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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Value of Change : An event-study of Ownership Disclosures

Bergquist, Philip, Lindgren, Patrik, Persson, Olof January 2005 (has links)
Background: Recent business paper articles observe that stocks soar when there is a change in ownership. The clothing company JC climbed 26% when it was announced Torsten Jansson had increased his holdings. Daydream, a computer game developer, followed this trend increasing its market value by 17% on the news that TA Capital had increased its hold-ings. In these examples, the market learned of the changes in ownership through a press release created by the acquiring entity. These pieces of news, also known as ownership disclosures, is the target of this thesis. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether ownership disclosures result in abnormal stock price changes. Furthermore, the aim is to find out if there are any differ-ences in returns depending on who announced the ownership disclosure. In order to fulfil this purpose, a quantitative approach was used. Method: A random sample of 160 ownership disclosures is gathered. 77 of these are classified as passive- and 83 as active investors. For each of these pieces of news, 183 days of historical stock price data is retrieved. This data is then parsed through the market model event-study framework. Findings: Graphically analyzing the whole sample indicates that the market is not efficient in its strong form. The same is true when dividing the sample into passive- and active investors. Statistically, an abnormal return is confirmed for the active investors, but not for the whole sample or the passive investors. Conclusion: By looking at the price change effects of ownership disclosures, the Stockholm Stock Exchange O-list is determined to be efficient at the semi-strong level. The anomaly caused by active investors leads to the possibility of making a profit of 2.70% between day -1 and day +1 relative to the day of the ownership disclosure being sent out. It should be noted, though, that transaction costs and taxes are not taken into consideration.

Utbetalningspolitik i Sverige : En studie om utdelningar och återköp i svenska börsföretag / Payout policy in Sweden : A study of cash dividends and stock repurchases in Swedish listed firms

Andersson Skantze, Joel, Arvidson, Olle January 2014 (has links)
Följande uppsats undersöker hur svensk utbetalningspolitik har utvecklats under åren 1992-2012. Urvalet består av de företag som under våren 2014 var noterade på Stockholmsbörsens “Large”, “Mid” eller “Small Cap” lista. Återköpens andel av den totala utbetalningsandelen visar sig inte vara lika hög som andra internationella studier har visat. Det är istället utdelningarna som utgör merparten av de totala utbetalningarna. Däremot så har andelen företag som enbart delar ut minskat trots att utdelningarna ökat, vilket också styrks av resultat från tidigare studier. Lägre nettoresultat under finanskrisen följs av minskade utbetalningar under 2008-2009. Återköpen minskar under denna period markant till att i stort sätt utebli, vilket bekräftar tidigare studier. / This paper provides evidence on Swedish payout policy during the past 20 years (1992-2012). The sample data consists of companies that were listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE) “Large”, “Mid” or “Small Cap” list during spring 2014. We show that repurchases of shares still represents a small proportion of the total payout, which contradicts results from other international studies. The dividends therefore still constitute the bulk of the total payments. We document a drop in net income during the financial crisis followed by reduced payments during 2008-2009. Repurchases decrease significantly during this period to virtually absent; confirming previous studies that argue that repurchases are a more flexible payout method than dividends.

Long-term Abnormal Returns Following Share Repurchase Announcements : Do repurchasing firms outperform the market?

Lindgren, Daniel, Sjöberg, Petter January 2018 (has links)
We study the long-term performance of companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange that announced their intention to repurchase shares between the years of 2005 and 2013. We test the hypothesis that the market underreacts to share repurchase announcements and that repurchasing firms consequently outperform the market in the following years. We find that repurchasing firms yield a cumulative abnormal return of 15.76 percent, significant at the 1 percent level, over the four years following the announcement. To address the concern that microcaps may be driving the results, we also investigate the differences in abnormal returns between companies of different sizes. We form three portfolios based on market capitalization and find that the large, medium-sized and small companies yield 14.34 percent, 20.13 percent and 6.61 percent respectively. / Vi studerar den långsiktiga avvikelseavkastningen för företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen som annonserat aktieåterköp mellan åren 2005 och 2013. Vi testar hypotesen att marknaden underreagerar på dessa annonseringar och att aktieåterköpande företag överpresterar marknaden de nästkommande åren. Vi finner att företag som återköper aktier ger en kumulativ abnormal avkastning på 15,76 %, signifikant på enprocentsnivån, under fyra år efter att företaget annonserat ett aktieåterköpsprogram. För att bemöta kritik mot tidigare anomaliforskning om att microcaps ofta snedvrider resultaten, undersöker vi skillnader i avvikelseavkastning mellan företag i olika storlek. Vi skapar tre portföljer baserat på företagens marknadsvärde och finner att stora, mellanstora och små företag genererar en kumulativ avvikelseavkastning på 14,34 %, 20,13 % samt 6,61 %.

Myten om den effektiva marknaden? : Empirisk studie av ”Dogs of the Dow”-strategin och investeringar i stabila utdelningsbolag på Stockholmsbörsen / The Myth of the Efficient Market? : Empirical Study of the ”Dogs of the Dow” strategy and Investing in Companies with Stable Dividend Payouts on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

Andreassen, Per, Nohlgren, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Investerare har försökt slå marknaden så länge kapitalmarknader har funnits. En investeringsstrategi som använts är ”Dogs of the Dow”. Investeringsstrategin bygger på att investera i de bolagen med högst utdelningsandel. Vedertagna ekonomiska teorier förespråkar även att investeringar i stabila utdelningsbolag ger möjlighet att generera riskjusterad överavkastning. Det finns idag motstridiga bevis från olika aktiemarknader huruvida det går att skapa riskjusterad överavkastning genom placeringar i högutdelande bolag. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det går att skapa högre riskjusterad avkastning än SIX Return Index (.SIXRX) genom att placera i de aktierna med högst direktavkastning på Stockholmsbörsen. Vidare syftar studien att undersöka både huruvida ”Dogs of the Dow”- strategin och en investeringsstrategi i stabila utdelningsbolag kan generera riskjusterad överavkastning jämfört med index på Stockholmsbörsen. GENOMFÖRANDE: Det skapas två portföljstrategier där den ena utgår från ”Dogs of the Dow” och den andra utgår från placeringar i stabila utdelningsaktier. Studien är en kvantitativ undersökning där data samlas in från välrenommerade databaser. Portföljerna innehåller tio bolag som rebalanseras varje år för att sedan justeras för risk och transaktionskostnader. SLUTSATS: Studien presenterar inga bevis för att det går att skapa riskjusterad överavkastning med utgångspunkt i ”Dogs of the Dow”-strategin på Stockholmsbörsen. Däremot visar studien att det med hjälp av placeringar i stabila utdelningsbolag går att skapa riskjusterad överavkastning på Stockholmsbörsen men utan statistiskt signifikans. / BACKGROUND: Investors have been trying to beat the market for as long as capital markets have existed. An investment strategy used to outperform the market is “Dogs of the Dow”. The investment strategy is based on investing in the companies with the highest dividend yield. Economic theories argue that investments in companies with stable dividend payouts are able to create risk-adjusted excess returns. There are contradictory evidence from different markets whether it is possible to earn risk-adjusted excess return through high-yield investments. PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether it is possible to earn higher risk- adjusted returns than the SIX Return Index (.SIXRX) through investing in the highest dividend yield companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study aims to investigate whether the “Dogs of the Dow” strategy and an investment strategy in companies with stable dividend payouts can generate risk-adjusted excess return compared to the SIX Return Index. COMPLETION: There are two portfolio strategies, one of which is based on ”Dogs of the Dow” and the other is based on investments in companies with stable dividend payouts. The quantitative study collects data from reputable databases. The portfolios contain ten companies that are rebalanced each year and the returns are adjusted for risk and transaction costs. CONCLUSION: The study presents no evidence that it is possible to earn risk-adjusted excess return with the “Dogs of the Dow” strategy on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. However, the study shows that investments in companies with stable dividend payouts can earn risk-adjusted excess return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange but without statistical significance.

Irrationellt beteende på Stockholmsbörsen : En studie om alfabetiskt bias / Irrational behavior on the Stockholm Stock Exchange : A study about alphabetical bias

Celepli, Rodi, Chaniev, Zelimhan January 2018 (has links)
I allmänhet anges merparten av aktielistor i alfabetisk ordning. Tidigare studier har visat att investerare tenderar att handla aktier som hamnar tidigt i aktielistan mer frekvent än aktie som förekommer sent i aktielistan. Forskning inom psykologi föreslår att individer som möter ett stort antal alternativ försöker hitta genvägar för att underlätta beslutsfattandet. Det leder till irrationellt beteende hos investeraren där den letar efter första acceptabla alternativet istället för att bearbeta all tillgänglig information som berör aktier i aktielistan. Därför när investeraren söker igenom aktielistan i alfabetisk ordning uppifrån och ner har tidigt placerade aktier större chans att bli valda. Vi kommer i denna uppsats undersöka om det finns ”alfabetiskt bias” på Stockholmsbörsen. Studien undersöker om det finns ett samband mellan aktiens placering i aktielistan och aktieomsättningshastighet eller Tobins Q. Vi undersöker också om det finns skillnad i marknadsvärde och namnflyt mellan aktier som förekommer tidigt på aktielistan och aktier som står sent på listan. Resultatet från studien har visat att aktier som kommer tidigt i aktielistan handlas mer frekvent (aktieomsättningshastighet) och erhåller högre Tobins Q än aktier som förekommer senare i aktielistan. Vidare visade vår undersökning att det inte finns skillnad i marknadsvärde eller namnflyt mellan tidigt och sent placerade aktier. Det innebär att det finns belägg för att aktielistor i alfabetisk ordning bidrar till irrationellt beteende hos investerare på Stockholmsbörsen. / In general, stock information is presented in alphabetical order by company name or ticker symbol. Previous studies have shown that investors tend to trade stocks that fall early in the stock list more frequently than stocks that are late in the stock list. Research in psychology suggests that individuals encountering a large number of options try to find shortcuts to facilitate decision making. This leads to irrational behavior, where investor is looking for the first acceptable alternative instead of processing all available information relative to shares in the stock list. Therefore, when the investor searches through stock list from top to bottom, early stocks have a greater chance of being selected. This study will investigate whether there is "alphabetical bias" on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study investigates whether there is a correlation between the stock's placement in the stock list and the stock turnover rate or Tobins Q. We also investigate whether there is a difference in market value and name fluency between shares that are listed early on the stock list and stocks that are presented late on the list. The result of the study has shown that stocks placed early in the stock list are traded more frequently (share turnover rate) and receive higher Tobins Q than shares that appear later in the stock list. Furthermore, our survey shows that there is no difference in market value or name fluency between early and late stocks. This means there is evidence that stock lists in alphabetical order contribute to irrational behavior among investors on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

Better safe than sorry : en empirisk studie av investeringsstrategier på Stockholmsbörsen och Micro-cap / Better safe than sorry : an empirical study of investment strategies on The Stockholm Stock Exchange and Micro-cap.

Ferretti Lundgren, Johannes, Saliuku, Alban January 2018 (has links)
År 2007-2008 inträffade finanskrisen vilket skapade oro på den finansiella marknaden. Oron återspeglades i antalet svenska aktieägare som minskade successivt fram till år 2014. Därefter fram till idag visar statistiken att svenska aktieägare blir fler för varje år som går. En förklaring är för att digitaliseringen har skapat enklare lösningar för privatpersoner att börja spara i aktier vilket ökar tillgängligheten och inflödet. Ett ökat intresse och en ökad tillgänglighet behöver dock inte innebära en ökad kunskap hos investerarna, vilket talar för att det är relevant att dels förmedla kunskap kring aktier men framförallt identifiera den bästa investeringsstrategin som kan vägleda investerare. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om värde- eller tillväxtinvestering ger högst avkastning på Stockholmsbörsen och Micro-cap under 2012-2016. Studien tillämpar en deduktiv ansats tillsammans med en kvantitativ forskningsmetod. För att kunna ta reda på den bästa investeringsstrategin på Stockholmsbörsen och Micro-cap har sekundärdata i form av nyckeltal samt kurshistorik samlats in, bearbetats och analyserats. Med hjälp av nyckeltalen P/E och P/B har aktier kunnat kategoriseras som värde- respektive tillväxtaktier. Vidare kunde portföljer skapas av respektive kategori för att sedan vara jämförbara med varandra. Resultatet visar på att investeringsstrategin värdeinvestering tenderar att prestera bäst. Värdeinvestering presterade bäst oavsett om portföljerna bestod av aktier enbart från Stockholmsbörsen eller både Stockholmsbörsen och Micro-cap. Resultatet som erhölls visade att tillväxtinvestering presterar betydligt högre avkastning än värdeinvestering oavsett börs/handelsplattform dock utsätts en investerares kapital för så pass hög risk med tillväxtinvestering att när studien riskjusterar avkastningen är det värdeinvestering som presterar bäst. / The financial crisis during 2007-2008 concerned investors internationally. The Swedish investors’ concern was reflected in the number of shareholders which decreased until 2014. From 2014 and until today the statistics shows that Swedish shareholders are increasing. One explanation could be the digitization that created solutions for investors to buy stocks more easily. But an increased availability does not necessarily mean that the knowledge also has increased. This is one of the reasons for the importance of spreading knowledge to investors and identify the best investment strategy for guidance. The purpose is to investigate the investment strategies value investing and growth investing. To find out the best investment strategy the thesis has used the two ratios P/E and P/B and historical share prices. The stocks that are included in this thesis is both from Stockholm Stock Exchange but also from Micro-cap. The thesis has used a quantitative research method when gathering all the necessary information and a deductive approach in relation to the theories. By using the presented ratios, the thesis could categories the stocks in the respective strategy. The superior investment strategy is value investing which tends to perform the best risk-adjusted return during the time 2012-2016. Value investing tends to perform the best return regardless if the portfolio contains only stocks from Stockholm Stock Exchange or both Stockholm Stock Exchange and Micro-cap. The result showed that growth investing had the most extreme returns and would have won if the result did not adjust for the risk taken.

The Financial Impact of having Women on the Board : A study on the gender composition of a board and its effect on a company's financial performance

Luhr, Carl, Ålund, Alice January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine if the gender composition of a board has an effect on a company’s financial performance by analyzing their operating margin and return on capital employed (ROCE). The study is based on a quantitative method, studying companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Previous research has not been studying the gender composition of boards of Swedish companies and its effect on the company's financial performance in regard to their operating margin and return on capital employed. Therefore, this study has examined that in order to draw a conclusion regarding its possible effects. The data that is collected will be used as support in the analysis in order to understand how the current composition and effects are connected. This study will contribute with knowledge for companies in Sweden regarding gender composition of boards and the possible effects on their financial performance. But also, as support for the ongoing discussion regarding board composition and the current inequality in gender representation. In conclusion the study shows that return on capital employed and the proportion of women in the board has a positive relationship. Meaning that the bigger proportion of women in a board, the better return on capital employed the company has. However, for operating margin there was not a significant relationship and therefore a conclusion regarding that cannot be made.

Börsnotering - En framgångssaga? : En kvantitativ studie om börsnoteringar och bolags finansiella prestation på Stockholmsbörsen

Ciftci, Daniella, Ibrahim, Céline January 2022 (has links)
Background: Research shows that there are incompatible outcomes for companies who have completed an Initial Public Offering, which entails difficulties in ascertaining what acompany's financial performance will look like after the Initial Public Offering. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether an Initial Public Offering resultsin an improvement or a deterioration in companies' financial performance in connection with a stock exchange listing on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the study's sub-question aims to examine whether the financial performance differs based on the size ofthe company, in connection with an Initial Public Offering.  Theory: This study is based on three theories; Window Dressing Theory, Agency CostTheory and Window Of Opportunity.  Method: The study has applied a quantitative method in combination with a deductive approach. Two financial ratios have been applied to examine the financial performance, which are; profit growth and return on equity.  Conclusion: The empirical result shows that an Initial Public Offering leads to a deterioration in profit growth for the entire sample, before in relation to after the listing. Furthermore, the size of the company turns out to have no effect on how the financial performance is affected in relation to an Initial Public Offering.

Det svarta guldet - oljans påverkan på den svenska aktiemarknaden : En ekonometrisk analys av oljans avkastning och volatilitet / The black gold - The impact of oil on the Swedish stock market : An econometric analysis of oil return and volatility

Uebel, Felicia, Berglin, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Research on the relationship between the oil market and the stock market has been a frequently discussed topic. Regarding the connection between oil and the stock market, there are different opinions about whether there is a relationship or not, therefore there is still room left for further research on the subject matter. In addition, none of the studies we could identify researched the Swedish stock market with the effect on different sectors separately at the stock market. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between the return- and volatility of the oil and how it affects the Swedish stock market. We will partly analyze the relationship between oil return and the specific sectors on the Swedish stock market while also studying the relationship with the stock market as a whole. Furthermore, we will also look at the connection between the oil volatility index (OVX) with regards to how it affects both the sectors and the Swedish stock market.  The method used in the study is quantitative consisting of two linear regression models which will be redesigned into two multiple regression models containing our control variables. The data which were used in the study was compiled into time-series data and the estimates were performed with OLS-estimations.  The result of the study was that no statistically significant relationship could be found between the Swedish stock market and oil return- and volatility. Furthermore, in the sectoral analysis, five sectors became statistically significant given their relationship to oil return. When examining the relationship between the oil volatility and the sectors on the Swedish stock market the result gained was three statistically significant sectors. Thus, there is no evidence for a statistically significant relationship between the Swedish stock market and the oil return- and volatility. However, we conclude that the oil return- and volatility have a sectoral effect on the Swedish stock market. / Forskning om relationen mellan oljans pris och aktiemarknaden har varit ett väl diskuterat ämne. Beträffande sambandet mellan oljan och aktiemarknaden råder det skilda meningar om huruvida det finns ett samband eller inte, därav finns det fortfarande utrymme för vidare forskning. Dessutom undersöker ingen av studierna vi identifierat den svenska aktiemarknaden och hur olika sektorer på marknaden påverkas enskilt.  Syftet med denna studie är att studera sambandet mellan avkastningen- och volatiliteten i oljan och hur det påverkar avkastningen på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Dels kommer vi att undersöka förhållandet mellan oljans avkastning och enskilda sektorer på Stockholmsbörsen, såväl som vi undersöker börsen i helhet. Vi kommer också att studera hur oljevolatilitetsindex (OVX) påverkar avkastningen för dessa sektorer och Stockholmsbörsen som helhet.  Studien använder sig av en kvantitativ metod bestående av två initiala linjära regressionsmodeller som sedan omkonstrueras till två multipla regressionsmodeller innehållande kontrollvariabler. Studiens data har sammanställts till tidsseriedata och skattningarna utfördes med OLS-estimeringar.  Resultatet av studien blev att inget statistiskt säkerställt samband kunde hittas mellan Stockholmsbörsen och oljans avkastning respektive volatilitet. Vidare i den sektoriella analysen blev fem sektorer signifikanta vid undersökning av oljans avkastning. Fortsättningsvis undersöktes oljans volatilitet mot sektorerna vilket resulterade i tre signifikanta sektorer. Slutsatsen blir således att det inte finns ett signifikant samband mellan Stockholmsbörsen som helhet och oljans avkastning- samt volatilitet. Däremot kan vi konstatera att oljans avkastning såväl som volatilitet har en sektoriell påverkan.

THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL REPORTS ON STOCK PRICES IN OMXS30 : A quantitative study on the connection between quarterly reports and stock prices among the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. / FINANSIELLA RAPPORTERS PÅVERKAN PÅ AKTIEKURSER I OMXS30 : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan kvartalsrapporter och aktiekurser hos de 30 mest omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen.

Alsuhaily, Rawan, Conejeros Cabrera, Rickard January 2024 (has links)
Research questions: Do surprising disclosures of earnings per share determine price reactions in the corresponding direction as the aspect of the surprise?Is the effect of quarterly reports detectable in the stock price immediately following the date of information disclosure? Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the connection between stock prices and quarterly reports among the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Method: The study was conducted with a deductive approach based on previous research and theories to answer the research questions. Stock data from the 30 most actively traded stocks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange was collected and compared with quarterly reports from the corresponding companies. Conclusion: The research findings confirm corresponding direction between stock price reactions and the aspect of earnings per share surprise. A connection between quarterly reports and stock price was discovered immediately following the date of information disclosure. However, the evidence was unable to be proven statistically and could therefore not be generalized. / Forskningsfrågor: Leder oförväntad EPS (vinst per aktie) till avvikelser i aktiekursen i motsvarande riktning?Är effekten av kvartalsrapporter möjlig att upptäcka i aktiepriset omedelbart efter offentliggörandet av rapporten? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera sambandet mellan aktiepriser och kvartalsrapporter hos börsnoterade företag vars aktier tillhör de 30 mest omsatta på Stockholmsbörsen. Metod: Studien grundas på ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt som baseras på tidigare forskning och teorier i syfte att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Aktiedata från de 30 mest omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen insamlades och jämfördes med kvartalsrapporter för dem motsvarande företagen. Slutsats: Studien bevisar att oförväntad EPS leder till avvikelser i aktiekursen i motsvarande riktning. Ett samband mellan kvartalsrapporter och aktiepriser upptäcktes omedelbart efter offentliggörandet av rapporten som dock var ej statistiskt signifikant och därmed inte generaliserbar.

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