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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The entrepreneurial intentions of academic researchers in an emerging knowledge economy

Sixholo, Joy 04 August 2012 (has links)
This study analysed the entrepreneurial intentions of academic researchers to create spinoffs in a country where the phenomenon of academic spinoffs is emerging. The study consisted of a quantitative analysis of entrepreneurial intentions, performed within the context of South Africa’s Higher Education Institutions and Science Councils.The study drew from psychological and entrepreneurship research on intentionality to measure the level of entrepreneurial intentions using specific determinants (entrepreneurial self-efficacy, personal networks, perceived role models, number of years spent at the academic institution, number of patents/ copyrights/ designs, type of research, and cooperation with industry) that characterise the emergence of academic entrepreneurial intentions that lead academics to the creation of spinoffs. The study also aimed to determine if there were differences in the entrepreneurial intentions between researchers in technical and non-technical fields of expertise.A quantitative online survey was conducted amongst researchers in higher education institutions and science councils, followed by data analysis using a multiple linear regression to measure the entrepreneurial intentions. Thereafter a determination of factors associated with the higher levels of intention and a comparison of the level of intentions was conducted between researchers from the two study groups using an analysis of coefficients and significance tests respectively.The study showed that the entrepreneurial intentions of researchers in South Africa were very low. It was also shown that entrepreneurial self-efficacy was the strongest predictor of academic entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore it was found that there was no significant difference in the entrepreneurial intentions between researchers in technical and non technical fields of expertise. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Emprendedores universitarios y spinups: El caso de startupv el ecosistema emprendedor de la Universitat Politècnica de València

Martínez Aceves, Daniel 16 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] UNIVERSITY ENTREPRENEURS AND SPINUPS: THE CASE OF STARTUPV, THE BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM AT THE UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA Presented by: Daniel Martínez Aceves Directed by: Dr. Ignacio Gil Pechuán & Dr. José Millet Roig Abstract: The format chosen to present this doctoral thesis is the compendium of publications. Each of the three selected articles provides new data to respond to the objectives and issues raised by the thesis: the characterization of the university entrepreneur and the firms that are generated by entrepreneurial university ecosystems. The compendium begins with a general analysis based on an international sample of 12 countries and 20,000 graduates, and ends with a particular case study of entrepreneurs linked to a local university ecosystem. Describing the different characteristics that exist among young university entrepreneurs, self-employed workers and employees at an international level, as well as identifying their competences is the objective of the first article. The second contribution focuses on the gender-related differences among entrepreneurs, identifying their motivation for undertaking new enterprises and establishing their potential differences The most significant differences in gender are closely related to conciliating work and personal/family life. Result from the third article show that universities can play a determining role in the generation of future high-growth firms. The study concludes that future research must contribute more data in order to continue to define a new concept in newly created firms: the spinup or university gazelle; a businesses founded at a university which is halfway between a startup and a spinoff company. Universities are natural incubators for projects that can help to solve social challenges and improve society. The objective of future research in this sense, should be to improve our understanding and analysis of the common characteristics that can be extrapolated to other ecosystems, which implies a sizeable challenge given the unique, inimitable nature of entrepreneurial ecosystems. / [ES] EMPRENDEDORES UNIVERSITARIOS Y SPINUPS: EL CASO DE STARTUPV, EL ECOSISTEMA EMPRENDEDOR DE LA UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA Presentada por: Daniel Martínez Aceves Dirigida por: Dr. Ignacio Gil Pechuán y Dr. José Millet Roig Resumen: El formato elegido para presentar la tesis es el de compendio de publicaciones. Cada uno de los tres artículos seleccionados, aporta nuevos datos a los objetivos y preguntas que se plantea esta tesis: caracterizar al emprendedor universitario y las empresas que se generan en los ecosistemas emprendedores universitarios. Se parte de un análisis general con una muestra internacional de 12 países y 20.000 egresados, para, posteriormente, concluir con un estudio de un caso concreto de emprendedores vinculados a un ecosistema universitario local. Describir las características diferenciales existentes entre los jóvenes emprendedores universitarios, los autónomos y los trabajadores a nivel internacional así como sus competencias es el objetivo del primer artículo. El segundo artículo, pretende identificar y analizar las posibles diferencias de género existentes entre los emprendedores en lo relativo a las motivaciones para crear una empresa y en la conciliación de la vida laboral y personal. Los resultados del tercer artículo, ponen de manifiesto que las universidades pueden tener un papel determinante en la generación de futuras empresas de alto crecimiento. En este último artículo se plantea un nuevo concepto de empresa, las "spinups", empresas fundadas en ecosistemas emprendedores universitarios que se encuentran entre las startups, las spinoffs y las empresas gacela. Las universidades son incubadoras naturales de proyectos de empresa, que en muchos casos pueden contribuir a la mejora de la sociedad. El objetivo de las futuras investigaciones debe ir dirigido hacia la comprensión y el análisis de las características comunes que puedan ser extrapolables a otros ecosistemas, lo cual supone un importante reto ya que los ecosistemas emprendedores son únicos e irrepetibles. / [CAT] EMPRENEDORS UNIVERSITARIS I SPINUPS: EL CAS DE STARTUPV, L'ECOSISTEMA EMPRENEDOR DE LA UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA Presentada per: Daniel Martínez Aceves Dirigida per: Dr. Ignacio Gil Pechuán i Dr. José Millet Roig Resum: El format triat per a presentar la tesi és el de compendi de publicacions. Cadascún dels tres articles seleccionats, aporta noves dades als objectius i les preguntes que es plantega aquesta tesi: caracteritzar l'emprenedor universitari i les empreses que es generen en els ecosistemes emprenedors universitaris. Es parteix d'una anàlisi general amb una mostra internacional de 12 països i 20.000 egressats; per a, posteriorment, concloure amb un estudi d'un cas concret d'emprenedors vinculats a un ecosistema universitari local. Descriure les característiques diferencials existents entre els joves emprenedors universitaris, els autoempleats - els autònoms i els treballadors a nivell internacional així com les seues competències és l'objectiu del primer article. El segon, es centra en les diferències de gènere dels emprenedors, identificant les motivacions que porten a les emprenedores i als emprenedors a crear una empresa i veure les possibles diferències. Les diferències de gènere més significatives apareixen en la forma d'afrontar la conciliació de la vida laboral i personal. Els resultats del tercer article, posen de manifest que les universitats poden tindre un paper determinant en la generació de futures empreses d'alt creixement. Així i tot, futures recerques han d'aportar més dades per a seguir definint un nou concepte, "spinup" o empresa gasela universitària, una empresa fundada en un ecosistema emprenedor universitari que es troba entre una startup i una spinoff. Les universitats són incubadores naturals de projectes que poden ajudar a solucionar reptes socials i millorar la societat. L' objectiu de les futures recerques ha d'anar dirigit cap a la comprensió i anàlisi de les característiques comunes que puguen ser extrapolables a altres ecosistemes, la qual cosa suposa un important repte ja que els ecosistemes emprenedors són únics i irrepetibles. / Martínez Aceves, D. (2016). Emprendedores universitarios y spinups: El caso de startupv el ecosistema emprendedor de la Universitat Politècnica de València [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64079 / TESIS

Building a design system for a startup : A case study exploring how an open-source component library can assist a start-up in the creation of a design system

Häger, Erik January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a deeper understanding of the potential benefits of using an open-source library when building a design system. The thesis uses a research through design approach in three steps; (1) identifying what a design system contains and the possible advantages of using one. (2) Building a design system based on an open-source library. (3) Evaluate how the new design system performs by comparing its performance to the possible advantages identified in step (1). In the result chapter, the design system is presented, and the design is motivated based on the brand identity. The discussion evaluates what pros and cons it might bring to use an open-source design system compared to the general advantages of design systems mentioned in the literature. It also evaluates the process and provides knowledge for anyone wanting to use an open-source design system. In the conclusion, this thesis argues that itis useful and time-saving for any company to use an open-source library when it comes to simpleand often recurring components. However, since every application solves specific problems, the creation of unique components is inevitable. Using already designed components could also limit the ideation process since the designer already have a toolkit to use when solving problems.

Riskkapitalbolags riskbedömning av startups med produkt som tjänst / Venture Capital Firms Risk Assessment of Startups with Product as a Service

Ekman, Oscar, Lidengren, Calle January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Affärsmodeller som integrerar hållbarhet i verksamheten blir allt vanligare i dagens samhälle. Ett sätt att göra detta på är genom att förena produktförsäljning med tjänstefiering, vilket resulterar i konceptet produkt som tjänst (PST). För nya företag är ofta riskkapitalbolag ett attraktivt finansieringsalternativ och utgör därmed en betydande roll som möjliggörare för affärsmodeller av denna karaktär. Frågan är hur riskkapitalbolag i sin riskbedömning utvärderar startups med PST. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att bidra med ökad förståelse för riskkapitalbolags riskbedömning. Vidare är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur riskkapitalbolag utvärderar startups med - produkt som tjänst (PST) - i sin riskbedömning? Genomförande: Denna studie är av en kvalitativ karaktär med en abduktiv ansats som bygger på fyra intervjuer med fyra riskkapitalbolag. Respondenterna arbetar i företag som investerar riskkapital i startups. Respondenterna har valts för att få en insyn i hur riskkapitalbolags riskbedömning genomförs. Värdedrivare och finansiella barriärer för PST har applicerats på den riskbedömning som respondenterna redogjort för. Slutsats: Studien visar på att riskkapitalbolag inte har en specifik riskbedömning för företag med högre hållbarhet, utan de bedöms efter samma kriterier som traditionella affärsmodeller. Däremot kan PST med dess värdedrivare och finansiella barriärer visa på både styrkor och svagheter i riskkapitalbolags riskbedömning. / Background: Business models which integrates sustainability in their business becomes more common today. For new business venture capital is often an attractive financing alternative and therefor constitutes a significant role as an enabler for these businesses. Thequestion is how venture capital firms in their risk assessment evaluate these startups. Purpose: This study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of venture capital firms risk assessment. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine how venture capital firms evaluate startups with product as a service in their risk assessment. Completion: This study is of a qualitative structure with an abductive approach that builds on four interviews from four different venture capital firms. The interviewees all work infirms that invest venture capital in startups. They have been chosen to gain insight in the risk assessment of venture capital firms. Value drivers and financial barriers related to PaaS have been applied to the risk assessment that the interviewees have described. Conclusion: The paper shows that venture capital firms does not have a specific risk assessment for companies with a higher grade of sustainability, instead they are assessed on the same basis as traditional business models. PST can however, with its value drivers and financial barriers, display both strengths and weaknesses in the risk assessment conducted by venture capital firms.

Založení internetového startupu v mezinárodním prostředí / Creating an Internet Startup in International Environment

Komenda, Zdeněk January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with an online startup project Tigeroy.ru, which I founded from a reason to make alternative education in real life more popular and easier to find on Russian market during 2012. The team behind the project has already spent some time with development of the application and it is now faced up to a question what to do with the startup. In the thesis, I focus on the product development from the initial idea to the current situation. I analyse all the mistakes which we have made until now and offer further steps and a plan how to continue in developing the project in future. As the result of the thesis, there is also a proposal of a business plan which is created for the purpose of informing a potential investor about the project.

Inteligentní nákupní lístek / Intelligent Shopping List

Doubek, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with creating of unique shopping lists management application and we used the newest startup techniques and principles during its development. All our hypotheses were tested by early adopters and the new courses of development were based on their feedback. The result of this thesis is a mobile application for Android operating system which is placed on Google Play market and two its components which will extend the application on the market. The main component is inteligent sorting of items on the shopping list by the supermarket model, which is created from last purchases in this supermarket. The second one is web application enabling us send new shopping lists to the mobile device.

Řízení rizik inovačních aktivit / Risk Management of Innovation Activities

Divoká, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with risk management of innovative activities of Oscar Tech, s.r.o. Elementary theoretical background associated with risks and innovations is described in the first part of the thesis. Oscar Tech, Inc. and its planned product innovation is described in the analytical part. Consequently analysis using selected methods are performed and risks are identified using brainstorming method and outcomes of the analysis. These risks are evaluated using Scoring method. Proposals for risk elimination are suggested in the last chapter.

Server pro recenzování programů Work and Travel / Server for Reviewing Work and Travel Programs

Bambušek, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is a documentation covering complete design process of a web server for reviewing Work and Travel programs and other opportunities for working and travelling abroad, mainly focused on young people. It describes not only the concept of the user interface and application implementation, but also a business plan for running the website and making it pro table. This project called GapPacker is intended as a start-up, aggregating various programs and articles from the world of Work and Travel and its main income will come from paid clicks through to registrations or websites of providers o ering the programs. After its introduction on the Czech market, it has ambitions to expand to other European markets.

Exploration of virtual incubators and development of incubator services for digital entrepreneurship : Receiving Entrepreneurial support from anywhere in the world? / Utforskande av virtuella inkubatorer och utveckling av inkubatortjänster för digitalt entreprenörskap : Få företagarstöd från var som helst i världen?

Mörke, Oscar, Swensson, Karl-Philip Michael January 2020 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is frequently linked together with aspects of economic growth and development. In the last 40 years, an increasing number of incubators and service providers have been created to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation. However, in the increasingly globalized and digitalized world, few virtual and digital initiatives have successfully been studied to encourage and facilitate entrepreneurship. This study aims to understand further how digital and virtual products and services can aid entrepreneurs in venture creation and potentially add to an updated and broader understanding of the potential in a virtual incubator program. By looking at three categories of entrepreneurial support actors, traditional public incubators, private incubators, and digital service providers. 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain more in-depth knowledge of how they operate. More specifically, this study is conducted with actors that share the vision to assist startup in their initial phase and create a deeper understanding of what the incubator offers to startups and the possibility to adapt and improve their process using digital tools and external partnerships. Results indicate that the use of digital tools is varied. Incubators are leaning towards relying more on social media for reaching potential entrepreneurs and ideas, and further that a factor of validating every aspect of the startup is essential to promote success. The incubator mainly acts as a mediator of network, funding, coaching, and finding talents has during the COVID-19 pandemic moved most of their activities from physical to online. The issue of trust-building is, however, still prominent, and the incubators are looking for ways and tools to improve on this issue. Implications of this study have the potential to lower barriers to entrepreneurship, where entrepreneurial support becomes less dependent on their local ecosystem and geographical factors. Future research is encouraged to classify virtual incubators and a further look at specific cases and pursuit more longitudinal studies to fully understand the potential effects and implications. This study contributes to the field of incubators and entrepreneurial support and the ongoing digital paradigm shift.

Den Nätverkande Inkubatorn : En kvalitativ studie om företagsinkubation och nätverkande som en väg mot rikt socialt kapital

Al Halabi, Danni January 2020 (has links)
A great challenge for startup companies is the lack of market knowledge and access to resources. Knowledge and resources can be acquired through networking, however, as many startup companies are young and unknown, they have difficulties establishing themselves in relevant networks. Incubators have for many years been an important instrument for the development of new companies and regional development. One important segment incubators offers startup companies is the access to a network. Networking establishes connections and strengthens relationships, which promotes a richer social capital. The purpose of the study is studying which factors of an incubator that impacts a startup companies’ development of social capital through networking and the challenges associated with networking. The underlying idea in the study is that the association with an incubator can strengthen the startup company’s legitimacy and develop the startup company's social capital by offering access to a network. For a young and unknown company, legitimacy and trust are important elements for network establishment. Young companies that are run by founders without previous qualifications often lack legitimacy and become just one of many others who tries to be heard in the startup business noise. The study uses a qualitative approach and three semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from two incubator firms and one industry organization that specializes in networking. The data was analyzed through a deductive thematic analysis. The theoretical field which the study is based on comes from theories within the business administration field and concerning entrepreneurship, organizational networks, business incubators and the creation of social capital within an organizational environment. The study finds that the association with an incubator can increase the company's legitimacy in the form of competency-based trust, which is based on knowledge or involvement with another actor. However, the study finds trust that is based on the founder’s reputation and past experience has a greater legitimating effect compared to only being associated with an incubator. The study also finds that the network an incubator makes available to startup companies consist of a network within the incubators own ecosystem. Network ties consist of specialized mentors with a recognized good level of knowledge within a certain or several fields, as well as incubator management, which can be interpreted as, the incubator offers a qualitative social capital which startup companies can acquire knowledge and resources from.  The study finds that aspiring Born Global founders who wants access to an international network should first review what type of network the incubator can offer. The study identifies the challenges associated with networking through an incubator. Internal networking is challenged by competition between companies, a perception that networking does not add any value, and fear of accidentally sharing technological secrets, which shifts companies from interacting and generating a richer social capital to become isolated or more focused on already established contacts the founder trusts. Challenges linked to networking with mentors includes the lack of truthfulness and complete transparency. Challenges linked to external networking outside the incubator’s ecosystem may include stakeholder recommendations to only network within the incubator's own ecosystem. / En stor utmaning för startupbolag är bristen på marknadskunskaper och tillgång till resurser. Kunskaper och resurser kan förvärvas genom nätverkande, men då många startupbolag är unga och okända har de svårt att etablera sig i relevanta nätverk. Inkubatorer har i många år varit ett viktigt instrument för att utveckla nyföretagande och regional utveckling. En viktig del inkubatorn erbjuder startupbolag är tillgången till ett nätverk.Genom nätverkande etableras förbindelser och stärks relationer, vilket leder till ett rikare socialt kapital. Studiens syfte är att studera vilka faktorer hos en inkubator som påverkar utvecklingen av socialt kapital genom nätverkande och de utmaningar som föreligger med nätverkande. Den bakomliggande idén i studien är att associationen med en inkubator kan stärka startupbolagets legitimitet samt utveckla startupbolagets sociala kapital genom att inkubatorn erbjuder tillgång till ett nätverk. För det unga och okända bolaget är legitimitet och tillit viktiga faktorer för etablering i nätverk. Unga bolag som drivs av en entreprenör utan tidigare meriter saknar ofta legitimitet och blir därför en av många andra som försöker höras i bruset. Studien använder en kvalitativ ansats där tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer utförts med representanter från två inkubatorverksamheter och en branschorganisation som specialiserar sig på nätverkande. Data analyserades genom en deduktiv tematisk analys. Det teoretiska fältet som studien baserar sig kommer från teorier inom det företagsekonomiska fältet och rörande entreprenörskap, organisatoriska nätverk, företagsinkubatorer och skapandet av socialt kapital inom en organisatorisk miljö.Studien finner att medlemskapet hos en inkubator kan höja startupbolagets legitimitet i form av kompetensbaserade tillit, vilket grundar sig på kunskaper eller involvering med en annan aktör. Studien finner dock att tillit som grundar sig på bolagsgrundarens tidigare erfarenheter och rykte på marknaden har en större legitimerande effekt jämfört med att endast ingå hos en inkubator. Studien finner även att nätverket inkubatorn gör tillgängligt för startupbolagen består av ett nätverk inom ramen av inkubatorprogrammets egna ekosystem. Nätverksförbindelser inkubatorn erbjuder består av specialiserade mentorer med erkänt goda kunskaper inom ett eller flera områden samt programmets ledning, vilket kan tolkas som att inkubatorn främjar utvecklingen av ett kvalitativt socialt kapital där nödvändiga kunskaper och resurser kan förvärvas.  Studien finner även att aspirerande Born Globals grundare som vill ha tillgång till ett internationellt nätverk först bör granska vilket typ av nätverk inkubatorn kan erbjuda. Studien identifierar de utmaningar som finns förknippat med nätverkande genom en inkubator. Det interna nätverkandet utmanas av konkurrens mellan bolag, uppfattningen att nätverkade inte tillför något värde, samt en rädsla för att råka dela med sig av teknologiska hemligheter, vilket skiftar bolagen från att interagera och utveckla ett rikare socialt kapital till att bli isolerade eller mer fokuserade på att endast nätverka med redan etablerade kontakter grundaren har tillit till. Hinder för nätverkande med mentorer omfattar avsaknaden av öppenhet och full transparens. Hinder kopplat till extern nätverkande utanför inkubatorns ekosystem kan innefatta rekommendationer från intressenter att endast nätverka inom inkubatorns egna ekosystem.

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