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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Green and Just? - Assessing the Socio-Spatial Distribution of Green Areas in Malmö

Wascher, Laura January 2012 (has links)
Malmö strives to become an attractive and sustainable city by 2030. Continued population growth is a major reason for the need to densify within the existing urban structures. But more inhabitants will also increase pressure on usage and demand for green spaces in the city. Green space is of importance for human well-being and health, especially in urban environments. However the importance of green space is being marginalised in current debate and urban planning, due to the intensive focus on densification. The relevance of green space as an environmental quality has neither been recognised sufficiently in discussions on environmental justice. Previous policy and research has not integrated the socioeconomic dimension when assessing green space distribution. Hence this case study aimed to investigate the socio-spatial distribution of green areas in Malmö. A theoretical framework was compiled including concepts on environmental justice, i.e. the equal distribution of environmental qualities among different social groups. Moreover concepts regarding access (public/private), distance (walkability) and size (utilisation) of green areas were considered. A quantitative analysis was conducted with secondary data. As no comprehensive data set covered more recent years, census data and spatial data from 2005 was used for further analysis. The data was processed and analysed with the help of a geographic information system (GIS). With this approach green space and green areas could be identified. Green areas were categorised according to the level of public access, the size and the respective recommended distances to homes. In addition several socioeconomic factors were extracted from the census data and visualised in GIS. Thus the least advantaged neighbourhoods that lacked various public green areas could be located. On the city level it could be identified that only 13% of the total land area were covered with public green areas, resulting in 46 sq m per inhabitant in 2005. In April 2011 the population of Malmö passed the threshold of 300 000. Assuming that the amount of green areas had not changed since 2005 (unlikely), every inhabitant would have had 38 sq m of public green area in 2011. Considering these numbers in a Swedish context reveals that Malmö is on the bottom line of green area provision. On the neighbourhood level the greatest deficit was found in the eastern parts of central Malmö (e.g. Ostervärn), covering a network of neighbourhoods further south (Norra Sofielund, Södra Sofielund, Almhög, Gullviksborg). In total 32 neighbourhoods were characterised by above average percentage of children, elderly, foreign born or population density. Moreover almost all neighbourhoods lacking green areas were characterised by below average income. The results showed evidence for inequalities in the distribution of green areas between different social groups. This poses an incentive for further investigations in the field of environmental justice and sustainable urban development. Issues like actual walking distance, barriers and safety, qualities of green spaces and user experiences should be investigated in future research. Noting that the data used in this study was from 2005, it is crucial to update and determine shifts in socio-spatial distribution of green areas in the city today. Whilst the population is still increasing, it is likely that even more green space has vanished in the 7 years since 2005. All these issues are essential for a good knowledge based planning of the green and just future of Malmö.

Hållbar Stadsutveckling enligt principerna för Cradle to Cradle - Från teori till praktik i Kilen, Ronneby

Fälth, Erik, Thulin, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Vad är egentligen hållbar stadsutveckling och kommer vi i framtiden att kunna planerastadsmiljöer som har en positiv inverkan, på både natur och människa, i stället för en negativ?En av de grundläggande principerna för designteorin Cradle to Cradle är att vi skaagera hållbart i stället för mindre ohållbart. Dock är teorin ännu relativt outforskad inomfysisk planering.Utöver att undersöka Cradle to Cradle som designteori för hållbar stadsutveckling är syftetmed uppsatsen att dess resultat och slutsatser ska kunna utgöra verktyg för hållbarfysisk planering. Uppsatsen syftar också till att inspirera med innovativa idéer och lösningari den byggda miljön.Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretiskt grundad diskussion kring vad som kan utgöra normativaprinciper för hållbar stadsutveckling. Efter en grundlig objektiv översikt av Cradle toCradle ställs designteorin i relation till de normer som ställts upp.Intentionerna med Cradle to Cradle är goda men designteorin är i dag främst inriktadmot ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet och den viktiga sociala aspekten är inte utvecklad.För ett förverkligande av teorins visioner skulle en övergång till Cradle to Cradle,som står för det vi kallar ekologisk modernisering, behöva ske parallellt med beteendeförändringgenom ett ifrågasättande av de normer, för till exempel produktion och konsumtion,som vi lever efter i dag. Ekologisk modernisering i kombination med normativaprinciper för beteendeförändring kan således vara en väg till hållbar stadsutveckling.Uppsatsens analysresultat överförs sedan från teori till praktik i utvecklingsområdet Kileni Ronneby, Sverige. Den övergripande konceptuella gestaltning som uppsatsen presenterar,ger exempel på hur det är möjligt att fysiskt planera inom Ronneby kommuns olikafokusområden energi, vatten, biologisk mångfald i utemiljön och social mångfald.Samtidigt som det planeras hållbart är det essentiellt att också göra det enkelt och självklartför medborgaren att leva hållbart. Medborgardeltagande i planeringsprocessen är enviktig komponent för att ett område som Kilen ska ge det mervärde som kommunenönskar och spegla de goda intentioner som ligger till grund för utvecklingen. Att planeraett område enligt principerna för Cradle to Cradle kan vid rätt tillvägagångssätt utgöra ettviktigt steg i den hållbara stadsutvecklingen. Inte minst som en manifestation av godaintentioner, en plattform för innovation inom ekologisk modernisering, ett pedagogisktexempel samt en uppmaning till brukaren och betraktaren att också leva hållbart. / What is sustainable urban development and will it in the future be possible to plan urbanenvironments which have a positive impact on both nature and people, instead of negative?One of the basic principles of the design theory Cradle to Cradle is for us to actsustainable, rather than less unsustainable, but the theory is still relatively unexplored inspatial planning.In addition to examining Cradle to Cradle as a design theory for sustainable urban development,the purpose of this paper is that its findings and conclusions should serve astools for sustainable spatial planning. The paper also aims to inspire with innovative ideasand solutions in the built environment. The essay begins with a theoretically baseddiscussion of what may constitute normative principles for sustainable urban development.After an objective review of Cradle to Cradle Design, the theory is set in relationto these standards.The intentions of Cradle to Cradle are good but the main focus of the design theory todayis on ecological and economic sustainability and the important social aspect is notdeveloped. For realization of the visions of the theory, transferring to Cradle to Cradle,which stands for what we call ecological modernization, need to be accompanied by behavioralchange. A comprehensive behavior change requires a questioning of the standards,regarding for example production and consumption, that we live by today. Ecologicalmodernization in combination with normative principles of behavior change can thusbe a path to sustainable urban development.The analytical results of the essay are then transferred from theory to practice in the developmentarea Kilen in Ronneby, Sweden. The overall conceptual design the essay presents,gives examples of how it is possible to physically plan within the municipality ofRonneby's various focus areas - energy, water, biodiversity in the outdoor environmentand social diversity.While planning sustainable, it is also essential to make it easy and natural for people tolive sustainable. Civic participation in the planning process is an important component tomake an area like Kilen provide the added value that the municipality wishes, and to let itreflect the good intentions underlying the development. Designing an area using theprinciples of Cradle to Cradle may, at the right approach, represent an important step inthe sustainable urban development. Not least as a manifestation of good intentions, aplatform for innovation in ecological modernization, a pedagogical example, and a call tothe user and the viewer to also live sustainable.

Mikroalgbaserad biogas - ett raffinerat bidrag till en hållbar stadsutveckling

Hedenfelt, Eva January 2011 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna att använda mikroalger som råvara för produktion avbiogas, både genom en litteraturstudie och genom en förstudie för hur en pilotanläggning förhållbar odling av mikroalger för biogasproduktion skulle kunna initieras. Utgångspunkten ärhållbarhet, vilket innebär att odlingen av mikroalgerna baseras på befintliga, outnyttjadesamhällsflöden. Avloppsvatten och koldioxidutsläpp är exempel på flöden som kan orsakanegativ miljöpåverkan i form av klimatförändringar, övergödning och försurning. Om dessaresurser istället får utgöra närings- och kolkällor vid odling av mikroalger för produktion avbiogas utnyttjas dessa resurser istället till att generera hållbart producerad energi. Närbiogasen ersätter fossila bränslen ökar miljövinsten ytterligare. Det är dock grundläggande attproduktionen är ekonomiskt hållbar, och litteraturstudien visar att detta inte är fallet vidmikroalgbaserad produktion av endast biogas. Därför krävs tillämpning av ettbioraffineringskoncept, där inte bara biogas produceras av mikroalgerna utan även andraprodukter som till exempel vätgas, enzymer, värme och elektricitet. I förstudien beskrivs hurett projekt kan planeras för att utreda om ett sådant system kan bli hållbart. Det delas upp ifyra delprojekt: 1) systemdesign och hållbarhetsanalys; 2) en projektplan för delprojekt 3 och4; 3) laboratorietester; och 4) tester i pilotskala. Endast det första delprojektet, där systemetsom beskrivs i litteraturstudien definieras och hållbarhetsanalyseras, diskuteras i detalj iförstudien. Genomförandet av delprojekten ingår inte i detta arbete. / This paper examines the possibility of using microalgae as raw material for the production ofbiogas. This was achieved through studies of relevant literature as well as through a basicproject plan regarding the initiation of a pilot plant. The theory of sustainable microalgaecultivation is based on the utilization of existing resource flows that are currently unutilized insociety, such as waste water and flue gas emissions. These resources can cause environmentalissues such as climate change, eutrophication and acidification. However, they can alsoprovide the nutrients necessary for effective microalgal growth, and the microalgae can inturn be utilized as a sustainable energy source for production of biogas. Replacing fossil fuelswith microalgal biogas may lead to environmental benefits. A review of literature, however,shows that when biogas alone is produced from the microalgae the process is noteconomically sustainable. Hence, a biorefinery concept is suggested where products such ashydrogen, enzymes, heat and power make the system sustainable. A basic project plandiscribes one possible scenario for the initiation of sustainable cultivation of microalgae andthe subsequent biorefining process for the production of biogas. The project is divided intofour phases: 1) system design and sustainability analysis; 2) a feasibility study for phase 3 and4; 3) laboratory tests; and 4) pilot scale tests. Only the initial phase of the project, whichdefines the system design described in the literature study and provides a sustainabilityanalysis over the defined system, is discussed in detail. None of the project phases will beimplemented as part of this study.

Comparative study of green infrastructure valuation toolkits B£ST and GI-VAL : Increase comprehensiveness of economic green infrastructure valuation assessments / Jämförande studie av värderingsverktygen för grön infrastruktur B£ST och GI-VAL : Ökad omfattning av ekonomiska bedömningar av grön infrastruktur

Riedel, Ludvig Callermo January 2022 (has links)
There is an abundance of ready-made tools for assessing the economic value of green infrastructure. Each with more or less unique design components and method approaches concerning quantifying and monetizing green infrastructure. Use of a single ready-made tool to support decisions and justify funding of inclusion of multifunctional green infrastructure in urban development may, due to different tools’ various designs and method approaches, risk excluding acknowledgement of relevant ecosystem services. This literature study embodies the logic of comparison by using content analysis method to explore possibilities of producing more comprehensive economic assessments of green infrastructure. This through contrasting content and design features of two such tools: Benefits Estimation Tool, and Green Infrastructure Valuation Toolkit. In addition, it analyses and discusses potential problems and opportunities that may arise when complementing tool A with methods or design features from tool B, and vice versa. Findings suggest that some few methods are similar enough not to constitute a complementary foundation between the tools, but that a combined use of some specific quantification and valuation methods may increase an assessments’ comprehensiveness. Findings also suggest that in combining the tools’ methods inaccuracy and uncertainty of an assessment are likely to increase. The study discusses tool-related problems regarding uncertainty, assessment of social benefits, and perception of value. It concludes that even though mutual complementarity is possible to achieve and in doing so more aspects of GI will be addressed, combining valuation tools in the pursuit of increased assessment comprehensiveness will likely generate problems in terms of assessment inaccuracy. The study may provide aid for developers of green infrastructure valuation tools and for practitioners conducting economic green infrastructure assessments or cost-benefit analyses. / Det finns en uppsjö färdigdesignade verktyg syftade till att bedöma det ekonomiska värdet av grön infrastruktur. Varje med mer eller mindre unika designkomponenter och metodsammansättningar gällande kvantifiering och värdeuppskattning av grön infrastruktur. Användandet av enbart ett sådant verktyg för att skapa beslutsgrund och rättfärdiga investering för multifunktionell grön infrastruktur i en stadsmiljö kan, på grund av olika verktygs varierande design och metodsammansättningar, riskera utesluta relevanta ekosystemtjänster. Den här litteraturstudien tar avstamp i en så kallad jämförande logik genom att använda den vetenskapliga metoden innehållsanalys för att undersöka möjligheterna att skapa mer omfattande ekonomisk bedömning av grön infrastruktur. Detta genom att kontrastera innehåll och design av två sådana verktyg: Benefits Esitmation Tool och Green Infrastructure Valuation Toolkit. Dessutom analyserar och diskuterar studien potentiella problem och möjligheter som kan uppstå när verktyg A kompletteras med metoder eller designkomponenter från verktyg B, eller vice versa. Undersökningsresultaten antyder att mellan de två verktygen är vissa metoder så lika att ingen komplimenterande grund kan utrönas, men att ett kombinerat användande av några specifika kvantifierings- och värdeuppskattningsmetoder kan öka omfattningen av en ekonomisk bedömning av grön infrastrukturs värde. Resultaten antyder också att genom att öka omfattningen av den sådan bedömning brister bedömningens precision och rimligen ökar även dess osäkerhet gällande uttryck av ekonomiskt värde. Studien diskuterar verktygsrelaterade problem gällande osäkerhet, bedömning av sociala fördelar, och förnimmelse av värde. Den drar slutsatsen att ömsesidig komplettering av verktygen och flertalet nya aspekter av grön infrastruktur till trots är det sannolikt att ett kompletterande av verktyg skapar problem gällande bedömningens precision. Studien kan bistå med hjälp till utvecklare av bedömningsverktyg för grön infrastruktur och för tjänstemän som genomför en ekonomisk bedömning eller lönsamhetsanalys av gröninfrastruktur.

Urban grön infrastruktur - identifiering av implementeringsmekanismer och hur dessa kan främjas : En fallstudie i Ronneby / Urban green infrastructure - recognizing and facilitating implementation mechanisms : A case study in Ronneby, Sweden

Jakobsson, Rasmus, Sandberg, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Urbanisering och förtätning i stadsmiljön medför miljörelaterade utmaningar som väntas förvärras av klimatförändringar. Urban grön infrastruktur är metoder för att hantera dessa utmaningar, men det implementeras inte i den utsträckning som krävs. Undersökningens syfte var att genom en fallstudie i en nyutvecklad stadsdel i Ronneby kommun där grön infrastruktur implementerats, bidra med kunskap om de mekanismer som är viktiga för implementeringen av grön infrastruktur, samt hur förutsättningarna för dessa kan främjas. Vi applicerade transition management med syfte att förstå dessa mekanismer i ett bredare perspektiv, samt green inside activism för att förklara agensen bakom implementeringen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och privata aktörer involverade i stadsdelsprojektet och en analys av offentliga dokument kom vi fram till att sex mekanismer är av vikt för implementeringen; ett långsiktigt tänkande; ett fokus på flexibilitet; ett gränsöverskridande samarbete; att skapa utrymme för praktisk tillämpning; involvering av allmänheten; samt ett fokus på multifunktionalitet. För att främja förutsättningarna för dessa mekanismer att ta plats visar resultatet att det är av vikt att mobilisera kring en brett förankrad gemensam ambition. Vidare betonar vi betydelsen av miljöengagerade tjänstepersoner för att uppnå en sådan bred förankring, men också att yttre faktorer kan ha betydelse för processen. / Urbanization, densification, and climate change cause multiple challenges to the urban environment. To address these challenges, green infrastructure are recognized measures, however not implemented to the extent required. The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms important for the implementation of green infrastructure and how these mechanisms can be promoted. Therefore, we conducted a case study of a newly developed urban area in Ronneby, Sweden, where green infrastructure has been implemented. We applied transition management with the aim of understanding these mechanisms in a broader perspective, as well as green inside activism to add an element of agency for the implementation process. We combined qualitative semi structured interviews with public officials and private actors involved, as well as a content analysis of official documents related to the development of the investigated area. We found that six mechanisms are important for the implementation; long term thinking; a focus on flexibility; interdisciplinary collaboration; creating space for practical application; public involvement; and a focus on multifunctionality. To promote these mechanisms, the results show an importance in the mobilization of a widely shared ambition. Further, in order to achieve such a broad ambition, we emphasize that public officials with an environmental engagement can play an important role, however, external factors may also impact the process.

Urban odling i New York City : En studie om urban odling som verktyg för hållbar stadsutveckling och resiliens

Söderlund, Emma, Persson, Jonas January 2024 (has links)
Våra städer behöver bli mer hållbara och resilienta för att kunna hantera olika typer av kriser som kan uppstå i samhället. Urban odling framställs vara ett verktyg för att skapa en ökad hållbarhet och resiliens i städer. Denna uppsats syftar därför till att undersöka hur urban odling beskrivs kunna vara ett verktyg för att främja hållbar stadsutveckling och resiliens i New York City. Studien genomfördes genom en tematisk dokumentanalys av sju dokument som behandlar urban odling i New York City. Empirin har vidare analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och det teoretiska ramverket resiliensteori. Resultatet visar på att urban odling framställs kunna bidra till att minska livsmedelsystemets klimatpåverkan, skapa en ökad resiliens mot klimatförändringar, förbättra människors hälsa och bidra till ekonomisk hållbarhet. Trots att urban odling erkänns som ett effektivt verktyg för att främja hållbar utveckling, finns det utmaningar med att mäta dess exakta effekter. Detta pekar på behovet av ytterligare forskning inom området för att bättre förstå dess verkliga påverkan och potential. / Our cities need to become more sustainable and resilient in order to handle various types of crises that may arise in society. Urban farming is presented as a tool for creating increased sustainability and resilience in cities. Therefore, this thesis aims to examine how urban farming is described as a tool for promoting sustainable urban development and resilience in New York City. The study was conducted through a thematic document analysis of seven documents addressing urban farming in New York City. The empirical data was further analyzed using previous research and the theoretical framework of resilience theory. The results show that urban farming is presented as being able to contribute to reducing the climate impact of the food system, creating increased resilience to climate change, improving human health, and contributing to economic sustainability. Although urban farming is recognized as an effective tool for promoting sustainable development, there are challenges in measuring its exact effects. This points to the need for further research in the field to better understand its real impact and potential.

Cetpro cultural y de comercio agrícola para integrar al paisaje natural y cultural de la ciudad de Chachapoyas

Orihuela Capcha, Pamela Nancy January 2024 (has links)
Existe en el paisaje una belleza intrínseca puesto que recoge aspectos no solo naturales sino también sociales y culturales que dan valor al territorio, siendo escenario de múltiples actuaciones. Siendo el paisaje de Chachapoyas un espacio que resalta por su valor natural y cultural desde sus amplios monumentos culturales hasta sus distintos espacios naturales, sin embargo, existe una relación contraproducente por parte del hombre hacia su paisaje, viéndose segregado por las malas actuaciones antrópicas consecuentes del crecimiento urbano, así como la mala gestión del recurso como tala indiscriminada, contaminación, desertificación del suelo, entre otros. Lo cual ha generado una ruptura ente la ciudad y el paisaje, por ello se plantea como objetivo general el diseñar una infraestructura que favorezca la integración tanto del paisaje natural como cultural hacia el sector urbano bajo una metodología de carácter cualitativa, aplicada, no experimental, la cual se desarrolló en cuatro etapas secuenciales; la primera de reconocimiento del territorio para posteriormente valorarlo e identificar las necesidades que presenta el lugar, así mismo realizar el análisis de referentes que permita dar las pautas para la última etapa que posee un carácter propositivo que reconoce una necesidad integrar el paisaje a los espacios urbanos a través de una propuesta arquitectónica que genere mejoría tanto para el medio ambiente como para los habitantes. / There is an intrinsic beauty in the landscape since it includes not only natural but also social and cultural aspects that give value to the territory, being the scene of multiple actions. Being the landscape of Chachapoyas a space that stands out for its natural and cultural value from its extensive cultural monuments to its different natural spaces, however, there is a counterproductive relationship between man and its landscape, being segregated by the bad anthropic actions resulting from urban growth and mismanagement of the resource such as indiscriminate felling, contamination, soil desertification, among others. All this has generated a rupture between the city and the landscape, for this reason the main objective is to design an infrastructure that favors the integration of the natural and cultural landscape towards the urban sector under a qualitative, applied, non-experimental methodology, the which was developed in four sequential stages; the first of recognition of the territory to later assess it and identify the needs that the place presents, also carry out the analysis of references that allow giving the guidelines for the last stage that has a purposeful nature since a need to integrate the landscape into urban spaces is recognized. through an architectural proposal that generates improvement for both the environment and the inhabitants.

Spatial and Temporal Mapping of the Evolution of the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)

Unknown Date (has links)
Urbanization is a fundamental reality in the developed and developing countries around the world creating large concentrations of the population centering on cities and urban centers. Cities can offer many opportunities for those residing there, including infrastructure, health services, rescue services and more. The living space density of cities allows for the opportunity of more effective and environmentally friendly housing, transportation and resources. Cities play a vital role in generating economic production as entities by themselves and as a part of larger urban complex. The benefits can provide for extraordinary amount of people, but only if proper planning and consideration is undertaken. Global urbanization is a progressive evolution, unique in spatial location while consistent to an overall growth pattern and trend. Remotely sensing these patterns from the last forty years of space borne satellites to understand how urbanization has developed is important to understanding past growth as well as planning for the future. Imagery from the Landsat sensor program provides the temporal component, it was the first satellite launched in 1972, providing appropriate spatial resolution needed to cover a large metropolitan statistical area to monitor urban growth and change on a large scale. This research maps the urban spatial and population growth over the Miami – Fort Lauderdale – West Palm Beach Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) covering Miami- Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties in Southeast Florida from 1974 to 2010 using Landsat imagery. Supervised Maximum Likelihood classification was performed with a combination of spectral and textural training fields employed in ERDAS Image 2014 to classify the images into urban and non-urban areas. Dasymetric mapping of the classification results were combined with census tract data then created a coherent depiction of the Miami – Fort Lauderdale – West Palm Beach MSA. Static maps and animated files were created from the final datasets for enhanced visualizations and understanding of the MSA evolution from 60-meter resolution remotely sensed Landsat images. The simplified methodology will create a database for urban planning and population growth as well as future work in this area. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

"Sustainable development in water and sanitation" : a case study of the water and sanitation system at the Lynedoch Ecovillage Development

Dowling, T. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Water and Sanitation is one of the key factors in the socio-economic development of a nation and people. Billions of people worldwide do not have access to clean water or basic sanitation leading to many health problems and developmental issues. This article discusses the challenges facing the world, South Africa and in particular the Western Cape and Cape Town in the provision of water and sanitation. For most people the desire is to have access to their own private potable water supply and their own private flush toilet connected via costly bulk water services to sewage treatment plants far away. The question posed is whether this model is sustainable into the future, given the water demands in many parts of the world affected by droughts and more violent weather cycles as a result of climate change and global warming. These factors will affect water supplies in South Africa and in particular the Western Cape and Cape Town. To answer some of the questions raised the Lynedoch EcoVillage development is discussed in detail in terms of sustainable neighbourhood planning and implementation. Sustainable Development is discussed, also various options in terms of applying ecological sanitation. The on-site water and sanitation system of the Lynedoch EcoVillage is discussed as a case study. The results of influent and effluent tests conducted by the CSIR are analysed to see whether the system is conforming to the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry standards for the use of effluent water in irrigation and re-use of water in toilets. Localised models of water and sanitation provision might thus be a way forward to satisfy the increasing demand for such services made on national and local authorities as urban areas increase in size and population.

Economic development, decoupling and urban infrastructure : the role of innovation for an urban transition in Cape Town

Hyman, Katherine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the case of the Cape Town Central City Provincial Government Revitalisation Initiative (CCPGRI) as a means to further understanding of socio-technical transitions. The departure point for this research is the recognition that the current economic growth and development trajectory is unsustainable. Despite this, deeply institutionalised frames of reference for decision-making reinforce and perpetuate the utilisation of (incumbent) sociotechnical systems which diminish finite resources and deteriorate eco-system services. The theoretical notion of decoupling, however, offers an alternative economic development paradigm. Decoupling has been identified, within this thesis, as the guiding framework through which adaption strategies should be carried out. This was indentified through a comprehensive literature review and an assessment of Cape Town's critical networked infrastructure. Networked infrastructure conveys flows of resources across vast urban spaces, in a linear configuration, thus conditioning resource flows and consumption. The case of Cape Town, however, illustrates that a linear configuration of infrastructure is both financially and environmentally unsustainable. Moreover, the case provides the empirical evidence for decoupling, reinforcing the argument for the adoption of the notion as an alternative development paradigm. Networked infrastructure has furthermore been identified as a socio-technical system, and therefore is considered as the component requiring a system transition and the subsequent intervention point for decoupling economic growth from resource consumption. From an implementation perspective, socio-technical system transitions, achieved through innovation, are the necessary component for realising sustainable urban development. It is argued that innovation, necessary for socio-technical system transitions, should be the product of sustainability-orientated innovation systems (SOIS's). SOIS's are implicitly linked to decoupling through the shared goal of enabling greater sustainability. The Cape Town CCPGRI has been extrapolated onto the multi-levelled perspective (MLP) model and is used to further understanding about how socio-technical system transitions are achieved. Findings indicate that socio-technical systems transitions are possible in urban areas that have multiple niche innovations developing simultaneously. Of significance is the presence of an intermediary, who is able to facilitate and manage the development of niche innovations emerging from SOIS's. It is therefore argued that high quality networking is critical for achieving socio-technical transitions which emerge from SOIS's. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die geval van die "Cape Town Central City Provincial Government Revitalisation Initiative" (CCPGRI) as 'n manier om die begrip van sosio-tegniese oorgange te bevorder. Die vertrek punt vir hierdie navorsing is die insig dat die huidige verloop van ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling onvolhoubaar is. Ten spyte hiervan versterk en verleng geïnstitusionaliseerde verwysingsraamwerke vir besluitneming die gebruik van (opgelegde) sosiotegniese sisteme wat uitputbare bronne verminder en ekosisteem dienste laat agteruitgaan. Die teoretiese idee van ontkoppeling bied nogtans 'n alternatiewe paradigma vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Hierdie tesis identifiseer ontkoppeling as die rigtinggewende raamwerk waardeur aanpassing strategië uitgevoer behoort te word. Dit is geïdentifiseer deur 'n omvattende literatuurstudie en 'n beoordeling van Kaapstad se kritiese infrastruktuur netwerk. Netwerke van infrastuktuur vervoer die vloei van bronne in 'n liniêre konfigurasie oor wye stedelike ruimtes en kondisioneer daardeur die vloei en verbruik van bronne. Die geval van Kaapstad illustreer egter dat 'n liniêre konfigurasie van infrastruktuur beide finansieel en omgewingsverwant onvolhoubaar is. Verder voorsien hierdie geval die empiriese bewyse vir ontkoppeling en versterk daardeur die argument vir die aanvaarding van die idee as „n alternatiewe paradigma vir ontwikkeling. Infrastruktuur netwerke is verder geïdentifiseer as 'n sosio-teniese sisteem en word daarom geag as die komponent wat 'n sisteem oorgang vereis en die gevolglike punt van ingryping om ekonomiese groei van bron verbruik te ontkoppel. Uit „n implemetering oogpunt is die oorgang van sosio-tegniese sisteme, voltrek deur innovering, die noodsaaklike komponent om volhoubare stedelike ontwikkeling te realiseer. Daar word geredeneer dat innovering – noodsaaklik vir sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang – die produk behoort te wees van volhoubaar georiënteerde innovering sisteme. Hierdie sisteme is implisiet verbind aan ontkoppeling deur die gedeelde doel om groter volhoubaarheid moontlik te maak. Die Kaapstadse CCPGRI is op die meervlakkige perspektief model ge-ekstrapoleer en is aangewend om begrip te bevorder van hoe sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang bereik word. Bevindings dui daarop dat sosio-tegniese sisteem oorgang moontlik is in stedelike gebiede waar meervoudige niche innoverings gelyktydig ontwikkel. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n tussenganger, wat die ontwikkeling van niche innoverings wat voortspruit uit die volhoubaar georiënteerde innovering sisteme kan fasiliteer en bestuur, is belangrik. Daar word dus geredeneer dat hoë kwaliteit netwerk daarstelling krities is vir die uitvoer van sosio-tegniese oorgange wat uit volhoubaar georiënteerde innovering sisteme voortspruit.

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