Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spouses"" "subject:"épouses""
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Anhörigstöd : Om tre fruar till personer med demenssjukdom, deras upplevelser av stöd och tre anhörigkonsulenters arbete med att stödjaOuld Bouamama Sundström, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The paper aims to examine how the wives of men with dementia experience their lives and how they perceive support from the society. The paper also aims to highlight the family care consultants´ work and views on support for families of people with dementia. Three spouses of people with dementia and three family care consultants were interviewed and the results were analyzed using Antonovsky's (1991) three theoretical concepts; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness that comes from his theory Sense of coherence. The results show that the three wives whose men suffered from dementia spend most of their time, effort and energy on their husbands. They do not have time to think about their own needs and what support they feel they could use for themselves. They do not think about themselves as caregivers, they are spouses. Family care consultants are well aware of the importance of meeting and see the relatives in their lives, and denounces the importance of a support designed individually. Family care consultants understand that the most important and the best support society can provide a family care giver is that their close ones are well taken care of and given good care.
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外籍配偶子女自我概念、生活適應與學業成就關係之研究--以桃園縣國中學生為例吳孟娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用問卷調查法,係以就讀桃園縣公立國中外籍配偶子女為研究對象,採立意抽樣共取樣 536人,有效問卷508份,回收率95.67%。測量工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「學業成就」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」等四部分。依據所得資料,主要運用描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多變項變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。
最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供家長、教育工作者及未來研究參考之用。 / The purpose of this research aims to investigate the correlations among self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement of foreign spouses’ children. There are seven main objectives: (1) to find out and analyze self-concept and life adjustment of foreign spouses’ children in junior high school nowadays; (2) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their self-concept with different background variables; (3) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their life adjustment with different background variables; (4) to make careful inquiry about the variation of their academic achievement with different background variables; (5) to realize the correlations among their self-concept, life adjustment and academic achievement; (6) to employ self-concept and life adjustment as variables to predict their academic achievement; (7) to draw a conclusion of the research and propose concrete suggestions as references for the related policies of governmental organizations and academic studies.
This research used the questionnaire survey method and chose foreign spouses’ children who study in Taoyuan junior high school as objectives. The research selected 536 students as purposive samples in which 508 questionnaires were returned, yielding a 95.67% response rate. The measurement applied in this study includes “Personal Information Survey”, “Academic Achievement”, “Self-Concept Scale” and “Life Adjustment Scale”. According to the collected data, the hypothesis of the research is verified by the statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, multi-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.
The findings of this research are illustrated as follow:
1.On the whole, the degree of self-concept that foreign
spouses’ children have is above the average. They have
the highest degree of school-self, the lowest degree of
physical-self. The background variables (including sex,
grade, their father’s education level, economic status,
parenting style, and school region) act significant
differences on their self-concept.
2.In general, the life adjustment of the foreign spouses’
children lies under the average level. Their
interpersonal adjustment works the best within this
variable whereas the school adjustment performs the
worst. The background variables (including sex, economic
status, parenting style and school region) act
significant differences on their life adjustment.
3.The academic achievement of junior high school students
born of foreign spouses shows the best performance in the
subject, Chinese. On the contrary, they present the worst
in mathematics. The background variables (including sex,
grade, their father’s education level, their mother’s
education level, economic status, and parenting style of
parenting style) act significant differences on academic
4.As for the degree of the self-concept the foreign
spouse’ children in junior high school have, the higher
degree of their self-concept leads to the better
performance of their life adjustment. At the level of
life, personal, school, family and interpersonal
adjustment show significant differences.
5.The self-concept within which consists of family, school
and moral self shows significant differences from the
academic achievement of Chinese, English and mathematics.
The higher scores of family, school and moral self they
have at the level of self-concept will cause better
academic achievement.
6.The better their life adjustment and its components (the
personal, family, school and interpersonal adjustment)
act, the higher academic achievements they possess in
Chinese, English and mathematics. There are significant
differences between the level of life adjustment
(personal, family, school, interpersonal adjustment) and
academic achievements of Chinese, English, and
7.The better interpersonal adjustment the foreign spouses’
children have, the better they show their academic
achievement in mathematics and Chinese. It has also been
revealed that they present better interpersonal
adjustment and better achievement in mathematics if they
understand their family self better.
8.While predicting Chinese academic achievement of foreign
spouse’ children, the research shows the best
predictable variable is school adjustment which can
explain and forecast the degree of accuracy at the rate
of 8.7%. Besides, at the level of predicting English
academic achievement, the best predictable variable is
parenting which can describe and foretell the degree of
accuracy at the rate of 9%. As to the prediction for
mathematics academic achievement, the best predictable
variable is also parenting which can predict accurately
at the rate of 4.8%.
Finally, according to the results of the research, I propose specific suggestions for the parents, educators and future researchers are proposed subject as a reference resource.
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Kärnfamilj, skenäktenskap och kulturellt våld : Regeringens syn på kvinnor och män som anhöriginvandrare till Sverige vid millennieskiftet 2000. / Domestic violence, Gender and Family Immigration : The governmental view of women and men as family immigrates to Sweden in the end of the 1990’s.Hultin, Carolina January 2015 (has links)
Sweden has been a country of immigration since the Second World War. The asylum immigration is regulated by international law, the immigration of employees’ works through guidelines from the European Union. The immigration left for regulations from the government is the family immigration, which xenophobic parties want to increase. The immigration reaches a high level in the 1990’s. As the social democratic government is trying to keep the immigration controlled media is criticizing the regulations of immigration. Since the 1970´s probation of 2 years is needed for relation immigrants in order to minimize abuse. This rule might force women to stay in violent relationships due to fear of being sent back home, if they make a report to the police. The government faces the problem with the proposition 1999/2000:43, which is analyzed in this thesis with the goal to reveal the underlying values regarding the view of women, men and violence. Focusing on gender Carol Lee Bacchi’s discourse analythical method “What’s the ‘problem’ represented to be?” is used.
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Le processus d'adaptation de conjoints dont la femme est atteinte d'un cancer de l'ovaireBourgeois, Line 04 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de cerner, à partir de leur propre point de vue, la trajectoire d’adaptation de conjoints dont l’épouse est atteinte d’un cancer de l’ovaire. Une approche qualitative, la théorisation ancrée, a été utilisée dans le cadre de cette recherche. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide d'entretiens semi-structurés effectués auprès de neuf
conjoints qui accompagnaient leur épouse lors de leurs traitements dans une unité
montréalaise ultra-spécialisée de soins pour les cancers gynécologiques. Nos résultats
font ressortir qu’une fois passé le choc de l’annonce du diagnostic, nos répondants se
ressaisissent et élaborent toute une série de stratégies de protection pour leur épouse et eux-mêmes, puis d’attaque de la maladie. Au bilan, pour eux, le cancer se révèle une
expérience « transformante» aux plans personnel, conjugal et social. Les contrastes
observés entre nos résultats et ceux des études antérieures, qui insistent sur le désarroi de conjoints, peuvent être expliqués par la prise en charge efficace de la femme par le réseau de la santé, qui valorise le rôle du conjoint et qui l’outille pour accompagner son épouse.
S’ajoutent à cela la force du lien conjugal, trempé par les épreuves passées, certains traits de personnalité des conjoints et l'action du réseau de soutien personnel.
En regard de la pratique infirmière, notre recherche met en évidence le bien-fondé des
politiques soutenant l’intégration des familles dans les plans de soins et les retombées positives d’une approche concertée entre tous les intervenants de la santé. Répéter une telle étude dans d'autres institutions du réseau de la santé permettrait de cerner encore plus finement son impact sur l’adaptation de conjoints à la maladie. / This research focuses on how nine men recall their adaptation trajectory to their spouses’
ovarian cancer. The qualitative analysis made use of the grounded theory approach; semistructured interviews were conducted with husbands accompanying their spouses during their treatments in an ultra-specialized unit for gynaecological cancers in a Montreal hospital. Our results show that after the initial shock initiated by the announcement, the respondents develop a set of strategies, first to protect their wives and themselves, and then to attack the illness. Accompanying their wives through the experience of cancer proves to be, for the husbands, a transformative experience at all levels: personal,conjugal, and social. The perceived efficacy of the health network and its preoccupation with the husband’s caretaker role may explain the sharp contrast we observe between results from the literature, insisting on the husbands’ helplessness in such a context, and our data, which underline their fighting spirit. Other factors identified are the strength of
the conjugal link, forged in common ordeals, personality traits of both husbands and
wives, and support from their personal network. Concerning nursing practice, this research suggests that the importance and the support given by the health professionals to the family caregivers is of utmost importance for the couple’s quality of life throughout this experience. Besides, the coordination of the health professionals, throughout the women’s illness, is crucial in diminishing the anxiety linked to the cancer diagnosis. The duplication of such a study in other cancer care units would allow a finer analysis of the impact the health network can have on the adaptation of both spouses to illness.
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The PCH doors swing both ways: the experiences of older women whose husbands have moved to a personal care homePancoe, Colette 31 March 2011 (has links)
This qualitative exploratory research study examined the experiences of older women (over age 55) whose husbands had been admitted to a personal care home (PCH) in Winnipeg, Manitoba within the previous twelve (12) months. In-depth, semi-structured, one-on-one interviews were conducted with six (6) women. Socialist feminist and feminist caregiving theoretical frameworks along with narrative analysis were used gain insight into the participants’ needs surrounding their experiences of the admission. Findings include the fact that changes in women’s formal and informal supports began occurring years before their husbands’ admissions. The all-encompassing role as caregiver for their families continued to be central in their lives even after the admission. While women met their material and emotional needs through a range of formal and informal services, the participants were more likely to see needs met through informal means. Themes emerging from the research included those of guilt, entitlement, obligation, and reciprocity.
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Hustruers oplevelse af det postoperative forløb efter ægtefællens prostataoperation / Spouses experience with the postoperative period after prostatic operationMogensen, Karin January 2006 (has links)
Indlæggelsestiden i forbindelse med kirurgi er blevet kortere. Der er meget lidt viden om, hvordan den umiddelbare postoperative periode forløber. Formålet med undersøgelsen har været at vurdere om korte hospitalsforløb hos patienter, der er opereret for forstørret prostata, bevirker at de pårørende overtager en del af plejen, at undersøge om der kommer en øget belastning på andre dele af sundhedsvæsenet, samt at få en viden om hvordan patienterne har det i de første uger efter operationen. Der er foretaget kvalitative interviews med ti hustruer. Til analyse af interviewene er brugt den fænomenologiske metode, beskrevet af Giorgi og Karlsson. På baggrund af disse interviews er der udarbejdet et spørgeskema, som er udsendt til alle hustruer, hvis ægtefælle i perioden november 2004 til maj 2005 er blevet prostataopereret. Resultaterne fra spørgeskemaundersøgelsen blev sat ind i en access database. Resultatet viser at den første postoperative periode er præget af mange vandladningsgener så som inkontinens, hyppige vandladninger, blødning og urinstop. Gener som også belaster hustruerne. Hustruerne følte sig usikre på om efterforløbet var normalt, og de manglede viden om, hvor de kunne henvende sig med problemer. / The length of stay at hospital after surgery has shortened. Little is known about the immediate post-surgery period. The aim of this study is to assess whether spouses have to take active care of their husbands and to assess if the burden of other part of the health service increases as a result of early discharge after prostatic surgery. Furthermore, the study intends to increase the knowledge about how patients experience the first postoperative weeks. Initially qualitative interviews were conducted with ten spouses. The Phenomological method described by Giorgi and Karlsson was used for analysing the interviews. Based on the experience of this, a questionnaire was prepared and sent to all spouses of patients who had undergone prostatic surgery between November 2004 and May 2005. The results of the questionnaires were put into an access database. The principal finding is that many patients during the first postoperative period experience various urinary problems such as incontinence, frequency, haematuria, and urinary retention. Problems which negatively impacted on the spouses. Furthermore, the spouses were uncertain whether it was common to experience these problems, and they did not know whom to contact when in need of support / <p>ISBN 91-7997-152-0</p>
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The PCH doors swing both ways: the experiences of older women whose husbands have moved to a personal care homePancoe, Colette 31 March 2011 (has links)
This qualitative exploratory research study examined the experiences of older women (over age 55) whose husbands had been admitted to a personal care home (PCH) in Winnipeg, Manitoba within the previous twelve (12) months. In-depth, semi-structured, one-on-one interviews were conducted with six (6) women. Socialist feminist and feminist caregiving theoretical frameworks along with narrative analysis were used gain insight into the participants’ needs surrounding their experiences of the admission. Findings include the fact that changes in women’s formal and informal supports began occurring years before their husbands’ admissions. The all-encompassing role as caregiver for their families continued to be central in their lives even after the admission. While women met their material and emotional needs through a range of formal and informal services, the participants were more likely to see needs met through informal means. Themes emerging from the research included those of guilt, entitlement, obligation, and reciprocity.
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Sleep and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure and their spouses : a descriptive and interventional study /Broström, Anders, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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The perils and possibilities in sharing one's past understanding the experience of disclosing childhood sexual abuse to a romantic partner /Del Castillo, Darren Michael. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-55).
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A share of the sacrifice, Newfoundland servicewives in the Second World WarLing, Katherine Anne January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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