisers.
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宜蘭廟群KHIAM(示簽)祭祀圈之研究簡瑛欣, Chein ,Yin-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
(一) khiam是什麼?
(二) khiam的信仰特色
1. 廟數統計:宜蘭縣境內共48間使用khiam的廟宇,另有3間廟過去曾有過khiam,現已消失。
2. 神種統計:以三山國王(15間)佔多數,其次為三官大帝(5間)和開台國聖(5間),三山國王比例遠高於其他神種。
3. 祭典活動:多數廟宇以中元普渡作為khiam輪祀組織的主要祭典。
4. 形成類型:可分為原生型(35間)、移入型(13間)、消失型(3間)三種。
(三) khiam的區域分佈現象
(四) 詔安客的區域分佈現象
1. 詔安客分布集中於沿山地帶,且溪南多於溪北。
2. 詔安客分布的集中度以20%為界,聚落內總戶口數20%以上者為高密度分布區,20%以下者為低密度分布區。其高密度分布區集中在冬山鄉、員山鄉、礁溪鄉和壯圍鄉,以及宜蘭市與三星鄉的一小部分;姓仔底的分布區域也大致吻合高密度分布區的狀況。
(五) khiam與詔安客的關係
1. 詔安客人口比例與khiam原生型成正相關,而詔安客人口比例越低,khiam類型的變異性越高。
2. 從地理分佈來看,khiam廟群的帶狀分佈區與詔安客的高密度分佈區,兩者出現極大的重疊性。
本研究的貢獻,在於祭祀圈研究視野的擴展。透過區域研究以及民族學的角度,將過去人類學與宗教學者在祭祀圈研究上偏重信徒組織、廟際關係或儀式行為的傳統,拓展至台灣的聚落形成、民族分佈等面向。經由史料、文獻、地圖、族譜與田野調查資料的交互比對,來說明「khiam」祭祀圈組織的區域分布意義,並揭露其民族底蘊,以及蘭陽平原傳統聚落的民族樣貌。 / This thesis deals with the khiam, an ethnically distinct religious system in Yilan County. Both the religious and the ethnic aspect of the khiam are discussed. A census of fifty-one temples located on the Lanyan Plain serves my survey of the religious aspect of the khiam, which uncovers the present situation and the geographical distribution of the local temple community. On the other hand, I employ historical records, pedigrees of the local clans, materials offered by Professor Teng-fu Shih’s Traditional Villages on the Lanyan Plain: Theoretical Structure and Basic Information and information I gathered from my own oral history works as the base upon which to discuss the distribution of a “recessive” ethnic group on the Lanyan Plain, the Hakka immigrants from the Zhao’an County of the Fujian Province, China. Further comparative analyses of the geographical distribution and types of the khiam and the distribution of the Zhao’an Hakka identify the close relation between the khiam and the Zhao’an Hakka. In the last chapter of this thesis, I compare the khiam on the Lanyan Plain and that in Xiluo, a town in Yunlin County in western Taiwan. Differences in language and demographical distribution between these two ethnic groups, the formation, changes, and the scale of their khiam, and their ethnic identity all show the local and ethnic characteristics of the khiam on the Lanyan Plain.
My research methods i.e. general surveys and further observations in local areas as well as analysis of historical records lead me to four discoveries:
1. What is khiam?
Khiam is an ethnically distinct religious system, every sub-groups of which in turns undertakes the responsibility to preside at the annual worship ceremonies. The term khiam stemmed from the Zhao’an Hakka language, which originally means “locus.”
2. Religious characteristics of the khiam
(a) Statistics of temples: There are forty-eight temples in the entire Yilan County that exercise the khiam. Besides, there are three other temples in which the khiam was once employed but is no longer performed today.
(b) Statistics of deities: Sanshan guowang (三山國王) are the most worshiped deities (15 temples); Sanguan dadi (三官大帝, 5 temples) and Kaitai guosheng (開台國聖, 5 temples) come in the next place. Sanshan guowang are much more often being worshiped than other deities.
(c) Ritual practices: in most temples, zhongyuan pudu (中元普渡) is considered as the major ritual of the khiam system.
(d) Types of formation: there are three types of formation of the khiam i.e. the primitive type (35 temples), the immigrant type (13 temples), and the vanishing type (3 temples).
3. Local distribution of the khiam
In terms of administrative divisions, there are most khiam systems in Dongshan. In terms of geographical features, more khiam systems appear in mountainous areas than in coastal areas, and more appear south than north to rivers, which, respectively, are distributed in band or are scattered.
4. Local distribution of the Zhao’an Hakka
(a) The Zhao’an Hakka people are intensively distributed in areas along the mountains, and apparently more to the south of rivers.
(b) Twenty-percent marks the average distributive density of Zhao’an Hakka, namely, high density areas refer to those villages in which the number of Zhao’an Hakka households is higher than 20% of the total household number. Villages in which the Zhao’an Hakka households account for less than 20% of the total number are defined as low density areas. It shows that high density areas centralize in Dongshan, Yuanshan, Jiaoxi, Zhuanwei, and a small part of Yilan City and Sanxin. Distribution in Xingzaidi also approximately coincides with the distribution of high density areas.
5. The relationship between the khiam and Zhao’an Hakka
(a) The primitive type of the khiam is positively interrelated to the population of Zhao’an Hakka. The lower the population density of the Zhao’an Hakka is, the greater is the variation in the types of the khiam.
(b) In terms of geographical distribution, the banding distribution of khiam temple community largely overlaps the high density Zhao’an Hakka areas.
This research, I wish, may contribute to broaden the vision of researches on religious spheres. Anthropologists and religion researchers have been placing disciple organizations, inter-temple relations, or traditions of ritual practices in the centrality of religious sphere research. Nonetheless, my adoption of ethnological methods and local studies in this thesis may push the discipline to probe into its other aspects such as the formation of villages in Taiwan and the distribution of ethnic groups. By means of cross comparison of historical records, documentations, maps, pedigrees, and fieldwork data, I attempt not only to clarify the local distribution of the khiam system but also disclose the substantiality of this ethnic group, and the cultural features of the traditional villages on the Lanyan Plain.
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Public Religions in Swedish Media : A Study of Religious Actors on Three Newspaper Debate Pages 2001-2011Axner, Marta January 2013 (has links)
This study addresses issues concerning religion in the public sphere, brought about by the debates over the perceived resurgence of religion and the post-secular. The aim is to analyze the participation of religious actors in the public, using three newspaper debate pages as the empirical material. Building on theories by Casanova, especially his concept of public religions, as well as mediatization theory and Habermas' writings on religion in the public sphere, 639 opinion pieces signed by religious actors were analyzed. The mixed-methods content analysis was conducted in two steps: first a quantitative overview of the religious actors published, to what extent and on what issues. The second step consisted of three qualitative case studies based on the results of the first step: an argument analysis of the debate over same-sex marriage; an exploration of the specific position of the Church of Sweden and the idea of the national church as a public utility; and finally a discourse analysis of articles by Jewish and Muslim authors. These were analyzed on the basis of criteria for public religions developed from Casanova’s theory and from the media logic of debate articles. While the results show no clear increase in the number of religious actors during the period under scrutiny, one notices a clear presence of Muslim and Jewish actors, eventhough Christians of varying denominations dominate the material. There are also clear differences between the different religions: minority religion contributions are limited in terms of issues and scope, while Christian groups write about more varied issues. Muslims often relate to negative media discourse towards Islam, while Jewish signatories write on a limited number of themes closely related to the group itself. In many articles, one found a meta-debate over the place of religion in the public sphere even when specific issues were debated. The contribution of this dissertation is to critically discuss the concepts and assumptions underlying the debate over the place of religion in the public sphere. It stresses the importance of media perspectives as well as empirical studies for analyzing issues of authority, visibility, private/public and religion in late modern, mediated contexts. / The Impact of Religion - Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy
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L'Aufklärung kantienne : une quête d'autonomieVigneault-Bérubé, Alexandre 07 1900 (has links)
Michel Foucault fait remarquer qu’il y a dans la conception des Lumières européennes une tension entre la « croissance de l’autonomie » et la « croissance des capacités » par la science et la technique (Foucault, 1994, p. 83). Or, dans « Qu’est-ce que les Lumières? », Kant privilégie clairement le premier volet, l’autonomie, tel qu’en témoigne sa définition : « sortie de l’homme de l’état de minorité, où il se maintient par sa propre faute ». Force lui est toutefois d’admettre que l’autonomie qui s’exprime dans le « penser par soi-même » nécessite un accès à l’espace public, car la liberté de pensée implique la possibilité de publier ses opinions et de penser avec autrui. Le texte de Kant évoque donc les conditions politiques permettant un libre accès au « public des lecteurs ». Il importe ainsi que le despote éclairé, en l’occurrence Frédéric le Grand, gouverne à tout le moins dans un esprit républicain en maintenant un espace public exempt de censure. Il importe en outre qu’il s’abstienne d’intervenir en matière religieuse. Ce n’est pas un hasard si le thème de la liberté de conscience religieuse occupe une large place dans le texte de Kant, car la tentation est grande pour l’autorité politique de bafouer cette liberté et d’instrumentaliser la religion à des fins politiques. / Michel Foucault pointed out that there is in the design of the European Enlightenment a tension between the "growing autonomy" and "growth capacity" by science and technology (Foucault, 1994, p. 83). Now, in "What is Enlightenment?" Kant clearly favors the first part, autonomy, as evidenced by its definition: "out of man's status as such, where he maintains through his own fault." It is bound to admit, however, that autonomy as expressed in the "think for yourself" requires access to public space, because freedom of thought implies the possibility of publishing one’s opinions and to think with others. Kant's text evokes the political conditions for free access to the "reading public". It is therefore important that the enlightened despot, namely Frederick the Great, ruled at least in a republican spirit by holding a public space free of censorship. It is also important that he should refrain from interfering in religious matters. It is no coincidence that the theme of freedom of religious conscience occupies a large place in Kant's text, because the temptation is great for political authority to violate this freedom and exploit religion for political purposes.
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Mimicking the Outer Coordination Sphere in [FeFe]-Hydrogenase Active Site Models : From Extended Ligand Design to Metal-Organic FrameworksPullen, Sonja January 2017 (has links)
Biomimetic catalysis is an important research field, as a better understanding of nature´s powerful toolbox for the conversion of molecules can lead to technological progress. [FeFe]-hydrogenases are very efficient catalysts for hydrogen production. These enzymes play a crucial role in the metabolism of green algae and certain cyanobacteria. Their active site consists of a diiron complex that is embedded in an interactive protein matrix. In this thesis, two pathways for mimicking the outer coordination sphere effects resulting from the protein matrix are explored. The first is the construction of model complexes containing phosphine ligands that are coordinated to the iron center as well as covalently linked to the bridging ligand of the complex. The effect of such linkers is an increased energy barrier for the rotation of the Fe(CO2)(PL3)-subunit, which potentially could stabilize a terminal hydride that is an important intermediate in the proton reduction cycle. The second pathway follows the incorporation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site model complexes into metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Resulting MOF-catalysts exhibit increased photocatalytic activity compared to homogenous references due to a stabilizing effect on catalytic intermediates by the surrounding framework. Catalyst accessibility within the MOF and the influence of the framework on chemical reactivity are examined in the work presented. Furthermore, an initial step towards application of MOF-catalysts in a device was made by interfacing them with electrodes. The work of this thesis highlights strategies for the improvement of biomimetic model catalysts and the knowledge gained can be transferred to other systems mimicking the function of enzymes.
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Parallelizable manifold compactifications of D=11 SupergravityGoranci, Roberto January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we present solutions of spontaneous compactifications of D=11, N=1 supergravity on parallelizable manifolds S^1, S^3 and S^7. In Freund-Rubin compactifications one usually obtains AdS vacua in 4D, these solutions usually sets the fermionic VEV's to zero. However giving them non zero VEV's allows us to define torsion given by the fermionic bilinears that essentially flattens the geometry giving us a vanishing cosmological constant on M_4. We further give an analysis of the consistent truncation of the bosonic sector of D=11 supergravity on a S^3 manifold and relate this to other known consistent truncation compactifications. We also consider the squashed S^7 where we check for surviving supersymmetries by analyzing the generalised holonomy, this compactification is of interest in phenomenology.
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Přístup ekonomických analytiků do agenturního zpravodajství ČTK a denního tisku / The Access of Economical Analysts to the Czech News Agency and daily PressPrůcha, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis, The Access of Economic Analysts to the Czech News Agency (CTK) and daily Press, researches the paths that analysts who provide economic news commentary utilize to access the CTK news and daily press. The thesis focuses on the impact on editors' daily routines of utilizing such sources. Further, the thesis focuses on the hierarchy of analysts' access to the news and delineates the relationship between the journalist and his sources. In the theoretical portion of the thesis, the author defines basic approaches to the study of news coverage, information sources in media contents, and organizational routines. The author presents Leon V. Sigal's three basic types of communication channels and draws on Paul Manning's source theory. In the ensuing chapters, the author discusses the rules of source selection and the relationship shifts between journalists and their sources. Further, he elucidates Jürgen Hagerman's concept of "public sphere," Antonio Gramsci's Theory of the Hegemonic Media, and Noam Chomsky's and Edward S. Herman's propaganda model. The research portion of the thesis is based on the author's in-depth interviews with eight economic analysts. Based on his research data, he explores in detail the relationship between the news agency journalist and his source. In conclusion, the author...
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Euroskepticismus a jeho rámcování v českém denním tisku / The framing of eurscepticism in the czech pressRosenfeldová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Framing of euroscepticism in the Czech daily press" deals with political communication about the European Union realized in the czech daily press (namely MF DNES, Právo and Hospodářské noviny) during three events which were essential fot the Czech republic. It was referendum (2003), signing of Lisbon Treaty (2009) and signing of ESM (2013). It focuses on quality and europeanisation of public debate and its changes within this events. It also investigates how eurosceptic actors and and oponions are represented. It is trying to examine what are their possibilities of participating in public debate and identify attitudes of individual tituls. Research methods are quantitative analysis plus frame analysis. It also treats (in theoretical part) concepts like political communication (generally and on the european level), european public sphere and also euroscepticism itself.
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