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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategiimplementering hos ett "leading the pack"-företag : Avgörande framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av miljöstrategier / A “leading the pack” company's implementation strategy : Crucial success factors when implementing an environmental strategy

Kamryd, Louise, Johannesson, Tessa January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka ett företags implementering av miljöstrategier. Det undersökta företaget är OKQ8. Miljö och hållbarhet är aktuella ämnen inom organisationen och dagens samhälle. Syftet är definiera hur ett “leading the pack”-företag med hjälp av avgörande framgångsfaktorer kan förenkla implementeringen av miljöstrategier. Baserat på fynden i den första forskningsfrågan har fyra avgörande framgångsfaktorer identifierats vid implementering av miljöstrategier. De fyra funna framgångsfaktorerna är (I) tydligt arbetssätt, (II) hög legitimitet, (III) tydlig kommunikation och (IIII) balanserat styrkort. De fyra avgörande framgångsfaktorerna kombinerat ökar chansen till en lyckad strategiimplementering. / Background: The thesis intends to investigate the implementation of a company's  environmental strategies. OKQ8 is the investigated company. The environment and sustainability are important fields within the organization and in today's society.   Purpose: The purpose is to define how a “leading the pack”-company can, with  help from crucial success factors, simplify the implementation of the environmental strategies. Method:The study is a qualitative study. The thesis has a deductive research  approach with some inductive elements. It is a single case study, and the empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interviews.    Conclusion:  Based on the findings from the first research question four crucial  success factors have been identified when a company's environmental strategy is  being  implemented. The success factors are (I)  distinct working methods, (II) high legitimacy, (III) clear communication and (IIII) having a balanced scorecard. The combination of the four crucial success factors increases the chance of a successful implementation of the strategy.

What role to play in strategy implementation? : Constructive interplay between middle and frontline managers / Vilken roll ska man spela vid en strategiimplementering? : Konstruktivt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjechefer

ÖBERG, JENNY, STENLÖF, ELIN January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to study the interplay between middle managers (MMs) and front-line managers (FLMs) in strategy implementation (SI). To successfully manage and run a complex technology corporation a well-performed strategy is essential. By comparing MMs’ and FLMs’ different views and responsibilities in the SI process, both theoretical and empirical. Methodology: Theoretical material regarding leadership, middle and front-line manager roles and responsibilities, as well the strategy implementation process, obstacles and success factors are compared in the study. Supplemented by a general pilot study and primary interviews covering their view of the SI-process, obstacles and leverages, leadership, and their roles description. In total, ten pilot interviews and 12 primary interviews have been conducted, with MMs and FLMs, equally represented. Findings: In large, the main findings regarding the creation of a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs were three identified key attributes. Firstly, success in the SI process and constructive dynamic require a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities between MMs and FLMs or the key responsibilities in the process. Secondly, select key people for the SI process, picked from different levels in the organization with different viewpoint and expertise. Making sure that there are total transparency and knowledge sharing between all key members and organizational levels. This will enable a greater involvement and commitment in the SI-process. Finally, to create a successful SI-process and a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs, strategic work must be rewarded equally compared to operational excellence and product-development efforts. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att få en förståelse för samspelet mellan Mellanchefer (MM) och Linjechefer (FLM) vid genomförandet av en strategiimplementering (SI). För att lyckas kontrollera och driva en komplex teknikorganisation är en väl genomförd strategi essentiell. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra MMs och FLMs olika syn och ansvarsområden i SI-processen, både teoretisk och empirisk. Metodik: Det teoretiska materialet som har jämförts i studien inkluderar ledarskap, Mellanchefers och Linjechefens roller och ansvar, samt strategiimplementeringsprocessens hinder och framgångsfaktorer. Detta kompletterades med en övergripande pilotstudie och med primära intervjuer som visade på MMs and FLMs respektive syn på hinder, hävstänger och ledarskap under SI-processen samt deras syn på sin roll. Sammantaget hölls 10 pilotintervjuer och 12 primära intervjuer, där mellanchefer och linjechefer var lika representerade. Resultat: Rapporten konkluderar tre viktiga attribut för skapandet av ett dynamiskt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjecheferna. För det första, krävs en tydlig fördelning av uppgifter och ansvar mellan MMs och FLMs alternativt mellan de nyckelpersonerna som är inblandade och ansvarig i processen. För det andra, är det viktigt att välja rätt nyckelpersoner i SI-processen och att plocka dessa från olika nivåer i organisationen då de besitter olika erfarenheter. Viktigt är att skapa en total transparens och kunskapsöverföring mellan alla nyckelpersoner i processen samt mellan de olika organisatoriska nivåerna. Detta kommer att resultera i ett större engagemang och en känsla av mer inflytande på SIprocessen. Slutligen, för att skapa en framgångsrik SI-process och ett dynamiskt samspel mellan MMs och FLMs, måste det strategiska arbetet belönas lika mycket som operativa och produktspecifika insatser.

Translucent concrete in product design : Implementation of a new segment of design products through Strategic branding / Translucent betong i produktdesign : Implementering av ett nytt segment av designprodukter genom strategiskt varumärkesbyggande

CASSEL, JULIA, ÖSTEVIK, AGNES January 2018 (has links)
The company Butong is based on a patented process of casting concrete between two layers of bubble wrap, resulting in panels of translucent concrete. This material is mainly applied as panels in vertical gardens and light installations. Today, the business is based on projects that require custom made designs. Alongside these projects, products with a standardised manufacturing process are desired to extend the company towards the consumer market and fill the workflow gaps existing in their current production. Through strategic branding, this project aimed to create a new business segment of standardised design products and the framework needed for Butong to enter the consumer market. From analysing the company and its values, understanding the possibilities and limitations of the material and from investigating the opportunities on the market, the brand position for the segment was determined. A strategy to establish the business on the targeted market was developed, including a brand identity and design guidelines for the new segment. To exemplify the usage of the guidelines, several concepts were produced, of which one was further developed to be the flagship product of the segment. The segment was directed to target both Butong’s current market and the consumer market in order to facilitate its establishment and to reach a larger public. It is developed to consist of products that clearly display the properties of the material and are aligned to the identity of the brand. Following the set guidelines, the developed concepts confirm its value and potential by communicating coherency and the expressions desired. With a standardised manufacturing process, the production can be engaged at any time to make use of the existing workflow gaps and complement Butong’s existing business without obstructing it. / Företaget Butong bygger sin verksamhet på sin patenterade tillverkningsmetod av att gjuta betong mellan två lager av bubbelplast, vilken resulterar i paneler av translucent betong. Detta material används framförallt till att skapa vertikala trädgårdar och effektfulla ljusinstallationer. Idag är verksamheten projektbaserad vilket kräver skräddarsydda lösningar. Ett sortiment bestående av produkter med en standardiserad tillverkningsprocess skulle kunna komplettera den befintliga produktionen genom att fylla de luckor som uppstår i det projektbaserade arbetet. Ett sådant sortiment ses även som en möjlighet för att utöka den nuvarande verksamheten mot en konsumentmarknad. Genom strategiskt varumärkesbyggande var målet med detta projekt att skapa ett nytt affärssegment bestående av standardiserade produkter och det strategiska ramverk som krävs för att kunna etablera Butong på konsumentmarknaden. Av att analysera företaget och dess värderingar, förstå materialets möjligheter och begränsningar samt undersöka marknaden, kunde positioneringen av segmentet bestämmas. En strategi skapades för att etablera segmentet på den tänkta marknaden tillsammans med en varumärkesidentitet och riktlinjer för produktutvecklingen inom segmentet. För att exemplifiera användandet av dessa riktlinjer skapades flera koncept, varav ett vidareutvecklades som en första produkt att representera varumärket med. För att underlätta etableringen av segmentet och utöka verksamheten, valdes både Butongs nuvarande marknad och konsumentmarknaden som målgrupp. Produkterna inom segmentet har ett formspråk som både demonstrerar materialets egenskaper och följer företagets nuvarande identitet. Värdet och potentialen i de framtagna riktlinjerna bekräftas av de uttryck och det genomgående formspråk som de skapade koncepten kommunicerar. Med en standardiserad produktion, kan tillverkningen av produkterna tas vid när som helst och ta till vara på luckorna i arbetsflödet och på så sätt komplettera Butongs nuvarande verksamhet utan att påverka den.

Succeeding with corporate sustainability strategies in multi-business organizations : Drivers and challenges in strategy formulation and implementation / Att lyckas med hållbarhetsstrategier i fler-företagsorganisationer : Drivkrafter och utmaningar i strategiformulering och implementering

Thorén, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of the current study was to gain a broader understanding of corporate sustainability strategy formulation and implementation in multi-business organizations. Specifically, regarding how to succeed with efficiency, alignment and consensus across strategic levels. Method - The study was conducted through a single case study in a multi-business organization operating in the defense sector globally. A qualitative method with 18 semi-structured interviews to collect data was used to gain a broad contextual understanding of the research questions. The data was inductively analyzed through thematic analysis. Findings - The primary findings of the study are 18 themes of drivers and challenges for successfully formulating and implementing corporate sustainability strategies in multi-business organizations. Considering the drivers and challenges, distinctions between the strategic levels were outlined, and predominantly indicated that the role of the corporate level enables the success. Additionally, a visual understanding of four contradictions that needs to be managed by the corporate level was provided - autonomy and compliance, cooperation and competition, exploitation and exploration, communication bottom-up and top-down. Theoretical and practical implications - The study has contributed theoretically by increasing the knowledge regarding drivers and challenges for formulation and implementation of corporate sustainability strategies in multi-business organizations. Further, the study contributes with managerial support by illustrating distinctions of the key drivers and challenges between the strategic levels, and by visualizing the strategic contradictions that needs to be balanced by the corporate level, to manage corporate sustainability strategies in multi-business organizations successfully. Limitations & Future research - The research concerned the strategic management process, with a focus on the internal organization, whereas the findings revealed the significance of incorporating an external perspective. Thus, future research could further investigate the exchange with external stakeholders. Moreover, this research was limited by being a single case study, and in future research it would be interesting to investigate other industries. / Syfte – Syftet med den här studien var att öka förståelsen kring formulering och implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i fler-företagsorganisationer. Specifikt gällande hur man lyckas med effektivitet, en gemensam inriktning och konsensus, genom de strategiska nivåerna av ett sådant företag. Metod – Studien har genomförts som en fallstudie på en fler-företagsorganisation inom försvarsindustrin, som finns globalt över hela världen. En kvalitativ metod med 18 semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data användes för att öka den kontextuella förståelsen av forskningsfrågorna. Den insamlade informationen var sedan induktivt analyserad genom tematisk analys. Resultat – Resultatet av studien var primärt 18 teman av drivkrafter och utmaningar för att framgångsrikt lyckas med hållbarhetsstrategier i fler-företagsorganisationer. Gällande drivkrafterna och utmaningarna har också skillnader mellan de strategiska nivåerna blivit överskådliga, vilka tydligt visar på att företagsnivån spelar den mest avgörande rollen för att lyckas. Dessutom har en visuell förståelse för fyra strategiska motsägelser som behöver hanteras av företagsnivån blivit tillhandahållen – autonomi och efterlevnad, samarbete och tävlan, kortsiktighet och långsiktighet, kommunikation nerifrån-och-upp och uppifrån-och-ner.  Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag – Studien har bidragit teoretiskt genom att öka kunskapen kring drivkrafter och utmaningar för formulering och implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i fler-företagsorganisationer. Vidare bidrar studien med praktiskt stöd genom att illustrera skillnader mellan de framträdande drivkrafterna och utmaningarna mellan dom strategiska nivåerna, och genom att visualisera de strategiska motsägelserna som behöver balanseras av företagsnivån, för att lyckas med hållbarhetsstrategier i fler-företagsorganisationer. Begränsningar och framtida forskning – Studien hade ett fokus på den interna organisationen gällande den strategiska lednings processen, men resultatet visade på att ett externt perspektiv också är högst relevant. Så, framtida forskning skulle vidare kunna undersöka utbytet med externa intressenter. Dessutom så har den här studien blivit begränsad av att vara en fallstudie på endast ett företag, framtida forskning skulle kunna vidare undersöka andra industrier.

Competitiveness and strategic change : a longitudinal study of the interactions between tourism industry and air Seychelles 1970 to 2007

Padayachy, Lunez Jude 06 1900 (has links)
In studying organisational change in Air Seychelles, the context, content and process of change together with the interconnections of the airline and the tourism industry in Seychelles through time is explored. The literature review shows that the substantive issues of interest to this study, contextualism as a theory of methods in management research, requires a case based research in particular with regards to the following gaps in the literature: the integration of inner and outer perspectives on sustaining competitive advantage, and conceptual insights on how strategy links firms and their environment. The study adopted a contextual and processual framework to build a theoretical perspective of competitive advantage. The study contributes to the field of strategic management and tourism development in Seychelles in the following ways: firstly, the development of a contextual and processual framework to explain the transformation of firms over time; secondly, the development of an understanding of the historical context of the tourism industry and its interactions with other sectors of the Seychelles economy; thirdly, developing an understanding of how Air Seychelles developed its resources and capabilities to sustain competitive advantage; fourthly, linking change processes and action to performance and in a sense developing an understanding on strategy implementation of strategic management practice in Air Seychelles. The study sheds some light on strategy formation and implementation at the firm level, and the dynamics between the firm and the industry. The findings suggest that firms respond opportunistically to external discontinuities in a dynamic environment - the entrepreneurial leadership of a firm prepares and support managers to operate under conditions of great uncertainty and ambiguity and allows them to behave opportunistically. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / DBL / Thesis (D. B. L.)

Correlation between strategic objectives and operational plans of the University of South Africa with specific reference to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations

Harding, Richard Cornelius 04 1900 (has links)
The major focus and question emanating from the research is: to what extent do the operational action plans, policies, functions, procedures and activities as well as their implementation within the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations correlate with the strategic objectives of the University of South Africa (Unisa)? In alignment with the above, the major challenge of the study was to identify adequate and appropriate approaches to ensure appropriate correlation levels between strategic objectives and their successful implementation relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations. The challenge of every Departmental Head is to turn theory into practice; to make something happen and to translate strategic plans into real business results. This will be accomplished only when there is synergy or connectivity between strategic and operational planning towards effective implementation. Various literature reviews and research topics on strategic management focus either on strategic planning or strategic implementation as separate identities. Few publications address the challenge of connecting the pursuit of strategic objectives with operational plans. Even fewer literature reviews indicate the relationship or correlation levels between strategic objectives and operational plans of an organisation; the desirable or appropriate level thereof, to ensure the effective pursuit of strategic objectives. The outcomes of this study could contribute to the identification of an appropriate approach and measurement criteria to ensure connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and operational plans relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations. By doing this, the strategic objectives are effectively and efficiently promoted to those responsible for carrying out the execution plan. The researcher has adopted a comprehensively-integrated-aligned-strategic-processmanagement- approach as part of the standardised operational plans of the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations so as to ensure more effective and efficient (appropriate) correlation levels in respect of specific strategic objectives relevant to the Directorate: Student Admissions and Registrations due to a lack of correlation in some instances. The above approach represents a total view of an organisation‟s strategic management and control systems and consists of the strategic planning, operational plans and resultsmanagement plans. The mentioned approach will also consist of a measurement criterion which identifies critical enablers, dependencies and drivers to ensure vertical and horizontal alignment in respect of original planning (the what and why) with the implementation plans (when, how and by whom).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this, duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the right time).The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this, duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this, duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the right time). The integrated-aligned-strategic-management-process-approach enforces the timely availability of major enablers, dependencies and drivers necessary to support the execution of activities, related to specific strategic objectives. It also identifies the possible lack thereof prior to the implementation of strategic plans. Specific alternatives or workarounds can be identified to ensure continuity in respect of the implementation processes related to specific strategic objectives. In this way, the above approach will enhance the effective and efficient management and coordination of an organisation to drive intended strategic outcomes within a specific process, taking into account project management-driven principles within a specific sequence of activities (grouping together what belongs together). The latter will involve all roleplayers in the work situation accountable for the implementation process (creating ownership). By doing this, duplication and overlapping of activities will be eliminated and connectivity/alignment between specific strategic objectives and their implementation will be enforced. The focus falls on the entire key/core process and cycle, producing outcomes of success in respect of the implementation of objectives (the right people will be doing the right things at the right time). / Public Administration & Management / M.A. (Public Administration)

The influence of leadership styles (as per Lewin) on the strategy-formulation-implementation-performance gap : An exploratory case study of selected organisations in the South African wine industry

Morkel, Annelize 06 1900 (has links)
Purpose: The strategy-to-performance gap is a contemporary problem that causes organisations to perform less than optimal or fail. Leadership, strategy and performance are complex areas of research on the topic with lack of conclusive results, and solutions to the issue remain elusive. This study offered a clearer understanding of the problem. Design: This qualitative study explored leadership style in the context of strategy execution with the objective of offering a better understanding of performance and the strategy-to-performance gap. The study is a case study of selected organisations in the wine industry in South Africa. Data were collected via interviews on leadership figures and employees. Data were analysed qualitatively. Findings: The study confirmed the existence and issues surrounding the strategy-to-performance gap. Some findings concurred with previous studies on the gap and confirmed that it is intertwined with leadership and strategy execution issues. New themes were identified that contributed to the field of study and could prove to be valuable to narrow the strategy-to-performance gap in future. Value: Leadership is linked with performance in literature but there was limited research found on leadership style specifically in the context of the strategy-to-performance gap. This study confirmed issues surrounding the gap and it was found that the issue is a contemporary problem affecting organisational performance in various ways. This contributed to a better understanding of the problem. New themes that emerged could prove valuable to further research. Leadership and specifically leadership styles (as per Lewin) were found to influence and be interwoven with the strategy-to-performance gap. This study is original as it is the first study that explored leadership styles specifically in the context of the other key themes: strategy and the strategy-to-performance gap. The new themes that emerged are leadership style requirements from an employee satisfaction perspective as well as specific skills suggested to improve performance, all highlighted in the findings. Recommendations: Further research could explore leadership styles in more detail with regard to the strategy-to-performance gap. New themes in the context of strategy execution and leadership style could also be valuable. Future studies could also potentially evaluate the key themes with other measurement instruments such as different leadership styles or different performance criteria / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

A case study exploring how middle managers implement deliberate strategy in a government department

Surju, Junitha 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how the middle manager implements strategy at a South African government department. This study was conducted in response to the call for more research to be done using the strategy-as-practice perspective to explore the involvement of middle managers in a South African government context with regard to strategy. The current study sought to identify the roles that the middle manager undertakes with regard to strategy implementation, inclusive of the barriers that they face on a daily basis. The study aimed at providing feedback on how the middle managers implement strategy, overcome the barriers they face and some changes that participating middle managers proposed to the current practices in strategy implementation in a government context. A single case study, utilising an exploratory qualitative research design, was undertaken at a government department in South Africa. The data was gathered using semi-structured interviews. The researcher used the interviews to provide rich, detailed descriptions of how strategy is implemented by middle managers. The study portrayed the participating middle managers as playing an integral role as interpreters, communicators and implementers of the strategy within the government context. Findings confirmed that most of the middle managers were not involved in the crafting of the high level strategy of the government department. The participating middle manager fulfilled eight key roles in the implementation of the strategy: leadership role, management role, implementation role, monitoring role, reporting role, supporting role, communication role and information-sharing role. The participating middle managers dealt with many barriers with regard to strategy implementation on a daily basis, such as lack of understanding of government work, monitoring, support, skilled personnel, skill development, funding and information. The participating middle managers were found to be innovative and creative in utilising strategy tools to overcome the barriers they faced. Although these results cannot be generalised but may be transferrable to similar contexts. / Business Management / M. Com (Business Management)

Competitiveness and strategic change : a longitudinal study of the interactions between tourism industry and air Seychelles 1970 to 2007

Padayachy, Lunez Jude 06 1900 (has links)
In studying organisational change in Air Seychelles, the context, content and process of change together with the interconnections of the airline and the tourism industry in Seychelles through time is explored. The literature review shows that the substantive issues of interest to this study, contextualism as a theory of methods in management research, requires a case based research in particular with regards to the following gaps in the literature: the integration of inner and outer perspectives on sustaining competitive advantage, and conceptual insights on how strategy links firms and their environment. The study adopted a contextual and processual framework to build a theoretical perspective of competitive advantage. The study contributes to the field of strategic management and tourism development in Seychelles in the following ways: firstly, the development of a contextual and processual framework to explain the transformation of firms over time; secondly, the development of an understanding of the historical context of the tourism industry and its interactions with other sectors of the Seychelles economy; thirdly, developing an understanding of how Air Seychelles developed its resources and capabilities to sustain competitive advantage; fourthly, linking change processes and action to performance and in a sense developing an understanding on strategy implementation of strategic management practice in Air Seychelles. The study sheds some light on strategy formation and implementation at the firm level, and the dynamics between the firm and the industry. The findings suggest that firms respond opportunistically to external discontinuities in a dynamic environment - the entrepreneurial leadership of a firm prepares and support managers to operate under conditions of great uncertainty and ambiguity and allows them to behave opportunistically. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / DBL / Thesis (D. B. L.)

Strategy implementation practices and processes in defence evaluation and research institutes in South Africa

Van Rensburg, Hendrik Lodewicus Jansen 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the practices and processes executed by middle managers as practitioners during the implementation of strategy. In order to do that, this study investigated the problem of strategy implementation, analysed existing literature, identified the gaps, and explored the roles of middle managers in terms of strategy practices and processes, specifically in the South African Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes (DERI) context. Resources, time and effort are applied to formulating strategy but less of these to the execution of the strategy which includes the emotions, motivations and actions that are intangible during the implementation of strategy. The study therefore attempts to answer the following research question: What practices and processes are employed in strategy implementation in DERIs in South Africa? The literature study was undertaken with the objective of mapping the research problem and to highlight, through critical discussion, the latest work done on the subject of this study. The gap in relation to research work was identified and the contribution is clear that not much work has been done in this environment. Research is a systematic process where information on a specific topic is gathered in order to increase understanding of that phenomenon. A qualitative study was performed and data was obtained from several institutes through interviews, documents and questionnaires in order to build a rich database that could be analysed for the required output. Engagement with the first level of management as well as the next level management teams ensured that a representative population group was used during this study. The data was organised, categorised, interpreted, identified, synthesised and generalised. The quotations identified from the text were coded through inductive coding and grouped into categories until a logical theme, category and concept was formed. The objective of this research was to investigate, identify and understand what the strategy practices and processes are that make highly technical and scientific institutes execute strategies successfully. The study provided insight into and clarity on the complexity of the strategy implementation process as executed by middle managers, particularly in the South African context. The link was explored between formulation and implementation as applied by middle managers as practitioners and the practices and processes in use were identified. It was demonstrated that the outcome of this research is applicable to the research problem and also provides an understanding of the phenomenon, namely strategy practices and processes in use at the Defence Evaluation and Research Institutes. It can therefore be concluded that the research objective was achieved. / Business Management / D.B.L.

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