Spelling suggestions: "subject:"substantive"" "subject:"ubstantive""
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Does Women Representation Matter? : A study of women MPs response to feminist demands in UgandaCederquist, Janna January 2019 (has links)
Scholars have been conflicted whether descriptive representation of women leads to substantive representation. A new way of measuring this relationship is through the relationship between women movements and female parliamentarians. Thus, this paper develops from the rethinking of the critical mass theory and uses the feminist demands stated by women organisations in Uganda. This in order to establish whether or not there exists an alliance between inside and outside actors as a measure of substantive representation of women. By applying this approach to transcripts from plenary debates in the Ugandan parliament, the study finds that several gender-related issues are addressed by female MPs. Using a frame analysis comparing the framing of problems between the women organisations and the female MPs, the paper discovers that the majority of issues addressed in the parliament is framed less radically by the female MPs. While the organisations frame the problems as being gender-related, mainly affecting rural women and girls, the MPs frame them more of concern for the whole population and as problems with economic implications for the country.
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In 2013, the Dominican state ruled to uphold a 2010 constitutional amendment that stripped thousands of Dominicans of Haitian origin of their citizenship and forced them to leave the country during summer 2015. About 2,200 of these people became displaced in Anse-à-Pitres, where most took up residence in temporary camps. I use the term forced migrants or displaced persons interchangeably to refer to these people. Many endure challenges in meeting their daily survival needs in Haiti, a country with extreme poverty, considerable political instability, and still in the process of rebuilding itself from the devastating earthquake of 2010. Drawing on fourteen months of ethnographic field- work in Anse-à-Pitres, I examine how these displaced people, in the face of statelessness and amid their precarious social and economic conditions, create survival strategies by drawing upon everyday labor mobility and informal economic activities within and across their communities. Furthermore, I demonstrate that the involvement of these displaced people in community life through socio-economic practices attests to a sense of belonging and produces a form of substantive citizenship in their absence of legal citizenship. This kind of substantive citizenship is also shaped by the ability of the displaced people to re-define life goals, participate in local meetings with the local state and organizations on the ground, and challenge systems of power that seek to impose their choices upon them. In this dissertation, I argue against construing the displaced people as hopeless by focusing on the forms of power and agency that they exercise in and over their lives, which make them agents of their self-development.
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O consentimento do ofendido como excludente do tipo no direito penal brasileiro / The offended persons consent as cause to exclude the classification of the act as a crime in Brazilian criminal law.Leques, Rossana Brum 04 November 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva identificar a natureza jurídica do instituto do consentimento do ofendido para o direito penal brasileiro atual, evidenciando o papel da vítima. Para tanto, inicia-se a pesquisa com uma análise sobre o ofendido, estabelecendo sua evolução histórica, seu conceito atual, bem como os conceitos de vitimologia e vitimodogmática. Logo, aborda-se o consentimento propriamente dito, determinando seu histórico, seu conceito, seu objeto (bem jurídico disponível), seus requisitos e diferenças em relação à autocolocação da vítima em risco. Em seguida, verifica-se o estado atual da questão da natureza jurídica do consentimento. Parte-se da legislação brasileira e do entendimento doutrinário atual. Em razão da predominância do entendimento pela causa de justificação, os fundamentos histórico dogmáticos do conceito material de antijuridicidade são verificados. Ainda no campo da análise da natureza jurídica, fundamental a análise da questão da tipicidade (formal e substancial) pressuposto da antijuridicidade. Assim, analisa-se o consentimento do ofendido como causa de exclusão da tipicidade material. Tendo em vista a teoria unitária, busca-se afastar a diferenciação entre o consentimento e o acordo. Na sequência, trata-se do direito comparado. Assim, torna-se possível a análise do consentimento do ofendido no direito penal brasileiro, tendo em vista a legislação penal em vigor. / This paper aims to identify the legal institute of the need for the offended persons consent for the current Brazilian criminal law, highlighting the role of the victim. To this effect, the study begins with an analysis of victims rights, establishing their historical evolution, the current concept, as well as the concepts of victimology and victim dogmatism (a branch that studies the behavior of crime victims and their contribution to the occurrence of the event, as well as the repercussion of that participation on setting the penalty imposed on the perpetrator). Then it examines consent itself, determining its history, concept, object (alienable rights), the requirements and differences in relation to the victims self-exposure to risk. Next it describes the current state of the legal nature of the consent question based on Brazilian legislation and the interpretation of legal scholars. Because of the predominant position regarding cause for justification, dogmatic historical foundations of the material concept of material illegality are addressed. Still in the field of the legal nature, it is fundamental to analyze the question of classification of the crime (formal and substantive), which is a presupposition for illegality. Therefore, consent of the offended person is analyzed as cause to exclude the classification of the act as a crime. Based on unitary theory, I argue against the distinction between consent and concurrence. Finally, the matter is examined from the perspective of comparative law, to analyze the issue of victims consent in current Brazilian criminal law.
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Économie, monnaie et souverainetéMaucourant, Jérôme 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Nos activités de recherches se déclinent selon une double perspective : l'histoire de la pensée économique et l'économie historique. Ceci implique, si nécessaire, des détours par des disciplines connexes mais tout à fait nécessaires, comme la philosophie, la science politique et, bien sûr, l'histoire proprement dite. A cet égard, le mémoire de synthèse pour cette habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) est essentiellement centré autour de recherches en histoire des idées, même si un thème ordonne l'ensemble de nos travaux : la notion d'institution. Celle-ci, selon nous, permet de mieux comprendre la construction et la valeur empirique des catégories économiques. La référence à cette notion est issue des travaux fondateurs des économistes américains dits « institutionnalistes » du début du XXième siècle : plus encore, nous intégrons le travail de Polanyi et de son école dans cette mouvance.<br><br> C'est pourquoi la première partie de notre travail - « une trajectoire de recherche » - est une mise en confrontation, dans le champ de l'histoire économique, entre les thèses institutionnalistes et les thèses néoclassiques, voire néo-institutionnalistes (inspirées notamment par l'œuvre de North). Nous essayons de montrer que les débats portant sur l'histoire économique d'avant la révolution industrielle sont marqués par l'ambivalence de la figure du marché. Cette figure est, en effet, parfois comprise comme le système constitué par les marchés autorégulateurs, ou parfois entendue selon des cadres institutionnels n'autorisant pas de tels mécanismes autorégulateurs, comme en témoigne la problématique polanyienne de la « place de marché » et les travaux plus récents d'A. Guéry sur les marchés d'Ancien Régime. Nous ne faisons qu'illustrer la formule de Commons qui, en 1923, écrivit que le capitalisme avait besoin de fondations légales, ce qui nous contraint à revenir sur la richesse du cadre d'analyse wébérien pour enrichir notre perspective.<br><br> La seconde partie de la présente HDR est un exercice en histoire des idées, qui se distribue selon des axes a priori bien différents, mais tentant tous d'illustrer la problématique institutionnaliste dans ce qu'elle a d'essentiel. <br> Dans un premier chapitre - « instituer, « monnayer et troquer » -, nous nous interrogeons sur la place du troc dans le discours économique parce que celui-ci est la forme matricielle de l'interaction économique ne présupposant pas de cadre institutionnel. L'économie comme science part, en effet, de ce prototype de l'échange rationnel, qu'est le troc, pour y intégrer la monnaie a posteriori, qui fonctionne alors comme une marchandise d'un type singulier. L'hypothèse qui est présentée est inverse : c'est le caractère institutionnel de la monnaie qui est la condition de possibilité de l'économie marchande. Nous nous inscrivons, pour une bonne part, dans la problématique développée, dès 1982, par M. Aglietta et A. Orléan, en essayant d'y introduire des éléments fondamentaux de la problématique institutionnaliste comme Mitchell, le fondateur du NBER, les avait déjà conçus. La présente réflexion s'écarte toutefois de la problématique de la « fable du troc », reprise par nombre d'économistes hétérodoxes et de sociologues à la suite de J-M Servet, grâce à un réexamen critique des assertions typiques des années 1970 et d'une reconsidération de données anthropologiques. La thèse d'une « institution monétaire de la société » est ainsi remise en cause car, considérer la monnaie comme une essence anthropologique revient à l'essentialiser, ce qui est fort peu institutionnaliste. Par ailleurs, il n'est pas sûr que le perspectivisme nietzschéen s'accorde avec la valeur que l'économie comme science, marxiste ou non, accorde à la vérité.<br><br> Dans un deuxième chapitre – « Souveraineté et économie » -, nous essayons de poser la question du rapport entre économie et souveraineté à un moment où le processus actuel de la construction européenne, parce qu'il tend à modifier les institutions politiques et économiques, remet au premier plan une préoccupation fondatrice de l'économie politique, celle du Traicté de l'Œconomie politique de Montchrestien (1615). Cet auteur illustre une conception moderne, profondément politique, de l'économie, en rupture avec l'esprit antique ou médiéval selon lequel l'économie appartient de facto à la stricte sphère domestique et ne peut être l'objet de l'action publique. Montchrestien montre que la richesse des peuples, donc de l'Etat, est fondamentalement instituée par le Prince ; l'économie n'est pas ici une catégorie autonome de pensée ou une dimension émergente des comportements.<br> Mais, la concurrence est au cœur du discours de Montchrestien, les marchés étant la codification politique des flux concurrentiels. Contre une interprétation répandue, nous montrons que, selon Montchrestien, les échanges intérieurs, où les gains issus de l'échange sont possibles, s'opposent aux formes extérieures de l'échange réfractant l'état de nature, où ce que gagne l'un est perdu par l'autre. Il estime même que l'application du droit des gens pourrait rendre le commerce extérieur bénéfique si disparaissent les asymétries de position résultant des politiques des Etats. Toutefois, avec Cantillon, en moins d'un siècle, la question des articulations entre institutions politique et économique se reformule radicalement cependant qu'apparaît dans la théorie économique, en un sens devenu plus familier, une figure devenue majeure : l'entrepreneur. Il n'en demeure pas moins que Cantillon ne pousse pas ses intuitions libérales de l'autoconstitution du social et de l'équilibre économique jusqu'à dénier au politique toute efficacité en économie. <br>Dans le dernier chapitre – « Economie, politique et fascisme » -, contribution à l'histoire des idées institutionnalistes, nous montrons que la portée scientifique de l'apport de Polanyi va bien au delà du concept fort connu d'embeddedness, en exposant les analyses méconnues faites par Polanyi des fascismes et de l'économie des années 1930. La thèse fondamentale de Polanyi est la suivante : la société de marché n'est pas le fruit d'un évolutionnisme qui aurait conduit au meilleur des mondes. Fruit de contingences historiques, comme le furent les actions délibérées des Etats et la volonté d'incarner un projet essentiellement utopique, la société de marché doit être comprise comme une création humaine porteuse de catastrophes dont le nazisme est un exemple. Anticipant la fameuse « querelle des historiens » propre à l'Allemagne des années 1980, Polanyi s'inscrit en faux contre l'explication de la genèse des fascismes par le bolchevisme, thèse déjà développée dans les années 1930 elles-mêmes, et veut redonner toute sa force à ce processus très singulier de la constitution d'une société économique du XIXième siècle.<br>Polanyi met donc en avant le caractère absolument nouveau que constitue le capitalisme concurrentiel du XIXième siècle, tout en insistant sur la nature endogène des processus détruisant les capacités d'autorégulation de ce système inédit. A cet égard, le fascisme est une issue à la société libérale caractérisée par la séparation institutionnelle du politique et de l'économie. Or, dans cette société, les propriétaires du capital ont la capacité de vider de tout pouvoir effectif les institutions politiques investies par les représentants des partis populaires, chose fréquente en cas de crise grave, ce qui rend impossible la reproduction même d'une société complexe qui ne peut faire l'économie d'une régulation politique de ses contradictions. Le fascisme est ainsi une expression toujours possible de la contradiction entre démocratie et capitalisme. Il s'agit donc de redonner à la science économique toute sa place dans l'explication d'un phénomène comme le fascisme et de reconsidérer les acquis problématiques d'une certaine science politique en la matière.<br>En conclusion, nous rappelons que notre intérêt pour les institutions, du point de vue des idées ou des faits, est issu de la problématique de P. Dockès dans La Libération Médiévale, qui se donnait pour objet, en 1979, comme l'école radicale américaine, de penser la détermination sociale de l'économie à l'encontre des thèses technicistes ou économicistes.
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The Substantive Scope of Double Tax Treaties - a Study of Article 2 of the OECD Model ConventionsBrandstetter, Patricia 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Tax treaty protection from international double taxation only goes as far as the treaty's substantive scope. Nations worldwide have adopted the text of Article 2 of the OECD Model Double Taxation Conventions (headed Taxes covered) in concluding bilateral treaties to prevent double taxation in the area of taxes on income and capital and taxes on estates, inheritances, and on gifts. The wording and structure of Article 2 give rise to a host of ambiguities, creating uncertainty for taxpayers regarding the taxes that come within treaty scope. A research strategy that draws on historic materials documenting the development of Article 2 throughout the League of Nations, OEEC, and OECD seeks to shed light on a provision that has retained its basic format and wording since the 1920s. Recent case law and academic literature are analyzed to gain a clearer picture of the common international concepts expressed in tax treaties that use the formulations proposed in the OECD Model Conventions. The research strategy, conceptual models, and proposed results aim to contribute to the understanding of the "taxes covered" and to guide subsequent research and heighten awareness of problems in the interpretation and application of the provision on substantive scope in tax treaties.(author's abstract)
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Mara tena juu ya usarufishaji (suala la mwana)Gromova, Nelli V. 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dhana ya usarufishaji, kama Kamusi ya Isimu na Lugha inavyoeleza, ni ubadilishaji wa neno huru ama mofimu huru yenye maana ya kisemantiki na kuifanya mofimu funge na yenye maana ya kisarufi zaidi.
Tunaposema kuhusu usarufishaji, mara nyingi tunamaanisha hasa
ubadilishaji wa neno huru liwe mofimu. Miongoni mwa aina zote za maneno, ambazo zinaweza kusarufishwa, zile zinazotumika mara nyingi zaidi ni nomino na vitenzi. Ningetaka kujibu swali juu ya kazi ya kisarufi ya leksimu mwana: baada ya kuzichunguza maana zake za kisarufi inawezekana kutilia mkazo kwamba katika lugha ya Kiswahili tunashuhudia mwanzo wa kuibadilisha nomino huru mwana iwe kiambishi awali cha uundaji wa maneno mapya yanayotaja watu mbalimbali kutokana na kazi, shughuli zao, kuwepo katika vyama n.k. Inawezekana kwamba maneno ambatani yanayoanzia na mwana
yanaunda ngeli maalum ya nomino (sawa na ngeli ya 1a/2a ya lugha
nyingine za Kibantu).
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Dviskiemenių daiktavardžių kirčiavimo kaita "Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ leidimuose / Betonungswandel der zweisilbigen Substantive in auflagen der Wörterbücher gegenwärtiger litauischer SpracheRemeikaitė, Inga 06 June 2005 (has links)
Inga Remeikaite
Bis heute gibt es noch keine Publikationen, in denen ausführlich und systematisch auf den Kodifikationswandel der Betonung von Wörtern in Auflagen der Wörterbücher von gegenwärtiger litauischer Sprache (weiter – W. G. L. S.) untersucht wurde. Der Betonungswandel der zweisilbigen Substantive wurde bisher nicht grundlegend analysiert.. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung über Typen des Betonungswandel der zweisilbigen Substantive. Die Fakten und Grundlagen für diese Arbeit wurden aus allen (fünf) Auflagen gewählt. Etwa 130 zweisilbige Wörter, die für den Wandel der Kodifikation von Betonungs- Normen charakteristisch sind wurden gefunden. In dieser Arbeit finden nicht nur Geschlechter, der gegenwärtigen W. G. L. S. Verwendung, sondern auch Rekomendationen der staatlichen litauischen Sprachkommission werden verglichen. Modelle des Betonungswandel der zweisilbigen Substantive werden analysiert und W. G. L. S. Auflagen mit den häufigsten Betonungs Neuigkeiten der Wörter dieser Gruppe werden ermittelt. In Auswertung der analytischen Betrachtung lassen sich folgende Schlussfolgerungen und Erkenntnisse gewinnen:
1. Wandel der Betonungstypes:
a. Neben der baritonischen Betonung finden sich oksitonische Betonungen.
b. Neben der oksitonischen Betonung finden sich baritonische Betonungen.
2. Wandel der Betonungsstelle innerhalb der Stamm des Wortes:
a. Akut wandelt sich zur Cirkumfleks
b... [to full text]
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Razões de fruticultores da Serra Gaúcha para associar-se em organizações cooperativasGuasselli, Idair Gaudêncio Girardi January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa que teve por objetivo analisar as motivações e justificativas dos fruticultores da Serra Gaúcha para associar-se a organizações. Foram utilizadas como fundamento, duas bases teóricas: os princípios, objetivos e características das organizações cooperativas e o paradigma paraeconômico segundo as proposições de Guerreiro Ramos. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em caráter qualitativo, através de contato com associados, ativos e não ativos e ou não associados, com interesse e sem interesse em associar-se à organizações cooperativas agropecuárias, que trabalham com armazenagem, classificação e comercialização de frutas in natura. O contato com esses fruticultores pertencentes a Região 4 da OCERGS – Organização das Cooperativas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, denominada Serra foi realizado através da técnica bola-de-neve e se constituíram então no público-alvo desta pesquisa. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados constituíram-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, pesquisa documental e observação direta e, para análise dos dados adotou-se o método de análise de conteúdo. A análise de dados aconteceu levando em consideração o aspecto externo do sistema social de acordo com as dimensões propostas na lei dos requisitos adequados e, por um conjunto de categorias de valores, que configuram o aspecto interno do sistema social. Ao final se expõem as razões que levam os fruticultores a associar-se ou a abandonarem as organizações cooperativas nesta região, identificando que tipo de racionalidade orienta suas decisões. / The present work presents a research that had for objective to analyze the motivations and justifications of Serra Gaucho's fruit growing to associate to organizations. They were used as foundation, two theoretical bases: the beginnings, objectives and characteristics of the cooperative organizations and the paradigm paraeconômico according to Guerreiro Ramos propositions. The field research was accomplished in qualitative character, through contact with associates, assets and no assets and or no associates, with interest and without interest in associating to agricultural cooperative organizations, that work with storage, classification and commercialization of fruits in natura. The contact with those Area 4’ fruit growing of OCERGS Organization of the Cooperatives of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, denominated Serra was accomplished through the technique ball-of-snow and they were constituted then in the public-objective of this research. The data collection instruments were constituted of semi-structured interviews, document retrieval and direct observation. The method of content analysis was adopted for analysis of the data. The data analysis happened taking into account the external aspect of the social system in agreement with the dimensions proposed in the law of the appropriate requirements and, for a group of categories of values, that configure the internal aspect of the social system. At the end the reasons that take the fruit growing to associate or abandon the cooperative organizations in this area were exposed, identifying what rationality type guides their decisions.
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Alguém com quem contar: emancipação humana e organizações museaisCastro, Diana Costa de 25 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Diana Castro (diana.costa.de.castro@gmail.com) on 2016-09-06T19:26:46Z
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Tese Alguém com quem Contar Diana Castro.pdf: 4418751 bytes, checksum: bf746a57246d046adede802cb67c2497 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2016-09-06T19:51:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Alguém com quem Contar Diana Castro.pdf: 4418751 bytes, checksum: bf746a57246d046adede802cb67c2497 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2016-09-12T13:17:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Alguém com quem Contar Diana Castro.pdf: 4418751 bytes, checksum: bf746a57246d046adede802cb67c2497 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T13:18:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-25 / The subject of this research is the new museums created to compose the development processes in the cities. Starting from a theoretical essay I created a substantiation to analyse the human emancipation in museums since a Paulo Freire´s perspective. I propose the Boundary Zone thesis as well that such organizations could contribute to the society´s development emancipation. After this I have made a research with questionnaires, interviews and local observation. The data analysis, since a dialectical perspective, search for contradictions and synthesis. The questionnaires were organized with descriptive statistics and analysed together with the data from interviews and observation qualitatively. The other interviews were analysed from a critical discourse analysis perspective. From the result I consider that in such organization prevails a substantive rationality. This organizations finality includes a qualified leisure and the education through the culture and, as well, sociability possibilities even if restricted to people who knows each other, beyond their usual functions as keeper, research, maintenance and collections exhibitions. The exhibitions contents seems to be almost irrelevant to education from the visitors perspective, though it has a crescent visibility since an instrumental rationality. Despite this I prove that the museum can have an active role in the human emancipation, especially in the subcategories related to a society critical perception and utopia. An empirical perception shows us a Boundary Zone as an important component in the new museums, as well as their exhibitions area. Both in the Boundary Zone and the exhibitions exists some influence in the visitors transformation and emancipation. Such substantive organizations play an incisive role in the society and work as agents with whom people can trust in the emancipatory process, depending of their administration. / Os novos museus criados para compor processos de desenvolvimento de partes das cidades são objeto dessa pesquisa. Primeiro, a partir de um ensaio teórico, gerei uma fundamentação teórica para análise da emancipação humana em museus a partir de uma perspectiva freireana, propus a tese da Zona de Contorno, bem como a de que essas organizações poderiam contribuir com o desenvolvimento emancipatório da sociedade. A seguir fiz uma pesquisa de campo incluindo questionários, entrevistas em profundidade, participação em eventos afins e observações de campo. A análise dos dados foi feita majoritariamente a partir de uma perspectiva dialética, buscando contradições e sínteses no campo. O resultado dos questionários foi organizado com estatística descritiva e analisado em conjunto com as outras fontes. As entrevistas foram analisadas com análise crítica do discurso. A partir dos dados, considero que esses museus podem ser percebidos como organizações onde predomina a racionalidade substantiva. Sua razão de ser inclui o lazer qualificado e a educação por meio da cultura, bem como oferece possibilidades de sociabilidade, ainda que restrita a pessoas que se conheçam entre si, além das funções clássicas de salvaguarda, pesquisa, manutenção e exposição do patrimônio. A educação aparece pouco relevante no tocante ao seu conteúdo expositivo a partir da percepção dos visitantes, muito embora tenha crescente visibilidade no mercado a partir de uma racionalidade instrumental. A despeito disso, foi possível comprovar que o museu é capaz de desempenhar um papel na emancipação humana, sobretudo nas subcategorias relacionadas a percepção crítica da sociedade e utopia. Foi percebido empiricamente a existência da Zona de Contorno como importante componente dos novos museus, tanto quanto sua parte expositiva. Tanto na Zona de Contorno quanto nas exposições há alguma influência na transformação do visitante no tocante à emancipação humana. Essas organizações mais substantivas passam a agir de forma mais incisiva na sociedade e constituem-se em agentes com as quais as pessoas podem contar no processo emancipatório, mantendo uma forte dependência com o perfil do gestor.
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Razões de fruticultores da Serra Gaúcha para associar-se em organizações cooperativasGuasselli, Idair Gaudêncio Girardi January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma pesquisa que teve por objetivo analisar as motivações e justificativas dos fruticultores da Serra Gaúcha para associar-se a organizações. Foram utilizadas como fundamento, duas bases teóricas: os princípios, objetivos e características das organizações cooperativas e o paradigma paraeconômico segundo as proposições de Guerreiro Ramos. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em caráter qualitativo, através de contato com associados, ativos e não ativos e ou não associados, com interesse e sem interesse em associar-se à organizações cooperativas agropecuárias, que trabalham com armazenagem, classificação e comercialização de frutas in natura. O contato com esses fruticultores pertencentes a Região 4 da OCERGS – Organização das Cooperativas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, denominada Serra foi realizado através da técnica bola-de-neve e se constituíram então no público-alvo desta pesquisa. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados constituíram-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, pesquisa documental e observação direta e, para análise dos dados adotou-se o método de análise de conteúdo. A análise de dados aconteceu levando em consideração o aspecto externo do sistema social de acordo com as dimensões propostas na lei dos requisitos adequados e, por um conjunto de categorias de valores, que configuram o aspecto interno do sistema social. Ao final se expõem as razões que levam os fruticultores a associar-se ou a abandonarem as organizações cooperativas nesta região, identificando que tipo de racionalidade orienta suas decisões. / The present work presents a research that had for objective to analyze the motivations and justifications of Serra Gaucho's fruit growing to associate to organizations. They were used as foundation, two theoretical bases: the beginnings, objectives and characteristics of the cooperative organizations and the paradigm paraeconômico according to Guerreiro Ramos propositions. The field research was accomplished in qualitative character, through contact with associates, assets and no assets and or no associates, with interest and without interest in associating to agricultural cooperative organizations, that work with storage, classification and commercialization of fruits in natura. The contact with those Area 4’ fruit growing of OCERGS Organization of the Cooperatives of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, denominated Serra was accomplished through the technique ball-of-snow and they were constituted then in the public-objective of this research. The data collection instruments were constituted of semi-structured interviews, document retrieval and direct observation. The method of content analysis was adopted for analysis of the data. The data analysis happened taking into account the external aspect of the social system in agreement with the dimensions proposed in the law of the appropriate requirements and, for a group of categories of values, that configure the internal aspect of the social system. At the end the reasons that take the fruit growing to associate or abandon the cooperative organizations in this area were exposed, identifying what rationality type guides their decisions.
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